Diaphragm Wall Rate Analysis
Diaphragm Wall Rate Analysis
Diaphragm Wall Rate Analysis
49 Constructing cast-in situ RCC diaphragm wall by providing and laying machine batched, machine mixed, self compacting, ready mix reinforced cement
concrete, tramie controlled, of M 30 grade using minimum 400 kg. cement per cum of concrete including providing and mixing required admixtures in
recommended proportions as per IS : 9103, as approved by the Engineer-in-charge, for achieving 150-200mm slump, for diaphragm wall having thickness
as per approved structural design not exceeding 600 mm, in pannels of required depth and lengths as per approved drawing, including constructing
necessary guide walls as required and as specified including boring in all kinds of soils and rocks, including working in or under water and / or liquid mud,
in foul conditions and pumping or bailing out of water and removing slush, including disposal of earth/ rock /slush etc. for all leads and all lifts, including
preparing, providing and recirculating bentonite slurry in the trench as and when required for all depths, including agitating bentonite slurry during
trenching etc., providing and fixing stop ends or form tubes, upto the required depth of diaphragm wall including extracting the same after casting,
including chipping off the bentonite adulterated concrete or unsound concrete up to the cut off level for obtaining the sound concrete, dressing
undulations on the exposed face of diaphragm wall after excavation by chipping / chiseling etc. including filling the depression/ cavities with sound
concrete etc. complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge, including providing recess for bearing plates and fixing insert boxes for inclined rock
anchors etc. complete as per the specifications and approved design and as directed by the Engineer-in- charge, .but excluding the cost of reinforcement
and inserts. (rates include cost of all inputs of labour, material and T & P, cost of handling, lifting & placing in position the reinforcement cage in the
trench, including the additional cost of welding the reinforcement bars etc. involved in the work and all other incidental expenditure for completing the
work as directed by the Engineer-in-charge), However, the actual area of the diaphragm wall, correct to two places of decimal, from design bottom level
to the design cut off level (including portion anchored in the rock upto the design bottom level) only shall be measured for payment. Excess/less cement
used for design mix including the extra cement required for under water concreting is payable / recoverable separately.
Code No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Details of cost for 144.0 cum
Analysis for 20x12=240 Sqmt area of diaphragm wall
Average depth 12 m
Thickness 0.60 m
Total Quantity 20 mx12 m x0.6 m= 144.00 cum
0082 Excavation of Diaphragm wall by Mechanical Grab Sqm 240 1500 360000.00
Guide wall RCC 1:2:4RCC 2x20x(0.45+1.5)x.15 = 11.70 cum
5.1.3 Rate as per Item Number 5.1.3 of SH: Reinforced cement concrete work cum 11.7 5725.9 66993.03 A
Reinforcement@ 70 kg/Cum for guide wall = 11.70x 70 kg/cum= 819 kg
5.22.6 Rate as per Item Number 5.22.6 of SH: Reinforced Cement Concrete Kilogram 819 68.1 55773.90 A
Add for chipping/dismantling top 50 cm contaminated concrete =20 x 0.50 x 0.60= 6.00 cum
Code No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
RMC M-30 as per qty=144.00 cumAdd 10% extra for bulges etc. i.e. 14.40
cumTotal=144.00+6.00+14.40= 164.40 cum
5.33.1 Rate as per Item Number 5.33.1 of SH: Reinforced cement concrete work cum 164.4 6296.15 1035087.06 A
Rate as per Item Number 5.34.1 of SH: Reinforced cement concrete work Bentonite @6% of
5.34.1 RCC qtyTotal Qty= 164.4x06x1400/100= 13810 kg=13.81 tonne cum 164.4 76.5 12576.60 A
7183 Bentonite tonne 13.81 3100 42811.00
Add 10 %extra cement due to concreting under water 164.4x420x0.10=6.90 tonne
0367 Portland Cement tonne 6.9 6300 43470.00
Add cement for grouting of wall using nozzles etc. - 240 sqm @ 0.10 quintal/sqm =2.40 tonne
0367 Portland Cement tonne 2.4 6300 15120.00
2209 Carriage of cement tonne 2.4 94.65 227.16
0025 Hire and running charges of light crane day 1 2200 2200.00
Reinforcement @220 kg/cum164.4x220kg/cum =36168 kgExtra reinforcement for hooks @ 5%
of cage 1808.4 kgTotal=1808.4 kg=18.084 qtl
1005 Twisted steel/ deformed bars quintal 18.084 4759 86061.76
Extra for welding reinforcement cage Reinforcement @ 200 C/C 2*101*61 = 6161 joints
Welding for alternate joint say 50 % joints 6161 cm
10.22 Rate as per Item Number 10.22 of SH: 10 Steel work cm 6161 2.85 17558.85 A
Labour for grouting diaphragm wall under pressure i/c fixing nozzle etc.Add for use
retarders/plasticizers for the diaphragm wall concreting using trimme @ 0.4 % cement qty =
9999 (164.4*420*0.4)/100=276.19 L.S 23530 1.78 41883.40
7318 Plasticizer / super plasticizer Kilogram 276.19 38 10495.22
8954 Stop end tubes for diaphragmwall 600 mm dia. sqm 240 4.5 1080.00
8955 Driving end tubes for diaphragm wall 600 mm dia. Sqm 240 72 17280.00
0026 Hire and running charges of bentonite pump day 2 4200 8400.00
Bentonite powder @ 6% of R.C.C. Qty= (164.4 Cum* 0.06)=9.864 cum 9.864 cum x 1400
kg/cum = 13809.6 kg Disposal of bentonite muck Slurry / Muck vol. 49.32 cum Add excavated
earth = 144.00 cum
Total= 144.00 + 49.32 = 193.32 cum
15.6 Rate as per Item Number 15.60 of SH: 15 Dismantling and Demolishing cum 193.32 123.7 23913.68 A
Code No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Disposal of Chipping / Dismantling of contaminated concrete and guide wall etc. with all leads
as per item no. 15.3 = 2x(20x0.50x0.60) + 15.00 cum = 20.40 cum
15.3 Rate as per Item Number 15.3 of SH: Dismantling and demolishing cum 20.4 1302.3 26566.92 A
9999 Sundries(Extra for concreting by Trimme) L.S 1177 1.78 2095.06
9999 Sundries ( Design Charges) L.S 19200 1.78 34176.00
TOTAL 1903769.64
Add water charges @ 1% except on A i.e on (19,03,769.64-12,38,470.04=) 6,65,299.60 6653
TOTAL 1910422.64
Add CPOH @ 15% except on A i.e on (19,10,422.64 - 12,38,470.04 =) 6,71,952.60
Cost of 144.00 cum 2011215.53
Cost of 1 cum 13966.77
Say 13966.75