IOT Based Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring System Using GPS and GSM
IOT Based Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring System Using GPS and GSM
IOT Based Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring System Using GPS and GSM
Abstract: Generally the usage of vehicle tracking system has II. RELATED WORK
been increased rapidly. The major concern of the proposed system
is identifying the vehicle theft by implementing anti-system.
Many different technologies were used to control the
Vehicle tracking system is bene-ficial in many ways such as vehicle when it is lost. Previously it was very difficult to
providing security to the personal vehicles, taxis, cabs, school determine the position of the automobile but now by using
buses/cars and others. Vehicle tracking system is designed to GPS technology it became very easy to track the position of
know the position of the vehicle. Tracking system is developed by the vehicle. A system is designed to note the location of the
using GPS and GSM modules to locate the user’s vehicle easily. vehicle and to identify the theft by passing the information to
GPS module is used to track the location of the vehicle in the form
of values such as latitude and longitude. These values are
the automobile owner. Such system includes GPS and GSM
transmitted to the user using GSM modem through mobile modules to determine the position of the vehicle and to
network. Different sensors are used to detect alcohol consumption deliver the information to the owner.
and to identify the accident. The Sensor values can be monitored This system is designed for continuous monitoring of the
by anyone from anywhere in the world using thingspeak channel. vehicle and to describe the status of the vehicle on request
RFID technology is used to facilitate security to the vehicle [3].
tracking and anti-theft system. Ignition key is used to detect the
theft and when theft is detected, GSM control app is used to
Face recognisation system is used to identify theft. This
control the vehicle remotely. face recognisation system will be placed inside the vehicle.
When a person switches ON the vehicle, it captures the image
Keywords: Arduino, GPS, GSM, IoT,MQ3, RFID, Thingspeak. and compares the new image with the stored image and
verifies whether the image is already there in the list or not. If
I. INTRODUCTION the image is not found in the list, the message will be sent to
One of the most usable technologies in this trending world the automobile owner. Now the owner is allowed to see the
is IoT. IoT describes about the embedded devices which are image of the thief and location of the vehicle [4].
interlinked with the internet. IoT Internet of Things
encompasses devices like sensors, actuators, motors etc. III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
Nowadays the major concern of the people is securing the This paper presents a system which is designed to trace the
valuable objects like vehicles. Security is enhanced by using vehicle when it is lost using GPS and GSM technology. GPS
GPS. The proposed system is used as an anti-theft system in receiver and GSM module uses Arduino UNO controller to
transport systems, public vehicles. forward the commands. This system is fixed inside a vehicle.
GPS uses satellite technology to determine the location of GPS module will transfer the location values to the
the object. It finds the values in the form of latitude and controller. Controller will receive it and sends that
longitude. Previously a two way GPS communication model information to the automobile user using GSM modem. Now
was used to find the location of the lost vehicle but by using the owner can take appropriate action using GSM mobile
GSM modem it made easy to communicate in two ways App.
which is cheaper and simple method. To provide security to the system which is placed inside
There are many different methods or technologies which car RFID technology is used. To monitor the sensors data a
are used to control the vehicle when theft is identified. Some channel is used which is Thingspeak. This uses a IoT
of the technologies are alarming system, password security, technology to store and visualize the sensors data.
face reorganization, using RFID tags, etc. So, here in the
proposed system theft is identified by using a ignition key
and vehicle can be controlled by using GSM app remotely
from anywhere. Different sensors are used to detect accident
and alcohol percentage. Thingspeak channel uses Google
cloud to store the sensors data. It allows visualizing and
analysing the live data of the sensors. By using this data,
automobile owner can monitor the sensors data graphically
from anywhere in the world.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B12750982S1119/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B1275.0982S1119 2399 & Sciences Publication
IOT Based Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring System Using GPS and GSM
A. Flow Diagram
The above image shows a flow diagram of vehicle tracking Figure: GPS module
system which is implemented using a GPS and GSM It contains a serial port which is used to interface with the
platform. It contains Arduino, GPS, GSM, RFID, sensors, microcontroller. GPS Receiver sends the location data to the
ESP8266 modules. controller. Controller receives the data and transmits the data
B) Interfacing Devices to the user using GSM.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B12750982S1119/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B1275.0982S1119
2400 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S11, September 2019
iv) RFID Technology Now the user can operate the vehicle remotely by sending
Radio-frequency identification works in electromagnetic the text messages to the GSM modem over a network using
field. RFID Technology uses radio frequency to scan the tags GSM App. Sensors are used to identify the alcohol
or objects. For automatic detection and data capture RFID consumption and accident detection. The automobile owner
technology is used. Passive tags can operate even at hundreds can know the position of the vehicle whenever he wants by
of meters. It does not require the object to be in line of sight. sending the TRACK command.
If alcohol sensor or accident detection sensor is activated
the owner gets the message and the sensors data will be
updated in the thingspeak channel.
Initially when ignition key is ON it intimates the
automobile owner as vehicle theft. If the vehicle is driven by
unknown person, the automobile owner blocks the vehicle by
sending BLOCK command.
A) When ignition key is ON:
Figure: RFID reader and tags When ignition key is in active mode the user gets message,
generally if car is driven by owner he uses ignition key to run
RFID contains three parts: an incorporated circuit which is the vehicle and he ignores the message. If the car is driven by
used to store the data and process the information which is an unauthorised person, the automobile owner gets the
further modulates and demodulates the radio frequency message and he should take an appropriate action. To identify
signals, power source and antenna. the theft we are using ignition key in this proposed system.
This technology is used to provide security to the vehicle Now the owner uses a mobile app and sends message to block
tracking system. By using the RFID tag only an authorized the vehicle.
user can operate the vehicle tracking system.
v) Thingspeak
Thingspeak channel is correlated to the applications of
IoT.Thingspeak is a platform which provides various
services for the IoT applications. It allows real time data
collection. The collected can be visualized in the form of
charts. The data will be updated minute by minute. To create
a channel first we need to signup, once we have a channel we
can transmit the data and monitor it from anywhere in the
GPS uses a tracking method to find the position of the lost
vehicle interms of latitude and longitude values and it
transfers that information using GSM module in the form of
text SMS to the automobile owner.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B12750982S1119/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B1275.0982S1119 2401 & Sciences Publication
IOT Based Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring System Using GPS and GSM
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B12750982S1119/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B1275.0982S1119
2402 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S11, September 2019
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Published By:
Retrieval Number: B12750982S1119/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B1275.0982S1119 2403 & Sciences Publication