There are different expectations and agendas across the spectrum of the design/construction team
when it comes to engineering concrete design. The structural engineer wants higher strength and
a good bond with reinforcing steel. The architect obviously wants cosmetic appeal; Strength is
attractive to the owner because it allows smaller cross sections of structural elements and
therefore more usable floor space. A laborer needs a mix that can be moved, placed and
consolidated properly, and a finisher is looking for something that takes a durable, high-quality
finish quickly and easily. Designing a concrete mix with good workability brings all these factors
together in balance to result in a quality product with long service life.
Factors Affecting Workability
Water/Cement Ratio: a higher proportion of cement or cementitious materials usually
means greater strength, and with the proper amount of water, more paste is coating the surface of
aggregates for easier consolidation and a better finish. Not enough water means poor strength
development and an uncooperative mix that resists easy placement and finishing. Adding
excessive water could be said to increase workability because it makes it easier to place and
consolidate. However, the negative impact on segregation, finishing operations and final strength
can be so detrimental that it should be approached very cautiously. A water to cementitious
material ratio (w/cm) of 0.45 to 0.6 is the sweet spot for production of workable concrete.
Aggregate Size and Shape: As aggregate surface area increases, more cement paste is
needed to cover the entire surface of aggregates. So mixes with smaller aggregates are less
workable compared to larger size aggregates. Elongated, angular and flaky aggregates are
difficult to mix and place and have greater surface area to cover, decreasing workability.
Rounded aggregates have less surface area, but lack the angularity to develop sufficient bond
strengths with the cement paste.
Admixtures: Many types of admixtures alter the workability of fresh concrete, either by
design or as a side-effect. Some surfactants such as super plasticizer reduce attraction between
cement and aggregate particles, allowing mixes that can be quite flowable without the negative
strength and segregation effects of too much water. Air entraining admixtures for freeze-thaw
resistance produce air bubbles of a controlled size that can make for easier finishing, although
using too much produces a sticky mix with the opposite effect.
Workability of Concrete by Slump Test
Which brings us to what is by far the most popular (some say overused) measure of workability.
The slump test originated as a way for workmen to judge how easy their day was going to be
using freshly mixed concrete. A Slump Cone is placed on a solid, level base and filled with fresh
concrete in three equal layers rodded in a specified manner to consolidate. The concrete is struck
even with the top of the cone, and the cone is carefully lifted away. The concrete then settles or
slumps, and the final height is subtracted from the original height of the cone and recorded. This
value is considered to be a measure of workability and a rough indicator of water/cement ratio.
Slumps of 4 to 6 inches (100 to 150mm) are generally considered to be in a desirable range for
typical placement and finishing operations, provided they also have suitable w/cm ratios and
meet mix design requirements when placed. The form or profile of the slump is also noted and
used to judge the reliability of each test:
True slump - concrete subsides, maintaining its general form
Shear slump - the top portion of the concrete shears off and slips sideways
Collapse slump - the concrete collapses completely, likely from the mix being too wet
Shear or collapse slumps often indicate a problem with execution, and the test should be repeated
with a fresh sample.
This chart shows different ranges of slump values and how they might be used.
Degree of Slump,
Workabilit in Application
y (mm)
0-1 (0-
Very low Very dry mixes used in paving machines with high-powered vibration
Low-workability mixes used for foundations with light reinforcement; Pavements
Low (25-
consolidated by hand-operated vibrators
Medium workability mixes; manually consolidated flat slabs. Normal reinforced
Medium (50-
concrete manually placed; heavily reinforced sections with mechanical vibration
High workability concrete for sections with congested reinforcement; May not respond
High (100-
well to vibration
To learn more about the slump test and workability of concrete, contact Gilson’s technical
support. The American Concrete Institute has a page on frequently asked technical
questions related to this topic as well.
Workability of Concrete
Workability of concrete is the property of freshly mixed concrete which determines the ease and
homogeneity with which it can be mixed, placed, consolidated and finished’ as defined by ACI
Standard 116R-90 (ACI 1990b).
ASTM defines it as “that property determining the effort required to manipulate a freshly mixed
quantity of concrete with minimum loss of homogeneity”.
The workability of concrete depends on many factors which are explained in factors affecting
workability of concrete. Water cement ratio has much effect in the workability. Workability is
directly proportional to water cement ratio. An increase in water-cement ratio increases the
workability of concrete.
An unworkable concrete can also be called as harsh concrete. It is a concrete with very little
amount of water. The hand mixing of such concrete is not easy.
Such type of concrete has high segregation of aggregates as cement paste is not lubricated
properly to stick to the aggregates. It is very difficult to maintain the homogeneity of concrete
mix and compaction of concrete requires much effort. Water cement ratio of such concrete is
below 0.4.
This type of concrete workability is used in most of the construction works. This concrete is
relatively easy to mix, transport, place and compact without much segregation and loss of
This type of concrete workability is generally used in all concrete construction with light
reinforcement (spacing of reinforcement is which allows the concrete to be compacted
effectively). Water cement ratio for medium workable concrete is 0.4 to 0.55.
A highly workable concrete is very easy to mix, transport, place and compact in structures. Such
concrete is used where effective compaction of concrete is not possible or in mass concrete. Such
concrete flow easily and settle down without much effort. But there is high chances of
segregation and loss of homogeneity in this case.
The coarse aggregates tend to settle at the bottom and the concrete paste comes up. Such
concrete is used in case of heavy reinforcement is used where vibration of concrete is not
possible. Example of highly workable concrete is self-compacting concrete. Water cement ratio
of such concrete is more than 0.55.
Workability requirement of concrete varies with each type of construction and compaction
method used. For example, concrete workability required for a slab construction can be same as
a mass concrete footing construction.
Workability requirement when vibrators are used for construction are different from when
vibrators are not used. Similarly, concrete workability used in thick section is not workable when
used in thin sections.
Water Proportions
The biggest x-factor in concrete, water is an unpredictable variable. The amount of water
required depends on the air temperature outside, the humidity, the amount of direct sunlight, and
the concrete mix ratio. The most important thing to remember about water is that the more there
is in concrete mix proportions, the weaker the cement’s cured tensile strength, adhesive strength.
Ideally, the least amount of water possible is the best if strong adhesion is a high priority.
But, again, sometimes there are situations where where workability is a higher priority than
structural integrity and water is the secret to workability.
Transporting the concrete mix is defined as the transferring of concrete from the mixing plant to
the construction site. The main objective in transporting concrete is to ensure that the water-
cement ratio, slump or consistency, air content, and homogeneity are not modified from their
intended states. Concrete produced from a mixer is required to be transported to the forms for
placement. This handling may produce segregation and loss of slump, if the distance is long.
Methods of transporting and placing concrete which are used widely, are:
Cranes and cableway is use for three dimensional purpose of transport. It can be used in projects
where concrete is to be transferred across a valley or some obstruction like a river, sea or road.
Cranes can be used for various high rise buildings and many other type of constructions also.
Cranes or cableways may be used for three dimensional transport of concrete. Cable way
is useful in river valley projects; cranes of various types are also useful in high rise
building construction in congested sites.
Depending upon the site, cranes may be any one of the following types such as derrick
crane, tower crane, crawler mounted, or wheel mounted, or a hydraulic crane.
The main consideration in selecting the crane is height and radius of operation.
g. Belt Conveyor
Belt conveyor is used for very short distance, not for large distances
The buckets and skips are very common equipment. They are used together with many things.
Some different types of buckets which are used in concrete transporting are:
1. Roll-over and
2. Constant altitude type
o The capacity of skip may vary from 0.2 m3 in small jobs to 10m3. It depends upon
the size.
o The control of discharges is obtained from good design in terms of shape of the
gate for proper flow. The ease of filling and resistance to wear and tear are other
aspects of good design.
o Buckets are also used for under water concreting.
Under water placing of concrete poses a number of problems, as concrete cannot be compacted
and concrete may get mixed with water. Whenever, possible under water connecting is to be
avoided. To overcome the problems mentioned above, concrete must be self compacting and wet
enough to flow under its own weigh, and must be placed with least disturbances.
Each of this method is used in different situation. First let look at buckets, buckets can be used
through cranes and that sort of equipment. It is filled up from top and lifted off up, when its
reach the ground where it is supposed to discharge, open the screws at the bottom, when buckets
is lifted up more so the scot is actually on the ground and concrete is discharged with in scot
which does not immediately come into water, this is one common way to use under water
The most common way to use concrete under water is tremie; this is done by tremie pipe. There
are 2 retaining walls beside the tremie pipe. This pipe is made piece by piece, and concrete is
discharged at the bottom. Only the cement of top surface will contact with water, rest of the
concrete will not contact with the water. The other method which can be used for mixing and can
transport over a large distance is through "ready mixed concrete". This is very much used where
the area is congested and one cannot mix the concrete on site.
The placement of concrete is a very important operation, which largely determines the success of
a structure and its durability. Particular care is therefore necessary and all the technical and
cllimatic parameters must be considered.
The placement of concrete is a very important operation, which largely determines the success of
a structure and its durability. Particular care is therefore necessary and all the technical and
cllimatic parameters must be considered.
There are a number of different phases between the time when concrete leaves the mixer and the
finished structure: transport, pouring into formwork or a mould, vibration, maturing, form
removal and curing. These phases require techniques which must comply with what are known
as the "rules of good engineering practice".
The requirements here are to avoid shocks or sudden manoeuvres that could lead to segregation,
ensure that transport times are compatible with the start of the setting process and protect the
concrete from frost in cold weather.
The formwork should be sufficiently rigid not to be deformed under the pressure of the fresh
concrete and sufficiently watertight so laitance does not leak out. Before each time it is used it
must be cleaned and treated with a suitable bond breaker.
The reinforcement must be correctly positioned and held in place.
The height the concrete falls must be limited to avoid the danger of segregation and the rate of
concreting must be as constant as possible.
Concrete placement is an important process in the construction that determine the success of the
structure and its life. Technical and environmental conditions are taken into strict consideration
while placing the concrete.
The concrete is allowed to pass through different phase from the point it come out of the mixer
till it complete as a finished concrete. The concrete is transported, poured, vibrated, matured,
form removed and cured. Each of these phases must follow techniques that will come under good
construction practice.
Here we will discuss the special considerations and procedures followed to achieve good
concrete placement.
Before any concrete is placed the entire placing, programme consisting of equipment, layout,
proposed procedures and methods is planned and no concrete is placed until formwork is
inspected and found suitable for placement.
Equipment for conveying concrete should be of such size and design as to ensure a practically
continuous flow of concrete during depositing without segregation of materials considering the
size of the job and placement location.
Concrete is placed in its final position before the cement reaches its initial set and concrete is
compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of leaving the mixer and once compacted it
should not be disturbed.
In all cases the concrete is deposited as nearly as practicable directly in its final position and
should not be re-handled or caused to flow in a manner which may cause segregation, loss of
materials, displacement of reinforcement, shuttering or embedded inserts or impair its strength.
The formwork must be rigid so that it does not get deformed under the pressure of placement of
fresh concrete and water tight so the concrete does not leak out. For every new use of formwork,
the surfaces have to cleaned and brushed.
The concrete reinforcement must be held properly in the formwork. Special care is taken where
concrete is dropped from a height especially if reinforcement is in the way particularly in
columns and thin walls.
Concrete should be placed in the shuttering by shovels or other methods and should not be
dropped from a height more than one metre or handled in a manner which will cause segregation.
Concrete placed in restricted forms by borrows, buggies, cars, sort chutes or hand shoveling
should be subjected to the requirement for vertical delivery of limited height to avoid
segregation and should be deposited as nearly as practicable in it’s final position.
For locations where, direct placement is not possible and in narrow forms suitable drop and
Elephant Trunks to confine the movement of concrete is provided.
For hot or cold weather concreting the temperature of the concrete must be kept accordingly to
undergo effective placement. So that the concrete does not dry out or freeze out before
completing the placement and related procedures.
Concreting once started should be continuous until the pour is completed. Concrete should be
placed in successive horizontal layers of uniform thickness ranging from 150 mm to 900 mm.
The thickness of each layer should be such that it can be deposited before the previous layer has
Before placing the next concrete layer, it is necessary to properly compact the below layer. Every
underlying layer will be responsive to the vibrations above. These layers hence will Knits
Concrete placement has to be done rapidly as practicable to prevent the formation of cold joints
or planes of weakness between each succeeding layer within the pour. Cold joints are prominent
in large pouring sessions. These types of pouring will require proper planning.
The bucket loads or other units of deposit should be spotted progressively along the face of the
layer with such overlap as will facilitate spreading the layer to uniform depth and texture with a
minimum of shovelling.
Any tendency to segregation should be corrected by shovelling stones into mortar rather than
mortar onto stones. Such a condition should be corrected by redesign of mix or other suitable
The top surface of each pour and bedding planes should be approximately horizontal unless
otherwise specified in drawings.
Curing plays an important role on strength development and durability of concrete. Curing takes
place immediately after concrete placing and finishing, and involves maintenance of desired
moisture and temperature conditions, both at depth and near the surface, for extended periods of
time. Properly cured concrete has an adequate amount of moisture for continued hydration and
development of strength, volume stability, resistance to freezing and thawing, and abrasion and
scaling resistance.
Mixture proportions
Specified strength
Size and shape of concrete member
Ambient weather conditions
Future exposure conditions
Slabs on ground (e.g. pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, driveways, floors, canal linings) and
structural concrete (e.g. bridge decks, piers, columns, beams, slabs, small footings, cast-in-place
walls, retaining walls) require a minimum curing period of seven days for ambient temperatures
above 40 degrees Fahrenheit1.
American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee 301 recommends a minimum curing period
corresponding to concrete attaining 70 percent of the specified compressive strength2. The often
specified seven-day curing commonly corresponds to approximately 70 percent of the specified
compressive strengths. The 70 percent strength level can be reached sooner when concrete cures
at higher temperatures or when certain cement/admixture combinations are used. Similarly,
longer time may be needed for different material combinations and/or lower curing temperatures.
For this reason, ACI Committee 308 recommends the following minimum curing periods3:
Higher curing temperatures promote an early strength gain in concrete but may decrease its 28-
day strength. Effect of curing temperature on compressive strength development is presented in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Effect of Curing Temperature on Compressive Strength
2) Reducing the loss of mixing water from the surface of the concrete
Covering concrete with impervious paper or plastic sheets
Impervious paper and plastic sheets can be applied on thoroughly wetted concrete. The concrete
surface should be hard enough to prevent surface damage from placement activities.
Live steam
Live steam at atmospheric pressure and high-pressure steam in autoclaves are the two methods of
steam curing. Steam temperature for live steam at atmospheric pressure should be kept at about
140 degrees Fahrenheit or less until the desired concrete strength is achieved.
Heating coils
Heating coils are usually used as embedded elements near the surface of concrete elements.
Their purpose is to protect concrete from freezing during cold weather concreting.
Concrete blankets
Concrete insulation blankets are used to cover and insulate concrete surfaces subjected to
freezing temperatures during the curing period. The concrete should be hard enough to prevent
surface damage when covering with concrete blankets.
Other forms of curing include internal moist curing with lightweight aggregates or absorbent
polymer particles. For mass concrete elements (usually thicker than 3 feet), a thermal control
plan is usually developed to help control thermal stresses. Additional information can be found
in ACI Committee 308 report Guide to Curing Concrete3. For specialty concretes, it is
recommended to refer to other ACI reports as follows:
Curing in either cold or hot weather requires additional attention. In cold weather, some of the
procedures include heated enclosures, evaporation reducers, curing compounds, and insulating
blankets. The temperature of fresh concrete shall be above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The curing
period for cold weather concrete is longer than the standard period due to reduced rate of
strength gain. Compressive strength of concrete cured and maintained at 50 degrees Fahrenheit is
expected to gain strength half as quickly as concrete cured at 73 degrees Fahrenheit. In hot
weather, curing and protection are critical due to rapid moisture loss from fresh concrete. The
curing actually starts before concrete is placed by wetting substrate surfaces with water.
Sunscreens, windscreens, fogging, and evaporation retardants can be used for hot weather
concrete placements. Since concrete strength gain in hot weather is faster, curing period may be
reduced. Additional information can be found in ACI 306.1, Standard Specification for Cold
Weather Concreting, ACI 306R, Cold Weather Concreting, ACI 305.1, Specification for Hot
Weather Concreting, and ACI 305R, Hot Weather Concreting
Curing of concrete test specimens is usually different from concrete placed during construction.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has developed two standards for making
and curing concrete specimens. ASTM C1926 is intended for laboratory samples while ASTM
C317 is intended for field samples. Both documents provide standardized requirements for
making, curing, protecting, and transporting concrete test specimens under field or laboratory
conditions, respectively.
ASTM C192 provides procedures for evaluation of different mixtures in laboratory conditions. It
is usually used in the initial stage of the project, or for research purposes.
ASTM C31 is used for acceptance testing and can also be used as a decision tool for form or
shoring removal. Depending on its intended purpose, the standard defines two curing regimes:
standard curing for acceptance testing and field curing for form/shoring removal. Variation in
standard curing of test specimens can dramatically affect measured concrete properties.
According to the National Ready Mix Concrete Association8 (NRMCA), strength for concrete air
cured for one day followed by 27 days moist cured will be approximately 8 percent lower than
for concrete moist cured for the entire period. The strength reduction is 11 percent and 18
percent for concrete specimens initially cured in air for three days and seven days, respectively.
For the same air/moist curing combinations, but 100 degrees Fahrenheit air curing temperature,
the 28-day strength will be approximately 11 percent, 22 percent, and 26 percent lower,