Astm e 2797 - 11
Astm e 2797 - 11
Astm e 2797 - 11
commercially useful practice in the United States of America Practice E1527; (4) provide that the process for building
for conducting a building energy performance assessment energy performance data collection, compilation, analysis, and
(BEPA) on a building involved in a commercial real estate reporting is consistent, transparent, practical and reasonable;
transaction and subsequent reporting of the building energy and (5) provide an industry standard for the conduct of a BEPA
performance information. The practice is intended to provide a on a building involved in a commercial real estate transaction,
methodology to the user for the collection, compilation, subject to existing statutes and regulations which may differ in
analysis, and reporting of building energy performance infor- terms of scope and practice.
mation associated with a commercial building. The practice 1.4 Documentation—The scope of this practice includes
may be used independently or as a voluntary supplement to data collection, compilation and reporting requirements. Docu-
Guide E2018 for property condition assessments or Practice mentation of all sources, records, and resources relied upon in
E1527 for Phase I environmental site assessments. Utilization the investigation is provided in the report.
of this practice and performance of a BEPA is voluntary. If the 1.5 Considerations Outside the Scope—The use of this
property owner (e.g., the seller) is unwilling to provide practice is limited to the collection, compilation, and analysis
building energy use and cost information, a BEPA cannot be of building energy performance information as defined by this
performed. practice. While this information may be used to facilitate
1.2 Building Energy Performance—This practice defines building benchmarking, labeling, rating or ranking, reporting
building energy performance as the building’s total annual of building energy performance information between a seller
energy use and cost for heating, cooling, electricity, and other and a buyer or a landlord and a tenant on a voluntary basis or
related uses. Energy use, for example, includes total electricity as may be required by building labeling disclosure or manda-
purchased; purchased or delivered steam, hot water, or chilled tory auditing regulations applicable to the building, or any
water; natural gas; fuel oil; coal; propane; biomass; or any other use, such use is beyond the scope of this practice.
other matter consumed as fuel and any electricity generated on 1.6 Organization of This Practice—This practice has 13
site from alternative energy systems (for example, wind energy sections and 12 appendices. The appendices are included for
generator technology or solar photovoltaic systems). informational purposes only and are not part of the procedures
1.3 Objectives—Objectives in the development of this prac- prescribed in this practice.
tice are to: (1) define a commercially useful practice for Section 1 Describes the scope of the practice.
Section 2 Identifies referenced documents.
collecting, compiling, and analyzing building energy perfor- Section 3 Provides terminology pertinent to the practice.
mance information associated with a building involved in a Section 4 Discusses the significance and use of the practice.
commercial real estate transaction; (2) facilitate consistency in Section 5 Discusses the relationship between this practice and
ASTM E2018 or ASTM E1527.
the collection, compilation, analysis, and reporting of building Section 6 Describes the user’s responsibilities under this practice.
energy performance information as may be required under Section 7 Describes the BEPA process.
building labeling, disclosure, or mandatory auditing regula- Section 8 Describes the site visit and walk-through.
Section 9 Discusses interviews with owner, operator, or key site
tions; (3) supplement as needed a property condition assess- manager.
Section 10 Describes records collection for the BEPA process.
Section 11 Provides the records analysis methodology for building
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E50 on Environ- energy use data.
mental Assessment, Risk Management and Corrective Action and is the direct Section 12 Focuses on BEPA report preparation and reporting of
responsibility of Subcommittee E50.02 on Real Estate Assessment and Manage- building energy use information.
ment. Section 13 Identifies non-scope considerations.
Current edition approved Jan. 15, 2011. Published February 2011. DOI: Appendix X1 Provides the legal background on federal, state, or local
10.1520/E2797–11. building energy use disclosure legislation and regulation.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E2797 – 11
Appendix X2 Identifies building energy performance and sustainability DSIRE Database of Federal, State, Local Government and
labeling programs. Utility Incentives for Renewable Energy and Energy
Appendix X3 Discusses government and utility energy efficiency incen-
tives and grants.
Efficiency (
Appendix X4 Provides guidance on suggested qualifications for the
consultant conducting the BEPA. 3. Terminology
Appendix X5 Information that can be collected from the property
owner/operator/key site manager.
3.1 Definitions—This section provides definitions and de-
Appendix X6 Provides a recommended table of contents and report scriptions of terms used in this practice, terms used in this
format for the BEPA. practice extracted from Practice E1527 and Guide E2018, and
Appendix X7 Provides general property types with categories and sub-
categories that can impact building energy use.
a list of acronyms for keywords used in this practice. The terms
Appendix X8 Provides a general commercial building survey checklist. are an integral part of this practice and are critical to an
Appendix X9 Presents carbon emission estimation methodology asso- understanding of the practice and its use.
ciated with combustion processes related to energy use
in a commercial building.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
Appendix X10 Provides common no-cost/low-cost energy saving mea- 3.2.1 appropriate reporting, n—represents a standardized
sures for commercial buildings. way to report building energy performance information col-
Appendix X11 Provides illustrative example of building site energy use
lected in accordance with and under the specific conditions
Appendix X12 Provides a bibliography of references that may be useful identified in this practice to parties including, but not limited
for this practice. to, prospective purchasers, owners, property managers, lend-
1.7 Units—The values stated in inch-pound units are to be ers, tenants, investors, or others, including government or
regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are regulatory entities, that may request such information.
mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for 3.2.2 building energy performance, n—a building’s total
information only and are not considered standard. annual energy use and cost for heating, cooling, and electricity
1.8 This practice cannot replace education or experience and other energy-related uses.
and should be used in conjunction with professional judgment. 3.2.3 building energy performance assessment, BEPA,
Not all aspects of this pactice may be applicable in all n—the process as described in this practice by which a person
circumstances. This ASTM standard practice is not intended to or entity collects, analyzes and reports on the energy use and
represent or replace the standard of care by which the energy cost associated with a building. The output from the
adequacy of a given professional service must be judged, nor process is the pro forma building energy use and the pro forma
should this practice be applied without consideration of a building energy cost, which are considered representative for
building’s many unique aspects. The word “standard” in the the building at the time of the commercial real estate transac-
title means only that the practice has been approved through tion. Also provided is a reasonable range for energy use and
the ASTM consensus process. energy cost. Finally, the process provides the actual building
1.9 Nothing in this practice is intended to create or imply energy use and cost over the time period included in the
the existence of a legal obligation for reporting of energy, investigation. A BEPA is based upon data collected over the
performance, or other building-related information. Any con- prior three years, or back to the last major renovation if
sideration of whether such an obligation exists under any completed less than three years ago, with one year minimum.
federal, state, local, or common law is beyond the scope of this If acceptable data is not available for the minimum of one year,
practice. a BEPA cannot be conducted as prescribed in this standard.
3.2.4 commercial real estate, n—improved real property,
2. Referenced Documents except a dwelling or property with four or less dwelling units
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 exclusively for residential use. The term includes, but is not
E1527 Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase limited to, improved real property used for retail, office,
I Environmental Site Assessment Process industrial, hospitality, agricultural, or other commercial, medi-
E2018 Guide for Property Condition Assessments: Baseline cal or educational purposes; property used for residential
Property Condition Assessment Process purposes that has more than four residential dwelling units; and
2.2 Other Standards:3 property with four or less dwelling units for residential use
ASHRAE, 2004, Procedures for Commercial Building En- when it has a commercial function, as in the operation of such
ergy Audits dwellings for profit. (Refer to Practice E1527.)
ASHRAE, 2010, Performance Measurement Protocols for 3.2.5 commercial real estate transaction, n—a transfer of
Commercial Buildings title to or possession of commercial real estate, rental of space
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 105-2007 Standard Methods of in commercial real estate under a lease for a set period of time
Measuring, Expressing and Comparing Building Energy in return for consideration, a transfer of a leasehold interest in
Performance commercial real estate, or receipt of a security interest in
commercial real estate, except that it does not include such
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or transactions with respect to an individual dwelling, or a
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM building containing four or less dwelling units, unless used for
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on commercial purposes such as the operation of such dwellings
the ASTM website.
Available from American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-
for profit. (Refer to Practice E1527.)
Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE), 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 3.2.6 cooling degree-days (CDD), n—for each day with an
30329, average temperature higher than 65°F (18.3°C), CDD is the
E2797 – 11
difference between the average temperature and 65°F (18.3°C). characteristics that can impact energy use associated with
For example, on a day with a mean temperature of 80°F select building types). EUI as described in this practice is
(26.6°C), 15 CDD would be recorded. CDD data by month and determined on a site energy basis.
region is published by the Energy Information Administration. 3.2.13 environmental site assessment (ESA), n—process by
CDD historical data by month and region is published by the which a person or entity observes a property, interviews
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) knowledgeable owners or operators and state regulatory per-
National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center, Camp sonnel, collects and reviews reasonably ascertainable govern-
Springs, MD for 200 major weather stations around the ment and historical property records for the purpose of
country, and by others, including NOAA’s National Climatic identifying if a recognized environmental condition exists at
Data Center in Ashville, NC. Information is also available at
the property. The ESA process is detailed in Practice E1527.
3.2.14 good faith, n—absence of any intention to seek an
3.2.7 data gap, n—lack of or inability to obtain information
unfair advantage or to defraud another party; an honest and
required by this practice despite good faith efforts by the
sincere intention to fulfill one’s obligations in the conduct of a
person or entity seeking to gather such information. Data gaps
may result from incompleteness in any of the activities transaction. (Refer to Practice E1527.)
required by this practice, including, but not limited to the 3.2.15 gross floor area (GFA), n—area on all floor levels
collection of records data (for example, an inability to collect within the perimeter of the outside walls of a building as
energy use data back three years, or to the last major renova- measured from the inside surface of the exterior walls, with no
tion if it occurred less than three years ago, or a minimum of deduction for hallways, stairs, closets, columns, or other
one year’s data), and interviews (for example, an inability to interior features, excluding parking area. Gross floor area is
interview the key site manager, and so forth). (Refer to Practice distinguished from the leasable or rentable area, which is the
E1527.) occupied area on all floor levels for which a tenant is charged
3.2.8 district energy, n—is secondary energy that is gener- for occupancy under a lease. Leasable area may exclude
ated off site and delivered to a facility in the form of steam, hot common areas (such as lobbies and foyers, stairways and
water, or chilled water. elevators, corridors and passages, mechanical rooms, rest
3.2.9 easily visible, adj—describes observations of items, rooms, and so forth). For the purposes of this practice, only
components and systems that are conspicuous, apparent, and gross floor area is used in the energy metrics associated with
obvious during the walk-through without: intrusion, relocation this practice, for example, in the determination of energy use
or removal of materials, exploratory probing, use of special intensity.
protective clothing, or use of any equipment (such as hand 3.2.16 heating degree-days (HDD), n—for each day with an
tools, meters of any kind, ladders, and so forth). (Refer to average temperature lower than 65°F (18.3°C), HDD is the
Guide E2018.) difference between the average temperature and 65°F (18.3°C).
3.2.10 energy use, n—total electricity, natural gas, heating For example, on a day with a mean temperature of 40°F
oil, district steam, district hot water, district cooling water, (4.4°C), 25 HDD would be recorded. HDD data by month and
propane, and so forth, including energy generated by renew- region is published by the Energy Information Administration.
able energy sources (but separately identified) such as solar or HDD historical data by month and region is published by
wind, used by a facility for heating, cooling, lighting, power- NOAA’s National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center,
ing, or fueling other end uses in a building. The units of total Camp Springs, MD for 200 major weather stations around the
building energy use are typically kBtu/yr. Energy use as country, and by others, including NOAA’s National Climatic
described in this practice refers to site energy use. Data Center in Ashville, NC. Information is also available at
3.2.11 energy use equation, n—relates the dependent vari-
able, total site energy use, including electricity and on-site 3.2.17 heating value, n—amount of heat produced by the
fuel/district energy use, to independent variables whose vari- complete combustion of a unit quantity of fuel. For the
ability is known to impact significantly a building’s energy use. purposes of this practice, higher heating value (HHV) is used
Independent variables may, for example, include weather to convert the quantity of fuel to its energy content.
conditions (HDD and CDD), operating hours for the building,
3.2.18 interviews, n—discussions with those knowledgeable
occupancy (or vacancy) rate, and number of occupants. Inde-
about the property. (Refer to Guide E2018.)
pendent variables may also include any other variable(s)
judged to have a significant influence on building energy use 3.2.19 key site manager, n—person identified by the owner
and deemed by the BEPA consultant to be available, appropri- or operator of a property as having knowledge of the physical
ate, relevant for the analysis. and operational characteristics of the building or buildings on
3.2.12 energy use intensity (EUI), n—total building energy a property. (Refer to Practice E1527.)
use divided by the building’s gross floor area. The units of 3.2.20 lower limit scenario, n—with respect to building
building energy use intensity are typically kBtu/SF-yr. EUI is energy use or EUI, a reasonable lower limit for energy use or
associated with a building of a specific property type with EUI at the building (see subsection The lower
specific characteristics or other factors that may facilitate limit scenario is determined using the 25th percentile for HDD,
comparison with similar type buildings with similar character- CDD and all other independent variables in the building energy
istics (see Appendix X7 for a sample checklist of building use equation.
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3.2.21 major renovation, n—building renovation that either Pro forma building energy use intensity is designed to reduce
involves expansion (or reduction) of the building’s gross floor the influence [on building energy use intensity] of biases such
area by 10 % or more or impacts total building energy use by as unusual weather conditions (for example, an unusually
more than 10 %. warm winter or cool summer) or unusual building operational
3.2.22 normalize, v—to reduce to a norm, such as normal- conditions (for example, an unusually high vacancy rate), etc.
izing building energy use by removing the influence of weather 3.2.32 pro forma building energy cost, n—obtained by
or building gross floor area or other conditions (referred to as dividing actual trailing 12 month total cost ($) associated with
normalizing factors). For example, to normalize a building’s each energy source used at the building by the associated
energy use (in kBTU/yr) using the building’s gross floor area energy use of the source (kBtu/yr), and then summing these
(in square feet), divide building energy use by the gross floor values to get the total trailing 12 month building energy cost
area. The resulting normalized quotient is in units of kBtu/SF- multiplier ($/kBtu/yr). The total trailing 12 month building
yr, also referred to as the energy use intensity. energy cost multiplier is then multiplied by the average case
3.2.23 observation, n—visual note of specific items, sys- scenario for annual site energy use (see subsection
tems, conditions, or components that are observed during a Pro forma building energy cost is considered representative of
walk-through. (Refer to Guide E2018.) average annual building energy cost at the time of the com-
3.2.24 occupancy, n—occupied tenant space in a building. mercial real estate transaction. Pro forma building energy cost
The occupancy rate generally refers to the occupied space in a is designed to reduce the influence [on building energy cost] of
building divided by the total space available to be occupied, biases such as unusual weather conditions (for example, an
generally represented as a percentage. Leased space is not unusually warm winter or cool summer) or unusual building
always occupied space as the tenant may have left the space,
operational conditions (for example, an unusually high va-
but may still be paying the monthly lease cost under terms of
cancy rate), etc. Pro forma building energy cost may also be
the lease agreement.
determined on square foot (gross floor area) basis.
3.2.25 occupants, n—those tenants, subtenants, or other
persons or entities using the property or a portion of the 3.2.33 property condition assessment, n—process by which
property. (Refer to Practice E1527.) a person or entity observes a property, interviews sources, and
3.2.26 operator, n—person responsible for, or the desig- reviews available documentation for the purpose of developing
nated representative of the organization responsible for the an opinion about a property’s current physical condition. A
overall operation of a property. (Refer to Practice E1527.) property condition assessment is detailed in Guide E2018.
3.2.27 owner, n—generally the fee owner of record of the 3.2.34 qualified consultant or individual, n—person having
property. (Refer to Practice E1527.) the education, training, and experience necessary for the
3.2.28 practically reviewable, adj—information that is pro- conduct of this practice (see also Appendix X4). The person
vided by the source in a manner and in a form that, upon may be an independent contractor or an employee of the user.
examination, yields information relevant to the property with- 3.2.35 real estate transaction, n—transfer of title to or
out the need for extraordinary analysis of irrelevant data. possession of real estate, rental of space in real estate under a
(Refer to Practice E1527.) lease for a set period of time in return for consideration, a
3.2.29 primary energy, n—raw fuel, such as natural gas or transfer of a leasehold interesting real estate, or receipt of a
fuel oil, that is burned on site at a facility to create heat and/or security interest in real estate.
electricity. 3.2.36 reasonably ascertainable, adj—information that is
3.2.30 pro forma building energy use, n—represents either: readily available, practically reviewable, and available at a
(1) the trailing twelve months of building energy use data if the nominal cost for retrieval, reproduction, or forwarding. (Refer
independent variables identified in subsection 11.4.1 are within to Practice E1527.)
15 % of the averages; or (2) the average case scenario for 3.2.37 readily accessible, adj—describes easily visible areas
annual site energy use (see subsection Pro forma of a property that are promptly made available for observation
building energy use is considered representative of annual by the qualified consultant or individual conducting the walk-
building energy use at the time of the commercial real estate through and do not require removal or relocation of materials
transaction. Pro forma building energy use is designed to
or personal property, such as furniture, floor, wall, or ceiling
reduce the influence [on building energy use] of biases such as
coverings; and that are safely accessible. (Refer to Guide
unusual weather conditions (for example, an unusually warm
winter or cool summer) or unusual building operational con-
ditions (for example, an unusually high vacancy rate), etc. 3.2.38 readily available, adv—describes information or
3.2.31 pro forma building energy use intensity, records that are easily and promptly provided by a source to the
n—represents either: (1) the trailing twelve months of building individual making a request through an appropriate inquiry and
energy use intensity data if the independent variables identified without the need to research archive files. (Refer to Practice
in subsection 11.4.1 are within 15 % of the averages; or (2) the E1527.)
average case scenario for annual site energy use intensity (see 3.2.39 report, n—written information prepared by a quali-
subsection Pro forma building energy use inten- fied consultant or individual and constituting an integral part of
sity is considered representative of annual building energy use a Building Energy Performance Assessment as required by this
intensity at the time of the commercial real estate transaction. practice.
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3.2.40 secondary energy, n—energy product (heat or elec- 3.3.5 EPA—U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
tricity) created from a raw fuel, such as electricity purchased 3.3.6 ESA—Environmental site assessment
from the grid or energy (heat or cooling) received from a 3.3.7 EUI—Energy use intensity
district system. 3.3.8 GFA—Gross floor area associated with a building
3.2.41 site energy use, n—amount of heat and electricity 3.3.9 GHG—Greenhouse gas
consumed by a building as reflected in its utility/energy bills or 3.3.10 GWh—Gigawatt (109 Watt) hour
on-site generation or both, if any. Site energy may be delivered 3.3.11 HHV—Higher heating value
to a building in one of two forms: primary energy or secondary 3.3.12 HVAC—Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
energy or both. Energy use and the methodology developed in 3.3.13 kBtu—Kilo (103) British thermal units (Btu)
this practice are based upon site energy use. 3.3.14 kW—kilowatt (103 Watt) Discussion—Site energy use is different from 3.3.15 kWh—kilowatt (103 Watt) hour
source energy use. Source energy use represents the total 3.3.16 MBtu—million (106) British thermal units (Btu)
amount of raw fuel that is required to operate a building and 3.3.17 MWh—megawatt (106 watt) hour
incorporates transmission, delivery, and production losses. 3.3.18 NERC—North America Electric Reliability Council
While source energy is not specifically used in the methodol- 3.3.19 NOAA—National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
ogy associated with this practice, it is used by U.S. EPA to istration
determine a building’s greenhouse gas (carbon) emissions 3.3.20 NOI—Net operating income
associated with combustion processes (refer to Appendix X9). 3.3.21 PCA—Property condition assessment
3.2.42 site visit, n—that part of the practice contained in 3.3.22 ROI—Return on investment
Section 8 during which the qualified consultant’s or individu- 3.3.23 SF—Square foot [gross square feet of building]
al’s walk-through of the property takes place.
3.2.43 total energy use, n—sum of all energy consumed in 4. Significance and Use
the building, including purchased energy plus energy con-
4.1 Uses—This practice is intended for use on a voluntary
sumed on-site.
basis by parties who wish to conduct a BEPA on a building. The
3.2.44 upper limit scenario, n—with respect to building process defined in this practice involves the collection of
energy use or EUI, a reasonable upper limit for energy use or building energy use information, some of which may be
EUI at the building (see subsection The upper collected as part of Guide E2018 PCA or Practice E1527 ESA.
limit scenario is determined using the 75th percentile for HDD, The practice is intended primarily as an approach to conducting
CDD, and all other independent variables used in the building a standardized inquiry designed to identify building energy
energy use equation. performance in connection with a commercial property in-
3.2.45 user, n—party seeking to use this practice to com- volved in a real estate transaction. This practice is intended to
plete a building energy performance assessment. A user may reflect a commercially practical and reasonable inquiry.
include, without limitation, a potential purchaser of the prop- 4.2 Clarifications on Use:
erty, a potential tenant of the property, an owner of the 4.2.1 Use in Conjunction with Guide E2018 PCA or Prac-
property, a lender or a property manager. tice E1527—This practice, when added as a supplemental
3.2.46 utility-energy bills/utility-energy data, n—invoices scope of work to a Guide E2018 PCA or a Practice E1527 ESA,
from companies that provide energy to a building, including is designed to assist the user and consultant in developing
utility/energy companies, such as those that provide electricity, information about energy use in a building or buildings
natural gas, district steam, district hot water, or district chilled involved in a real estate transaction. The BEPA also has utility
water to a property, and companies that deliver oil, propane, to a wide range of persons, including those who may not be
kerosene, coal, coke, wood, or other fuels used at the building. involved in a real estate transaction.
3.2.47 vacancy, n—empty or unoccupied tenant space in a 4.2.2 Independent Use—This practice may also be used
building. The vacancy rate generally refers to the empty or independently of any other building assessment to determine
unoccupied space in a building divided by the total space building energy performance.
available to be occupied, generally represented as a percentage. 4.2.3 Site-Specific—This practice is property-specific in that
If a tenant has left a space but still continues to pay rent on the it relates to existing building energy performance. The practice
vacated space in accordance with his or her lease obligation, is not intended to replace Guide E2018 PCA or Practice E1527
the space is considered vacant for the purposes of this practice. ESA conducted by a qualified consultant or individual, but
3.2.48 walk-through, n—conducted during the site visit rather to supplement it.
consisting of easily visible observations of readily accessible 4.3 Who May Conduct—A BEPA shall be performed by a
major building components and systems that can impact qualified consultant or individual (hereafter referred to as the
building energy use. “Consultant”) with the education, training and experience
3.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations: necessary to perform the requirements of this practice (see
3.3.1 ASHRAE—American Society of Heating, Refrigerat- Appendix X4). No practical approach can be designed to
ing and Air-Conditioning Engineers eliminate the role of professional judgment and the value and
3.3.2 ASTM—ASTM International need for experience in the individual performing the inquiry.
3.3.3 BEPA—Building energy performance assessment The professional experience of the Consultant is, consequently,
3.3.4 BTU—British thermal units important to the performance of this BEPA.
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4.4 Additional Services—As set forth in Section 13, addi- and sidewalk physical condition, with the objective of identi-
tional services may be contracted for between the user and the fying deficiencies and the associated probable cost to remedy
Consultant. Such additional services may include issues not these deficiencies. While Guide E2018 does include identifi-
included within the scope of this practice. For example, the cation of utilities provided to the property for heating, venti-
user or Consultant may wish to benchmark the building against lation, and cooling equipment and other energy-related uses, it
similar buildings in the portfolio or in the same geographical does not include the collection of building energy use infor-
area or identify select green building attributes that may mation. This practice is intended to supplement Guide E2018
contribute to the energy efficiency performance and/or the when a user requests that building energy performance infor-
building’s value. mation be included in the PCA.
4.4.1 Benchmarking Additional Service—Any benchmark- 5.2 Building Energy Performance Data Collected in Prac-
ing system selected relies on critical data in generating its tice E1527—Practice E1527 is directed principally at the
output, so the validity of the data collection process directly environmental condition of the property, including whether
impacts the integrity and usefulness of the benchmarking known or suspect environmental contamination is associated
system’s results. Utilization of this practice and adoption of its with the property. While Practice E1527 includes a building
data collection approach can serve to enhance the integrity of walk-through, interviews with key site personnel and collection
the benchmarking process for all transactional stakeholders in of select building characteristics, it does not include the
a standardized, uniform, and consistent manner. Notwithstand- collection of building energy use information. This practice is
ing, building energy use information should always be evalu- intended to supplement Practice E1527 when a user requests
ated within the context in which it is collected and building that building energy performance information be included in
energy use numbers should not be used without conveying this the ESA.
context. (Refer to Appendix X1 for additional information.) 5.3 BEPA—This practice is intended to be used indepen-
4.5 Principles—The following principles are an integral dently or as a supplement to Guide E2018 PCA or Practice
part of this practice and are intended to be referred to in E1527 ESA.
resolving any ambiguity or exercising such discretion as is 5.3.1 The BEPA may be conducted concurrently with Guide
accorded the user or Consultant in performing a BEPA. E2018 PCA or Practice E1527 ESA.
4.5.1 Uncertainty Not Eliminated in BEPA—No BEPA prac- 5.3.2 The BEPA may be conducted independently of Guide
tice can wholly eliminate uncertainty in determining the E2018 PCA or Practice E1527 ESA. When conducting a BEPA
myriad of variables that can impact the energy use of a building independent of Guide E2018 PCA or Practice E1527 ESA, the
on a property. The BEPA is intended to reduce, but not data requirements specified in this practice shall be collected.
eliminate, uncertainty regarding the impact such variables can
have on the energy use of a building. 6. User Responsibilities
4.5.2 Not Exhaustive—This practice is not meant to be an 6.1 Scope—The purpose of this section is to describe tasks
exhaustive assessment. There is a point at which the cost of to be performed by the user that will assist the Consultant
information obtained or the time required to gather it out- conducting the BEPA on a building connected to a real estate
weighs the usefulness of the information and, in fact, may be transaction. These tasks do not require the technical expertise
a material detriment to the orderly completion of a real estate of a Consultant and are generally not performed by Consult-
transaction. One of the purposes of this practice is to identify ants performing a PCA or ESA, unless directed to do so by the
a balance between the competing goals of limiting the costs user. In a real estate transaction, it is common for the user to
and time demands inherent in performing a BEPA and the be the prospective property purchaser (the buyer), and the
reduction of uncertainty about unknown conditions resulting Consultant working for this user. The user may also be an
from collecting additional information. existing or prospective tenant at the property. Notwithstanding,
4.5.3 Level of Inquiry is Variable—Not every building will the relevant information about the building is best obtained
warrant the same level of assessment. The appropriate level of from the property owner (the seller), or operator, and/or key
assessment will be guided by the type of property subject to site manager. As such, it is not unusual to find the user
assessment, the needs of the user, and the information already requesting information directly from the seller, with the under-
available or developed in the course of the inquiry. standing that such person is under no legal obligation to
4.6 Rules of Engagement—The contractual and legal obli- provide the information. It is also not unusual to find the user
gations between a Consultant and a user (and other parties, if requesting the Consultant to obtain the information needed
any) are outside the scope of this guide. No specific legal directly from the seller (that is, as part of the PCA or ESA
relationship between the Consultant and user was considered process). If the property owner (e.g., seller) is unwilling to
during the preparation of this practice. provide building energy use and cost information, a BEPA
cannot be performed. Appendix X5 provides a sample of
5. Relationship to Practice E2018 PCA and Practice information that may be collected from the property owner,
E1527 ESA operator or key site manager and which can assist the user
5.1 Building Energy Performance Data Collected in Guide and/or the Consultant gathering information on the building
E2018—Guide E2018 is directed principally at the physical that may be material to the BEPA in connection with the real
status of a building and associated property, including the estate transaction.
building’s structure, electrical and mechanical systems, HVAC, 6.2 Specialized Knowledge or Experience of the User—If
roofing and plumbing systems, code compliance, parking lot, the user has any specialized knowledge or experience that is
E2797 – 11
material to the BEPA in connection with the building, it is the Site visit—To observe the building during the walk-
user’s responsibility to communicate any information based on through, conduct interviews (see, and collect records
such specialized knowledge or experience to the Consultant (see not previously provided to the Consultant; see
before the Consultant conducts the BEPA. Section 8.
6.3 Nonresponsiveness—If the user is unable to obtain the Interviews—With the present owner, operator,
information requested directly from the property owner (or and/or key site manager at the building; see Section 9.
seller in a real estate transaction) or a designated representa- Records collection—Collect and compile the records
tive, the user shall request authorization from the property necessary to conduct the BEPA; see Section 10.
owner for the Consultant to collect the information, if avail- Records review and analysis—Review and analysis
able, through an interview process with the property manager, of records necessary to conduct the BEPA; see Section 11.
operator, and/or the key site manager, and/or through a request Report—On the findings related to building energy
to the responsible utility or energy provider or both. If the use and energy cost; see Section 12.
property owner (e.g., seller) is unwilling to provide building 7.3 Coordination of Parts:
energy use and cost information, a BEPA cannot be performed. 7.3.1 Parts Used in Concert—Data collected are intended to
6.4 Other—Either the user shall make known to the Con- be used in concert with each other. If information from one
sultant the reason why the user wants to have the BEPA source (for example, the records received) indicates the need
performed (such as, for example, to meet a regulatory require- for more information, other sources (for example, the inter-
ment or a financing requirement or a due diligence require- views) may be available to provide this information.
ment) or, if the user does not identify the purpose of the BEPA, 7.3.2 User’s Obligations—The Consultant shall note in the
the Consultant shall assume the purpose is to evaluate building report whether or not the user has provided the Consultant
energy performance for the user. The user and the Consultant with information pursuant to Section 6 of this practice.
may also need to modify the scope of services performed under 7.4 Consultant Conducting a BEPA:
this practice for special circumstances, including, but not 7.4.1 Consultant’s Duties—The BEPA shall be performed
limited to, unique local or site-specific conditions. by a qualified Consultant or individual (the “Consultant”) or
6.5 Non-existent Legal Obligation—Nothing in this practice performed by others under the supervision of the Consultant.
is intended to create or imply the existence of a legal obligation This can be the same individual(s) responsible for conducting
for reporting of building energy performance or other the Guide E2018 PCA or Practice E1527 ESA. The assessment
building-related information. Any consideration of whether shall be performed by a person possessing sufficient knowl-
such an obligation exists under any federal, state, local or edge, training, and experience necessary to conduct the site
common law is beyond the scope of this practice. walk-through, interviews, data collection, and analysis defined
in this practice and having the ability to identify issues relevant
7. Building Energy Performance Assessment Process to building energy performance in connection with a building
involved in a real estate transaction. At a minimum, the
7.1 Objective—The purpose of the BEPA described in this Consultant shall be involved in planning the assessment and
practice is to identify, to the extent feasible pursuant to the the review and interpretation of the information upon which the
processes prescribed herein, building energy performance in BEPA report is based. Appendix X4 provides suggested quali-
connection with a commercial real estate transaction. Such fications for the Consultant responsible for conducting the
building energy performance shall include: (1) historical build- BEPA.
ing energy performance over the previous three years, with a
7.4.2 Information Obtained From Others—Information for
minimum of one year, or back to the last major building the records review needed for completion of a BEPA may be
renovation (if completed less than three years ago); (2) the provided by a number of parties including the user or a
range of building energy use and cost under average, upper designated representative; the building owner, operator, or key
limit and lower limit scenarios as defined in this practice (see site manager; the local utility or energy provider; government
subsection; (3) the pro forma building energy use and agencies; or third-party vendors.
pro forma building energy cost (see subsections 11.5 and 11.6);
7.5 Applicable Property Types for a BEPA—A BEPA as
and (4) appropriate reporting of building energy use and cost
described in this practice is appropriate for property where
information to the user or other user-designated parties. The
utility/energy costs are centralized and paid by the property
BEPA process described in this practice is intended to be used
owner, manager, or operator and may include, but are not
independently, or to supplement but not replace existing Guide limited to, office, retail, hotel/lodging, warehouse, and indus-
E2018 PCA or Practice E1527 ESA. trial properties. If energy use is individually metered such as in
7.2 Report—A separate report shall be prepared, unless the individual units at multifamily-type properties or in tenant
BEPA is being performed as part of an Guide E2018 PCA or spaces at commercial office or retail buildings in which
Practice E1527 ESA conducted on a property connected to a occupant utility use is individually metered and costs individu-
commercial real estate transaction, in which case the BEPA ally paid for, a BEPA as described in this practice is applicable
findings and conclusions can be provided in the PCA or ESA only if unit or tenant space utility data is made available to the
report. person conducting the BEPA. If only a sampling of unit or
7.2.1 Components—A BEPA shall have five components tenant space utility data is made available to the person
described as follows: conducting the BEPA, such sampling can be used only if it is:
E2797 – 11
(1) judged to be representative of unit or tenant space at the specific records (see subsections 10.2 and 10.3) either to be
building and (2) sufficient to estimate energy use for all tenants forwarded before the site visit or be available for review during
at the building. the site visit.
7.6 Reliance—A Consultant is not required to verify inde- 8.5.2 During the site visit, Consultant shall collect the
pendently the information provided by others and may rely on following information, or confirm that such information col-
the information provided unless he or she has actual knowledge lected prior to the site visit is complete.
that certain information is incorrect, or unless it is obvious that Building energy use records over the previous three
certain information is incorrect based on the Consultant’s years, or back to the last major renovation (if less than 3 years
experience or other information obtained in the BEPA. ago), with a minimum period of one year. Building energy cost records over the previous three
8. Site Visit years, or back to the last major renovation (if less than 3 years
ago), with a minimum period of one year.
8.1 Objective—The objective of the site visit is to: (1) Other pertinent building energy use records or re-
interview persons at the building who are knowledgeable about ports such as may be available, including, but not limited to
building energy use and cost (see Section 9); (2) observe major energy audit reports, operation and maintenance records, en-
building systems that can impact energy use; (3) collect ergy labeling reports (refer to Appendix X2, for example,
available utility and other records, if not previously provided, ASHRAE or ENERGY STAR labeling reports), or green
including operation and maintenance data, from either building building rating or certification reports (refer to Appendix X2,
personnel or the utility/energy service provider servicing the for example, LEED certification, CMP Green Value Score
property that will assist in analysis of building energy use (see rating or Green Globes certification reports).
Section 10); and (4) verify the information received, to the 8.6 Review of Helpful Documents—Before the site visit, the
extent possible. property owner, key site manager, or the user shall be asked if
8.2 Interviewing Knowledgeable Personnel during the Site they know whether any of the information listed in 10.2 and
Visit—See Section 9. 10.3 exist and, if so, whether copies can and will be provided
8.2.1 Identification of Key Site Manager before the Site to the Consultant either before or at the time of the site visit.
Visit—The user shall identify for the Consultant the key site Even partial information provided may be useful. If the
manager or a knowledgeable representative at the property information is provided before or at the time of the site visit,
before the site visit. the Consultant conducting the site visit shall review the
8.2.2 Interviewing the Key Site Manager—The key site available documents before or at the beginning of the site visit.
manager or a knowledgeable representative shall be inter- 8.7 Frequency—It is not expected that more than one visit
viewed during the site visit and accompany, if possible, the to the property shall be made in connection with a BEPA and
Consultant on the building walk-through. this visit may be conducted in conjunction with the walk-
8.3 Observation during the Building Walk-Through—Major through survey conducted for the Guide E2018 PCA or the site
building and site components that can impact energy use shall visit associated with the Practice E1527 ESA.
be visually observed. A sample checklist of the information
9. Interview with Owner, Operator or Key Site Manager
that may be collected during the walk-through and interviews is
included in Appendix X8. 9.1 Objective—The objective of the interview is to (1)
8.3.1 Exterior—The periphery of the building shall be interview persons at the building who are knowledgeable about
visually observed. building energy use and cost; (2) collect available utility and
other records, if not previously provided, including operation
8.3.2 Interior—The interior of the building, accessible com-
and maintenance data, that will assist in analysis of building
mon areas expected to be used by occupants or the public (such
energy performance (see Section 10); and (3) verify the
as lobbies, hallways, utility rooms, recreation areas, and so
information received, to the extent possible.
forth), maintenance and repair areas, including boiler rooms,
9.2 Content—The interview with the building owner, op-
and a representative sample of occupant spaces, shall be
erator, or key site manager consists of questions designed to:
visually observed. It is not necessary to look under floors,
(1) collect BEPA supporting information if not previously
above ceilings, inside equipment, or behind walls.
provided; (2) fill in data gaps that exist in the information
8.4 Obtaining Information on Building Characteristics— received; (3) confirm building operating characteristics; and (4)
Observations and interviews shall be used to provide a com- verify major building energy use systems.
prehensive building description in the report (refer to subsec- 9.3 Medium—Questions to be asked pursuant to this section
tion 10.2 and Appendix X5). ASHRAE Procedures for may be asked in person (during the site visit), by telephone, or
Commercial Building Energy Audits may be used as a tem- in writing, at the discretion of the Consultant.
plate. 9.4 Who Should be Interviewed:
8.5 Collecting Available Building Energy Use and Cost 9.4.1 Key Site Manager—Before the site visit, the user
Records at the Site—See Section 10. should be asked to identify a person with knowledge of the
8.5.1 Before the site visit, the Consultant shall contact the building and its physical and operational characteristics. Often
user or, if authorized by the user, the building owner, operator, the key site manager will be the property manager, the chief
or key site manager, or other third parties such as the local physical plant supervisor, or head maintenance person. If a key
utility or utility bill payment service provider, and request site manager is identified, the Consultant conducting the site
E2797 – 11
visit shall arrange a mutually convenient appointment for the Practically Reviewable—Information that is prac-
site visit when the key site manager agrees to be there. It is tically reviewable means that the information is provided by
within the discretion of the Consultant to decide which the source in a manner and in a form that, upon examination,
questions to ask before, during, or after the site visit or in some yields information relevant to the building without the need for
combination thereof. The questions asked shall be directed at extraordinary analysis of irrelevant data.
obtaining the information in 10.2 and 10.3 (see the sample Reasonable Time and Cost—Information that is
checklist in Appendix X8). obtainable within reasonable time and cost constraints means
9.4.2 Quality of the Answers—The person(s) interviewed that the information will be provided by the source within 20
should be asked to be as specific as reasonably feasible in calendar days of receiving a written, telephone, or in-person
answering questions. The person(s) interviewed should be request at no more than a nominal cost intended to cover the
asked to answer in good faith and to the extent of their source’s cost of retrieving and duplicating the information.
knowledge. Information that can only be reviewed by a visit to the source
9.4.3 Incomplete Answers—While the Consultant conduct- is reasonably ascertainable if the visit is permitted by the
ing the interview(s) has an obligation to ask questions, in many source within 20 days of request.
instances the persons to whom the questions are addressed will 10.1.3 Coordination—If records are not reasonably ascer-
only be able to answer specific questions to the best of their tainable, the Consultant shall attempt to obtain the requested
knowledge. If the person being interviewed does not provide information from other sources as determined by the user and
answers or provides only partial answers to specific questions, Consultant. If the information is not available to conduct the
this section of the BEPA shall not be deemed incomplete, BEPA described in this practice, the Consultant shall notify the
provided that sufficient information has been collected to allow user and determine what further action, if any, is appropriate.
the Consultant to complete the BEPA. 10.2 Building Characteristics Data—The Consultant shall
10. Records Collection collect from the user or building owner, operator, or key site
manager or other knowledgeable party the following informa-
10.1 Objective—The purpose of records collection is to tion:
obtain and compile utility and other such records that will help 10.2.1 Building name and address;
identify: (1) historical energy use over the previous three years,
10.2.2 Building type and category (see sample checklist in
with a minimum of one year, or back to the last major building
Appendix X7);
renovation (if completed less than three years ago); (2) the
10.2.3 Building description, including, at the minimum,
range of building energy use and cost under average, upper
building construction, whether or not alternative energy
limit and lower limit scenarios as defined in this practice; (3)
sources (such as solar or wind) are used at the building, the
pro forma building energy use and pro forma building energy
number of floors, number of electric meters and areas covered,
cost; and (4) appropriate reporting of building energy use and
percent of floor area that is air conditioned, percent of floor
cost information to the user or other user-designated parties.
area that is heated, approximate number of occupants in the
10.1.1 Accuracy and Completeness—Accuracy and com-
building, weekly operating hours and description of tenants;
pleteness of record information varies among information
sources, including governmental and utility sources. Record 10.2.4 Description of parking area including, at the mini-
information may be inaccurate or incomplete. The user or mum, gross square footage, number of parking spaces, whether
Consultant is not obligated to identify mistakes or insufficien- the parking is indoor (enclosed) or outdoor (unenclosed with a
cies in the information provided. However, the Consultant roof) or open (no roof or structure), whether or not the parking
reviewing records shall make a reasonable effort to compensate area is attached to the building, if the parking area is individu-
for mistakes or insufficiencies in the information reviewed that ally metered for electricity use (for example, for lighting or
are obvious in light of the Consultant’s experience or other ventilation or both);
information of which the Consultant has actual knowledge or If electricity use associated with a parking area for
both. a building is not separately metered and the building’s EUI will
10.1.2 Reasonably Ascertainable Data—Availability of be compared to other similar buildings (not a part of the BEPA
record information varies among information sources, includ- scope of work in this practice), the Consultant should estimate
ing governmental and utility sources. The user or Consultant is the electricity use of the parking area.
not obligated to identify, obtain, or review every possible 10.2.5 Building gross floor area in square feet;
record that might exist with respect to a building. Instead, the 10.2.6 Year of construction, and applicable energy code at
user or Consultant is required to review only record informa- the time of construction, if readily available;
tion that is reasonably ascertainable. Record information that 10.2.7 Completion date of the last major renovation, and
is reasonably ascertainable means: (1) information that is applicable energy code at the time of renovation if readily
readily available; (2) information that is practically review- available;
able; and (3) information that is obtainable from its source 10.2.8 Monthly occupancy (or vacancy) rate going back
within reasonable time and cost constraints. three years (or to the last major renovation (if less than 3 years Readily Available—Information or records that are ago), with one year minimum);
easily and promptly provided by a source to the individual 10.2.9 Monthly operating hours going back three years (or
making a request through an appropriate inquiry and without to the last major renovation (if less than 3 years ago), with one
the need to research archive files. year minimum);
E2797 – 11
10.2.10 Previous energy audit reports, if readily available; building energy cost; and (4) appropriate reporting of building
10.2.11 Building energy labeling, rating and certification energy use and cost information to the user or other user-
reports or sustainability certification reports, if readily avail- designated parties.
able. 11.2 Consistent Reporting of Energy Use Data—Building
10.3 Building Historical Energy Use—The Consultant shall energy use data shall be analyzed on a monthly average basis
collect from the user, building owner, operator, or key site normalized for the calendar month. If data is reported for a
manager or other knowledgeable party (such as the local utility non-calendar month period (such as for two partial months),
or energy provider) the following information over a three- the data shall be converted to a calendar month basis. This shall
year time period, or to the last major renovation (if completed be accomplished by determining average daily usage during
less than 3 years ago), with a minimum period of one year: each partial month covered, and summing the daily average
10.3.1 Electricity Use: usage over the number of days in the calendar month. If raw Utility name, fuel such as fuel oil, propane or coal, is delivered to a facility, Electricity use (kWh), energy use shall be estimated by the Consultant based upon the Peak electricity demand (maximum kW demand actual use between successive deliveries. Estimated monthly
for each month of a twelve-month period), and use for raw fuel may then be determined by pro-rating actual On-site electricity generation (kWh) and method, use between successive deliveries by an appropriate metric
for example, from on-site solar panels. such as the HDD if the fuel is used for heating.
10.3.2 On-site Fuel for Heating or Cooling: 11.3 Building Energy Use Metrics—Building energy use Fuel type(s), including renewable energy; metrics shall be determined on an annual basis. When the Utility or provider name(s); and metric is normalized by the gross floor area, this assumes that Fuel usage. the gross floor area did not vary over the time period
10.3.3 District Steam, Hot Water, or Chilled Water: associated with the analysis. If a parking lot is associated with Type, the building on which the BEPA is conducted, the energy use District system provider, and associated with this parking lot (such as, for example, the Usage. energy use associated with lighting in the parking lot) is
10.3.4 Cost Data: included in the building energy use and EUI analysis. Purchased total annual electricity cost, 11.3.1 Determine electricity consumption in kWh/yr, kBtu/ Purchased total electricity cost per kWh, yr, kWh/SF-yr, and kBtu/SF-yr, with a brief description of the On-site total annual fuel usage cost, major electrical use components (for example, air conditioning, On-site total annual cost per unit of fuel used, lighting, computers, data center, and so forth). The conversion Total annual cost of district steam, hot water or factor for electricity to Btu is 3414.4 Btu/kWh or 3.4144
chilled water, and kBtu/kWh. Total annual cost per unit of district steam, hot 11.3.2 Determine on-site fuel usage in kBtu/yr and kBtu/
water, or chilled water. SF-yr, with a description of on-site fuel use. Heating values of
10.4 Weather Data—Weather data representative of the area fuels reported on utility bills are typically adjusted for deliv-
where the building is located (for example, at the nearest ered heat content, elevation, and temperature, so additional
weather station) shall be collected, including: corrections are not needed. If fuel content values are not
10.4.1 Monthly HDD back three years or to the last major available from the local utility, they may be estimated using the
renovation of the building (if completed less than 3 years ago), higher heating values in Table 1. If the building is located at
with a minimum period of twelve consecutive months. greater than 2000 ft (610 m) above mean sea level, gas heating
10.4.2 Monthly CDD back three years or to the last major values should be adjusted for elevation as follows:
renovation of the building (if completed less than 3 years ago),
with a minimum period of twelve consecutive months.
TABLE 1 Higher Heating Values (HHV) of Common FuelsA
10.5 Documentation of Sources Checked—The report shall
Fuel HHV
document each source that was used, for example, utility bill,
installed meter, estimate, and so forth. Supporting documenta- Fuel Oil
#1 135,000 Btu/U.S. gallon
tion shall be included in the report or adequately referenced to #2 139,000 Btu/U.S. gallon
facilitate reconstruction of the assessment by a Consultant #4 146,000 Btu/U.S. gallon
other than the Consultant who conducted it. #5 Light 148,000 Btu/U.S. gallon
#5 Heavy 150,000 Btu/U.S. gallon
#6 154,000 Btu/U.S. gallon
11. Records Review and Analysis Natural Gas 1,030 Btu/Std. Cu. Ft. (14.7 psia, 60°F)
11.1 Objective—The purpose of records review and analysis (1 therm = 100,000 Btu)
Propane 91,600 Btu/U.S. gallon
is to review and analyze records collected in Section 10 that Coal
will help identify: (1) historical building energy use over the Anthracite 12,700 Btu/lb
previous three years, with a minimum of one year, or back to Semianthracite 13,600 Btu/lb
Low-volatile Bituminous 14,350 Btu/lb
the last major building renovation (if completed less than three Medium-volatile Bituminous 14,000 Btu/lb
years ago); (2) the range of building energy use and cost under High-Volatile Bituminous 11,000 to 13,800 Btu/lb
average, upper limit and lower limit scenarios as defined in this Subbituminous 8,500 to 9,000 Btu/lb
practice; (3) pro forma building energy use and pro forma A
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 105-2007
E2797 – 11
Ea 5 ~Eu!~Fa! squares regression. This basic form of multiple linear regres-
Fa 5 ~Patm 1 Pmeter!/14.7 sion allows for analysis of a dependent variable (that is,
building energy use in kBtu/SF-month), as a function of
where: various independent variables or characteristics that can vary
Ea = adjusted gas heating value, monthly (for example, heating degree days, cooling degree
Eu = unadjusted gas heating value, days, building occupancy, building operating hours, and so
Fa = multiplication factor for elevation, forth). The linear regression will yield an equation of the form:
Patm = (14.7)(1 – 6.8754 3 10-6A)5.2559 psig,
Pmeter = meter pressure in psig (if not known, assume 0.22 Monthly Site Energy Use ~kBtu/SF! 5
psig), and C0 1 C1*Characteristic1 1 C2*Characteristic2 1 ...Cn*Characteristicn
A = elevation above mean sea level, feet.
where C0 represents a constant with the other C values For example, buildings at 2,000- to 4,000-ft (610- representing equation coefficients. Characteristic1 may be the
to 1,219-m) elevation will have an adjusted gas heating value actual monthly average HDD, for example, and Characteristic2
approximately 92 % of the value in Table 1, and buildings at the actual monthly average CDD, Characteristic3 the actual
4,000- to 5,000-ft (1,219- to 1,524-m) elevation will have an monthly average vacancy level (%), and so forth. Assuming
adjusted gas heating value approximately 86 % of the value in that three 3 years of monthly data are available and collected,
Table 1. there will be 36 sets of data points for the regression analysis.
11.3.3 Delivered energy from district systems (steam, hot The consultant also has the option of conducting a more
water, and/or chilled water) in kBtu/yr and kBtu/SF-yr, with a advanced regression analysis (such as, for example, a polyno-
description of delivered district energy. mial regression) if the ordinary least squares regression is
11.3.4 Energy generated on-site by alternative energy sys- judged unable to provide an acceptable fit. Most statistics
tems (such as solar voltaic) in kWh/yr, kBtu/yr, kWh/SF-yr, packages available today include the capability to conduct
and kBtu/SF-yr, with a description of the alternative energy multiple linear regressions. The end result will be the build-
system and its operation. ing’s total monthly energy use equation.
11.3.5 Total Energy Use (as determined in 11.3.1 through Treatment of Independent Variables that do not
11.3.4) in kBtu/yr and kBtu/SF-yr. If an alternative energy vary over the Time Period Considered—If an independent
system is used to satisfy a portion of total energy demand, total variable such as occupancy or building hours of operation does
energy use shall be identified with and without the contribution not vary over the time period considered, it is not necessary to
of said alternative energy system. include it in the regression analysis. For example, if building
11.4 Building Energy Use and Cost Range—Historical vacancy rate (or occupancy rate) does not vary over the time
building energy use and costs may not be indicative of current period associated with the analysis, then the building energy
energy use and costs based upon the manner in which the use equation should not include it as an independent variable.
building is operated at the time of the real estate transaction Building energy use metrics developed in accordance with this
and the prevailing utility/energy rates at that time. Moreover, practice shall specify any non-varying independent variable
external factors such as unusual weather conditions may have and disclose such in the findings section of the report.
also impacted historical energy use. Energy cost information is Statistical Analysis of Independent Variables:
a relatively significant building expense line item and impacts
a building’s net operating income (NOI). The building’s total (1) Historical weather data, including monthly HDD and
energy use shall be estimated for a reasonable lower limit, CDD data that is most applicable to the location of the
reasonable upper limit, and average case conditions using the building, shall be obtained for a minimum 10-year period.
building energy use equation calculation procedure (see sub- HDD and CDD data shall be statistically analyzed by month to
section 11.4.1) or any other manner in which the Consultant identify the monthly average, the 25th percentile for the month
conducting the BEPA decides may be appropriate (for example, and the 75th percentile for the month.
by analysis and extrapolation of the historical data or the (2) Assuming occupancy (or vacancy) data varied over the
trailing twelve-months data). time period in which it was collected, such historical occu-
11.4.1 Building Energy Use Equation—The building energy pancy (or vacancy) data shall be statistically analyzed to
use equation relates the dependent variable, total site energy determine the average occupancy level over the time period,
use, including use of electricity and on-site fuel/district energy, and the 75th and 25th percentile occupancy levels.
to independent variables whose variability is known to impact (3) Assuming building operating hours varied over the time
significantly building energy use. Independent variables may, period in which it was collected, such historical operating
for example, include weather conditions (HDD and CDD), hours data shall be statistically analyzed to determine the
operating hours for the building, occupancy (or vacancy) rate, average over the time period and the 25th and 75th percentile
and number of occupants. Independent variables may also values.
include any other variable(s) judged to have a significant (4) Any other independent variables deemed available (for
influence on building energy use and deemed by the BEPA the full time period over which the investigation is being
Consultant to be available, appropriate, and relevant for the conducted), appropriate, and relevant for the analysis by the
analysis. Consultant shall be analyzed statistically in a similar fashion. Calculation Procedure—The building energy use Determine Building Energy Use and EUI Range—
equation can be determined using a weighted ordinary least Using the building energy use equation developed in
E2797 – 11
and the independent variables included in, building sponsored energy efficiency grant and incentive programs that
energy use and EUI shall be determined under the following would likely be available for any energy efficiency improve-
scenarios: ments that might be installed at the building can be identified.
(1) Average case scenario—Monthly kBtu and kBtu/SF are Such information may be helpful to a user considering instal-
determined using the monthly average for the independent lation of such measures in the future. In the United States, a
variables in the building energy use equation and then summed search of the DSIRE database ( or
up to determine the average annual site energy use in kBtu/yr similar such local databases as may be available may satisfy
and EUI in kBtu/SF-yr. such a request (see Appendix X3).
(2) Upper-limit scenario—Monthly kBtu and kBtu/SF are
12. Evaluation and Report Preparation
determined using the monthly 75th percentile for the indepen-
dent variables in the building energy use equation and then 12.1 Report Format—The report for the BEPA shall gener-
summed up to determine the upper limit annual site energy use ally follow the recommended report format attached as Appen-
in kBtu/yr and EUI in kBtu/SF-yr. dix X6 unless otherwise required by the user.
(3) Lower-limit scenario—Monthly kBtu and kBtu/SF is 12.2 Documentation—The findings, opinions and conclu-
determined using the monthly 25th percentile for the HDD, sions in the BEPA report shall be supported by documentation.
CDD and all other independent variables (determined relevant If the Consultant has chosen to exclude certain documentation
and appropriate by the consultant conducting the BEPA) in the from the report, the Consultant shall identify in the report the
building energy use equation and then summed up to determine reasons for doing so (for example, a confidentiality agreement).
the lower limit annual site energy use in kBtu/yr and EUI in Supporting documentation shall be included in the report or
kBtu/SF-yr. adequately referenced to facilitate reconstruction of the BEPA
by a Consultant other than the Consultant who conducted it.
(4) Building energy use range shall be the average (see
12.3 Contents of Report—The report shall include those, with the deviation (plus or minus) determined by
matters required to be included in the report pursuant to
the lower limit (see and upper limit scenarios (see
various provisions of this practice. The report shall also
identify the Consultant and the person(s) who conducted the Determine Building Energy Cost Multiplier—The
site visit, interviews, and analysis. In addition, the report shall
building energy cost multiplier is obtained by dividing the
state whether the user reported to the Consultant any informa-
actual trailing 12 month cost ($) associated with each energy
tion pursuant to the user’s responsibilities described in Section
source used at the building by the associated energy use of the
6 of this practice.
source (kBtu), and then summing these values to get the total
12.4 Scope of Services—The report shall describe all ser-
trailing 12 month building energy cost (in units of $/kBtu). The
vices performed in sufficient detail to permit another party to
total trailing 12 month building energy cost multiplier is then
reconstruct the work performed.
multiplied by the appropriate energy use (kBtu/yr) to obtain the
12.5 Findings—The report shall have a findings section that
energy cost ($/yr).
provides: Determine Building Energy Cost Range—Multiply 12.5.1 Historical Energy Use over the Previous Three Years,
the building energy cost multiplier by the upper limit energy with a Minimum of One Year, or back to the Building’s Last
use (see subsection, the lower limit energy use (see Major Renovation (if Completed less than Three Years Ago):
subsection and the average energy use (see sub- Monthly actual site energy use (electricity, fuel,
section to obtain an average case, upper limit, and and so forth);
lower limit total energy cost range. Monthly actual energy cost information (electricity,
11.5 Pro-Forma Building Energy Use—Pro forma building fuel, and so forth);
energy use shall be determined using either: (1) the trailing Average monthly weather data (that is, HDD and
twelve months of energy use data if the independent variables CDD);
are within 15 % of the averages; or (2) the average case Average monthly occupancy or vacancy rates;
scenario for annual site energy use intensity (see Average monthly building operating hours;
Pro forma building energy use is considered representative of Other available and deemed available, appropriate
total annual building energy use at the time of the commercial and relevant monthly data as determined by the Consultant;
real estate transaction. Annual electricity consumption (absolute kWh and
11.6 Pro-Forma Building Energy Cost—Pro forma building kWh/SF) for each twelve-month period analyzed and annual
energy cost shall be based on the average energy use as average over the complete period of time analyzed;
determined in subsection multiplied by the building Annual electricity cost (absolute cost and cost/SF)
energy cost multiplier (see subsection Pro forma for each twelve-month period analyzed and annual average
building energy cost is considered representative of average over the complete period of time analyzed;
annual building energy cost at the time of the commercial real Annual non-electricity energy use (kBtu and kBtu/
estate transaction. SF) for each twelve-month period analyzed and annual average
11.7 An illustrative example of the calculation procedure is over the complete period of time analyzed;
provided in Appendix X11. Annual non-electricity energy cost (cost and cost/
11.8 Government/Utility Company Grant/Incentive SF) for each twelve-month period analyzed and annual average
Programs—At the option of the user, government- and utility- over the complete period of time analyzed;
E2797 – 11 Annual total energy use (total energy use in kBtu Consultant in any particular transaction. An example of one
and EUI in kBtu/SF) for each twelve-month period analyzed such statement is provided in subsection 12.8.1.
and annual average over the complete period of time analyzed; 12.8.1 “We have performed a BEPA in conformance with
and the scope and limitations of Practice E2797 – 11 of [insert Trailing 12 months total energy cost ($/kBtu/yr). address or legal description], the building. Building energy use
12.5.2 Range of Building Energy Use under Lower-Limit, information at any point in time can exhibit considerable
Upper-Limit, and Average Scenarios: variability, depending upon, for example, weather conditions, Statistical analysis results for monthly HDD and the occupancy level, building operating hours and tenant
CDD data over minimum 10-year period: average, 25th per- behavior. As such the BEPA analysis reflects efforts to provide
centile and 75th percentile for each month; reasonable estimations of energy use based upon reasonably Statistical analysis results for monthly occupancy/ ascertainable data. Building energy use information should
vacancy rate data (assuming variability): average, 25th and always be evaluated within the context in which it was
75th percentile for each month; collected and building energy use numbers should not be used Statistical analysis results for monthly building without conveying this context.”
operating hours data (assuming variability): average, 25th and 12.8.2 Any exceptions to, or deletions from this practice
75th percentile for each month; shall be described in the report. Statistical analysis results for other varying 12.9 Additional Services—Any additional services con-
monthly building data deemed available, appropriate and tracted for between the user and the Consultant, including a
relevant for the analysis by the Consultant: average, 25th and broader scope of assessment, such as peer building benchmark-
75th percentile for each month; ing analysis and recommendations for the implementation of Average annual site energy use (in kBtu/yr) and specific no-cost/low-cost (see Appendix X10) or other energy
EUI (in kBtu/SF-yr) using the monthly average for the inde- saving measures, along with associated investment analysis
pendent variables; such as return on investment (ROI) and payback time calcula- Upper-limit annual site energy use (in kBtu/yr) and tions, are beyond the scope of this practice, and shall only be
EUI (in kBtu/SF-yr) using the monthly 75th percentile for the included in the report if so specified in the terms of engage-
independent variables; ment between the user and the Consultant. Lower-limit annual site energy use (in kBtu/yr) and 12.10 References—The report shall include a references
EUI (in kBTU/SF-yr) using the monthly 25th percentile for the section to identify published referenced sources relied upon in
independent variables. preparing the BEPA. Each referenced source shall be ad-
equately annotated to facilitate retrieval by another party.
12.5.3 Pro Forma Building Energy Use and Pro Forma
Building Energy Cost: 12.11 Signature—The Consultant(s) responsible for the Pro forma building energy use (in kBtu/yr) and BEPA shall sign the report.
EUI (in kBtu/SF-yr) and 12.12 Appendices—The report shall include an appendix Pro forma building energy cost (in $/yr and $/SF). section containing supporting documentation, the qualifica-
tions of the Consultant and the qualifications of the personnel
12.5.4 (At the user’s option) Major grants and incentives
conducting the site visit and interviews if conducted by
currently available from the government and local utility for
someone other than a Consultant.
measures to reduce the building’s energy use.
12.6 Appropriate Reporting—The information determined
13. Non-Scope Considerations
in subsection 12.5 shall be appropriately reported to the user or
other user-designated parties such that the user or user- 13.1 General:
designated parties are made aware of the variability and any 13.1.1 Additional Issues—There may be additional issues or
assumptions connected with the findings (see also subsection conditions at a building that parties may wish to assess in
12.7). Appropriate reporting shall mean reporting the findings connection with a commercial real estate transaction that are
including all assumptions and limitations to enable the user to outside the scope of this practice (the non-scope consider-
better understand the data and what precisely is being reported. ations). For example the user may wish to benchmark the
12.7 Assumptions and Data Gaps—The report shall identify building’s energy use against other similar buildings in the
and comment on significant assumptions and data gaps that area, identify select green building attributes that can impact
can materially affect the Consultant’s conclusions. building energy use or the building’s value or both conduct an
12.8 Conclusions—The report shall include a conclusions energy audit, provide recommendations for the implementation
section that summarizes the findings. The report shall include of specific no-cost/low-cost (see Appendix X10), or other
a statement outlining the Consultant’s conformance to the energy saving measures along with associated investment
requirements of this practice and reference the limitations analysis including return on investment (ROI) and payback
associated with building energy use information. Among the time.
limitations to be considered for inclusion are variability of 13.1.2 Outside Standard Practices—Whether or not a user
energy use information over time, the utilization of estimates in elects to inquire into non-scope considerations in connection
the absence of actual historic energy use information, and other with this practice or any other site assessments, no assessment
considerations unique to the scope of services performed by the of such non-scope considerations is required by this practice.
E2797 – 11
13.1.3 Other Protocols and Programs—There may be ad- (4) ASHRAE Level III Energy Use Analysis—Detailed
ditional protocols or programs for the assessment and bench- Analysis of Capital Intensive Modifications.
marking of building energy use in connection with a commer- Capital Markets Partnership (CMP) Green Build-
cial real estate transaction (see Appendix X2). Listed in ing Investment Underwriting Standard, Green Value Scorey.
subsections are several other protocols and EPA ENERGY STAR Building Labeling
programs that users may want to consider in connection with a Assessment—Statement of Energy Performance.
commercial real estate transaction or assessment of building Green Globes Continual Improvement Assessment
energy performance. for Existing Buildings. ASHRAE Standard 105-2007, Standard Methods U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED for Existing
of Measuring, Expressing and Comparing Building Energy Buildings: Operations & Maintenance.
Performance. 13.2 No implication is intended as to the relative impor- ASHRAE Performance Measurement Protocols for tance of inquiry into such non-scope considerations, and this
Commercial Buildings (2010). list of non-scope considerations is not intended to be all- ASHRAE Procedures for Commercial Building inclusive.
Energy Audits (2004):
(1) Preliminary Energy Use Analysis. 14. Keywords
(2) ASHRAE Level I Energy Use Analysis—Walk- 14.1 building energy performance assessment (BEPA);
Through Analysis. commercial real estate; energy; energy use; environmental site
(3) ASHRAE Level II Energy Use Analysis—Energy assessment (ESA); property condition assessment (PCA); real
Survey and Analysis. estate transaction
(Nonmandatory Information)
This practice is not intended to create any new legal obligation but rather to facilitate compliance
with applicable laws and regulations, if any, under a set of facts pertaining to a specific commercial
real estate transaction.
X1.1 The four generally used approaches incorporated into son of Commercial Building Energy Rating and Disclosure
existing statues and regulations where a BEPA could be a Mandates ( and Valuing Build-
commercially useful practice include: (1) transactional build- ing Energy Reporting and Policy Upgrades: A Roadmap for the
ing energy performance benchmarking and disclosure; (2) Northeast. The latter reference contains a review of regulatory
recurring building labeling; (3) mandatory auditing; and (4) activity involving building energy performance disclosure
green building and energy code compliance. Table X1.1 through November 2009 (the report may be accessed at:
contains a list of some such laws and regulations which
incorporate these approaches. This list is not intended to be NEEP_Report_Final_2009_11_17.pdf).
all-inclusive but merely representative of the types of regula-
tions in existence at the time of the drafting of this practice. It X1.3 Among the issues which users of this practice may
is incumbent on professionals conducting a BEPA to ascertain need to consider to comply with a legal or regulatory building
the most recent building energy performance disclosure regu- energy performance disclosure obligation are: (1) benchmark-
lations that may be applicable, if any, in the commercial real ing and the data collection process used; and (2) confidentiality
estate transaction. considerations amongst landlords, tenants and utility providers.
The following discussion addresses some of the specific
X1.2 Of the four general approaches noted in X1.1, where considerations which should be reviewed in these two areas.
users may find this practice to be applicable, the transactional X1.3.1 Benchmarking and the Data Collection Process—
building energy performance benchmarking and disclosure The regulations cited in X1.2 require both building energy use
approach has been adopted in several jurisdictions, including and building characteristic data collection as a means to
the State of California, the State of Washington, the District of disclosing required benchmarking information and other per-
Columbia, New York City, Seattle and Austin. Additional tinent building-related data to prospective purchasers, tenants,
information on these regulations and a review of the source lenders, as well as government agencies. Because any bench-
information used in developing Table X1.1, refer to Compari- marking system selected relies on these data in generating its
E2797 – 11
output, the validity of the data collection process directly characteristics. The normalization process in this practice is
impacts the integrity and usefulness of the benchmarking fully transparent and allows for inclusion of as many indepen-
system’s results. Utilization of this practice and adoption of the dent variables (that can materially impact building energy use
BEPA data gathering approach should serve to enhance the and whose data is readily available) as deemed appropriate and
integrity of the benchmarking process for all transactional applicable by the consultant conducting the BEPA.
stakeholders in a standardized, uniform and consistent manner. (5) Energy Use Intensity (EUI)—EUI is a key factor in
X1.3.1.1 Each of the six building energy performance determining the benchmarking rating for a building. Unlike
disclosure regulations identified in X1.2 reference ENERGY benchmarking programs that only determine a single EUI for a
STAR as an acceptable benchmarking system. Three of the six building, this practice determines both a single EUI for the
(Washington, New York City and Austin) provide for utiliza- building (the pro forma EUI) and also an EUI range under
tion of alternative benchmarking systems where, based on reasonable upper and lower limit scenarios. The challenges
building type and other characteristics, ENERGY STAR may associated with benchmarking and specifically how the data
not be applicable or optimal. Some of the alternative bench- collection process can impact benchmarking outcomes in a
marking systems which could be considered to assure compli- commercial real estate transaction is further discussed in a
ance with a specific regulation, subject to the characteristics of recent paper, The Formidable Challenges of Building Energy
a particular building and the requirements of the commercial Performance Benchmarking, which may be accessed at http://
real estate transaction participants, are identified in Appendix
X2. Appendix X7 includes a list of building characteristics that 10.pdf
potentially can impact building energy use and that may be X1.3.2 Confidentiality Considerations—Disclosure of en-
considered in utilizing the most appropriate benchmarking ergy use information can potentially impact the value of real
system. In transactions where multiple benchmarking systems estate as well as trade secret and other proprietary rights
are being considered, an understanding of how the underlying associated with the occupants of a building and their activities
data collection process functions, given its fundamental impact therein. Accordingly, due care needs to be taken to assure that
on benchmarking calculations, should be reviewed in order to only those parties with rights to energy use information have
determine which benchmarking system may be most appli- access to it. Generally speaking, such information does not
cable. There are a number of factors that will influence the “run with the building” but rather with the “utility bill payer”.
choice of an optimal benchmarking system, including: Further, tenants often have directly metered energy use ar-
(1) Intent of Benchmarking System Design—The intended rangements with local utilities thus requiring that landlords
purpose of a benchmarking system envisioned at the time of its obtain consent from one or multiple tenants in order to obtain
creation will impact the underlying technical means by which all of the required information to fulfill disclosure obligations
it operates. This practice and its data collection process has to third parties including buyers, lenders, appraisers and others
been developed specifically to support regulatory disclosure who are utilizing this practice to conduct a BEPA in support of
and property due diligence which can have an impact on a a commercial real estate transaction.
business transaction. As such, this practice is focused on X1.3.2.1 The determination of who is an authorized party
consistency, transparency and reliability. needs to be carefully considered so as not to violate provisions
(2) Building Characteristics Information—The number and of lease agreements as between landlords, tenants and sub-
nature of the building characteristics used for benchmarking in tenants as well as loan documents between borrowers and
any benchmarking system can significantly impact the results lenders.
and the reliability of the system. This practice allows for the X1.3.2.2 Utilities are often specifically referenced within
collection of all important building characteristics that may the regulations as having obligations to provide historical
have a significant impact on energy use. energy use information to an authorized party and/or directly to
(3) Historical Energy Use Data Collection Period—The at least one designated benchmarking system as a means of
period of time over which energy use data is collected and facilitating compliance with the regulations. Utilities typically
analyzed in a benchmarking system can significantly impact maintain an official release authorization form which allows
the results due to anomalies over the short term. Many existing the building owner and/or other third party such as a tenant
benchmarking programs, for example, specify that energy use who is responsible for utility charges to have historical energy
data be collected over the prior twelve months. This practice use released to third parties.
collects energy use data over the prior three years or goes back X1.3.2.3 Complications can arise where a building has
to the last major renovation if it occurred less than 3 years ago, recently transacted and the new owner does not have authori-
thereby better able to compensate for short term anomalies. zation to obtain energy use history for a period prior to its
(4) Energy Use Data Normalizing Process—Normalizing ownership and/or based on continuing challenges to access of
energy use data to adjust for extraneous events can impact the such data controlled by tenants. Such considerations should be
results of a benchmarking system. The normalization process considered in the normal course of a commercial real estate
details (including the actual normalization calculation results) transaction closing so as to transfer all such authorization to
in many existing benchmarking programs, for example, are not subsequent owners. The New York City statute, for example,
readily apparent (or available) to a user and are generally based addresses this issue by requiring tenants to routinely report
on a limited number of independent variables, primarily energy use history to their landlord. The statute also requires
focused on building square feet, weather and limited building that owners maintain historic energy use information for a
E2797 – 11
period of no less than three years, often the period of time used information is available at the time of a commercial real estate
to develop an accurate picture of historic energy use. This transaction when a BEPA is being conducted in accordance
preservation of information can assist in assuring that such with this practice.
NOTE—This list is intended to illustrate the types of regulations currently in place at various levels of government as of June 1, 2010 and is by no means
exhaustive. Users of this practice should conduct localized due diligence to determine regulations in effect at the time of any particular transaction to
determine potential regulatory obligations.
Actual or
State City Description Internet Reference Source
1 California All January 1, In 2007, California adopted a law (AB 1103) which called for the cre-
2011 ation of a Non-Residential Building Energy Performance Rating Sys-
tem that utilizes a transactional reporting approached requiring the
provision of benchmarking information utilizing ENERGY STAR or an
alternative benchmarking systems under development to prospective
tenants, buyers and lenders.
It also requires, as of January 1, 2010, subject to final rulemaking
procedures now under way, that a nonresidential building owner or
operator report Portfolio Manager benchmarking data and ratings to
prospective parties as part of a whole-building transaction.
2 California All January 1, California Building Standards Commission unanimously adopted the
2011 first-in-the-nation mandatory Green Building Standards Code (CAL-
GREEN) requiring all new buildings in the state to be more energy
efficient and environmentally responsible. Taking effect on January 1,
2011, these comprehensive regulations will achieve major reductions
in greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and water use to
create a greener California. In addition to a focus on energy effi-
ciency including mandatory inspections of energy systems of non
residential buildings over 10,000 square feet, CALGREEN will re-
quire that every new building constructed in California reduce water
consumption by 20 percent, divert 50 percent of construction waste
from landfills and install low pollutant-emitting materials.
3 California Union City January 1, The Union City Council approved the introduction of its Green Build-
2010 ing Ordinance on August 25, 2009. The new ordinance is scheduled low%20income%20energy%20services.html
to take effect under the state’s 2008 Building Energy Efficiency Stan-
dards after January 1, 2010. The feasibility and energy cost-
effectiveness of permit applicants exceeding the 2008 Standards in
order to meet the minimum energy efficiency requirements of the
proposed ordinance has been researched and reviewed.
4 California Morgan Hill January 1, The City of Morgan Hill has researched and reviewed the feasibility
2010 and cost-effectiveness of building permit applicants exceeding the index.aspx?NID=174
2008 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24, Part 6) to meet
minimum energy-efficiency requirements of LEED and GreenPoint
Rated. On October 7, 2009 the Morgan Hill City Council unani-
5 California Richmond August 1, The City of Richmond City Council approved and adopted its Green
2009 Building Ordinance on April 7, 2009. The new ordinance is sched- index.aspx?NID=1816
uled to take effect on August 1, 2009. Gabel Associates has re-
searched and reviewed the feasibility and energy cost- effectiveness
of permit applicants exceeding the state’s 2008 Building Energy Effi-
ciency Standards in order to meet the minimum energy efficiency
requirements of the proposed ordinance.
E2797 – 11
7 California Chula Vista November 5, The City of Chula Vista City Council approved the first reading of its
2009 energy ordinance on October 20, 2009 (“An Ordinance of the City of Services/Development
Chula Vista Amending Chapter 15.26 of the Chula Vista Municipal Services/Planning Building/
Code and Adding Section 15.26.030, Increased Energy Efficiency SustainabilityCenter/GrBuildStnd/defaultasp
8 California Santa Clara August 1, The County of Santa Clara City Board of Supervisors approved and
2009 adopted its Green Building Ordinance on June 6, 2009. This is a categories/buildGreen.aspx
new ordinance which is scheduled to take effect on or soon after
August 1, 2009. Gabel Associates has researched and reviewed the
feasibility and energy cost-effectiveness of permit applicants exceed-
ing the state’s 2008 Building Energy Efficiency Standards in order to
meet the minimum energy efficiency requirements of the proposed
9 California San Jose September 8, The City of San Jose City Council approved and adopted its Green
2009 Building Ordinance on June 23, 2009. This is a new ordinance which buildings/gbcodtoc.shtml
is scheduled to take effect on September 8, 2009. Gabel Associates
has researched and reviewed the feasibility and energy cost-
effectiveness of permit applicants exceeding the state’s 2008 Build-
ing Energy Efficiency Standards in order to meet the minimum en-
ergy efficiency requirements of the proposed ordinance.
10 California Sonoma January 1, The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors approved its Green Build-
2010 ing Ordinance on July 21, 2009. This is a new ordinance which is default.aspx?PageId=442
scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2010. Gabel Associates has
researched and reviewed the feasibility and energy cost- effective-
ness of permit applicants exceeding the state’s 2008 Building En-
ergy Efficiency Standards in order to meet the minimum energy effi-
ciency requirements of the proposed ordinance.
11 California Hayward July 29, 2009 The City of Hayward is proposing to adopt various enumerated
changes and modifications to the California Building Standards Code climate-action-plan-takes-shape
(“Code”), as set forth in Section 3 below. Health and Safety Code
Sections 17958, 17958.5 and 17958.7 permit cities and counties to
make such changes or modifications in the Code as they determine
are reasonably necessary because of 9local climatic, geological, or
topographical conditions9. The City Council does hereby find and
declare that the changes or modifications are reasonably necessary
because of local climatic, geological, or topographical conditions in
accordance with Health and Safety Code Sections 17958.5 and
12 California San July 15, 2009 The City and County of San Francisco approved and adopted its
Francisco Green Building Ordinance on August 4, 2008 which was approved topics.html?ti=19
by the California Energy Commission on September 24, 2008; and
became effective on November 3, 2008. This application to the En-
ergy Commission is in support of a Resolution approved by the City
and County of San Francisco, and signed by the Mayor, on May
15th , 2009. The Resolution effectively revises the original ordinance
only by referencing the 2008 Building Energy Efficiency Standards
which take effect on August 1, 2009. A copy of the Resolution and
the original Ordinance are included in Section 4 of this document.
13 Colorado Denver October 24, Executive Order 123, also known as Greenprint Denver, requires
2007 new construction and major renovations of existing and future city- executive-order-123/
owned and operated buildings to be Designed to Earn the ENERGY
STAR and benchmarked in EPA’s Portfolio Manager.
E2797 – 11
15 District of January 1, The Clean and Affordable Energy Act of 2008 requires that, begin-
Columbia 2010 ning in 2010, eligible privately-owned commercial buildings be images/00001/20080819161530.pdf
benchmarked using Portfolio Manager on an annual basis, with re-
sults to be published on a publicly available online database. Energy
efficiency for new
nonresidential construction greater than 50,000 SF must be esti-
mated using ENERGY STAR Target Finder.
16 Hawaii All By December 31, 2010, under House Bill 1464, each state depart-
ment with responsibilities for the design and construction of public bills/HB1464_CD1_.htm
buildings and facilities will benchmark every existing public building
that is either larger than 5,000 square feet or uses more than 8,000
kilowatt-hours of electricity or energy per year, using EPA’s Portfolio
Manager or an equivalent tool. The energy resources coordinator
shall provide training to affected departments on Portfolio Manager.
17 Michigan All Executive Order 2005-4 requires the Department of Management,1607,7-168-
and Budget to establish an energy efficiency target for all state build- 21975_22515-116177--,00.html
ings managed by a department or agency within the Executive
Branch of state government. It requires that all state buildings occu-
pied by state employees be benchmarked using EPA’s Portfolio
18 New Albuquerque June 27, The Albuquerque Green Path program encourages and facilitates
Mexico 2005 voluntary design and construction of energy-efficient buildings that goals/green-building
meet measurable criteria, which includes earning Designed to Earn
the ENERGY STAR through EPA’s Target Finder.
19 New York New York Jan. 1, 2013 NYC bill no. 967-A requires large commercial buildings to undergo
an energy audit and retrocommissioning once every 10 years. Initial Benchmark/Int%20967.pdf
compliance runs from 2013 to 2022. The bill was one of four bills
comprising the Greener, Greater Buildings Plan that passed the city
council on Dec. 9, 2009.
20 New York New York Jan. 1, 2025 NYC bill no. 564-A creates a local energy code based on the ICC’s
IECC that existing buildings and their systems and equipment must Benchmark/Int%20564.pdf
meet upon renovation. The new code closes a loophole that previ-
ously exempted many existing buildings from having to comply with
energy efficiency code requirements during renovation. The bill was
one of four bills comprising the Greener, Greater Buildings Plan that
passed the city council on Dec. 9, 2009.
21 New York New York May 1, 2010 NYC Bill 476-A requires public and private buildings in New York
City to track energy and water consumption using EPA’s Portfolio Benchmark/Int%20476.pdf
Manager. City buildings more than 10,000 square feet are required
to benchmark energy and water use starting in 2010, and private
buildings more than 50,000 square feet will be required to do so --``,`,,`,`,```````,,,,,,,`,,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
starting in 2011. Performance metrics for eligible buildings will be
published by the City on a publicly available online database begin-
ning in 2012. The bill was one of four bills comprising the Greener,
Greater Buildings Plan that passed the city council on Dec. 9, 2009.
22 Ohio All Executive Order 2007-02 establishes that the State of Ohio will use
EPA’s Portfolio Manager as the bench-marking tool for state-owned page.cfm?pageID=1137
facilities to establish building baselines and measure and track en-
ergy use and carbon emissions within the state.
23 Pennsylva- West Ches- A local borough ordinance requires new commercial construction to
nia ter be Designed to Earn the ENERGY STAR and benchmarked annually passes-energy-star-ordinance-for-private-
in EPA’s Portfolio Manager. commercial-construction/
E2797 – 11
25 Washing- Seattle April 1, 2011 CB 116731, Seattle’s Energy Reporting Ordinance, was unanimously
ton approved by the City Council on January 25, 2010. It expands on GreenBuilding/OurProgram/
the Washington state building energy rating mandate by 1) applying PublicPolicyInitiatives/default.asp http://
to multifamily buildings; 2) requiring benchmarking info be reported
to current tenants in a benchmarked building; and 3) requiring
benchmarking data be reported to the city of Seattle
26 Washing- All July 1, 2010 SB 5854 - 2009-10 requires qualifying utilities to maintain records of
ton energy data of all nonresidential customers and qualifying public 2009-10/Pdf/Bills/Session%20Law%202009/
agency buildings in a format compatible with EPA’s Portfolio Man- 5854-S2.SL.pdf
ager. The State will use Portfolio Manager for state-owned facilities
and make resulting energy performance metrics publicly available.
Beginning in 2010, eligible privately-owned commercial buildings are
required to be benchmarked using Portfolio Manager and resulting
metrics will be reported to a prospective buyer, lessee, or lender. For
new construction, the WA Department of Community, Trade, and
Economic Development must determine the appropriate methodol-
ogy to measure achievement of state energy code targets using
EPA’s Target Finder or equivalent methodology.
X2.1 A building energy performance labeling program X2.2 Additional information on building labeling, rating
provides the general public, building owners and tenants, and certification programs may be found on the web. Some of
prospective owners and tenants, and building operations and these programs are identified below.
maintenance staff with information on potential and actual X2.2.1 ASHRAE Building Energy Quotient (EQ) Program
energy use in buildings. This information is useful for a variety (
of reasons.
X2.2.2 Capital Markets Partnership (http://
X2.1.1 Building owners and operators can see how their
building compares to peer buildings to establish a measure of X2.2.3 U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR (http://
their potential for building energy performance improvement.
X2.1.2 Building owners can use the information provided to
X2.2.4 Green Globes Green Building Assessment and Rat-
differentiate their building from others to secure prospective
ing System (
buyers or tenants.
X2.1.3 Prospective buyers or tenants can gain insight into X2.2.5 U.S. Green Building Council LEED Program (http://
the value and potential long-term cost of building ownership.
X2.1.4 Operations and maintenance staff can use the results X2.2.6 Building Research Establishment Environmental
to improve decisions on maintenance activities and influence Assessment Method (BREEAM) (
building owners and managers to prioritize and pursue certain X2.2.7 International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Envi-
system upgrades to improve a building’s energy efficiency that ronment (iiSBE) (SBTool 07 to assess building performance)
demonstrate the greatest return on investment. (
E2797 – 11
X3.1 The addition of any kind of government or utility Through its programs and services, the N.C. Solar Center seeks
financial incentive to install technology that will improve to stabilize energy costs for consumers, stimulate local econo-
energy efficiency in a building will increase the return on mies, reduce dependence on foreign fuels, and mitigate the
investment. DSIRE is a comprehensive source of information environmental impacts associated with fossil fuels. Established
on federal, state, local, and utility incentives designed to in 1988, the N.C. Solar Center is operated by N.C. State
promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. Information University’s College of Engineering at North Carolina State
is updated as it becomes available, usually daily. DSIRE was University.
established in 1995 and is an ongoing project of the North
Carolina Solar Center and the Interstate Renewable Energy X3.2 There are two searchable databases: a renewable
Council (IREC) funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s energy database and an energy efficiency database. These
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), databases can be searched either by state or at the federal level.
primarily through the Office of Planning, Budget and Analysis Searches are organized into two categories: (1) financial
(PBA). The site is administered by the National Renewable incentives and (2) rules, regulations, and policies. Users can
Energy Laboratory (NREL), which is operated for DOE by the also search by technology type, implementing sector (for
Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. The N.C. Solar Center example, federal, state, utility) or eligible sector (for example,
serves as a clearinghouse for solar and other renewable energy commercial, residential). Searching by any of these criteria
programs, information, research, technical assistance, and provides a comprehensive list of applicable incentives and
training for the citizens of North Carolina and beyond. policies with links to each program summary.
X5.1 Certain information in subsections 10.2 and 10.3 of X5.2.3 The type of property transaction, for example, sale,
this practice, if available, may be provided to the Consultant purchase, exchange, lease, etc.;
selected to conduct the BEPA by the prospective purchaser of X5.2.4 The complete name and correct address of the
the property and the property owner or operator. This infor- property (a map or other documentation showing property
mation is intended to assist the Consultant in conducting the location and boundaries is helpful);
BEPA. It is to be understood, however, that the seller or the X5.2.5 The scope of services desired for the BEPA (includ-
seller’s representative is under no legal obligation to provide ing whether it is part of an E2018 PCA or E1527 ESA and
the information to the Consultant. whether it is to include any non-scope considerations);
X5.2.6 Identification of all parties who will rely on the
X5.2 Assuming the BEPA is being conducted for a prospec- BEPA report, such as a lender;
tive purchaser of a property (or other interested party), the X5.2.7 Identification of the key site contact and how the
following general information is appropriate to request: contact can be reached; and
X5.2.1 The reason why the BEPA is being requested (for X5.2.8 Any special terms and conditions (such as confiden-
example, for business reasons or to comply with an applicable tiality) which must be agreed upon by the Consultant.
X5.2.2 Current or planned use of the property; X5.3 It is also appropriate to collect the following specific
E2797 – 11
information from the property owner or operator, or property X5.3.11 Equipment operation and maintenance records, if
key site manager or other knowledgeable party (ASHRAE available.
Procedures for Commercial Building Energy Audits may be
used as a guide): X5.4 It is also appropriate for the Consultant to collect the
following building energy use and cost data from the user,
X5.3.1 Building type and category (refer to Appendix X7 building owner, operator, or key site manager or other knowl-
for a sample checklist); edgeable party (such as the local utility) over a three-year time
X5.3.2 Building description, including, at the minimum, period, or to the last major renovation (if less than 3 years ago),
building construction, whether or not renewable energy (such with a minimum period of one year:
as solar) is used at the building, number of floors, number of
X5.4.1 Electricity
electric meters and areas covered, percent of floor area that is
X5.4.1.1 Utility name
air conditioned, percent of floor area that is heated, approxi-
X5.4.1.2 Electricity consumption (kWh)
mate number of occupants in the building, weekly operating
X5.4.1.3 Peak electricity demand (maximum kW per month
hours and description of tenants;
for each month of a twelve-month period)
X5.3.3 Description of parking area including, at the mini-
X5.4.1.4 On-site electricity generation
mum, gross square footage, number of parking spaces, whether
X5.4.2 On-site fuel for heating or cooling
the parking is indoor (enclosed) or outdoor (unenclosed with a
X5.4.2.1 Fuel type(s), including renewable energy
roof) or open, whether or not the parking area is attached to the
X5.4.2.2 Utility or provider name(s)
building, if the parking area is individually metered for
X5.4.2.3 Fuel usage
electricity use (for example, for lighting or ventilation);
X5.4.3 District steam, hot water or chilled water
X5.3.4 Gross floor area in square feet; X5.4.3.1 Type
X5.3.5 Year of construction; X5.4.3.2 District system provider
X5.3.6 Completion date of last major renovation; X5.4.3.3 Usage
X5.3.7 Monthly occupancy going back three years (or to the X5.4.4 Cost Data
last major renovation (if less than 3 years ago), with one year X5.4.4.1 Purchased total annual electricity cost,
minimum); X5.4.4.2 Purchased total electricity cost per kWh,
X5.3.8 Monthly operating hours going back three years (or X5.4.4.3 On-site total annual fuel usage cost,
to the last major renovation (if less than 3 years ago), with one X5.4.4.4 On-site total annual cost per unit of fuel used,
year minimum); X5.4.4.5 Total annual cost of district steam, hot water or
X5.3.9 Previous energy audit reports, if available; chilled water, and
X5.3.10 Building energy labeling, rating and certification X5.4.4.6 Total annual cost per unit of district steam, hot
reports or sustainability certification reports, if available. water, or chilled water.
E2797 – 11
X6.2 Introduction:
X6.2.1 Purpose
X6.2.2 Scope-of-Work
X6.2.3 Assumptions
X6.2.4 Limitations and Exceptions
X6.2.5 Special Terms and Conditions
X6.2.6 Reliance
X6.8 References:
X6.11 Appendices:
X6.11.1 Site Map/Plan
X6.11.2 Site Photographs
X6.11.3 Records Documentation (historical utility/energy bills for
minimum of twelve months)
X6.11.4 Prior Building Energy Performance Reports
X6.11.5 Interview Documentation
X6.11.6 Special Contractual Conditions between User
and Consultant
E2797 – 11
M Class M AA
M Surroundings M Stand-alone
M Attached to another building on one side
M Attached to another building on two sides
M Attached to another building on three sides
M Attached underground parking garage
M Attached indoor above ground parking garage
M Attached outdoor parking garage
M Unattached indoor parking garage
M Unattached outdoor parking garage
M Outdoor open parking
M No parking
E2797 – 11
Property Type Categories Subcategories
M Retail Establishment M Location M Climate Zone
(from DOE Climate Zones 1–8)
M Type M Mall
M Open
M Enclosed
M Strip center
M Small Retail Store
M Box Store (Single Tenant)
M Other
M Surroundings M Stand-alone
M Attached to another building on one side
M Attached to another building on two sides
M Attached to another building on three sides
M Attached underground parking garage
M Attached indoor above ground parking garage
M Attached outdoor parking garage
M Unattached indoor parking garage
M Unattached outdoor parking garage
M Outdoor open parking
M Surroundings M Stand-alone
M Attached to another building on one side
M Attached to another building on two sides
M Attached to another building on three sides
M Attached underground parking garage
M Attached indoor above ground parking garage
M Attached outdoor parking garage
M Unattached indoor parking garage
M Unattached outdoor parking garage
M Outdoor open parking
E2797 – 11
Property Type Categories Subcategories
M Building Footprint M Rectangular
(SF = ) M Square
M Circular
M L-Shaped
M U-Shaped
M I-Shaped
M V-Shaped
M Other
M Access M Walk-up
M Elevator
E2797 – 11
Property Type Categories Subcategories
M Attached indoor parking garage
M Attached outdoor parking garage
M Unattached indoor parking garage
M Unattached outdoor parking garage
M Outdoor open parking
M No parking
M Surroundings M Stand-alone
M Attached to another building on one side
M Attached to another building on two sides
M Attached to another building on three sides
M Unattached outdoor parking garage
M Outdoor open parking
M No parking
M Other
Class A office buildings can be characterized as the highest quality buildings in their market, with excellent location and access, the ability to attract high-quality tenants,
and that are managed professionally. Building materials are high quality and these buildings command the highest rents in their market.
Class B office buildings have good (versus excellent) locations, management, and construction, and tenant standards are high, but they command rents that are
generally slightly lower than for Class A buildings. Class B buildings are generally a little older than Class A buildings.
Class C office buildings are typically lower quality buildings with the lowest rents in their market. They are often located in less desirable areas and in need of extensive
E2797 – 11
X8.1 This checklist is designed to facilitate information the responder’s knowledge, attaching supporting documenta-
collection by the prospective property purchaser (user) or tion where available. All previous green building labeling,
Consultant from the property owner or operator or key site ratings, certifications, and energy audit documentation should
manager, or other knowledgeable party to conduct the BEPA. also be attached.
The following information should be completed to the best of
3 Historical Documentation
Architectural/As Built Plans Title & Date of Document(s)
Historical Monthly Occupancy Records Title & Date of Document(s)
Historical Monthly Hours of Operation Records Title & Date of Document(s)
Historical Monthly Utility/Energy Use Records Title & Date of Document(s)
Historical Monthly Utility/Energy Cost Records Title & Date of Document(s)
Previous Energy Audit Records Title & Date of Document(s)
Energy Management Operating Plan Title & Date of Document(s)
Other Title & Date of Document(s)
Previous Green Building Labeling, Rating & Certification Records:
ASHRAE Building EQ Title & Date of Document(s)
CMP Green Value Score Title & Date of Document(s)
EPA ENERGY STAR Rating Title & Date of Document(s)
EPA ENERGY STAR Building Label Title & Date of Document(s)
Green Globes Rating Title & Date of Document(s)
USGBC LEED Certification – NC Title & Date of Document(s)
USGBC LEED Certification – CS Title & Date of Document(s)
USGBC LEED Certification – CI Title & Date of Document(s)
USGBC LEED Certification – EB Title & Date of Document(s)
USGBC LEED Certification – Retail Title & Date of Document(s)
USGBC LEED Certification – Other Title & Date of Document(s)
E2797 – 11
Weekly Building Operating Hours (tenant use)
Description of Tenant Types
Parking Space Information:
Open Parking Area – GSF not under roof
Non-Enclosed Area – GSF under roof but not enclosed
Enclosed/Garage Area – GSF under roof
Garage Floors Above Ground
Garage Floors Below Ground
Weekly Hours of Parking Area Access
Energy Use (Lighting, etc.)
Owner Observed on
Part 2 Detailed Technical Information Survey Notes
Disclosure Site Visit
E2797 – 11
Owner Observed on
Part 2 Detailed Technical Information Survey Notes
Disclosure Site Visit
E2797 – 11
Note—Appendix X9 is nonmandatory. It has been provided at the request of the commercial real
estate industry for informational purposes only. The U.S. EPA is the source of the majority of the
information included herein.
The methodology described in this Appendix can be used to estimate carbon emissions from a
building. Such carbon emissions represent the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent, CO2e (repre-
senting emissions of the combustion-related greenhouse gases (GHGs): carbon dioxide, methane, and
nitrous oxide) emitted annually to the atmosphere from the combustion of fossil fuels to produce heat
and power for the building. Total carbon dioxide equivalent is determined for both direct and indirect
emissions. Direct emissions result from the on-site combustion of fuels. Indirect emissions result from
off-site combustion of fuels at power plants that, for example, deliver electricity to the building. Source
energy use considers both direct and indirect emissions associated with a building. It represents the
total amount of raw fuel that is required to operate a building. For energy that may be delivered to
a building, that is, electricity, district steam, district hot water, or district cooling water, source energy
use considers transmission, delivery, and production losses.
If electricity or hot water is generated on site by alternative energy systems, for example, a solar
photovoltaic system or wind energy generator technology, such electricity or hot water is not included
in determining the building’s carbon emissions. If electricity generated on site exceeds the needs of the
facility and is sent off site to the local grid, the building’s carbon emissions are credited accordingly.
A building’s total GHG footprint also considers hydrofluorocarbon emissions from air-conditioning
and refrigeration units and perfluorocarbon and sulfur hexafluoride emissions typically associated
with certain types of industrial processes. Such emissions, however, typically are relatively insignifi-
cant in buildings associated with commercial real estate transactions compared to combustion-related
GHG emissions and are not included in the carbon emission methodology described below. The
building’s carbon emissions as determined below also do not include carbon emissions associated with
business-related air travel and automobile commuting by building occupants.
X9.1 Estimation of Building Carbon Emissions—Building district energy), the production, transmission and delivery
carbon emissions are determined using the building’s average losses.
source energy use. The building’s average source energy use
X9.1.1 Direct Carbon Emissions:
includes the building’s average site energy use (see subsection, including both direct energy used (for example, fuel X9.1.1.1 Direct energy used at the building is used to
oil or natural gas for heating) and indirect energy used (for determine the carbon emissions from on-site fuel usage.
example, electricity used for ventilation, air conditioning, X9.1.1.2 On-site direct energy used in MBtu/yr (million
lighting, office equipment, and so forth or purchased district Btu/yr) is multiplied by the kg CO2e/MBtu in Table X9.1.
energy), and, for delivered energy (including electricity and X9.1.2 Indirect Carbon Emissions:
E2797 – 11
TABLE X9.2 Indirect Carbon Emission Factors for Purchased ElectricityA
Electricity Grid by eGRID kg kg kg kg
Subregion (see map in Fig. X9.1) CO2/MBtu CH4/MBtu N2O/MBtu CO2e/MBtu
NEWE (New England) 123.32 0.0115 0.0023 124.2635
NYCW (New York City) 108.4 0.0048 0.0007 108.7274
NYLI (Long Island, NY) 204.29 0.0153 0.0024 205.3625
NYUP (Upstate NY) 95.82 0.0033 0.0015 96.3497
RFCE (Mid Atlantic) 151.42 0.004 0.0025 152.2779
SRVC (Virginia/Carolina) 150.86 0.0032 0.0026 151.7467
SRTV (Tennessee Valley) 200.79 0.0027 0.0034 201.903
SRMV (Lower Mississippi) 135.56 0.0032 0.0016 136.1089
SRSO (SE US, Gulf Coast) 198.01 0.0035 0.0034 199.1346
FRCC (Most of Florida) 175.28 0.0061 0.0023 176.1104
RFCM (Most of Michigan) 207.81 0.0045 0.0036 209.0288
RFCW (Ohio Valley) 204.43 0.0024 0.0034 205.5408
MROE (Eastern WI) 243.9 0.0037 0.004 245.2263
SRMW (Middle Mississippi) 243.34 0.0028 0.0041 244.6545
MROW (Upper Midwest) 242.19 0.0037 0.0041 243.5301
SPNO (KS-Western MO) 260.68 0.0032 0.0043 262.0664
SPSO (TX Panhandle-OK) 220.42 0.0033 0.003 221.4253
ERCT (Most of TX) 176.05 0.0025 0.002 176.7271
RMPA (CO-Eastern WY) 250.33 0.003 0.0038 251.5757
AZNM (Southwest US) 174.28 0.0023 0.0024 175.0721
NWPP (Northwest US) 119.94 0.0025 0.002 120.6066
CAMX (Southwest Coast) 96.26 0.004 0.0011 96.678
HIMS (HI excluding Oahu) 201.39 0.0418 0.0062 204.1968
HIOA (Oahu Island) 240.87 0.0146 0.0031 242.1535
AKMS (Most of Alaska) 66.32 0.0028 0.0005 66.5416
AKGD (So/Central Alaska) 163.82 0.0034 0.0009 164.1628
National Average 176.72 0.0036 0.0027 177.6415
U.S. EPA’s Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID), eGRID2008 Version 1.1 (updated January 29, 2009 with the complete release of year
2005 data). Data are organized to reflect the owner, operator, and electric grid configuration as of October 1, 2007.
X9.1.2.1 Electricity: (2) Contact the local utility to obtain the appropriate and
(1) Building average electricity use is used to determine the most up-to-date carbon emission factor based on the current
carbon emissions associated with electricity usage. Convert fuel mix. Alternately, select the greenhouse gas emission factor
annual kWh to annual MBtu using the conversion factor of (kg CO2e/MBtu) from Table X9.2 for the electricity grid
0.003 414 4 MBtu/kWh. (eGRID subregion) the property is located in (refer to Table
E2797 – 11
X9.3). An eGRID subregion represents a portion of the U.S. typically uses electric-driven chiller technology, the local
power grid that is contained within a single North America energy supplier may be contacted to confirm the chilled water
Electric Reliability Council (NERC) region that have similar production method.
emissions and resource mix characteristics and may be par- (3) The approximate kilograms of carbon emissions in
tially isolated by transmission constraints. As an estimation to CO2e to satisfy the building’s annual purchased district steam
account for line losses, multiply the emission factor by 1.0641. or hot water or chilled water demand will then be this emission
The approximate kilograms of greenhouse gas emissions in factor multiplied by the average energy use in annual MBtu.
CO2e to satisfy the building’s annual electricity demand will X9.1.3 Alternative Energy Sources—If there are no carbon
then be this emission factor multiplied by the building’s emissions resulting from the consumption of electricity pro-
average electricity use in annual MBtu. Table X9.2 uses data duced from alternative energy sources such as on-site photo-
based upon fuel mixes that existed at utilities in 2005. voltaic or wind generation resources, site electricity consump-
X9.1.2.2 District Systems: tion provided by such sources is multiplied by an emission
(1) Average energy use is used to determine the carbon factor of zero (0) kg CO2e/MBtu.
emissions from district system steam or hot water or chilled
water in MBtu. X9.2 Building Carbon Emissions—The sum of the kg CO2e
(2) Select the carbon emission factor (kg CO2e/MBtu) from emitted from each source is the total annual amount of
Table X9.3. These factors already take into account transmis- combustion-related carbon emissions associated with energy
sion losses. While the production of chilled water today use at the building. This represents a reasonable approximation
for the amount of carbon emissions that would have to be offset
for the building to be considered carbon neutral. (Before
acquiring offsets, all reasonable measures to reduce energy use
TABLE X9.3 Indirect Carbon Emission Factors (District Energy)A
(see Appendix X10) should be implemented in order to
Fuel Type
minimize the quantity of offsets that would need to be acquired
to be carbon neutral.) Carbon offsets may then be purchased
District Steam 78.95
District Hot Water 78.95 from any number of sources, including both for-profit and
District Chilled Water – Electric 0.238095*(Table X9.1 Emission Factor) nonprofit providers. When purchasing carbon offsets, providers
Driven Chiller should be carefully evaluated to verify their offsets are legiti-
District Chilled Water – Absorption 66.5
Chiller using Natural Gas mate and consistent with international standards. A prospective
District Chilled Water – Engine-Driven 44.33 purchaser may be interested in the estimated cost to be carbon
Chiller using Natural Gas
neutral to factor it into the real estate transaction. Up-to-date
Instructions for Form EIA-1605, Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases, costs to purchase carbon offsets offered by both for-profit and
Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy, October 15, 2007.
Appendix N: Emissions Benchmarks for Purchased Steam and Chilled/Hot Water. non-profit providers of carbon offsets may be found at http://
E2797 – 11
X10.1 Energy is a significant and growing cost for most X10.2.8 Temperature set points on thermostats should be set
businesses. A review of how energy is used in buildings and cooler in winter (for example, 68 to 70°F [20 to 21.1°C]) and
then targeting improvements in equipment and procedures can warmer in summer (for example, 74 to 76°F [23.3 to 24.4°C]).
lead to significant cost savings. Many criteria can be used in X10.2.9 Revise janitorial practices to reduce the hours that
the decision-making process. The most frequently considered lights are turned on each day (for example, the janitorial staff
are total costs, return on investment, ease of implementation, can “team clean” so they only use lights in one area at a time).
and the installation timeframe. Summarized in X10.2 and X10.2.10 Maintain HVAC equipment per manufacturer rec-
X10.3 are some of the more common no-cost or low-cost ommendations (for example, boiler tune-ups, regular cleaning
energy-saving measures for commercial buildings that should of filters and coils, making sure dampers are working prop-
E2797 – 11
Cooling Heating
Electricity Electricity Electricity Gas Gas Total Occupied Degree Degree Occupancy
Month Energy
kWh kWh/SF kBtu/SF kBtu kBtu/SF Rooms Rooms Days Days (OCC)
Jan-07 209,063 1 3.5 605,031 3 6.5 6851 3481 0 912 50.8
Feb-07 209,059 1 3.5 1,116,557 5.5 9 6188 3331 0 836 53.8
Mar-07 211,788 1 3.5 1,206,672 5.9 9.4 6851 5096 0 702 74.4
Apr-07 215,893 1.1 3.6 603,398 3 6.6 6630 3972 4 315 59.9
May-07 188,236 0.9 3.1 436,616 2.1 5.3 6851 4534 23 182 66.2
Jun-07 247,489 1.2 4.1 329,071 1.6 5.7 6630 4803 264 0 72.4
Jul-07 293,952 1.4 4.9 321,271 1.6 6.5 6851 4868 402 0 71.1
Aug-07 288,745 1.4 4.8 361,576 1.8 6.6 6851 4807 237 0 70.2
Sep-07 264,510 1.3 4.4 340,565 1.7 6.1 6630 4527 147 28 68.3
Oct-07 230,297 1.1 3.8 457,108 2.2 6.1 6851 5621 4 297 82
Nov-07 202,009 1 3.4 783,791 3.8 7.2 6630 4076 0 605 61.5
Dec-07 204,232 1 3.4 1,958,623 9.6 13 6851 3749 0 900 54.7|
Jan-08 220,128 1.1 3.7 2,150,152 10.5 14.2 6851 4180 0 912 61
Feb-08 192,715 0.9 3.2 1,386,945 6.8 10 6409 3921 0 875 61.2
Mar-08 241,852 1.2 4 901,886 4.4 8.5 6851 4616 0 702 67.4
Apr-08 123,768 0.6 2.1 348,168 1.7 3.8 6630 4367 4 315 65.9|
May-08 191,081 0.9 3.2 454,846 2.2 5.4 6851 4534 23 182 66.2
Jun-08 265,434 1.3 4.4 378,486 1.9 6.3 6630 4890 264 0 73.8
Jul-08 284,622 1.4 4.8 336,525 1.6 6.4 6851 4990 402 0 72.8
Aug-08 232,655 1.1 3.9 329,932 1.6 5.5 6851 4631 237 0 67.6|
Sep-08 213,467 1 3.6 349,605 1.7 5.3 6630 4052 147 28 61.1
Oct-08 183,086 0.9 3.1 496,835 2.4 5.5 6851 4775 4 316 69.7
Nov-08 183,086 0.9 3.1 795,166 3.9 7 6630 3779 0 589 57
Dec-08 252,642 1.2 4.2 916,968 4.5 8.7 6851 3463 0 875 50.5|
Jan-09 191,427 0.9 3.2 1,157,327 5.7 8.9 6851 3071 0 1175 44.8
Feb-09 177,314 0.9 3 1,134,097 5.6 8.5 6188 3216 0 815 52
Mar-09 194,777 1 3.3 871,427 4.3 7.5 6851 3699 0 726 54
Apr-09 178,294 0.9 3 484,487 2.4 5.4 6630 3405 36 350 51.4|
May-09 259,437 1.3 4.3 476,610 2.3 6.7 6851 3047 48 103 44.5
Jun-09 276,080 1.4 4.6 308,988 1.5 6.1 6630 3703 115 21 55.9
Jul-09 257,798 1.3 4.3 260,519 1.3 5.6 6851 3737 214 0 54.5
Aug-09 271,667 1.3 4.5 281,725 1.4 5.9 6851 3885 340 0 56.7|
Sep-09 216,471 1.1 3.6 378,662 1.9 5.5 6630 4184 73 46 63.1
Oct-09 203,892 1 3.4 401,887 2 5.4 6630 4072 2 313 61.4
Nov-09 185,397 0.9 3.1 653,441 3.2 6.3 6630 4110 2 589 62
Dec-09 185,662 0.9 3.1 755,540 3.7 6.8 6851 4316 0 903 63
E2797 – 11
X11.3 Determine actual Energy Use and EUI for time
period over which data was collected:
25th % 54.6
Mean 61.7
75th % 68.1
E2797 – 11
X11.7 Determine Building Energy Cost Range:
($0.0247/kBtu) = $442,130/yr
87.7 kBtu/SF-yr
$442,130 or $2.17/SF
E2797 – 11
X12.1 The following references may be useful for this X12.1.4 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, ENERGY
practice: STAR Performance Ratings: Methodology for Incorporating
X12.1.1 Deru, M. and Torcellini, P., Source Energy and Source Energy Use,
Emission Factors for Energy Use in Buildings, National
Renewable Energy Laboratory Report NREL/TP-550-38617, site_source.pdf.
2002. X12.1.5 U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Climate
X12.1.2 DSIRE Database of Federal, State, Local Govern- Leaders Program, Direct Emissions from Stationary Combus-
ment and Utility Incentives for Renewable Energy and Energy tion Sources, Appendix B, May 2008:
Efficiency (
X12.1.3 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2009 Pro- stationarycombustionguidance.pdf
fessional Engineer’s Guide to the ENERGY STAR Label for
Commercial Buildings,
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (