Power Sector Reforms: Developing Countries Perspectives: Like India

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Indrajit. N. Trivedi 'and Girish. J. Bhatt *

1. Yokohama National University, Japan 2.Gujarat Electricity Board, India

Since last few decades many developed and developing countries have tried the deregulation in different
sectors. For dcveloping countries like India ,the task of power sector unbundling becomes more critical due to large gap
between generation and peak demand, lack of resources, insufficient transmission network, less efficient distribution,
lack of impiementmg newer technology faster, uncertainty in revenue returns, heavy social diversity etc. On the other
side, in India telecom sector deregulation has been initiated and it has given positive signs till now. While experiment
of Orissa has failed in case of power sector deregulation. The problem more or less remains same for developing
countries. In this paper we have tried to discuss basic frame work and problems for initializing deregulation in power
sector and the necessity of creatlng regional and national data base . We have tried to show the information needed to
be compiled. Also,the need of effective reforms and restructuring process and new transition models for deregulation
has been identified in this paper.

Keywords :Power System Deregulation JPSD), Power Sector Restructuring (PSR), Basic Frame Work (BFW)

INTRODUCTION AND GLOBAL SCENARIO access to electricity. Most of those who have access do
not get uninterrupted reliabk supply. The industry in
In the global scenario, word " Deregulatfon "is not new India has among the highest tariffi in the world and is
now, Different countries has laid down pdicies not assured of the quality of supply. In this era of
directing towards deregulation in different fields like of globalization, it is essential that electricity of good
Engg., Telecom sector, Power sector etc., as it is need quality IS provided at reasonable rates for economic
of time. Power sector deregulation talks has been activity so that competitiveness increases. Being
started since last two decades in the connection internationally competitive is now essential for
different countries like USA, Germany, Australia, achieving the vision of 8% GDP growth per annum,
Newzeland , Argentina, Chile, Republic pf Guinea, employment generation and poverty alleviation.
Panama, Norway and Peru, has initiated the process. In 2. In recent years the financial health of SEBs has been
many cases, out comes are positive but every one is not deteriorating, There is a big gap between unit cost of
confirmed for future vision. supply and revenue and lhe annual losses of SEBs have
been increasing and have reached unsustainable levels
The process of deregulation in power sector is very (over Rs. 33,000 carores).
difficult and complex task, as it involves many agencies 3. Jn the last two Plan periods, h r e l y half of the
and its boundary touches to all most all. In many capacity addition planned was achieved. The optimistic
developed countries ,where, in spite of many positive expectations from the IPPs have not been fulfilled and
technical and other infrastructure, the success reached is in retrospect it appears that the approach of inviting
not satisfactory due to lack of proper mechanism, investments on the basis of government guarantees was
monitoring and decision making. perhaps not the best way. The energy as well as
peaking shortages acrms the counby is a matter of
concern and the situation would have been
INDIAN SCENARIO worse but for the slowdown in manufacturing sector.
4. The authcrities have set before the nation the goal of
The Government of India has brought out an integrated electrifying all our villages by 2007 and all our
bill, replacing the present Electricity acts. The households by 2012. Access is yet to be provided to
Electricity Bi11,2003 has been passed in parliament about 80,000 villages. Uninterrupted and reliable
June.,2@@3is drafted on the basis of wide ranging supply of electricity for 24 hours a day needs to become
consultation with stake holder and opinion makers in a reality for the whole camtry including rural areas.
the Electricity field. The bill contains salient features Enough generatvlg capacity need to be created to
pertaining to Generation, Transmission, Distribution outgrow the situation of energy and peaking shortages
and electricity market as well. and make the country free of power cuts with some
spare generating capacity so that the system is also
The Electricity Act, 2M3 Important facts and reliable. The sector is to be made financially healthy so
figures that the state government finances are not burdened by
1 .Power is today a basic human need. It is the critical the losses of h s sector. The sector should be able to
inftash-ucture on which modern economic activity is attract funds kom the capital markets without
fully dependent. Only 55% households in India have government support. The cansumer is paramount and

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he should be served well with good quality electricity at PROBLEMS FACED BY INDIAN POWER
reasonable rates. SECTOR FOR REFORMS
5. The objectives of the Act are “to consolidate the
laws relating to generation, hm”ssion, distribution, e Poor Private investment & poor financial
tradmg and use of electricity and generaliy for taking health of SEB’s.
measues conducive to development of electricity Different factors responsible for T & D losses.
industry, promoting competition therein, protecting c Electricity Gird & Grid Discipline.
interest of consumers and supply of electricity to all c Power exchange at intra regional and inter -
areas, rationalization of electricity tariff, ensuring regional level.
transparent policies regarding subsidies, promotion of c Power supply position i.e. Reliability &
efficient and environmentalIy benign policies, Quality of Power
constitution of Central Electricity Authority, Regulatory Will to reforms.
Commissions and establishment of Appellate Tribunal
Subsidy paymentsby the government.
and for matters connected therewith or incidental
Proper Metering Systems and Reliable Data
hdanagement skills and reduction of losses
Human resources developments and training.
NEED FOR BAISC FRAME WORKS Privatization methodology
Proper and impressive role of central and state
level regulation commissions.
For developing country like India, the necessary
changes to be made for deregulation is real complex
problem. One model policy can not work for all state
constituent as large financial. social , industrial and NEED MIR CREATING REGIONAL AND
natural diversities are in existence. One has to be very NATIONAL DATABASE
careful for designing sustainable path and process for
power sector reforms and restructuring for independent As country llke India, are real integration of difference
diversities and being geographically wide, there is
state. The practical difficulties and their solutions,
strong need of creating Regional and National Database
lessons iiom failure of reforms just like in case of
Orissa has to be learnt and care should be taken in
which can be used to reflect the past and present status
in different sub sectors. Both , technical and non-
implementing same model and methodology.The basic
technical matters should be inclusive in data base that
kame work includes setting process for plannmg,
setting 8; monitoring paths and directions for reforms can give real practical situations and solutions. There
and restrucnrring including sub-sector performance should be intra region, inter region data available . Mer
parameters and inclusion of competition at different linkmg of these data can give amazing results and out
come, Which, other wise can’t be known. Central and
levels finally leading to technical and consumers
benefit. Nodal agencies should be formed which can collect,
store, classify and integrate the data with dfferent
database, It can help a lot for &agnostic study for any
NECESSITY OF RESTURTNG AND REFORMS W region and setting and measuring performance
parameters in power sector which can be further utilized
in planning and operational stages.
The root cause of policy failure in the reforms
process in power sector, perhaps, i s the p m
financial state of the electncity Boards.
The lack of competition i n all sub sectors i.e. 1. Major problem encountered by different SEB’s
Generation ,Transmission ,Distribution. and utilities is of financing the reforms, payments of
Poor quality and reliability of supply subsidies, balance between cost realization and actual
The commercial losses of SEB’s shoot up to Rs. cost, tanff rationalization
33,000 Carore. currently which was nearly 5000 2. It is suggested that all SEWS, utilities and
carore in the early nineties. This is, however, due to government should come out with well defined vision
effective subsidy provided to agriculture and (long term & short term), clear balance sheet of SE3’s
domestic consumers and it was not compensated pertaining to Generation, Transmission ,Distribution
h o u g h cross subsidization and government with performance parameters.
subsidy payment to SEB’s. Revenue collection and 3. To achieve above, in consultation with
tariff structure needs immediate attention for I n d m developed countries and academic institutes clear
power sector statement of fiance, technical (Generation,
Transmission , Distribution), present and hme
planning should be prepared and should be made open
to public. This will help for private (NatimaI &


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Multinational) partners to know the real scene and 10.Grid operation and Grid management should be
future parmipation can be fixed up. given top importance looking to the possibilities of
4,Consolidated surveys should be carried aut for power open market structure and large participation of
quality and reliability issues in aI1 the three sub sectors different utilities in transmission and distribution of
i.e. Generation Transmission & Distribution. power . Gptlmal Power Dispatch with advance
5 Capacity addition target can be curtail down by instrumentation and SCADA, Energy Management
making consumer awareness, by making Systems ( EMS), Fast Restoration T e c h q u e s should
interconnection for interstate, inter grid and between be carried out. Role of ISO( Independent System
neighbouring nation and by tradlng power by these inter Operator) time bidding , Grid operation and security
connections. etc. should made precise and back bone regulatory and
6.Large possibilities are there for power trading within legal frame work should be done , In Power tradmg
nation for regional grids and between nation. By situations grid dwipline and maintenance of Load
establishg proper vision ,policy, mechanism and Frequency control are the prime topic to be considered,
r e g u l a t q rules, dfferent category tradmg is possible. for basic hame work
The issue should be well discussed before finalizing 1 l.hhjor power system models for deregulation
related policies and rules. includes
7,Augmentation of present transmission system should 1. Monopoly at all level ( Adopted by Frame and
be carried out, proper actions should be taken out for many Asian countries).
hlly utilization of existing transmission network by 2. Single buyer- wholesale purchase agency (
replacing old conductors, by giving optimum reactive Adopted by Northern Ireland, Few Asian
power support and lastly by utilizing new generation Country).
FACTS devices and advanced pool mechanism. 3. Whole sale competition (Adopted in UK)
Transmission Pricing, Wheeling charges ,allocation of 4. Wholesale and retail competition ( Adopted in
losses with and without reserve margin, congestion UK ( part), Sweden , Norway, Newzeland and
management are the real areas to work within existing US)
transmission should be discussed and it should be
kamed into viable laws and legal Erame a work. In India we have tried single buyer Model in Onssa but
S. Distribution reforms or privatization is most crucial it has failed due to multilateral reasons ,followed by
and import area in power sector reforms. adoption of same model in Hariyana and
Distribution area is a suffering many illness in AndhaPradesh, for which c o n f m result are awaited
different by sectors. Except few major cities rest of yet. To start with, it is easy model but consequences
distribution is through SEB’s only. Main problem faced following it ,should be properly dealt with. In fact one
in this sectors are.: single buyer model can’t work for scenario like Indian.
Old wires and Heavily overloaded There should be Initial Midterm (Transition) and final
equipment. models formed , which may be short term and long
I n s a c i e n t staff compared to large term as necessity arises. Initiation can be with single
geographical area which includes rural buyer model but after it is sustained for reasonable time,
area. wholesaie competition must be introduced either by
+ Will to work. pool e x c h ~ g or
e power trading with appropriate viable
Improper metering and a non meterug . regulation and market administration. In between
High T&D Losses. government should take lackmg financial responsibility
Theft of Energy. if needed and then after required modifications, me can
switch over to long term sustainable physical model.
Poor Power Quality
Their is enough potential of pool treading in India.
Less trained staff.
4 Misconception of privatization and
deregulation. CONCLUSION
9.There is urgent need in distribution sector that tariff
should be rationalized or tariff restructuring process
should be initiated. Heavy cross subsidies and n m Looking to the different topics concern, power sector
payment from government against it, makes situatian reforms in Incha or in any developing country is not
handy job if it is taken as whole . O n e model policy can
more worsen. State regulatq commission should come
out with proper structured tariff and it should be not work looking to diversified conditions. There is
discussed with utilities and government as well. need to have the transition models to move towards
Government should be more serious towards these total deregulation. Extensive help from developing
issues because it is fundamentally important and on countries and academic instituies should be taken
bilateral side. Government should also take during process. Fast Decision making, proper regulatory
responsibilities during reform process for subsidy and mechanism & legal kame work with strmg political
will ,will accelerate the reforms to sustainable and
budgetary support to exitmg and for coming utilities.
reliable path and to win - win situations. Proper

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technical infhtructure development program under
reforms must be observEd with achievable gmls.


Authors wishes to thank authorities of different S.E.3

for their useful guidance and fruitful discussions.


1.L. phillipson & H.L. Willis “ Understanding Electric

Utilities and Deregulation ” Marcel Defier Inc. 1998

2.M. Ilk, F. Galliana & L.Fink. ‘’ Power Systems

Restructuring Engineering & Economics ‘‘ KIuwer
Academic Pub. 199s.

3.R Christie , B.F wollnberg and I Wangsteln

“Transmission Management Deregulated
Environment” Froceedngs of the IEEE, vol 88 NO. 2
Feb 2000 pp 170 195 ~

4.K.S. Chaube : ‘‘ Restructuring of the Power Supply

Industry in India ”Theme paper page LX -W
Intemational conf “Bulk Power Transmission System
Integration m Developing Countries ” 8 - 10 Nov.
2001, New Delhi.,

5 I.N. Trivedi et. at -‘Operatlng Experience the westem

EWV Scenario m India ”Page X-1 - 9 International
conf ‘‘ Bulk Power Transmission System international
in Developing Countries ’’ 8 - 10 Nov. 2001, New

6.I.N Trivedi et al.”Basic fr-ame work required to be

done for power sector deregulation in Inda “.4*
international R&D conf. at Aurangabad, Maharashtra,
Inda dunng 28-31” December,2002.

7.Talks and Presentations at ‘‘ Work Shop on

Restructuring & Flnancmg of Power Sector ‘’ by
different speakers Dec 26 - 30,2001 at IIT, Kanpw

%Different web related to power system deregulation.


The first author can be contacted at :

Division of Electrical and Computing

Yokohama National University,
Yokohama, JAPAN
e-mail: trivediin@edifhail.com


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