Energy Scenario and Potential of Hydroelectric Power in Pakistan
Energy Scenario and Potential of Hydroelectric Power in Pakistan
Energy Scenario and Potential of Hydroelectric Power in Pakistan
of the 4rth International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET)
H. J. Kim
School of Electrical and Comp Eng.
Pusan National University
Busan, South Korea
Abstract—Currently, the electrical energy crisis is one of the 13% yearly. In 2020, The energy requirement will reach 179
major issues in Pakistan. The inhabitants are facing 10-12 hours million TOEs with this growth rate.
of load shedding in urban area and 14-20 hours in rural area on People are facing 10-12 hours of load shedding in urban area and 14-
daily basis. The demand for electric power is much higher than its 20 hours in rural area on daily basis [2]. The reason of this load-
generation. This paper is focused on the available potential of
shedding is low power generation. The generation is lagging
hydropower in Pakistan. Pakistan has the potential of 60GW of
hydroelectric power in its different regions. We have been able to the demand by 8500MW [3]. Every year 0.7 to 0.8 million new
produce only 7407 MW of electric power from hydro resources so consumers are connecting with an electric power grid that needs
far. The growth of large hydropower sector is standing still. 1 GW of electric power. Thus, the demand is increasing at the
Although the small hydropower plant is developing rapidly in the rate of 7.8%. In 2020, the shortfall will reach to 10.8GW [4].
country. About 2070 MW of electrical power will be generated The decline in electricity generation is also affecting the
from the small power plant at the end of 2021. However, the industrial sector eventually the export of the Pakistan decreases
hurdles in the development of new hydro plants i.e. Strategy and due to underproduction [1].
monitoring, Funds, policies, unavailability of hydro data and Pakistan is spending 14.5 billion US dollar on conventional
social barriers are slowing the development of hydropower sector.
energy resources and 20 % of foreign exchange on importing
The hydropower needs full attention due to its low contribution to
global warming due to its environmentally friendly nature. fossil fuels [5]. According to the report of the International
Energy Agency, the demand for electric power in Pakistan will
Index Terms— Energy Crisis, Hydroelectric Generation, Green be 49 GW in 2050 [6]. It shows a three-time increase in demand
House Gases for electric power. However, the electricity generation is not
increasing as the electricity demand does.
I. INTRODUCTION The percentage of electric power generated from conventional
Energy is an essential factor in the development and progress energy resource in 2017 are shown in Figure 1. The figure
of a country. Currently, Pakistan is facing various difficulties shows that almost all the energy is obtained from fossil fuel and
in the development of the energy sector. In 2006, Pakistan it is not enough to fulfill the energy requirement of the country.
energy requirement was 57.9 million Tons of Oil Equivalent In order to fulfill the demand, the exploration of new energy
(TOEs) in 2006 [1]. It showed a consistent growth rate of 11- sources is a need of the day.
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Pakistan is blessed with renewable energy resources (Hydro,
wind, solar etc.) due to its geographical location. The
64% exploration of these renewable energy resources is required for
the mitigation of the current energy crisis [2]. The dependency
on renewable energy resources is important for the revival of
economic growth as well as environmental concerns [7].
Among the renewable energy resources, hydro energy is in use
from early ages of electric power generation. It provides 19%
of electric power worldwide [8]. Along with large hydro plant,
many countries have also the large potential of the small-scale
Hydro, hydropower plant. 19GW of electric power is generated from
30.00% small hydropower plants in China [11]. Different site for
6% construction of both small and large hydropower plants are also
available in Pakistan. Pakistan can produce 60GW of electric
power from available hydro resources [12]. Until now, Pakistan
is being able to produce only 74078MW of hydroelectric
Nuclear Thermal Hydro power. The generation of hydroelectric power in the different
region of Pakistan is shown in Figure 2. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(KPK) has been able to produce a large proportion of
Fig. 1. Power Generation from different energy resources [7] hydroelectric power.
AJ & K, 1039MW
khyber Pukhtunkhwa,
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TABLE I. CURRENT SCENARIO & FUTURE PROSPECT OF ELECTRIC According to region wise categorization of hydroelectric
power, 40% of existing hydropower resources are available in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. However, 36% of the identified
Source Proposed Under Installed resources are available in Gilgit-Baltistan. The statistical data
Plant (MW) Construction Capacity of identified hydro resources and operational power plants in
(MW) (MW) different regions of Pakistani is given in Figure 4.
Fossil Fuel 2840 7,816 20,218
Hydro 37,533 7127 10,150
Energy Sources Fossil Hydro Wind Solar Fig. 4. Regional Wise operational and identified Resources [12], [19]
Fuel PV
Priority Projects Capacity 7560 1590 200 1000 III. SMALL HYDROPOWER STATUS
Actively promoted Projects 4620 1100 100 --
The small hydro technology can be used to mitigate the energy
Capacity (MW) crisis in Pakistan. The small stream and rivers available in the
different region of the country are suitable for installation of
Beside these power projects, WAPDA has discovered various small power plants. Governmental and private organizations
sites, where the hydro plant of 60GW capacity can be installed are working in the energy sector that has focused on small
[12]. While the total installed capacity of hydroelectric power hydropower plants [12]. A governmental organization
is 7407 MW until now. That shows that only 11% of its (PCRET) has installed 678 small hydropower plants in
identified resources is utilized. Hence the need arises to harvest Pakistan. These power plants range from 5-100 kW and
the electrical energy from these identified sources. The large
generate electrical power of 9.507 MW [20]. The number of
portion (39717MW) of these identified resources can be
plants installed by PCRET in a different region of the country
achieved from river Indus followed by river Jhelum
(5624MW). The proportion of each river is given in Figure 3. is given in Table 3.
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plant. The power plant installing under the PEDO will provide national grid since 2008 is given in Figure 5 [19]. In 2013,
2156 MW upon completion. On the basis of the time span of 310MW of power is added to the system followed by 2017 in
projects, PEDO has categorized these plants into short-term which 151MW of power is added to the national grid while in
project, medium-term and long-term project, which has been 2009 no power plant was connected to the grid. It is clear from
summarized in Table 4. the figure that 833 MW of electric power is added to the system
since 2008. It is clear from the data that the growth of
hydropower in Pakistan is only 12% since 2007.
Plan Short Medium Long Total
Term Term Term 350
(3Years (5 Years) (10 310.7
) Year)
Capacity(MW) 56.2 626.8 1377 2060
No. of Projects 3 8 13 24
Cost (Rs.) 12 130.9 187.96 331.3 250
Expected Revenue Per 2 18 54 74
Annum (Rs.) 200
Rs. Rupees in billion 151.8
150 130
The complete details of these projects are summarized in Table 97.2
5. The starting years of these project are 2010/11. The short- 100 72
term projects are completed while the long-term project will 37.6 30.4
complete in 2020/21. These projects will generate 2060 MW of 2.2 1.3
electrical power, in which 1217 MW of plants will install in 0
Chitral, 406 MW in Mansehra, 205 MW in Upper Dir, 120MW 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
in Swat, 57 MW in Lower Dir, 23 MW in Shangla, 17 MW in
Power (MW)
Kohistan, 10 MW in Batagram and 2.6 MW in Mardan.
TABLE V: HYDRO PLANT INSTALLED BY PEDO [22] Fig. 5. Trends of Hydropower Installed Capacity [19]
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C. Policies
Awareness and proper knowledge of SHPP are necessary for Table VI. GHG emission from different Power Plants [10]
the promotion of industry. Without proper awareness, rural
electrification is not seeming possible. Decision makers are GHG emission
making policies for large hydropower plants but they have put Energy Sources CO2 SO2 NOx
(g/kWh) (g/kWh) (g/kWh)
aside the small power plants. In order to overcome the energy Large hydro 3.6-11.6 0.009-0.024 0.003-0.006
crisis, policies should be revised to provide subsidies to local Geothermal 7-9 0.02 0.28
investors [26]. Likewise, on the technical side, the arrangement Small hydro 9 0.03 0.07
for installing new SHPP is not satisfactory. The deficient Wind 7-9 0.02-0.09 0.02-0.06
supply of reasonable low-price generators, turbine parts also Solar photovoltaic 98-167 0.2-0.34 0.18-0.30
Solar thermal electric 26-38 0.13-0.27 0.06-0.13
acts as a barrier to the installation of SHPP. For the
Natural gas (CCGT) 430 -- 0.5
development of the energy sector, the equipment and parts use Diesel 772 1.6 12.3
in SHPP should be made available easily with low cost in the Oil (Best Practice) 818 14.2 4.0
country [27]. Coal (NOx) and FGD 987 1.5 2.9
Coal (Best Practice) 955 11.8 4.3
D. Unavailability of reliable Data g/kWh: gram/kWh, FGD: Flue-gas desulfurization, CCGT:
Combined Cycle Gas Turbines
Unavailability of data related to hydro resources is also a major
barrier to the promotion of hydropower plant. Seasonal
variation in river flow, the demand for electric power, VI. CONCLUSION
geographical and geological data plays important role in the
This paper concludes that Pakistan has 60 GW of Hydropower
development of new power plant. The unavailability of these
potential. The available potential is enough for mitigating the
type of data creates a barrier for investors [28], [29].
energy crisis. But only 7228 MW of electric power is generated
E. Social Barrier from hydro resource so far. The small hydro and large hydro
need special attention due to its lowest contribution to global
The propagation of SHPP is also affected due to the opposition
warming. Government needs to make and implement policies
of local communities. The opposition is due to various reasons.
to encourage private investor in the hydroelectric power sector.
One of the reasons is disagreement on the share of water
resources between downstream and upstream villages. And the REFERENCES
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