BlackFriday111512 Full PDF
BlackFriday111512 Full PDF
BlackFriday111512 Full PDF
Inside this lack Friday.
The term
How Pacific conjures
students shop 2
up images
Giving for a of long lines, frenzied
greater good 2
shoppers, and great
Student quotes 2 deals. We have been
Black Friday’s shopping for centuries,
tumultuous but only now have we
moments 3
turned the chore in to a
Shop online this national past time.
Cyber Monday 3
To ensure that you get
The pros and cons all of the necessary info The Packaging Source
of Black Friday 4 to successfully shop to day, its successor, Cyber Monday, and
Top sites for your heart’s content, The Pacifican has more.Have a great Thanksgiving break,
Cyber Monday 4 crafted a Black Friday special just for you. and let this insert inspire your holiday
Most wanted Learn about the history of this chaotic shopping.
items 4
“I love it! It allows me to get a “No, I think it’s ridiculous that “Yes, I love to go frantically shop
o you like majority of my shopping done people fight over things on sale.” at stores just one day after being
in one day!” “thankful” for what I already have.”
Black Friday? -Kelsey Belomy ‘14
-Hayley Hartwick ‘13 -Marvin Cotton ‘13
Ruben Dominguez consumer knows about this; it being lazy. There’s no lazy to stake out a place in line in
Sports Editor isn’t exactly a big secret. This way to truly succeed at Black front of Target, scramble for
ost Bouncing up and down
means that the masses will
certainly be out Thanksgiving
Friday. Staking out at stores
as if they were theaters the
gifts like you’re a survivor
fighting for supplies for the
wanted with their mouths full of
75-percent-off-candy and
night. With hordes reportedly
to be predicted as measuring
night before the premier of
The Avengers is required.
end of the world, and suffer
sleep loss and bruises just to
items Halloween still in their
collective review mirror,
to zombie apocalypse-like
proportions, there will be
It’s like a campout but with
spending money on gifts!
save a couple bucks?
Chaos may be the only true
overzealous consumers can crowds, there will be fighting, A way for the lazy people winner of Black Friday. When
-Clothes now focus their attention and there will, most likely, be who want to spend a lot of they’re awake in the early
v on the next great spending blood. money but not get up to do hours of the morning, people
holiday. Obviously, that is not Knowing all of this, it in person can now order are irritable, ugly, and angry.
-Televisions Thanksgiving, or, as its better the average, non-crazed items online on Black Friday. They are also surrounded by
-Phones/ known as, Play-Football- consumer is faced with a While the prices may actually other irritable, ugly, angry
smartphones Then-Watch-Football-And- dilemma: get shopping over be lower, fighting through people, adding to the overall
-Notebook/laptop About-Yourself Day. This is
with while saving hundreds— online clutter may be more bad feelings. In addition, they
maybe thousands—of dollars of a hassle than just going in see you taking something they
computers Black Friday, the opening day or not face the wrath of the person. If you’re going to get want to buy. If push comes to
-Blu-Ray and DVD of the Christmas shopping feistiest shopping day of up that early anyway, just shove, there will be black eyes,
players extravaganza. the year. To help settle the drive to the store and be a bloodshed, and even deaths.
Literally millions of people dilemma, here are some pros social butterfly. That’s right; people literally
-Blu-Ray discs and partake in Black Friday every and cons about Black Friday. You have seen the pros; die shopping on Black Friday.
DVDs year. Black Friday, the day First, let’s start with the now, here are the cons of Those low-priced heels must
-Video game consoles after Thanksgiving (Nov. 23 pros. Black Friday. have been worth it.
-Video games this year), marks the first Really, it’s all about price. So, you have just eaten Knowing these facts has
day no moral barriers stand This is the whole reason Black more food than you’re not driven away Black Friday
-Memory cards and between consumers and Friday exists in the first place. comfortable admitting and consumers. In fact, numbers
flash drives Christmas shopping. Prices for most retail items watched enough football…. of Black Friday participants
-Headphones/ All stores selling potential will never be this low again actually, it’s impossible have grown each year, with
presents mark their prices
earbuds down to unbelievable lows on
until next year’s Black Friday. to watch enough football. people less and less swayed by
Jeans for $10! Assassins Anyway, you’re sitting on sanity and their own personal
-eReaders: Kindle, Black Friday. A pair of shoes Creed 3 for $15! iPads for your couch as the late hours safety while being more and
Nook, etc. that normally sell for $30 will $200! It would be unwise to of Thanksgiving start to creep more influenced by the feeling
-GPS systems: go for less than $10 on Black pass up this opportunity for a on you. Do you A) go to your of spending.
Friday. With everything from once-a-year deal. nice, soft, comfy bed and So, there are the pros and
Garmin, etc. flat screen televisions to cars, If only the Black Friday sleep for hours on end with cons of Black Friday. If you
-Printers video games, iPods, electric phenomenon applied to a full tummy and thoughts of really, really, really need to
-Memory foam razors, LEGOs, clothes, something other than TVs football dancing in your head, get your shopping done, Black
Mattress toppers dolls, machetes, and chia and pants, like gas prices, or B) stay up past midnight Friday is for you. If you’d
pets hitting prices so rock tuition rates, or taxes. One and fight off crazy people rather avoid being stampeded
-Toys bottom that the Flintstones can dream… trying to break your arm over to death or getting punched
-Keurig Coffee are thinking about staking out Doing it yourself is what an Easy Bake oven? in the face for taking the last
Brewing Systems Bedrock’s Fossils ‘R Us this counts. If you’re going to send Unless you are unknowingly fancy dining set, just stay
year, the appeal of one-time your lists with your friend a mind-controlled zombie of home and catch up on your
-Vacuum cleaners prices is too great for most or mother, you’re not only a corporate America, you go for sleep.
-Cordless drills consumers to pass up. horrible friend/child, you’re option A! Is it really worth it
Certainly every great