Xhosa Level 1V12 A5Manual 2019
Xhosa Level 1V12 A5Manual 2019
Xhosa Level 1V12 A5Manual 2019
Confident Beginners
Hello [9] 16
Rhythm and Tempo [10] 16
Pronunciation [11] 17
Vowels [12] 17
Consonants [13] 18
The Clicks [14] 18
Writing the Clicks [15] 19
X ‘Sideways’ click [16] 20
C Click ‘Tongue in front’ [17] 20
Q Click ‘Tongue top middle’ [18] 21
Agglutination [19] 21
Greetings [20] 21
Excuse Me [22] 24
Vocab recap [23] 24
Lesson 1 Conversation - Greeting and Good-bye [24-25] 25
Lesson 1 Essentials and HW test: [26] 26
CULTURE Insight - Handshakes: [27] 28
Verbs [29] 30
Speaking Commands to a Group [30] 31
Beginners Trick: Cheating with Nouns [31] 32
Lesson 5: Introductions 64
Level 1 Assessment 90
Conclusion: 94
CD/Manual Credits 95
Corresponding Conversations
Every lesson is followed by a sample conversation
which try to include lesson essentials as well as further
useful vocab that is heard in the everyday usage of
Xhosa These conversations are of great value as it
allows you to hear the content we have learnt in
© UBuntu Bridge 2018
Let’s Learn Xhosa with UBuntu Bridge Level 1 Page 10
Further Resources
Sometimes we reference Xandi Bryant’s book as
XB, where you can study further on a topic. It is an
excellent and comprehensive book of grammar.
Hello [9]
saying hello to one person: Molo
saying hello to more then one person: Molweni
Pronunciation [11]
An important place to start is with pronunciation. This
will be learnt and re-learnt as your experience with the
language grows. It is important to make an effort from
the start as we all know how much an accent can affect
ability to communicate and early habits tend to stick.
Vowels [12]
Vowel: pronounced like: as in word for: in Xhosa:
A ah mother mama
E egg yourself wena
I igloo well philile
O or hello molo
U oo-la-la brother ubhuti
Consonants [13]
Are generally easy and may be learnt as one learns the
language. There are a few important exceptions:
Press the side of the tongue against the upper side teeth and pull it
away rapidly.
xa xe xi xo xu
Press the tip of the tongue against the upper front teeth and rapidly
pull it away.
Agglutination [19]
Xhosa is a ‘glutinous’ language, meaning that vowels at
the beginning and end of words are often swallowed,
words or syllables thus becoming ‘glued’ together.
* * *
Greetings [20]
This is a basic greeting to get us through the first few
lessons. You may know some variations and we will
certainly cover them in time, but for now we are going
to stick to this simple formula.
Excuse Me [22]
Excuse me, sorry, pardon, peace are all the same word
- uxolo
sorry - uxolo excuse me - uxolo
beg your pardon - uxolo peace - uxolo
Excuse me, I don’t know Uxolo, andiyazi
To be introduced to the verbs and the prefixes, and to
learn some basic vocab.
Verbs [29]
Singular Plural
Use the CD, use all the prefixes, with as many verbs as you can
come up with. The sooner you have this down, the better.
Be able to:
• Use the six subject prefixes with the verb stems
• Know at least 10 verbs off by heart
• Know how to use mna, wena, yena
• Greet a group of people
1. Niyafunda
2. Ewe, sifunda kakuhle
3. Hayi, uthetha kancinci (yena)
4. Mna, ndiyazama
5. Yena, uyagoduka (uyatshayisa - slang)
6. Enkosi, siyabulela
7. Molweni, ninjani?
8. Siphilile, enkosi, unjani wena?
1. The first is that if you wish to say that you are still
doing something, you can replace the ‘ya’ with a
1. Hello, sir
2. Hello, group of mamas
3. Hello, madam and others
4. How are you all?
5. As for me, I am Craig
6. As for you, who are you?
7. As for her, who is she?
8. Is she Xhosa?
9. Do you speak Xhosa?
10. Good bye, children.
1. Molo, mhlekazi
2. Molweni, bomama
3. Molweni Nkosikazi
4. Ninjani?
5. Mna ndinguCraig
6. Wena, ungubani?
7. Yena, ungubani?
8. Ungumxhosa na?
9. Uthetha isiXhosa na?
10. Bhabhayini, bantwana
1. M: Molweni bosisi
2. Z: Ewe, bhuti
3. M: Ninjani?
4. Z: Sisaphila, bhuti, enkosi, kunjani kuwe?
5. M: Hayi, ndiyaphila nam, enkosi. NdinguCraig,
mna. Wena ungubani?
6. Z: NdinguZandile, mna.
7. M: UngumXhosa na, sisi?
8. Z: Hayi, ndingumzulu, kodwa ndithetha isiXhosa.
9. M: Ok, kulungile. Yena ungubani?
10. Z: Yena unguZodwa.
11. M: ok, Ungumxhosa, yena?
12. Z: Eh eh, ungumxhosa!
13. M: Enkosi, sisi.
14. Z: Ok, bhuti Sobonana.
15. M: Sharp!
1. M: Hello (pl) sisters.
2. Z: Yes (meaning ‘Hi’), brother
3. M: How are you (pl)?
4. Z: We are still fine, brother, thank you, how is it with you?
Umntu ngumntu ngabantu/(ngabanye) abantu
A person is a person because of (other) people.
Lesson 5: Introductions
To learn how to introduce oneself and another by
name and surname, and ask about others. Also asking
a person’s Xhosa name.
Surname [15]
Ngubani ifani yakho – what is your surname?
(ifani – van/surname)
I learn - Ndifunda
With a teacher - Netitshala He is… - ungu…
White person - umlungu (ungumlungu)
With a white guy - nomlungu
He is… - unguCraig Charnock
Combo Answer:
The best thing is to create an answer that is relevant to
you, which combines both questions.
e.g. I learn at …… with ….
Ndifunda e …… no….
Vocab: [31]
For real/truthfully - nyani Like that - njalo
It’s like that / it is so - kunjalo Nicely - kamnandi
1. B: Molweni, Nkosikazi, [32-33]
2. T: Molo, mfondini,
3. B: Ninjani?
4. T: Sikhona, akhonto. unjani, wena?
5. B: Hayi, ndiphillile, enkosi, akhonto. Ndicela
ukungena, Mama.
6. T: Lungile. Ngena. Hlala phantsi. Usifundela phi isiXhosa?
7. B: Ndifunda netitshala eNewlands ebusuku.
Ndifunda encwadini ndimamela i-Audio Cd.
Ndithetha nabantu.
8. T: Hayi ndoda, uyazama wena!
9. B: Kunjalo, mama, ndiyazama nyhani!
10. T: Uthetha kamnandi, mfana. Sala kakuhle.
11. B: Enkosi, Hamba kakuhle, Mama.
Clarification Phrases:
Well, now we add the following to the mix as an
alternative to the escape sentence above. These
phrases are vital to learn and use in class and in your
conversations as quickly as possible. These phrases
allow you to coach the Xhosa person in to how to
speak with you, and how to use them to help you
improve your Xhosa. These phrases will be explained
grammatically in later levels, but some explanations
follow briefly:
Translations System:
To be used in class as often as possible, if it’s a
What is “hayibo” in English?
Yintoni “hayibo” ngesiNgesi?
What is “elephant” in Xhosa?
Yintoni “elephant” ngesiXhosa?
1. B: Molo, Sisi.
2. S: Molo, Tata
3. B: Unjani?
4. S: Ndikhona. Wena unjani?
5. B: Ndiyaphila nam akhonto. Unqabile wena.
6. S: Uxolo, tata, andikuva. Ndisafunda ukuthetha
isiXhosa. Sukukhawuleza. Ndithetha kancinci nje.
7. B: Ndiyabona sisi. Usifundela phi isiXhosa?
8. S: Andikuva, tata. Khawuphinde?
9. B: Usifundela phi isiXhosa?
10. S: Owu, ndifunda emsebenzini netitshala.
11. B: Ndawoni?
12. S: Uxolo, tata. Uthini ngesiNgesi?
13. B: Where about?
14. S: Ah, khawuphinde ngesiXhosa ngoku. Ndifuna
uku-improva isiXhosa sam.
15. B: Kulungile! N-d-a-w-o-n-i?
16. S: Ndiyabulela, tata
17. B: Uthetha kamnandi wena.
18. S: Eish! Yintoni “kamnandi” ngesiNgesi,tata?
19. B: Nicely!
20. S: Ah, enkosi, khawubhale encwadini yam.
21. B: Kulungile. Uyabona na?
English (PTO):
19. B: Nicely!
20. S: Ah, thanks! I request you write it in my book.
21. B: Ok, Do you see?
22. S: I see, father. We are grateful
23. B: I am pleased to meet you!
Level 1 Assessment
Xhosa Answers:
1. Molweni, bosisi. Ninjani?
2. Siphilile enkosi.
3. Unjani wena?
4. Ndiphilile nam, akhonto.
5. Ngu…..igama lam. Ngubani igama lakho?
6. Ngu…. Ifani yam. Ngubani ifani yakho?
7. Ndiyavuya ukukwazi.
8. Nam ndiyavuya ukukwazi.
9. Ungubani yena?
10. Ungu..... , yena.
11. Ungumxhosa na?
12. Uxolo, bhuti, ndisafunda ukuthetha isiXhosa
13. Ndithetha kancinci nje
I hope you have gained much from working with this
CD and manual. You should now be at a stage where
you can greet and engage a Xhosa person in polite
introductions, as well as excuse yourself from the
conversation. There is plenty of mileage to be gained
from this level of proficiency. I wish you the very best.
Work patiently and persistently – all languages take
effort, but remember to have fun. If you enjoy your
Xhosa, you will maintain motivation. Set yourself
small goals, practice the escape phrases in a safe place
and then venture out there and try it on a Xhosa
person that you encounter. Remember to congratulate
yourself - The effort alone is commendable. Don’t let
high expectations cut your efforts short. Indlela ’nhle –
may your path be beautiful! Ngenene. Makhosemvelo.
Xhosa support courtesy of Deon Xhamela Nebulane,
ooMaDlamini, nabanye abantu besiXhosa abaninzi.
Xhosa voice: Zikhona Mda.
Recorded by Craig Makhosi Charnock & Def Empire.