EE-II Syallbus 2020-21
EE-II Syallbus 2020-21
EE-II Syallbus 2020-21
CIV312 Credits: 3
Instruction: 3 Lecture & 1 Tutorial / week Sessional marks: 40
End Exam: 3 hours End Exam Marks: 60
Engineering Chemistry; Environmental Engineering – I.
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to enable the student to
➢ Identify the wastewater generation sites and make them understand the Principles of
Estimation and characterisation of wastewater generated in a community
➢ Understand various Unit operations and Unit Processes and their functions in
wastewater treatment
➢ Design the components of wastewater treatment system
➢ Learn the necessity of treatment and safe disposal of sewage and sludge generated out
of community
Course Outcomes:
Design the sewer to cater the wastewater generated and able to analyse the characteristics of
CO3 Design the components of Primary treatment
CO4 Design the biological components of wastewater treatment
Analyze and Identify the critical point of pollution in river for a specific amount of pollutant
UNIT – I 12Periods
Introduction to sanitation: Collection and conveyance of waste water – sewerage –
classification of sewerage systems- Estimation of sewage flow and storm water drainage –
fluctuations – design of sewers
Sewers and its appurtenances: types of sewers – materials for sewers- appurtenances in
UNIT – II 12Periods
Hydraulics of sewers and storm drains: Hydraulic Design of Sewers
Sewage Characteristics: Decomposition of Sewage. Sewage characteristics – Physical,
Chemical and Biological Characteristics and their testing–BOD-first stage BOD exertion-COD
UNIT – III 12Periods
Treatment of sewage - Primary treatment: Screens-grit chambers – grease traps – floatation –
sedimentation – design of primary and pre-treatment units.
UNIT – IV 12Periods
Secondary treatment: Aerobic and anaerobic treatment process-comparison.
Suspended growth process: Activated Sludge Process, principles, designs, and operational
Attached Growth Process: Trickling Filters-mechanism of impurities removal-
classification–filter problems-design and operation- recirculation.
UNIT –V 12Periods
Anaerobic Processes: Septic Tanks -Principles and Design
Bio-solids (Sludge) management: Characteristics- thickening – digestion, drying and sludge
Disposal of sewage: methods of disposal – disposal into water bodies- Oxygen Sag Curve-
disposal on land.
1. Garg, S.K. (2015), “Environmental Engineering (Vol.II): Sewage disposal and Air
Pollution Engineering”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi 33th Edition.
2. Modi, P.N. (2010), “Sewage Treatment Disposal and Waste Water Engineering”
Standard Book House, Delhi, 4th Edition.
1. Metcalf & Eddy (2002), “Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse” Tata
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 4th Edition.
2. Raju, B.S.N. (1995), “Water supply and Waste Water Engineering” McGraw-Hill
Education, New Delhi.
3. Peavy, H.S., Rowe, D.R., and Tchobanoglous, G, (1985), “Environmental Engineering”
McGraw-Hill international edition, New York, 7th Edition.
4. BIS 3025 (Part 44): Method of Sampling and Test (Physical and Chemical) for Water
and Wastewater, Part 44: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (First Revision)
5. Relevant NPTEL Courses.