Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (Lico) : Product Guide
Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (Lico) : Product Guide
Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (Lico) : Product Guide
Product Guide
Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) is a software solution that simplifies the use of clustered
computing resources for Artificial Intelligence (AI) model development and training. LiCO interfaces with an
open source software orchestration stack, enabling the convergence of AI onto an HPC or Kubernetes-
based cluster.
The unified platform simplifies interaction with the underlying compute resources, enabling customers to
take advantage of popular open source cluster tools while reducing the effort and complexity of using it for
Part numbers
The following table lists the ordering information for LiCO.
Lenovo Accelerated AI
Lenovo Accelerated AI provides a set of templates that aim to make AI training and inference simpler, more
accessible, and faster to implement. The Accelerated AI templates differ from the other templates in LiCO in
that they do not require the user to input a program; rather, they simply require a workspace (with
associated directories) and a labelled dataset.
The following use cases are supported with Lenovo Accelerated AI templates:
Image Classification
Object Detection
Instance Segmentation
Medical Image Segmentation
Memory Network
Image GAN
The following figure displays the Lenovo Accelerated AI templates.
Figure 6: JPG file containing image of cat for input into inference job
Figure 7: LiCO output displaying the section of the JPG containing the cat image
Favorites tab
AI Studio
LiCO AI Studio provides an end-to-end workflow for Image Classification, Object Detection, and Instance
Segmentation, with training based on Lenovo Accelerated AI pre-defined models. A user can import an
unprocessed, unlabeled data set of images, label them, train multiple instances with a grid of parameter
values, test the output models for validation, and publish to a git repository for use in an application
environment. Additionally, users can initiate the steps in AI Studio from a REST API call to take advantage
of LiCO as part of a DevOps toolchain.
Dev Tools
LiCO includes the capability to create and deploy instances of Jupyter on the cluster. Users may create
multiple instances, to customize for different software environments as well as for different compute
resource requirements to better optimize cluster use.
Once a Jupyter instance is created, the user can deploy it to the cluster and use the environment directly
from their browser in a new tab. The user can leverage the Jupyter interface directly to upload, download
and run code as they normally would, utilizing the shared storage space used for LiCO.
LiCO 6.0 introduces the ability to define multiple job submissions into a single execution action. Steps are
created to execute job submissions in serial, and within each step multiple job submissions may be
executed in parallel. Workflow uses LiCO job submission templates to define the jobs for each step, and
any template available including custom templates can be used in a workflow.
Expert mode
LiCO HPC/AI version provides more experienced cluster users console access to the user space in the
LiCO management node, to execute Linux and SLURM commands directly. Expert mode enables users
familiar with the underlying cluster orchestration choice in how they work, using either the command line,
GUI or both in concert to facilitate their workflow.
LiCO HPC/AI version provides expanded billing capabilities and provides the user access to monitor
charges incurred for a date range via the Expense Reports subtab. Users can also download daily or
monthly billing reports as a .xlsx file from the Admin tab.
Client PC requirements
A web browser is used to access LiCO's monitoring dashboards. To fully utilize LiCO’s monitoring and
visualization capabilities, the client PC should meet the following specifications:
Hardware: CPU of 2.0 GHz or above and 1 GB or more of RAM
Display resolution: 1280 x 800 or higher
Browser: Chrome or Firefox is recommended
Related links
For more information, see the following resources:
LiCO website:
LiCO HPC/AI (Host) Support website:
LiCO K8S/AI (Kubernetes) Support website:
Lenovo DSCS configurator:
Lenovo AI website:
Lenovo HPC website:
LeSI website:
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This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the
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Any references in this publication to non-Lenovo Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any
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determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the result obtained in other operating environments may vary
significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee
that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurements may
have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the
applicable data for their specific environment.