EEE 3308C Electronics I Laboratory Manual
EEE 3308C Electronics I Laboratory Manual
EEE 3308C Electronics I Laboratory Manual
The laboratory portion of this course, through the Design and Experiment Project (DEP)
labs, is designed to give the student practical experience in working with diodes, transistors, and
operational amplifiers. The laboratory integrate the theory taught in the lectures with practical
design , and should help the student to apply his or her knowledge of electronics.
Laboratory and equipment maintenance is the responsibility of not only the laboratory
staff, but also the students. A concerted effort to keep the equipment in excellent condition and
the working environment well-organized will result in a productive and safe laboratory.
Each student should maintain a laboratory notebook according to the following guidelines:
1. Obtain a notebook whose pages are not removable. An example is the Marble Cover-80
Sheets 5x5 Quad Ruled 20# Heavyweight Paper notebook available at the UF Bookstore
(Reitz Union) for $3.99. Any style Marble Cover-80 is fine (All $3.99)
3. Write name, course number and name, section number, lab location, semester, and TA’s name
on the cover.
5. Do not leave intervening blank page or space. Cross out empty space.
7. Log all events, whether positive or negative, in the lab. This includes not only data, but also
problems encountered, equipment use, equipment settings, measurement technique, or any
departure from the procedure suggested by the lab manual.
9. Label the axes of a graph with variable names, units, origin, and scales.
10. Demonstrate to the TA your understanding and achievement of the lab objectives.
11. Have the TA sign and date all data groups before completing each laboratory session. It is the
responsibility of both the TA and the student to make sure that the data is within expectation
before the student leaves each lab session.
As requested on the lab assignments, Design and Experiment Project (DEP) reports will
be submitted by each student at the beginning of the following lab period. One approach to a lab
course consists of three hours of data-taking followed by double the time spent at home trying to
remember what was done that morning, answering questions, and turning out a highly polished
report – usually characterized by multicolor ink graphs and tailored data. To avoid this type of
unsatisfying situation, answer as many of the questions as possible as you go along.
• The report will be graded on clarity, legibility, and content, not on length nor on
the quality of the artwork. For clarity sake, it is recommended that the report
be typeset as much as possible.
• Although the data is measured jointly, the text and analysis of the report must
be original work and may not be copied. See the section on Rules and Policies.
Report Format:
I. Objective
-cover the general theory for this lab.
-include pertinent equations and concepts.
The laboratory portion of the course will be determined based on the following components. The
practical experience gained in the laboratory necessitates participation in the laboratory.
The attendance grade requires attendance within the first 15 minutes of the laboratory. The
laboratory notebook check will be primarily full credit if the laboratory results are entered into
the notebook. Deductions will be made if results are not entered into the notebook.
The specific grading of the laboratory report on a 100 point scale will be based on the following
I. Objective [ 12.5 points]
II.Theory [25 points]
-cover the general theory for this lab.
-include pertinent equations and concepts.
III. Results – Experimental & Theoretical [25 points]
-include schematics of all circuits built
-include the names and values of all components actually used
-include all data recorded (tables, plots, printouts, observations), be sure to label all
figures / tables
-compare theoretical to experimental data numerically, ex. percent error
The Honor code applies equally to the laboratory as to the lecture. Any students
who do not act in accordance with the University’s code of conduct (See Code of Student
Conduct) will be reported to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs.
Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge
to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and
2. Use the equipment properly. For example, use only the probes that have been compensated
for your oscilloscope with your oscilloscope. An oscilloscope and its matched probes are
labeled by the same number to help you keep using them together. (A current amplifier and its
matched probe are also labeled by the same number to remind you that they should be used
together.) Do not take the sleeve off the sensitive probe tip and use the probe tip directly (e.g.,
by inserting the probe tip directly into a hole on a breadboard). Many probes have been
permanently damaged when used this way because a) the fragile tip is broken by the severe
probing strain, b) the probe accidentally falls to the ground, breaking the fragile tip, or c) the
probe sleeve is lost after it is removed from the probe tip. A short hook-up wire hooked to the
probe will allow fine probing without using the probe tip directly.
3. Return instruments, manuals, tools, components, cables, etc., to the proper storage location.
5. Notify the TA when the stock is about to run out of a certain component.
The NI ELVIS system combines hardware and software into one complete laboratory
package. The hardware constituents are depicted in Fig. 1.1(a), which shows a
computer with a cable that connects the installed data acquisition board to the NI
We consider next the power supply, the digital multimeter (DMM), the function
generator, and the oscilloscope.
The NI ELVIS is equipped with several power supply options, namely, +5V, ±15V, and
variable ±12V.
The GUI for the variable power supply can be seen in Fig 1.2 (b).
The NI ELVIS also has the functions of a digital multimeter. It is able to measure
capacitance, continuity, current, diode, inductance, resistance, and voltage. Again, go
online and find the key specifications of the DMM for each of these units. Specifically,
note the range of allowable measurements. The GUI for the DMM can be seen in Fig 1.2
Another function of the NI ELVIS is the function generator. Go on the internet and find
the key specifications relevant to function generator. Note the frequency range, output
amplitude, offset range, AM voltage, FM voltage, and output impedance. The GUI for the
function generator can be seen in Fig 1.2 (d).
The Tektronix DSO is a standalone instrument that allows the measurement and
visualization of an time-varying (oscillating) signal. The operation is best understood by
using the equipment.
Turn on the power to the Tektronix DSO and look at Fig. 1.3 (a) and (b) and identify the
areas on the scope. Fig 1.3 (c) explains the symbols displayed on the screen.
Press the Default Setup key next to the Menus section. This brings the DSO to the default
settings. The DSO remembers the settings in a nonvolatile memory, and when you turn
on the DSO, the settings are those used in the last operation before power off. A
symmetric triangular wave with 5 Vp-p amplitude, 0 V offset, and a frequency of 20 kHz
is to be generated and displayed, using both the NI scope and the Tektronix scope, so that
the limitations of the instruments could be identified. The final waveform should be as
shown in Fig. 1.4.
Turn on the power switch to the NI ELVIS, located in the rear-right-bottom hand side.
Now turn on the power switch to the prototyping board on the NI ELVIS on the front
panel, seen in Fig 1.1 (b).
Start the NI ELVIS software which should be located on the computer desktop, and click
on the Function Generator button.
Find and click the button Oscilloscope on the main menu. Under Channel A, change the
source to FGEN FUNC_OUT. The source lets you choose the method of input to the
Change the vertical sensitivity to 1 V/div and the time base to 10 µS/div. Note the
distortion present in the waveform, seen in Fig 1.4 (a). This is a limitation of the scope on
the NI ELVIS as the sampling frequency caps after approximately 8 kHz.
1. Safety is first. Change instrument settings slowly. Observe the effect of the most recent
change before proceeding with more change. Set voltage/current/power limit.
2. Identify lab objectives. An experiment should not be treated as a cookbook procedure. Find
a rationale behind each step.
4. Keep a lab notebook to record all activities during all lab sessions.
5. Finish as much as possible before leaving. This includes acquiring data, interpreting data,
answering questions, and revolving uncertainties.
6. All data are real. If data look unbelievable, check all the steps carefully. Consult the TA.
7. It is important that right from the beginning of your lab work you consider the possible
interactions between measuring instruments and the device under test. For example:
1. The input impedance of meters can cause measurement error in high impedance circuits.
2. The input capacitance of scopes, scope probes, or connecting cables may have important
high frequency loading effects. If a piece of RG 98 coax cable is used to connect a scope
directly, remember that such a cable has about 30 pf per foot. A typical cable might be 4
ft. long; compute the reactance of 120 pf at 1MHz. Excessive capacitive load can greatly
decrease the slew rate of a discrete component operational amplifier of multi-stage
4. Learn to use the current limiting features of the laboratory power supplies to protest the
device under test from possible damage under short circuit conditions.
5. Make sure to have low impedance ground connections between the test instruments and
your “breadboard”. Avoid groundloops!
The list could go on much longer. As you gain experience, add your own observations on
instrument/device interactions. These effects represent some potential pitfalls faced by practicing
engineers when designing, building, and testing electronic devices and systems.