A Practical Design Guide For Welded Connections Basic Concepts and Weld Symbols
A Practical Design Guide For Welded Connections Basic Concepts and Weld Symbols
A Practical Design Guide For Welded Connections Basic Concepts and Weld Symbols
Course Overview
This course is divided into 2 parts. Though it provides some basic concepts of welded
connection and welding methods, part 1 of this course largely focuses on the foundational
knowledge of welding symbols. It is critical for engineers and designers to understand the
proper use of welding symbols because they serve as communication between the designer and
the fabricator. Part 1 is not an exhaustive coverage of welding symbols, but it focuses on the
most common applications of welding symbols used in mechanical applications.
Part 2 provides the essential information on analysis and design of welded joints. The section
covers the two main types of welded connections, fillet welds and groove welds, as they make up
nearly 95% of all welded joints used in mechanical applications. Direct loading applications and
eccentrically loaded applications are covered.
Welding Methods
Welding, in the most basic definition, is the joining of parts by fusion. There are many
variations of welding methods. Though the details of each welding method is not a primary
focus of this course and as an engineer it is not essential to know all the details of the different
methods, you should know the basics of the methods so you know when each should be used.
Gas welding is a method where pure oxygen is burned in combination with other gases
(commonly acetylene) to get high flame temperatures. The heat of the gas flame melts the work
metal and the hand-fed filler rod. Oxyacetylene welding is often performed in small shops, and
the equipment is inexpensive and portable. One disadvantage of gas welding is that the heated
area is large (not as concentrated as other methods), which can cause distortion of the workpiece.
Another category of welding methods is arc welding. In arc welding an electric arc is the source
of the heat. The arc is formed between the metal being welded and a metal rod called an
electrode, and the arc is maintained in a gap in the electrical circuit. In arc welding the filler rod
functions as the electrode. The arc is shielded, as shown in Figure 1, by flux or inert gas to
control the arc.
There are several variations of arc welding, and the most commonly used arc welding methods
are listed below with some basic details of each:
• Shielded-arc welding (commonly called stick welding)
o Most common method
o Arc melts both the electrode and base metal
o Electrode has same basic chemical composition as base metal
Welding Electrodes
Electrodes used as the filler metal for shielded arc wielding are designated by a capital letter E
followed by two numbers. The E stands for electrode and the numbers represent minimal tensile
strength of the weld in kips per square inch. For example, an E60 electrode will have a strength
of 60 kips (1000 pounds) per square inch. Steels with yield strengths between 36 ksi to 60 ksi
are generally welded using E70 electrodes (70 ksi strength). Additional numbers may follow the
two designating weld strength. If so, they represent information such as allowable welding
positions and electrode coatings. Part 2 of this course will cover more details of the electrode
strength as it is very important for calculating the strength of welded connections.
Items 4 through 7 on the list above will be discussed throughout the remaining sections of Part 1
of this course. The critical points for any welding symbol are proper communication of weld
type, weld size, and joint preparation. You will learn more about each in the remaining sections.
All the information below the reference line corresponds to the arrow side of the joint, and all
the information above the reference line corresponds to the other side of the joint. Figure 3
illustrates the concept of arrow side and other side. If a welding symbol contains information on
both the arrow side and other side (both below and above the reference line) then the weld will
be on both sides of the joint.
Figure 4 shows a general example of using arrow side and opposite side. The welding symbol
used in the upper left figure indicates a desired fillet weld (the triangular symbol on the reference
line is a weld symbol for a fillet weld) to be placed on the arrow side. The lower left welding
symbol indicates the desired fillet weld should be on the opposite side (weld symbol above the
reference line). Both will result in the weld shown on the right.
Figure 4 also illustrates another important concept. The lower left welding symbol has the arrow
extending off the right end of the reference line. Note that the concepts of arrow side and other
side do not change regardless of which end of the reference line contains the arrow. More
examples will be provided through the rest of this section.
It is common for welds to extend completely around a joint. Such a weld can be designated with
the weld all-around symbol, which is a circle located at the intersection of the reference line and
arrow. Figure 6 shows the symbol indicating a weld-all around the joint.
Fillet Welds
Basic Concepts of Fillet Weld Symbols
Fillet welds are the most common weld type and are used on tee joints, lap joints, and corner
joints (basically any joint where the parts are at a 90° angle). The weld symbol for fillet welds
looks like a triangle, as shown in Figure 7. In fillet weld symbols the perpendicular leg of the
symbol is always on the left side, regardless of the orientation of the overall symbol.
A fillet weld will have an approximate triangular shape as shown in Figure 8. The important
terminology refers to the leg dimensions and the throat dimension. The leg dimension is the
general ‘size’ of the weld, which will be discussed next. The throat dimension will be important
for that actual design strength of the weld, which will be discussed in Part 2 of this course.
Figure 9 Fillet weld size examples (a) weld symbol (b) resulting weld (c) usage
of welding tail and typical callout for multiple welds
It is common to have a machine element or structural frame that requires many welds, often of
the same weld size. In such cases it is common to have a drawing note such as ALL WELDS
TO BE ¼” FILLET WELDS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Using the drawing note saves
time for creating the drawing and provides a less cluttered drawing. Another method for calling
out multiple welds of the same size is shown in Figure 9 (c). The tail is used with a note TYP
(stands for typical), which indicates that the weld is typical for all four corners of the box shown.
Determination of the required weld size is based on factors such as the required strength of the
weld and plate sizes to be welded. Topics on the design of the weld and determining the
required weld size will be discussed in Part 2 of this course.
An intermittent fillet weld (also called a stitch weld) is a discontinuous weld. Stitch welds are
not as strong as continuous welds (sometimes called seam welds), but they cause less heat
distortion. Due to the lower costs and reduced distortion, stitch welds should be used if a
continuous weld is not required. Welding floor plate to a walkway structure, for example, would
likely use stitch welds. Keep in mind that there may be other benefits of continuous seam welds
other than strength. Stitch welds do not provide a weather tight seal, for example, that may be
required in some situations.
Figure 11 shows another general example of the use of intermittent fillet welds. Figure 11 (a)
shows the welding symbol and the resulting weld is shown in Figure 11 (b). The welding
symbol in Figure 11 (a) also shows that welding symbols can have more than one leader line and
arrow for welds required in multiple locations.
Intermittent fillet welds located on both sides of a joint can either be oriented in-line or staggered
as shown in Figure 12. The top figure shows the welding symbol with the fillet weld symbols
aligned for both sides (the vertical lines on the triangular fillet weld symbols are aligned for the
top and bottom symbol). The bottom welding symbol has the fillet weld symbols offset for the
arrow side and other side (the vertical lines on the triangular fillet weld symbols are not aligned
for the top and bottom symbol). The resulting intermittent welds are shown to the right of each
welding symbol. Staggered intermittent welds can reduce heat distortion and can avoid a
concentrated area of residual stress after welding.
Figure 12 Welding symbols for in-line and staggered intermittent fillet welds
Groove Welds
Next we will examine weld symbols for groove welds, which are the second most common
welding type. Welding symbols for groove welds can seem more complicated than fillet welds
because several types of groove welds exist. The basic groove welds are shown in Figure 13.
The figure shows the symbols on the arrow side; but the same rules for arrow side, other side,
and both sides discussed for fillet welds also apply to groove welds. Groove welds are very
common for butt joints, but they can be used for corner joints. Other applications of groove
welds include joints with rounded corners. Examples for each of the groove weld types and
symbols will be discussed next based on the type of joint.
V-groove welds can be called out at a particular depth if a full penetration weld is not desired. If
required, the depth of the weld is called out to the left of the weld symbol as shown in Figure 16.
Bevel welds can also be used for butt joints. A bevel weld is similar to a V weld, but the notch
(or bevel) is only cut on one plate. As illustrated in Figure 17, the bevel is cut on the plate
pointed to by the weld symbol arrow.
U-welds can also be used for butt joints, as illustrated in Figure 18. The weld symbol
dimensions are similar to those used in V-groove welds. U-welds are not as common due to
increased difficulty of the material preparation (the channel has a U shape which is more difficult
than a basic V shape), and they offer little benefit over the simpler V-groove weld. The main
advantage of U-welds would exist for thicker plates, where a V-groove would have a very large
opening and require more weld material to fill.
It is also possible to use combined weld symbols for corner welds. Figure 20, for example,
shows a combination weld of a single bevel on the arrow side and a fillet weld on the opposite
Figure 20 Combination corner weld with single bevel and fillet welds
Figure 21 Flare V and flare bevel welds for rounded corner joints
Flare groove welds are also used to connect round bar to flat plate, as shown in Figure 22.
Figure 22 Flare bevel weld for connecting round bar to flat plate
Additional Topics
Finishing of Welds
If finishing other than typical cleaning is required, contour symbols must be added to indicate
the required weld finish. The final contour of a weld can be called out as flat, convex, or
concave. Examples of the symbols used for these contours are shown in Figure 23 for fillet
Figure 23 Flat, convex, and concave symbols (used on a fillet weld symbol)
The finishing method can also be designated. Table 1 gives the letters used for finishing
methods. An example for grinding flat is shown in Figure 24 for a bevel weld.