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Bruce, T., Long, H. and Dwyer-Joyce, R. (2015) Dynamic modelling of wind turbine
gearbox bearing loading during transient events. IET Renewable Power Generation. ISSN


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IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

Dynamic modelling of wind turbine gearbox bearing loading

during transient events

T. Bruce, H. Long*, R. S. Dwyer-Joyce

Leonardo Centre for Tribology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of

Sheffield, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 114 222 7759
Fax: +44 (0) 114 222 7890

Wind turbine gearbox bearings (WTGBs) are the most reliability critical component in wind

turbine gearboxes (WTGs) due to their high failure rate and long downtime-per-failure. Current

design methods predict bearing failure by fatigue life models. However, premature WTGB failures

have been observed by many other modes. This study presents the development of a multibody

dynamic gearbox model, used to determine maximum bearing contact stresses from laboratory

measured shaft torque data during normal operation and shutdown conditions. The model was

validated by comparing its results to other models of the 750 kW National Renewable Energy

Laboratory (NREL) test drive train by the Gearbox Reliability Collaborative (GRC). During normal

operation, the maximum contact stress experienced by the planetary stage bearings exceeded

recommended levels by 1% and during shutdown, by 15%. High speed shaft bearings also exceeded

recommended levels during shutdown, by 18%.


Wind turbine gearbox, bearing failure, multibody, dynamic model, overload, white etching crack.
IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

1. Introduction

Approximately two-thirds of WTG failures initiate in the bearings [1] despite best practice

manufacturing being followed [2]. A typical onshore failure takes around 250 hours to repair and 20%

of the overall lifetime downtime of a wind turbine (WT) can be expected to be caused by gearbox

failures [3], with this percentage greatly increased for offshore applications. Current standards explain

bearing failure via rolling contact fatigue [4], but do not explain the shortened lifetimes. It is clear that

the bearing failures have other root causes [3, 5].

The number of failures increases with WT size, due to larger component deflections and

misalignment [5, 6]; although NREL found that size does not affect the mode of failure [7]. European

offshore wind capacity is expected to increase by approximately 30-40 times 2011 levels by 2020 [8],

with offshore WTs being more expensive to repair than onshore.

The purpose of the model developed in this study is to determine whether maximum bearing

contact pressures are exceeding recommended levels during normal operation and manual shutdown

conditions. A dynamic gearbox model of the NREL two-speed, stall-regulated 750 kW test drivetrain

was created, using Ricardo PLC’s VALDYN software. The model was then validated against models

of the same gearbox, created independently by the NREL GRC round-robin project. Simulation

results of bearing dynamic loading are presented and maximum Hertzian contact stresses calculated.

2. Review of Recent Research

2.1. Causes of premature failure in wind turbine gearbox bearings

Overloading may be a cause of premature failure [9], occurring when the contact pressure

between a bearing raceway and rolling element is higher than the material’s yield strength.

Overloading is caused by short-term impact loading, which may arise from: fluctuating wind loads,

non-synchronisation of blade pitch (for machines with pitching blades), sudden braking, sudden grid

drops, generator/grid engagements [9], extended periods of high rotor torque, misalignment due to

gearbox component deflections, oval compression of gearbox bearings due to gearbox support

structure deflections, oval compression of blade pitch bearings causing short term torque spikes due to
IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

delayed blade pitching [10], non-torsional loading [11], preloading on account of tight fits, excessive

drive-up on a tapered seating, extreme events leading to torque reversal (for example emergency

shutdown), or impact during fitting [12, 13]. When rolling elements are in the unloaded zone, they

can be instantaneously loaded beyond the material’s yield strength in misaligned conditions, along

one or two contact points in the load profile [9]. These periods of heavy, dynamic loading may lead to

raceway stresses exceeding 3.1 GPa [10].

Possible damage modes may include, subsurface damaged due to localised adiabatic heating [14],

or if impact loads are high enough to cause low cycle fatigue, failure may occur over a relatively low

number of load cycles [15]. Overloading may lead to the development of hard, brittle, white etching

cracks (WECs) [9, 13]. Repetitive impact loading (hammering impact), may occur during torque

reversals, leading to many overload cycles in a short time period. If WECs propagate to the raceway

surface, they may initiate failure by spalling [9] or axial cracking [16]; a mode of damage that can

lead to bearing failure within 1-20% of the L10 design life [17]. These observations indicate

overloading over short time periods is a potential cause of the premature bearing failure, validating

the need to model a WTG during transient loading.

2.2. Dynamic system modelling

Peeters et al. [18] compared three types of WTG model.

- 1: Torsional multibody models, modelled with 1 degree of freedom (DOF);

- 2: Six DOF rigid multibody models with discrete flexible elements;

- 3: Fully flexible multibody models.

Type 1 models are useful for modelling drivetrains during the early design stage, and are suitable

for investigating dynamic torque levels, but not for modelling bearing reaction forces [19]. A study of

a type 1 gearbox model used to simulate normal operation and emergency stop conditions found that

most off-axis wind loads are absorbed by the main rotor shaft bearings before entering the gearbox

[1], a finding supported by NREL [20]. Failure-by-fatigue analysis [4] was used to conclude that the

first stage planetary bearings showed the greatest amount of fatigue damage, which was within

acceptable limits. Normal stops caused no additional damage but emergency stops led to higher
IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

damage levels, especially immediately after grid loss. The model did not predict any excess loads on

the HSS (High Speed Shaft) [1].

Type 2 models can be used to investigate the influence of bearing stiffness on drivetrain dynamics

[18] and to model planetary and parallel stages as well as complete gearboxes [19]. It is useful to use

a ‘sliced’ model for gear tooth contact [21], dividing it into many ‘spring-damper’ force elements.

Axial forces introduced by helical gears can be well modelled using this method, which is important

due to the induced moment on the planet gears, leading to shaft bending and misalignment. A 35-slice

contact model was determined to be the optimum compromise between accuracy and computational

cost [21].

Type 3 models are able to calculate internal component stresses and strains, but with high

computational expense [18, 19]. The computational cost of each model type was investigated [20, 21]

by developing a gearbox model, initially as a two mass system (rotor and generator), and

incrementally increasing its complexity, validating each stage against a tested braking event. Type 2

model cost was 400 % higher than type 1, with type 3 a further 26 % higher than type 2. It was found

that type 1 models are time effective and that accurate modelling is possible using type 2, without

using finite element analysis. A new method of multibody dynamic modelling, streamlined for

efficiently calculating bearing loading, has been developed in this study, using the software package


3. Development of a dynamic WTG model using VALDYN

The proposed new model is compared to existing models in Table 1 and is described as modified

type 2. It is able to model variable bearing stiffness, bearing damping and uses a sliced gear mesh

stiffness model.

Type 2 – 6 DOF
Modelled Type 1 – 1 DOF Type 3 – Flexible Proposed model
rigid multibody
stiffness torsional model multibody model in this study
Constant (sliced
Gear mesh Constant Constant Variable
Variable axial,
Variable axial,
Constant axial, radial, radial, tilt
Bearing Rigid radial, tilt (stiffness
tilt (no damping) (stiffness),
and damping)
constant damping
Shaft Discrete torsional Discrete torsional, FEA representation Discrete torsional,
IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

Equivalent bending Equivalent bending

Discrete torsional,
Splined Torsional spline Torsional spline Torsional spline
Discrete bending,
connection connection connection connection
Discrete tilting
Rigid Rigid FEA representation Rigid
Torque time
reaction forces
Internal stresses
(bearings only)
and strains
Table 1: Comparison of model types 1-3 to proposed gearbox model (adapted from [19])

Figure 1a shows a conventional WT drivetrain and the coordinate system used in this study. All

components were modelled, with the exception of the bedplate, which was assumed to be rigid, and

the main shaft bearings, as it was assumed that no off-axis wind loads were transmitted to the

gearbox, an accepted assumption [1, 21]. Gearbox components were modelled in 6 DOFs, while the

rotor and the generator were modelled as point inertias, free to rotate in the Z direction. A typical

WTG is shown schematically in Figure 1b including the description of the bearings used in the

developed model. VALDYN was used to dynamically model all components at each timestep using the

equation of motion (1), where [M], [C], and [K] are the inertia, damping and stiffness matrices

representing the modelled components respectively; and represent the acceleration,

velocity and displacement of each modelled component respectively and {F} represents the calculated

forces and moments bearing supports. These matrices are described in more detail in equations (2-19).

All required input parameters are listed in Table 5 in the appendix.

IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

(b) Position Attached Type

Low Speed PLC-A Full complement
Shaft (LSS) cylindrical roller bearing
PLC-B Full complement CRB
Planet Gears PL-A CRB
Intermediate ISS1-A Full complement CRB
Speed Shaft ISS1-B Tapered roller bearing
1 (ISS1) (TRB)
Intermediate ISS2-A CRB
Speed Shaft ISS2-B TRB
High Speed HSS-A CRB

Figure 1: NREL gearbox layout: (a) Typical WT drivetrain configuration and coordinate system (b) Gearbox
schematic [7]

3.1. Mass and inertias of gearbox components

The mass matrix below describes the mass and inertia of each component, where M is its mass

and IX , IY and IZ are its inertia in the X , Y and Z directions respectively. Masses and inertias were

found from component data sheets where possible, or alternatively, using CAD models.

M 0 0 0 0 0
0 M 0 0 0 0
0 0 M 0 0 0 (2)
0 0 0 IX 0 0
0 0 0 0 IY 0
0 0 0 0 0 IZ

3.2. Bearings
Bearing stiffness is described by the matrix shown below [22], where the value for kZ Z is zero,

because this is the DOF representing rotation around the shaft axis (axial friction is considered later).

Constant diagonal terms (shown in bold) assume linearly varying stiffness with bearing displacement

[18]. The modified model in this study calculated varying stiffness terms from the inputted bearing

geometry, taking into account the off-diagonal terms, which link the 6 DOFs. VALDYN is able to

model both cylindrical roller bearings (CRBs) and tapered roller bearings (TRBs) in this way, using

the theory presented in [23].

IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

kXX kXY kXZ kXX kXY 0

kYY kYZ kYX kYY 0
kZZ kZX kZY 0
kX X kX Y 0
Symmetric kY Y 0
kZ Z

The bearing loads, F x, F y and F z, and tilting moments, Mx and My, are computed at each timestep

as functions of the relative displacements x, y, z, x , y of the outer and inner raceways, i and j

respectively. Initial displacements must be zero. oi and oj are the initial axial inner and outer race

offsets; the distance from the common centre of mass of the outer race and inner race respectively in

the z direction [24]:


Acceleration and velocity are calculated at each timestep, using these displacement results.

VALDYN then calculates the forces, F x and F y, in the X and Y directions respectively and RI, the

radius at which the force acts. The loads F and moments M acting on each of the raceways are

calculated in the following form [24]:



The axial moment caused by bearing friction is calculated below, considering the coefficient of

rotational friction . Assumed values of are 0.0011 and 0.0018 for CRBs and TRBs respectively

IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015


The most difficult bearing parameter to estimate accurately is its damping coefficient c. One

method is to consider bearing damping as a fraction of its critical damping; calculated using equation

14 where k is the bearing stiffness and I is the inertia of the rolling elements [11].


Introducing the ratio of the critical damping allowed the level of the damping to be set.


Bearing stiffness values at rated torque were used to calculate constant damping coefficients in

the five restrained DOFs. Three damping coefficients were required; axial ca , radial cr and tilt ct. Axial

damping was calculated using the axial stiffness; radial damping, using the mean radial stiffness in the

x and y directions; and tilt damping, using the mean tilt stiffness in the X and Y directions.

Combining these damping values found using in equations (16-18) creating the damping matrix (19).




cr 0 0 0 0 0
0 cr 0 0 0 0
0 0 ca 0 0 0
0 0 0 ct 0 0
0 0 0 0 ct 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

3.3. Gears
As previously discussed, a ‘sliced’ gear tooth contact model was used. The higher the number of

slices, the more accurate the results are, but at computational cost. A previous study found that the

optimum number of slices is 35 [22]. This study found this number to be a good compromise between

computational cost and accuracy.

Tooth contact stiffness were assumed because the effective tooth stiffness of a pair of spur gears

is relatively independent of the tooth and gear size when standard involute tooth profiles are used

[26]. For spur gears, c = 14 N/(mm. m) and for helical gears (helix angle, = 20 ): c = 13.1

N/(mm. m). These values were adjusted appropriately for different helix angles.

Damping was approximated, using an appropriate critical damping ratio in the same manner as in

section 3.2. It was assumed that gear contact friction is zero, as it is anticipated that it will have little

effect on bearing loading.

3.4. Shafts

Non-rigid shafts were modelled by specifying connected masses and inertias, as well as the shaft

dimensions, mass matrix and bending and torsional damping. As the damping values of the shaft were

unknown, they were approximated, again by using an appropriate value for the critical damping ratio.

3.5. Planetary carrier

The planetary carrier was assumed to be a rigid body as the computational cost of using an FE

model was too high. This assumption is valid, provided that modelling unequal load sharing between

upwind and downwind planetary bearings is not required. The magnitude of the sum of the upwind

and downwind bearing reaction forces for each planetary gear will be correct. Previously calculated

scaling factors for unequal load sharing are later introduced to approximate maximum load


3.6. Splined sun shaft connection

Many WT gearboxes use a splined shaft connection to allow the planetary stage sun gear to

‘float’. A floating sun gear centres itself within its planets, encouraging load sharing. The splined
IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

connection was modelled as a rigid connection in the X, Y, Z and Z DOFs, while the X and Y

degrees of freedom were unrestrained, allowing the sun gear move up and down. As the sun gear’s

position is restrained by the three planets, it displacements in these directions are small, and the

assumption is valid.

3.7. Gearbox casing and elastomer supports

The gearbox casing was modelled under the assumption that it is rigid, using a series of zero-

mass “connection points” at each bearing location that are linked to a mass positioned at the centroid.

The casing’s movement was unrestrained and supported by two rubber mounts. The stiffness and

damping values of these rubber mounts were assumed to be constant, which is an acceptable

assumption as casing displacements are small [21].

3.8. Generator resistance torque

A simple induction generator model was used to model the generator resistance torque curve

(Figure 2) that was accurate for most operation modes, although too simple to model the WT start-up

control system [7]. Four inputs were required: synchronous generator speed ( ), HSS rated speed,

HSS Rated torque and pullout torque; given by the following equations, where PR is the pullout ratio

(the ratio of pullout torque to HSS rated torque) [7]:

IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

Figure 2: Generator resistance torque curve [7]

3.9. Disc braking

A trial and error process was utilised, by applying different contact loads (simulating the brake

pads) to a brake disc, created using a braking element in VALDYN, which applied a frictional

retarding force to the brake disc. Contact loads were altered until the time taken to bring the rotor to a

stop from 10 rpm was the same as that taken for the tested event measured by NREL.

3.10. Maximum Hertzian contact stress calculation

After bearing dynamic loading was calculated, the maximum contact stress on the inner raceway

of each bearing was calculated. First, the maximum load experienced by the most heavily loaded

roller raceway contact Qmax was approximated using equation (21) [27], where P max is the maximum

load experienced perpendicular to the roller/raceway contact and z is the number of rolling elements.

This calculation assumed that: the internal clearance of bearings was greater than zero, the elastic

deformation of a rolling element was never negative, and the bearing roller was a perfect cylinder.

These assumptions will lead to conservative bearing contact stress estimations as they do not take into

account stress concentrations due to edge loading and roller profiling. Standard Hertzian calculations
IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

for line contact loading (22) were used to calculate maximum contact pressure P 0, where a is the

contact area [28].



4. Application to the NREL750 kW WTG

The NREL 750 kW gearbox, shown in Figure 2, was modelled in this study, which is a

conventional three-stage design, with a low speed, three gear planetary stage, followed by two parallel

stages. The gearbox ratio is 1:81.49, with a planetary stage ratio of 1:5.71, and two parallel ratios of

1:3.57 and 1:4.00 respectively. The sun gear is attached to the intermediate stage gear, via a shaft with

a splined connection. The WT is able to generate power at two rated speeds, using either four or six

generator poles.

As previously mentioned, it has been found that WTGB failures experienced by small-scale WTs

(500-1000 kW) are also found in modern larger turbines. This confirms that findings from a study

based on the 750 kW test-turbine, can be extrapolated to larger WTGs [7], despite their larger size,

updated design standards and different control systems. This is highly advantageous because working

with smaller turbine test facilities reduces cost and increases the availability of experimental research.

Field and laboratory measurements are widely available for older turbines, whereas many modern

designs are still protected by industry.

4.1. Model validation

The model was validated to evaluate the assumptions made during its development, against the

results that were available for comparison. The first step was to compare torque distribution

throughout the gearbox with that obtained by the anonymous GRC contributors involved in the round-
IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

robin project [20]. The modelling method used by each of the partners involved different software

packages, by which the studies were independently performed.

The VALDYN model was loaded at rated torque and the torque distribution throughout the

gearbox was calculated and found to be very close to GRC results, as shown in Figure 3a. The

maximum error from the mean result was 1.8% for the ISS2 torque level. The GRC mean result is

possibly skewed by result D, which is slightly different from all other results. This comparison

validates the model’s torque distribution, proving that gearbox ratios and component dimensions have

been setup correctly.

The loading levels in the sun/planet gear contact were tested to check the gear tooth contact

model. The VALDYN model was run at rated torque until all vibrations caused by initial system

unbalance had dissipated. Then the contact load was calculated and found to be very close to GRC

results as shown in Figure 3b. The largest percentage difference from the mean GRC result was 2.4 %

for the radial contact load. These slight differences are probably due to the use of different modelling


Finally, the bending of the main shaft under rated load was checked to validate the assumptions

used for modelling shaft bending and bearing stiffness. A model was created in which the shaft was

split into four lengths, separated by five masses, with 6 DOF mass matrices representing the section of

shaft they represented, allowing shaft deflection to be calculated in three locations between its

supporting bearings. Main shaft bearing geometry, was input into the VALDYN model, which was

loaded at rated rotor torque and the relative displacements of the main shaft was compared to NREL

results. Figure 3c shows that the results from the GRC round-robin were inconsistent. Reading

maximum displacement values from the figure allows the mean GRC result to be calculated to be

approximately 7.3 m. The calculated maximum value in this study; 8.2 m, is around 11% higher

than the mean magnitude and only the GRC result D is closer to this mean. This suggests that

assumptions were reasonable and validates the method used to model shafts and their supports

(bearing stiffness) in VALDYN.

IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015




Figure 3: Validation of model in comparison to partners A-F (20) (a) Shaft torque levels (b) Planet-sun gear
contact load levels (c) Main shaft bending displacement
IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

4.2. Torque loading

Input torque and rotor speed data were provided by NREL for the following conditions:

- Normal Operation: 90 seconds of operation at six-pole rated speed.

- Shut-down: the rotor begins at six-pole rated speed, then the generator is disconnected and

aerodynamic braking is initiated, until the rotor reaches 10 rpm, at which point the disc brake is

engaged, bringing the rotor to a halt.

Figure 4 shows the input torque for the two operating conditions that were investigated by the

developed multibody dynamic model.

Figure 4: Input torque for normal operation and shutdown events

5. Results from simulated model and analysis

Planetary gear bearings and HSS bearings have historically been the most problematic in wind

turbines, so were selected to be analysed in detail in this study.

5.1. Normal operation

Figure 5 displays the LSS and HSS velocities over the 96 second simulation period. Ignoring

oscillations caused by initial system unbalance during the first 5 seconds, LSS speed oscillation

magnitudes of approximately 0.8 rpm compare well with NREL measured data, and the average
IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

velocity of the simulated LSS signal was 0.13% different from NREL measured data. No comparison

data was available for HSS velocity, which oscillates either side of the generator rated speed of 1809

rpm by approximately +/-5 rpm.

Figure 5: LSS and HSS velocity during normal operation

Figure 6a shows the resultant force acting on the planetary bearings, PL-A and PL-B, supporting

each planet gear. The maximum resultant force experienced was 280 kN. Figure 6b shows the

resultant forces acting on the HSS bearings, which in the case of HSS-B and HSS-C include both axial

and radial elements, as they are TRBs, with maximum values of 63 kN, 79 kN and 15 kN for HSS-A,

HSS-B and HSS-C respectively.

IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015



Figure 6: Resultant forces acting on bearings roller/raceway contacts during normal operation for:
(a) Planetary bearings (b) High speed shaft bearings
IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

5.2. Shut-down

LSS and HSS velocities during shut-down are shown in Figure 7. The simulation was stopped after 36

seconds as rotor velocity was oscillating either side of zero and maximum bearing loading had been

experienced. Figure 8a shows that planetary bearing loading peaks after 10 seconds, when the

generator is switched offline, then the maximum loading of 358 kN is experienced when the disc

brake is engaged at 26 seconds. Figure 8b shows that the HSS bearings experience maximum resultant

force magnitudes of 110 kN for HSS-A, 102 kN for HSS-B and 63 kN for HSS-C under braking.

Figure 7: LSS and HSS velocity during shut-down

IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015



Figure 8: Resultant forces acting on planetary bearings roller/raceway contacts during shut-down for:
(a) Planetary bearings (b) High speed shaft bearings

5.3. Maximum Hertzian contact pressures

Maximum inner race contact pressures were calculated because most WTGBs fail on the inner

race. As previously mentioned, the developed dynamic model in this study has not taken into account

unequal load sharing between the upwind and downwind planetary bearings. Previous studies [29-31]
IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

have found that upwind planetary bearings experience considerably higher loading; up to 1.3 times

higher [30]. This factor is taken into account when calculated planetary bearing contact stress.

Tables 2 and 3 show calculated maximum Hertzian stress experienced for normal operation and

shut-down respectively. Stresses are presented as a percentage of the maximum allowable contact

stress at Miner’s sum dynamic equivalent bearing load (P max) as listed in current wind turbine design

standards [32]; 1,500 MPa for low speed planetary bearings and 1,300 MPa for HSS bearings.


P (kN) 277 322 278 63 78 15
p0 (MPa) 1410 1520 1410 1170 688 305
% of Pmax reached 94 101 74 90 83 20
Table 2: Maximum bearing contact stresses during normal operation


P (kN) 412 408 345 110 102 63
p0 (MPa) 1720 1710 1570 1540 788 618
% of Pmax reached 115 114 105 118 61 48
Table 3: Maximum bearing contact stresses during shut-down

6. Discussion

A dynamic gearbox model has been created and successfully validated in this study. Bearing

loading results can be assumed to be accurate, taking into account the following limitations of the


- Inability to model load sharing between planet gear bearing pairs;

- Inability to model off-axis loads (Z DOF) from the rotor and generator;

- Inability to model internal component deflections.

It can be seen that planetary loading is fairly evenly shared between the three planetary gears,

during both shutdown and normal operation, suggesting that the splined shaft connection does

promote load sharing in the planetary stage. Planetary bearings are loaded to higher magnitudes than

HSS bearings during both operating regimes, exceeding maximum the recommended contact stress by

15% during shutdown and by 1% during normal operation. Bearing HSSA on the HSS is also loaded

to a high percentage of the recommended level during normal operation (90%) and significantly
IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

exceeds it during shutdown (by 18%). It is anticipated that extreme operating conditions, such as

emergency shutdown, would further increase contact stresses.

The TRB pair, HSS-B and HSS-C do not come close to exceeding recommended stress levels.

This could be because TRBs are designed to withstand high axial loading, which was not experienced

during these simulations. Radial loading is shared between the two tapered bearings, whereas axial

load is only supported by one of the two, as HSS-B is takes the positive axial load, while HSS-C takes

the negative. Loading on HSS-B is considerably higher than HSS-C. This is likely to be because HSS-

B takes a greater share of the load in the radial direction, to a greater extent than HSS-C, because it is

closer to the meshing gears.

Maximum bearing loading conditions were experienced under braking during manual shutdown,

inducing greater transient bearing loading than that during normal operation. The shutdown event also

produced large torque reversals in the gearbox, visible by the highly fluctuating bearing loading

during braking. This would likely cause hammering impact between the roller and raceway. It is

anticipated that during emergency stop events, this will be experienced at higher levels.

Another consideration is that sub-surface material defects in the bearing steel microstructure act

as stress raisers [9], locally increasing the stress that the material experiences and likely causing

plastic deformation in their close proximity. Further work will be carried out to confirm this and to

identify the loading levels at which it occurs.

This paper has assumed that all rolling elements are identically sized, which in reality is not the

case and any variation may have large implications on load sharing [33]. Bearing misalignment and

resulting roller edge loading has not been considered and would lead to a considerably reduced

contact area and therefore a considerably increased contact pressure. As previously mentioned, rollers

and raceways have been assumed to be perfect cylinders under ideal Hertzian line contact, which

equally distributes loading over the length of the line contact. The small increase in contact pressure

caused by roller profiling has not been considered.

This study has shown that under normal operating conditions such as shutdown, the bearing

loading exceeds recommended values both on the high speed shaft and the low speed planetary stage,

using a simulation method that likely underpredicts contact stresses. During extreme events such as
IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

emergency shutdown or grid disconnection due to grid faults, the bearing loading is very likely to be

higher. As a result the bearings used in this gearbox are thought to be undersized and unable to

operate at rated torque and during manual shutdown for their design lifetime.

7. Conclusions

A multibody dynamic model of a 750 kW wind turbine gearbox has been successfully developed,

validated and used to simulate normal operation and manual shutdown. Bearing loading variations in

the time domain have been calculated and analysed. The model found that the gearbox bearings were

undersized and recommended contact stresses were exceeded on four of the six analysed bearings:

1. It was found that during normal operation, the maximum contact stress on one of the planetary

bearing inner raceways exceeded the maximum recommended level by 1 %.

2. During the braking event in the wind turbine shutdown procedure, contact stresses in the

planetary bearings exceeded the maximum recommended level in all bearings and by a maximum

of 15% in one of the bearings.

3. The upwind high speed shaft bearing HSS-A, experienced contact stresses 18% higher than

recommended levels during manual shutdown.

4. In the NREL 750 kW test wind turbine, gearbox bearings are operating at contact stress levels

higher than the recommended values during normal operating conditions and therefore may

accumulate fatigue damage when operating at rated torque and when undergoing manual



The authors would like to thank Ricardo for the provision of the dynamic modelling package

“VALDYN” and the NREL GRC for the provision of NREL 750 kW Gearbox design and testing

IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015


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IET Renewable Power Generation ISSN 1752-14 16 Received on 17th June 2014
IET Journals Revised on 16th February 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2014.0194 Accepted 31st March 2015

Planet Gears Shafts Bearings
Rotor Brake Casing Generator
carrier (All gears) (All shafts) (All bearings)
Peak normal Mass and Mass and
Mass Dimensions No. of teeth Dimensions Axial damping
force inertia (6 DOF) inertia of
Inner radius of generator
Young's Casing
Gear module Radial damping disc contact rotor (6
Moment Mass and modulus dimensions
area DOF)
of inertia inertia (6
(z') DOF) Shear
modification Tilt damping
Outer radius of Elastomer
Mass and disc contact mount stiffness
inertia (6 Coefficient of area (6 DOF)
DOF) rotational friction
Number of Static friction
Helix angle dimensions
rolling elements coefficient Elastomer
mount damping
Rolling element (6 DOF)
TIF diameter damping
diameter Coulomb
about X
Bearing bore coefficient
Tip diameter Bending diameter
Tooth face about Y Bearing outer Stribeck
width diameter velocity

Axial Rolling element Mass of brake
damping contact length disc

Contact Torsional
Contact angle
stiffness damping


Mass and
inertia (6
Table 4: Required parameters to create the gearbox model

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