Unit II Chapter 9: Vibration Control: UE15ME352: Mechanical Vibrations Question Bank: Partial Solutions

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UE15ME352: Mechanical Vibrations

PES University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
UE15ME352: Mechanical Vibrations
Question Bank: Partial Solutions

Unit II Chapter 9: Vibration Control

1. An automobile moving on a rough road, in the form of a sinusoidal surface, is modeled as
a spring-mass system, as shown in Figure 1. The sinusoidal surface has a wave length of
5 m and an amplitude of Y = 1mm. If the mass of the automobile, including the
passengers, is 1,500 kg and the stiffness of the suspension system (k) is 400 kN/m,
determine the range of speed (v) of the automobile in which the passengers perceive the
vibration. Suggest possible methods of improving the design for a more comfortable ride
of the passengers.

Fig. 1
λ = 5   = 1 = 1 × 10 

 400 × 10
 =  = = 16.3299 /
2 2 × 1,000 × 
 = 2 = = = 0.3491  /
3,600 × 5

∴= = = 0.02138
# 1
= ;
 |1 −  & |

Dr. C V Chandrashekara, Professor and Lead: Design Domain, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PESU, B’lore
UE15ME352: Mechanical Vibrations

 1 × 10
∴#= =
|1 −  & | |1 − 0.02138 & |
# () (* ∞, ,ℎ) )*.(* /( * 012 () (* 3)*
∴ |1 − 0.02138 & | = 0
∴ 4 = 56. 7787 9:/;<
Thus, the passengers will perceive the vibrations in the neighborhood of 46.7727 km/hr
Possible methods to improve the design are;
i. Change the stiffness of the system by changing the tire pressure or springs of the
suspensions or
ii. Change the mass of the system by adding more dead load or
iii. Add damping to the system - use better shock absorber
[Among the above three remedies, the third remedy will give more comfort to passenger
during varying speed of the vehicle]

2. A steel shaft of diameter 2.5 cm and length 1 m is supported at the two ends in bearings.
It carries a turbine disc, of mass 20 kg and eccentricity 0.005 m, at the middle and
operates at 6,000 rpm. The damping in the system is equivalent to viscous damping with
ζ = 0.01. Determine the whirl amplitude of the disc at (a) operating speed, (b) critical
speed, and (c) 1.5 times the critical speed. Assume = = 207 × 10? @/&
Stiffness of the simply supported beam,
48=A 48 × = ×  ×  C 48 × 207 × 10? ×  × 0.025C
= = =
B B × 64 1 × 64
 = 19.0521 × 10C @/

 19.0521 × 10C
 =  = = 97.6014 /

2@ 2 × 6,000
Frequency of rotor (Shaft speed),

= = = 628.32 /
60 60

∴= = = 6.4376

Dr. C V Chandrashekara, Professor and Lead: Design Domain, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PESU, B’lore
UE15ME352: Mechanical Vibrations

a. @ Operating speed:

 & 0.05 × 6.4376&

Whirl amplitude of the disc,

D= =
E1 −  & & + 2ζ & E1 − 6.4376& & + 2 × 0.01 × 6.4376 &

∴ D = 0.005124  = 5.124 

G = 2ζ√ = 2 × 0.01 × E19.0521 × 10C × 20

b. @ critical speed:

∴ G = 39.0406 @ − /

 = IJK = =
1 G &
L1 − 1 M 39.0406 N
L1 − M N
2  2 97.6014
∴  = 101.7565 /
∴= = = 1.0426
 & 0.05 × 1.0426&
D= =
E1 −  & & + 2ζ & E1 − 1.0426& & + 2 × 0.01 × 1.0426 &

∴ D = 0.06074  = 60.74 

c. @1.5 times the critical speed:

1.5IJK 1.5 × 101.7565

∴= = = 1.5638
 & 0.05 × 1.5638&
D= =
E1 −  & & + 2ζ & E1 − 1.5638& & + 2 × 0.01 × 1.5638 &

∴ D = 0.06074  = 60.74 

Dr. C V Chandrashekara, Professor and Lead: Design Domain, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PESU, B’lore
UE15ME352: Mechanical Vibrations

3. An electronic instrument is to be isolated from a panel that vibrates at frequencies

ranging from 25 Hz to 35 Hz. It is estimated that at least 80 percent vibration isolation
must be achieved to prevent damage to the instrument. If the instrument weights 85 N,
find the necessary static deflection of the isolator.

O 85

O = 85 @  ∴  = = = 8.6646 P
P 9.81

Transmissibility of an undamped isolator is given by,

QJ =
|1 −  & |
For 80% of vibration isolation to be achieved means, QJ = 0.2
∴ 0.2 = ; .. ). , |1 −  & | = 5; ∴  = 2.4495
|1 −  & |
But,  =

T 157.08
∴ @  = T = 25 13 = 157.08 /; T = = = 64.1274 /
& 219.912
BB UV @  = & = 35 13 = 219.912 /; & = = = 89.7783 /

Now, find out the static deflection at both possible natural frequencies, as follows

,(. , WXY = &

P 9.81
∴ @ T = 64.1274 /; WXY T = & = 64.1274& = 2.3855 × 10  = 2.3855 

P 9.81
@ & = 89.7783 /; WXY & = & = 89.7783& = 1.2171 × 10  = 1.2171 

Consider the Higher value, i.e., WXY = 2.3855 
It means we have designed the isolator to suit  = 64.1274 /

Now check for the performance (Transmissibility ratio) of the isolator at,

 = 35 13 = 219.912 /; ∴  = = = 3.4293

1 1
∴ QJ = = = 9.29 %
|1 −  & | |1 − 3.4293& |
It indicates about 90.71% (100 − 9.29 = 90.71%) isolation is achieved and it is better than the
required 80% isolations

Dr. C V Chandrashekara, Professor and Lead: Design Domain, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PESU, B’lore
UE15ME352: Mechanical Vibrations

4. An exhaust fan, having a small unbalance, weights 800 N and operates at a speed of 600
rpm. It is desired to limit the response to a transmissibility of 2.5 as the fan passes
through resonance during start-up. In addition, an isolation of 90 percent is to be achieved
at the operating speed of the fan. Design a suitable isolator for the fan. [Note: Problem
with NO unique answer]
[Note: In this problem there are two parts. First part is to limit the response to a transmissibility
of 2.5 at resonance means we have to design a suitable damping coefficient (c) and the second
part is to design a suitable stiffness for the spring, so that the isolation of 90% can be achieved at
the operating speed of the fan.]
a. First part:
QJ = 2.5
O 800
= = = 81.5494 P
P 9.81
 = 1, ( )*G)

1 + 2ζ &
QJ = 
1 −  & & + 2ζ &

@ = 1

1 + 2ζ & 1 + 2ζ &

QJ =  => 2.5 = 
2ζ & 2ζ &

∴ ζ = 0.2182
b. Second part:
90% of isolation means, QJ = 0.1
@ operating speed, QJ = 0.1 ,  = 600 / = 62.832 / ζ = 0.2182

1 + 2ζ &
QJ = 
1 −  & & + 2ζ &

1 + 2 × 0.2182 ×  &
0.1 = 
1 −  & & + 2 × 0.2182 ×  &

 C − 20.8595 & − 99 = 0
∴  = 4.9844

Dr. C V Chandrashekara, Professor and Lead: Design Domain, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PESU, B’lore
UE15ME352: Mechanical Vibrations

∴  = = = 12.6057 /
∴  = & = 81.5494 × 12.6057& = 12,958.49 @/ 
G = 2 ζ = 2 × 81.5494 × 12.6057 × 0.2182
G = 448.61@ − /

5. A dishwashing machine weighing 80kg operates at 300 rpm. Find the minimum static
deflection of an isolator that provides 60 percent isolation. Assume that the damping in
the isolator is negligible.
For an undamped system, transmissibility ratio is given by,

QJ =
|1 −  & |

and it can be approximated as, (Ref: SS Rao book)

1 + Q] 1 + 0.4
& ≈ = = 3.5
Q] 0.4
∴  = 1.8708
2@ 2 × 300
= = = 31.42 /
60 60
∴  = = = 16.7949 /
P 9.81
WXY = & = = 0.03477  = 34.77 

6. A washing machine of mass 50 kg operates at 1,200 rpm. Find the maximum stiffness of
an isolator that provides 75 percent isolation. Assume that the damping ratio of the
isolator is 7 percent.

2@ 2 × 1,200

= = = 125.664 /
60 60

Damping ratio, 7%, ξ= 0.07

Transmissibility ratio,

Dr. C V Chandrashekara, Professor and Lead: Design Domain, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PESU, B’lore
UE15ME352: Mechanical Vibrations

E1 + 2ξ &
QJ =
E1 −  & & + 2ξ &

75% isolation means, QJ = 0.25

E1 + 2 × 0.07 ×  &
0.25 =
E1 −  & & + 2 × 0.07 ×  &

∴  = 2.773

 = = = 55.1803 /
∴  = & = 50 × 55.1803&

∴  = 1,52,243 @/

7. It is found that an exhaust fan, of mass 80 kg and operating speed 1,000 rpm, produces a
repeating force of 10,000 N on its rigid base. If the maximum force transmitted to the
base is to be limited to 2,000 N using an undamped isolator, determine (a) the maximum
permissible stiffness of the isolator that serves the purpose; (b) the steady-state amplitude
of the exhaust fan with the isolator that has the maximum permissible stiffness; and (c)
the maximum amplitude of the exhaust fan with isolation during start-up.

2@ 2 × 1,000

= = = 104.72 /
60 60
2,000 N out of 10,000N force is transmitted means,

Transmission ratio of the isolator (Tf),

Q] = = 0.2


1 + Q] 1 + 0.2
& ≈ =
Q] 0.2

∴  = 2.4494

∴  = = = 42.75 /

Dr. C V Chandrashekara, Professor and Lead: Design Domain, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PESU, B’lore
UE15ME352: Mechanical Vibrations

∴  = & = 80 × 42.75&

∴  = 1,46,205 @/

_` 10,000
#=^ ^=^ ^
 −  & 1,46,205 − 80 × 104.72&

# = 0.01368 

_` _`
#=^ ^=a a
 −  & &
 b1 − & c

For which,  =  and # → ∞

8. An engine is mounted on a rigid foundation through four springs. During operation, the
engine produces an excitation force at a frequency of 3,000 rpm. If the weight of the
engine causes the springs to deflect by 10 mm, determine the reduction in the force
transmitted to the foundation

9. A printed circuit board of mass 1 kg is supported to the base through an undamped

isolator. During shipping, the base is subjected to a harmonic disturbance (motion) of
amplitude 2 mm and frequency 2 Hz. Design the isolator so that the displacement
transmitted to the printed circuit board is to be no more than 5 percent of the base motion.

 = 2 = 2 × 2 = 4 /
# 1
=^ ^
 1 −  &
5 1
5% = =^ ^
100 1 −  &
∴  = 4.5826
∴  = = = 2.7422 /
∴  = & = 1 × 2.7422& = 7.5196 @/

Dr. C V Chandrashekara, Professor and Lead: Design Domain, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PESU, B’lore
UE15ME352: Mechanical Vibrations

Unit III Chapter 5: Two Degree-Of-Freedom System

Problem No.1: Answer at different stages:

 + & − T & −& # 0

Step 4: matrix form:
e T f g Th = i j
−& & +  − &  & #& 0
Step 6: Frequency Equation:
T & C − kT + & & + & +  T l& + kT + & & +  − && l = 0
Step 7: Natural frequencies:
kmn omp qp omp omr qn l±Lkmn omp qp omp omr qn lp Cqn qp tmn omp mp omr mpp u
∴ T& , && =
&qn qp
,ℎ)), T  & are known as the natural frequencies of the system
Step 8: Mode shapes of the system:

#T T &
First Mode:

e f = 
#& T + & − T T&

#T & &
Second Mode:

e f =
#& T + & − T &&
Problem No.2: Answer at different stages:

 + & − T & −& # 0

Step 4: Matrix form:
e T f g Th = i j
−& & − &  & #& 0
Step 6: Frequency Equation:

T & C − kT + & & + & T l& + kT + & & − && l = 0

−kT + & & + & T l ± EkT + & & + & T l& − 4T & kT + & & − && l
Step 7: Natural frequencies:
∴ T& , && =
2T &

#T T &
First Mode:

e f = 
#& T + & − T T&

#T & &
Second Mode:

e f =
#& T + & − T &&

Problem No.3:
Similar to Problem No. 2 and substitute the value of mass and stiffness appropriately
Problem No.4:
Similar to Problem No. 1
Problem No.5:
Similar to Problem No. 2 and substitute the value of mass and stiffness appropriately

Dr. C V Chandrashekara, Professor and Lead: Design Domain, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PESU, B’lore
UE15ME352: Mechanical Vibrations

Problem No.6, 7, 8, 9 and 10:

Try yourself
Problem No.11: Answer at different stages:

3P − B& −P # 0

Matrix form:

e f g Th = i j
−P P − B & #& 0

B & C − 4& BP & + 2P &

Frequency Equation:

Natural Frequencies:
T& , && = v2 ∓ √2x
∴ T = 0.7654L  & = 1.8478L
Problem No.12: Answer at different stages:

B & + PB − B & & −B & # 0

Matrix form:
e f g Th = i j
−B & B + 2PB − 4B  #&
& & & 0

4B & C − 5B & + 6PB & + 3PB + 2P& = 0

Frequency Equation:

Problem No.13: Answer at different stages:

3P  P
Matrix form:
b + c − & −
# 0
y B  B z g Th = i j
P P  # 0
− b + c − &
B B 

4P 2 & 2P& 4P   &

Frequency Equation:
 − b + c +{ & +
+ |=0
B  B B  &

Problem No.14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21:

Try yourself
Problem No.22:
Solved Example 5.5 page No. 485 SS Rao
Problem No.23, 24, 25 and 26:
Try yourself
Problem No.27: Solved Example 5.6 page No. 491 SS Rao

Dr. C V Chandrashekara, Professor and Lead: Design Domain, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PESU, B’lore
UE15ME352: Mechanical Vibrations

Unit IV Chapter 6: Multi-degree of freedom systems

1 3 2 1
9. The dynamic matrix [D] of a system is given by,

k}l = ~3 5 2.5
3 5 5.5

€#‚ = k}l#‚
Evaluate the fundamental frequency and mode shape of the characteristic equation,

Using matrix iteration method

Let, x1 = 1, x2 = 2 and x3 = 3

끃‚& = k}lƒ‚T
1st Iteration:

ƒT ƒT
1 3 2 1
λ „ & … = ~3 5 2.5 „ & … ƒ
ƒ & 3 3 5 5.5 ƒ T
1 3 2 1 1 1 10 10 1
λ „ & … = ~3 5 2.5 „2… = „20.5… = „2.05…
ƒ & 3 3 5 5.5 3 3

끃‚ = k}lƒ‚&
2 Iteration:

1 3 2 1 1 1 10.05 10.05 1
λ „ & … = ~3 5 2.5 „2.05… = „20.63… = „2.05…
ƒ 3 3 5 5.5 2.95 3

끃‚C = k}lƒ‚
3rd Iteration:

1 3 2 1 1 1 10.03 10.03 1
λ „ & … = ~3 5 2.5 „2.05… = „20.58… = „2.05…
ƒ C 3 3 5 5.5 2.93 3

10.03 1
λT = = &  ∴ _†)(B _)‡†)Gˆ, T = 0.5469 /)G
3 T

D/B.(†) 0(.* = „2.05…
Mode Shape:

Practice all Class Work Problems

Dr. C V Chandrashekara, Professor and Lead: Design Domain, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PESU, B’lore

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