7 Day Hormone Reset Guide

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About the
Tamika Woods is a Clinical Nutritionist and Natural Fertility
Educator, and the founder of Nourished Natural Health, a women's
health clinic that specialises in hormonal conditions.

She works with women 1:1 in her Sydney-based clinic, as well as

online via virtual consults to help them discover freedom from period
problems and get pregnant naturally.

Tamika is passionate about helping women fall in love with their

cycles, natural fertility and live in their flow. She shares this message
across her weekly blogs, Instagram page and YouTube channel.
W H A T ' S U P


H O R M O N E S ?

Nourished Natural Health

Hormones all over

the shop? You're

not alone.

Mood swings, painful periods, skin breakouts, irregular cycles or hair loss?
Let me guess - you've been told these symptoms are 'normal' or 'just part of
being a woman'?

You've probably been told to put up with it.

Or you've been offered the birth control pill, antibiotics or other
pharmaceuticals to mask your symptoms.

But something deep down told you that there had to be a better way. A tiny
voice inside said "I deserve better than this". Maybe you questioned this
voice, or ignored it and tried the conventional 'solutions' for a while but
weren't satisfied. Or maybe you knew straight away that you wanted to take
a natural approach.

No matter your journey to this point, TODAY is the day that things change
for your health. Today is the day you'll look back on as being the moment
you finally took a stand for your health.

So, I want to congratulate you. For taking the first step to healing your
hormonal imbalances naturally so that you can rediscover that vibrant, sexy
version of yourself (she's still in there - trust me!).

That version of yourself who knows how to support her ebbs and flows
throughout the month so that she can stop living a life controlled by
symptoms. That version of you who has fallen in love with her cycle and
learnt to harness its power.

All of this is within your reach and I can't wait to show you how.

Nourished Natural Health




A 'hormone imbalance' means your body has either too much or too
little of one (or more) of your hormones. This can be a continuous
issue (like in thyroid disorders where your thyroid is making too
much or too little thyroid hormone), or just show up at certain points
of your cycle (e.g. too much estrogen in your luteal phase causing
PMS for a week each month).

Your hormones are constantly in a state of ebb and flow - and this is
NORMAL. Even those without menstrual cycles still go through
hourly changes in thyroid hormone, cortisol and melatonin levels.
When hormone imbalance becomes an issue is when your hormone
levels fail to work in concert with each other, causing you frustrating
symptoms like those below:

Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance:

Breast tenderness, fibrocystic breasts
Heavy, painful, clotted periods
Menstrual cramps
Weight gain/inability to lose weight
Irregular cycles, missing periods
Acne breakouts
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Uterine fibroids
Irritability, anxiety, depression
Short cycles (periods every 3 weeks)
Long cycles (periods >5 weeks apart)
Blood sugar issues
Hair loss on head
Hair growth on face, chest, back
Issues falling pregnant

Nourished Natural Health

T H E 7 D A Y

Nourished Natural Health



Taking the next 7 days to intentionally implement practices

to support your hormones is the best way you can begin to
heal your hormone imbalances naturally.

For the next 7 days, you will focus on a specific hormone-

balancing principle each day. Along with this, I've created a
7 day hormone friendly meal plan to get you inspired
about how eating for your hormones can be both simple and

What can you expect after the next 7 days?

Improved energy, focus and clarity throughout the day
Vibrant, glowing skin
Smooth digestion, less bloating
Less sugar and caffeine cravings
A deepened awareness of the importance of supporting
your body and your cycle, and...
A burning passion to continue to learn how to best support
your cycle!

Nourished Natural Health

DAY #1:


ACTION STEP: Swap coffee for green tea and cut out

Yep, we went straight in for the big guns on Monday morning.

There's no shying away from it: reliance on caffeine to get you out
of bed, and alcohol to wind down at night is not good news for
your delicate hormone balance. Just a glass or two of alcohol has
been shown to dramatically increase blood estrogen levels,
contributing to worsened PMS, breast tenderness and painful

Excess coffee consumption impairs your liver's ability to process

and clear excess hormones, contributing to a whole array of
hormone imbalances, increased anxiety and poor ability to cope
with stress. Coffee also affects how well you break down and
absorb food, reducing the amount of period-supporting nutrients
available for your body.

Do I have to give up coffee and alcohol forever?!

Absolutely not. A 7-day break from these substances will give

your liver and digestive system a rest and allow them to prioritise
keeping your hormones in balance. After the 7 days, you can
slowly add them back into your lifestyle if you feel called to.
Some of my clients feel so great after a break that they decide to
leave one or both out in the long term! This is entirely up to you.

Nourished Natural Health

DAY #1:


TIPS: 7 days without these much-loved elixirs can be

tough! Remember that it's only short-term and remind
yourself of the reasons you are doing this.
Aim to substitute so you don't feel like you're missing out.
Try some of these healthy swaps to get you through:

Coffee substitutes: Alcohol substitutes: (try

Green tea, matcha latte serving in a wine glass for
(still contain small that luxurious feel)
amounts of caffeine) Sparkling water with
Dandelion tea lime, berries, cucumber
Brewed cocoa Kombucha
Turmeric latte Kefir
Hot cacao

Nourished Natural Health

DAY #2:


ACTION STEP: Add a magnesium supplement

Magnesium is the #1 supplement I recommend to all my clients

with hormonal issues. No matter if they are suffering with PMS,
period pain, acne, infertility, thyroid problems or hair loss.

The reality is, most of us are deficient in magnesium. There's two

reasons for this:
1. It's harder to get enough through diet these days as our soils are
depleted of magnesium due to over-farming. We receive magnesium
through our diet from plants which have grown in magnesium-rich
soils. Depleted soils = low magnesium plants (no matter how good
your diet is)
2. When we are stressed, we burn through magnesium. Do you know
anyone these days who isn't stressed?

If you work, have a family, don't grow all your own food in nutrient-
rich soil, or worry frequently - you're probably deficient and would
benefit from some extra magnesium.

Here's just some of the reasons magnesium is the perfect mineral for
Period Cramps: you've probably heard magnesium is great for sore
muscles - this is because it is a natural muscle relaxant. Guess what's
also a muscle? Your uterus. Magnesium is really effective at
relieving period pain
PMS: magnesium is effective at reducing PMS symptoms like breast
tenderness, mood changes and pre-menstrual anxiety

Nourished Natural Health

DAY #2:


Energy: magnesium is a crucial mineral in energy production in

your body. Getting enough helps you feel alert and focussed
throughout the day
Stress: magnesium helps us deal with stress better, and replaces the
magnesium we've burnt through during stressful times
Balancing blood sugar: magnesium helps to lower blood sugar and
improve your insulin response - great news if you are suffering from
PCOS, pre-diabetes, have sugar cravings or feel sleepy after meals
Sleep: magnesium promotes restful, restorative sleep. Having
adequate sleep is vital in hormone production and allowing your
body to repair and restore before a new day
Balancing hormones: magnesium is needed in the production of
estrogen, progesterone and testosterone so getting enough helps your
body produce enough of all 3 hormones and keep them balanced

The great thing about magnesium is that once you start taking it, you
will often notice improvements straight away (like increased energy,
focus and improved resilience to stress). Continue to take it for a few
weeks and you will notice improved hormonal symptoms as well.

Which form of magnesium should I buy?

There are so many forms of magnesium on the market and
unfortunately they aren't created equal. Cheaper forms can be very
harsh on your digestive system and cause stomach cramps and
diarrhoea. The best form to try is magnesium bisglycinate as this
won't affect your digestion and is very well absorbed. I like Thorne
Research Magnesium. Follow the directions on the bottle for dosing, and
always check with your health care practitioner before adding any new
supplement to your routine.

Nourished Natural Health

DAY #3:


ACTION STEP: Focus on dark leafy greens

Dark leafy greens are one of the most powerful foods you can eat
for hormone balance.

Dark leafy greens (like rocket, collard greens, kale, spinach and swiss
chard) are nutrient powerhouses containing many vitamins and
minerals which support our body’s natural detoxification systems and
anti-inflammatory actions. Not only this, but greens are a great way of
‘crowing out’ potentially harmful foods and environmental toxins.

Here are two key reasons dark leafies and your hormones are besties:

Natural hormone production: greens contain high amounts of

many nutrients like magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, folate and
vitamin C which are needed for optimal hormone
production. Leafy greens also contain precursors for vitamin
A which is needed by the follicles (which contain our eggs) to
mature in preparation for ovulation each month. Folate is
responsible for protecting cervical cells which helps to reduce
our chances of cervical cancer. The vitamin C in greens is a
powerful antioxidant which protects the DNA of our eggs

Efficient detoxification and elimination: Greens are packed

with fibre which is crucial for promoting regular bowel
movements. What does pooping have to do with hormone
balance? We need to poop every day to remove used up
hormones from our system. Not opening our bowels regularly
can contribute to hormone imbalances, especially estrogen

Nourished Natural Health

DAY #3:


How much should you eat?

Start with half a cup of cooked greens daily if they are a new food for
you, and gradually increase to 2-3 cups per day. Cooked greens are
easier to digest if you find you struggle with large amounts of raw
greens. You can serve them as a base of salads, mix through soups,
sauces and curries, as a side dish with eggs for breakfast, or blend into
your morning smoothie. Get creative!
What types of greens are best?
Whichever dark leafy greens you most enjoy! The best kinds are the
ones you will eat most regularly. Here are some of my favorites to get
you inspired:
Rocket (arugula)
Collard greens
Dandelion greens

Nourished Natural Health

DAY #4:


ACTION STEP: Enjoy healthy fats with every meal

Healthy fats provide the building blocks for your hormones -

eating fat doesn't make you fat - it makes HORMONES!

Fat provides the building blocks for the production of your hormones
estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. Without enough fat, your body
literally doesn’t have the supplies to create hormones - hello missing
period, skin breakouts, painful periods and nightmarish PMS and mood

Fat is also a crucial nutrient needed for the absorption of certain fat-
soluble nutrients like vitamins A, D, E and K which are vital in
regulating hormones and fertility.

Along with leafy green vegetables, increasing healthy fats is one of the
number one recommendations I make to all my clients who are suffering
from period problems and hormonal imbalances. Some extra benefits of
increasing your healthy fats, beyond supporting your hormones include:

Soft, supple, glowing skin

Strong, healthy hair and nails
Feeling fuller for longer between meals
Not suffering the energy crashes associated with a higher
carbohydrate or sugar meal
Feeling more satisfied - food tastes better with fat!

Nourished Natural Health

DAY #4:


What types of fat are 'healthy' fats?

All fats are not created equal and don't have the same effect on your
hormones. Steer clear of trans fats like those found in commercially made
biscuits, cakes, margarine and french fries (essentially processed and deep
fried foods). Focus on deep sea oily fish along with nuts, seeds and olive-
based fats. Some of the best healthy fats for your hormones are:

Wild-caught salmon Ground flax seeds

Avocado Tahini (ground sesame seed
Walnuts paste)
Ghee Coconut milk and oil
Olives and olive oil Hemp seeds
Brazil nuts (great for your thyroid!) Almond/cashew butter

Aim to include at least one of these types of healthy fats with every meal
and snack. You will notice you feel more satiated and full when you eat
this way, plus your hormones will love the extra nutrients!

Nourished Natural Health

DAY #5:


ACTION STEP: Learn to CHEW your food

The only place your digestive system has teeth is in your mouth!

While it might sound like an insignificant point, so many of us are

gulping down our food in an attempt to keep up with the constant rush.
Not chewing your food properly means that food arrives in your
stomach in large pieces. This causes a huge strain on your digestive
system which then has to attempt to break down the food before it can
begin to assimilate the nutrients.

Suffering from gas, bloating, heartburn, indigestion or irregular bowel

movements? You might not be chewing enough. Chewing your food
properly allows digestive enzymes in your mouth and stomach to be
released, leading to significantly greater absorption of nutrients from
your meal.

Now that you've added in your leafy green vegetables and healthy fats,
it's crucial to make sure your body is able to break down and absorb all
of those extra nutrients. There's no point eating a hormone-friendly diet
if you can't digest it! Focussing on chewing your meal also encourages
you to be more present at meal times, enjoy your food and recognise
when you are full (hello less overeating!).

Many of my clients have seen dramatic improvements to bloating within

days of focussing on chewing their food more. You might be surprised
how much this simple habit improves your health!

Nourished Natural Health

DAY #5:


How to chew properly:

1. Before eating: wash your hands, turn off the TV, put your
phone/laptop away. Take 5 deep breaths to allow your body to focus
on digestion
2. Place a bit of food in your mouth, put down your knife and fork.
Concentrate on the food and aim for around 20-30 chews before
3. Appreciate the flavors, textures and smells of the food while you eat
4. After eating: if you are with friends/family: sit and chat for a few
minutes, rather than rushing straight back into work. If you have
time, try a short, gentle stroll to help with digestion (particularly if
you struggle with bloating or other digestive issues)

Nourished Natural Health

DAY #6:


ACTION STEPS: Set a screen curfew and prioritise sleep

Inadequate sleep is a major cause of hormonal imbalances. When we

wind down for sleep, we secrete a hormone called melatonin (the 'sleepy'
hormone). This hormone triggers our body to stop producing cortisol
(our 'stress' hormone which makes us feel awake). As we fall asleep,
melatonin rises and cortisol drops, sending us into a deep and
restorative sleep.

Early in the morning, our melatonin drops off and cortisol begins to
steadily rise again. This helps us wake up, feel alert and ready to tackle
the day. Issues with the balance of these two hormones can cause
difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep and not feeling refreshed when
we wake.

Imbalances in melatonin and cortisol cause a flow on effect to our

reproductive hormones leading to irregular cycles, fatigue and fertility

Implementing a night time routine is the best way to help reestablish

your melatonin-cortisol cycle, which in turn will impact your hormonal

Consider what you are doing before bed at the moment? Are you using
your phone in bed before you sleep? Watching disturbing shows on
Netflix? Leaving all the lights on in the house? It's time to create a
relaxing pre-bed routine to help trigger your body's production on
melatonin. 30-60 minutes before bed, aim to shut off all screens and
choose some of the practices that resonate with you from the next page.

Nourished Natural Health

DAY #6:


Bed time routines to consider:

Turn off screens 30-60 minutes before bed

Use blue light blocking glasses or blue light blocking apps on devices
if you must use them before bed (e.g. F.lux for computer, Night Shift
on phone)
Take a warm epsom salt bath (or do a foot bath in a bucket if you
don't have a bath)
Read a book on the couch or in bed
Drink a cup of calming tea like camomile
Diffuse calming essential oils like lavender
Listen to a guided meditation
Dim the lights, use candles or a salt lamp
Set a reminder on your phone when it's time to start winding down

Nourished Natural Health

DAY #7:


ACTION STEP: Add some turmeric

One of the most powerful anti-inflammatory spices around.

This bright yellow spice contains an active ingredient known as

curcumin which is responsible for its potent anti-inflammatory actions.
It's a great natural pain relief for conditions like endometriosis and
painful periods.

Turmeric helps to reduce inflammation in the gut which is great news

for digestive disturbances like bloating. Improved digestion means
enhanced nutrient absorption from your food and therefore more
nutrients available for creating and balancing your hormones.

Beyond inflammation, turmeric also supports your liver to detoxify

excess hormones. This is particularly useful in excess estrogen
conditions like PMS, migraines and breast tenderness. Turmeric has also
been shown to reduce heavy bleeding.

And finally, turmeric has been shown to help reduce acne by

dampening inflammation in the skin and encouraging wound healing.

How much to take?

Start with 1 tsp per day mixed into warm drinks, smoothies, bone broth
and curries, or sprinkled over scrambled eggs, on avocado toast, or try
my delicious Golden Milk drink on the next page! Curcumin is
activated when taken with a fat source and some black pepper so make
sure you add that in there as well for maximum benefits.

Nourished Natural Health

DAY #7:


Warming Golden Milk

Try this delicious drink during your menstrual phase or when you
are feeling bloated - it's like giving your insides a warm hug!

1 cup coconut milk (or sub almond, oat etc)
1 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Pinch of ground ginger
Pinch of ground black pepper
1 tsp maple syrup or honey

How to:
1. Add all ingredients to a small pot and heat gently on the stove until
2. Blend with an immersion blender or froth in a milk frother
3. Serve in a large mug with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Enjoy!

Nourished Natural Health

Hormone Reset Meal Plan

Roasted pumpkin and Make a batch of


cauliflower bowl hormone balancing Beetroot veggie

Green Detox
with hummus, chocolate truffles burgers with side
Smoothie (recipe
spinach and tin of (recipe here) for the salad
wild-caught salmon week

Chocolate Chia Nourish Bowl (recipe Handful of mixed Kale and avocado
Pudding (recipe here) here) nuts salad with roasted
Chocolate truffle chickpeas

Nori (seaweed) wraps Large salad with

Scrambled eggs with with quinoa, protein Fresh raspberries protein of choice (e.g.
fresh rocket (arugula) of choice, chopped Chocolate truffle grilled
and avocado raw veggies and chicken/chickpeas) +
avocado olive oil and balsamic

Oven roasted salmon

Boiled eggs with Leftover salad and Apple slices with
with baked sweet
steamed sweet potato protein from last peanut butter
potato and steamed
and kale night Chocolate truffle

Stir fry of minced


chicken (or tofu),

Chocolate Chia Leftover roasted Carrot and celery
colourful veggies,
Pudding (recipe here) salmon from last sticks with hummus
fresh ginger and
night Chocolate truffle
tamari sauce

Burrito bowl: grilled


Green Detox Handful of raw nuts prawns (or black

Smoothie (recipe Leftover stir fy beans), zucchini and
Chocolate truffle
here) capsicum (peppers)
with guacamole

Omelette with garlic Fresh pear Zucchini noodles

Leftover burrito bowl
mushrooms and baby Chocolate truffle with homemade beef
spinach (or bean) bolognese

Congratulations! You made it to the end of your first week of
balancing your hormones and rediscovering that vibrant version of
yourself. You might only be 7 days in, but taking that first step on
the right path is HUGE.

I want to congratulate you for committing to taking your health into

your own hands and for acknowledging that you deserve so much
more than to be suffering through symptoms every month.

I hope that after these 7 days of small tweaks, you are starting to
notice some massive changes in your health. I'd love for you to share
your experience! Join me over on Instagram (my favorite place to
hang out) @nourishednaturalhealth - tag me in your recipe creations
and share your experience with the 7 day reset.

Nourished Natural Health



You will start to see some great results after implementing these 7
hormone reset tips, but this is just the beginning of your hormone
healing journey. The next step in this journey is my full Hormone
Harmony Academy program. I lovingly designed this program with
you in mind by creating individualized protocols based on the
symptoms and hormone imbalances you are suffering from.

I only open Hormone Harmony Academy for enrolments a few times

per year so that I can give my students full attention while they
complete the course.

In celebration of my next intake in April 2020, I will be hosting 4

FREE live webinars where I share my biggest tips to fix your period
and clear hormonal acne, plus all the details you need to know about
my signature program.

Ready to take your hormones to the next level? Reserve your seat in
my free Period Masterclass below:


x Tam Woods
Nourished Natural Health

The suggestions contained within this guide are not intended to

replace professional medical advice. Please seek help from your
personal healthcare provider if you are in need of medical attention
or consult.

Nourished Natural Health, 2020

Nourished Natural Health

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