Segmenting Targeting Positioning PDF
Segmenting Targeting Positioning PDF
Segmenting Targeting Positioning PDF
Targeting, Segments
and Positioning
Sally Dibb and Lyndon Simkin
Warwick Business School, UK
Originally an independently owned private family
company, Adams is now the chidren's wear
division of the mighty Sears. From being a loss
making "me too" in a market dominated by
Conran's Mothercare, Woolworth and Boots,
Adams has emerged as market leader in its sector
and one of the few retailers in the UK to be
improving on its financial performance during the
current retailing recession. In 1987/88 net sales
were £18 million. Now they are approaching a
four-fold increase and by 1991/92 year end, sales
are projected to be £180 million. During the same
1987/92 period, the number of outlets is likely to
rise from 126 to around 285 giving full national
coverage. The company is now evaluating the
viability of franchising its brand and expanding
What has led to the success and turnaround of
Adams? Clear thinking and the development of a
marketing strategy have enabled the management
to take advantage of range omissions in Marks &
Spencer and BhS and of the managerial and
financial troubles of Mothercare. Adams examined
its market, evaluating each competitor to determine
The search for effective positioning needs to the positioning of the major players. This analysis
be tempered: there is sometimes a tendency was in the light of extensive market research
designed to understand the needs and expectations
to forget that it is the customer's wants and of consumers; children up to the age of eight and
expectations which are the key. The particular their parents/grandparents — a clearly defined
product, service or retail brand itself may be market segment.
of low importance; what matters is the Traditionally Adams' differential advantage had
been price but the company knew that "price
particular need satisfied and the benefit alone will not be sufficient differential advantage
offered (e.g. a typewriter ribbon by itself is to take Adams forward to market leadership".
of low value, but the finished document is of Adams opted to focus on design (of stores and
merchandise), quality, value and convenience.
importance; painkillers, where the product is Consumer research revealed that product quality
unimportant but pain relief is the focus; the and durability dominate the buyers' decision
Harrods shopping experience). The product making: the company's in-house Quality Control
or brand positions will depend on the Department is well resourced and increasingly sets
industry standards. Young mothers often lack time
company's capabilities, on the tangible and and mobility — convenience of location and store
practical nature of the product or service in layout is a key choice determinant. Adams has also
question, and on how well the competition geared up to catering for the relatively
inexperienced shopper, with an emphasis on
can match the targeted segment's customer service and extensive training facilities
requirements. Success, after all, depends on and programmes for all personnel. Through
how customers prefer one particular product product choice and design, customer service, store
design and image, Adams has created a distinctive
or retail brand, its marketing strategy and positioning, catering for a specific segment.
perceived image, to those products offered by
competing companies.
Careful segmentation of a market can
identify distinct market opportunities. How to Segment the Market
Tactical insight as to how these opportunities In the case of Adams, customer
can be exploited comes from the improved demographics and the product benefits
understanding of customer needs in the sought were used as the basis for segmenting
the market. This is one of the many ways in
targeted group. For example, more which customers can be grouped. In
appropriate product styling or promotional consumer markets, general characteristics like
activity, different price points or service levels customer age, sex and personality are often
may be introduced. Benefits like these are used[10]. A more comprehensive breakdown
clearly demonstrated by the case of Adams of options for the marketer of consumer
Childrenswear. goods is shown in Table I.
(3) Market development: selling existing Once segments have been identified,
products to new markets by finding new decisions about how many and which
applications (the offering of Evian customer groups to target can be made[14].
mineral water in a mist spray — a new Options include:
concept in skin care, Ryman stationery, ● concentrating on a single segment with
Dixons' business computers). one product/retail brand
(4) Diversification: moving into new markets ● offering one product/retail brand to a
by offering new products (the once number of segments
consumer-oriented Amstrad launching ● targeting a different product/retail brand
office equipment such as fax machines, at each of a number of segments.
Marks & Spencer into housewares and
furniture, Dixons into office equipment). The choices which companies make must
take into consideration the resource
implications of following a particular
A Note of Caution
strategy. The actions of Adams and Sketchley
described above confirm that it is not always
Segmentation can undoubtedly help to possible or appropriate to target the whole of
identify a diversity of market opportunities, a particular market. The success of Body
but haphazard implementation will lead to Shop, one of the fastest growing niche
failure. To be effective, segmentation must retailers, is based on a single segment
satisfy several criteria[7]. Segments must be: strategy. By focusing resources on a well-
● identifiable — easy to define and defined customer group the company has
measure; been able to develop a concept and mix of
offerings with particularly strong appeal.
● viable — large enough to be potentially
● marketable and controllable — easy to Body Shop
pinpoint with sales and promotional
effort; From a single shop in Brighton, financed with a
£4,000 loan, Body Shop has grown to a company
● stable — remain the same long enough valued at around £450 million, with close to 550
for action to be taken. stores in nearly 40 countries. The original Body
Shop sold just 15 products. Today, the shops
It is also essential to avoid the dangers of stock more than 300 soaps, gels, scrubs and the
tunnel vision. Companies must recognise that like. Described in 1984 by investors Chronicle as
cashing in "on the trendy phobia that the major
there is rarely only one "right" way to brands of shampoo, soap and make-up contain
segment a particular market. It is inevitable, nasty chemicals that do more harm than good",
too, that changing consumer trends and Body Shop has shown that as a niche retailer the
stagnant sales sometime signal the need for fate of Tie Rack or Sock Shop is not inevitable.
a change in targeting policy. Led by Anita Roddick, Body Shop has become
the most successful of the "green" retailers, based
on the ethos, "the most honest cosmetics
company in the world".
TARGETING Roddick believes the cosmetic industry is run
by men who create needs that do not exist,
Having identified market segments, marketers making women feel incredibly dissatisfied. The
must decide which, if any, they intend to Body Shop philosophy is based on healthy
enter. A marketing programme which covers products, rather than their purely cosmetic value.
all elements of the marketing mix can then It is also one of the few companies that has put
issues such as acid rain, waste and pollution as
be designed to suit the particular shop window issues to educate its customers.
requirements of those segments targeted. Body Shop has always used recycled paper for
Sears-owned British Shoe Corporation packaging, and is a corporate member of Friends
dominates the UK footwear retailing sector, of the Earth.
mainly through medium- and budget-priced The Body Shop ethos includes a determination
chains such as Dolcis, Saxone, Freeman to cut out hype and packaging. Using natural
products, it aims to promote health rather than
Hardy Willis. The company realised it was glamour. Based on a clear understanding of
not catering for the upper end of the market certain customers' needs and a very distinctive
which had lower volumes but higher unit positioning strategy, Body Shop is one of the
margins. Cable & Co. was duly launched to world's fastest growing and most successful niche
cater for this segment of the market. retailers.
Aldi Expansion
THE PRODUCT MUST BE As the major UK grocery retailers positioned
PERCEIVED BY THE SELECTED themselves increasingly middle/upmarket with
extensive ranges, own label goods, customer
TARGET CUSTOMERS TO HAVE service a priority and large stores with carefully
A DISTINCT IMAGE conceived facilities and atmospherics, the budget-
conscious sector of the market was left in the
□ hands of Kwik Save.
With only 2,500 lines, concentrating on
According to Wind[15], "a product's manufacturer brands, no frills service and small
supermarkets in town or in the suburbs, Kwik
positioning is the place a product occupies in Save has become one of the UK's most successful
a given market, as perceived by the relevant companies.
group of customers; that group of customers Now, however, the market is changing. Aldi,
is known as the target segment of the the German discounter, has already opened its
first branches in the Midlands. Already one of
market". Harrison[16] states that the position Europe's largest grocery retailers, Aldi offers no
of a product is, luxuries, no customer services and secondary sites
with no expense devoted to store design and
the sum of those attributes normally ascribed fitting out. Aldi concentrates on many of its own
to it by the consumers — its standing, its label products but they — along with
quality, the type of people who use it, its manufacturer brands — are displayed in their
strengths, its weaknesses, any other unusual or shipping containers — in boxes. A limited range
memorable characteristics it may possess, its of essentials for C2, D, E shoppers, where price
price and the value it represents. is the key, is the Aldi approach.
Discount grocery retailing has not been
Positioning starts with a product — a piece successful in the UK. Tesco is still shaking off its
former discount image. Supasave went into
of merchandise, a service, a company, an liquidation in 1982, Pricerite was carved up by
institution, or even a person. Positioning is Shoppers Paradise and Argyll. Shoppers Paradise
not what is done to the product or retail itself was devoured and rebranded by Gateway in
brand, it is what is created in the minds of 1986. The only success story has been Kwik Save.
the target customers; the product is For Aldi, however, UK grocery margins of 5-7
per cent are perceived as high, enticing Aldi into
positioned in the minds of these customers the UK. It remains to be seen if Aldi can create
and is given an image. There may be a few a network of branches large enough to give it the
"cosmetic" changes to the product/brand — necessary scale economies to trade on price. UK
to its name, price, packaging, styling or consumers have yet to accept the discount,
limited range positioning in a market led by such
location — but these are to facilitate the high profile retailers as Sainsbury, Tesco,
successful promotion of the image desired by Gateway, Argyll (Safeway), Asda and Marks &
the target customers. The product must be Spencer.
perceived by the selected target customers to