A Study of The Value Among Prospective Teachers (B.Ed Students)
A Study of The Value Among Prospective Teachers (B.Ed Students)
A Study of The Value Among Prospective Teachers (B.Ed Students)
Values are a precipitate of behaviour. They are established predispositions of behaviour. They are what
is attractive to a person, they operate as criteria for making judgment between alternative cause of action
and they directly influence the quality of the person’s behaviour and decision as a rule, the person adopts
those values which help him to achieve the ends he desires and which are at the same time sanctioned
by the group with which he is identified, his values are thus influenced by and are reflections of his
personality. The main purpose of the research was to study the value of prospective teachers as they are
the future teachers and many at times become the role models for their students. The researcher took 100
prospective teachers from two colleges of education under C.C S University. The sample was selected
using random stratified sampling method. Teacher values inventory by Dr. (Mrs.) Harbhajan. L. Singh
and Dr. S.P. Ahluwalia were used for the study. The analysis and interpretation of the data was done by
calculating the Mean scores of the values and assigning ranks to those scores. The major findings of the
study were: Male and female prospective teachers differ in their value and its Dimensions. The Male
prospective teachers gave first preference to Aesthetic, Social, political, and theoretical value and female
prospective teachers prominence to overall value, Religious and economic values.
Keywords: Values and Prospective Teachers
Education, which has a fundamental role to play family system in India has a long tradition of
in personal and social development, has been used imparting value education. But with the progress
to create a more skilled work force, but often at of modernity and fast changing role of the parents
the cost of the development of the whole person. it has not been very easy for the parents to impart
The long-term goals of human values and moral relevant values in their wards. Therefore many
principles tend to become less important when they institutes today conduct various value education
have to compete with more immediate economic programs that are addressed to rising problems of
considerations. Furthermore, whether industrialized the modern society. These programs concentrate
or industrializing, many countries in the region on the development of the children, young adults
are still in the process of democratization and etc. focusing on areas like happiness, humility,
require enormous effort in the dissemination of the cooperation, honesty, simplicity, love, unity, peace
principles of universal values, such as human rights etc. How can we develop citizens who can bring
for all, and in the promotion of a culture of peace about the transformation of the culture of violence,
and tolerance. intolerance and greed to one of peace, non-violence
To this end, education for peace, human rights and respect for one another? These are not going to
and democracy (that is, international and values be achieved with the click of a finger.
education) should receive more attention and There is no ready-made solution waiting to be
greater priority. Education is a methodical effort adopted. Values cannot be forced, even if conveyed
towards learning basic facts about humanity. The with good intentions. No real integration or
Sharma and Rai
internalization of a value can be achieved unless values are caught as well as taught. In the pursuit
the learner agrees with it. This Paper explores and promotion of values, the teacher has the most
various approaches to value education from the vital role to play. Teacher with vision would enable
point of view of an educator or a prospective proper transmission of values. The outstanding
teacher. The core idea behind value education is to vehicle for inculcation and acquisition of human
cultivate essential values in the students so that the values could be only education. As stated by
civilization that teaches us to manage complexities the NPE (1986) “In sum, education is a unique
can be sustained and further developed. It begins investment in the present and the future.
at home and it is continued in schools. This cardinal principal is the key to the National
Everyone accepts certain things in his/her life through Policy of Education.” Further it stated, “Education
various mediums like society or government. Values has an acculturating role. It refines sensitivity and
are a precipitate of behaviour. They are established perceptions that contribute to national cohesion,
predispositions of behaviour. They are what is a scientific temper and independence of mind
attractive to a person, they operate as criteria for and spirit- thus furthering the goals of socialism,
making judgment between alternative cause of secularism and democracy enshrined in our
action and they directly influence the quality of Constitution.” The basic mandate of education is to
the person’s behaviour and decision as a rule, the prepare the young for future. The level of fulfilment
person adopts those values which help him to of such expectations would be an outcome of the
achieve the ends he desires and which are at the level of application, understanding and action on
same time sanctioned by the group with which he the part of teachers. Nations are made of people.
is identified, his values are thus influenced by and People are made of children. Children are made by
are reflections of his personality. People differ in teachers. Building a nation takes time; it is all based
their values and so it is not surprising that their on the values we teach our children[3].
judgments’ at the same object, person or situations A teacher has to generate the energy in oneself with
differ and that they behave differently in the same which he or she becomes invested with dynamism
or similar situations. and a spirit of dedication and handle it in ones work
Each individual develops values which seem of educating the boys and girls that resort to him
important to him and which guide his life. or her. A teacher has not only to instruct but also
Conceptually, values refer to those guiding principles inspire the students. He or she has to influence the
of life which are conducive to one’s physical and life and character of his or her students and equip
mental health as well as to social welfare and them with ideas and values which will fit them to
judgment and which are in tune with one’s culture. enter the stream of national life as worthy citizens.
The inculcation of values is by no means a simple A teacher has to do all these during the years when
matter. There is no magic formula, technique the children are in school. If teacher is personally
or strategy for this value education in all its committed to the values and practices them in his /
comprehensiveness involves developing sensitivity her own life, it is foregone conclusion that his / her
to values, an ability to choose the right values, students will imbibe the values for which teacher
internalizing them, realizing them in one’s life and stands.
living in accordance with them. Therefore, it is not Therefore, if values have to be nurtured in children
a time bound affair. It is a lifelong quest. According it would be crucial that their teachers function
to Venkataiah (2007), “Education without vision is as role models. According to Swami Ranganath
waste; education without value is crime; education Ananda, whatever India will be in the next
without mission is life burden”[11]. Education in our generation will depend upon what teachers
life enables us to become comfortable and look after teach to their students today in the classrooms.
our family well. Remember that the humanity that our politics
But as far as the social progress is concerned, and administration handle is the end product of
value based education is an unavoidable necessity. a processing, beginning with the parents at home
It is said that values are caught but not taught. and teachers in educational institutions. The most
Modern educationists are of the opinion that important processing takes place under the teachers.
As teachers deal with fresh and impressionable 6. There is no significant difference between
minds of the nation, a teacher’s responsibility is to male and female prospective teachers in
impress on those minds high humanistic values[10]. relation to theoretical values.
Like a unit of money which circulates and has 7. There is no significant difference between
multiple effects in economy teacher also multiplies male and female prospective teachers in
his influences among students who come in contact relation to economic values.
year in and year out. The whole parent community
looks up to teacher for the welfare and progress of Methodology of the Study
their children.
Sample for the study: The researcher used survey
Hence the values of teachers attain social method to collect the data. The researcher selected
significance. It is in school that most children find a sample of 100 prospective secondary teachers
their teachers are worthy ideals. They consciously from 02 colleges of education affiliated to C.C.S
or unconsciously imitate the values, ideals and University, using Random Stratified Sampling.
habits of their teachers. The saying, “as the teacher,
Tools Employed: Teacher values inventory by Dr.
so the taught and as the school, so the students” is
(Mrs.) Harbhajan. L. Singh and Dr. S.P. Ahluwalia
something which cannot be disputed. Values are one
were used for the study.
of the most important inner factors in determining
and shaping the attitudes and behaviors of an Statistical techniques used: For analysis and
individual. In this context the researcher felt the interpretation of data the researcher used mean
need to study the value preferences of prospective scores and ranks were assigned to the obtained
secondary school teachers, as today’s teacher scores.
trainees are our tomorrow’s teachers. The values
Result Analysis and Findings
taken up in the present study are theoretical,
economic, aesthetic, social, political and religious There is no significant difference between male and
values. This study will also stimulate the academic female prospective teachers in relation to values.
bodies and teacher educators to plan and prepare
the prospective teachers. Table 1
prospective teachers”, had been rejected even at the groups have significant difference in relation
the 0.01 level of significance (2.58). The female to their Social Values.
prospective teachers have more overall value with Thus on the basis of ‘t’ - value (2.15) 3rd hypothesis
the compare to Male prospective teachers. of the study that “There is no significant difference
There is no significant difference between male and between the Social Values of Male & Female
female prospective teachers in relation to aesthetic prospective teachers ”, had been rejected even at
values. the 0.01 level of significance (2.58).
There is no significant difference between male and
Table 2
female prospective teachers in relation to religious
Gender Numbers Mean Standard t- Value values
Table 4
Male 50 11.60 2.57 2.56
Female 50 11.00 2.36 Gender Numbers Mean Standard t- Value
Interpretation Male 50 11.05 2.90 2.38
It is clear from Table 2 that mean score of Male
nd Female 50 11.90 3.07
prospective teachers (M = 11.60) is higher than
that of female prospective teachers (M = 11.00).
Here calculated value of ‘t’ is 2.56 which is greater Data of the Table 4 reveals that the effect of B.Ed
than the ‘t’ value given in the table. Hence the null students factor in relation to the Religious Values
hypothesis is rejected at 0.05 level of significance. between prospective teachers of two contrast groups
It may be interpreted that. There is no significant the Male students (N = 50) score (M = 11.05) Mean
difference between aesthetic value of Male and score point with (2.90) standard deviation while
Female prospective teachers. their counterpart more scored Female students
(N = 50) score (M = 11.90) mean score with (3.07)
In other words, it may be said that aesthetic value
standard deviation. The‘t’ - value clearly depicts (t =
of male prospective teachers have more than female
2.38) that both the groups have significant difference
prospective teachers
in relation to their Religious Values.
There is no significant difference between male and
Thus on the basis of ‘t’ - value (2.38) 4th hypothesis
female prospective teachers in relation to social
of the study that “There is no significant difference
between the Religious Values of Male & Female
Table 3 prospective teachers”, had been rejected at the 0.01
level of significance (2.58).
Gender Numbers Mean Standard t- Value
There is no significant difference between male and
female prospective teachers in relation to political
Male 50 14.30 2.37 2.15
Female 50 13.70 2.90
Table 5
Gender Numbers Mean Standard t- Value
The data given in the Table 3 clearly depicts that Deviation
the effect of teacher factor in relation to the Social Male 50 12.30 2.85 9.34
Values between B.Ed students of two contrast
Female 50 9.80 2.35
groups the Male prospective teachers (N = 50) score
(M = 14.30) Mean score point with (2.37) standard Interpretation
deviation while their counterpart more scored
Female prospective teachers (N = 50) score (M Result given in the Table 5th clearly indicate that
=13.70) mean score with (2.90) standard deviation. the effect of B.Ed students factor in relation to
The ‘t’ - value clearly depicts (t = 2.15) that both the Political Values between B.Ed students of two
contrast groups the Male prospective teachers s the effect of B.Ed students factor in relation to the
(N = 50) score (M = 12.30) Mean score point with Economic Values between B.Ed students of two
(2.85) standard deviation while their counterpart contrast groups the Male prospective teachers
more scored Female prospective teachers (N = 50) (N = 50) score (M = 10.30) Mean score point with
score (M = 9.80) mean score with (2.35) standard (2.90) standard deviation while their counterpart
deviation. The ‘t’ - value clearly reveals (t = 9.34) more scored Female prospective teachers (N = 50)
that both the groups have significant difference in score (M =11.05) mean score with (2.70) standard
relation to their Political Values. deviation. The ‘t’ - value clearly depicts (t = 2.93)
Thus on the basis of ‘t’ - value (9.34) 5th hypothesis that both the groups did have significant difference
of the study that “There is no significant difference in relation to their Economic Values.
between the Political Values of Male & Female Thus on the basis of ‘t’ - value (2.93) 7th hypothesis
prospective teachers”, had been rejected even at the of the study that “There is no significant difference
0.01 level of significance (2.58). between the Economic Values of Male & Female
There is no significant difference between male and prospective teachers”, had been rejected at the 0.01
female prospective teachers in relation to theoretical level of significance (2.58).
Table 6 H1 “There is no significant difference between
Overall Values of Male & Female prospective
Gender Numbers Mean Standard t- Value
Deviation teachers”, had been rejected at the 0.01 level of
significance (2.58).
Male 50 14.5 3.50 2.70
Female 50 13.50 2.50 The main findings of the present study against
the Objective No. 1st was overall values of B.Ed
Interpretation students were affected. In other words, it may
be said that overall values of male and female
As the data on theoretical value, given in the Table
B.Ed students have significant difference.
6 th clearly indicate the effect of B.Ed students
female prospective teachers have more over all
factor in relation to the Theoretical Values between
value than male prospective teachers.
B.Ed students of two contrast groups the Female
prospective teachers (N = 50) score (M =14.50) Mean H2 “There is no significant difference between
score point with (350) standard deviation while their Atheistic Values of Male & Female prospective
counterpart more scored Male prospective teachers teachers”, had been rejected at the 0.01 level of
(N = 50) score (M =13.50) mean score with (2.50) significance (2.58).
standard deviation. The ‘t’ - value clearly reveals (t = On the basis of previous study against the
2.70) that both the groups have significant difference Objective No. 2nd was Atheistic Values of B.Ed
in relation to their Theoretical Values. students were affected. In other words, it can
There is no significant difference between male and say that Atheistic Values of Male & Female
female prospective teachers in relation to economic B.Ed students have significance difference. Male
values. prospective teachers have more Atheistic value
in the compare of female prospective teachers.
Table 7 H3 “There is no significant difference between
Social Values of Male & Female prospective
Gender Numbers Mean Standard t- Value
Deviation teachers”, had been rejected at the 0.01 level of
significance (2.58).
Male 50 10.30 2.90 2.93
Female 50 11.05 2.70 To test the Objective No. 3rd of the study it
may be said that Social Values of B.Ed students
Interpretation were affected. In other words, it may be said
that Social Values of Male & Female B.Ed
Result given in the Table 7th clearly reveals that
students having more difference in the respect
of Social Values. Male prospective teachers have On the basis of previous result against the
more Social value in the compare of female Objective No. 7th was Economic Values of B.Ed
prospective teachers. students were affected. In other words, it may
H4 : There is no significant difference between be said that Economic Value of Male & Female
Religious Values of Male & Female prospective B.Ed students more deference in respect of
teachers”, had been rejected at the 0.01 level of economic value. Female prospective teachers
significance (2.58). have more economic value in the compare of
male prospective teachers.
The findings of the study reveals against the
Objective No. 4th was Religious Values of B.Ed REFERENCES
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