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I n t e r n a t i o n a l T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n U n i o n

ITU-T Series X
OF ITU (09/2014)



ITU-T X.1037 – Supplement on security

management guidelines for the implementation
of an IPv6 environment in telecommunications

ITU-T X-series Recommendations – Supplement 23



SECURITY X.800–X.849
General security aspects X.1000–X.1029
Network security X.1030–X.1049
Security management X.1050–X.1069
Telebiometrics X.1080–X.1099
Multicast security X.1100–X.1109
Home network security X.1110–X.1119
Mobile security X.1120–X.1139
Web security X.1140–X.1149
Security protocols X.1150–X.1159
Peer-to-peer security X.1160–X.1169
Networked ID security X.1170–X.1179
IPTV security X.1180–X.1199
Cybersecurity X.1200–X.1229
Countering spam X.1230–X.1249
Identity management X.1250–X.1279
Emergency communications X.1300–X.1309
Ubiquitous sensor network security X.1310–X.1339
Overview of cybersecurity X.1500–X.1519
Vulnerability/state exchange X.1520–X.1539
Event/incident/heuristics exchange X.1540–X.1549
Exchange of policies X.1550–X.1559
Heuristics and information request X.1560–X.1569
Identification and discovery X.1570–X.1579
Assured exchange X.1580–X.1589
Overview of cloud computing security X.1600–X.1601
Cloud computing security design X.1602–X.1639
Cloud computing security best practices and guidelines X.1640–X.1659
Cloud computing security implementation X.1660–X.1679
Other cloud computing security X.1680–X.1699

For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recommendations.

Supplement 23 to ITU-T X-series Recommendations

ITU-T X.1037 – Supplement on security management guidelines for the

implementation of an IPv6 environment in telecommunications organizations

Supplement 23 to ITU-T X-series Recommendations provides security management guidelines for the
implementation of IPv6 environment in telecommunication organizations in order to ensure the
protection of information in the networks and protection of the supporting network infrastructure when
transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6 and implementing an IPv6 environment.

Edition Recommendation Approval Study Group Unique ID*
1.0 ITU-T X Suppl. 23 2014-09-26 17 11.1002/1000/12332

* To access the Recommendation, type the URL http://handle.itu.int/ in the address field of your web
browser, followed by the Recommendation's unique ID. For example, http://handle.itu.int/11.1002/1000/11

X series – Supplement 23 (09/2014) i

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 ITU 2014
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written permission of ITU.

ii X series – Supplement 23 (09/2014)

Table of Contents
1 Scope............................................................................................................................. 1
2 References..................................................................................................................... 1
3 Definitions .................................................................................................................... 1
4 Abbreviations and acronyms ........................................................................................ 1
5 Conventions .................................................................................................................. 2
6 Overview....................................................................................................................... 2
7 Considerations of IPv4 and IPv6 .................................................................................. 2
7.1 IPv6 features ................................................................................................... 2
7.2 Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 .......................................................................... 3
7.3 Providers do everything .................................................................................. 3
7.4 Dual stack approach ....................................................................................... 3
7.5 Total migration to IPv6 .................................................................................. 4
8 Information security management for IPv6 deployment .............................................. 4
8.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 4
8.2 Business impact analysis ................................................................................ 5
8.3 Risk assessment .............................................................................................. 5
8.4 IPv6 strategy development and implementation ............................................ 6
8.5 Auditing and review ....................................................................................... 6
9 Examples of practical security controls for IPv6 deployment ...................................... 7
9.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 7
9.2 Information security policies .......................................................................... 7
9.3 Organization of information security ............................................................. 7
9.4 Asset management .......................................................................................... 7
9.5 Access control ................................................................................................ 7
9.6 Physical and environmental security .............................................................. 10
9.7 Operations security for IPv6 migration .......................................................... 11
9.8 Communications and operations security ....................................................... 11
9.9 Systems acquisition, development and maintenance...................................... 11
9.10 Information security incident management .................................................... 13

X series – Supplement 23 (09/2014) iii

Supplement 23 to ITU-T X-series Recommendations

ITU-T X.1037 – Supplement on security management guidelines for the

implementation of an IPv6 environment in telecommunications organizations

1 Scope
This Supplement provides security management guidelines for the implementation of IPv6
environment in telecommunications organizations in order to ensure the protection of information in
the networks and protection of the supporting network infrastructure when transitioning from IPv4 to
IPv6 and implementing IPv6 environment.

2 References
[ITU-T X.1037] Recommendation ITU-T X.1037 (2013), IPv6 technical security guidelines.
[ITU-T X.1051] Recommendation ITU-T X.1051 (2008), Information technology – Security
techniques – Information security management guidelines for
telecommunications organizations based on ISO/IEC 27002.
[IETF RFC 2460] IETF RFC 2460 (1998), Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification.
[IETF RFC 4941] IETF RFC 2460 (2007), Privacy Extensions for Stateless Address
Autoconfiguration in IPv6.
[IETF RFC 5722] IETF RFC 5722 (2009), Handling of Overlapping IPv6 Fragments.

3 Definitions
The definitions given in [ITU-T X.1037] apply.

4 Abbreviations and acronyms

This Supplement uses the following abbreviations and acronyms:
DAD Duplicate Address Detection
DB Database
DHCPv6 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol version 6
DNS Domain Name System
DoS Denial-of-Service
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol version 6
ID Identifier
IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
IT Information Technology
L2 Layer 2
L3 Layer 3
LAN Local Area Network
MAC Media Access Control
MITM Man-In-The-Middle
MLD Multicast Listener Discovery
NA Neighbour Advertisement

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NAT Network Address Translation
NDPMon Neighbour Discovery Protocol Monitor
NS Neighbour Solicitation
OS Operating System
RA Router Advertisement
SEND Secure Neighbour Discovery
SLAAC Stateless Address Auto Configuration
VPN Virtual Private Network

5 Conventions

6 Overview
The Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) is intended to succeed IPv4, which is the protocol currently
used to direct almost all of the Internet traffic. The Internet operates by transferring data between
hosts using an addressing scheme, such as IPv4 or IPv6, to specify their source and destination
addresses. Each host, computer or other device on the Internet, requires an IP address in order to
communicate. The growth of the Internet has created a need for more addresses than are possible with
IPv4 has allocated a space of 32 bits for IP addresses, which means that overall 232 (4 294 967 296)
addresses exist in the IPv4 space. However, the IPv4 address space becomes exhausted with the
overall growth of the Internet.
IPv6 was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to deal with this long-anticipated
IPv4 address exhaustion and is described in [IETF RFC 2460]. IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses, for an
address space of 2128 (approximately 3.4×1038) addresses. This equates to 665 570 793 348 866 943
898 599 addresses per square meter of the earth surface, and is equivalent to every individual on this
earth having more than 40 000 IPv6 subnets assigned – this will therefore be sufficient for many more
devices and users to use the Internet. This expansion allows for many more devices and users on the
Internet as well as extra flexibility in allocating addresses and efficiency for routing traffic.
Despite of the well-known problem of IP address exhaustion, organizations in large parts of the world
have been hesitant in changing over from IPv4 to IPv6. Organizations need to develop a migration
strategy from IPv4 to IPv6, especially for ensuring continued communication around the world.
However, IPv6 deployment is not easy to manage. There are a number of considerations an
organization should take into account, and this supplement describes some of important processes
required for information security management.

7 Considerations of IPv4 and IPv6

7.1 IPv6 features

The main objective for successful transition is to allow IPv6 and IPv4 hosts to interoperate. A second
objective is to allow IPv6 hosts and routers to be deployed in the Internet in a highly diffuse and
incremental fashion, with few interdependencies. The third objective is an easy transition for end-
users, system administrators and network operators.
The IPv6 transition mechanisms are a set of protocol mechanisms implemented in hosts and routers,
with some operational guidelines for addressing and deployment, designed to make the transition to
work with as little disruption as possible. These will ensure that IPv6 hosts can interoperate with IPv4

2 X series – Supplement 23 (09/2014)

hosts in the Internet up until the time when IPv4 addresses run out. The IPv6 transition mechanisms
provide a number of features, including:
• Incremental upgrade and deployment: Individual IPv4 hosts and routers may be upgraded to
IPv6 one at a time without requiring other hosts or routers to be upgraded at the same time.
New IPv6 hosts and routers can be installed one-by-one.
• Minimal upgrade dependencies: The domain name system (DNS) server must first be
upgraded to handle IPv6 address records before upgrading hosts.
• Easy addressing: For IPv4 hosts or routers being upgraded to IPv6, they may continue to use
their existing address. So, no need for new address assignment.
• Minimal operational upgrade cost and training expenses: Little or no preparation work is
needed in order to upgrade existing IPv4 systems to IPv6, or to deploy new IPv6 systems.

7.2 Transition from IPv4 to IPv6

There are several options an organization can chose from when transitioning over from IPv4 to IPv6.
However, any decision should be well thought out, and the organization should ensure that the
strategy chosen fulfils their requirements, is feasible to implement and provides the organization with
appropriate information security during and after the transition. The three main options for transition
1) Providers do everything (see clause 7.3);
2) ''Dual'' strategy in parallel (see clause 7.4);
3) Total migration from IPv4 to IPv6 (see clause 7.5).

7.3 Providers do everything

The benefit of this approach is that the organization can keep its IPv4 addresses and uses everything
as usual. The provider will use network address translation (NAT) to translate from IPv6 to IPv4 or
vice versa.
• This option does not need extra modification or reconfiguration in the organization;
• There is no need to change the internal IP version; internally, everything can just continue
running as before.
• A lot of reliability on the provider;
• The organization needs to coordinate ALL of its services with that provider.
Security considerations:
• Additional access control needs to be implemented to prevent improper usage by malicious
• Improper address translation implementation may be subject to buffer overflow attack – this
can be an issue related to the provider (see [ITU-T X.1037]);
• There are restrictions on the use of this solution, some of which negatively impact the security
features of IPv6;
• These translation techniques are complicated and are intended to be used as a last resort.

7.4 Dual stack approach

IPv6 was delivered with a lot of migration techniques but many were ultimately rejected and today a
small set of practical approaches is left. One technique, called dual stack, involves running IPv4 and

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IPv6 concurrently. End-hosts and network devices run both protocols, and if IPv6 communication is
detected that is the favoured protocol.
• The end user is in control of all changes in its infrastructure;
• No need to change internal IP version.
• Double address administration is required on firewalls, DNS servers and edge routers.
Security considerations:
• Organizations that run dual-stack device will have to deal with the vulnerabilities of both
• Dual-stack operation can raise other security problems if consistent security policies are not
created for both IPv6 and IPv4 traffic. For example, if a firewall is not configured to apply
the same level of screening to the IPv6 packets as for the IPv4 packets, the firewall may let
IPv6 pass through to dual-stack hosts within the enterprise network, potentially exposing
them to attack.

7.5 Total migration to IPv6

Another possibility is, of course, to totally migrate from IPv4 to IPv6. If this option is chosen, it is
recommended to use a phased approach for the transition from IPv4 to IPv6. The use of a phased
implementation will enable an organization to implement IPv6 with as little disruption to the current
environment as possible.
• No further need for network address translation (NAT);
• It is possible to use all benefits of IPv6, such as host-to-host IPsec, Jumbograms and other.
• Double address administration on firewalls, DNS servers and edge routers until the rest of
the world has implemented one of the three strategies.
Security considerations:
• The organization can use all IPv6 benefits without restriction.

8 Information security management for IPv6 deployment

8.1 Overview
As the above considerations have demonstrated, an organization should apply some thoughts before
migrating from IPv4 to IPv6. As IPv6 is the future and is inevitably coming, organizations should
develop a strategy to identify their approach to this change. This strategy should take into account the
business impacts and risks associated with this change and should make implementation decisions
based on the impacts and risks and the possibilities that the organizations have to address the risks.
This should be followed by an implementation of the IPv4 to PIv6 strategy to initiate and complete
the change in the best way for the organization. Once the change has been completed, the
implemented solutions should be audited and reviewed to ensure that everything is working as

4 X series – Supplement 23 (09/2014)

8.2 Business impact analysis
A telecommunication business impact analysis for the IPv4 to IPv6 transition is an organization wide
effort that aims to understand the organization's business and information technology (IT)
environments in order to determine the business processes, services and applications that are
dependent on the use of the Internet. This leads to the identification of all critical business processes,
services and applications and the impact of any disruptions based on their importance to the overall
business of the organization. Business impact analysis, in combination with risk assessment, can
provide a detailed understanding of the business, risks, and focus on the priorities that would not
otherwise be apparent to the top management.
When conducting a business impact analysis, the organization identifies the list of critical business
functions dependent on Internet services required for continued successful business operation. The
business impact analysis should include:
• Establishing the context of assessment, defining criteria for criticality and evaluating the
potential impact related to a disruptions caused by the transition from IPv4 to IPv6;
• Considering systematically defined criteria for evaluating the potential impacts of disruptions
caused by the transition from IPv4 to IPv6;
• Taking into account legal, regulatory and contractual requirements which the organization
has to fulfil and which might be negatively impacted by the transition from IPv4 to IPv6;
• Defining the required output from the business impact analysis to develop the transition
The results of the business impact analysis should at least include the following most important details
as input into the development of the IPv6 strategy:
• Categorization of each of the activities according to their priority for continuity throughout
the transition;
• The maximum time period within which the activity needs to be resumed in case of
disruptions throughout the transition;
• Prioritized timeframes for resuming these activities at a specified minimum acceptable level,
taking into consideration the time within which the impacts of not resuming them would
become unacceptable;
• Dependencies and supporting resources of these activities, including suppliers, outsource
partners and other relevant stakeholders.

8.3 Risk assessment

Once the business impact analysis has been completed, a risk assessment should be used to identify
the probability and impact of a variety of risks that may cause business interruptions to services when
transitioning over from IPv4 to IPv6.
The identification of risks should consider any factor that might interrupt the business processes,
services and applications during the transition process, and any factor that might make the transition
impossible in the first place. This can include any of the technical topics considered in clauses 7.3 to
7.5, the pros and cons of the various options for transition. It should also include a consideration for
choosing suitable personnel to carry out the actions necessary for the transition and evaluation of the
technical soundness of the systems involved.
Part of this risk assessment should be an IPv6 readiness assessment for all equipment that will be
involved if IPv6 was implemented. This should include assessment of the:
• Network hardware;
• Servers, PCs (e.g., operating systems);
• Network management and security;

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• Applications;
• IT systems;
• Organizational capability (IPv6 skills).
The results of the business impact analysis and risk assessment process should give an overview of
the critical business processes, services and applications and the impacts and risks associated with
transition from IPv4 to IPv6. Especially, this process should help to identify which of the three
strategies explained in clauses 7.3-7.5 is the most suitable one for the organization and which risks
remain if that strategy is chosen.

8.4 IPv6 strategy development and implementation

Based on the results of the business impact analysis and risk assessment, the organization shall
identify a strategy on how to migrate from IPv4 to IPv6. The first element of the strategy should be
to identify which of the three options listed in clause 7 the organization should choose. This choice
should be based on the following considerations:
1. If the preferred choice is to rely on the service provider, ensure that the provider has all
necessary resources, capabilities, systems and processes in place, and update to contract to
include provisions for the transition, as well as for the possibility that it might fail or
negatively impact the organization's business. It is also important that all services using
Internet are coordinated with the service provider, which might result in increased costs.
The organization needs to ensure that all of the security concerns listed in clause 7 are
properly addressed, either through the service provider or by the organization and that there
are no security problems as a result of changing from IPv4 to IPv6.
2. If the preferred choice is to use the dual stack approach, take provisions and ensure for the
double address administration on firewalls, DNS servers and edge routers. In order to ensure
security of the continued operation, the organization needs to ensure that it is appropriately
addressing all vulnerabilities in the transition from IPv4 to IPv6. In addition, it should be
ensured that consistent security policies are generated for both IPv6 and IPv4 traffic.
3. If the preferred choice is to completely migrate to IPv6, it should be ensured that there will
be no adverse impact on the existing systems, including hardware, operating systems and the
applications that are running. Double administration of all those systems that have to connect
to IPv4 needs to be put in place due to what other organizations might have in place.
After the preferred option for the transition has been determined, the organization should develop a
strategy that defines the exact actions, timeframes and responsibilities for the transition. Sufficient
testing should be done before the actual transition starts to ensure that all systems remain fully
functional as planned.

8.5 Auditing and review

Once the organization has implemented its IPv6 strategy, it needs to ensure that everything is working
as intended. It is therefore helpful to conduct audits to identify whether the IPv6 strategy has been
implemented completely and correctly and there are no negative impacts to the business, especially
no security problems. The major objectives of an IPv6 networking audit are to:
• Provide management with an independent assessment of the effectiveness of the IPv6
network's architecture, security and alignment with the organization's networking and IT
security policies and architecture.
• Provide management with an independent assessment of the effectiveness of the deployment
of IPv6 technology in the organization and the conversion process.
• Provide management with an evaluation of the IT function's preparedness in the event of an

6 X series – Supplement 23 (09/2014)

• Identify issues that affect the security of the organization's network.
The results of the IPv6 networking audit need to be reacted to and if these results show that either the
IPv6 strategy chosen or its implementation does not work as expected the organization should rethink
the approach or improve its implementation. If the audit identifies any security problems, the
organization needs to ensure that these are removed, the more serious they are, the sooner.

9 Examples of practical security controls for IPv6 deployment

9.1 Overview
This clause provides definitions for new objectives, new controls and new implementation guidance,
as examples of practical security controls for IPv6 deployment in telecommunication organization.
The following clauses are candidates of topics for security controls to be applied for IPv6 deployment.

9.2 Information security policies

The control objective and the contents from clause 5 of [ITU-T X.1051] apply.

9.3 Organization of information security

The control objective and the contents from clause 6 of [ITU-T X.1051] apply.

9.4 Asset management

The control objective and the contents from clause 7 of [ITU-T X.1051] apply.

9.5 Access control

It is recommended to establish an access control policy according to the requirements of business
workflow and information security. Once established, it should be in written form and be subjected
to review.
Assets management supervisor should control the access to the assets to avoid the security risk. The
proper access rights should be provided to each user according to its job role.
In the process of establishment of access control policy, following aspects should be taken into
• Information and operation to which access should be controlled;
• Points where access controls should be implemented (IPv6 network, operating system (OS),
application, folder/file);
• Separation of roles for access control (e.g., request of access, approval of access, access
• Roles for which the privileged access is permitted;
• Process for the decision and approval of access rights;
• Regulation and duties related with access control in the agreement.
9.5.1 Access IPv6 networks and IPv6 network services
It is recommended to limit users' access to only IPv6 networks/IPv6 network services they are
specially allowed to utilize.
In the process of establishing the IPv6 networks/IPv6 network services utilization policy, the
following aspects should be taken into consideration:
• IPv6 networks/IPv6 network services to be allowed to access;

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• Approval process to decide who will be allowed to access which IPv6 networks/IPv6 network
• Management operating policy for access to IPv6 networks/IPv6 network services;
• The method to access IPv6 networks/IPv6 network services, such as virtual private network
(VPN), wireless local area network (LAN);
• Requirement for user authentication;
• Monitoring of IPv6 network services;
• IPv6 network services utilization policy should be complied with access control policy in the
9.5.2 Management of user access
It is recommended to ensure the approved users' access to IPv6 networks/IPv6 network services,
while denying non-approved user access. Registration and deletion of users
It is recommended to establish the process of registration and deletion of users for the proper
assignment of access rights.
In the process, the following aspects should be taken into consideration:
• The identifier (ID) must be unique in order to link user and user activity, and to make users
take responsibility for their activity. Common ID should be allowed only the emergency cases
for the maintenance and operation purpose and must be recorded properly.
• Prompt deletion and invalidation of the ID provided to an employee who leaves the
• Regular check of ID list to avoid the existence of improper IDs.
• Duplication of IDs.
• The following two steps should be considered in the process of registration and invalidation
of access to information/information process facilities:
– Assignment of the user ID;
– Access right of the user ID. Assignment of user access
It is recommended to establish the process of assignment and invalidation of access rights to all types
of users of all IPv6 networks/IPv6 network services.
In the process, the following aspects should be taken into consideration:
• Approval must be obtained from the supervisor for IPv6 networks/IPv6 network services;
• The approved access level should comply with the access control policy and fulfil the
requirements of regulation such as that related to job separation;
• Assurance access remains invalid until the completion of the approval process;
• Centralized recording management of access rights provided to user IDs;
• Prompt deletion or invalidation of the ID provided to an employee who leaves the
organization, or changes of access rights to an employee who is promoted;
• Regular review of access rights of the supervisors of IPv6 networks/IPv6 network services. Management of privileged access rights
It is recommended to limit the assignment and usage of privileged access rights.
Assignment of privileged access rights should be controlled according to the access control policy.

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For the management of privileged access, the following aspects should be taken into consideration:
• Define the privileged rights related to the IPv6 system and its process such as OS, database
(DB) management system, application, and specify the user that will use those privileged
• Assign minimum privileged access rights according to the requirement of the users' role, in
compliance with to the access control policy;
• Record all the process for the approval of privileged access rights and maintain its record.
Privileged access rights remain invalid until the completion of the approval process;
• Determine the conditions for the expiration of privileged access rights;
• Assign privileged access IDs separately from common user IDs utilized in daily work.
Privileged access IDs should not be utilized in daily work;
• In order to avoid the utilization of supervisor IDs for unapproved usage, a specific process
for maintaining the system should be established and maintained;
• Private credentials should be kept confidential in case of utilizing a common supervisor ID
(e.g., Utilization of one-time passwords or change of password after each assignment).
9.5.3 Management of user credentials
It is recommended to maintain the assignment of credentials according to the proper maintenance
The maintenance process for assignment of user credentials should include the following aspects:
• The temporary credential information should be changed at the time of initial usage;
• A process of identity verification should be established before the issuance of an initial
temporary credential or its renewal;
• The temporary credential should be transferred to the user via a secure method;
• Temporary credentials should be unique and non-presumable;
• Credentials defined by a vendor or system integrator should be changed after installation of
the system/software;
• Temporary credentials issued for specific tasks should be invalidated or deleted after the
completion of the task.
The most common credential is passwords, but credentials could include the encrypted key stored in
hardware tokens such as smart cards.
9.5.4 Management of user access terminals Management of terminal and address under local environment
Several methods are proposed when assigning IPv6 addresses to terminals. It is recommended that
the following management method be implemented to manage IPv6 addresses assigned to user
• Use of a unified method to assign IPv6 address to terminals inside the network;
• Assignment of an IPv6 address only to terminals approved to be connected to IPv6 networks;
• Recording of the combination of media access control (MAC) address and IPv6 address;
• Recording of the combination of user ID and terminal ID.
There are multiple scopes of IPv6 addresses depending on the purpose of usage. The main ones are:
• Link local address;
• Global unicast address;
• Unique local address.

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It is recommended that the method of propriety and assignment of IPv6 addresses be unified per type
of scope.
In case of hiring stateless address auto configuration (SLAAC), it is also recommended to have a
unified policy for the implementation of privacy extension according to [IETF RFC 4941]. Management of terminal and address under remote environment
It is recommended to apply the following management process if the users access information data
remotely via an IPv6 network:
• Assign a unique ID to each user who accesses information data from remote areas;
• Use both user ID and authentication with credential for remote access;
• Use user ID and IPv6 address of remote area in authentication and record its result;
• Limit the information data to be accessed from remote areas to avoid access to unnecessary
information data;
• IPv6 provides end-to-end communication, but a gateway exclusive for remote access should
be installed. The remote access should be limited to access by the way of this special gateway;
• Proper encryption should be used for remote access to avoid tapping.
9.5.5 Filter control of firewall/router
It is recommended to configure packet filtering for routers and firewalls.
The following are filtering examples:
• Block unused or Internet control message protocol version 6 (ICMPv6) types used for
– For example, 5-99, 100-126, 154-199, 200-254
• Minimum ICMPv6 type required for operation should be open for Internet access
– For example, Type 1 (Destination Unreachable), type 2 (PTB), 3 (code 0, Time exceeded,
4 (code 1 and 2, parameter issue), 128 (Echo request), 129 (Echo response)
• Place restrictions on the following ICMPv6 message from the Internet
– For example,Type 2, 4, 130-132, 143 (MLD) 133-134 (RS/RA), 141-142 (NS/MA)
• Anti-spoofing for firewall
– Packets including source address not in use in the organization should not be transmitted
to the Internet
• Filtering of Bogon pass
– Configure filtering Bogon pass. Link local address, Site local address, space.6bone
reserved by IETF are the example of Bogon pass. Bogon pass is varied by the operation
status of IPv6 Internet. It is recommend to obtain the latest information.
• Filtering to tunnel protocol
– Restrict the communication using the tunnel protocol to avoid the connection of terminals
inside the organization to IPv6 outside the management of organization.
As for the filtering, it is recommended to confirm the filtering status and save filtered packet
information/file, and IPv6 system administrator should review monthly the contents of saved
information/file and record its result.

9.6 Physical and environmental security

The control objective and the contents from clause 9 of [ITU-T X.1051] apply.

10 X series – Supplement 23 (09/2014)

9.7 Operations security for IPv6 migration
See clause 7.2 (Transition from IPv4 to IPv6) in this supplement.

9.8 Communications and operations security

The control objective and the contents from clause 10 of [ITU-T X.1051] apply.

9.9 Systems acquisition, development and maintenance

9.9.1 Design of IPv6 network Design policy of IPv6 network
In the IPv6 environment, it is possible to allocate 264 address spaces in a single segment. This means
that all servers and clients can be located in a single segment. However, in order to correctly manage
security controls for managed entities (servers and clients), the system should be appropriately
segmented into several manageable parts and provide clear boundaries among segmented parts.
The following guideline should be applied for segmenting manageable parts in the IPv6 information
system environment.
• Equipment roles
Equipment which provide IPv6 services should be grouped and managed in the perspective
of targeted consumers for the service provision. For example:
– IPv6 services delivered to outside users (consumers)
Equipment which is accessible from the Internet and provide www services, mail
services, DNS services, etc. should be segmented into different manageable parts
separate from others.
– IPv6 services delivered to internal users (internal organization)
Equipment accessible by any user within the organization should be segmented into parts
accessible from any department in the organization but not accessible from the outside.
– IPv6 services delivered to internal users in a department
Equipment which is only accessible by a department of the organization should be
segmented as not accessible by the other departments.
• User roles
Equipment which is accessible by the IPv6 information systems should be appropriately
grouped in terms of equipment users, and segmented into manageable parts. For example:
– Segmentation in terms of departments
Since usable IPv6 services and access level of IPv6 systems may differ among
departments in the organization, IPv6 segmentation should be provided for each
department unit.
– Segmentation in terms of location
Equipment should be segmented in terms of location of the users of the system. If several
departments exist in a single location, then IPv6 address spaces for the departments
should be assigned from the IPv6 address spaces specific for the location. Security controls inside a segment
Communications among terminals in a single IPv6 segment should be appropriately managed to
prevent security threats against IPv6 information system environment such as man-in-the-middle
(MITM), tampering and IPv6 DoS attacks.

X series – Supplement 23 (09/2014) 11

The following guidelines should be taken into considerations against vulnerabilities in the IPv6
environment described in clauses 8.1.1 (Threats 10 and 12) and 8.2.1 (Threat 16) of [ITU-T X.1037]:
• Guidelines for countering interruption of IPv6 address assignment
To counter interruptions of IPv6 address assignment by abused duplicate address detection
(DAD), it is recommended to verify corresponding relationships of the IPv6 address and the
terminal by audit tools (e.g., neighbour discovery protocol monitor (NDPMon)). If there are
any inconsistencies of the relationships, the corresponding terminal should be disconnected
from the IPv6 segment.
In regard to DoS attacks against dynamic host configuration protocol version 6 (DHCPv6)
servers, the authentication mechanism of DHCPv6 should be implemented to deny
illegitimate requests from malicious terminals. In the process, a management operating policy
which includes deployment, announcement and management of access credentials for
DHCPv6 service should be established. In addition, the number of DHCPv6 query
(SOLICIT) messages should be appropriately limited at the DHCPv6 server.
• Guidelines for countermeasures against DoS attacks by abusing neighbour advertisement
(NA) messages
Secure neighbour discovery (SEND) is one of the countermeasures against a DoS attack by
abused NA. Since public keys have to be delivered to each terminal for applying SEND, a
management operating policy which includes publication and distribution of public keys
should be established in advance. Another countermeasure can be used to check validity of
each pair of L2 (MAC) and L3 (IPv6) addresses observed on the layer 2 (L2) switch to detect
and avoid illegitimate NA.
• Guidelines for avoidance of interruption of IPv6 communication by abusing ICMPv6 redirect
To avoid interruption of IPv6 communication by abused ICMPv6 Redirect message,
terminals should be configured to discard all incoming ICMPv6 Redirect messages. As
another countermeasure, it is recommended to accept ICMPv6 Redirect messages only from
permitted ports where routers are connected. Security of communications among segments
Communications among terminals in multiple IPv6 segments should be appropriately managed to
prevent security threats against the IPv6 information system environment. These include man-in-the-
middle (MITM), tampering and IPv6 DoS attacks.
The following guidelines should be considered when dealing with the vulnerabilities in the IPv6
environment described in clauses 7.1.1 (Threat 2), 8.1.1 (Threat 9) and 9.2.1 (Threat 19) of
[ITU-T X.1037]:
• Guidelines for measures against interruption regarding IPv6 default route
Authentication of router advertisement (RA) messages based on SEND should be applied to
a terminal to avoid attacks by illegitimate RA messages from a malicious terminal.
As another countermeasure, it is recommended to apply L2 security solution such as RA
Guard. In this solution, an L2 switch should be appropriately configured to filter out RA
messages from unauthorized physical ports.
• Guidelines for measures against overflow attack of neighbour cache
It is recommended to apply an appropriate upper limit of neighbour cache for each terminal
in order to mitigate overflow attack of the neighbour cache.

12 X series – Supplement 23 (09/2014)

• Guidelines for measures against firewall evasion with overlapping fragments
[IETF RFC 5722] explicitly prohibits sending an overlapped fragment packet to IPv6
devices, which enables to evade packet inspection of a firewall. Therefore, terminals and
firewalls should be implemented to discard fragments whose ranges overlap.
9.9.2 Development environment for IPv6 information system and programs
The control objective and the contents from clause 12 of [ITU-T X.1051] apply.

9.10 Information security incident management

The control objective and the contents from clause 13 of [ITU-T X.1051] apply.

X series – Supplement 23 (09/2014) 13


Series A Organization of the work of ITU-T

Series D General tariff principles

Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors
Series F Non-telephone telecommunication services
Series G Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks

Series H Audiovisual and multimedia systems

Series I Integrated services digital network
Series J Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia

Series K Protection against interference

Series L Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant

Series M Telecommunication management, including TMN and network maintenance

Series N Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits

Series O Specifications of measuring equipment

Series P Terminals and subjective and objective assessment methods
Series Q Switching and signalling

Series R Telegraph transmission

Series S Telegraph services terminal equipment
Series T Terminals for telematic services
Series U Telegraph switching

Series V Data communication over the telephone network

Series X Data networks, open system communications and security

Series Y Global information infrastructure, Internet protocol aspects and next-generation networks

Series Z Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems

Printed in Switzerland
Geneva, 2014

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