What Is Piled Raft Foundation
What Is Piled Raft Foundation
What Is Piled Raft Foundation
Suryakanta | December 16, 2015 | Foundation, Geotechnical | 1 Comment
The above points need for exploring methods by which the design can be made optimum. For
example, in the case of rafts in sand, the question is whether it should be possible for us to
design the raft satisfying bearing capacity and look for extraneous means to control settlement
which would otherwise be excessive. One such solution available is to use piles in conjunction
with the raft, the function of the piles being merely to control settlement. Such a system is called
a piled raft.
On the soil side, a depth of 10 to 20 m at the top is water-bearing alluvium underlain by varying
thicknesses of residual soils of meta-sedimentary formations, namely siltstone, sandstone, shale
and occasionally phyllite (known locally as ‘Kenny Hill formation’), followed by Kuala
Lumpur limestone formation which can vary dramatically with regard to surface elevation
and solution activity leaving huge cavities. (Rock elevations were found varying by 140 m over a
distance of less than 50 m.) The interface is always overlain by erratic ‘slump zones’ where
Kenny Hill material has softened and eroded into limestone cavities.
Because of the high slenderness ratio of the structure, the developer and the designer set an
ambitious theoretical goal of zero differential settlement, practically limiting it to less than 12.7
mm across the base of the towers. The geologic conditions at the site described above indeed
made the job technically very challenging.
Among the different types of foundations considered for the project, the final choice, as dictated
by techno-economic considerations, fell on a piled raft consisting of friction piles located in the
Kenny Hill formation well above limestone, but with the cavities and slump zones grout-filled,
with the pile lengths varied to minimize differential settlement.
An elaborate program of testing was undertaken, which among others included more than
260 pressure meter tests.
At the tower locations, the depth of limestone varied from 80 to 180 m, making it feasible for
friction piles in the Kenny Hill above to support tower load of 2680 MN. Adopting a design value
of 110 kN/m2 for skin fiction, the final design worked out as 1.3 m dia. piles at 4.7 m spacing
extending to a depth of 33 m below a mat (raft) of dia. 53.7 m.
The 3-D finite element analyses gave a differential settlement of 11 mm edge to edge under the
tower proper, satisfying the design goal in this respect.
Extensive grouting was undertaken to fill the cavities in the limestone falling within the zone of
influence of the towers and to improve the slump zones found immediately above the limestone
which were formed by the erosion of Kenny Hill into the cavities and solution channels in the
The bored piles socketed into weak rock were of 1.5 m dia. and 47.45 m length with the tower
raft founded at (-) 7.5 m – DMD. The podium piles were of 0.9 m dia. and 30 m length with the
podium raft founded at (-) 4.85 m – DMD. The thickness of the raft was 3.7 m. FE analyses gave
maximum loads of the order of 35 MN at the corners of the wings and minimum loads of the
order of 12-13 MN within the centre. The minimum centre-to-centre spacing of the piles for the
tower was 2.5 times the pile diameter. In all 926 piles were used. The bored piles were
constructed using polymer drilling fluid, in place of the more conventional bentonite drilling
mud. Settlements predicted by FE analysis were of the order of 70-75 mm in the tower area,
reducing drastically to 10-12 mm in the podium area. The final measured settlements were found
to be comfortably below the predicted range.