G.L Bajaj Institute of Management and Research
G.L Bajaj Institute of Management and Research
G.L Bajaj Institute of Management and Research
No.-2, Knowledge park III, Greater Noida, Distt. - G.B Nagar, U.P, India, Pin-
Submitted for
I am deeply indebted to my supervisor Mrs. Vandana Gaur, from the Masters in business
Administration Department of G. L. Bajaj Institute of Management and Research whose
help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped me in all the time of research for
and writing of this thesis. I want to thank him for all their help, support, interest and
valuable hints.
This is an original piece of work and has not been submitted to any other institution or
university for any purpose.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Introduction to the World Wide Web
Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
Business-to-Business (B2B)
Business-to-Administration (B2A)
What is E-Commerce?
Benefits of -commerce
The Hyper Growth of E-commerce: The Digital Economy
Buy-Side vs. Sell-Side e-Commerce
Research Methodology
Different types of E-Commerce
E-Commerce Advantages
E-commerce Disadvantages and Constraints
The “Do’s” of Ecommerce
The “Don’ts” of Ecommerce
E-business — User security requirements
E-business - Developer Security Requirement
E-commerce Careers in International Market
Hyper growth of Ecommerce in International market Impact of E-commerce in
International market
Strategic Consideration
Expert’s Comments: 3 Pl and E-Commerce