Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
1.0.1 Background
1.0.3 Significance
Item analysis is important in constructing exam questions. There are many significance
that we can abstract from item analysis especially for students, teacher and school.
In term of students, item analysis brings much significance for them. Item analysis
provides a basis for the general improvement of classroom instruction. As we know, all
students in a classroom have different ability to understand different subject, method of
teaching and environment. There exist some students who are having difficulty in
understanding a subject matter and sometimes take about 2 month to adapt the method of
teaching given by the teachers. Ergo, by having the item analysis, we can identify the problem
that the student having during the learning because the result can be seen in exam questions.
Item analysis is useful in helping teacher to determine which items to keep, modify, or
discard on a given test; and how to finalize the score for a student. If you improve the quality
of the items on a test, you will improve the overall quality of the test as well as improving both
reliability and validity. Moreover, item analysis data provide a basis for efficient class
discussion of the test results. We can use the data to present it to students, so that they know
their strength and weakness. Item analysis data also provide a basis for remedial work. A
remedial action is intended to correct something that is wrong or to improve a bad situation.
So, the exam instructor or teacher can get immediate remedial work in improving the exam
question, assessment and test. Furthermore, item analysis procedures provide a basis for
increased skill in test construction. If the experience in making item analysis is more, teacher
will eventually improve their skills in making a test.
The significance of item analysis for school is the school are able to store the all the
information about student learning and achievement in the orderly manner. The marking
system of the school will be more neatly arranged in the software of computer (usually
Microsoft Excel). In addition, the item analysis creates an effective way for school to identify
the low, middle and high achiever. If the number of high achiever is high, the school have the
ability to upgrade their title from Bestari to Cluster school or from Cluster to High Performance
1.0.4 Literature Review
Perhaps “item difficulty” should have been named “item easiness” because it indicates
the proportion of examinees that got the item right; also referred to as the p-value. The range
is from 0% to 100%, or more typically written as a proportion of 0.0 (none of the students
answered the item correctly) to 1.00 (all of the students answered the item correctly). The
higher the value, the easier the item. A high percentage indicates an easy item/question and
low percentage indicates a difficult item. In general, items should have values of difficulty no
less than 20% correct and no greater than 80%. Very difficult or very easy items contribute
little to the discriminating power of a test.
The suitable average level of difficulty proposes by experts for a four-option multiple
choice test should be between 60% and 80%. The average level of difficulty within this range
can be acquired, when the difficulty of individual items falls outside of this range. For example;
a) On a four-alternative multiple-choice item, the random guessing level is 1.00/4 =
0.25; therefore, the optimal difficulty level is 0.25 + (1.00 - 0.25) / 2 = 0.62.
b) On a true-false question, the guessing level is (1.00/2 = 0.50) and, therefore, the
optimal difficulty level is 0.50 + (1.00-0.50)/2 = 0.75.
Both types of question show a normal difficulty of item. p-values above 0.90 are very easy
items and should be carefully revised by instructor.
Let say an item having a low difficulty value which is less than 0.20. There must be a
several possible causes that happen before, during and after doing the test. p-values below 0.20
are very difficult items and should be reviewed for possible confusing language, removed from
subsequent exams, and/or identified as an area for re-instruction. Other than that, the item may
be too challenging because it involve all level of ability of the class. If almost all of the students
get the item wrong, there is either a problem with the item or students were not able to learn
the concept. However, if an instructor want to discover the top percentage of students, this
highly difficult item may be necessary.
Hence, what should we aim for? Experts suggest that the best approach is to aim for a
mix of difficulties. That is, a few very difficult, some difficult, some moderately difficult, and
a few easy.
The item discrimination is a measure of how well the item is able to distinguish or
discriminate between examinees who are knowledgeable and those who are not, or between
masters and non-masters. The common ways to compute item discrimination is the point-bi-
serial correlation which shows the degree of relationship between scores on the item correct or
incorrect) and total test scores.
The examinees who responded to the item correctly are highly discriminating and did
well on the test, while the examinees who responded to the item incorrectly did poorly on the
test. The possible range of the discrimination index is -1.0 to 1.0; however, if an item has
discrimination below 0.0, it suggests a problem. When an item is discriminating negatively,
overall the most knowledgeable examinees are getting the item wrong and the least
knowledgeable examinees are getting the item right. A negative discrimination index may
indicate that the item is measuring something other than what the rest of the test is measuring.
It may also occur as a result of several possible causes such as a miskeyed item, an item that is
ambiguous, or an item that is misleading. However, items with negative discrimination values
should be reviewed.
It is important to be aware that there is a relationship between an item’s difficulty and
its discrimination index when interpreting the value of discrimination. If an item has a very
high (or very low) p-value, the potential value of the discrimination will be much less than if
the item has a mid-range p-value. Theoretically, this makes sense. Students who know the
content and who perform well on the test overall should be the ones who know the content.
There’s a problem if students are getting correct answers on a test and they don’t know the
Hence, what should we aim for? It is recommended that item discrimination should be
at least 0.20. It’s best to aim even higher. In all cases, action must be taken! So, items with
negative item difficulty must be given. Items with discrimination indices less than 0.20 must
be revised or eliminated. Be certain that there is only one possible answer, that the question is
written clearly, and that your answer key is correct.
2.0.1 Preparation
We choose Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ismaill Petra, one of the cluster school
located at Kelantan. The school consists of students from form 1 until form 6 where only
students who has a good achievement in UPSR or PT3 are chosen to be enrolled to the school.
After discussing with the team members, we decided to construct multiple choice question
(MCQ) in Mathematics subject for form 4 which contain 20 number of questions.
Before the table of specification is constructed, we had contact the Mathematics
teacher, Puan Normawati who did teach the subject at that school to find out on how much she
allocates for each topic in Mathematics Form 4 syllabus. All of the topics in the table of
specification in Appendix B has the same hour that she allocates in teaching the form 4 students
at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ismail Petra.
Appendix A is the exam questions that we had constructed. Based on the exam paper,
we have set a moderate level of hardness where we are sure that at least more than ¾ from 28
students can score at least 17 marks out of 20 questions. Based on the table of specification in
Appendix B the exam questions include Standard Form, Quadratic Expressions and Equations,
The Straight Line and Trigonometry II.
Since the school is quite far from Kuantan, one of our group member went to the school
to distribute the question papers with the help of the teacher from that school. We choose to
distribute the question to class number 1; Ibnu Sina, and class number 2; Ibnu Hayyan.
Supposedly, if we added the total number of both class, it should exceed the number of students
that we want which is only 28 students. Thus, we decide to choose them randomly between the
two classes. The examination is conducted in one class where tables and chairs are arranged by
4 tables in a column and 7 tables in a row. The examination is conducted under supervision by
Puan Normawati and our member group, Anis Suraiya.
Mean 15.57143
Standard Error 0.406393
Median 16
Mode 16
Standard Deviation 2.150428
Sample Variance 4.624339
Kurtosis 0.076463
Skewness -0.35804
Range 9
Minimum 11
Maximum 20
Sum 436
Count 28
Table 2
The mean for the student’s mark is 15.57 which show the average of the student’s mark around
15.57. Most of the students get 16 mark which about 80%.
Standard Deviation
As stated by Triola, “First, we should clearly understand that the standard deviation measures
the variation among values. Values close together will yield a small standard deviation,
whereas values spread farther apart will yield a larger standard deviation.”(pg. 82).
Since the standard deviation is 2.15, and this value is quite small so the mark for the students
are close together. There is no big difference between the marks of the students.
Minimum and Maximum
The minimum mark for the student is 11 while the maximum is 20. The 20 mark is the full
mark. There is only a person that get full mark same as the lowest mark which is a person.
3.0.3 Item Difficulty
In conclusion, we had chosen the items to be analysed based on every technique that we
had learned in this course. Even though we are merely just beginners in constructing exam
questions, through online researches and expertise interviews, we manage to come out with our
own items successfully. We hope that the techniques and skills that we had earned will help us
in managing our evaluation sooner as a teacher.
Professional testing, Step 9. Conduct the Item Analysis, Building High Quality Exam
Program. Retrieved on 13 December 2016 from
Terry Overton (n.d), Assessing Learners with Special Needs: 6th ED, Testing, Assessment,
Measurement and Evaluation Definition. Retrieved on 11 December 2016 from
Item difficulty and item discrimination. Retrieved on 14 December 2016 from