10.1038@s41438 019 0227 2
10.1038@s41438 019 0227 2
10.1038@s41438 019 0227 2
Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) is an oriental perennial woody fruit tree whose popular fruit is produced and consumed
worldwide. The persimmon fruit is unique because of the hyperaccumulation of proanthocyanidins during fruit
development, causing the mature fruit of most cultivars to have an astringent taste. In this study, we obtained a
chromosome-scale genome assembly for ‘Youshi’ (Diospyros oleifera, 2n = 2x = 30), the diploid species of persimmon,
by integrating Illumina sequencing, single-molecule real-time sequencing, and high-throughput chromosome
conformation capture techniques. The assembled D. oleifera genome consisted of 849.53 Mb, 94.14% (799.71 Mb) of
which was assigned to 15 pseudochromosomes, and is the first assembled genome for any member of the Ebenaceae.
Comparative genomic analysis revealed that the D. oleifera genome underwent an ancient γ whole-genome
duplication event. We studied the potential genetic basis for astringency development (proanthocyanidin
biosynthesis) and removal (proanthocyanidin insolublization). Proanthocyanidin biosynthesis genes were mainly
distributed on chromosome 1, and the clustering of these genes is responsible for the genetic stability of astringency
heredity. Genome-based RNA-seq identified deastringency genes, and promoter analysis showed that most of their
promoters contained large numbers of low oxygen-responsive motifs, which is consistent with the efficient industrial
application of high CO2 treatment to remove astringency. Using the D. oleifera genome as the reference, SLAF-seq
indicated that ‘Youshi’ is one of the ancestors of the cultivated persimmon (2n = 6x = 90). Our study provides
significant insights into the genetic basis of persimmon evolution and the development and removal astringency, and
it will facilitate the improvement of the breeding of persimmon fruit.
Introduction edible fruit, and others are sources of ebony wood, stock,
Diospyros L. belongs to the Ebenaceae, a plant genus medicinal materials or ornamental plants3. The most
that includes over 500 species that are distributed well-known species is Diospyros kaki, which originated
worldwide1 and is one of the largest angiosperm genera2. from China4. One fossil leaf of wild persimmon (Diospyros
Some of its species (e.g., Diospyros kaki Thunb) produce miokaki) that is ~25 million years old was found in the
Shandong Province of China and stored in the Shanwang
Paleontological Museum5. In ancient China, persimmon
Correspondence: Bang-chu Gong (gongbc@126.com) or Xue-ren Yin was first described in ‘Li Ji·Nei Ze’ (circa 450 BC, written
1 by Ji Kong, grandson of Confucius), and it began to be
Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Integrative Biology,
Zhejiang University, Zijingang Campus, Hangzhou 310058, PR China considered an important food during the Warring States
State Agriculture Ministry Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Growth, Period (475–221 B.C.)6. The persimmon was widely cul-
Development and Quality Improvement, Zhejiang University, Zijingang
tivated in China during the Tang Dynasty (618–907 A.D.)
Campus, Hangzhou 310058, PR China
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article due to the development of grafting and technological
These authors contributed equally: Qing-gang Zhu, Yang Xu
approaches for removing astringency, and it was intro- D. oleifera, whereas D. lotus exhibited a closer relationship
duced to Japan and spread to the Korean peninsula in the with D. glaucifolia. Kanzaki4 proposed that the commer-
15th century and to Europe and then America in the cialized persimmon (D. Kaki) originated from southern
18th–20th centuries3. Persimmon has been cultivated China through polyploidization from diploid ancestors.
mainly in oriental countries (e.g., China, Japan, and Korea) The complete genome sequence for Diospyros would be
but is widely distributed in other areas (e.g., China, Japan, tremendously useful for clarifying these issues.
and Korea). Australia, Brazil, Israel, Spain, and the United In this study, D. oleifera (‘Youshi’) was chosen as the
States)7. The most recent statistical data indicate that material for genome sequencing. The PacBio RSII and
persimmon fruit production in China has reached 400 HiSeq sequencing techniques were used to generate a high-
million tons annually (FAO, 2016). quality genome assembly and annotation for this diploid
Persimmon fruit are unique in their accumulation of persimmon. Due to the importance of astringency for the
proanthocyanidins (PAs, also known as condensed tan- persimmon industry, the genetic basis for astringency
nins, CTs), and soluble CTs (SCTs) cause fruit astrin- development and removal was also investigated. Based on
gency in most cultivars, even at commercial maturity8,9, the obtained genome sequence, the first genetic linkage map
reducing consumer appeal. Thus, persimmon is a char- was constructed for persimmon using SLAF-seq, which
acteristic material for studying PA synthesis, accumula- provided information about the evolution of persimmon.
tion and metabolism in fruit. PAs also prevent benefits
such as strong oxidation resistance, and they are widely Results
used in cosmetics as antioxidants and anti-aging ingre- Genome assembly and annotation
dients10. PAs are also widely used in wastewater treatment The ‘Youshi’ genome was sequenced using the Illumina
because of their scavenging ability towards radioactive HiSeq (Illumina, USA) and PacBio Sequel platforms, and
and heavy metals10–14. The biosynthesis of PAs is con- the assembled scaffolds were ordered using the Hi-C
trolled by a series of structural genes in the shikimate technique. The detailed assembly process is illustrated in
pathway15; however, the molecular mechanisms and Supplementary Fig. 2. The project generated ~86 giga-
evolution of PA accumulation in persimmon remain bases (Gb) of high-quality sequences (Supplementary
elusive16. In addition to the study of PA metabolism, in Tables 1 and 2), representing ~100× coverage of this
recent years, persimmon has been used as a model to diploid ‘Youshi’ persimmon genome. The final genome
understand fruit anaerobic environment interactions17,18 assembly was 849.53 Mb in size, very close to the pre-
and the evolution of sex chromosome systems in higher dicted size of 853.3 Mb based on nuclear weight mea-
plants19. However, most of these studies were conducted surements performed via flow cytometry (Supplementary
based on the de novo assembly of transcriptomic Fig. 3), and it consisted of 4728 scaffolds (≥1 kb) with an
sequences due to the absence of complete persimmon N50 of 42.43 Mb and 5919 contigs (≥1 kb) with an N50 of
genome sequences for either Diospyros species or other 890.84 kb (Supplementary Table 3). The GC content of
Ebenaceae. This deficiency has inhibited research on the assembled persimmon genome was 37.40% (Table 1).
evolution and heredity in persimmon and other plants in Notably, 94.14% (799.71 Mb) of the genome was anchored
the Ebenales. to 15 pseudochromosomes (Supplementary Table 4), and
Within Diospyros, there are three main species culti- a total of 556.36 Mb (64.96%, Supplementary Table 5) of
vated for fruit production: Diospyros lotus, Diospyros repetitive sequences were identified.
oleifera, and Diospyros kaki, and all three of which pro- The quality of the assembly was further assessed by
duce astringent fruit. D. kaki is hexaploid (2n = 6x = 90), three independent methods. First, it was verified that it
while D. lotus and D. oleifera are diploid (2n = 2x = 30)20. contained a majority of the core eukaryotic genes (98.03%
D. kaki accounts for the greatest number of commercial and 77.02%, respectively, Supplementary Table 6) and
fruit tree cultivars, and D. lotus is widely used as a root- genes in the BUSCO (Benchmarking Universal Single-
stock. Compared to D. kaki and D. lotus, D. oleifera Copy Orthologs) datasets23 (89.86%, Supplementary Table
exhibits two additional characteristics: the generation of 7). Second, the high-throughput sequencing (Illumina
trichomes and the excretion of oils on the fruit surface HiSeq) data were aligned to the genome sequence using
(Supplementary Fig. 1). Here, the material ‘Youshi’ (the BWA software24, and the results indicated that more than
traditional common name in China for D. oleifera Cheng) 98.58% of the sequences could be mapped to the assem-
was used; Youshi means ‘oil persimmon’ in Chinese. bled genome (Supplementary Table 8). Third, a Hi-C
Another Ebenales plant, avocado (Persea americana), is intrachromosomal contact map suggested that all bins
also well known for containing high levels of lipids21. Fu could be allocated to 15 pseudochromosomes (Supple-
et al.22 sequenced the complete chloroplast genomes from mentary Fig. 4). Thus, all of these results support the
D. kaki, D. lotus, D. oleifera, D. glaucifolia and D. ‘Jin- conclusion that this assembled ‘Youshi’ persimmon gen-
zaoshi’ and found that D. kaki was more closely related to ome is of high quality at the chromosome scale.
Zhu et al. Horticulture Research (2019)6:138 Page 3 of 15
Table. 1 Statistics of persimmon genome assembly and Furthermore, 3644 persimmon-specific genes in 1251
annotation. clusters were identified (Supplementary Table 14), which
are annotated in Supplementary Table 15. An expanded
Genome size (Mb) 849.53 analysis was performed with 13 other sequenced plant
Total size of assembled scaffolds (Mb) 856.414 genomes, and single-copy genes were used for phylogenetic
Number of scaffolds (≥1 Kb) 4728 tree construction. The results showed that D. oleifera is
relatively closely related to Actinidia chinensis (kiwifruit)
N50 scaffold length (Mb) 1.42
and Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) (Fig. 2b). The phylo-
Longest scaffold (Mb) 57.59 genetic tree also indicated that D. oleifera diverged phylo-
Total size of assembled contigs (Mb) 856.35 genetically from A. chinensis approximately 77.80 million
Number of contigs (≥1 kb) 5919 years ago (Mya), after the divergence of S. lycopersicum at
104.47 Mya (Fig. 2b).
N50 contig length (kb) 890.84
The 4DTv (fourfold synonymous third-codon trans-
Largest contig (kb) 9384.04 version) value peaked at ~1.51 for D. oleifera (Fig. 2c),
GC content (%) 37.40 indicating that only one ancient γ whole-genome dupli-
Number of gene models 32516 cation (WGD) occurred in the D. oleifera genome lineage,
which was further confirmed by ks analysis (Supplemen-
Gene length (Mb) 220.26
tary Fig. 7). There were 328 and 493 gene families
Mean gene length (bp) 6773.92 (annotations are listed in Supplementary Table 16)
Total exon length (Mb) 41.58 showing expansion or contraction, respectively, after
Mean exon length (bp) 251.99 divergence from kiwifruit (Fig. 2d), suggesting that more
D. oleifera gene families have experienced contraction
Total intron length (Mb) 178.68
than expansion during adaptive evolution.
Mean intron length (bp) 1082.91 A total of 414 and 3637 genes in the expanded families
were annotated (Supplementary Tables 17 and 18) to
kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) path-
A total of 32,516 putative genes were predicted, with an ways and gene ontology (GO) terms, respectively. KEGG
average gene length of 6773 bp; 80.53% of these genes analysis showed that most of the expanded genes were
shared homology with known genes, and 95.95% of these involved in plant-pathogen interactions, starch and
genes were functionally annotated (Supplementary Tables sucrose metabolism and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis.
9 and 10; Supplementary Fig. 5). Among these predicted GO analysis revealed that in addition to primary meta-
genes, only 25,379 (78.05%) could be anchored to the 15 bolic processes, the expanded orthogroups were involved
pseudochromosomes (Supplementary Fig. 6). A total of in the defense response, sexual reproduction and flavo-
1540 noncoding RNAs, including miRNAs, rRNAs, and noid biosynthetic processes. Forty-seven of the genes
tRNAs, were identified by in silico prediction (Supple- from contracted gene families were clustered in 28 KEGG
mentary Table 11). In addition, 4381 pseudogenes were pathways, including plant hormone signal transduction,
predicted in the persimmon genome (Supplementary sesquiterpenoid, and triterpenoid biosynthesis and beta-
Table 12). Motif and domain annotation analysis based on alanine metabolism (Supplementary Table 19). The GO
the amino acid sequences of 32,516 predicted genes indi- terms of the genes from contracted gene families were
cated a total of 2802 motifs and 36,198 domains (Sup- mainly related to oxidation-reduction processes, protein
plementary Table 13). There were 137 gene syntenic phosphorylation and pentacyclic triterpenoid biosynthetic
blocks and 3612 paralogous gene groups identified based processes (Supplementary Table 20). The functional
on the self-alignment of the 25,379 chromosome-anchored annotations of the genes in expanded and contracted gene
genes, indicating that the persimmon genome has under- families highlighted various traits of persimmon, includ-
gone frequent interchromosome fusions and segmental ing its high contents of sugar and flavonoids, dioecy, low
duplications during its evolutionary history (Fig. 1). levels of terpenes, and strong adaptability.
Comparative genomic and genome evolutionary analysis Characterization of putative genes in proanthocyanidin
A gene family cluster analysis of the complete gene sets biosynthesis pathways
of persimmon (D. oleifera), apple (M. domestica), Arabi- A unique feature of persimmon is that it accumulates a
dopsis (A. thaliana) and grape (V. vinifera) was per- high content of PAs during fruit development. In the
formed. A total of 25,199 gene families in the persimmon genome, we found 57 genes involved in PA biosynthesis
genome were grouped into 13,406 gene clusters, with (Supplementary Table 20), all of which were mapped to
7567 gene clusters being shared by all four species (Fig. 2a). the D. oleifera genome. The results indicated that 33.96%
Zhu et al. Horticulture Research (2019)6:138 Page 4 of 15
Fig. 1 Homologous genome blocks in persimmon. Chr1-15 are pseudochromosomes. The first (green) circle shows the gene density on
chromosomes, and the second (purple) circle shows the pseudogene density. The brown, purple and blue dots show the distribution of tRNAs,
miRNAs, and rRNAs, respectively. The inner lines represent the relationships between syntenic blocks. Each line represents a syntenic block.
of the genes involved in PA biosynthesis were located on (astringency formation) and removal (deastringency) is
chromosome 1 (Fig. 3) and formed a gene cluster enriched important. A few candidate genes related to alcoholic
in these genes (Supplementary Fig. 8). fermentation and transcription factors that regulate their
expression have been previously identified and shown to
Genome-wide RNA-seq analysis of astringency removal in contribute to astringency removal9,17,18. However,
persimmon fruit by artificial high CO2 treatment because of the absence of a complete genome sequence,
Most commercialized persimmon cultivars are of the many of the genes potentially involved in astringency
astringent type; thus, understanding PA biosynthesis removal were not identified.
Zhu et al. Horticulture Research (2019)6:138 Page 5 of 15
Fig. 2 Comparative genomic analysis of persimmon and other species. a Venn diagram of shared orthologous gene families in persimmon,
Arabidopsis thaliana, Malus domestica and Vitis vinifera. The number of gene families is listed for each component. b Phylogenetic tree constructed
from persimmon single-copy gene families with 13 other species, including Vitis vinifera (Vvinifera_145_Genoscope), Actinidia chinensis (v1.0), Musa
acuminata, Solanum lycopersicum (SL2.40), Diospyros oleifera, Citrus sinensis, Glycine max (Soybean_Williams82), Carica papaya, Arabidopsis thaliana
(TAIR10), Juglans regia, Fragaria vesca, Prunus persica (v2.0), Pyrus bretschneideri, and Malus domestica (v1.0). The numbers indicate the divergence time.
c Distribution of 4DTv distance between syntenic orthologous genes. The red arrow indicates the peak value for persimmon. d Gene family
expansion and contraction analysis. Gene family expansions and contractions are indicated by numbers in red and blue, respectively. The gray areas
represent the conserved gene families.
High CO2 treatment (95% CO2 + 4% N2 + 1% O2) is the insoluble condensed tannins27,28, so that they no longer
most effective method for tannin removal. This treatment contribute to astringency. Here, 53 astringent-type culti-
results in elevated ADH and PDC activities and triggers vars of persimmon fruit (listed in Supplementary Table
acetaldehyde metabolism9,18,25,26. The acetaldehyde that is 22) were collected and subjected to high CO2 treatment
produced converts the soluble condensed tannins into for 24 h. Four representative cultivars, two showing rapid
Zhu et al. Horticulture Research (2019)6:138 Page 6 of 15
deastringency after treatment (D. kaki cv. Sigoushi, SGS characterized genes related to alcoholic fermentation,
and cv. Luoyangfangtianshengshi, LYFTSS) and two DkPDC1 (EVM0027273), DkPDC2 (EVM0022732), and
showing slow deastringency (D. kaki cv. Laopige, LPG and DkADH1 (EVM0007501), were simultaneously clustered
cv. Shijiazhuanglianhuashi, SJZLHS), were selected in the brown or yellow module. Moreover, a key enzyme
according to quantitative soluble tannin analysis. After that catalyzes the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-to-pyruvate
high CO2 treatment, SGS and LYFTSS exhibited lower transition under low-oxygen conditions (Supplementary
soluble tannin contents (<0.1 FW%), while LPG and Fig. 9 29), the pyruvate kinase (PK) gene (EVM0008535,
SJZLHS exhibited higher soluble tannin contents (0.92 DkPK1), was found to be one of the hub genes (Supple-
and 0.66 FW%, respectively) (Fig. 4b). mentary Fig. 10). The expression in fruit of members of
When these four cultivars were used for RNA-seq, the the DkPK family was verified in ‘Jingmianshi’ fruit (D.
differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were clustered into kaki, astringent type), and the transcript levels of DkPK1
21 coexpression modules (Fig. 4c) through WGCNA were found to be higher than those of any other members
(weighted gene coexpression network analysis), and tan- of this gene family (Fig. 4e). Furthermore, dual-luciferase
nin contents were correlated with the module eigengenes assays indicated that two previously characterized
(Fig. 4d). Three significantly negative correlation modules hypoxia/high-CO2-responsive transcription factors
(<−0.6) were found (tan, −0.75; brown, −0.77; yellow, (DkERF18 and DkERF24) could trans-activate the pro-
−0.64), and the genes within these modules are listed in moter of DkPK1 (Fig. 4f).
Supplementary Table 23. As expected, genome-wide To understand the genetic basis of the failure of
transcriptomic analysis provided a more comprehensive astringency removal during fruit development in
overview of astringency removal. The previously astringent-type persimmons, the putative promoter
Fig. 4 Persimmon fruit deastringency analysis and WGCNA analysis. a Tannin printing of CO2-treated persimmon fruit at 1 day in storage. The
intensity of black reflects the soluble tannin content. The fruit were treated with high CO2 (95% CO2, 4% N2, 1% O2) and air (control) within airtight
containers for 1 day at 20 °C. b Effects of CO2 treatment on soluble tannin contents in four selected cultivars of persimmon fruit. Different letters
represent significant differences (P < 0.05). c WGCNA dendrogram indicating the expression of different gene modules in all 36 persimmon samples.
d Trait and module relationship analysis. Different colors represent different modules. e Expression patterns of PK family genes in ‘Jingmianshi’ fruit
treated with high CO2 (95% CO2 + 4% N2 + 1% O2). f Regulatory effects of DkERF18 and DkERF24 on the DkPK1 promoter.
Zhu et al. Horticulture Research (2019)6:138 Page 7 of 15
regions (−2000 bp) of all of the previously characterized mapped markers were aligned to the genomes using
hypoxia/high-CO2-responsive transcription factors (Sup- BLASTN analysis with an e-value cutoff of 1e−5, reveal-
plementary Table 24) and candidate genes included in ing that 26.86% (n = 3009) of the markers were assigned
Supplementary Fig. 9 were obtained (Supplementary Fig. to the D. oleifera genome (Supplementary Table 20).
11 and 12). Motif analysis indicated that anaerobic- Moreover, 45 LGs were clearly assigned to the 15 chro-
responsive elements (GC-rich motif: GCC[C/G]C, mosomes (Fig. 5b and Supplementary Table 28). Different
GT-rich motif: GGTTT)30 were present in all of these numbers of LGs were assigned to different chromosomes,
promoters (Supplementary Figs. 11 and 12). Each of these such as chromosomes 1/3/5/7/9/12/15, each with two
genes exhibited more than one anaerobic-responsive LGs, chromosomes 4/8/10/13/14 were each assigned
element within a single promoter (Supplementary Figs. three LGs, and four, five and seven LGs were assigned to
11 and 12), and these results confirm the genetic and chromosomes 11, 2 and 6, respectively (Fig. 5b). Using the
mechanistic basis of the effectiveness of low oxygen Spearman correlation coefficient approach, the mapped
(resulting from high CO2 treatment) in causing astrin- markers (n = 3009) of the D. kaki genetic map were found
gency removal. to show significant collinearity with the D. oleifera gen-
ome, and the correlation between the genetic and physical
D. oleifera genome-based genetic map analysis positions of the SLAF markers is shown in Fig. 5b.
Two commercial persimmon cultivars, ‘Taishuu’ (Dios-
pyros kaki cv. Taishuu, male) and ‘Luotiantianshi’ (Dios- Discussion
pyros kaki cv. Luotiantianshi, female), were used as Persimmon is a widely grown woody tree, and its fruit
parents for hybridization. Due to the high rate of abortion are valued by consumers because of their high con-
in hybrid seeds, even after using the embryo rescue cul- centrations of antioxidant compounds (especially PAs)
ture technique31, only 77 F1 progeny were obtained. and edible fiber, and they serve as a primary source of
Then, an SLAF-seq (specific-locus amplified fragment medicines3,32,33. Although persimmon is economically
sequencing) library was constructed for the two persim- and culturally important in oriental countries, its genome
mon parents and their F1 offspring. The evaluation of the sequence has not been published. Here, using PacBio and
D. kaki SLAF DNA library indicated that the efficiency of Hi-C technology, the genome sequence of persimmon was
RsaI and HaeIII digestion was 86.80%. The percentage of assembled from diploid ‘Youshi’ (D. oleifera), which pro-
the mapping of the paired-end reads in the control (Oryza vides a basic resource for the future persimmon research
sativa L. japonica) was 87.92%. The average sequencing and industrial applications. A genome sequence of
depth of the SLAF markers was 20.40-fold (Supplemen- 849.53 Mb was assembled with a contig N50 of 0.89 M,
tary Table 25). After filtering, for the F1 population, and 94.14% of the genome was anchored to 15 pseudo-
20,405 SLAFs with three segregation patterns were used chromosomes. The quality of the assembly was further
for genetic map construction, and 11,204 markers were assessed by using core genetic integrity assessment and
used (Supplementary Table 26). After linkage analysis, RNA-seq data. There were 32,516 predicted gene loca-
11,204 markers were anchored to 45 high-density linkage tions in the persimmon genome, which is similar to
groups of D. kaki, with a minimum LOD score (MLOD) results from other plant species, such as tomato (N =
of 7.0. The final map was 7168.74 cM long, with an 34,879)34 and pomegranate (N = 30,903)35. A total of
average intermarker distance of 0.64 cM (Supplementary 556.36 Mb (64.96%, Table S7) of repeat sequences were
Table 27). The largest LG (linkage group) was LG45, identified, which is similar to the amount in sorghum
which contained 222 markers with a length of 224.67 cM; (62%)36 and higher than that in apple (42%)37, grapevine
the smallest was LG35, which contained 118 markers that (41.4%)38 and rice and Arabidopsis (14 and 17%, respec-
spanned 56.23 cM (Supplementary Table 27). The per- tively)39,40. Additionally, a total of 4012 simple sequence
centage of gaps ≤5 cM between adjacent markers of the 45 repeats were evenly distributed across the pseudochro-
LGs ranged from 92.74 to 99.35% (average of 97.13%), and mosomes, which are beneficial for molecular breeding
the largest gap was 19.77 cM in LG17 (Fig. 5a). After (Supplementary Table 5). The obtained D. oleifera gen-
correcting genotyping errors using SMOOTH algorithms, ome not only provides basic information for persimmon
1140 segregation distortion markers with P < 0.01 were research and utilization but also represents the first
retained to increase genomic coverage in the final genetic reported complete genome for Ebenales. Thus, the D.
map, which was further evaluated by the haplotype oleifera genome could be further used for better under-
(Supplementary Fig. 13) and heat maps (Supplementary standing genome evolution and the relationships of plants
Fig. 14). in Ebenales.
Based on the D. oleifera genome, the colinear relation- The phylogenetic tree compiled from the whole-
ship between the D. kaki genetic map and the D. oleifera genome analyses showed that D. oleifera diverged from
genome was analyzed. The SLAF sequences of the 11,204 kiwifruit approximately 77.80 Mya, ago and the estimated
Zhu et al. Horticulture Research (2019)6:138 Page 8 of 15
Fig. 5 Genetic map analysis of persimmon. a High-density genetic map of D. kaki. b Correlation between the genetic and physical positions of the
SLAF markers. D. kaki represents the genetic group, and the D. oleifera genome represents the physical position.
times of the separation from the lineages with A. thaliana responses42. These expanded gene families are responsible
and V. vinifera were ~124.20 and 124.63 years ago, for the accumulation of PAs in persimmon but also cause
respectively. Following the ancient hexaploidization event fruit astringency, which is not desirable to humans and
(γ) shared by core eudicots, including kiwifruit, there were unexpected animal and insect invasions. In recent years, a
two additional independent WGD events41. For D. olei- non-astringent persimmon that originated from sponta-
fera, the 4DTv analysis indicated that persimmon neous mutants of astringent persimmon has increased in
underwent an ancient γ WGD event. Whether this WGD importance in fruit industry7. Experiments indicate that
event is shared by other members of Ebenales will have to astringent persimmons are more resistant to cold than non-
be determined through further analysis when more Ebe- astringent persimmons3. Thus, the expansion of the rele-
nales genome sequences become available. vant gene families may have provided an important way to
The KEGG and GO analyses indicated that the expanded generate abiotic and biotic resistance in persimmon, which
gene families are mainly involved in starch and sucrose would have been critical for the evolution of persimmon
metabolism, which may have conferred greater attractive- and the expansion of its cultivation.
ness on the persimmon fruit during evolution. Some other The characteristics of D. kaki persimmon and ‘Youshi’
expanded genes were found to participate in phenylpropa- (D. oleifera) related to astringency development and
noid biosynthesis, flavonoid biosynthesis, and anthocyanin removal were selected for further genome-based investi-
biosynthesis, and all of these pathways, as well as PA bio- gation. The fruit of hexaploid persimmon cultivars such as
synthesis, are derived from the shikimate pathway15. The ‘Youshi’ also exhibit active PA biosynthesis. The basis for
phenylpropanoids are considered to be key mediators this characteristic was investigated via the genome-wide
involved in plant resistance to biotic and abiotic stress analysis of PA biosynthesis genes. Most of the PA
Zhu et al. Horticulture Research (2019)6:138 Page 9 of 15
biosynthesis genes were located on chromosome 1, where screening important biological properties of persimmon,
they formed a gene cluster. In the plant genome, it is especially related to the accumulation of tannins and other
common to find highly homologous genes involved in factors affecting taste.
secondary metabolite synthesis located in a cluster on a As the genome of hexaploid cultivated persimmon
chromosome43. These gene clusters may originate from remains unpublished, the availability of the D. oleifera
duplication and divergence, and clustering may also genome provides an alternative comparable reference for
improve gene function. Furthermore, related traits are D. kaki. Based on the D. oleifera genome, 26.86% of the
likely to be stably inherited, and the genes in clusters 11,204 markers (n = 3009) in the D. kaki genetic linkage
could be regulated simultaneously. Most metabolites map were assigned to and showed high colinearity with
synthesized by gene clusters are defense or tolerance the newly completed D. oleifera genome sequences. Thus,
related44–47. Arabidopsis, apple, and grape are predicted it can be proposed that D. oleifera was one of the diploid
to exhibit 18, 73, and 23 genes involved in PA biosynth- ancestors of hexaploid D. kaki, and this evidence supports
esis, respectively, but these genes are widely distributed on the previous hypothesis of Kanzaki4 and the preliminary
different chromosomes37–39. Thus, the clustering of PA predictions resulting from genomic in situ hybridization
biosynthesis genes provides the genetic basis for high PA (GISH) studies60 and the comparison of chloroplast gen-
content in persimmon. On the other hand, genome-based ome sequences22,61. The relationship between chromo-
RNA-seq provided new insights regarding astringency somes and LGs suggested that D. oleifera may also be
removal by identifying the previously characterized PDC closely related to other ancestors of D. kaki, and chro-
and ADH genes9 and new hypoxia-responsive genes (e.g., mosome breakage and rearrangement may have occurred
DkPK1 and its transcriptional regulation). In Arabidopsis, during the evolution of D. kaki from D. oleifera.
a genome-wide investigation in seedlings predicted 49 In summary, the first genome of Ebenaceae, from D.
core hypoxia-responsive genes48. Here, the assembled oleifera, was sequenced and found to be approximately
genome allowed the rapid searching of low-oxygen- 849.53 Mb in size (N50 > 0.8 M), with 94.14% (799.71 Mb)
responsive motifs in the putative promoter regions of of the sequences anchored onto 15 pseudochromosomes.
these candidate genes. Our findings suggested that all of Comparative genomics analysis revealed the genetic basis
the candidate genes exhibited multiple low-oxygen- of astringency development (PA synthesis) and removal in
responsive motifs in their promoters (Supplementary persimmon via precipitation, caused by the production of
Figs. 10 and 11), which provided genetic evidence of their acetaldehyde during the low-oxygen response. Further-
role and effectiveness in postharvest astringency loss in more, the first genetic map of persimmon was constructed
response to a low oxygen environment. and indicated that D. oleifera was one of the ancestors of
High-density linkage maps are the basis for QTL fine cultivated persimmon. The persimmon genome repre-
mapping of traits, map-based gene cloning and marker- sents an invaluable resource for the genetic improvement
assisted breeding49–51. In persimmon, germplasm genetic of the fruit and for better understanding of its genome
diversity and marker-trait associations have been explored evolution. Genetic markers can be developed based on
using different types of molecular markers52–56. However, this genome sequence, which will help to accelerate per-
none of this research has led to the construction of a high- simmon breeding.
quality genetic map for persimmon or for any member of
the Diospyros genus, due to the limited number of hybrid Materials and methods
offspring produced because of the abortion of hybrid seeds. Genome size estimation
SLAF-seq provides an economical and efficient method for Young leaves of D. oleifera from three branches were
the linkage mapping of nonmodel species with complex used as the sample for genome sequencing (with each tree
genomes57. Here, we obtained 77 F1 offspring from as one repetition). Nuclear DNA was isolated from fresh
‘Taishuu’ × ‘Luotiantianshi’ via the embryo rescue culture leaf tissue using a protocol developed by Doležel et al.62,
technique31 and constructed the first D. kaki genetic linkage and flow cytometry (BD FACScalibur, BD Biosciences,
map, with 11,204 markers spanning 7,168.74 cM. The USA) was applied to estimate the nuclear DNA content.
average intermarker distance was 0.64 cM, which is com- The reference standard was Zea mays ‘B73’ (2.35 pg/
parable to the resolution reported for high-density linkage 1C)63. The genome size of D. oleifera was calculated as the
maps of Vigna unguiculata (0.35 cM)58, Arachis hypogaea ratio between the sample and standard peaks multiplied
(0.58 cM;51 0.7 cM59), Pleurotus tuoliensis (1.0 cM)50 and by the genome size of the standard.
Gossypium barbadense (1.09 cM)49. This genetic map
should be useful for persimmon breeding as a genome De novo genome assembly and quality assessment
reference and for establishing marker-trait associations, Mature leaves of D. oleifera ‘Youshi’ were collected from
providing a basis for understanding the persimmon genome the National Persimmon Germplasm Resources Nursery
and its inheritance. These markers will be useful for (Northwest A&F University, Shaanxi, China), and the
Zhu et al. Horticulture Research (2019)6:138 Page 10 of 15
CTAB method64 was applied to extract the genomic DNA PacBio long reads and Hi-C data were combined and
from the leaves. Library construction, sequencing, mutually corrected. Finally, the persimmon genome was
assembly and quality assessment for the ‘Youshi’ genome assembled into 856.41 Mb of scaffold sequences. We
were conducted by Biomarker Technologies Corporation found that 99.99% (856.35 Mb) of the genome consisted of
(Beijing, China). According to standard Illumina proto- the contig sequences. The assembly contained 4728 scaf-
cols, two paired-end (PE) libraries with insert sizes of 220 folds, with a scaffold N50 of 42.42 Mb, composed of 5919
and 500 bp and 14 mate-pair (MP) libraries with insert contigs, with a contig N50 of 890.84 kb. The maximum
sizes of 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, and 17 kb were constructed. The scaffold and contig lengths were 57.59 Mb and 9.38 Mb,
Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform (Illumina, San Diego, CA, respectively.
USA) was used to sequence these libraries and produced The Hi-C contact heatmap was inspected to confirm the
88.35 Gb of raw sequencing data, representing 100X accuracy of the Hi-C assembly. To facilitate the formation
genome coverage. Reads were trimmed for adaptor of Hi-C contacts, the sequences were proximate in three
removal and quality enhancement. NxTrim was used to dimensions if they were adjacent to one another in one
collapse the duplicated reads of the MP libraries. A dimension. The number of Hi-C links between 100-kb
deduplication step was performed on the MP libraries. windows on the pseudochromosomes of the final assem-
The genome assembly and contigs were constructed and bly is represented by the intensity of red coloration. More
analyzed by ALLPATHS-LG65 with default parameters. pronounced contact frequencies indicate more Hi-C links
SSPACE66 was used to link the contigs with support from between the two bins. An elevated link frequency was
the paired MP reads. Gaps were filled with GapCloser67. In observed with a diagonal pattern within individual pseu-
preparation for the assembly, scaffolds <1000 bp were dochromosomes, indicating increased interaction con-
removed. PacBio library construction included DNA pur- tacts between adjacent regions. The second-generation
ification, damage repair, hairpin adaptor ligation, and short sequencing reads from the RNAseq data were also
digestion with exonucleases to remove damaged DNA and used to validate the final assembly. Among the
fragments without adaptors. The sizes of the templates 250,587,312 reads, 98.60% were mapped successfully back
(≥15 Kb) were selected via Blue Pippin electrophoresis, and to the final persimmon genome, with a 93.78% properly
the RS II platform (Pacific Biosciences, California, USA) paired mapping rate.
using P6-C4 sequencing chemistry was then applied to CEGMA (version 2.5), with 248 conserved core eukar-
sequence the library. The correction of the draft genome yotic genes, and BUSCO (version 2.0)23, with 1440 genes
assembly was performed with the Canu v1.568, WTDBG in embryophyta odb9, were used to assess the complete-
v1.2.8 (available at https://github.com/ruanjue/wtdbg) and ness and accuracy of the assembled persimmon genome.
Falcon69 (Supplementary Tables 31 and 32) assemblers.
Finally, the assembly-merging method was utilized70 to Genome annotation
optimize the assembly results. A pipeline that integrated de novo gene prediction,
Another assembly method for scaffold anchoring using homology-based gene models and RNAseq-based gene
Hi-C sequencing technology was applied. The gDNA was models was used to predict protein-coding genes. For de
digested with HindIII. The 5′ overhangs were filled with novo prediction, the genes in the genome were predicted
biotinylated nucleotides; free blunt ends were ligated; and with four predictors: Genscan73, Augustus (version 2.4)74,
the DNA was purified and sheared to 300–700 bp frag- GlimmerHMM (version 3.0.4)75, GeneID (version 1.4)76
ments after biotin was removed. PCR was applied to and SNAP77. For homology prediction, GeMoMa (version
enrich the biotin-tagged fragments, and the DNA was 1.3.1)78 was used, with protein sequences from A. thali-
then used to construct an Illumina library, which was on ana, O. sativa, Z. jujuba and C. sinensis and gene models
the Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform. A total of 55.41 Gb of with a minimum 50% coverage and 50% query/hit
clean data (65 × the genome size) were obtained, and coverage.
62.20 M valid interaction pairs were detected to assist in Two complementary methods, one de novo based and
genome assembly. The evaluation of the alignment effi- the other homology based, were used to identify and
ciency and insert length distribution for valid pair frag- classify transposable elements (TEs). LTR FINDER (ver-
ments and valid interaction pairs was performed with sion 1.05)79, MITE-Hunter80, RepeatScout (version
HiC-Pro71. The genome sequence contigs and scaffolds 1.0.5)81 and PILER-DF (version 2.4)82 were run to con-
were divided into subgroups and sorted and oriented into struct the de novo repeat libraries. RepeatMasker (version
super scaffolds using LACHESIS72. open-4.0.6)83 with WUBlast searches against the RepBase
database (RepBase 19.06)84 was applied to build the
Final assembly and validation homology-based repeat library. To obtain a consensus
To improve the persimmon genome assembly and library, PASTEClassifer85 was used to process and classify
chromosome anchoring accuracy, the Illumina data, the two libraries. To identify the TEs in the persimmon
Zhu et al. Horticulture Research (2019)6:138 Page 11 of 15
genome, RepeatMasker was employed, using the con- MUSCLE111 was used to perform the phylogenetic
sensus library to mask the genome; the masked genome analysis and alignment using the coding sequences of
was used for gene prediction. common single-copy genes. The jModelTest output was
For RNA-seq prediction, processed reads were aligned used to select the protein model, and the evolutionary tree
to the reference genome using HISAT286. HISAT (version was constructed via the TIM2+I+G model. The diver-
2.0.4)87 and Stringtie (version 1.2.3)87 were used to gence time was estimated with MCMCTREE of PAML
assemble the transcripts. Trinity (version 2.1.1)88 was (version 4.7a)112. Gene family expansion and contraction
applied for the de novo assembly of the RNA-seq reads, were analyzed by using CAFÉ (version 4.2)113 with a
and the RNA-seq reads were analyzed with PASA (version maximum-likelihood model. The gene family clustering
2.0.2)89 for the prediction of unigenes. TransDecoder results and estimated divergence times between species
(version 2.0) (Haas, http://transdecoder.github.io) and were used. The value of the birth and death parameter (λ)
GeneMarkS-T (version 5.1)90 were used to predict open was 0.02, and the P-value was 0.01.
reading frames (ORFs). Finally, an integrated gene set was MCscan was applied to detect the 4DTV gene pairs
produced by EVM (version 1.1.1)91. The RNA-seq calculated using the HKY substitution model. MCscan
assemblies were employed to determine untranslated with the YN00 program of the PAML package was used to
regions (UTRs). The longest transcripts for each locus detect the synonymous mutation rate (ks) of gene pairs.
were retained, and regions outside of the ORFs were
designated as UTRs. Persimmon fruit deastringency treatment and
The Rfam database (version 12.0)92 and MirBase data- transcriptome sequencing
base93 were searched with Infernal (version 1.1)94 to Commercially mature persimmon fruit from 53 astrin-
detect microRNAs and rRNAs. tRNAscan-SE (version gent types were harvested from the National Persimmon
1.3.1)95 with eukaryote parameters was applied to predict Germplasm Resources Nursery (Northwest A&F Uni-
transfer RNAs (tRNAs). versity, Shaanxi, China) in 2017. To remove the astrin-
GenBlastA (version 1.0.4)96 was used to identify gency from mature fruit, high CO2 (95% CO2 + 4% N2 +
homologous sequences in the genome by using the inte- 1% O2, 1 d) treatment was applied as described by Zhu
grated gene set as the query, and GeneWise (version et al.17,18, and fruit treated in air were used as the control
2.4.1)97 was used to define pseudogenes containing pre- (CK). The treatments were carried out with three biolo-
mature stop codons or frameshift mutations with 60% gical replicates. At each sampling time, flesh samples were
identity and coverage. bulked and frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80 °C
Protein sequences were compared against several for further use.
databases, including NR98, KOG99, KEGG100, and Fruit astringency was evaluated by two different meth-
TrEMBL101, using BLAST (version 2.2.31)102 with an E- ods. First, soluble tannins were visualized via the tannin
value cutoff of 1E-5 to annotate the functions of the printing method according to Min et al.114. The fruit were
predicted genes. GO annotations were assigned by cut lengthwise immediately after treatment and then
BLAST2GO (version 2.5);103 InterProScan (version 5.8)104 pressed onto 5% FeCl2-soaked filter paper for 5 s. The
and Hmmscan (HMMER, version 3.0)105 were used for intensity of the resulting black color after the removal of
searching; and annotatemotifs and domains were anno- fruit indicated the soluble tannin content, and the filter
tated by searching the Pfam database106, PROSITE data- paper was photographed. The soluble tannin contents of
base107 and HAMAP database108. frozen samples were also quantified with the Folin-
Ciocalteau reagent according to the method described by
Comparative genomic analysis Yin et al.115. The results were calculated using a standard
The available protein sequence sets were collected from curve of tannin acid equivalents g−1 fresh weight. All
14 sequenced plant species: Vitis vinifera (Vvinifer- measurements were conducted with three biological
a_145_Genoscope), Actinidia chinensis (v1.0), Musa replicates.
acuminata, Solanum lycopersicum (SL2.40), Diospyros Four cultivars showing obvious differences in the rates of
oleifera, Citrus sinensis, Glycine max (Soy- deastringency (e.g., rapid deastringency, Sigoushi and
bean_Williams82), Carica papaya, Arabidopsis thaliana Luoyangfangtianshengshi; slow deastringency, Laopige, and
(TAIR10), Juglans regia, Fragaria vesca, Prunus persica Shijiazhuanglianhuashi) were selected for RNA-seq analysis.
(v2.0), Pyrus bretschneideri, and Malus domestica (v1.0). A total of 36 samples (0 d, 1 d for CK and CO2-treated fruit)
OrthoMCL (version 2.0; mcl inflation factor of 1.5)109 was with three biological replicates were used for total RNA
used to identify orthologous genes. Pairwise sequence extraction via the CTAB protocol described by Chang
similarities were calculated by all-against-all BLASTP et al.64. An Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies,
(Blast + version 2.3.0)110 with a P-value cutoff of 1e−5 Santa Cara, California, USA), a NanoDrop 2000 spectro-
and a minimum match length of 50%. photometer (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), and a
Zhu et al. Horticulture Research (2019)6:138 Page 12 of 15
Qubit 2.0 fluorometer (ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, factors on the newly identified deastringency-related gene
MA, US) were used to assess RNA integrity, purity, and (DkPK1) were investigated via dual-luciferase assays. The
concentrations, respectively. A TruSeq RNA Sample Pre- promoter of DkPK1 was cloned into the pGreen II 0800-
paration Kit was used to prepare RNA-seq libraries following LUC vector (LUC) (primers are listed in Supplementary
the manufacturer’s instructions, and the libraries were Table 28), and the transcription factors were previously
sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform (Illumina, cloned into the pGreen II 002962-SK vector17,18. All
San Diego, CA, USA). Raw reads were trimmed to remove constructs were electroporated into Agrobacterium
adaptors and increase quality. Reads <100 bp were discarded tumefaciens GV1301. The constructed SK and LUC
after trimming. Overall, each sample produced an average of plasmids were transiently expressed in tobacco (Nicotiana
7.28 Gb clean data. benthamiana) leaves as described by Min et al.9. The
The clean reads were mapped to the genome by using Dual-luciferase® Reporter Assay System 10-Pack kit
HISAT286 with the default parameters. StringTie116 was (Promega, USA) was employed to analyze firefly luciferase
used to assemble the transcripts. The fragments per and Renilla luciferase in tobacco leaves at 3 d after infil-
kilobase of transcript per million fragments mapped tration by using a GLOMAXTM 96 Microplate Lumin-
(FPKM) values were used to measure gene expression. ometer (Promega).
DEseq117 was applied to identify differentially expressed
genes (DEGs). The false discovery rate was used to adjust SLAF library construction and high-throughput sequencing
the P-values. Genes with significant differences in As mentioned above, it is difficult to obtain hybrid
expression (i.e., log2 foldchange >1 and adjusted P-value < persimmon offspring due to the abortion of hybrid
0.01) were considered DEGs and were annotated with GO embryos in seeds. In this study, a population of 77 F1
terms and KEGG pathways. plants derived from ‘Luotiantianshi’ × ‘Taishuu’ via the
Coexpression networks were constructed using the embryo rescue culture technique was used to construct
WGCNA (v1.66) package in R (v3.5.2)118. Genes with the Diospyros kaki (2n = 6x = 90) genetic map. Young
expression values (FPKM) in any variable equal to or leaves were collected for DNA extraction. The cetyl-
higher than 1 were selected for WGCNA. The automatic trimethylammonium bromide method120 was used to
network construction function blockwiseModules () with extract the total genomic DNA. DNA concentrations and
the following settings: soft power 16, minModulesSize 30, qualities were estimated using a NanoDrop 2000 spectro-
mergeCutHeight 0.25 and default parameters for other photometer (Thermo Scientific, Milan, Italy) and elec-
settings, was used to construct the models. The soft power trophoresis in agarose gels.
was chosen by the function pickSoftThreshold () in SLAF-seq was used for the rapid and effective discovery
WGCNA. The correlations between module eigengenes, of SNP markers, employing an improved SLAF-seq
the first principle of each module, and the content of strategy as described by Sun et al.57. Two restriction
tannins were calculated with function cor () in R with enzymes (i.e., RsaI and HaeIII) were tested to identify the
default settings. Candidate hub genes in “tan”, “brown” best enzyme for GBS (genotyping by sequencing) library
and “yellow” were picked by thresholding at a value of 0.6. construction by investigating the length and distribution
The coexpression network of 295 selected genes was of the resulting digested fragments of the genomic DNA
visualized with Cytoscape (v3.7.1). of the two parents and the F1 population. Fragments of
314–414 bp were selected to generate paired-end reads
Real-time PCR (PE125 bp) on the Illumina HiSeq-Xten sequencing
For real-time PCR, gene-specific oligonucleotide pri- platform (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) by Biomarker
mers were designed, which are described in Supplemen- Technologies, Beijing, China.
tary Table 32. Melting curves and product resequencing
were used to assess the quality and specificity of each pair Genotyping and linkage map construction
of primers. Real-time PCR was carried out on a Bio-Rad SLAF marker identification and genotyping were per-
CFX96 Real-Time PCR System using SsoFastTM Eva- formed using procedures described by Sun et al.57. Briefly,
Green Supermix (Bio-Rad, USA) following the manu- low-quality reads (quality score <20) were filtered out, and
facturer’s instructions. The housekeeping gene DkACT then filtered reads were clustered according to sequence
(GenBank No. AB473616)15 was chosen as the internal similarity. Identical reads were merged to avoid repeat-
control, and the 2−ΔCt method was used to calculate the computing requirements, and sequences with over 90%
relative expression119. identity were grouped into a single SLAF locus, as
described by Sun et al.57. Differences in high-depth frag-
Dual-luciferase assay ments were defined as SNPs or indels. To construct a
The in vivo regulatory effects of the previously char- high-quality genetic map, we filtered the SLAFs using five
acterized high-CO2/hypoxia-responsive transcription criteria: (1) removal of SLAFs from parents where the
Zhu et al. Horticulture Research (2019)6:138 Page 13 of 15
sequencing depth was less than 10X ; (2) removal of Supplementary Information accompanies this paper at (https://doi.org/
SLAFs with more than three SNPs; (3) removal of SLAFs 10.1038/s41438-019-0227-2).
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