Review Article: Chemistry and Functionality of Bioactive Compounds Present in Persimmon

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Chemistry
Volume 2016, Article ID 3424025, 13 pages

Review Article
Chemistry and Functionality of Bioactive Compounds
Present in Persimmon

Shazia Yaqub, Umar Farooq, Afshan Shafi, Kashif Akram, Mian Anjum Murtaza,
Tusneem Kausar, and Farzana Siddique
Institute of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Sargodha, Sargodha 40100, Pakistan

Correspondence should be addressed to Kashif Akram;

Received 12 October 2015; Revised 4 January 2016; Accepted 14 January 2016

Academic Editor: Volker Böhm

Copyright © 2016 Shazia Yaqub et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Extensive research has related the consumption of persimmon with the reduced risk of various diseases and particularly highlighted
the presence of bioactive phenolic compounds for their therapeutic properties. Major phenolic compounds present in persimmon
are ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid, and gallic acid. 𝛽-Cryptoxanthin, lycopene, 𝛽-carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein are important
carotenoids having antioxidant potential. They are important to prevent oxidation of low-density lipoproteins, safeguard beta cells
of the pancreas, and reduce cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes mellitus, and damage caused by chronic alcohol consumption.
In this paper, the chemistry and health benefits of bioactive compounds present in persimmon are reviewed to encourage impending
applications and to facilitate further research activities.

1. Introduction carotenoids) are nonnutritive but effective against different

diseases [9, 10] as they play important roles as chemopreven-
Scientific research-based knowledge regarding the impact of tive or chemotherapeutic agents [11].
food on human health has steered to substantial nutritional Among the fruits, persimmon (Diospyros kaki) is a pop-
discoveries, product innovations, and mass production on ular and widespread fruit that is enriched with many bioac-
an unprecedented scale [1]. The starring role of food for tive compounds, including polyphenols, terpenoids, steroids,
improving health by decreasing the risk of illness and dis- flavonoids, carotenoids, minerals, and dietary fiber [6, 12].
ease has highlighted a new class of foods, now known as Some components like phenolics, antioxidants, sterols, and
functional foods [1, 2]. Functional foods and therapeutic flavonoids have a beneficial effect on human health owing
agents are obtained either directly or indirectly from different to their ability to prevent or control various ailments [6, 9].
natural sources. The therapeutic value of functional foods These bioactive components play an important role in reduc-
depends upon the presence of biologically active compounds ing arterial stiffness and prevent oxidation of low-density
(bioactive compounds). These bioactive compounds can offer lipoproteins (LDL) thus resulting in the prevention of athero-
various health benefits beyond the basic nutritional value of sclerotic plaque formation [13]. Many phytochemicals also
a food product [3–6]. possess antimutagenic effects and regulate and trigger the
Recently, natural bioactive compounds have been acknowl- immune system, thus resulting in the normal functioning of
edged with greater consideration [3]. Fruits and vegetables metabolism [14]. A number of them also serve as chemo-
are vital parts of the diet and a rich source of bioactive preventive [15], anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and immuno-
compounds including dietary fiber, natural antioxidants, and modulatory agents [16, 17]. Hence, persimmon, like other
various phytochemicals [3, 4, 7]. The individual phytochemi- fruits, contains a number of functional compounds which
cals that have been recognized are about 5000 in number, but are useful in promoting human health. This paper is
large numbers of them are still unknown or unidentified [8]. aimed at appraising the chemical profile of persimmon fruit
Most bioactive compounds (phytochemicals, phenolics, and with reference to prospective bioactive components and at
2 Journal of Chemistry

exploring their functionality and potential applications in of water soluble tannins [19, 31] that are present in large
disease prevention. tannin cells [32] in fruit flesh and peel and the level decreases
as the fruit matures [31].
2. Persimmon Origin and Production Among different varieties Mopan (Diospyros kaki L. cv.
Mopan) is the main cultivar of astringent persimmon pro-
The Diospyros genus belongs to the Ebenaceae family and duced in Northern China [33] especially around Beijing [34–
has more than 350 known species [12]. Diospyros kaki 36]. Hachiya is another variety of persimmon that cannot be
(persimmon) also known as Japanese or oriental persimmon consumed until being fully ripened because of its astringency.
is a deciduous fruit originated in Eastern Asia [18]. The During the course of ripening, soluble tannins polymerize
regions with relatively mild summer and moderate winter are into insoluble ones resulting in reduced astringency [37].
the most suitable for its growth. It is widespread in China, Immature persimmon has proanthocyanidins (PAs) which
Japan, and Korea, where it is traditionally used for medicinal are about 25% (dry basis) of the fruit weight [27]. However,
purposes [6]. Persimmon production is expanding at a rate of on maturation, this level drops below 1% [38], resulting in
5.76% annually, which makes it the 5th fastest developing fruit reduced antioxidant activity [39].
crop in the world with a current annual production of 3.63 Moreover, on maturation, the fruit peel becomes thin
million metric tons [19]. China is ranked first in persimmon and waxy, having thick jellylike pulpy flesh in it [40]. Large
production in the world, with an annual production of 1.65 production losses take place during handling of too much
million metric tons [6]. soft fruits. To avoid these postharvest losses and to reduce the
Persimmon fruits are climacteric and ethylene regulates level of astringency, the use of ethylene or carbon dioxide, and
their process of ripening. Therefore, the shelf life of per- so forth, along with the selection of appropriate cultivars, has
simmon fruits can be increased by slowing the ripening been recommended [41]. The effectiveness of CO2 treatment
process by inhibiting ethylene biosynthesis or its action, to remove astringency is based on the insolubilization of
hence enhancing their storage life [20, 21]. Persimmon is tannins by the acetaldehyde generated during anaerobic
eaten as fresh or dried fruits. During drying, persimmon respiration, which is triggered when fruit is exposed to
peel is removed; otherwise it produces bitter taste because a high CO2 atmosphere [42]. However, these treatments
of its astringency. Usually whole fruit and slices are dried to (ethylene, carbon dioxide) can generate undesirable changes,
make dried persimmon products. Juices, sherbet, or puree is especially a characteristic yellow-orange color, due to changes
prepared from peeled persimmon pulp. However, unpeeled in carotenoids contents. Novillo et al. [42] also identified a
whole persimmon fruit can be used for persimmon vinegar new disorder, known as “pinkish-bruising,” in astringent per-
and wine production [22]. simmon that is associated with mechanical damage during
the postharvest handling.
3. Physical Attributes
4.2. Nonastringent Persimmon. Nonastringent varieties
The persimmon fruit looks like an orange red tomato with a
include Lzu, 20th century, Fuyu (flat), Maekawa Jiro, and
pointed end. The whole fruit is edible, with the exemption of
Fuyu Hana (pomelo). These are sweet in taste and must be
its seed and calyx. The color of the fruit varies from yellow or
eaten before full maturation; otherwise they become too soft
orange to deep red [23] depending upon the concentration of
to eat. In nonastringent types of persimmon, water soluble
carotenoid contents [24]. Hence, higher carotenoid contents
tannins completely disappear at maturity [31]. Their flesh is
are imperative to get maximum market value of the fruit [25,
dark in color due to higher levels of 𝛽-cryptoxanthin and
total carotenoids [43]. The level of these carotenoid contents
increases up to 5.54 times from the first to the last stage of
4. Classification Based on Taste maturity during fruit development. According to findings
The persimmon fruits are usually classified into astringent by Zhao et al. [12] the level of carotenoid contents is higher
(A) and nonastringent (NA) varieties depending upon their (more than double) in nonastringent persimmons than
taste. In the early stages of development, persimmon fruits astringent ones at each stage of development before ripening.
accumulate large amounts of proanthocyanidins (PAs) in Fuyu is the most important nonastringent cultivar grown
specialized tannin cells [27]. In both types of varieties, in Japan. They have a firm peel enclosing orange-yellow flesh
astringency decreases with maturation, resulting in about and have a good (sweet) taste [44].
70–90% decline in the total polyphenolic components like
tannins [28]. Antioxidant activities of astringent persimmon 5. Compositional Profile
are higher as compared to nonastringent varieties [29].
Astringent (A) type fruits remain rich in soluble PAs even 5.1. Persimmon Fruit. Persimmon fruit contains 79% water,
after they reach the full-mature stage, whereas nonastringent 0.7% pectin, 0.4% protein, and crude fiber [31]. It is rich in
(NA) type fruits lose these compounds before full maturation vitamin A (217 RE) compared to apple (5 RE). Vitamin C
[30]. contents vary from 7.5 to 70 mg per 100 g of the fruit flesh
depending upon the variety [39]. Some varieties are as rich as
4.1. Astringent Persimmon. The astringency among different satsuma mandarin and strawberry in their vitamin C contents
varieties of persimmon mainly depends on the concentration [25]. It also contains various bioactive substances (Table 1)
Journal of Chemistry 3

Table 1: Nutritional valuea per 100 g (3.5 oz) of persimmon fruit O O

(Diospyros kaki, raw). OH O OH
Energy 293 kJ (70 kcal)
Carbohydrates 18.59 g
OH Ferulic acid
Sugars 12.53 g
Gallic acid OH
Dietary fiber 3.6 g
Fat 0.19 g
Saturated 0.02 g HO O OH
Protein 0.58 g O
Riboflavin (Vit. B2 ) 2.5 mg (208%) OH O
Folate (Vit. B9 ) 8 𝜇g (2%) OH
Vitamin C 7.5 mg (9%) HO OH
Calcium 8 mg (1%)
p-Coumaric acid HO
Iron 0.15 mg (1%)
Sodium 1 mg (0%) OH
Percentages are relative to US recommendations for adults (Source: [45]).
like vitamins (A, B complex, C, E, and K) and minerals OH
(zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus) HO
that are valuable for the proper physiology of human health OH
[45]. Proanthocyanidins (PAs) are potent antioxidants and Caffeic acid
show 20 and 50 times more activity than vitamins C and E, Proanthocyanidins
respectively [46]. Figure 1: Chemical structures of common phenolics in persimmon.

5.2. Persimmon Peel. The external layers of a fruit such as

peel, shell, and hull that shield the inside materials generally
contain enormous quantities of functional compounds [2]. Carotenoids are the major pigment present in persimmon.
Regarding the persimmon peel, it is considered as waste, yet They contribute to both color and nutritional value [57–
it is receiving much attention because of its chemical com- 59]. Carotenoid contents rapidly increase as green mature
position [47, 48]. The main constituent of peel is dietary fiber fruit changes to soft mature persimmon, except for lutein
(40.35% w/w). In addition, high levels of antioxidants, includ- and lycopene that decrease during fruit maturation [60].
ing vitamin C, total phenolics, and total carotenoids, are also Among them 𝛽-cryptoxanthin content is the highest (50%),
present [49]. Among the phenolic compounds, caffeic acid, followed by lycopene (10%), 𝛽-carotene (10%), zeaxanthin
p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, and gallic acid (Figure 1) are (5%), and lutein (5%) [59]. They are all excellent lipid-soluble
present in large quantities [50, 51]. Proanthocyanidins (PAs) antioxidants, especially lutein, astaxanthin, and zeaxanthin,
are condensed tannins that exhibit powerful antioxidant having the ability to scavenge free radicals in a lipid-soluble
activities. These are largely present in the peel as compared environment and thus preventing the oxidation of lipids. The
to pulp [52]. The level of total carotenoids in persimmon final composition and concentration of carotenoid contents
peel is very high (about 340 mg/100 g of dried peels as 𝛽- are properly regulated to some extent by the different devel-
carotene equivalents) as compared to the peels of other fruits opmental stages of plant tissues [61]. Carotenoids identified
like banana [53] and apple [54]. Among the carotenoids, 𝛽- in persimmon fruits are cis-mutatoxanthin, antheraxanthin,
cryptoxanthin is the highest (about 42%), followed by zeax- zeaxanthin, neolutein, cryptoxanthins, 𝛼-carotene, and 𝛽-
anthin, lutein, and 𝛽-carotene (Figure 2) [55]. The quantity carotene and also fatty acid esters of 𝛽-cryptoxanthin and
of bioactive compounds (biologically active components), zeaxanthin [62].
especially carotenoids and polyphenols, is greater in the
peel compared to the pulp [50]. Hence, persimmon peel 5.4. Persimmon Seeds. Palmitic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic
should be consumed by individuals and used for industrial acid are the major fatty acids found in persimmon seeds,
processing [47]. ranging from 70.4% to 78.3% of total fatty acids [63]. Among
the fatty acids, oleic acid plays a role in cancer prevention.
5.3. Persimmon Fruit Pulp. Persimmon pulp is rich in nutri- The effect of oleic acid on the same lines of breast cancer cells
ents such as vitamin C (70 mg/100 g), vitamin A (65 mg/ was examined and it supported the theory that oleic acid is
100 g), calcium (9 mg/100 g), and iron (0.2 mg/100 g) [56]. In chemopreventative [64]. Moreover, omega-6 fatty acid (lino-
the edible part (pulp) of the persimmon, the major phenolic leic acid) diminishes the risk of cardiovascular diseases [65].
acids are ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid, and gallic acid, and the
antioxidant activity of these phenolic acids is affected by their 5.5. Persimmon Leaves. Persimmon leaves contain 4 flavo-
chemical structures (number of hydroxyl groups attached). nols [66]. The leaves of persimmon have been reported to
4 Journal of Chemistry




Lutein OH


H3 C

H3 C CH3



Figure 2: Chemical structures of common carotenoids in persimmon.

contain the following compounds: 40-dihydroxy-a-truxillic to one or more benzene ring systems [70]. The phenolic
acid, tatarine C, myricetin, annulatin, trifolin, astragalin, compounds are secondary metabolites of plants [71, 72] and
hyperin, isoquercetin, rutin, quercetin, kampferol, kakispy- found in free and bound forms in persimmon fruit [73].
rone, and kaki saponin [67]. Leaves have been used for tea Persimmon phenols can be grouped as a function of
in Korea, since they were was thought to be effective against their molecular complexity/weight. Thus, free phenolic acids,
hypertension [68]. catechins, and hydrolyzable tannins are included in low-
molecular weight phenols while high-molecular weight phe-
6. Persimmon Bioactive Compounds nols which are also called as condensed tannins or proan-
thocyanidins (PAs) are large polymers of catechins with or
Persimmon fruit is a good source of polyphenols [69]. The without galloylation [74]. One of the major components
term “polyphenols” includes a large group of substances, and of condensed tannin in persimmon fruit was identified by
they all have more than one phenolic hydroxyl group bound Akagi et al. [75] during compositional study of persimmon
Journal of Chemistry 5

with phloroglucinol. They characterized this component as 7. Therapeutic Effects of Persimmon

novel epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate-phloroglucinol (EGCG-
P) adduct. Li et al. [76] also reported that the persimmon pulp Persimmon has been used for various medicinal purposes
(Table 2) owing to the therapeutic properties such as diuretic
is comprised of flavan-3-O-galloylated extenders, flavan-
effect, blood pressure-lowering capability and the cough
3-ol and flavonol terminal units, and A-type interflavan
treatment, viral and bacterial infectious diseases [84], and
linkages which are condensed tannins with high-molecular
dental caries [85]. Various bioactive compounds including
polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamins, and dietary fiber in the
Structurally, phenols contain an aromatic ring having fruit are responsible for beneficial properties [49]. Subagio
hydroxyl substituents, ranging from simple to highly poly- et al. [52] reported the protective effect of proanthocyanidin
merized compounds [77]. The naturally present compounds from persimmon peel against DNA damage and SIRT expres-
form linkages with saccharides and might be functional sion in the aging process.
derivatives like esters and methyl esters. Hence, the extensive The persimmon leaves are a good source of antioxidants
variety of phenolic compounds occurring in nature is the [102] while the seed extracts have a strong radical-scavenging
result of this structural assortment. These compounds are activity [104]. The fruits are a rich source of dietary carote-
categorized in several groups. Out of them, phenolic acids, noids (â-carotene, â-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, lutein, and
flavonoids, and tannins are considered as the main dietary lycopene), which have been implicated in the reduction of
components [78]. degenerative human diseases [91]. The concentration of â-
Phenolic acids are non-flavonoid polyphenolic com- carotene and â-cryptoxanthin is so high that 100 g of pulp
pounds comprised of 2 subgroups: hydroxybenzoic and provides 10% of the recommend daily allowance provitamin
hydroxycinnamic acids. Hydroxybenzoic acids contain gal- A [105].
lic, p-hydroxybenzoic, protocatechuic, vanillic, and syringic Persimmon fruit can be used in the manufacturing of
acids, in which they all have the C6–C1 structure. Hydrox- products with functional characteristics because of its bioac-
ycinnamic acids, instead, are aromatic compounds like caf- tive properties. It is an excellent source of ascorbic acid, tan-
feic, ferulic, p-coumaric, and sinapic acids with a 3-carbon nins, and carotenoids, having healthy aspects owing to their
(C6–C3) side chain [78]. The structure of phenolic com- antioxidant and other health protecting activities [6].
pounds is a vital factor affecting radical-scavenging and metal
chelating activities and, hence, it is referred to as having a 7.1. Diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease and the
structure–activity relationship. In the case of phenolic acids, reason behind that is inherited and/or acquired insufficient
the antioxidant activity is influenced by the numbers and insulin production by the pancreas, or by the incompetence
positions of the hydroxyl groups with respect to the carboxyl of the insulin produced. Such a deficiency results in raised
functional group [47]. Hence, they give their hydrogen atoms concentrations of glucose in the blood, which sequentially
to scavenge free radicals as shown in Figure 1. damage many of the body’s systems, particularly the blood
Flavonoids have the C6–C3–C6 general structural back- vessels and nerves [106]. When body’s defense systems nei-
bone in which the two C6 units (Ring A and Ring B) are ther detoxify the reactive intermediates nor repair the result-
of phenolic nature. Flavonoids can be further divided into ing damage from reactive oxygen species (ROS), then such an
different subgroups on basis of variations in chromane ring imbalance condition is known as oxidative stress, responsible
and hydroxylation pattern. Flavonoids can be further divided for diabetes mellitus and related complications [107].
into different subgroups such as anthocyanins, flavan-3-ols, Along with insulin, many other agents like sulfonylurea
flavones, flavanones, and flavonols. While the vast majority and biguanide can be used to reduce blood glucose level
of the flavonoids have their Ring B attached to the C2 in order to treat diabetes. These hypoglycemic agents have
position of Ring C; these basic structures of flavonoids are considerable side effects [108]. In chronic diabetes, these
aglycones; however, in plants, most of these compounds hypoglycemic agents sometimes become ineffective [109].
exist as glycosides. Biological activities of these compounds, Therefore, the demand of such hypoglycemic agents which
including antioxidant activity, depend on both the structural have side effects and are either made artificially or from
variation and the glycosylation patterns [79]. natural source is decreasing day by day [110]. Hence, there is
need of natural agents like plant and plant based materials
Tannins, the third important group of phenolics, are which can show more potential for control and treatment of
segmented as hydrolysable and condensed tannins, which are diabetes and its complications with no side effects [111]. Since
esters of gallic acid and polymers of polyhydroxyflavan-3- several years, herbal remedies including different medicinal
ol monomers, respectively. The third segment, phlorotannins plants or their extracts have been taken orally in order to
comprised of phloroglucinol, is found in brown algae. How- treat diabetes. The search for effective natural hypoglycemic
ever, these are insignificant regarding human diet [75, 76]. agent is under consideration as recommended by WHO
Tannins are present in persimmon prolonged life and reduced [112]. Recently great attention has been paid to a number
the incidence of stroke in hypertensive rats [80, 81]. This effect of nonvitamin antioxidants, widely distributed in natural
was attributed to the fact that persimmon tannins are 20 times sources like fruit, vegetables, and spices, having the ability
more potent than antioxidant vitamin E [82]. The persimmon to enhance the antioxidative defense mechanism at cellular
tannin is composed mostly of epicatechin, epicatechin-3- level without side effects [113]. The main group of compounds
O-gallate, epigallocatechin, and epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate that act primarily as free radical terminator or antioxidants is
[83]. plant phenolics.
6 Journal of Chemistry

Table 2: Various bioactive compounds present in persimmon and their functional properties.
Source Health benefits Reference
Extracted polyphenol
𝑝-Coumaric Prevention of oxidative stress related diseases including diabetes [86]
Tannins Scavenging action against active oxygen free radicals [82, 87, 88]
Assists the neuronal degeneration and karyopyknosis in cells, reduction of [89]
thickness of skin epidermis
Flavonoids Scavenging action against active oxygen free radicals [82, 87, 88]
Persimmon fruit
Possesses antitumor effects due to betulinic acid [47, 90]
Blood pressure-lowering and diuretic effects, also effective for coughs treatment [91]
Has antioxidative potentials due to compounds like vitamin A, beta-carotene, [92]
lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin
Exhibits hypolipidemic and antioxidant properties [50, 82]
Whole fruit [93, 94]
Contains nutritional antioxidant vitamins, polyphenols, and dietary fiber
Reduction of patches of pigmentation on skin [95]
Has ability to dilate the blood vessels near the surface of the skin, thereby allowing [96]
more blood to flow through the skin, where it can be cooled by the air (antifebrile)
Reduction of degenerative disease in human beings [91, 97–99]
Fruit peel powder Pharmacological potential such as antioxidant and hypocholesterolemic [51, 95, 100]
polysaccharides extracted Have ability to alter or regulate immune functions (immunomodulatory activity) [85]
from persimmon fruits
Has antitumor and antioxidative effects and also prevents metabolic disorder [101]
Persimmon vinegar
induced by chronic alcohol administration
Plant and leaf extracts
Prevents hardening of the arteries which ultimately lowers the blood pressure [95]
Persimmon leaf tea
Good source of natural antioxidants [102]
Contain antitumor and multidrug resistance-reversing agents [47]
Persimmon plant extracts
Stop oxidative damage of DNA
Persimmon calyx extracts Anticonvulsants [103]
Persimmon plant [82]
Hypocholesterolemic and antioxidative effects
supplemented to a diet
Contain omega 6 fatty acids like palmitic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid [63]
Persimmon seeds
Radical-scavenging activity [104]

Among fruits, persimmon is comprised of a large number Gorinstein et al. [49] reported that a 2-week intake of
of biologically active polyphenols like tannins and flavonoids persimmon peel supplemented diet considerably reduces
having good antioxidant potential. These polyphenols pre- food intake, blood glucose, total cholesterol, and plasma
vent the diabetes resulting from oxidative stress [86], since triglycerides level in diabetics. The researchers concluded that
these work as antioxidants preventing the peroxidation of persimmon peel rich in high level of antioxidant and dietary
lipids by the donation of a hydrogen atom from hydroxyl fiber with antidiabetic properties may be characterized as
group attached to their chemical structure rapidly and form a possible nutritional supplement for improving diabetic
peroxyl radical (ROO) that ultimately leads to the formation complications and hyperglycemia.
of alkyl (aryl) hydroperoxide (ROOH), as shown in the In fresh persimmon leaves most of the polyphenols are
following reaction: found to be water soluble. The chief components in persim-
mon leaf tea are unique proanthocyanidin oligomers and
ROO− + PPH 󳨀→ ROOH + PP− (1)
oral administration of this tea along with starch resulted in a
The phenolic antioxidant (PPH) itself changes into dose-dependent decline in the blood glucose level in Wistar
polyphenol phenoxyl radical (PP), which becomes stable after rats [116].
donating a hydrogen atom, by conversion into quinines, and
it hinders the initiation of new chain reaction by reacting 7.2. Atherosclerosis. Inflammation and high levels of oxida-
with another radical in which another phenoxyl radical is also tive stress are a major initiator of cardiovascular diseases
included [114, 115]. like atherosclerosis that ultimately leads to coronary artery
Journal of Chemistry 7

disease (CAD). In such condition, the oxidative stress is char- [134], oral carcinoma cells [47], human lymphoid leukemia
acterized by the accumulation of metabolites (from the oxi- cells [135], and precancerous colon polyps in women [136].
dation of proteins and lipids) and macrophages. According The bioactive compounds in persimmon may also affect
to the hypothesis of oxidative modification, the early event multidrug resistant (MDR) inhibiting activity. It enhances the
which initiates the development of atherogenesis (develop- accumulation of cancer cells due to the reduced activity of
ment of atheromatous plaques) is the oxidative breakdown efflux pumps. MDR inhibitors from persimmon may help
of low-density lipoproteins. Reactive oxygen species in the to treat noncurable cancer because of the modulating effects
vessel wall have been considered to be one of the most [47]. The calyx (persimmon) extracts act as anticonvulsants
important causes of vascular dysfunction [117]. and may alleviate the side effects of barbituric acid com-
Dietary components having antioxidant properties as the pounds [103].
polyphenols are receiving a lot of attention because of their
ability to reduce cardiovascular diseases [118, 119]. When diet 8. Other Health Promoting Properties
rich in fiber is largely consumed, it results in prevention
and treatment of diverticular and coronary heart diseases Dried persimmon snacks were found to be effective in
[120]. Coronary atherosclerosis, especially, is inhibited by reducing the concentration of alcohol in the blood [55].
preventing oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and by Similarly, Matsuno [137] observed that kaki-tannin found
nutritional antioxidants like phenolics [121] and vitamins A, in persimmon fruit flesh and leaves was soluble in artifi-
C, and E [122]. cial stomach liquid and reduced blood alcohol (40%) and
Hence, many reports have shown that if intake of veg- acetaldehyde contents (30%). Dietary intake of persimmon
etables and fruits is increased in diet, then chances of coro- tannin was found to prevent hypercholesterolemia in some
nary heart diseases could greatly be reduced [123]. Accord- animal models and humans [138].
ing to Hertog et al. [124] if 100 g of persimmon is con- Some carotenoids present in persimmon are precur-
sumed regularly, then it will be sufficient to inhibit occlu- sors of vitamin A [139] and also have immunoregulatory
sion of arteries. In young fruits of persimmon (Diospyros [140] and antiaging effects [141]. Carotenoids are inversely
kaki) tannin is found to have the ability of bonding bile acid linked with inflammation, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular
[83]. diseases, sarcopenia, and mortality. Carotenoid supplemen-
It has been established that addition of persimmon in tation improves the antioxidant status and reduces lipid
the diet hinders the increase in plasma lipid level and hence peroxidation.
works as antiatherosclerosis [80, 124], which reduces the Carotenoids like 𝛽-carotene, 𝛼-carotene, 𝛽-cryptoxan-
chances of mortality by the action of polyphenols [125]. thin, lycopene, and lutein (Figure 2) have been found to be
Matsumoto et al. [82] also reported that the persimmon peel associated with inflammation and mortality risks [142]. In
supplemented diet shows hypocholesterolemic and antiox- addition, lutein (carotenoids) present in persimmon peel can
idative effect. help protect eye vision [143].
Total dietary fibers including soluble and insoluble, total
phenolics including epicatechin, gallic, and p-coumaric acids, 9. Persimmon Leaves and Health
and concentrations of minerals like Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe,
and Mn are high in peel, pulp, and whole persimmon fruit Persimmon leaves and extracts are being used as a green
compared to apple [50]. Hence, persimmon must be given tea, oriental medicines, deodorants, antiallergic substrates,
preference over apples and some other fruits in selecting an and cosmetics (especially for dermatitis) as they prevent skin
antiatherosclerotic diet. Liu [126] reported decline in blood problems and have an antiwrinkle effect [68, 143] and skin
triglyceride and total cholesterol contents after intake of whitening effect [72]. The leaves are brewed into a beverage
persimmon vinegar (PV) for 6 weeks. to release their antioxidant activity and antitumor effects and
to inhibit angiotensin converting enzymes as well as alpha
7.3. Cancer. In recent years, persimmon has been the amylase [66]. The leaves of persimmon possess antithrom-
focus of attention for potential medicinal applications for botic activity. Arakawa et al. [144] demonstrated that a 10,000
prevention of cancer [47]. Carotenoids are nature’s most D anticoagulant fraction has been purified from the leaves
widespread pigments and have also received substantial that inhibited thrombin-catalyzed fibrin formation with a
attention because of both their provitamin and antioxidant competitive inhibition pattern. Based on their antimicrobial
roles [127]. Carotenoids possess antioxidant properties that properties, persimmon leaf-based products have been incor-
have been associated with cellular protection [128], regulation porated into athlete’s foot socks and soaps, and persimmon
of cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis [129]. leaves have been used as a sushi ingredient [145].
Not only are the carotenoid contents responsible for
the superficial appearance (color) and nutritional quality of 10. Unripen Persimmons and Health Issues
fruit [130] but also they provide potential health benefits
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8 Journal of Chemistry

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