Deed of Earthly Birth-Right PDF
Deed of Earthly Birth-Right PDF
Deed of Earthly Birth-Right PDF
Then start looking at those categories of energies above, your relationships, your
baggage, your teachings, your events, your desires. Zero them out and forgive yourself
for being negative, and forgive others. Live in that world of unconditional love every one
of those moments. What‘s the point of giving these crap things life when they go find
more crap? Imbed the Cosmic Laws in your behaviour and energize the energy you
create with honest pure emotion of the heart—no bullshit, no acting.
How long will it take you to be a Creator again? Well, some are still working at it over
many lifetimes. With some, like NDE‘s it‘s instant. Take your pick because it‘s your
And have you got anything to lose by doing this? Yes, perhaps a life on the Gopher
Wheel? Perhaps dis-ease and disease? Perhaps less of the old crap? Does better health,
a new life and fulltime bliss interest you?
Don‘t be disappointed if the million dollars does not suddenly materialize before you in
3D instantly because you think you have it and know the process. Don‘t be disappointed
when God doesn‘t transfer the money for your bills from the cosmic bank account
tomorrow. It may be so in your mind. That is where it starts and that is your true
grounding when you shift to that way of thinking. But you are a still all in schooling as
you have been many lifetimes. Graduation is indeed accepting the process of Creation
through the Higher Divine Mind. Start, yes start on the River of Nows with a quiet,
patient detachment that is mindful of heart and love. You have an infinite supply of it to
give away to all, to everything, without reservation, without condition, without
attachments, freely, and openly. Just pour it out of you every moment that you
encounter down the river. And you have an infinite amount of it to create, not make a
wonderful life. It‘s that simple. Your graduation certificate is in view, can you see it?
―Then you know you are a part of Me and can create your own payments.‖
As we end this chapter, the important lesson is to not renew the old prescriptions that
the PLANET EARTH subsidiaries of Religion and their Codes prescribes as the Blue Pill.
This places you in a new world of belief in your Self and a clear understanding of your
We are at a unique time where some assistance from God, from Divine Intervention,
from Above, from Self, whatever you want to call it, is happening whether many like it,
know it or not. How you align with this is the unique choice you have but one think
appears to be the pressing result; Who you are and the truth will be revealed.
Now, within that light, and the belief of peace without conflict, let us move into how to
resign from PLANET EARTH and access your retirement plan of Good Faith and Credit.
You may choose to live a life of doubt and perpetual fear in the old world or you may
choose to enter the new world of love, honor, integrity, transparency in all dealings and a
return of family values and morals where a sense of community pride and cooperation
bloom anew.
You may choose to dwell on the evil and the dark and sob in your woes or you can
choose look up and see the light. You can choose a different way of life. You choose a
different belief system. You can choose to be a conscious Creator and you can choose to
forgive, dissolve the perceptions of hate and conflict and choose bliss. Choose, choose
You may even choose to be as you are under the domain of PLANET EARTH. After all,
your keepers have worked towards giving you as much freedom as they dare to without
losing control. You may even believe that this is all hogwash this ascension stuff, and this
But, if you have that feeling that you, and your life are much, much more and you are
not able to express your true self, that perhaps all the controls on your being and the
deception so as to work off other's debt is not on, then you need to resign from PLANET
EARTH and bring in a new awareness away from those green pills.
The Choice Is Now Yours: Red Or Green?
Yes, the red or green pill as Morpheus said. It is time to choose and now you know what
the choices are. This Part is about solutions; spiritual and commercial solutions. Many
have been the warriors of truth that precede these solutions, in a light of simplicity and
the attainment of sovereignty in both the commercial and spiritual aspects of life on
Planet Earth. What if you work towards Conscious manifestation of the true you on Planet
earth AND quit your job in PLANET EARTH? These work hand in hand together. First is to
understand who you are and to stand in your truth as Christ did-- walking in thought,
word and deed in the light of what God is--you as an expression of that Divine force. It
means resigning from the sub Corporation that is GOD and that code called scriptures,
bibles, and the likes.
Second is to resign from the Commercial world as an employee of PLANET EARTH and
declare your sovereignty. You cannot accept your pension while you work for PLANET
EARTH. Here is the place where you work towards the allowing of the certain statures
and laws attached to the corporation and enter the private world of commerce. Here you
take back the position of Creditor and look towards attaining the beneficial status to the
Divine trust that you have worked all your life to create.
If you choose to continue to fund the perpetual terrorism, war and death with
insurmountable debt, taxation and the increased limitation of your private rights further
staining your Good Faith and Credit to satisfy the greed and lust for power and control of
the few, then you need do nothing. We bless you and honor your free will. That is the old
way rapidly giving way to the New Way.
But, on the other hand, if you choose to remove your portion of the Good Faith and
Credit that funds the Military Industrial Complex and return it to original jurisdiction
where the mechanics for global debt forgiveness already exist it assist in creating a
consciousness to allow the rebooting of an economic system of value, honor and
integrity. If you choose to remove your portion of the Good Faith and Credit taking the
profit out of the war machine opening the door to world peace, abundance and
prosperity, then read on for we offer a remedy that is so easy anyone can execute it.
In this series of chapters, you will learn how to resign from PLANET EARTH Inc. as best
can be known at this time; in peace. Because you have acquiesced for so long, certain
assumptions about you have been set in stone. By way of your acceptance, you have
been operating and living as a dead person, a fictional entity that does not have the
sovereign rights of the real Earthling. The estate that you have placed your life's labour
and assets into has been probated because you have acquiesced by not knowing or
acting and you are considered dead in the fictional process of laws and codes. All that is
left is for that fictional entity of the Strawman to have a certificate of death created so as
to place its name on the tombstone and all is done. because you have accepted this, you
have to reidentify yourself and reclaim that which you have given away. The process by
which this is done, in the best way that has evolved to date is the subject matter now. it
is about resigning and reclaiming without blaming anyone but yourself.
The process by which you have accepted this may have been deception but that is not
the issue here. Once you realize deception exist, you can rise above it. For in truth, the
estate does leave a legacy of good faith and trust, and those who allegedly defrauded
you have only conducted their jobs as directed from the powers above. Would it not be
great to access that estate? If you understand the total process now, it is one of
forgiveness and being grateful of coming to the truth. It is time to move forward in peace
and harmony and not to seek vengeance upon others as a two-faced Earthling. It is to
become that Creator and take the path of controlling your hologram and creating your
world proactively.
It's all about Resurrection of your true identity and your true powers.
In the chapters before this point, the process has been covered as to how this has been
done and served by one man, namely James-Thomas: McBride. Now it is time to look at
the individual process. Again, thanks to James, he continues to simply, verify and provide
simpler and clearer ways to do this.
A Word Of Caution
The world of the Strawmen is rife with lower vibrational energy. The Global Elite have
implemented a system that has not yet fallen, nor totally disclosed-yet. Until it is, the
journey to collect the estate and quit can be a perilous journey and create anything but
peace should you engage in it with vengeance, greed and ignorance of the hidden laws.
The purpose here is to bring this into the light and it is within the light of higher vibration
of foreignness and peace that one should consider. The fundamental grounding in this to
be in that space of higher vibration, for as many warriors have learned, this is by no
means a simple battle. What follows is one way to resign. There are many ways to
"disconnect" from PLANET EARTH, especially with the focus on becoming One with the
Laws of Attraction, Manifestation and Creation. Should you decide to follow the process of
the formal resignation and access to the Good Faith and Credit through this process, do
not, I repeat, do not copy and try without the appropriate grounding in what these
documents represent. It is recommended that if you do care to indulge this way, go to
the websites and contact the ones who are in peace here, and have done their
homework. As a long time studier of this process as published in The Book of Secrets
Trilogy at, I can assure you that this is not straight forward and
a very easy way to mess with Satan.
Birth Certificate File Number XX-XX-XXXXXX (Canadian)
Trust/Bond File Number-YYYYYYY Number on Reverse of Social Security Card. In the
case of Canada there is Social Insurance Card without a red number. In this case the
SIN would have to do.
Note that you may go web site to assist you in this process.
Here once you have provided the information as listed above, the appropriate documents
will be sent to you with instructions for execution.
Chief Executive Office Rector
Vital Statistics Agency of BC Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate
818 Fort street Conception
Victoria BC 400 Michigan Avenue, Northeast
Washington, D.C. 20017
Attorney General of Canada U.S. Attorney General
284 Wellington St. Ottawa Ontario, Executive Office of the U.S. Trustee
Canada K1A 0H8 U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Secretary of Treasury Board U.S. Secretary of State
Strategic Communications and Ministerial Affairs U.S. Department of State
L'Esplanade Laurier, 9th Floor, East Tower 2201 C Street NW ,
140 O'Connor Street Ottawa, Canada K1A 0R5 Washington, DC 20520
Governor General of Canada Justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia
Rideau Hall American Inns of Court
1 Sussex Drive 1229 King Street, 2nd Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A1 Alexandria, Virginia 22314
James-Thomas: Mcbride
Postmaster General
Office of the Postmaster General
1300 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 190-175
Washington DC
There were a total of five documents that have been used, the purpose of these being to
regain your living position, identify yourself within the appropriate laws of the land, and
to regain access as beneficiary to the Estate. These are:
If you choose to engage in this, it is already mentioned that you work with the people at to assist you. For a nominal charge they will create the
paperwork for you and give you the instructions. The process of mailing and giving
notice, plus creating the documents is vital. This book is not meant to give you a process
which may change rapidly. This book is for educational purpose only.
Note: at the time of writing, these forms have been enhanced and modified into
a simple format. They are presented here, however, because the information
within them is vital in understanding who you are and who you are not. You are
not the fictional entity called the Strawman and you are not the
trustee/executor of that estate. In order to be who you are and to claim your
rights as the living beneficiary, in the laws of commerce, it must so be stated.
The common law and a common law remedy are reserved for living beings ONLY. We are
seeking a remedy for the living man, a common law remedy although we will not be
entering a common law court. In this I, James Thomas: McBride can offer some advice:
"At present, We the American people, have no standing to receive a common law remedy
as the common law is for living beings only. We the American people are all presumed to
be 'Deceased'. Assumptions which are supported by first hand testimony against us, by
ourselves and others. We unwittingly give testimony against ourselves, supporting the
assumption of our 'Deceased' status, when we file for a Social Security number, driver
permit, Marriage License, loan or mortgage as we are testifying that we are 14th
Amendment legal fiction paper citizens and therefore, NOT LIVING BEINGS.
By the time you are in your mid twenties you have unwittingly given false witness
against yourself several times, each time supporting your prior testimony. By the time
we figure out what has happened the assumption is firmly established in fact by our own
word and hand and our efforts to re-establish our living status becomes a daunting task.
Being 'Deceased' we cannot be heard by the courts so our words fall on deaf ears.
The first thing we must do is to overcome the firmly rooted assumptions of our
'Deceased' status so that our voice can once again be heard.
Your DNA, along with the testimony, 'out of the mouths of two or more', in affidavit form
testifying to your identity, is the ONLY acceptable evidence of your living status that I
personally know to work.
Before you can be heard by this system to overcome the many assumptions under which
they operate, you must first overcome the assumption of your living status. Period! Next,
you must rebut, or overcome the remaining assumptions and object to the actions of the
Trustees in the administration of your estate which have effectively enslaved you."
The Ecclesiastic Deed Poll [EDP] was explained in detail in a previous chapter. It not only
effectively re-establishes your living status but also rebuts all of the assumptions and
objects to all of the actions which have adversely effected you and your estate. Please
read the EDP and related research which is extensive and very convincing. Again,
knowledge is power! And this is about self-empowerment, is it not!?
"The EDP with your living DNA, or blood seal, infusing the document with Divine life will
be the top document of these nine (9) sets of Originals. I can hear many of you
screaming that this is some sort of satanic, blood ritual type thing and I tell you that is
exactly what the Powers That Be want you to believe. Let me repeat.....
Your DNA, along with the testimony, 'out of the mouths of two or more', in affidavit form
testifying to your identity, is the ONLY acceptable evidence of your living status that I
personally know to work. The EDP begins with Who We Are. Each one of us carries a
spark of Creator in ever atom and cell of our body and are therefore, a Divine Spark of
Creator and therefore, a lining being and NOT a legal fiction paper citizen.
At the end of the document you find a Blood Seal of your given name. This is not a
document that is signed for t is your blood and the DNA that truly identifies you. Don't be
squeamish, you have plenty of blood to do this. Prick your finger and put your DNA on
there! On each of the eight originals."
In conjunction with the EDP, the next important document is the Statement of Identity.
The common law and a common law remedy are reserved for living beings ONLY. We are
seeking a remedy for the living man. To complete the process of re-establishing your
living status you need to execute an affidavit.
Anyone who has known you for awhile will do, but, parents or siblings are the best.
This is the second document, just behind the EDP. These two documents effectively re-
establish your living status.
John George of the family Doe
Domicile Non-Domestic Private Post
Anywhere Road 1234
AnyTown state, Anystate
on USA
We, the undersigned, being of the age of consent, stable of mind and competent to testify, having first hand knowledge of the
living being whose identity we seek to establish, do by our own free will and act, "out of the mouths of two or more," establish
the facts, as set forth herein, to wit:
We know the living being in question to be John George of the family Doe, or simply John Doe a living man, not a legal
fiction 'person', who came into this world on the 1956-03-14.
We know John George Doe to be an honourable man/woman and have seen no evidence which challenges his identity, and
believe that none exists.
We believe the Estate Trust styled as JOHN GEORGE DOE to represent the interests of John George Doe which are held
in trust. We have seen no evidence which disputes our belief and believe that none exists.
We did witness the living being, known to us as John George Doe, place his thumb print hereon. We have seen no evidence
to dispute that said thumb print represents the physical being known to us as John George Doe, and believe that none
Thumb Print
We, the undersigned, do hereby certify the foregoing to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as we know it
to be. By our own free will act and deed by our hand and word do hereby establish the facts.
An affidavit is a written sworn statement of fact voluntarily made by an affiant or
deponent under an oath or affirmation administered by a person authorized to do so by
law. Such statement is witnessed as to the authenticity of the affiant's signature by a
taker of oaths, such as a notary public or commissioner of oaths. The name is Medieval
Latin for he has declared upon oath. An affidavit is a type of verified statement or
showing, or in other words, it contains a verification, meaning it is under oath or penalty
of perjury, and this serves as evidence to its veracity and is required for court
Affidavits may be written in the first or third person, depending on who drafted the
document. If in the first person, the document's component parts are:
If an affidavit is notarized or authenticated, it will also include a caption with a venue and
title in reference to judicial proceedings. In some cases, an introductory clause, called a
preamble, is added attesting that the affiant personally appeared before the
authenticating authority.
What you stating here is that while you have been lost in the sea of illusion, that your
estate was placed in trust. You have awakened to the truth, so long hidden from man,
and now will redeem your estate. You would hereby acknowledge and accept the
deed and your right as lawful and proper owner of the estate with exclusive right of use
of all land, tenements and heredimants thereof, to have and to hold in fee simple
The Acknowledgment of Deed must be notarized, so you need to sign all originals in front
of a Notary. You need to take these originals to the Clerk of Court and have the Notaries
signature and seal Authenticated. You can also take these to the Secretary of State for
Authentication which gives the document FULL FAITH & CREDIT OF THE CONSTITUTION.
The example follows:
In the Matter of :
Registration Date: March 15 1956
Claimant: John George of the family Doe
Nativity Date: 1956-03-14
Domicile: non-Domestic Private Post
Anywhere Road 1234
Anytown state Anystate
On Country USA
LET IT BE KNOWN BY ALL MEN, AND THEIR PERSONS, BY THESE WORDS that this public record is full proof having
full faith and credit of the Constitution of and for the UNITED STATES.
Before Abraham was, I AM; the Divine Spirit having a human experience. Each atom and cell of this physical vessel I inhabit
to travel across this land is infused with the spark of the Creator; I AM one with the light, one with Creator, the alpha and the
omega, without beginning nor end, without time.
This third dimensional vessel, called man, the original domicile of the Divine Spirit is known on this world and in this
dimension as John George of the family Doe, a living man, freeborn peaceful inhabitant, heir to the Divine Estate, Settler
and Beneficiary to the Divine Trust, freeholder in fee simple absolute, one of the 'Posterity' as expressed in the Preamble of
the United States Constitution, tribunal of the Court of Record and king of my sovereign nation state.
I have been lost in the sea of illusion, my estate placed in trust. I have awakened to the truth, so long hidden from man, and
now redeem my estate. I hereby acknowledge and accept the deed and my right as lawful and proper owner of the estate
with exclusive right of use of all land, tenements and heredimants thereof, to have and to hold in fee simple forever.
This freehold in fee simple has been held under an assumed lease for years. Said fee has been held in abeyance, in
expectation, remembrance, and contemplation in law there being no person in esse, in whom it can vest and abide: though
the law has considered it as always potentially existing, and ready to vest whenever a proper owner appears.
It is hereby established, in fact, that John George of the family Doe is the proper owner of the estate in whom it can vest and
abide to have and to hold in fee simple forever. It has been decreed and covenanted that the Grantor is lawfully seized
of said estate in fee simple; and Grantee is granted good, right and lawful authority and exclusive right of use of the estate
and that said estate is free of all encumbrances, restrictions, easements, limitations and zoning ordinances of record.
The grantee is hereby vested with the immediate and exclusive right of use and enjoyment of the executed estate to
have and to hold in fee simple forever.
So let it be written, so let it be done.
John George
__________________________________________________ seal
John George of the family Doe
On the 2 day of June, 2012, a living wo/man appeared before me, a Notary Public, identified himself to my satisfaction
and/or known to me to be John George of the family Doe executed this instrument and acknowledged before me that he/she
executed this instrument of his/her own free will act and deed.
Andy Notary
__________________________________ Stamp/seal
Notary signature
Since your estate, our Good Faith and Credit, have been under lease to the Military
Industrial Complex since your birth and assumed death, they owe you the delinquent
rent. The rent has been held in abeyance until you returned from being lost in the sea of
illusion to redeem your estate. Now, it is due and owing. There are no provisions for
paying the rent, or interest, on the estate in fiat currency. This must be made in value.
You would autograph with your GIVEN name only and you do not sign your last name
here. Place your red thumb print seal on the line. The example follows and it should be
read carefully to clearly understand the intent.
John George of the family Doe
Nativity Date 1956-03-14
Domicile: Anwhere Road 1234
Anytown state on Anystate
on USA
Before Abraham was, I AM; the Divine Spirit having a human experience. Each atom and cell of this physical vessel I inhabit
to travel across this land is infused with the spark of the Creator; I AM one with the light, one with Creator, the alpha and the
omega, without beginning nor end, without time.
This third dimensional vessel, called man, the original domicile of the Divine Spirit is known on this world and in this
dimension as John George of the family Doe, a living man, freeborn peaceful inhabitant, heir to the Divine Estate, Settler
and Beneficiary to the Divine Trust, freeholder in fee simple absolute, one of the 'Posterity' as expressed in the Preamble of
the United States Constitution, tribunal of the Court of Record and king of my sovereign nation state.
I came into this world an Heir to the Divine Estate as one of the 'Posterity' named in the Constitution. I was born into this
illusion; a world of legal fictions where assumptions stand as fact; where the truth is hidden from man like a pirates treasure
buried under layer upon layer of intertwining rules, regulations and codes; where opinions are treated as law; where one is
held accountable for his ignorance for his inability to ferret out the truth.
On the day of my birth while still in recovery, my mother was compelled, without full disclosure, to place my estate in trust to
be administrated by the civil administration ANYCOUNTRY in accordance with the Constitution. Acting as intermediary
agent and holder in due course of the Deed for the estate trust, the STATE OF ANYSTATE established a Charitable Trust to
facilitate the lease of the estate to the 14th Amendment congress and senate, for my benefit. Said fee has been held in
abeyance, in expectation, remembrance, and contemplation in law there being no person in esse, in whom it can vest and
abide: though the law has considered it as always potentially existing, and ready to vest whenever a proper owner appears.
Let it be known by these words that the Oaths and bonds of all public officers are hereby accepted and confirmed and I
hereby bind them to it, who by fealty and homage bear faith in opposition to all men without any saving or exception, to
protect the King and his property from belligerents. I bestow my sovereign immunity on them while administering my lawful
orders. This public record under the seal of a competent court is guaranteed full faith and credit per Article 4 Section 1 of
your Constitution. Any officer of the public who fails to immediately execute these lawful orders admits and acknowledges
warring with the Constitution and committing treason. Any/all orders or writs issued by John George of the family Doe
tribunal of the Court of Record orally or witnessed under my hand and seal is binding on all officers, courts, corporations,
agencies, individuals and/or persons. Failure to immediately execute said orders and/or writs constitutes a violation of said
Oath of Office and an act of war against the Constitution.
This estate trust has been administrated under pledge/ lease to the 14th Amendment Congress and Senate since its creation.
It has been established as a matter of fact that the UNITED STATES has exercised the lease, creating numerous negotiable
instruments based on the value of the estate, adversely effecting the estate and the proper owner thereof.
It is herein determined and decreed, by my own act and deed, that any/all pledges and/or leases of this estate, past and/or
present, express or implied are hereby and herein terminated. Any/all rights, power and/or authority granted therein is hereby
terminated and withdrawn. All principal and interest shall be immediately returned to the owner and a full account shall be
made thereof.
This estate has been in abeyance awaiting the completion of conditions president. All conditions have now been met.
Demand is herein made for all delinquent rent. Payment in full satisfaction is due immediately. All principal and interest shall
be immediately returned to the owner and a full account shall be made thereof.
The intermediary shall appoint a fiduciary agent to administrate the estate. Said fiduciary shall immediately introduce him/her
self to the entitlement holder and establish a time and location to sit down and identify and return the Demesne property to
the entitlement holder; to discuss the collection of the delinquent rent and other issues as concerns the administration of this
The securities intermediary:
shall comply with an entitlement order if the entitlement order is originated by the appropriate person;
shall act at the direction of an entitlement holder to change a security entitlement into another available form of holding
for which the entitlement holder is eligible;
has the same obligation to the holder as to the owner;
shall exercise rights with respect to a financial asset if directed to do so by an entitlement holder to wit: the right to
elect how the estate shall be administrated; if, and to whom the estate may or may not be leased.
So it is written, so let it be done.
By my hand and seal by my freewill act and deed.
John George
__________________________________________________ seal
John George Entitlement holder
The activation of the Federal Reserve Account, JAMES T. MCBRIDE National Banking
Association, was presented as the Cure Process in a previous Chapter. This was
structured as a pass through account and provided for the activation of sub-accounts
making this pass through account available for everyone. This thus eliminates the
necessity of everyone having to go through the long process as did James Thomas
McBride to activate their own account. The end result is the same, discharge of all debt
to facilitate the transition from a fiat system to one of value and transparency.
Through the Official Registry of the Office Of The Postmaster General NA an account
was established as a pass through account to facilitate the discharge of debt in the
settlement of our accounts as we withdraw our Good Faith & Credit from the Military
Industrial Complex and return to Original jurisdiction. The sub accounts await activation
by the American people accessing the Private Funds for the immediate discharge of debt
to facilitate the transition to a value backed currency.
Once your Certificate arrives you will need to print it out and save a copy to your files. I
had to copy and paste it into a word document, do a bit of adjusting to ensure proper
page alignment and save and print
You may activate your own Federal Reserve Account as James Thomas McBride did, or,
you may request activation of a sub account under National Banking Association
Upon request the Office of the Postmaster General NA will issue you a Certificate of
Authority & Activation Order to attach to your documents. These Certificates will include
all of the pertinent information specific to your account and will arrive via e-mail within
hours of receipt of your request. The example follows:
Office Of The Postmaster General NA
Trustee of the Global Trust
American Freeholder in fee simple absolute
John George of the family Doe
Date of Nativity 1956-03-14
Domicile Non Domestic Private Post
Anywhere Road 1234
on Anytown on Anystate
on Country USA
Non-Domestic without the 14th Amendment
Estate Trust
Reg. Date March 24 1956
The UNITED STATES shall immediately activate the sub account routed through the pass-
thru account, JAMES THOMAS MCBRIDE, a 'national banking association' for use
by the Freeholder identified on this Certificate of Authority to vacate the blocks on the
asset accounts and make the financial adjustments to discharge the debt and return the
accounts back into balance. The UNITED STATES shall administrate the above Estate
Trust in Original jurisdiction, without the 14th Amendment.
The UNITED STATES shall immediately settle the account, make the return of the
interest/ lease back to the freeholder and issue the "Charge Card" for use by the
Certificate holder to charge the account to facilitate the immediate discharge of debt as it
arises and make an full account.
The UNITED STATES shall immediately deliver the delinquent rent, which has been held
in abeyance, in a currency of value.
Registration of Intent