Interactive Science CCSS GK-5

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A Correlation of

Interactive Science

To the

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts
Grades K-5
Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts


This document demonstrates the close alignment between Pearson Interactive Science,
©2012, and the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, Grades K-5.
Correlation page references are to the Student Edition, Teacher’s Edition, and the Teacher’s
Program Guide. Lessons in the Teacher’s Edition contain facsimile Student Edition pages.

Pearson Education is pleased to introduce Interactive Science, a program that makes all
students really want to learn more about science and the world. It helps students develop
scientific literacy so they better understand the world we live in. Organized into three
distinct pathways  reading, inquiry, and digital, Interactive Science makes learning and
teaching science personal, relevant, and engaging for both students and teachers.

Reading Path
 Target Reading Skills, continual vocabulary support, and graphic organizers help
students develop critical reading skills and strategies to uncover meaning when they

 Core Content in the Write-in Student Editions as well as below-, on-, and advanced-
Leveled Readers with built-in ELL support give students tools to become successful

Inquiry Path
 ABCs of Inquiry  Activity Before Concept activities in the Write-in Student Edition
engage students and set a purpose for reading.

 Scaffolded inquiry activities consist of directed, guided, and open inquiry options to
allow students to move from teacher-directed to student-centered hand-on

Digital Path
 Interactive Science goes digital at Untamed Science and
Got It?
60-Second Videos, I Will Know activities, and Virtual labs resources engage students
in today’s digital world.

My can be used for teacher-led instruction from a single computer,

with an interactive whiteboard, or by students working at their own pace at school or at
Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts

Table of Contents
Grade K

Reading Standards for Literature .......................................................................................... 4

Reading Standards for Informational Texts .......................................................................... 5
Reading Standards for Foundational Skills ............................................................................ 6
Writing Standards ................................................................................................................. 8
Speaking and Listening Standards ........................................................................................ 9
Language Standards ........................................................................................................... 10

Grade 1

Reading Standards for Informational Texts ........................................................................ 13

Reading Standards for Foundational Skills .......................................................................... 16
Writing Standards ............................................................................................................... 18
Speaking and Listening Standards ...................................................................................... 19
Language Standards ........................................................................................................... 21

Grade 2

Reading Standards for Informational Texts ........................................................................ 25

Reading Standards for Foundational Skills .......................................................................... 28
Writing Standards ............................................................................................................... 31
Speaking and Listening Standards ...................................................................................... 33
Language Standards ........................................................................................................... 35

Grade 3

Reading Standards for Informational Texts ........................................................................ 40

Reading Standards for Foundational Skills .......................................................................... 45
Writing Standards ............................................................................................................... 47
Speaking and Listening Standards ...................................................................................... 50
Language Standards ........................................................................................................... 52

Grade 4

Reading Standards for Informational Texts ........................................................................ 57

Reading Standards for Foundational Skills .......................................................................... 61
Writing Standards ............................................................................................................... 64
Speaking and Listening Standards ...................................................................................... 68
Language Standards ........................................................................................................... 70

Grade 5

Reading Standards for Informational Texts ........................................................................ 76

Reading Standards for Foundational Skills .......................................................................... 79
Writing Standards ............................................................................................................... 82
Speaking and Listening Standards ...................................................................................... 85
Language Standards ........................................................................................................... 87

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 3

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade K

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade K ©2012

Reading Standards for Literature

Key Ideas and Details
Literature 1. With prompting and support, TE: Integrate Your Day, Reading, 12, 42,
ask and answer questions about key details 70; 98, 130, 162, 192, 220, Science to
in a text. Literature, 89

Literature 2. With prompting and support, This standard falls outside of the
retell familiar stories, including key details. Interactive Science curriculum.

Literature 3. With prompting and support, TE: Integrate Your Day, Reading, 42
identify characters, settings, and major Related content:
events in a story. TE: Integrate Your Day, Reading, 12

Craft and Structure

Literature 4. Ask and answer questions This standard falls outside of the
about unknown words in a text. Interactive Science curriculum.

Literature 5. Recognize common types of The Teacher’s Edition provides a range of

texts (e.g., storybooks, poems). classroom reading sources.
TE: Integrate Your Day, Reading, 12, 40, 70,
98, 130, 162, 192, 220; Rhyme, 13, 43, 71,
99, 131; 163, 193, 221; Science to
Literature, 89

Literature 6. With prompting and support, This standard falls outside of the
name the author and illustrator of a story Interactive Science curriculum.
and define the role of each in telling the
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Literature 7. With prompting and support, See related content:
describe the relationship between TE: Integrate Your Day, Reading, 130, 162,
illustrations and the story in which they 220
appear (e.g., what moment in a story an
illustration depicts).
8. (Not applicable to literature) (Not applicable to literature)
Literature 9. With prompting and support, This standard falls outside of the
compare and contrast the adventures and Interactive Science curriculum.
experiences of characters in familiar stories.
Range and Level of Text Complexity
Literature 10. Actively engage in group TE: Integrate Your Day, Reading, 12, 42, 70,
reading activities with purpose and 98, 130, 162, 192, 220; Rhyme, 99, 131,
understanding. 163, 193, 221; Extend the Lesson, 227

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 4

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade K

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade K ©2012

Reading Standards for Informational Texts

Key Ideas and Details
Informational Text 1. With prompting and See the following representative pages:
support, ask and answer questions about key SE: 5, 6, 7, 35, 36, 37, 50, 51, 52, 61, 62,
details in a text. 63, 73, 74, 75; The Big Question, 2, 12,
57, 68; Science in Your Backyard, 77

TE: Explain, Elaborate, 31, 54, 79, 143,

145, 147, 149, 229, 231; Read Aloud, 102,
134; Explore: 116, 180, 204, 206, 228,
230, 234

Informational Text 2. With prompting and See the following representative pages:
support, identify the main topic and retell key SE: Let’s Read Science, Main Idea and
details of a text. Details: 59

TE: Explain, Unlock the Big Question, 21,

31, 53, 81, 87, 107, 115, 139, 171, 201,
209, 233, Apply the Big Question, 57, 89,
119, 151; 21st Century Learning, 169; Main
Idea, 251

Informational Text 3. With prompting and See the following representative pages:
support, describe the connection between SE: Science Careers, 12; Biography: 20,
two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of 43; Science in your Backyard: 32, 77, Big
information in a text. World My World: 55; STEM: 86; Activity 36

TE: Unlock the Big Question, 32, 33, 20,

43, 55, 77, 86; 21st Century Learning, 105,
137, 146

Craft and Structure

Informational Text 4. With prompting and See the following representative pages:
support, ask and answer questions about TE: School to Home Letter, 14, 44, 72,
unknown words in a text. 100, 132, 164, 194, 222; Vocabulary
Smart Cards, 19, Word Wall, 22

Informational Text 5. Identify the front This standard falls outside of the
cover, back cover, and title page of a book. Interactive Science curriculum.

Informational Text 6. Name the author and This standard falls outside of the
illustrator of a text and define the role of Interactive Science curriculum.
each in presenting the ideas or information in
a text.

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 5

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade K

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade K ©2012

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Informational Text 7. With prompting and See the following representative pages:
support, describe the relationship between SE: 4, 5, 39, 40, 41, 74, 75, 82, 83, 84;
illustrations and the text in which they appear Lesson Activities, 5, 6, 9, 15, 20, 28, 29,
(e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in 62, 64, 65, Let’s Read Science Picture
the text an illustration depicts). Clues: 4, Draw Conclusions, 47

TE: Explore, Activate Prior Knowledge,

114, 116, 119; Reading Strategy; Picture
Clue, 19; Sequence, 105; Main Idea and
Details, 169; Apply the Big Question, 89,
119, 151, 237; Unlock the Big Question,
211; Teach with Visuals, 119, 211, 151;
ELL Support, 109, 111, 113

Informational Text 8. With prompting and This standard falls outside of the
support, identify the reasons an author gives Interactive Science curriculum.
to support points in a text.
Informational Text 9. With prompting and This standard falls outside of the
support, identify basic similarities in and Interactive Science curriculum.
differences between two texts on the same
topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
Informational Text 10. Actively engage in See the following representative pages:
group reading activities with purpose and TE: Integrate Your Day, Reading, 12, 70,
understanding. 98, 130, 162, 192, 220; Social Studies,
130, Additional Resources, Readers’
Theater: 11, 41, 69, 97, 129, 161, 191,
219; Explore: 144, 176, 180, 230

Reading Standards for Foundational Skills

Print Concepts
Foundational Skills 1. Demonstrate Interactive Science was designed to
understanding of the organization and basic allow students to develop and use their
features of print. understanding of the organization and
basic features of print as they read and
learn about science.

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 6

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade K

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade K ©2012

Phonological Awareness
Foundational Skills 2. Demonstrate Students demonstrate understanding of
understanding of spoken words, syllables, spoken words, syllables, and sounds in
and sounds (phonemes). engaging lessons with an abundance of
phonological support. Vocabulary Smart
Cards, Integrate Your Day cross curricular
activities, ELL Support, and Differentiated
Instruction provide reading, writing, and
rhyme opportunities.

Phonics and Word Recognition

Foundational Skills 3. Know and apply Interactive Science supports the literacy
grade-level phonics and word analysis skills curriculum and the skills students learn.
in decoding words. Students utilize their word analysis skills to
decode unfamiliar words, including science
vocabulary introduced throughout the
program. An engaging, write-in student
edition makes reading and learning science
personal. Lesson Activities and Home
Activities accompany each lesson.

Foundational Skills 4. Read emergent The Interactive Science program is
reader texts with purpose and understanding. written on level. The Interactive Science
curriculum provides a clear path of purpose
and understanding throughout each lesson,
chapter, and unit. Students are supported
before, during, and after every lesson with
features that set the purpose and review
understanding. See the following
representative pages:
SE: 3, 4, 10, 11, 15, 16, 29, 30, 31;
Lesson Activities, 3, 4, 10, 11, 15, 16, 29,
30, 31

TE: Integrate Your Day, Reading, 12, 42,

70; 98, 130, 162, 192, 220, Science to
Literature, 89
Additionally, an important literacy
component of the Interactive Science
program is the Leveled Readers Library.
Three content readers per chapter reinforce
key science content at on and advanced
levels. This classroom library allows
students the opportunity to build relevant
science content as they read for purpose

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 7

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade K

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade K ©2012

Continued and understanding. For example:

Chapter 3 Leveled Readers

On-Level: Living Things
Advanced Level: All About Plants and

Writing Standards
Text Types and Purposes
Writing 1. Use a combination of drawing, See related content:
dictating, and writing to compose opinion SE: 77
pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or
the name of the book they are writing about TE: Science to Literature, 89; Science in
and state an opinion or preference about the Your Backyard, 211; Social Studies, 220
topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is …).

Writing 2. Use a combination of drawing, See the following representative pages:

dictating, and writing to compose SE: Activity, Draw: 8, 11, 44, 51, 75;
informative/explanatory texts in which they Write: 39, 59, 67, 69
name what they are writing about and supply
some information about the topic. TE: Integrate Your Day, Writing, 13, 99,
131, 163, 221; Performance-Based
Assessment, 126, 158, 244

Writing 3. Use a combination of drawing, See the following representative pages:

dictating, and writing to narrate a single SE: 85; Activity, 15, 35, 37, 38, 54, 69,
event or several loosely linked events, tell 78, 85; Let’s Read Science, Sequence, 35,
about the events in the order in which they Cause and Effect, 80
occurred, and provide a reaction to what
happened. TE: Reading Strategy, Sequence, 105;
Extend the Lesson, 105; Integrate Your
Day, Writing, 131, 221; Cause and Effect,

Production and Distribution of Writing

Writing 4. (Begins in Grade 3) (Begins in Grade 3)
Writing 5. With guidance and support from This standard falls outside of the
adults, respond to questions and suggestions Interactive Science curriculum.
from peers and add details to strengthen
writing as needed.

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 8

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade K

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade K ©2012

Writing 6. With guidance and support from This standard falls outside of the
adults, explore a variety of digital tools to Interactive Science curriculum.
produce and publish writing, including in
collaboration with peers.

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Writing 7. Participate in shared research and This standard falls outside of the
writing projects (e.g., explore a number of Interactive Science curriculum.
books by a favorite author and express
opinions about them).

Writing 8. With guidance and support from See the following representative pages:
adults, recall information from experiences or SE: Activity, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 14, 20,
gather information from provided sources to 22, 32, 33, 55, 56, 57, 67, 68, 77, 78
answer a question
TE: Writing, 71, 131, 161

Writing 9. (Begins in Grade 4) (Begins in Grade 4)

Range of Writing
Writing 10. (Begins in Grade 3) (Begins in Grade 3)

Speaking and Listening Standards

Comprehension and Collaboration
Speaking/Listening 1. Participate in See the following representative pages:
collaborative conversations with diverse SE: Lesson Home Activities: 12, 25, 30,
partners about kindergarten topics and texts 41, 43, 44, 45; Inquiry Try It!, 3, 14
with peers and adults in small and larger
groups. TE: 18, 88, 168, 182, 198; Explore, 78,
80, 82, 86, 106, 110, 112, 138, 140, 172,

Speaking/Listening 2. Confirm See the following representative pages:

understanding of a text read aloud or TE: Integrate Your Day, Reading, 12, 70;
information presented orally or through other Rhyme, 43
media by asking and answering questions
about key details and requesting clarification
if something is not understood.

Speaking/Listening 3. Ask and answer TE: 21st Century Learning, 19

questions in order to seek help, get ELL Support, 21
information, or clarify something that is not

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 9

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade K

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade K ©2012

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Speaking/Listening 4. Describe familiar This standard falls outside of the
people, places, things, and events and, with Interactive Science curriculum.
prompting and support, provide additional
Speaking/Listening 5. Add drawings or This standard falls outside of the
other visual displays to descriptions as Interactive Science curriculum.
desired to provide additional detail.

Speaking/Listening 6. Speak audibly and TE: 21st Century Learning, 19

express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.

Language Standards
Conventions in Writing and Speaking
Language 1. Demonstrate command of the Demonstrating standard grammar and
conventions of standard English grammar and usage conventions are critical language
usage when writing or speaking. skills. Students are expected to utilize
these conventions in Interactive Science,
producing and engaging in communication
appropriate to their grade level and
abilities. These skills supported throughout
the program are evident through a range of
activities for a variety of purposes and
audiences. The science process skill of
communicating, giving oral and written
explanations of observations, is embedded
into every lesson. Writing and speaking
features that support skill growth include:

▪Lesson Questions
▪Lesson Activities
▪Home Activities
▪Lessons, The Big Questions
▪Try It!, Explore It, Apply It, and
Investigate It! Inquiry Responses

▪Chapter Opener Read Alouds, Explore
Prior Knowledge Class Discussions
▪Unit Integrate Your Day
Cross Curricula Activities
▪21st Century Learning Communication and
Collaboration Activities

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 10

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade K

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade K ©2012

Continued ▪Differentiated Instruction for RTI, Below-

Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪ELL Support Levels Discussion
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

Language 2. Demonstrate command of the In Interactive Science, students are

conventions of standard English expected to produce written work
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when demonstrating knowledge and appropriate
writing. application of writing principles. In this
program, a range of writing activities
provides an abundance of opportunities for
students to develop and increase their
writing mechanics. The science process
skill of communicating, giving written
explanations of observations, is embedded
into every lesson. Writing features that
promote skill growth include:

▪Lesson Activities
▪Home Activities
▪Lessons, The Big Questions
▪Try It!, Explore It, Apply It, and
Investigate It! Inquiry Responses

▪Unit Integrate Your Day
Cross Curricula Activities, Writing
▪Differentiated Instruction for RTI, Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

Knowledge of Language
Language 3. (Begins in Grade 2)

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Language 4. Determine or clarify the Vocabulary Smart Cards may be utilized to
meaning of unknown and multiple meaning introduce vocabulary for every lesson.
words and phrases based on kindergarten Prompts to place the cards on the Word
reading and content. Wall are included throughout the Teacher’s
Edition. See also related pages:
SE: 30, 37, 48, 50, 60, 81; Activity, 37,
48, 50, 60

TE: ELL Support, 31, 51, 79, 111, 139,

141, 143

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 11

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade K

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade K ©2012

Language 5. With guidance and support This standard falls outside of the
from adults, explore word relationships and Interactive Science curriculum.
nuances in word meanings.

Language 6. Use words and phrases Throughout the Interactive Science

acquired through conversations, reading and program, students’ science language is
being read to, and responding to texts. nurtured and enhanced through peer
conversations, classroom discussions,
reading, and a wide range of response
opportunities. Carefully crafted lessons of
Life, Earth, Physical, and STEM content
presented at the appropriate level text,
with vocabulary support, increase students’
language usage and proficiencies.

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 12

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 1

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 1 ©2012

Reading Standards for Informational Texts

Key Ideas and Details
Informational Text 1. Ask and answer See the following representative pages:
questions about key details in a text. SE: My Planet Diary, 6, 46, 86, 98, 116,
122, 212, 250, 272, 308; Main Idea and
Details, 239, 241, 247, 251, 257, 267, 299,
301, 306, 309, 322; List, 279; Underline,
11, 15, 44, 51, 90, 99, 132, 165, 170, 180,
214, 257, 267, 301, 309, 322; The Big
Question, 3, 39, 73, 113, 159, 205, 237,
269, 297

TE: Explore, 6, 46; List, 84, 170; 21st

Century Learning: 6; Elaborate, Science
Notebook: 9; Differentiated Instruction: 9;
Words to Know: 9b; ELL Support: 75, 117;
Understand By Design, Review the Big
Question, 61, 109, 151, 229, 293, 321

Informational Text 2. Identify the main See the following representative pages:
topic and retell key details of a text. SE: Main Idea and Details, 239, 241, 247,
251, 257, 267, 299, 301, 306, 309, 322;
Conclude, 18, 19, 21, 22, 171, 209, 313;
My Planet Diary, 6, 46, 86, 98, 116, 122,
212, 250, 272, 308

TE: Determine the Factors, 89, 173, 244,

249; Summarize, 15, 18, 25, 120, 132,
167, 175, 177, 186, 307, 314; Explore, 98,
116, 280; ELL Support: 247, 301, 309; My
Planet Diary Worksheets, 9a, 49a, 91a,
135a, 167a, 193a, 245a, 253a, 311a

Informational Text 3. Describe the See the following representative pages:

connection between two individuals, events, SE: 45, 47, 51, 53, 55, 94, 120, 141, 256-
ideas, or pieces of information in a text. 257; Tell, 223, 248, Compare and Contrast,
115, 117, 135, 139, 161, 165, 172, 176,
202; STEM, 58; Field Trip, 104
TE: ELL Support, 141; Explain, Contrast:
165, 176; 21st Century Learning: 172;
Differentiated Instruction: 138; My Planet
Diary, 9a; Lesson Check, 45b, 49b, 55b

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 13

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 1

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 1 ©2012

Craft and Structure

Informational Text 4. Ask and answer See the following representative pages:
questions to help determine or clarify the SE: The Big Question, 3, 39, 73, 113, 159,
meaning of words and phrases in a text. 205, 237, 269, 297; Lesson Questions,
130, 174

TE: Evaluate, Response to Intervention;

49, 91, 215, 275, 287; ELL Support: 759,
291; Vocabulary Smart Cards, Play a
Game, 31, 105, 197; Differentiated
Instruction, 148

Informational Text 5. Know and use See the following representative pages:
various text features (e.g., headings, tables SE: 16, Table of Contents; vi-xiv; Unit D
of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, Interactive Science; xvi-xxii; Unit A, 1;
icons) to locate key facts or information in a Unit B, 71; Unit C, 157; Chapter Intro,
text. 268-269; 296-297, Glossary, EM2-EM26;
Index, EM27-EM33; Study Guide & Chapter
Review, 109-111, 151-153

TE: ELL Support, 21, 51, 281, 313

Informational Text 6. Distinguish between See the following representative pages:

information provided by pictures or other SE: Picture Clues, 19; Circle, 78; Envision
illustrations and information provided by the It!, 80-81; Tell, 88; Draw Conclusions, 110;
words in a text. Draw, 138; Compare and Contrast, 142;
Color, 163; Match, 166-167

TE: Explain, Teach with Visuals, 16, ELL

Support, 75; Teach with Visuals, 78;
Activate Prior Knowledge, 81; Differentiated
Instruction, 138; Science Notebook, 132

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Informational Text 7. Use the illustrations See the following representative pages:
and details in a text to describe its key ideas. SE: 16-17, 218, 100-101, 171, 189, 219,
248-249, 283, 290; My Planet Diary, 86,
98, 240, 272; Let’s Read Science Picture
Clues, 5, 19, 25, 36, 217; Sequence: 209,

TE: Science and Literature: 138; ELL

Support: 43

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 14

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 1

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 1 ©2012

Informational Text 8. Identify the reasons This standard falls outside of the
an author gives to support points in a text. Interactive Science curriculum.

Informational Text 9. Identify basic This standard falls outside of the

similarities in and differences between two Interactive Science curriculum.
texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations,
descriptions, or procedures).

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

Informational Text 10. With prompting The Interactive Science curriculum of
and support, read informational texts Life, Earth, Physical, and STEM units are
appropriately complex for grade 1. appropriately sequenced in 9 chapters and
made personal to students in an engaging,
write-in edition. The program fosters
successful readers and helps students
develop scientific literacy using embedded
target reading skills, continual vocabulary
support, and graphic organizers.
Interactivities on each page provide
opportunities for students to demonstrate
comprehension and mastery of science
content. Concepts are scaffolded with
meaningful illustrations and supported
using small chunks of texts followed by a
comprehension check for understanding.
Features such as “Let’s Read Science” and
“Got It?” focus on specific reading skills and
science comprehension. Content addressing
this standard is located throughout the
program. See the following representative

See the following representative pages:

SE: Lessons, 11-13, 77-79, 163-167, 240-
245, 305-307; My Planet Diary, 6, 46, 86,
98, 116, 122, 162, 212, 240, 250, 272,
308; Unlock the Big Question, 7, 127, 189,
221, 285, 313, Let’s Read Science, 5, 41,
75, 115, 161, 207, 239, 271, 299;
Vocabulary Smart Cards, 31-34, 105-108,
197-200, 261-264, 319-320; Science
Careers, 226; Science in Your Backyard,
260, 318; Big World, My World, 30; Field
Trip, 104; STEM, 196

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 15

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 1

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 1 ©2012

Continued TE: Explain, Unlock the Big Question, Build

Background: 123, 185, 209; Activate Prior
Knowledge: 21, 141, 273; Lesson Checks,
13b, 45b, 91b, 129b, 143b, 249b, 315b;
My Planet Diary Worksheets, 9a, 49a, 91a,
135a, 167a, 193a, 245a, 253a, 311a
Reading Standards for Foundational Skills
Print Concepts
Foundational Skills 1. Demonstrate Interactive Science was designed to
understanding of the organization and basic allow students to develop and use their
features of print. understanding of the organization and basic
features of print as they read and learn
about science.

Phonological Awareness
Foundational Skills 2. Demonstrate Students demonstrate understanding of
understanding of spoken words, syllables, spoken words, syllables, and sounds in
and sounds (phonemes). engaging Interactive Science lessons,
with an abundance of phonological support.
Vocabulary Smart Cards, Integrate Your
Day cross curricular activities, ELL Support,
and Differentiated Instruction provide
reading, writing, and rhyme opportunities.

Phonics and Word Recognition

Foundational Skills 3. Know and apply Interactive Science supports the literacy
grade-level phonics and word analysis skills curriculum and the skills students learn.
in decoding words. Students utilize their word analysis skills to
decode unfamiliar words, including science
vocabulary introduced throughout the
program. Representative pages that include
skill building opportunities to develop fluent
science readers include:
SE: EM2-EM26; Vocabulary Smart Cards,
31-32, 59-60, 105-106, 261-264, 291-292,
319-320; STEM, 196

TE: Lesson Check, Words to Know, 13b,

27b, 79b, 101b, 167b, 193b, 245b, 257b,
303b, 315b; Science to Writing, 8; Science
to Language Arts, 186; 236C; Science
Notebook, 164, 176, 191, ELL Support, 31,
33, 197; School to home letter, 2E, 204E

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 16

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 1

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 1 ©2012

Foundational Skills 4. Read with sufficient The Interactive Science program is
accuracy and fluency to support written on level, reflecting the grade
comprehension. readability. The Interactive Science
curriculum provides a clear path of purpose
and understanding throughout each lesson,
chapter, and unit. This path includes the "I
will know" statement at the beginning of
each lesson with questions and inter-
activities throughout. Students are
supported before, during, and after every
lesson with features that set the purpose
and review understanding. Representative
pages include:
SE: My Planet Diary, Read Together, 6, 46,
86, 98, 116, 162, 188, 220, 240, 308;
Unlock the Big Question, 7; Text Features,
Cause and Effect: 271: Draw Conclusions:
128; Main Idea and Details: 267;
Vocabulary Smart Cards: 59-60, 105-106,
291-292, 319-320

TE: Introduce the Big Question: 269;

Unlock the Big Question: 123; Let’s Read
Science, Reading Strategy: 299; Lesson
Checks, Words to Know Worksheet: 13b,
27b, 79b, 101b, 167b, 193b, 245b, 257b,
303b, 315b; ELL Support, 59, 115;
Response to Intervention: 60, 264;
Differentiated Instruction: 176

An important literacy component of the

Interactive Science program is the
Leveled Readers Library. Three content
readers per chapter reinforce key science
content at below, on, and advanced levels.
This classroom library offers opportunities
for students to read prose and increase
fluency as they read to each other or in
small groups, while building science

Chapter 6 Leveled Readers

Below-Level: Earth and Weather
On-Level: All About Weather
Advanced Level: All About Clouds

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 17

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 1

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 1 ©2012

Writing Standards
Text Types and Purposes
Writing 1. Write opinion pieces in which TE: Integrate Your Day, Writing, 38C;
they introduce the topic or name the book Science and Language Arts: 314
they are writing about, state an opinion,
supply a reason for the opinion, and provide
some sense of closure.

Writing 2. Write informative/explanatory SE: Performance Based Assessment, Write

texts in which they name a topic, supply a Story, 326
some facts about the topic, and provide some
sense of closure. TE: Integrate Your Day, 2C, 2D, 236D;
Differentiated Instruction, 173; Science
to Writing, 88, 101, 134; Science
Notebook, 18

PG: Performance Based Assessment, 64

Writing 3. Write narratives in which they Students learn sequence, a critical reading
recount two or more appropriately sequenced strategy, through Interactive Science
events, include some details regarding what instruction and practice.
happened, use temporal words to signal SE: Let’s Read Science, Sequence: 41, 44,
event order, and provide some sense of 207, 209, 211, 230
TE: Science to Writing, 252; Reading
Strategy, Sequence Practice It:, 207;
Explain, Teach with Visual Sequence, 44;
Question, 63; 21st Century Learning, 211;
Response to Intervention: 211; ELL
Support, 41

Writing 4. (Begins in Grade 3) (Begins in Grade 3)

Production and Distribution of Writing

Writing 5. With guidance and support from See the following representative pages:
adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions TE: 21st Century Learning, 6, 86; Science
and suggestions from peers, and add details Writing: 8, 118, 134, 218; ELL Support:
to strengthen writing as needed. 106

Writing 6. With guidance and support from TE: 21st Century Learning, 26
adults, use a variety of digital tools to See also related content: 21st Century
produce and publish writing, including in Learning, 86, 262, 283
collaboration with peers.

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 18

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 1

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 1 ©2012

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Writing 7. Participate in shared research and Interactive Science provides a wide
writing projects (e.g., explore a number of range of resources that engage students in
“how-to” books on a given topic and use the participation of directed, guided, and
them to write a sequence of instructions). open- inquiry activities. These inquiry
projects require students to write
observations, explanations, predictions, and
conclusions. See the following
representative pages:

SE: Try It!, 40, 114, 160, 206, 270,

Explore It!, 14, 168, 216, 276; Investigate
It!, 28-29, 56-57, 144-145, 224-225, 288-
289; Apply It!, 154-155, 232-233, 324-
325; Performance Based Assessment, 326
TE: Science to Writing, 134

PG: Apply It!, 50-51, 56-57, 62-63

Writing 8. With guidance and support from See the following representative pages:
adults, recall information from experiences or SE: 26-27; At-Home Lab, 13, 26, 135, 192,
gather information from provided sources to 252, 314
answer a question.
TE: Science Notebook, 27; Science to
Writing, 88; At Home Lab, 79, 90, 139,
248, 257, 307

Writing 9. (Begins in grade 4) (Begins in grade 4)

Range of Writing
Writing 10. (Begins in grade 3) (Begins in grade 3)

Speaking and Listening Standards

Comprehension and Collaboration
Speaking/Listening 1. Participate in See the following representative pages:
collaborative conversations about grade 1 SE: Lightning Lab, 8, 278, 303
topics and texts with peers and adults in
small and larger groups. TE: Read Aloud, 38, 72, 158, 268, 296;
Elaborate, Science Notebook: 13; Lightning
Lab, 8, 278, 303; Explain, Unlock the Big
Question, 7, 11, 285; 21st Century
Learning, 84, 97, 101, 133, 190, 196, 307;
ELL Support, 105, 294; Differentiated
Instruction, 23, 32, 176, 315

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 19

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 1

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 1 ©2012

Speaking/Listening 2. Ask and answer See the following representative pages:

questions about key details in a text read SE: Let’s Read Science, Cause and Effect:
aloud or information presented orally or 185, 271, 273, 276, 277, 278, 283, 285,
through other media. 313

TE: Differentiated Instruction, 9, 176; 21st

Century Learning, 101, 223, 260; ELL
Support: 147

Speaking/Listening 3. Ask and answer TE: 21st Century Learning, 260

questions about what a speaker says in order
to gather additional information or clarify
something that is not understood.

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Speaking/Listening 4. Describe people, See the following representative pages:
places, things, and events with relevant SE: At Home Lab, 26; Write, 77; Tell, 248,
details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly. 256

TE: Integrate Your Day, Art, 2C; 21st

Century Learning, 26, 84, 181, 307; At
Home Lab: 27; ELL Support: 5, 77, 305;
Explain: 210, 256, 301

Speaking/Listening 5. Add drawings or See the following representative pages:

other visual displays to descriptions when SE: Performance Based Assessment, 70,
appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and 156
TE: Integrate Your Day, Art, 2C; Reading,
236C; 21st Century Learning, 318; ELL
Support, 221; Differentiated Instruction,
129;See also related activities; 21st Century
Learning: 26, 181, 190;

PG: Performance Based Assessment, 52,


Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 20

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 1

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 1 ©2012

Speaking/Listening 6. Produce complete Interactive Science provides students

sentences when appropriate to task and with a number of tasks in which they orally
situation. present information to the class,
encouraging use of complete sentences
appropriate to the situation.
SE: 70, 156, 234

TE: Integrate Your Day, Art, 2C; Writing,

158D, 236D; ELL Support, 5, 15, 81, 99,
217, 277

PG: Performance Based Assessment, 52,

58, 65

Language Standards
Conventions of Standard English
Language 1. Demonstrate command of the Demonstrating standard grammar and
conventions of standard English grammar usage conventions are critical language
and usage when writing or speaking. skills. Students are expected to utilize
these conventions in Interactive Science,
producing and engaging in communication
appropriate to their grade level and
abilities. These skills supported throughout
the program are evident through a range of
activities for a variety of purposes and
audiences. The science process skill of
communicating, giving oral and written
explanations of observations, is embedded
into every lesson. Writing and speaking
features that support skill growth include:

▪Lesson Questions and Interactivities
▪Chapter Review Narrative Responses
▪Try It!, Explore It, Apply It, and
Investigate It! Inquiry Responses
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

▪Science Notebook Tasks
▪Science to Writing Connections
▪Science to Language Arts Connections
▪Science to Social Studies Connections
▪Chapter Opener Read-Alouds
▪ Chapter Opener Big Question Discussion

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 21

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 1

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 1 ©2012

Continued ▪21st Century Learning Communication and

Collaboration Activities
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets
▪Differentiated Instruction for RTI, Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪ELL Support Activities

Language 2. Demonstrate command of the In Interactive Science, students are

conventions of standard English expected to produce written work
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when demonstrating knowledge and appropriate
writing. application of writing principles. In this
program, a range of writing activities
provides an abundance of opportunities for
students to develop and increase their
writing mechanics. The science process
skill of communicating, giving written
explanations of observations, is embedded
into every lesson. Writing features that
promote skill growth include:

▪ Lesson Questions and Interactivities
▪Chapter Review Narrative Responses
▪Try It!, Explore It, Apply It, and
Investigate It! Inquiry Responses
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

▪Science Notebook Tasks
▪Science to Writing Connections
▪Science to Language Arts Connections
▪Science to Social Studies Connections
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets
▪Differentiated Instruction for RTI, Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪21st Century Learning Communication

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 22

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 1

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 1 ©2012

Knowledge of Language
Language 3. (Begins in Grade 2) (Begins in Grade 2)

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Language 4. Determine or clarify the See the following representative pages:
meaning of unknown and multiple meaning SE: Vocabulary Smart Cards, 31-34, 59-60,
words and phrases based on grade 1 reading 105-108, 147-150, 197-200, 227-228,
and content, choosing flexibly from an array 261-264, 291-292, 319-320; Play a Game:
of strategies. 59, 105, 291, 310

TE: Words to Know Worksheet: 13b, 27b,

79b, 101b, 167b, 193b, 245b, 257b, 303b,
315b; Play a Game, 31, 147, 227, 261;
Response to Intervention: 148; ELL
Support: 33, 42B, 47, 209, 213, 217, 291

Language 5. With guidance and support See the following representative pages:
from adults, demonstrate understanding of SE: Vocabulary Smart Cards, 31-34, 59-60,
word relationships and nuances in word 105-108, 147-150, 197-200, 227-228,
meanings. 261-264, 291-292, 319-320

TE: Concept Map, 35, 61, 109, 151, 201,

265, 293, 321; ELL Support, 33, 59, 15,
117, 127, 131, 143, 207, 217, 221, 271;
Differentiated Instruction, 120, 132, 228,

Language 6. Use words and phrases Students acquire and use grade appropriate
acquired through conversations, reading and academic and domain-specific words and
being read to, and responding to texts, phrases in Interactive Science program
including using frequently occurring through a variety of built-in language-
conjunctions to signal simple relationships building features. The program’s Reading
(e.g., because). Path targets reading skills with continual
vocabulary support. Graphic organizers
help students develop critical reading skills
and strategies while helping uncover word
meaning when they read. Every lesson
provides student opportunities to use
science language through task prompts
such as Apply, Infer, Compare, Summarize,
Explain, Predict, Analyze, Identify, and
more. Students also learn and use science-
specific vocabulary through the following

▪Words to Know

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 23

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 1

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 1 ©2012

Continued ▪Interactive Vocabulary

▪Vocabulary Smart Cards
▪Unlock the Big Question
▪Apply the Big Question

▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets
▪Academic Vocabulary
▪Differentiated Instruction for Language
▪ELL Levels Language Support
▪Response to Intervention Language
▪21st Century Learning Activities
-Information & Media Literacy
-Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills
-Creativity and Intellectual Curiosity’
-Critical Thinking & Systems Thinking
-Problem Identification, Formulation,
and Solution
-Social Responsibility
-Leadership & Responsibility
-Accountability & Adaptability

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 24

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Reading Standards for Informational Texts

Key Ideas and Details
Informational Text 1. Ask and answer See the following representative pages:
such questions as who, what, where, when, SE: My Planet Diary, 6, 40, 76, 88, 122,
why, and how to demonstrate 130, 168, 182, 220, 236, 248, 282, 324;
understanding of key details in a text. Lesson Questions, 11-13, 45-49, 83-87,
127-129, 173-175, 215-219, 241-243,
289-293, 331-333; Biography, 30; Chapter
Review, 34-35, 62-63, 116-117, 158-159,
202-203, 230-231, 306-307, 346-347

TE: Lesson Check Worksheets, 13b, 55b,

93b, 141b, 195b, 213b, 247b, 281b, 329b;
Review the Big Question, 33, 61, 115, 157,
201, 229, 263, 305, 345; Chapter Test,
35a-35b, 63a-63b, 117a-117b, 159a-159b,
203a-203b, 231a-231b, 265a-265b, 307a-
307b, 347a-347b

Informational Text 2. Identify the main See the following representative pages:
topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as SE: Main Idea and Details, 39, 42, 62, 167,
the focus of specific paragraphs within the 169, 173, 175, 183-184, 202, 237, 245;
text. Chapter Review: 62, 116-117, 158-159,
202-203, 230-231, 264-265, 306-307,

TE: Reading Strategy, Main Idea and

Details, 39, 167; Explain, Recall, 42, 169;
Infer, 42, 245; Apply, 169; Restate, 173;
Explain,173, 245; Classify, 184; Compare
and Contrast, 184, 245; Science/Social
Studies, 42; Common Misconception, 184;
ELL Support, 167, 169, 173, 183, 202, 245,
237, 245; 21st Century Learning, 185

Informational Text 3. Describe the See the following representative pages:

connection between a series of historical SE: What is Technology, 40-43; Explain,
events, scientific ideas or concepts, or 21, 23, 53, 292, 323; Sequence, 89, 121,
steps in technical procedures in a text. 123-124, 128, 132, 136, 143, 158

TE: ELL Support, 121, 143; Conclude, 124;

Elaborate: Science Notebook, 128,
Interpret, 132, Predict, 136

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 25

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Craft and Structure

Informational Text 4. Determine the Interactive Science focuses on relevant
meaning of words and phrases in a text science words and phrases, which are
relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area. highlighted and defined in context, followed
by related activities and investigations.
Other embedded features support mastery
of science words and phrases. See the
following representative pages:

SE: 7-9, 41-43, 101-103, 139-141, 177-

181, 215-219, 237-238, 275-281, 313-
316; Vocabulary Smart Cards, 31-32, 59-
60, 111-114, 153-156, 197-200, 227-228,
261-262, 301-304, 341-344; Play a Game,
31, 59, 111, 153, 197, 227, 261, 301, 341

TE: Science to Language Arts, 277, 287,

332; Play a Game, 31, 59, 111, 153, 197,
227, 261, 301, 341; 21st Century Learning,
42, 47, 133, 146, 337; ELL Support, 31,
59, 111, 153, 197, 227, 261, 301, 341,
343; Response to Intervention, 31, 60,
112, 154, 198, 228, 262, 302, 342;
Differentiated Instruction, 112, 154, 228,
262, 302, 342, 344

Informational Text 5. Know and use See the following representative pages:
various text features (e.g., captions, bold SE: 7, 42-43, 45, 47, 89, 90, 91, 123, 124,
print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, 173, 175, 222, 241, 242, 283, 284, 286,
electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts 331; Picture Clue, 5, 7, 12, 25, 34, 207,
or information in a text efficiently. 221, 231, 241, 246; Glossary EM2-EM27;
Index, EM28-EM35; Table of Contents, vi-

TE: Explain: Define, 45, 47; Remember,

89; Recall, 90, 123, 241, 283; Restate,
173; Differentiate, 174; Identify, 222;
Contrast, 242; Tell, 331; ELL Support, 5, 7

Informational Text 6. Identify the main See the following representative pages:
purpose of a text, including what the author SE: Let’s Read Science, 167, Main Idea and
wants to answer, explain, or describe. Details, 39, 42, 62, 169, 173, 175, 183-
184, 202, 237, 245; Chapter Review: 62,
116-117, 158-159, 202-203, 230-231,
264-265, 306-307, 346-347

TE: ELL Support, 167, 169, 173, 183, 202,

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 26

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Continued 245, 237, 245; Reading Strategy: Main

Idea and Details, 39, 167; Explain: Recall,
42, 169; Infer, 42, 245; Apply, 169;
Restate: 173; Explain: 173, 245; Classify:
184; Compare and Contrast: 184, 245;
Science/Social Studies, 42; Common
Misconception, 184; 21st Century Learning:
185; ELL Support, 237, 245

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Informational Text 7. Explain how SE: Show Data, 27; Plan and Draw, 46;
specific images (e.g., a diagram showing Picture Clue, 51, 52, 53, 246; See also
how a machine works) contribute to and related content, 42-43, 64-65, 124-125,
clarify a text. 128-129, 132-133, 136-137; Performance
Based Assessment, 70, 268

TE: Explain, Define, 51; Give an Example,

52; Demonstrate, 53; Differentiated
Instruction, 52; Compare, 246; 21st
Century Learning, 53
Informational Text 8. Describe how See related content
reasons support specific points the author SE: Big World, My World, 226
makes in a text.
TE: Explain, 189

Informational Text 9. Compare and See the following representative pages:

contrast the most important points TE: Differentiated Instruction, 96, 129
presented by two texts on the same topic.

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

Informational Text 10. By the end of The Interactive Science curriculum of
year, read and comprehend informational Life, Earth, Physical, and STEM units are
texts, including history/social studies, appropriately sequenced in 9 chapters and
science, and technical texts, in the grades made personal to students in an engaging,
2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with write-in edition. The program fosters
scaffolding as needed at the high end of the successful readers and helps students
range. develop scientific literacy using embedded
target reading skills, continual vocabulary
support, and graphic organizers.
Interactivities on each page provide
opportunities for students to demonstrate
comprehension and mastery of science
content. Concepts are scaffolded with
meaningful illustrations and supported
using small chunks of texts followed by a
comprehension check for understanding.

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 27

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Continued Features such as “Let’s Read Science” and

“Got It?” focus on specific reading skills and
science comprehension. Content addressing
this standard is located throughout the
program. See the following representative
SE: Lesson Questions and Interactivities,
11-13, 50-55, 83-87, 135-137, 169-171,
209-213, 237-239, 295-297, 335-337;
Let’s Read Science, 5, 39, 75, 121, 167,
207, 235, 273, 311; Explore It!, 14, 44, 94,
134, 182, 214, 244, 282, 324; Investigate
It!, 28-29, 56-57, 108-109, 10-151, 194-
195, 224-225, 258-259, 298-299, 338-
339; Vocabulary Smart Cards, 31-32, 59-
60, 111-114, 153-156, 227-228, 261-262,
301-304, 341-344; My Planet Diary, 6, 40,
76, 122, 130, 168, 220, 236, 248, 282,
324; NASA Biography, 30; STEM: 58, 226,
340, Careers, 110, Big World, My World,

TE: Science to Reading, 191, 238; Science

to Language Arts, 254; Science and Social
Studies, 174; Science and Writing, 86, 92,
216; 21st Century Learning, 79, 88, 133;
Science Notebook, 8, 30, 58, 226; Review
the Big Question, 115, Lesson Check
Worksheets, 13b, 49b, 93b, 133b, 171b,
213b, 239b, 281b, 317; Explore It!
Worksheets, 13a, 49a, 93a, 133a, 171a,
213a, 239a, 281a, 317a; Build Enduring
Understanding, 2A, 36A, 72A, 118A, 164A,
204A,232A, 270A, 308A

Reading Standards for Foundational Skills

Print Concepts
Foundational Skills 1. (Not applicable to (Not applicable to Grade 2)
Grade 2)

Phonological Awareness
Foundational Skills 2. (Not applicable to (Not applicable to Grade 2)
Grade 2)

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 28

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to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Phonics and Word Recognition

Foundational Skills 3. Know and apply Interactive Science supports the literacy
grade-level phonics and word analysis skills curriculum and the skills students learn.
in decoding words. Students utilize their word analysis skills to
decode unfamiliar words, including science
vocabulary introduced throughout the
program. Representative pages that include
skill building opportunities to develop fluent
science readers include:

SE: EM2-EM27; Vocabulary Smart Cards,

31-32, 59-60, 111-114, 153-156, 197-200,
227-228, 261-262, 301-304, 341-344

TE: Lesson Check Worksheets, Words to

Know, 9b, 13b, 19b, 23b, 27b, 43b, 59b,
55b, 81b, 87b, 93b, 103b, 107b, 125b,
133b, 149b, 171b, 175b, 181b, 193b,
213b, 219b, 239b, 243b, 251b, 257b,
281b, 287b, 283b, 297b, 317b, 323b,
329b, 333b; Science to Language Arts,
254, 277, 332; ELL Support, 111, 147,
153, 221, 295, 343, 341

Foundational Skills 4. Read with The Interactive Science program is
sufficient accuracy and fluency to support written on level, with Lexile scores
comprehension. reflecting the grade readability. The
Interactive Science curriculum provides a
clear path of purpose and understanding
throughout each lesson, chapter, and unit.
This path includes the "I will know"
statement at the beginning of each lesson
with questions and inter-activities
throughout. Students are supported before,
during, and after every lesson with features
that set the purpose and review
understanding. Representative pages

SE: Unlock the Big Question, 7, 21, 41, 77,

89, 95, 109, 135, 139, 183, 189, 195, 215,
221, 241, 245, 259, 289, 295, 319, 325,
339; Circle, 9, 19, 47, 52, 103, 159, 278,
280, 315, 331; Tell, 15, 17, 41-43, 46-47,
52, 54-55, 62, 73, 85, 87, 92, 110, 132,
137, 139-140, 182, 186, 189-190, 192-

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 29

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to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Continued 193, 245, 271, 276-295, 320-323, 325-

326, 329, 331, 337; Main Idea and Details:
39, 42, 62, 167, 169, 173, 175, 183-184,
202, 237, 245; Draw Conclusions, 20, 74,
104, 172, 176, 273, 291, 307; Let’s Read
Science, 5, 39, 75, 121, 167, 207, 235,
273, 311; Review the Big Question, 34, 62,
116, 158, 202, 230, 264, 306, 346;
Vocabulary Smart Cards, 31-32, 59-60,
111-114, 153-156, 197-200, 227-228,
261-262, 301-304, 341-344; Play a Game,
59-60, 111-114, 197-200, 261-262, 301-

TE: Introduce the Big Question, 3, 37, 73,

119, 165, 205, 233, 271, 309; Explain,
Unlock the Big Question, 7, 15, 25, 29, 51,
57, 77, 83, 89, 101, 105, 127, 131, 139,
143, 151, 169, 195, 209, 215, 221, 253,
275, 295, 299, 313, 319, 335, 339; Review
the Big Question, 34, 62, 116, 158, 202,
230, 264, 306, 346; Lesson Check
Worksheets, 9b, 13b, 19b,
23b, 27b, 43b, 81b, 129b, 133b, 137b,
141b, 149b, 193b, 213b, 219b, 223b,
257b, 287b, 283b, 297b, 317b, 333b;
ELL Support, 7, 11, 15, 21, 39, 51, 77,
121, 123, 127, 139, 143, 167, 169, 173,
177, 197, 207, 209, 215, 221, 235, 237,
245, 273, 275, 283, 295, 311, 325;
Chapter Tests, 35a-35b, 159a-159b,
203a-203b, 347a-347b, 347a-347b

Additionally, an important literacy

component of the Interactive Science
program is the Leveled Readers Library.
Three content readers per chapter reinforce
key science content at below, on, and
advanced levels. This classroom library
allows students the opportunity to build
relevant science content as they read for
purpose and understanding. For example:

Chapter 6 Leveled Readers

Below-Level: Earth’s Place in Space
On-Level: Studying Earth and Space
Advanced Level: Constellations

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 30

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Writing Standards
Text Types and Purposes
Writing 1. Write opinion pieces in which SE: Go Green, 97
they introduce the topic or book they are
writing about, state an opinion, supply TE: Integrate Your Day, Writing, 308D;
reasons that support the opinion, use Science Writing: 90; Go Green, 97
linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to
connect opinion and reasons, and provide a
concluding statement or section.

Writing 2. Write informative/explanatory Opportunities for students to write

texts in which they introduce a topic, use informative and explanatory text as they
facts and definitions to develop points, and respond to investigations are abundant
provide a concluding statement or section. throughout the Interactive Science write-
in student edition. See the following
representative pages:
SE: Try It!, 4, 38, 74, 120, 166, 206, 234,
272, 310; Explore It!, 14, 44, 94, 134, 182,
214, 244, 282, 324; Apply It!, 160-161,
266-267, 348-349; Investigate It!, 28-29,
56-57, 108-109, 10-151, 194-195, 224-
225, 258-259, 298-299, 338-339; My
Planet Diary, 130, 168, 220, 248, 282,
324; Design It, 64-69; Performance-Based
Assessment, 268

TE: Science and Writing, 48, 96, 292, 328;

Science Notebook, 297; Writing, 36D,
204D, 232D, 308D; Explore It! Worksheets
19a, 49a, 99a, 187a, 229a, 287a, 329a;
My Planet Diary Worksheets, 9a, 81a, 93a,
125a, 133a, 287a, 329a

PG: Apply It!, 50-51, 56-57, 62-63

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 31

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Writing 3. Write narratives in which they See the following representative pages:
recount a well-elaborated event or short SE: Write a Song, 70; Put on a Play, 162;
sequence of events, include details to Write a Fable, 350
describe actions, thoughts, and feelings,
use temporal words to signal event order, TE: Practice It: 121; Reading Strategy,
and provide a sense of closure. Sequence: 121; Differentiated Instruction:
125, 129; Elaborate, Science Notebook:
132; Integrate Your Day, Writing: 36D,
72D, 118C, 164D, 204D, 308D, Science
Writing, 144, 210; ELL Support, 89, 121,

PG: Performance Based Assessment, 46,

58, 64

Production and Distribution of Writing

Writing 4. (Begins in Grade 3) (Begins in Grade 3)

Writing 5. With guidance and support from See the following representative pages:
adults and peers, focus on a topic and TE: Integrate Your Day, Writing, 2D;
strengthen writing as needed by revising Science and Social Studies, 42, Science to
and editing. Writing, 48, 90, 92, 144, 210, 218, 292,

Writing 6. With guidance and support from This standard falls outside of the
adults, use a variety of digital tools to Interactive Science curriculum.
produce and publish writing, including in
collaboration with peers.

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Writing 7. Participate in shared research See the following representative pages:
and writing projects (e.g., read a number of
books on a single topic to produce a report; TE: 21st Century Learning, 337; Integrate
record science observations). Your Day, Reading, 2C, 36C, 72C, 118C,
164C, 204C, 232C, 270C, 308C; Integrate
Your Day, Writing, 36D; Differentiated
Instruction, 55, 96, 213

Writing 8. Recall information from See the following representative pages:

experiences or gather information from SE: Underline, 8, 23, 42, 53, 62, 95-86,
provided sources to answer a question. 98, 107, 170, 189, 202, 236, 245, 283,
315; Draw, 9, 15, 17, 46-37, 51, 128, 136,
145-148, 158, 217-218, 241-242, 247,
264-265, 292-293, 314, 321-322, 331,
333, 336, 346-347; Tell, 3, 6, 41-43, 46-
47, 52, 54-55, 62, 80, 85, 87, 92, 99, 107,

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 32

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Continued 132, 137, 139-140, 152, 189-190, 241,

247, 276-277, 313, 316, 320-323, 325-
326, 337; Circle, 9, 19, 47, 52, 103, 159,
278, 280, 315, 331; Write: 13, 174, 180,

TE: Explain: Recall, 13, 26, 42, 55, 90, 96,

123, 144, 169, 174, 190, 239, 253, 289,
291; Science Notebook, 174, 314; 21st
Century Learning, 13, 146, 180, 210, 213;
Teach with Visuals, 96; For Professional
Development Note, 328; Common
Misconception, 78, 87, 90, 148, 281, 314;
Science/Writing, 144, 292; ELL Support,
41, 43, 169, 173, 209, 237; Differentiated
Instruction, 140, 149, 239; Evaluate,
Response to Intervention, 13

Interactive Science Untamed Science

Videos, wild and weird online science
experiments, provide additional student
informational resources.
Writing 9. (Begins in grade 4) (Begins in grade 4)

Range of Writing
Writing 10. (Begins in grade 3) (Begins in grade 3)

Speaking and Listening Standards

Comprehension and Collaboration
Speaking/Listening 1. Participate in See the following representative pages:
collaborative conversations with diverse TE: Explain, Unlock the Big Question, 7, 11,
partners about grade 2 topics and texts 15, 21, 25, 29, 41, 45, 51, 57, 77, 83, 89,
with peers and adults in small and larger 95, 101, 105, 109, 123, 127, 131, 135,
groups. 139, 143, 151, 169, 173, 177, 183, 189,
195, 209, 215, 221, 225, 237, 241, 245,
249, 253, 259, 275, 283, 289, 295, 299,
313, 319, 325, 331, 335, 339;
Differentiated Instruction, 55, 96, 213;
21st Century Learning, 99, 337, Integrate
Your Day: Reading, 2C, 36C, 72C, 118C,
164C, 204C, 232C, 270C, 308C

See also, Envision It!

for lesson interactivities to stimulate
science discussion.

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 33

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Speaking/Listening 2. Recount or See the following representative pages:

describe key ideas or details from a text SE: 2-3, 36-37, 72-73, 118-119, 164-165,
read aloud or information presented orally 204-205, 232-233, 270-271, 308-309
or through other media.
TE: Read Aloud, 2, 36, 72, 118, 164, 204,
232, 270, 308; Talk About the Picture, 2,
36, 72, 118, 164, 204, 232, 270, 308;
Predict, 3, 37, 73, 119, 165, 205, 233, 271,

Interactive Science Untamed Science

Videos, wild and weird online science
experiments, provide additional student
informational resources.

Speaking/Listening 3. Ask and answer See the following representative pages:

questions about what a speaker says in TE: 21st Century Learning, 9, Response to
order to clarify comprehension, gather Intervention, 9; see also related content:
additional information, or deepen 21st Century Learning, 226
understanding of a topic or issue.

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Speaking/Listening 4. Tell a story or This standard falls outside of the
recount an experience with appropriate Interactive Science curriculum.
facts and relevant, descriptive details,
speaking audibly in coherent sentences.

Speaking/Listening 5. Create audio This standard falls outside of the

recordings of stories or poems; add Interactive Science curriculum.
drawings or other visual displays to stories
or recounts of experiences when
appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and

Speaking/Listening 6. Produce complete See the following representative pages:

sentences when appropriate to task and SE: Performance Based Assessment, 62;
situation in order to provide requested Tell, 15, 17, 52, 85, 87, 92, 110, 132, 137,
detail or clarification. 182, 186, 192-193, 245, 247, 329, 337

TE: Record and Share, 68-69; ELL Support,

11, 41, 62, 212; Differentiated Instruction,
43, 55; Science Notebook, 291

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 34

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Language Standards
Conventions in Writing and Speaking
Language 1. Demonstrate command of Demonstrating standard grammar and
the conventions of standard English usage conventions are critical language
grammar and usage when writing or skills. Students are expected to utilize
speaking. these conventions in Interactive Science,
producing and engaging in communication
appropriate to their grade level and
abilities. These skills supported throughout
the program are evident through a range of
activities for a variety of purposes and
audiences. The science process skill of
communicating, giving oral and written
explanations of observations, is embedded
into every lesson. Writing and speaking
features that support skill growth include:

▪Lesson Questions and Interactivities
▪Chapter Review Narrative Responses
▪Try It!, Explore It, Apply It, and
Investigate It! Inquiry Responses
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

▪Science Notebook Tasks
▪Science to Writing Connections
▪Science to Language Arts Connections
▪Science to Social Studies Connections
▪Chapter Opener Read-Aloud Discussion
▪21st Century Learning Communication and
Collaboration Activities
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Differentiated Instruction for RTI, Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪ELL Support Levels Discussion

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 35

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Language 2. Demonstrate command of In Interactive Science, students are

the conventions of standard English expected to produce written work
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling demonstrating knowledge and appropriate
when writing application of writing principles. In this
program, a range of writing activities
provides an abundance of opportunities for
students to develop and increase their
writing mechanics. The science process
skill of communicating, giving written
explanations of observations, is embedded
into every lesson. Writing features that
promote skill growth include:

▪Lesson Questions and Interactivities
▪Chapter Review Narrative Responses
▪Try It!, Explore It, Apply It, and
Investigate It! Inquiry Responses
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

▪Science Notebook Tasks
▪Science to Writing Connections
▪Science to Language Arts Connections
▪Science to Social Studies Connections
▪21st Century Learning Communication
My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Differentiated Instruction for RTI, Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪ELL Support Tasks

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 36

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Knowledge of Language
Language 3. Use knowledge of language Using language and its conventions
and its conventions when writing, speaking, appropriately are critical to successful
reading, or listening. communication. Throughout Interactive
Science, students are immersed in all
facets of communication, engaging in a
wide range of activities for a variety of
purposes. Formal language instruction falls
outside of the program scope and
sequence, however, an abundance of rich,
science literacy materials presented with
carefully sequenced student tasks in all
areas of communication lead students to
success. Carefully crafted Interactive
Science lessons built upon a foundation of
scientific methods and process skills,
include the following features that build and
support language development and its

▪Lesson Questions and Interactivities
▪Let’s Read Science!
▪Explore It! Inquiry Communicate Activities
▪Chapter Review Narrative Responses
▪Inquiry Activities: Lightning Labs, Try It!,
Explore It!, Apply It!, and Investigate It!
▪Graphic Images with Inquiry Activities
▪Chapter STEM Lessons
▪Chapter Vocabulary Smart Cards
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

▪Chapter Opener Read Aloud Discussion
▪Science Notebook Tasks
▪Science to Writing Connections
▪Science to Language Arts Connections
▪Science to Social Studies Connections
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Differentiated Instruction for Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪ELL Support
▪Response to Intervention Support
▪21st Century Learning Activities

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 37

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Continued -Communication
-Information & Media Literacy
-Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills
-Creativity and Intellectual Curiosity’
-Critical Thinking & Systems Thinking
-Problem Identification, Formulation,
and Solution
-Social Responsibility
-Leadership & Responsibility
-Accountability & Adaptability

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Language 4. Determine or clarify the See the following representative pages:
meaning of unknown and multiple meaning SE: Vocabulary Smart Cards, 31-32, 59-60,
words and phrases based on grade 2 111-114, 153-156, 197-200, 227-228,
reading and content, choosing flexibly from 261-262, 301-304, 341-344; Play a Game,
an array of strategies. 31-32, 59-60, 111-114, 153-156, 197-200,
227-228, 261-262, 301-304, 341-344

TE: Play a Game, 31-32, 59-60, 111-114,

153-156, 197-200, 227-228, 261-262,
301-304, 341-344; Response to
Intervention, 31, 60, 112, 154, 198, 228,
262, 302, 342; Differentiated Instruction,
112, 154, 228, 262, 302, 342, 344; ELL
Support, 59, 227

Language 5. Demonstrate understanding See the following representative pages:

of word relationships and nuances in word SE: 93, 131, 221, 295
TE: Differentiated Instruction, 93; ELL
Support: 131, 221, 295

Language 6. Use words and phrases Students acquire and use grade appropriate
acquired through conversations, reading academic and domain-specific words and
and being read to, and responding to texts, phrases in Interactive Science program
including using adjectives and adverbs to through a variety of built-in language-
describe (e.g., When other kids are happy building features. The program’s Reading
that makes me happy). Path targets reading skills with continual
vocabulary support. Graphic organizers
help students develop critical reading skills
and strategies while helping uncover word
meaning when they read. Every lesson
provides student opportunities to use
science language through task prompts
such as Apply, Infer, Compare, Summarize,

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 38

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 2

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 2 ©2012

Continued Explain, Predict, Analyze, Identify, and

more. Students also learn and use science-
specific vocabulary through the following

▪Words to Know
▪Interactive Vocabulary
▪Vocabulary Smart Cards
▪Unlock the Big Question
▪Apply the Big Question

▪Chapter Opener Read Aloud Discussion
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Academic Vocabulary
▪Differentiated Instruction for Language
▪ELL Levels Language Support
▪Response to Intervention Language
▪21st Century Learning Activities
-Information & Media Literacy
-Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills
-Creativity and Intellectual Curiosity’
-Critical Thinking & Systems Thinking
-Problem Identification, Formulation,
and Solution
-Social Responsibility
-Leadership & Responsibility
-Accountability & Adaptability

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 39

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3

Reading Standards for Informational Texts

Key Ideas and Details
Informational Text 1. Ask and answer See the following representative pages:
questions to demonstrate understanding of SE: My Planet Diary, 6, 50, 90, 146, 296,
a text, referring explicitly to the text as the 324, 376, 408; Text Features, 43, 108,
basis for the answers. 240; Got It!, 9, 27, 59, 65, 97, 103, 145,
237, 255, 301, 333, 391, 421; Lesson
Questions, 23-27, 51-53, 111-115, 155-
161, 185-189, 221-223, 289-295, 363-
367, 409-413; Biography, 45, 258, 304,
428; Chapter Review, 42-43, 130-131,
170-171, 266-267, 348-349, 400-401;
434-435; Benchmark Practice, 44, 132,
172, 268, 350, 436

TE: Evaluate, Response to Intervention,

9, 367; Lesson Check Worksheets, 33b,
59b, 103b, 121b, 189b, 237b, 301b, 327b,
425b; Review the Big Question, 41, 73,
129, 205, 265, 347; Chapter Test, 45b,
131a-131b, 269b, 313b, 351b, 437b

Informational Text 2. Determine the See the following representative pages:

main idea of a text; recount the key details SE: Main Idea and Details, 49, 52, 55, 75,
and explain how they support the main 151, 273, 275, 276, 279, 285, 289, 301,
idea. 311, 366, 412, 416; Chapter Review, 75;
Got It!, 279; Unlock the Big Question, 9,
67, 103, 183, 237, 331, 421

TE: Reading Strategy, Main Idea and

Details, 49, 273; Explain, Describe, 52,
366; Science/Social Studies, 49, 276,
Define, 55, 366; Summarize, 55, 416;
Apply, 55, 416; List, 276; Explain, 276;
Analyze, 276; Categorize, 285; Identify,
289, 416; Differentiate, 366; Recall, 412;
Interpret, 52, 412; Elaborate, Science
Notebook; 52, 151, 285; Common
Misconception, 276, 366; Evaluate, Got
It!, 279; ELL Support, 49, 55, 151, 273,
275, 289; Response to Intervention, 161,

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 40

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3
Informational Text 3. Describe the See the following representative pages:
relationship between a series of historical SE: What is Technology, 50-53;
events, scientific, as concepts, or steps in Summarize, 21, 27, 59, 112, 193, 243;
technical procedures in a text, using Cause and Effect, 177, 183, 189, 191,
language that pertains to time, sequence, 207, 249, 355, 357, 381, 400; Explain, 20,
and cause/effect. 25, 30, 186, Sequence, 229, 254

TE: Generalize, 112; Understand, 114;

Cause and Effect, 222; Explain, 229; 21st
Century Learning, 235; Differentiated
Instruction, 241

Craft and Structure

Informational Text 4. Determine the Interactive Science focuses on relevant
meaning of general academic and domain- science words and phrases, which are
specific words and phrases in a text highlighted and defined in context,
relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area. followed by related activities and
investigations. Other embedded features
support mastery of science words and
phrases. See the following representative
SE: 7-8, 55-57, 111-113, 139-143, 185-
186, 233-237, 325-327, 357-361, 409;
Vocabulary Smart Cards, 37-40, 69-72,
125-128, 165-168, 201-204, 259-264,
305-308, 343-346, 395-398, 429-432;
Interactive Vocabulary: Make a Word
Wheel, 38, 70, 202, 344; Make a Word
Frame, 126, 166; Make a Word Magnet,
260, 396, 430; Make a Word Question,

TE: Play a Game, 37, 69, 125, 165, 201,

259, 305, 343, 395, 429; 21st Century
Learning, 40, 260, 397ELL Support, 37,
69, 125, 165, 201, 204, 259, 262, 305,
343, 345, 395, 431; Differentiated
Instruction, 39, 71, 126, 202, 261, 306,
344, 396, 429; Academic Vocabulary, 38,
70, 126, 166, 202, 260, 306, 344, 396,
430; Response to Intervention, 38, 71,
126, 165, 202, 261, 306, 345, 397, 431

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 41

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3
Informational Text 5. Use text features See the following representative pages:
and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, SE: Text Features, 5, 7, 17, 43, 89, 91,
hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to 92, 99, 108, 112, 117, 119, 130, 240
a given topic efficiently.
TE: ELL Support, 5, 7; Explain: Define,
92, 112; Differentiate, 92; Evaluate, 92;
Identify, 108; Determine, 108; Contrast,
108; Generalize, 112; Sequence, 119;
21st Century Learning, 9, 27, 96, 115,
220, 235, 295; Differentiated Instruction,
102, 331; Science Notebook, 291;
Science and Social Studies, 95

Informational Text 6. Distinguish their See related content:

own point of view from that of the author of TE: 21st Century Learning, 178, 193, 243;
a text. Differentiated Instruction, 189

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Informational Text 7. Use information The Got It! feature at the end of every
gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, lesson provides opportunities for students
photographs), and the words in a text to to demonstrate their understanding of
demonstrate understanding of the text lesson objectives presented in text and
(e.g., where, when, why, and how key images. See representative pages 9, 27,
events occur). 59, 65, 97, 103, 121, 145, 197, 237, 255,
301, 333, 391, 421.

Other features and activities throughout

Interactive Science support students’
comprehension of lesson images and text.
See the following representative pages:
SE: Text Features, 5, 7, 43, 89, 108, 240;
Observe, 11; Predict, 12-13; Analyze, 17;
Infer, 23; Explain, 25, 418; Recall, 26;
Compare, 30-31, 109; Predict, 53, 111,
181; Identify, 56; Apply, 57, 179;
Determine, 63; Contrast, 65; Compare
and Contrast, 93; Distinguish, 95;
Categorize, 96; Classify, 14, 143, 162-
163, 187; Describe, 114, 181, 360;
Illustration, 118, 152, 154-155, 156-157,
186-187, 188, 299, 358-359; Suggest,
139; List, 141; Sequence, 121, 144, 155;
Read a Graph, 25, 64, 145, 193, 242

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 42

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3
Continued TE: Professional Development Note, 25;
Explain: Recall, 30; Compare, 56;
Interpret, 93; Contrast, 94; Define, 95;
Tell, 100-101; Sequence, 118-119; ELL
Support, 30, 139, 145, 147, 185;
Elaborate: Science Notebook, 31, 119,
158; Explain, 96, 108, 114; Differentiated
Instruction, 97, 156, 181, 182; Common
Misconceptions, 109, 114, 119, 141;
Visual Impaired, 112

Informational Text 8. Describe the logical See the following representative pages:
connection between particular sentences SE: 118-119; Sequence, 137, 155, 221,
and paragraphs in a text (e.g., comparison, 219, 248, 254; Cause and Effect, 177,
cause/effect, first/ second/third in a 189, 191, 249, 355, 357, 381; Compare,
sequence). 121, 160, 284, 295, 390

TE: Science to Reading, 18; ELL Support,

177, 191, 355, 357, 381; Reading
Strategy: Cause and Effect, 177, 355;
Evaluate: Response to Intervention, 249;
Explain: Summarize, 191; Infer, 191;
Recall, 381; Differentiated Instruction, 249

Informational Text 9. Compare and The following related citations prepare

contrast the most important points and key students to meet this standard:
details presented in two texts on the same SE: Compare and Contrast, 93, 147, 189,
topic. 233, 249, 277, 287, 323, 325; Contrast,
65, 375

TE: Activate Prior Knowledge, 133;

21st Century Learning, 299

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

Informational Text 10. By the end of the The Interactive Science curriculum of
year, read and comprehend informational Life, Earth, Physical, and STEM units are
texts, including history/ social studies, appropriately sequenced in 10 chapters
science, and technical texts, at the high end and made personal to students in an
of the grades 2–3 text complexity band engaging, write-in edition. The program
independently and proficiently. fosters successful readers and helps
students develop scientific literacy using
embedded target reading skills, continual
vocabulary support, and graphic
organizers. Interactivities on each page
provide opportunities for students to

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 43

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3
Continued demonstrate comprehension and mastery
of science content. Concepts are
scaffolded with meaningful illustrations
and supported using small chunks of texts
followed by a comprehension check for
understanding. Features such as “Let’s
Read Science” and “Got It?” focus on
specific reading skills and science
comprehension. Content addressing this
standard is located throughout the
program. See the following representative

SE: Lesson Questions and Interactivities,

11-15, 110-115, 185-189, 281-287, 369-
375, 409-413; Let’s Read Science, 49,
137, 177, 219, 273, 323, 355, 407; Text
Features, 5, 7, 89, 240; Got It!, 9, 27, 59,
103, 145, 183, 237, 279, 333, 421;
Explore It!!, 28, 60, 98, 138, 274, 380,
414; Investigate It!, 66-67, 122-123,
198-199, 392-393; Vocabulary Smart
Cards, 37-40, 69-72, 125-128, 165-168,
201-204, 259-264, 305-308, 343-346,
395-398, 429-432; STEM, 68, 164, 313,
342, 437; Big World, My World, 77, 351;
Biography, 45, 258, 304, 428; My Planet
Diary, 6, 50, 146, 178, 244, 296, 356;
Careers, 124, 209, 394; Go Green, 241

TE: Explain, 23, 51, 91, 139, 245, 281,

335, 415; Science to Reading, 18; Science
to Language Arts, 282, 336; Science and
Social Studies, 182, 330, 378; 21st
Century Learning, 40, 96, 164, 143, 153,
235, 339, 365, 371, 383; Science
Notebook, 93, 114, 278, 424; Review the
Big Question, 41, 73, 129, 205, 265, 347;
Lesson Check Worksheets, 9b, 59b, 97b,
153b, 231b, 287b, 327b, 375b; Explore
It!! Worksheets, 33a, 103a, 279a; ELL
Lesson Plan, 10B, 138B, 296B, 408B;
Differentiated Instruction, 229, 359, 413

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 44

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3

Reading Standards for Foundational Skills

Print Concepts
Foundational Skills 1. (Not applicable to (Not applicable to Grade 3)
Grade 3)
Phonological Awareness
Foundational Skills 2. (Not applicable to (Not applicable to Grade 3)
Grade 3)
Phonics and Word Recognition

Foundational Skills 3. Know and apply Interactive Science supports the literacy
grade-level phonics and word analysis skills curriculum and the skills students learn.
in decoding words. Students utilize their word analysis skills
to decode unfamiliar words, including
science vocabulary introduced throughout
the program. Representative pages that
include skill building opportunities to
develop fluent science readers include:

SE: EM2-EM13; Vocabulary Smart Cards,

37-40, 69-72, 125-128, 165-168, 201-
204, 259-264, 305-308, 343-346, 395-
398, 429-432; Make a Word Wheel, 38,
70, 202, 344; Make a Word Frame, 126,
166; Make a Word Magnet, 260, 396, 430;
Make a Word Question, 306

TE: Lesson Check Worksheets, Words to

Know, 9b, 15b, 21b, 33b, 59b, 65b, 97b,
103b, 109b, 115b, 145b, 153b, 161b,
189b, 197b, 231b, 243b, 249b, 255b,
279b, 287b, 301b, 327b, 361b, 375b,
413b, 425b; Academic Vocabulary, 38, 70,
126, 166, 202, 260, 306, 344, 396, 430;
Science to Language Arts, 7, 100, 112,
254, 420; Science Notebook, 187; Science
Writing, 222; ELL Support, 7, 111, 185,
191, 194, 221, 225, 245, 297, 369, 409,
415, 418

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 45

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3
Foundational Skills 4. Read with sufficient The Interactive Science program is
accuracy and fluency to support written on level, with Lexile scores
comprehension. reflecting the grade readability. The
carefully planned curriculum provides a
clear path of purpose and understanding
throughout each lesson, chapter, and unit.
This path includes the "I will know"
statement at the beginning of each lesson
with questions and inter-activities
throughout. Students are supported
before, during, and after every lesson with
features that set the purpose and review
understanding. Representative pages
SE: Unlock the Big Question, 6, 50, 90,
138, 221, 409; Review the Big Question,
130, 266, 434; Apply the Big Question,
131, 267, 435; Text Features, 5, 7, 43,
89, 108, 240; Got It!, 9, 27, 59, 97, 103,
145, 255, 333, 391, 421; Main Idea and
Details, 49, 55, 75, 151, 275, 285, 289,
301, 366, 416; Draw Conclusions, 9, 53,
409, 415; Let’s Read Science, 49, 137,
177, 219, 273, 323, 407; Summarize, 21,
27, 59, 112, 193, 243; Cause and Effect,
177, 191, 207, 249, 355, 381, 400;
Vocabulary Smart Cards, 37-40, 305-308,
343-346, 429-432; Play a Game, 37, 69,
125, 395, 429; Interactive Vocabulary:
Make a Word Pyramid, Make a Word
Wheel, 70, 202, 344; Make a Word Frame,
126, 166; Make a Word Magnet, 260, 396,
430; Chapter Tests, 42-43, 206-207, 434-
435; Benchmark Practice, 132, 312, 436

TE: Introduce the Big Question, 3, 47, 87,

135, 217, 405; Explain, Unlock the Big
Question, 5, 51, 91, 139, 221, 409;
Evaluate: Unlock the Big Question, 9;
Review the Big Question, 131, 266, 434;
Apply the Big Question, 131, 267, 435;
Science to Reading, 234; Lesson Check
Worksheets, 9b, 15b, 21b, 52b, 59b, 97b,
103b, 109b, 223b, 231b, 327b, 333b,
413b, 421b; Interactive & Academic

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 46

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3
Continued Vocabulary: 38, 70, 126, 166, 202, 256,
306, 344, 396, 430; ELL Support, 49, 61,
89, 91, 185, 219, 251, 273; Differentiated
Instruction, 103, 241, 419; Chapter Tests,
45b, 133b, 209b, 313b, 403b, 437b

Additionally, an important literacy

component of the Interactive Science
program is the Leveled Readers Library.
Three content readers per chapter
reinforce key science content at below, on,
and advanced levels. This classroom
library allows students the opportunity to
build relevant science content as they read
for purpose and understanding. For

Chapter 3 Leveled Readers

Below-Level: Plants
On-Level: Growing and Changing Plants
Advanced Level: A Tree’s Life

Writing Standards
Text Types and Purposes
Writing 1. Write opinion pieces on familiar TE: Science to Reading, 8; Science
topics or texts, supporting a point of view Notebook, 9
with reasons.
Also see related content:
SE: Go Green, 21, 62, 113, 300, 364
TE: Differentiated Instruction, 8

Writing 2. Write informative/explanatory Opportunities for students to write

texts to examine a topic and convey ideas informative and explanatory text as they
and information clearly. respond to investigations are abundant
throughout the Interactive Science
write-in student edition. See the following
representative pages:
SE: Try It!, 4, 48, 88, 136; Explore It!!,
98, 138, 362, 414; Investigate It!, 122,
162, 256; Apply It!, 210-213, 314-317,
438-441; My Planet Diary, 6, 50, 116,
146, 178, 220, 244, 296, 324, 356, 376,
408; Performance Based Assessment, 318

TE: Science/Writing, 143, 156, 247;

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 47

Pearson Interactive Science
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Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3
Continued Science Notebook, 57, 93, 149, 151, 181,
326, 364, 383, 417; Differentiated
Instruction, 101, 102, 156, 192, 391;
Explore It!! Worksheets, 21a, 27a, 33a,
161a, 189a, 255a; My Planet Diary
Worksheets, 9a, 53a, 121a, 153a, 183a,
223a, 249a, 301a, 327a, 361a, 413a

PG: Performance Based Assessment, 62;

Apply It! 50-53, 58-61, 66-69

Writing 3. Write narratives to develop real SE: Animals and Seasons, 214; Rock
or imagined experiences or events using Fantasy, 318; Write a Poem, 442
effective technique, descriptive details, and
clear event sequences. TE: Science to Writing, 26, 152, 195, 382;
Science Notebook, 13, 151, 437

PG: Performance Based Assessment, 54,

62, 70

Production and Distribution of Writing

Writing 4. With guidance and support from See the following representative pages:
adults, produce writing in which the TE: Science to Writing, 26, 247, 382;
development and organization are Science Notebook, 13, 57, 93, 149, 151,
appropriate to task and purpose. (Grade 181, 326, 364, 383, 417; 21st Century
specific expectations for writing types are Learning, 9, 21; Differentiated Instruction,
defined in standards 1–3 above.) 156, 192, 364, 391

See also a range of writing tasks in which

the instructor provides lab support.
SE: Try It!, 4, 48, 88, 136; Explore It!!,
98, 138, 362, 414; Investigate It!, 122,
162, 256; Apply It!, 210-213, 314-317,

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 48

Pearson Interactive Science
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Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3
Writing 5. With guidance and support from Students’ knowledge of the writing process
peers and adults, develop and strengthen allows them to be successful in the wide
writing as needed by planning, revising, variety of writing tasks throughout the
and editing. (Editing for conventions should program. See related content:
demonstrate command of Language SE: Go Green, 21
standards 1–3 up to and including grade 3
on pages 28 and 29.) TE: Science and Writing, 152, 156;
Science Notebook, 326; ELL Support, 24;
189 192; Differentiated Instruction, 102,
192; 21st Century Learning, 19, 21, 33,
193, 279, 365

Writing 6. With guidance and support from See related content:

adults, use technology to produce and TE: 21st Century Learning, 31, 96, 193,
publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as 279; Differentiated Instruction, 102, 192,
well as to interact and collaborate with 359
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
Writing 7. Conduct short research projects See the following representative pages:
that build knowledge about a topic. SE: Try It!, 4, 48, 88, 136, 218; Explore
It!!, 10, 16, 22, 98, 138, 224, 362, 414;
Investigate It!, 122, 162, 256; Apply It!,
210-213, 314-317, 438-441

TE: Differentiated Instruction, 18, 52; 21st

Century Learning, 59, 96, 153, 235, 279,
365, 383; Science to Language Arts, 282;
Science to Social Studies, 378

PG: Apply It, 50-53, 58-61, 66-69; Lab

Support, 51, 59, 67, 68; Extensions, 53,
61, 69
Writing 8. Recall information from SE: Text Features, 91, 99, 162-163
experiences or gather information from
print and digital sources; take brief notes TE: Science Notebook, 140, 149, 277,
on sources and sort evidence into provided 298, 358; 21st Century Learning, 27, 96,
categories. 157; Differentiated Instruction, 97, 106,
142, 156, 192, 371, 391; ELL Support,
105, 191, 281; Soil Studies, 269; Go
Green, 390

Interactive Science Untamed Science

Videos, wild and weird online science
experiments, provide additional student
informational resources.

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 49

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3
Writing 9. (Begins in grade 4) (Begins in grade 4)
Range of Writing
Writing 10. Write routinely over extended See the following representative pages:
time frames (time for research, reflection, SE: My Planet Diary, 6, 50, 90, 116, 146,
and revision) and shorter time frames (a 178, 220, 296, 356; Got It!, 21, 65, 97,
single sitting or a day or two) for a range of 103, 223, 231, 361, 367, 391, 413, 425;
discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and Chapter Opener Predict, 3, 47, 87, 135,
audiences. 175, 217, 271, 353; Explore It!!, 54, 60,
138, 154, 190, 224, 232, 280, 328, 334;
Investigate It!, 162-163, 198-199, 302-
303, 392-393; Apply the Big Question, 43,
75, 131, 171, 267, 311, 401

TE: My Planet Diary Worksheet, 9a, 53a,

97a, 121a, 153a, 183a, 223a, 301a, 361a;
Explore It! Worksheet, 15a, 21a, 27a, 33a,
59a, 65a, 115a, 161a, 189a, 197a, 237a;
Lesson Check Worksheets, Apply
Concepts, 9b, 21b, 33b, 97b, 121b, 183b,
197b, 255b, 287b, 301b; Science to Social
Studies, 52, 378; ELL Support, 37, 69;
Science to Language Arts, 229, 282, 336;
Differentiated Instruction, 18, 52, 391

Speaking and Listening Standards

Comprehension and Collaboration

Speaking/Listening 1. Engage effectively SE: Explore It!!, Communicate, 138, 322;
in a range of collaborative discussions (one- Tell, 334, Go Green, 364
on-one, in groups, and teacher led) with
diverse partners on grade 3 topics and TE: Read Aloud, Predict/Explain, 2, 46, 86,
texts, building on others’ ideas and 134, 174, 216, 270, 320, 352, 404;
expressing their own clearly. Engage/Explore, 6, 50, 90, 116, 178, 220,
244, 296, 324, 356, 376, 408, 422;
Differentiated Instruction, 18, 65, 182,
231; 21st Century Learning, 150, 160, 230,
244; Explain, Unlock the Big Question, 11,
17, 55, 99, 105, 111, 139, 147, 155, 185,
191, 221, 239, 245, 251, 275, 281, 289,
297, 325, 328, 363, 369, 377, 415, 423
See also, Envision It!
for lesson interactivities to stimulate
science discussion.

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 50

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3
Speaking/Listening 2. Determine the See the following representative pages:
main ideas and supporting details of a SE: 25, 30, 31; My Planet Diary, 6, 50, 90,
text read aloud or information presented 116, 146, 178, 220, 296, 324, 376, 408,
in diverse media and formats, including 456; Do the Math, 14, 64, 412
visually, quantitatively, and orally.
TE: Read Aloud, Predict, 2, 46, 86, 134,
174, 216, 270, 320, 352, 404; Explore, 6,
50, 90, 116, 146, 178, 220, 296, 324,
376, 408, 456; Explain, Teach with
Visuals, 30, 31, 94, 100, 118, 240-241,
246-247, 358-359, 366, 410-411
Interactive Science Untamed Science
Videos, wild and weird online science
experiments, provide additional student
informational resources.

Speaking/Listening 3. Ask and answer TE: 21st Century Learning, 9, 397

questions about information from a
speaker, offering appropriate elaboration
and detail.

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Speaking/Listening 4. Report on a topic See the following representative pages:
or text, tell a story, or recount an TE: Elaborate, Science Notebook, 119,
experience with appropriate facts and 240, 372; 21st Century Learning, 150, 187,
relevant, descriptive details, speaking 230, 242, 244, 373; Differentiated
clearly at an understandable pace. Instruction, 8, 65, 182, 231, 253, 255,
278, 282, 361; ELL Support, 20, 93, 117,
155, 191, 195, 233, 239, 363

Speaking/Listening 5. Create engaging See related content that contributes to

audio recordings of stories or poems that meeting the standard:
demonstrate fluid reading at an SE: 318, 442
understandable pace; add visual displays
when appropriate to emphasize or enhance TE: Science to Writing, 382, 388
certain facts or details.
PG: Performance Based Assessment, 62,

Speaking/Listening 6. Speak in complete See the following representative pages:

sentences when appropriate to task and TE: Differentiated Instruction, 231; ELL
situation in order to provide requested Support, 69, 130, 206, 259, 262, 345, 434
detail or clarification.

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 51

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3

Language Standards
Conventions in Writing and Speaking
Language 1. Demonstrate command of the Demonstrating standard grammar and
conventions of standard English grammar usage conventions are critical language
and usage when writing or speaking. skills. Students are expected to utilize
these conventions in Interactive
Science, producing and engaging in
communication appropriate to their grade
level and abilities. These skills supported
throughout the program are evident
through a range of activities for a variety
of purposes and audiences. The science
process skill of communicating, giving oral
and written explanations of observations,
is embedded into every lesson. Writing
and speaking features that support skill
growth include:

▪Chapter Opener Predict Responses
▪Lesson Questions and Interactivities
▪Chapter Review Narrative Responses
▪Try It!, Explore It!, Apply It, and
Investigate It! Inquiry Responses
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

▪Science Notebook Tasks
▪Science to Writing Connections
▪Science to Language Arts Connections
▪Science to Social Studies Connections
▪Chapter Opener Read-Alouds
▪Predict Chapter Opener Discussion
▪21st Century Learning Communication and
Collaboration Activities
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Differentiated Instruction for RTI, Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪ELL Support Levels Discussion

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 52

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3
Language 2. Demonstrate command of the In Interactive Science, students are
conventions of standard English expected to produce written work
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling demonstrating knowledge and appropriate
when writing. application of writing principles. In this
program, a range of writing activities
provides an abundance of opportunities for
students to develop and increase their
writing mechanics. The science process
skill of communicating, giving written
explanations of observations, is embedded
into every lesson. Writing features that
promote skill growth include:

▪Chapter Opener Predict Responses
▪ Lesson Questions and Interactivities
▪Chapter Review Narrative Responses
▪Try It!, Explore It!, Apply It, and
Investigate It! Inquiry Responses
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

▪Science Notebook Tasks
▪Science to Writing Connections
▪Science to Language Arts Connections
▪Science to Social Studies Connections
▪Differentiated Instruction for RTI, Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪21st Century Learning Communication
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
Knowledge of Language
Language 3. Use knowledge of language Using language and its conventions
and its conventions when writing, speaking, appropriately are critical to successful
reading, or listening. communication. Throughout Interactive
Science, students are immersed in all
facets of communication, engaging in a
wide range of activities for a variety of
purposes. Formal language instruction
falls outside of the program scope and
sequence, however, an abundance of rich,
science literacy materials presented with
carefully sequenced student tasks in all
areas of communication lead students to

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 53

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3
Continued success. Carefully crafted Interactive
Science lessons built upon a foundation of
scientific methods and process skills,
include the following features that build
and support language development and its
▪Chapter Opener Predict Responses
▪Lesson Questions and Interactivities
▪Let’s Read Science!
▪Explore It! Inquiry Communicate Activities
▪Chapter Review Narrative Responses
▪Inquiry Activities: Lightning Labs, Try It!,
Explore It!, Apply It!, and Investigate
▪Graphic Images with Inquiry Activities
▪Chapter STEM Lessons
▪Chapter Vocabulary Smart Cards
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

▪Chapter Opener Read Alouds
▪Science Notebook Tasks
▪Science to Writing Connections
▪Science to Language Arts Connections
▪Science to Social Studies Connections
▪Predict Chapter Opener Discussion
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Differentiated Instruction for Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪ELL Support
▪Response to Intervention Support
▪21st Century Learning Activities
-Information & Media Literacy
-Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills
-Creativity and Intellectual Curiosity’
-Critical Thinking & Systems Thinking
-Problem Identification, Formulation,
and Solution
-Social Responsibility
-Leadership & Responsibility
-Accountability & Adaptability

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 54

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Language 4. Determine or clarify the See the following representative pages:
meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning SE: Vocabulary Smart Cards, 37-40, 69-
words and phrases based on grade 3 72, 125-128, 165-168, 201-204, 259-264,
reading and content, choosing flexibly from 305-308, 343-346, 395-398, 429-432;
a range of strategies. Interactive Vocabulary: Make a Word
Wheel, 38, 70, 202, 344; Make a Word
Frame, 126, 166; Make a Word Magnet,
260, 396, 430; Make a Word Question,

TE: Explain, Teach with Visuals, 30, 31,

94, 100, 118, 240-241, 246-247, 358-
359, 366, 410-411; Academic Vocabulary,
38, 70, 126, 166, 202, 260, 306, 344,
396, 430; Science/Language Arts, 112,
229; Lesson Check Worksheets, Words to
Know, 9b, 15b, 21b, 27b, 33b, 53b, 59b,
65b, 97b, 103b, 109b, 115b, 121b, 145b,
153b, 161b, 189b, 197b, 231b, 237b,
243b, 249b, 255b, 279b, 287b, 301b,
339b, 361b, 367b, 375b, 379b, 385b,
413b, 421b;
ELL Support, 37, 55, 69, 125, 165, 201,
204, 259, 262, 305, 343, 345, 395, 431;
Differentiated Instruction, 39, 71, 126,
202, 261, 306, 344, 396, 429

Language 5. Demonstrate understanding See the following representative pages:

of word relationships and nuances in word SE: 94, 140-143, 240, 358-361, 370;
TE: Play a Game, 37, 69, 125, 165, 201,
259, 305, 343, 395; Academic Vocabulary,
38, 70, 126, 166, 202, 260, 306, 344,
396, 430; 21st Century Learning, 40, 260,
397; Elaborate, Science Notebook, 114;
ELL Support, 37, 69, 125, 165, 201, 204,
225, 245, 259, 305, 343, 345, 355, 369,
395, 431; Differentiated Instruction, 39,
71, 126, 166, 202, 261, 306, 344, 396,
429; Response to Intervention, 39, 71,
127, 167, 203, 261, 306, 345, 397, 431

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 55

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 3

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 3
Language 6. Acquire and use accurately Students acquire and use grade
grade-appropriate conversational, general appropriate academic and domain-specific
academic, and domain-specific words and words and phrases in Interactive
phrases, including those that signal spatial Science program through a variety of
and temporal relationships (e.g., After built-in language-building features. The
dinner that night we went looking for program’s Reading Path targets reading
them). skills with continual vocabulary support.
Graphic organizers help students develop
critical reading skills and strategies while
helping uncover word meaning when they
read. Every lesson provides student
opportunities to use science language
through task prompts such as Apply, Infer,
Compare, Summarize, Explain, Predict,
Analyze, Identify, and more. Students also
learn and use science-specific vocabulary
through the following features:

▪Words to Know
▪Interactive Vocabulary
▪Vocabulary Smart Cards
▪Unlock the Big Question
▪Apply the Big Question

▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Academic Vocabulary
▪Differentiated Instruction for Language
▪ELL Levels Language Support
▪Response to Intervention Language
▪21st Century Learning Activities
-Information & Media Literacy
-Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills
-Creativity and Intellectual Curiosity’
-Critical Thinking & Systems Thinking
-Problem Identification, Formulation,
and Solution
-Social Responsibility
-Leadership & Responsibility
-Accountability & Adaptability

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 56

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4

Reading Standards for Informational Texts

Key Ideas and Details
Informational Text 1. Refer to details and See the following representative pages:
examples in a text when explaining what the SE: Text Features, 5, 13, 19, 26, 83, 98;
text says explicitly and when drawing Recall, 175, 269, 327, 411; Infer, 28, 33,
inferences from the text. 53, 56, 58, 59, 94, 96, 99, 101, 113, 116,
143, 147, 148, 149, 150, 155, 171, 173,
227, 229, 234, 241, 272, 282, 377, 397,
403, 438; Main Idea and Details, 141, 143,
144, 160, 169, 177, 188, 331, 351, 353,
362, 387; Underline, 8, 17, 55, 58, 94,
103, 109, 113, 122, 123, 149, 163, 223,
228, 262, 269, 311, 361, 402, 415, 439,
440, 445; Circle, 307, 355; Recognize, 91;
Show, 158; Clarify, 231; Explain, 268,
273, 371, 445; Science in Your Backyard,
380; NASA Field Trip, 389; Go Green!,
431; STEM, 253, 347, 452

TE: Recall, 12, 60, 86, 108, 116, 150, 156,

216, 261, 333, 364; Explain, Infer, 61,
150, 163, 169, 215, 234, 273, 280, 361;
Explain, Analyze, 60, 110, 171, 175, 448;
Explain, Paraphrase, 56; Explain,
Distinguish, 374, 403; Explain,
Differentiate, 404; 21st Century Learning,
171; Science Notebook, 137, 215, 222

Informational Text 2. Determine the main See the following representative pages:
idea of a text and explain how it is supported SE: Main Idea and Details, 141, 143, 144,
by key details; summarize the text. 160, 169, 177, 188, 331, 351, 353, 362,
387; Got It!, 15, 23, 31, 53, 71, 99, 153,
167, 207, 223, 229, 235, 265, 283, 309,
317, 377, 409, 419, 451; Summarize, 105,
115, 117, 164, 179, 215, 241, 371, 375,
398, 448; Paraphrase, 120, 399; Apply the
Big Question, 126, 286; Review the Big
Question, 182; Explain, 53, 58, 86, 107,
161, 275, 371, 413, 417, 443; Identify,
61, 95; Determine, 64, 354; My Planet
Diary, 174, 224, 258

TE: Explain, Summarize, 28, 95, 104, 120,

165, 177, 313, 321, 412, 416, 417, 446;

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 57

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Continued 21st Century Learning, 235; Explain,
Identify, 356, 370, 418; Explain,
Synthesize, 373; Explain, Distinguish, 374,
403; Review the Big Question, 39, 67, 133,
187, 249, 343, 385, 455

Informational Text 3. Explain events, See the following representative pages:

procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, SE: What Is Technology?, 48-53;
scientific, or technical text, including what Summarize, 117, 164, 215, 371, 398, 419;
happened and why, based on specific Cause and Effect, 47, 49, 52, 58, 257,
information in the text. 259, 260, 267, 277, 281, 323, 393, 396,
399, 401, 405; Explain, 261, 308, 329,
365, 367, 368, 399, 413; Analyze, 21, 25,
96, 205, 237, 265, 311, 333, 359, 363;
Conclude, 26, 27, 165; Hypothesize, 34;
Challenge, 152, 159, 221, 327, 419

TE: Engage & Explore, 48, 306;

21st Century Learning, 144; Science to
Writing, 261; Explain, 164, 210, 332, 441;
Explain, Analyze, 107, 233, 328, 371, 403;
Explain, Cause and Effect, 126, 164, 170,
220, 240, 277, 308, 440; Explain,
Determine the Factors, 405, 416

Craft and Structure

Informational Text 4. Determine the Interactive Science focuses on relevant
meaning of general academic and domain- science words and phrases, which are
specific words or phrases in a text relevant to highlighted and defined in context,
a grade 4 topic or subject area. followed by related activities and
investigations. Other embedded features
support mastery of science words and
phrases. See the following representative

SE: 7, 8, 17, 18, 49, 55, 85, 149, 150,

169, 203, 219, 237, 277, 307, 325, 353,
361, 373, 401, 411, 437, 445; Vocabulary
Smart Cards, 35-38, 65-66, 127-132,
183-186, 245-248, 287-339-342, 381-382,
423-426, 453-454

TE: Differentiated Instruction, 12, 57, 89,

94, 108, 127, 150, 238, 275, 317, 405,
424; ELL Support, 6B, 11, 37, 40, 49, 85,
101, 113, 142B, 143, 155, 208B, 237,
319, 407, 415, 443; Response to

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 58

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Continued Intervention, 37, 111, 129, 179, 207, 247,
271, 341, 425; 21st Century Learning, 56,
87, 159, 280, 327, 453

Informational Text 5. Describe the overall See the following representative pages:
structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, SE: Process, 55-59; Cause and Effect, 47,
cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, 49, 52, 57, 257, 260, 267, 277, 281, 322,
ideas, concepts, or information in a text or 323, 396, 399, 401, 402, 405, 408, 440;
part of a text. Compare, 29, 57, 93, 109, 176, 203, 213,
228, 275, 205, 313, 319, 322, 328, 335,
362, 398, 412; Sequence, 280, 435, 437,
439, 449, 456; Identify, 61, 232; Show,
158; Design, 161; Explain, 241; Diagram,
272; My Planet Diary, 276; Arrange, 321

TE: Decide, 58; Cause and Effect, 228,

322; Determine, 13, 228; Sequence, 368,
417; Science Notebook, 56, 176, 279, 327,
412; Differentiated Instruction, 57, 59,
275, 416; ELL Support, 47, 228, 257, 259,
277; 21st Century Learning, 176, 327, 408

Informational Text 6. Compare and contrast See the following representative pages:
a firsthand and secondhand account of the SE: 13, 380; Judge, 15; Predict, 19;
same event or topic; describe the differences Analyze, 21; Explore It!!, 24, 100, 218,
in focus and the information provided. 266, 372; Interpret Data, 31; Investigate
It! 180-181, 450-451; Lightning Lab, 261;
Try It!, 434

TE: Apply Concepts, 15b; Lab Support, 24;

See also related inquiries, 106, 256, 444

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Informational Text 7. Interpret information See the following representative pages:
presented visually, orally, or quantitatively SE: 27, 50-53, 55, 57, 60, 83, 86, 87, 90,
(e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, 94-95, 98, 103, 144-145, 151, 156-157,
animations, or interactive elements on Web 170-171, 178, 204-205, 208, 210-211,
pages) and explain how the information 215, 216, 227, 234, 238-239, 262-263,
contributes to an understanding of the text in 268, 271, 272-273, 275, 278-279, 280-
which it appears. 281, 314-316, 323, 326-327, 354-355,
358, 360, 362, 363, 368, 375, 395, 403,
404, 412, 415, 431, 446-447; Do the
Math, 152, 228, 362, 448

TE: Apply the Big Question, 182; Science

to Math, 313, 412; Science Notebook, 316,
327, 375; Lightning Lab, 326

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 59

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Informational Text 8. Explain how an author SE: 163-167, 168-173, 174-179, 182
uses reasons and evidence to support
particular points in a text. TE: Lesson Plan, 162A-162B, 168A-168B,
174A-175B; Engage, Activate Prior
Knowledge, 162, 168, 174; Common
Misconception, 165, 166, 178; Elaborate,
Science Notebook, 164, 170, 176;
Evaluate, Got It!, 167, 173, 179; Inquiry
Explore It! Worksheet, 167a; My Planet
Diary Worksheet, 173a, 179a; Lesson
Check Worksheets, 167b, 173b, 179b;
21st Century Learning, 171, 173, 176

Informational Text 9. Integrate information TE: 21st Century Learning, Interpersonal

from two texts on the same topic in order to and Collaborative Skills, 357;
write or speak about the subject See other opportunities to integrate
knowledgeably. information, Differentiated Instruction,
403, 412; 21st Century Learning, 142, 371,
406; Elaborate, Science Notebook, 164

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

Informational Text 10. By the end of year, The Interactive Science curriculum of
read and comprehend informational texts, Life, Earth, Physical, and STEM units are
including history/social studies, science, and appropriately sequenced in 10 chapters
technical texts, in the grades 4–5 text and made personal to students in an
complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding engaging, write-in edition. The program
as needed at the high end of the range. fosters successful readers and helps
students develop scientific literacy using
embedded target reading skills, continual
vocabulary support, and graphic
organizers. Interactivities on each page
provide opportunities for students to
demonstrate comprehension and mastery
of science content. Concepts are
scaffolded with meaningful illustrations and
supported using small chunks of texts
followed by a comprehension check for
understanding. Features such as “Let’s
Read Science” and “Got It?” focus on
specific reading skills and science
comprehension. Content addressing this
standard is located throughout the
program. See the following representative

SE: Lesson Questions and Interactivities,

7-9, 11-15, 17-23, 25-31, 34; Let’s Read

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 60

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to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Continued Science, 5, 47, 83, 103, 143, 201, 257,
305, 351, 435; Text Features, 5, 13, 19,
26, 83, 98; Got It?, 15, 23, 31, 53, 71, 99,
153, 167, 207, 223, 229, 235, 265, 283,
309, 317, 377, 409, 419, 451; Explore It!!,
16; Vocabulary Smart Cards, 35-38;
Observing Plants, 43

TE: ELL Lesson Plan, 6B, 10B, 16B, 24B;

21st Century Learning, 8; Elaborate,
Science Notebook, 8; Evaluate, 9, 15, 23,
31; Lesson Check Worksheets, 9b, 23b,
31b; Explain 11, 12, 14, 17, 18-19, 20,
22, 25, 26, 28, 30; Differentiated
Instruction, 18; Lesson Check Worksheets,
23a, 31a; Response to Intervention 9, 15,
23, 40; ELL Support 25, 37, 40; Review
the Big Question, 39

Reading Standards for Foundational Skills

Print Concepts
Foundational Skills 1. (Not applicable to (Not applicable to Grade 4)
Grade 4)
Phonological Awareness
Foundational Skills 2. (Not applicable to (Not applicable to Grade 4)
Grade 4)
Phonics and Word Recognition
Foundational Skills 3. Know and apply Interactive Science supports the literacy
grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in curriculum and the skills students learn.
decoding words. Students utilize their word analysis skills to
decode unfamiliar words, including science
vocabulary introduced throughout the
program. Representative pages that
include skill building opportunities to
develop fluent science readers include:

SE: EM2-EM15; Vocabulary Smart Cards,

35-38, 65-66, 127-132, 183-184, 245-
248, 287-290, 339-342, 381-384, 423-
426, 453-454; Interactive Vocabulary,
Make a Word Pyramid, 36, 128, 424; Make
a Word Square, 66, 288; Make a Word
Wheel, 183, 246, 382; Make a Word
Frame, 340; Make a Word Magnet, 454
TE: Lesson Check Worksheets, Words to

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 61

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Continued Know, 9b, 15b, 23b, 31b, 53b, 61b, 91b,
99b, 105b, 111b, 118b, 123b, 147b, 153b,
161b, 167b, 173b, 207b, 217b, 229b,
235b, 241b, 265b, 269b, 283b, 317b,
323b, 335b, 359b, 365b, 371b, 377b,
399b, 405b, 409b, 413b, 419b, 443b,
449b; Academic Vocabulary, 36, 66, 128,
183, 246, 288, 340, 382, 424, 454;
Elaborate, 211, 215, 222, 369; Word
Structure, 150; Science to Reading, 90;
Science to Language Arts, 220, 322;
Science Notebook, 86, 151, 102, 211, 369,
376; ELL Support, 25, 37, 61, 85, 101,
107, 113, 117, 128, 169, 184, 203, 237,
247, 259, 267, 277, 331, 367, 415, 440

Foundational Skills 4. Read with sufficient The Interactive Science program is
accuracy and fluency to support written on level, with Lexile scores
comprehension. reflecting the grade readability. The
Interactive Science curriculum provides
a clear path of purpose and understanding
throughout each lesson, chapter, and unit.
This path includes the "I will know"
statement at the beginning of each lesson
with questions and inter-activities
throughout. Students are supported
before, during, and after every lesson with
features that set the purpose and review
understanding. Representative pages

SE: 7-8, 17-18, 49, 55, 85, 149-150, 169,

203, 325, 373, 445; Unlock the Big
Question, 7, 49, 85, 101, 203, 231, 259,
353, 395, 411, 437, 445; Text Features, 5,
13, 19, 26, 98; Cause and Effect, 49, 52;
Draw Conclusions, 123, 367, 405; Main
Idea and Details, 141, 169, 177, 188, 331,
353, 387; Got It?, 15, 31, 53, 105, 117,
161, 223, 241, 269, 377, 419, 449;
Summarize, 105, 115, 179, 375, 398, 448;
Let’s Read Science, 5, 47, 83, 103, 201,
257, 305, 435; Vocabulary Smart Cards,
35-38, 127-132, 287-290, 453-454; Play a
Game, 35, 183, 245, 423, 453; Make a
Word Pyramid, 36, 128, 424; Make a Word

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 62

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Continued Square, 66, 288; Make a Word Wheel,
183, 246, 382; Make a Word Frame, 340;
Make a Word Magnet, 454; Chapter
Review/ Benchmark Practice, 40-42, 134-
136, 250-252

TE: Introduce the Big Question, 3, 45, 81,

139, 255, 303, 391, 433; Review the Big
Question, 39, 67, 133, 187, 291, 343, 385,
427; Lesson Check Worksheets, 16b, 23b,
61b, 105b, 111b, 161b, 173b, 207b, 235b,
265b, 309b, 317b, 335b, 365b, 377b,
449b; Interactive & Academic Vocabulary,
36, 66, 128, 183, 288, 340, 382, 424,
454; ELL Support, 47, 83, 143, 305, 351,
393; Response to Intervention, 9, 53, 117,
223, 371; Differentiated Instruction, 12,
35, 89, 123, 161, 240, 245, 287, 424; ELL
Support, 37, 66, 128, 184, 247, 341, 454;
Response to Intervention, 37, 66, 129,
184, 341, 383, 454; Chapter Tests, 41a-
41b, 429a-429b

Additionally, an important literacy

component of the Interactive Science
program is the Leveled Readers Library.
Three content readers per chapter
reinforce key science content at below, on,
and advanced levels. This classroom library
allows students the opportunity to build
relevant science content as they read for
purpose and understanding. For example:

Chapter 3 Leveled Readers

Below-Level: Plants and Animals
On-Level: Animal and Plant Classification
Advanced Level: Strange Plants?

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 63

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to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4

Writing Standards
Text Types and Purposes
Writing 1. Write opinion pieces on topics or SE: Performance-Based Assessment: 78,
texts, supporting a point of view with reasons 196
and information.
TE: Science/Social Studies, 51; Science
Notebook, 50, 56, 145; Science Writing,
355, 370; 21st Century Learning, 144, 158,

PG: Performance-Based Assessment:

Conduct a Survey, 46; Make a
Presentation, 54

Writing 2. Write informative/explanatory Opportunities for students to write

texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and informative and explanatory text as they
information clearly. respond to investigations are abundant
throughout the Interactive Science
student write-in edition. See the following
representative pages:

SE: Try It!, 4, 82, 304, 352, 434; Explore

It!!, 10, 112, 208, 400; Investigate It!,
124-125, 180-181, 336-337, 378-379;
My Planet Diary, 92, 202, 224, 406, 436;
Performance-Based Assessment: Write a
Report, 78, 196, 300, 464

TE: Science Notebook, 26, 50, 56, 156,

164, 170; Science/Social Studies, 51, 166,
363, 403; Science/Writing, 102, 114, 122,
151, 158, 205, 242, 370; Differentiated
Instruction, 15, 18, 57, 59, 150, 234, 268,
275, 403, 405, 412; 21st Century Learning,
50, 64, 144, 159, 173, 206, 226, 235,
327, 353, 371, 376, 406, 408; My Planet
Diary Worksheets, 99a, 123a, 147a, 173a,
179a, 207a, 229a, 283a, 309a, 329a,
359a, 409a, 443a; Explore It!!
Worksheets, 15a, 23a, 31a, 61a, 71a,
105a, 111a, 117a, 217a, 161a, 223a,
235a, 241a, 269a, 275a, 317a, 335a,
371a, 377a, 399a, 405a, 413a, 419a, 449a

PG: Performance-Based Assessment: Write

a Report, 46; Write a Biography, 54; Make

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 64

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Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Continued a Presentation, 54; Write Historical Fiction,
62; Cooking up Science, 70

Writing 3. Write narratives to develop real or SE: Performance-Based Assessment, 196,

imagined experiences or events using effective 300, 464
technique, descriptive details, and clear event
sequences. TE: Science/Writing, 96, 122, 151, 158,
164, 177, 239, 272, 321, 370; Science
Notebook, 26, 56, 96, 439, 440;
Differentiated Instruction, 127

PG: Performance-Based Assessment: Make

a Presentation, 54; Write Historical Fiction,
62; Cooking Up Science, 70

Production and Distribution of Writing

Writing 4. Produce clear and coherent writing See the following representative pages:
in which the development and organization are SE: Try It!, 4, 82, 304, 352, 434; Explore
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. It!!, 10, 112, 208, 400; Investigate It!,
124-125, 180-181, 336-337, 378-379;
My Planet Diary, 92, 202, 224, 406, 436;
Performance-Based Assessment: Write a
Report, 78, 196, 300, 464

TE: Science Notebook, 26, 50, 56, 122,

164, 170, 213, 215, 223, 260, 261, 268,
440; Science to Social Studies, 166, 363,
403; Science to Writing, 95, 96, 102, 114,
122, 126, 151, 158, 172, 177, 204, 205,
239, 261, 262, 272, 308, 321, 355, 364,
370, 441; 21st Century Learning, 50, 144,
159, 206, 235, 353, 371, 376, 406, 408;
Differentiated Instruction, 15, 18, 59,
234, 324, 403, 448

PG: Performance-Based Assessment:

Conduct a Survey, 46; Write a Report, 46;
Design a Package, 46; Write a Biography,
54; Make a Presentation, 54; Write
Historical Fiction, 62; Height and Potential
Energy, 70; Cooking up Science, 70; Write
a Poem, 70

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 65

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Writing 5. With guidance and support from Students’ knowledge of the writing process
peers and adults, develop and strengthen allows them to be successful in the wide
writing as needed by planning, revising, and variety of writing tasks throughout the
editing. program.
SE: Go Green, 281; Performance-Based
Assessment, 78, 196

TE: Differentiated Instruction, 15, 412;

Science Notebook, 96; Science/Writing,
321; 21st Century Learning, 50, 64, 206,
226, 327, 357, 406, 408

PG: Performance-Based Assessment:

Conduct a Survey, 46; Write a Biography,

Writing 6. With some guidance and support See related citations:

from adults, use technology, including the SE: My Planet Diary, Let’s Blog, 142
Internet, to produce and publish writing as
well as to interact and collaborate with others; TE: Science Notebook, 8, 56;
demonstrate sufficient command of Differentiated Instruction, 23, 57;
keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one 21st Century Learning, 8, 64, 104, 142,
page in a single sitting. 173, 206, 226, 357, 406, 408

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Writing 7. Conduct short research projects See the following representative pages:
that build knowledge through investigation of SE: 72-77, 166, 192-195, 296-299, 460-
different aspects of a topic. 463; Performance-Based Assessment, 78,
196, 300, 464

TE: Science/Writing, 158, 204, 262;

Science/Social Studies, 166; Science
Notebook, 234; Differentiated Instruction,
15, 57, 150, 268, 275; 21st Century
Learning, 50, 64, 104, 144, 171, 173, 206,
226, 235, 274, 312, 327, 357, 376, 408

PG: Inquiry Apply It!, 50, 58, 66; Possible

Extensions, 53, 61, 69; Performance-
Based Assessment: Conduct a Survey, 46;
Write a Report, 46; Design a Package, 46;
Write a Biography, 54; Make a
Presentation, 54; Write Historical Fiction,
62; Plan an Investigation, 62; Height and
Potential Energy, 70

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 66

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Writing 8. Recall relevant information from SE: Performance-Based Assessment, 78
experiences or gather relevant information
from print and digital sources; take notes and TE: Science Notebook, 8; Science to
categorize information, and provide a list of Writing, 262
PG: Performance-Based Assessment:
Conduct a Survey, 46; Write a Report, 46

Interactive Science Untamed Science

Videos, wild and weird online science
experiments, provide additional student
informational resources.

Writing 9. Draw evidence from literary or SE: Performance-Based Assessment, 78,

informational texts to support analysis, 196, 300
reflection, and research.
TE: Science to Social Studies, 403; Science
Notebook, 126, 234; Science to Writing,
204, 262; Differentiated Instruction, 57,
150, 226, 357, 371, 403, 412;
21st Century Learning, 50, 64, 104, 144,
173, 206, 235, 406, 408

PG: Performance-Based Assessment:

Conduct a Survey, 46; Write a Report, 46;
Write a Biography, 54; Make a
Presentation, 54; Write Historical Fiction,

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 67

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to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Range of Writing
Writing 10. Write routinely over extended See the following representative pages:
time frames (time for research, reflection, and SE: My Planet Diary, 92, 118, 142, 174,
revision) and shorter time frames (a single 202, 406; Got It!, 15, 23, 31, 53, 71, 99,
sitting or a day or two) for a range of 153, 167, 207, 223, 229, 235, 265, 283,
discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and 309, 317, 377, 409, 419, 451; Explore It!!,
audiences. 54, 84, 100, 106, 112, 142, 154, 162,
208, 218, 230, 266, 270, 310, 330, 366,
372, 394, 400, 410, 444; Chapter Opener,
Predict, 3, 45, 81, 139, 155, 163, 255,
349, 433; Investigate It!, 32-33, 62-63,
124-125, 180-181, 242-243, 378-379,
420-421, 450-451

TE: My Planet Diary Worksheets, 99a,

123a, 147a, 173a, 179a, 207a, 229a,
265a, 283a, 309a, 329a, 359a, 409a,
443a; Explore It!! Worksheets, 15a, 23a,
31a, 61a, 71a, 105a, 111a, 117a, 217a,
161a, 223a, 235a, 269a, 275a, 317a,
335a, 371a, 377a, 399a, 405a, 413a,
419a, 449a; Lesson Check Worksheets,
Apply Concepts, 9b, 15b, 16b, 23b, 31b,
53b, 61b, 91b, 99b, 105b, 153b, 167b,
207b, 235b, 265b, 275b, 309b, 317b,
323b, 335b, 359b, 377b, 399b, 409b,

Speaking and Listening Standards

Comprehension and Collaboration
Speaking/Listening 1. Engage effectively in See the following representative pages:
a range of collaborative discussions (one-on- SE: 72-77, 109, 166; Lightning Lab, 8, 13,
one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse 29, 98, 103, 116, 239, 309; Explore It!!,
partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building Communicate, 54, 100
on others’ ideas and expressing their own
clearly. TE: Read Alouds, Predict/Explain, 2, 44,
80, 138, 198, 254, 302, 348, 390, 432;
Engage/Explore, 118, 142, 168, 202, 324,
352; Explain, 14, 22, 85, 102, 119, 160,
328, 398; Science/Social Studies, 109,
212; Science Notebook, 58, 116; My
Planet Diary, 147a; Go Green, 60, 166,
179, 281; 21st Century Learning, 56, 87,
122, 171, 173, 183, 206, 232, 327, 406,

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 68

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Continued 453; ELL Support, 93, 209, 219, 319, 332,
397; Differentiated Instruction, 34, 108,
146, 161, 238, 240, 245, 381, 412;
See also, Envision It!
for lesson interactivities to stimulate
science discussion.

Speaking/Listening 2. Paraphrase portions See related citations:

of a text read aloud or information presented SE: 120, 399
in diverse media and formats, including
visually, quantitatively, and orally. TE: 21st Century Learning, 173, 206, 327,

Speaking/Listening 3. Identify the reasons See related citations:

and evidence a speaker provides to support SE: Go Green, 166; Voices from History,
particular points. 406

TE: Read Alouds, Predict/Explain, 2, 44,

80, 138, 198, 254, 302, 348, 390, 432;
My Planet Diary, 409a; Explain, 25;
Science Notebook, 380; 21st Century
Learning, 26, 173, 206; Differentiated
Instruction, 35, 145, 223

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Speaking/Listening 4. Report on a topic or SE: 72-77, 100, 142, 176, 380; At Home
text, tell a story, or recount an experience in Lab, 110, 121; Lightning Lab, 103, 364
an organized manner, using appropriate facts
and relevant, descriptive details to support TE: Explore It!! 105a, 117a, 269a; Science
main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an Notebook, 14; ELL Support, 163, 271;
understandable pace. Differentiated Instruction, 35, 108, 238,
260, 268, 369, 403, 412; 21st Century
Skills, 26, 50, 64, 171, 206, 232, 327,
376, 406; Science to Writing, 122, 261

Speaking/Listening 5. Add audio recordings See related content:

and visual displays to presentations when SE: Lightning Lab, 116
appropriate to enhance the development of
main ideas or themes. TE: 21st Century Learning, 26, 171, 173,
206, 226, 232, 406; ELL, 163, 271;
Differentiated Instruction, 18, 164, 238,

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 69

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to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Speaking/Listening 6. Differentiate between See related content:
contexts that call for formal English (e.g., SE: Vocabulary Smart Cards, 35-38, 65-
presenting ideas) and situations where 66, 127-132, 183-184, 245-248, 287-290,
informal discourse is appropriate (e.g., small- 339-342, 381-384, 423-426, 453-454
group discussion); use formal English when
appropriate to task and situation. TE: Explore, 6, 92, 174, 258, 324, 406;
Interactive & Academic Vocabulary, 36, 66,
128, 184, 246, 288, 340, 382, 424, 454;
ELL Support, 11, 85, 93, 117, 128, 149,
155, 203, 209, 277, 367;
Differentiated Instruction, 34, 150, 215,
223, 245, 260; Response to Intervention,
117, 129, 167, 289; Science to Social
Studies, 109, 403

Language Standards
Conventions in Writing and Speaking
Language 1. Demonstrate command of the Demonstrating standard grammar and
conventions of standard English grammar and usage conventions are critical language
usage when writing or speaking. skills. Students are expected to utilize
these conventions in Interactive Science,
producing and engaging in communication
appropriate to their grade level and
abilities. These skills supported throughout
the program are evident through a range
of activities for a variety of purposes and
audiences. The science process skill of
communicating, giving oral and written
explanations of observations, is embedded
into every lesson. Writing and speaking
features that support skill growth include:

▪Chapter Opener Predict Responses
▪Lesson Questions and Interactivities
▪Chapter Review Narrative Responses
▪Try It!, Explore It!, Apply It, and
Investigate It! Inquiry Responses
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

▪Science Notebook Tasks
▪Science to Writing Connections
▪Science to Language Arts Connections
▪Science to Social Studies Connections
▪Chapter Opener Read-Alouds

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 70

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Continued ▪Predict Chapter Opener Discussion
▪21st Century Learning Communication and
Collaboration Activities
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Differentiated Instruction for RTI, Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪ELL Support Levels Discussion

Language 2. Demonstrate command of the In Interactive Science, students are

conventions of standard English capitalization, expected to produce written work
punctuation, and spelling when writing. demonstrating knowledge and appropriate
application of writing principles. In this
program, a range of writing activities
provides an abundance of opportunities for
students to develop and increase their
writing mechanics. The science process
skill of communicating, giving written
explanations of observations, is embedded
into every lesson. Writing features that
promote skill growth include:

▪Chapter Opener Predict Responses
▪ Lesson Questions and Interactivities
▪Chapter Review Narrative Responses
▪Try It!, Explore It!, Apply It, and
Investigate It! Inquiry Responses
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

▪Science Notebook Tasks
▪Science to Writing Connections
▪Science to Language Arts Connections
▪Science to Social Studies Connections
▪Differentiated Instruction for RTI, Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪21st Century Learning Communication
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 71

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Knowledge of Language
Language 3. Use knowledge of language and Using language and its conventions
its conventions when writing, speaking, appropriately are critical to successful
reading, or listening. communication. Throughout Interactive
Science, students are immersed in all
facets of communication, engaging in a
wide range of activities for a variety of
purposes. Formal language instruction
falls outside of the program scope and
sequence, however, an abundance of rich,
science literacy materials presented with
carefully sequenced student tasks in all
areas of communication lead students to
success. Carefully crafted Interactive
Science lessons built upon a foundation of
scientific methods and process skills,
include the following features that build
and support language development and its

▪Chapter Opener Predict Responses
▪Lesson Questions and Interactivities
▪Let’s Read Science!
▪Explore It! Communicate Questions
▪Chapter Review Narrative Responses
▪Inquiry Activities: Lightning Labs, Try It!,
Explore It!, Apply It!, and Investigate It!
▪Graphic Images with Inquiry Activities
▪Chapter STEM Lessons
▪Chapter Vocabulary Smart Cards
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

▪Chapter Opener Read Alouds
▪Science Notebook Tasks
▪Science to Writing Connections
▪Science to Language Arts Connections
▪Science to Social Studies Connections
▪Predict Chapter Opener Discussion
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Differentiated Instruction for Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪ELL Support

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 72

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Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Continued ▪Response to Intervention Support
▪21st Century Learning Activities
-Information & Media Literacy
-Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills
-Creativity and Intellectual Curiosity’
-Critical Thinking & Systems Thinking
-Problem Identification, Formulation,
and Solution
-Social Responsibility
-Leadership & Responsibility
-Accountability & Adaptability

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Language 4. Determine or clarify the See the following representative pages:
meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning SE: Interactive Vocabulary, 36, 66, 184,
words and phrases based on grade 4 reading 246, 288, 340, 382; Vocabulary Smart
and content, choosing flexibly from a range of Cards, 35-38, 65-67, 127-132, 183-186,
strategies. 245-248, 287-290, 339-342, 381-382,
423-426, 453-454

TE: Explain, Teach with Visuals, 94, 144,

146, 212, 232, 262, 272, 278, 354, 356,
446; Lesson Check Worksheets, Words to
Know, 15b, 31b, 53b, 99b, 105b, 118b,
123b, 167b, 217b, 229b, 265b, 283b,
377b, 409b, 419b, 443b, 449b; 21st
Century Learning, 183, 339, 435;
Academic Vocabulary, 36, 128, 184, 246,
289, 340, 382, 424, 454; Vocabulary
Activities for Differentiated Instruction
Students, 35, 127, 245, 287, 381, 424;
ELL Vocabulary Support, 7, 11, 17, 55, 85,
93, 101, 107, 113, 119, 143, 175, 184,
203, 209, 237, 247, 259, 277, 307, 353,
361, 367, 373, 382, 395, 407, 411, 415,
423, 454; Vocabulary Activities for
Response to Intervention Students, 37, 66,
129, 184, 247, 289, 341, 382, 425

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 73

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to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Language 5. Demonstrate understanding of See the following representative pages:
figurative language, word relationships, and SE: 22, 51, 83, 94, 150, 269, 356, 375
nuances in word meanings.
TE: Explain, 328, 353; STEM Healthcare
Technology 34; Elaborate, 52, 222, 369;
Academic Vocabulary 66, 246, 382;
Science Notebook, 86, 102, 151, 155, 156,
211, 417, 452; Science to Reading, 90;
Teacher Background, 138C; Differentiated
Instruction, 268, 448; Science to Writing,
272, 441; Teach with Visuals, 272-273;
Science to Language Arts, 220, 322, ELL
Support, 7, 25, 61, 105, 119, 143, 203,
209, 215, 231, 237, 267, 271, 277, 307,
311, 325, 353, 361, 375, 386, 395, 397,
415; Response to Intervention, 37, 66,
129, 185, 247, 289, 377, 425, 437, 454

Language 6. Acquire and use accurately Students acquire and use grade
grade-appropriate general academic and appropriate academic and domain-specific
domain-specific words and phrases, including words and phrases in the Interactive
those that signal precise actions, emotions, or Science program through a variety of
states of being (e.g., quizzed, whined, built-in language-building features. The
stammered) and that are basic to a particular program’s Reading Path targets reading
topic (e.g., wildlife, conservation, and skills with continual vocabulary support.
endangered when discussing animal Graphic organizers help students develop
preservation). critical reading skills and strategies while
helping uncover word meaning when they
read. Every lesson provides student
opportunities to use science language
through task prompts such as Apply, Infer,
Compare, Summarize, Explain, Predict,
Analyze, Identify, and more. Students also
learn and use science-specific vocabulary
through the following features:

▪Words to Know
▪Interactive Vocabulary
▪Vocabulary Smart Cards
▪Unlock the Big Question
▪Apply the Big Question

▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 74

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Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 4

Common Core State Standards Interactive Science

for English Language Arts ©2012
Grade 4
Continued ▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Academic Vocabulary
▪Differentiated Instruction for Language
▪ELL Levels Language Support
▪Response to Intervention Language
▪21st Century Learning Activities
-Information & Media Literacy
-Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills
-Creativity and Intellectual Curiosity’
-Critical Thinking & Systems Thinking
-Problem Identification, Formulation,
and Solution
-Social Responsibility
-Leadership & Responsibility
-Accountability & Adaptability

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 75

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Reading Standards for Informational Texts

Key Ideas and Details
Informational Text 1. Quote accurately See the following representative pages:
from a text when explaining what the text SE: Summarize, 57, 287, 373; Describe, 6,
says explicitly and when drawing inferences 11, 180; Analyze, 10; Main Idea and
from the text. Details, 91; Identify, 305, 312; Infer, 65;
Explain, 11, 67, 145, 471; Evaluate, 31;
Compare and Contrast, 105; Compare, 433

TE: Identify, 7; Explain, 8, 103, 271;

Recognize, 10, 307; List, 306; Infer, 306,
433; Unlock the Big Question, Explain,
309b, 315b; Elaborate, Science Notebook,

Informational Text 2. Determine two or SE: Main Idea and Details, 47, 49, 89, 91,
more main ideas of a text and explain how 92, 207, 209, 463, 465, 494; Got It!,
they are supported by key details; Explain, 11, 19, 423; Describe, 27;
summarize the text. Recognize, 309; Summarize, 57, 165, 235,
315, 447; Unlock the Big Question, 327,
343, 429; Compare, 333; Classify, 339;
Interpret, 435; Predict, 441

TE: Lesson Check, Unlock the Big Question,

Explain, 11b, 19b, 95b, 101b, 423b, 429b,
435b, 441b

Informational Text 3. Explain the SE: Analyze, 50; Predict, 51; Infer, 129,
relationships or interactions between two or 136; Suggest, 131; Apply, 49, 133;
more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts Compare and Contrast, 137, 233;
in a historical, scientific, or technical text Summarize, 273; Compare, 333
based on specific information in the text.
TE: Engage & Explore, 48; Elaborate, 131;
Response to Intervention, 133, 343; Cause
and Effect, 137; Determine, 137; Compare,
209; Describe, 217; Contract, 218, 440;
Infer, 218; Compare and Contrast, 517

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 76

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Craft and Structure

Informational Text 4. Determine the Interactive Science focuses on relevant
meaning of general academic and domain- science words and phrases, which are
specific words and phrases in a text relevant highlighted and defined in context, followed
to a grade 5 topic or subject area. by related activities and investigations.
Other embedded features support mastery
of science words and phrases. See the
following representative pages:

SE: 57, 210, 212-213, 217,364, 367, 466,

471, 480-481; Vocabulary Smart Cards,
35-38, 71-72, 109-112, 149-150, 193-198,
239-242, 291-294, 347-352, 397-400, 451-
454, 489-492, 525-528

TE: Differentiated Instruction, 35, 71, 109,

193, 239, 291, 397, 451, 489, 525; Play
the Game, 35, 71, 109, 149, 193, 239,
291, 347, 397, 451, 489, 525; 21st Century
Learning, 124, 347, 372, 386, 489;
Interactive Vocabulary, 36, 72, 100, 150,
194, 240, 292, 348, 398, 452, 490, 526;
Academic Vocabulary, 36, 72, 100, 150,
194, 240, 292, 348, 398, 452, 490, 526;
Science Notebook, 124, 419; ELL Support,
37, 72, 111, 150, 195, 241, 292, 348, 399,
453, 491, 527

Informational Text 5. Compare and See related citations:

contrast the overall structure (e.g., TE: 21st Century Learning, 30, 177, 228,
chronology, comparison, cause/effect, 308, 372, 386, 507; Differentiated
problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, Instruction, 8, 314, 326, 422
or information in two or more texts.

Informational Text 6. Analyze multiple SE: Try It!, 120; Explore It!!, 178; 301,
accounts of the same event or topic, noting 302, 305, 308, 309
important similarities and differences in the
point of view they represent. TE: Read Aloud, 300; Predict, 300; Inquiry
Try It, 302; Lab Support, 302;
Differentiated Instruction, 307

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 77

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Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Informational Text 7. Draw on information TE: 21st Century Learning, 6, 30, 308, 386,
from multiple print or digital sources, 440; Differentiated Instruction, 314, 509
demonstrating the ability to locate an answer
to a question quickly or to solve a problem

Informational Text 8. Explain how an See representative pages:

author uses reasons and evidence to support SE: 264-267, 268-275, 276-281, 299
particular points in a text, identifying which
reasons and evidence support which point(s). TE: Science to Social Studies, 278; Do the
Math, 271; Elaborate, Science Notebook,
266, 270; Professional Development Note,
14, 132, 267, 278, 280, 477; ELL Support,
265; Evaluate, Response to Intervention,
267, 275, 281

Informational Text 9. Integrate information TE: 21st Century Learning, 6, 308, 372,
from several texts on the same topic in order 386, 440; Differentiated Instruction, 509
to write or speak about the subject

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

Informational Text 10. By the end of the The Interactive Science curriculum of
year, read and comprehend informational Life, Earth, Physical, and STEM units are
texts, including history/ social studies, appropriately sequenced in 12 chapters and
science, and technical texts, at the high end made personal to students in an engaging,
of the grades 4–5 text complexity band write-in edition. The program fosters
independently and proficiently. successful readers and helps students
develop scientific literacy using embedded
target reading skills, continual vocabulary
support, and graphic organizers.
Interactivities on each page provide
opportunities for students to demonstrate
comprehension and mastery of science
content. Concepts are scaffolded with
meaningful illustrations and supported
using small chunks of texts followed by a
comprehension check for understanding.
Features such as “Let’s Read Science” and
“Got It?” focus on specific reading skills and
science comprehension. Content addressing
this standard is located throughout the
program. See the following representative
SE: Lesson Questions and Interactivities,

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 78

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Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Continued 2-11, 90-95, 185-189, 258-263, 304-309;

413-423; 499-509; Let’s Read Science,
Cause and Effect, 121, 123; Let’s Read
Science, Compare and Contrast, 414, 417;
Text Features, 5, 7; Vocabulary Smart
Cards, 35-37, 149-150, 347-352; Got It?,
11, 19, 177, 267, 387, 521; STEM, 43

TE: Elaborate, Science Notebook, 8; Lesson

Checks, 11b, 27b, 183b, 263b, 435b;
Differentiated Instruction, 18; Response to
Intervention, 11, 19, 27, 31; ELL Support
7, 13, 21, 29; Review the Big Question, 39,
151, 353; ELL Lesson Plan, 6B, 166B,
382B, 516B;
Reading Standards for Foundational Skills
Print Concepts
Foundational Skills 1. (Not applicable to (Not applicable to Grade 5)
Grade 5)
Phonological Awareness
Foundational Skills 2. (Not applicable to (Not applicable to Grade 5)
Grade 5)
Phonics and Word Recognition

Foundational Skills 3. Know and apply Interactive Science supports the literacy
grade-level phonics and word analysis skills curriculum and the skills students learn.
in decoding words. Students utilize their word analysis skills to
decode unfamiliar words, including science
vocabulary introduced throughout the
program. Representative pages that include
skill building opportunities to develop fluent
science readers include:

SE: EM2-EM18; Vocabulary Smart Cards,

35-38, 71-72, 109-112, 149-150, 193-198,
239-242, 291-294, 347-352, 397-400, 451-
454, 489-492, 525-528; Interactive
Vocabulary, Make a Word Pyramid, 490;
Make a Word Square, 37, 100; Make a
Word Wheel, 240, 398; Make a Word
Frame, 72, 194, 292, 452; Make a Word
Magnet, 348, 526
TE: Lesson Check Worksheets, Words to
Know, 11b, 27b, 53b, 95b, 105b, 127b,
171b, 231b, 281b, 327b, 373b, 429b,

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 79

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Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Continued 469b, 509b; Academic Vocabulary, 36, 72,

110, 150, 194, 240, 292, 347, 398, 452,
490, 526; ELL Support, 37, 72, 111, 150,
195, 241, 292, 348, 399, 453, 491, 527
Foundational Skills 4. Read with sufficient The Interactive Science program is
accuracy and fluency to support written on level, with Lexile scores
comprehension. reflecting the grade readability. The
Interactive Science curriculum provides a
clear path of purpose and understanding
throughout each lesson, chapter, and unit.
This path includes the "I will know"
statement at the beginning of each lesson
with questions and inter-activities
throughout. Students are supported before,
during, and after every lesson with features
that set the purpose and review
understanding. Representative pages

SE: Unlock the Big Question, 7, 21,91, 103,

161, 185, 465; Text Features, 5, 7, 17, 22,
159, 165; Cause and Effect, 131, 391, 501,
530; Draw Conclusions, 269, 278; Main
Idea and Details, 262; Got It?, 11, 19, 53,
59, 95, 101, 127, 133, 145, 165, 171, 215,
223, 235, 469, 477, 509, 515; Let’s Read
Science, 5, 47, 89, 121, 159, 207, 257,
303, 361, 415, 463, 501; Vocabulary Smart
Cards, 35-38, 71-72, 109-112, 149-150,
193-198, 239-242, 291-294, 347-352, 397-
400, 451-454, 489-492, 525-528;
Interactive Vocabulary, Make a Word
Pyramid, 490; Make a Word Square, 37,
100; Make a Word Wheel, 240, 398; Make
a Word Frame, 72, 194, 292, 452; Make a
Word Magnet, 348, 526 Chapter Review/
Benchmark Practice, 202-203, 298-299,

TE: Introduce the Big Question, 3, 45, 87,

119, 157, 205, 255, 301, 359, 413, 461,
499; Unlock the Big Question, 4, 7, 88, 91,
120, 123, 206, 209, 256, 259, 302, 317,
360, 383, 414, 435; Review the Big
Question, 113, 151, 199, 295, 353, 493,

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 80

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Continued 529; Let’s Read Science: Reading Strategy;

5, 47, 89, 121, 159, 207, 257, 303, 361,
415, 463, 501; Lesson Plan: Lesson Check
Worksheets, 11b, 27b, 53b, 95b, 105b,
127b, 171b, 231b, 281b, 327b, 373b,
429b, 469b, 509b; Academic Vocabulary,
36, 72, 110, 150, 194, 240, 292, 347, 398,
452, 490, 526; ELL Support, 5, 37, 47, 72,
89, 111, 121, 159, 207, 257, 303, 361,
415, 463, 501, 527; Response to
Intervention, 11, 27, 59, 105, 133, 275,
339; Differentiated Instruction, 8, 16, 125,
473; Chapter Tests, 153a-153b, 297a-
297b, 495a-495b

Additionally, an important literacy

component of the Interactive Science
program is the Leveled Readers Library.
Three content readers per chapter reinforce
key science content at below, on, and
advanced levels. This classroom library
allows students the opportunity to build
relevant science content as they read for
purpose and understanding. For example:

Chapter 1 Leveled Readers

Below Level: Practice of Science
On Level: Today’s Technology
Advanced Level: Cars: Yesterday, Today,
and Tomorrow

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 81

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Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Writing Standards
Text Types and Purposes
Writing 1. Write opinion pieces on topics or Students incorporate their opinions with
texts, supporting a point of view with reasons supportive reasoning and information as
and information. they engage in the design process of a
product and respond to lesson
SE: 60-67, 69; Design It! 78-83

TE: Science Notebook, 29, 290;

21st Century Learning, 192

Writing 2. Write informative/explanatory Opportunities for students to write

texts to examine a topic and convey ideas informative and explanatory text as they
and information clearly. respond to investigations are abundant
throughout the Interactive Science write-
in student edition. See the following
representative pages:

SE: Lesson Questions, 61-66; Got It!, 67,

95, 145; Apply It!, 248-251; Performance-
Based Assessment, 252; Try It!, 360, 414;
Investigate It!, 190, 236; My Planet Diary,
6, 122

TE: Science Notebook, 52, 365, 474;

Differentiated Instruction, 57; My Planet
Diary Worksheets, 231a, 469a; Science to
Writing, 377; Investigate It!, 191b, 237b,
237c; Lesson Check Worksheets, Apply
Concepts, 105b, 139b, 381b, 477b, 485b

PG: Apply the Big Question, 56; Soil

Survival, 56; Your New Job in the
Circulatory System, 56; Animals Keeping
Warm, 56

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 82

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Writing 3. Write narratives to develop real See the following representative pages:
or imagined experiences or events using SE: Performance-Based Assessment, 84,
effective technique, descriptive details, and 252
clear event sequences.
TE: Science to Writing, 93, 326, 364, 507

PG: Apply the Big Question, 48; Write a

Story, 48; Science to Writing, 144

Production and Distribution of Writing

Writing 4. Produce clear and coherent See the following representative pages:
writing in which the development and SE: Performance-Based Assessment: Write
organization are appropriate to task, a Story, 84, 252
purpose, and audience.
TE: Differentiated Instruction, 52, 101,
379; Science Notebook, 18, 124, 220, 341;
Science/Writing, 174, 320, 326, 384;
21st Century Learning, 315

PG: Performance-Based Assessment: Make

a Graph, 48; Write a Story, 48; Make a
Model, 48; Soil Survival, 56; Your Job in
the Circulatory System, 56; Animals
Keeping Warm, 56

Writing 5. With guidance and support from Students’ knowledge of the writing process
peers and adults, develop and strengthen allows them to be successful in the wide
writing as needed by planning, revising, variety of writing tasks throughout the
editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. program.

See the following representative pages:

SE: Performance Based Assessment, 252

TE: Science to Writing, 144, 174, 315, 326,

466, 507; 21st Century Learning, 6, 124,

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 83

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Writing 6. With some guidance and support See related citations:

from adults, use technology, including the SE: My Planet Diary, Let’s Blog, 502
Internet, to produce and publish writing as
well as to interact and collaborate with TE: 21st Century Learning, 6, 58, 308, 315
others; demonstrate sufficient command of
keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two
pages in a single sitting.

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Writing 7. Conduct short research projects See the following representative pages:
that use several sources to build knowledge SE: 248-251, 406-409, 534-537
through investigation of different aspects of a
topic. TE: 52-55, 60-63; 21st Century Learning,
30, 262; Science/Writing, 466, 520;
Science/Social Studies, 62; Science
Notebook, 508, 513

PG: Apply It!, 52-56, 60-63, 68-71

Writing 8. Recall relevant information from TE: Elaborate: Science Notebook, 8

experiences or gather relevant information Related content: 21st Century Learning, 70
from print and digital sources; summarize or
paraphrase information in notes and finished Interactive Science Untamed Science
work, and provide a list of sources. Videos, wild and weird online science
experiments, provide additional student
informational resources.

Writing 9. Draw evidence from literary or See the following representative pages:
informational texts to support analysis, SE: 299; Analyze, 10, 429; Infer, 325, 357;
reflection, and research. Challenge, 104, 260; Exemplify, 333

TE: Apply the Big Question, 148; Unlock

the Big Question, 155, 192; 21st Century
Learning, 262, 308, 327, 372, 386, 481,
507; Differentiated Instruction, 136, 482,

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 84

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to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Range of Writing
Writing 10. Write routinely over extended See the following representative pages:
time frames (time for research, reflection, SE: My Planet Diary, 6, 54, 90, 122, 208,
and revision) and shorter time frames (a 258, 334, 368, 416, 502; Got It!, 95, 127,
single sitting or a day or two) for a range of 215, 309, 367, 423; Explore It!!, 20, 48,
discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and 216, 264, 310, 362, 430, 470; Chapter
audiences. Opener, Predict, 3, 119, 205, 301, 413,
499; Investigate It!, 32, 68, 146, 236, 395,
449; Biography, 45, 155, 192, 346

TE: My Planet Diary Worksheets, 11a,

127a, 169a, 263a, 339a, 373a, 469a, 509a;
Explore It! Worksheets, 19a, 129a, 343a,
477a; Investigate It!, 33b-33d, 147b-147d,
345b-345d, 487b-487d; Lesson Check
Worksheets, Apply Concepts, 19b, 59b,
145b, 235b, 263b, 373b, 423b, 485b, 509b

Speaking and Listening Standards

Comprehension and Collaboration
Speaking/Listening 1. Engage effectively See the following representative pages:
in a range of collaborative discussions (one- SE: Try It!, 46, 276, 310; Go Green, 9; At-
on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with Home Lab, 444, 468
diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts,
building on others’ ideas and expressing their TE: 21st Century Learning, 6, 124, 213,
own clearly. 336; Elaborate, Science Notebook, 56, 62;
Lab Support, 88; ELL Support, 89, 185,
209, 233, 303, 417, 445, 501; Response to
Intervention, 333; Differentiated
Instruction, 109, 136, 144, 261, 307, 315;
21st Century Learning, 336, 481

Speaking/Listening 2. Summarize a See the following representative pages:

written text read aloud or information SE: Summarize, 17, 57, 165, 171, 177,
presented in diverse media and formats, 187, 235, 273, 278, 315, 321, 355, 369,
including visually, quantitatively, and orally. 373, 403, 447, 456, 530

TE: Explain: Unlock the Big Question, 7, 13,

21, 29, 49, 55, 61, 91, 97, 103, 123, 129,
135, 141, 161, 167, 173, 179, 185, 209,
217, 225, 233, 259, 265, 269, 277, 283,
305, 311, 317, 323, 329, 335, 341, 363,
369, 375, 383, 389, 417, 425, 431, 437,
443, 465, 471, 479, 503, 511, 517;
Activate Prior Knowledge, 129, 135, 179,

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 85

Pearson Interactive Science
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Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Continued 265, 335, 465, 471; Build Background, 13,

21, 49, 55, 61, 141, 161, 167, 173, 209,
217, 363, 375, 389, 425, 431, 437, 443,
225, 269, 283, 503, 511

Speaking/Listening 3. Summarize the This standard falls outside of the

points a speaker makes and explain how each Interactive Science curriculum.
claim is supported by reasons and evidence.

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Speaking/Listening 4. Report on a topic or See the following representative pages:
text or present an opinion, sequencing SE: My Planet Diary, 6, 54, 90, 160, 208,
ideas logically and using appropriate facts 224, 258, 334, 366, 368, 373, 416, 464,
and relevant, descriptive details to support 502
main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an
understandable pace. TE: Explore, 6, 12, 54, 90, 160, 208, 224,
Continued 258, 334, 368, 416, 464, 502; 21st Century
Learning, 366; Differentiated Instruction,

Speaking/Listening 5. Include multimedia See related content:

components (e.g., graphics, sound) and TE: 21st Century Learning, 6, 65, 228, 327,
visual displays in presentations when 386, 507;Differentiated Instruction, 171,
appropriate to enhance the development of 187, 235, 314, 320
main ideas or themes.

Speaking/Listening 6. Adapt speech to a A range of speaking and listening activities

variety of contexts and tasks, using formal give students opportunities to adapt their
English when appropriate to task and speech to each task.
TE: 21st Century Learning, 287, 327, 386;
Differentiated Instruction, 314, 320

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 86

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Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Language Standards
Conventions of Standard English
Language 1. Demonstrate command of the Demonstrating standard grammar and
conventions of standard English grammar and usage conventions are critical language
usage when writing or speaking. skills. Students are expected to utilize these
conventions in Interactive Science,
producing and engaging in communication
appropriate to their grade level and
abilities. These skills supported throughout
the program are evident through a range of
activities for a variety of purposes and
audiences. The science process skill of
communicating, giving oral and written
explanations of observations, is embedded
into every lesson. Writing and speaking
features that support skill growth include:

▪Chapter Opener Predict Responses
▪Lesson Questions and Interactivities
▪Chapter Review Narrative Responses
▪Try It!, Explore It!, Apply It, and
Investigate It! Inquiry Responses
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

▪Science Notebook Tasks
▪Science to Writing Connections
▪Science to Language Arts Connections
▪Science to Social Studies Connections
▪Chapter Opener Read-Alouds
▪Predict Chapter Opener Discussion
▪21st Century Learning Communication and
Collaboration Activities
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Differentiated Instruction for RTI, Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪ELL Support Levels Discussion

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 87

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Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Language 2. Demonstrate command of the In Interactive Science, students are

conventions of standard English expected to produce written work
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when demonstrating knowledge and appropriate
writing. application of writing principles. In this
program, a range of writing activities
provides an abundance of opportunities for
students to develop and increase their
writing mechanics. The science process
skill of communicating, giving written
explanations of observations, is embedded
into every lesson. Writing features that
promote skill growth include:

▪Chapter Opener Predict Responses
▪ Lesson Questions and Interactivities
▪Chapter Review Narrative Responses
▪Try It!, Explore It!, Apply It, and
Investigate It! Inquiry Responses
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

▪Science Notebook Tasks
▪Science to Writing Connections
▪Science to Language Arts Connections
▪Science to Social Studies Connections
▪Differentiated Instruction for RTI, Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪21st Century Learning Communication
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
Knowledge of Language
Language 3. Use knowledge of language Using language and its conventions
and its conventions when writing, speaking, appropriately are critical to successful
reading, or listening. communication. Throughout Interactive
Science, students are immersed in all
facets of communication, engaging in a
wide range of activities for a variety of
purposes. Formal language instruction falls
outside of the program scope and
sequence, however, an abundance of rich,
science literacy materials presented with
carefully sequenced student tasks in all
areas of communication lead students to

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 88

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Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Continued success. Carefully crafted Interactive

Science lessons built upon a foundation of
scientific methods and process skills,
include the following features that build and
support language development and its

▪Chapter Opener Predict Responses
▪Lesson Questions and Interactivities
▪Let’s Read Science!
▪Explore It!! Inquiry Communicate Activities
▪Chapter Review Narrative Responses
▪Inquiry Activities: Lightning Labs, Try It!,
Explore It!!, Apply It!, and Investigate It!
▪Graphic Images with Inquiry Activities
▪Chapter STEM Lessons
▪Chapter Vocabulary Smart Cards
▪Unit Performance Based Assessments

▪Chapter Opener Read Alouds
▪Science Notebook Tasks
▪Science to Writing Connections
▪Science to Language Arts Connections
▪Science to Social Studies Connections
▪Predict Chapter Opener Discussion
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets
▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪Differentiated Instruction for Below-
Level, On-Level, and Advanced
▪ELL Support
▪Response to Intervention Support
▪21st Century Learning Activities
-Information & Media Literacy
-Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills
-Creativity and Intellectual Curiosity’
-Critical Thinking & Systems Thinking
-Problem Identification, Formulation,
and Solution
-Social Responsibility
-Leadership & Responsibility
-Accountability & Adaptability

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 89

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Language 4. Determine or clarify the See the following representative pages:
meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning SE: Vocabulary Smart Cards, 35-38, 71-72,
words and phrases based on grade 5 reading 109-112, 149-150, 193-198, 239-242, 291-
and content, choosing flexibly from a range 294, 349-352, 397-400, 451-454, 489-492,
of strategies. 525-528

TE: Science to Language Arts, 64, 219;

Differentiated Instruction, 35, 71, 109, 193,
196, 239, 291, 397, 451, 525; 21st Century
Learning, 347, 489; Play a Game, 35, 71,
109, 149, 193, 239, 291, 347, 397, 451,
489, 525; Interactive Vocabulary, 36, 72,
110, 150, 194, 240, 292, 348, 398, 452,
490, 526; Academic Vocabulary, 36, 72,
110, 150, 194, 240, 292, 348, 398, 452,
490, 526; ELL Support, 111, 150, 195, 241,
269, 292, 349, 399, 453, 491, 527;
Response to Intervention, 111, 150, 195,
241, 292, 349, 399, 453, 491, 527

Language 5. Demonstrate understanding of See the following representative pages:

figurative language, word relationships, and SE: 91, 97, 173, 218, 420; Interactive
nuances in word meanings. Vocabulary, Make a Word Magnet, 348;
Make a Word Pyramid, 490

TE: Science and Reading, 314, 332;

Science Notebook, 168, 307, 324; 21st
Century Learning, 386; ELL Support, 141,
511; Interactive Vocabulary, Make a Word
Magnet, 348; Science and Social Studies,
475; Academic Vocabulary, 194, 348, 490

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 90

Pearson Interactive Science
to the
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Grade 5

Common Core State Standards

for English Language Arts Interactive Science
Grade 5 ©2012

Language 6. Acquire and use accurately Students acquire and use grade appropriate
grade-appropriate general academic and academic and domain-specific words and
domain-specific words and phrases, including phrases in Interactive Science program
those that signal contrast, addition, and other through a variety of built-in language-
logical relationships (e.g., however, although, building features. The program’s Reading
nevertheless, similarly, moreover, in Path targets reading skills with continual
addition). vocabulary support. Graphic organizers help
students develop critical reading skills and
strategies while helping uncover word
meaning when they read. Every lesson
provides student opportunities to use
academic and domain-specific words and
phrases through task prompts such as
Apply, Infer, Compare, Summarize, Explain,
Predict, Analyze, Identify, and more.
Students also learn and use science-specific
vocabulary through the following features:

▪Words to Know
▪Interactive Vocabulary
▪Vocabulary Smart Cards
▪Unlock the Big Question
▪Apply the Big Question

▪Lesson Check Worksheets
▪My Planet Diary Worksheets
▪Explore It! Worksheets
▪Academic Vocabulary
▪Differentiated Instruction for Language
▪ELL Levels Language Support
▪Response to Intervention Language
▪21st Century Learning Activities
-Information & Media Literacy
-Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills
-Creativity and Intellectual Curiosity’
-Critical Thinking & Systems Thinking
-Problem Identification, Formulation,
and Solution
-Social Responsibility
-Leadership & Responsibility
-Accountability & Adaptability

Key: SE= Student Edition, TE = Teacher’s Edition, PG = Program Guide 91

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