Design Methodology For A Quick and Low-Cost Wind Tunnel
Design Methodology For A Quick and Low-Cost Wind Tunnel
Design Methodology For A Quick and Low-Cost Wind Tunnel
1. Introduction
Wind tunnels are devices that enable researchers to study the flow over objects of interest, the
forces acting on them and their interaction with the flow, which is nowadays playing an
increasingly important role due to noise pollution. Since the very first day, wind tunnels have
been used to verify aerodynamic theories and facilitate the design of aircrafts and, for a very
long time, this has remained their main application. Nowadays, the aerodynamic research has
expanded into other fields such as automotive industry, architecture, environment, education,
etc., making low speed wind tunnel tests more important. Although the usefulness of CFD
methods has improved over time, thousands of hours of wind tunnel tests (WTT) are still
essential for the development of a new aircraft, wind turbine or any other design that involves
complex interactions with the flow. Consequently, due to the growing interest of other
branches of industry and science in low speed aerodynamics, and due to the persistent
incapability of achieving accurate solutions with numerical codes, low speed wind tunnels
(LSWT) are essential and irreplaceable during research and design.
A crucial characteristic of wind tunnels is the flow quality inside the test chamber and the
overall performances. Three main criteria that are commonly used to define them are:
maximum achievable speed, flow uniformity and turbulence level. Therefore, the design aim
of a wind tunnel, in general, is to get a controlled flow in the test chamber, achieving the
necessary flow performance and quality parameters.
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4 Wind Tunnel Designs and Their Diverse Engineering Applications
In case of the aeronautical LSWTs, the requirements of those parameters are extremely strict,
often substantially increasing the cost of facilities. But low turbulence and high uniformity in
the flow are only necessary when, for example, laminar boundary layers have to be investi‐
gated. Another example of their use is aircraft engines combustion testing; this in turns requires
a costly system that would purify the air in the tunnel to maintain the same air quality. Another
increasingly important part of aircraft design is their noise footprint and usually the only way
to test this phenomenon is in a wind tunnel.
In the automotive applications, it is obvious that the aerodynamic drag of the car is of
paramount importance. Nevertheless, with the currently high level of control of this parameter
and also due to imposed speed limitations, most of the efforts are directed to reduce the
aerodynamic noise. The ground effect simulation is also very important, resulting in very
sophisticated facilities to allow testing of both the ground effect simulation and noise produc‐
tion in the test section.
In architecture, due to the fact that buildings are placed on the ground and are usually of
relatively low height, they are well within the atmospheric boundary layer. Therefore, the
simulation of the equivalent boundary layer, in terms of average speed and turbulence level,
becomes a challenging problem.
The design of the wind tunnels depends mainly on their final purpose. Apart from vertical
wind tunnels and others used for specific tests (e.g. pressurised or cryogenic wind tunnels),
most of the LSWTs can be categorised into two basic groups: open and closed circuit. They can
be further divided into open and closed test section type.
For most applications, mainly for medium and large size wind tunnels, the typical configura‐
tion is the closed circuit and closed test chamber. Although, due to the conservation of kinetic
energy of the airflow, these wind tunnels achieve the highest economic operation efficiency,
they prove more difficult to design resulting from their general complexity. Hence, we will
pay more attention to them in this chapter.
Apart from some early built wind tunnels for educational purposes at the UPM, since 1995 a
number of LSWTs have been designed following the methodology which will be presented
here. It focuses on the reduction of construction and operation costs, for a given performance
and quality requirements.
The design procedure was first used for a theoretical design of a LSWT for the Spanish Consejo
Superior de Deportes, which was to have a test section of 3,0 x 2,5 x 10,0 m3 with a maximum
operating speed of 40 m/s. Based on this design, a 1:8 scale model was built at UPM. This scaled
wind tunnel has been used for research and educational purposes.
The second time it was during the design of a LSWT for the Instituto Tecnológico y de
Energías Renovables de Tenerife (ITER). That wind tunnel is in use since February 2001,
operating in two configurations: medium flow quality at maximum operating speed of 57
m/s, and high flow quality at maximum operating speed of 48 m/s. For more informa‐
tion visit