Institute Name: National Institute of Technology Hamirpur (IR-A-U-0189)
Institute Name: National Institute of Technology Hamirpur (IR-A-U-0189)
Institute Name: National Institute of Technology Hamirpur (IR-A-U-0189)
UG [5 Years Program(s)] 46 46 46 46 46 -
PG [2 Year Program(s)] 15 15 - - - -
PG [2 Year 12 6 18 2 16 0 0 7 0 0 0 7
Total Students
Full Time 4
Part Time 3
Full Time 1 0 0
Part Time 0 0 0
Financial Resources: Utilised Amount for the Capital expenditure for previous 3 years
Academic Year 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
Annual Capital Expenditure on Academic Activities and Resources (excluding expenditure on buildings)
Library 0 (Zero) 166015 (One Lakh Sisty Six Thousand Fifteen) 62161 (Sixty Two Thousand one HUndred Sixty One)
New Equipment for Laboratories 0 (Zero) 150224 (One Lakh Fifty Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Four) 0 (Zero)
Financial Resources: Utilised Amount for the Operational expenditure for previous 3 years
Academic Year 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
Salaries (Teaching and Non Teaching staff) 16692180 (One Crore Sixty Six Lakh Ninty Two Thousand one 12708523 (One Crore Twenty Seven Lakh Eight Thousand 14300000 (One Crore Forty Three Lakh)
Hundred Eighty ) Five HUndred Twenty Three)
Maintenance of Academic Infrastructure or consumables and 240803 (Two Lakh Forty Thousand Eight hundred Three ) 210200 (Two Lakh Ten thousand Two HUndred) 153000 (One Lakh Fifty Three Thousand)
other running expenditures(excluding maintenance of hostels
and allied services,rent of the building, depreciation cost, etc)
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops 0 (Zero) 0 (Zero) 481670 (Four Lakh Eighty One Thousand Six HUndred
2. Do your institution have provision for walking aids, includingwheelchairs and transportation from one building to another for Yes
handicapped students?
3. Do your institution buildings have specially designed toilets for handicapped students? Yes, more than 60% of the buildings
Awards Details
1.How many faculty member of your institution have received highly reputed national/international awards/recognition from central 0
government agencies in the previous academic year 2018-19
2.How many students of your institution have won international awards in the previous academic year 2018-19 0
Faculty Details
Srno Name Age Designation Gender Qualification Experience (In Is Associated Currently Joining Date Leaving Date Association type
Months) Last Year working with
1 Bhanu Mohinder 51 Professor Male Ph.D 370 Yes Yes 31-10-2000 -- Regular
2 Inderpal Singh 54 Associate Male Ph.D 339 Yes Yes 01-01-2006 -- Regular
3 Amanjeet Kaur 41 Assistant Female M.Arch. 216 Yes Yes 30-01-2006 -- Regular
4 Vandna Sharma 38 Assistant Female Ph.D 144 Yes Yes 28-07-2007 -- Regular
5 Venu Shree 38 Assistant Female M.Arch. 144 Yes Yes 30-07-2007 -- Regular
6 Sandeep Sharma 41 Assistant Male M.Arch. 180 Yes Yes 24-07-2006 -- Regular
7 Puneet Sharma 38 Assistant Male Ph.D 165 Yes Yes 02-06-2009 -- Regular
8 Aniket Sharma 36 Assistant Male Ph.D 143 Yes Yes 02-06-2009 -- Regular
9 Neetu Kapoor 36 Assistant Female M.Arch. 147 Yes Yes 02-06-2009 -- Regular
10 Minakshi Jain 54 Professor Female Ph.D 356 Yes No 01-10-2001 16-11-2016 Regular
12 Amitava Sarkar 42 Assistant Male Ph.D 191 Yes No 23-08-2006 11-01-2019 Regular
13 Shilpa Sood 35 Lecturer Female M.Arch. 151 Yes No 30-07-2018 31-05-2019 Adhoc /