White Paper: Intro Ducti On To RF Fundamentals of A N RF Design
White Paper: Intro Ducti On To RF Fundamentals of A N RF Design
White Paper: Intro Ducti On To RF Fundamentals of A N RF Design
RF This paper discusses the RF design fundamentals of an RF communication system, including the
transmission medium, wave propagation, free space path loss, the transmit and receive portion, link design
and key components with the intent to provide practical knowledge on the process for designing an RF
system. In addition to the RF communication system and RF fundamentals, an overview of the test
equipment and what to consider during the design, development, and verification process is provided.
Neil Jarvis
9.2017 – 1.0
White Paper
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 A Simplified Communication System………………………………………………………4
2 RF Fundamentals .......................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Spectrum Allocation……………………………………………………………………………………………...6
3 Modulation………………………………………………………………………………………8
3.1 Wavelength Matters. .................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Reflections and Interference .................................................................................................................. 10
8 Antennas…………………………………………………………………………………….....22
10 Components ...............................................................................................................28
10.1 Filters…………… .................................................................................................................................... 28
10.2 Amplifiers……….. .................................................................................................................................. 29
10.3 Mixers…………… ................................................................................................................................... 30
14 Conclusion..................................................................................................................45
2 RF Fundamentals
In the early days of wireless communications, most signals were sine waves. A sine wave
can be represented with a frequency, an amplitude, and a phase.
V = Asin (ωt + φ)
Where A = amplitude
ω = 2πf, where f is the frequency
φ = phase
Figure 2 shows two signals in the time domain. In terms of our communications, the intent
is to send information from a source to a destination by modifying these sine waves. It is
more common to have more complex digital signals today.
Figure 2: Basic sine waves carry information by varying their frequency, amplitude, and/or phase.
Typically, in terms of RF and microwave signals, we tend to look more in the frequency
domain than in the time domain. Figure 3 shows a basic signal on a spectrum analyzer
display. With the transmitted signals becoming more complex, modulated signals or
signals with more information put on them, spectrum analyzer displays are better for
understanding the multiple frequencies and modulation techniques.
Figure 3: Spectrum analyzers are excellent tools for evaluating transmitted RF and microwave
Figure 4: The United States Frequency Allocations. Each country or region defines and allocates the
frequency spectrum for use by various groups and applications.
3 Modulation
A basic definition of modulation is any detectable change in a signal’s characteristics that
can be used to carry information. The carrier wave is a waveform that is modulated for
conveying the information, and typically is at a much higher frequency than the input
signal. The purpose of the carrier is to transmit the information through space as an
electromagnetic wave.
Figure 5 shows the basic characteristics of a sine wave in the time domain. The two
example signals repeat their pattern based on the inverse of the frequency or period,
which we call Omega (ω). The amplitude has a maximum peak amplitude of one or minus
one. By varying the phase (φ) the signal can be shifted left or right.
Modulation is achieved by changing the amplitude, the frequency, the phase or some
combination of these three. The basic types of analog modulation include amplitude
modulation, frequency modulation, and phase modulation (Figure 6). The Amplitude
Modulation (AM) example shows a very fast varying sine wave and on top of which you
can see an additional change in amplitude. This slower changing amplitude variation
contains the information that is being sent over the carrier wave, which will be detected at
the other end of the radio link.
Frequency Modulation (FM) is typically used in applications that require better fidelity as
they have less problems with noise. Common applications include the car radio and
satellite communication. In the example shown, the sine wave varies in frequency while
maintaining a fixed amplitude.
Phase Modulation (PM) is more commonly used in data transmissions. The example in
Figure 6 shows discreet changes in the signal as the phase changes. Common
applications include cellular communications as well as wireless LAN (WLAN).
Today, modern digital communication signals use complex combinations of these
techniques for both improved signal quality and increased data throughput.
where 𝜆 = wavelength
𝑣 = phase velocity, which in free space is 3x108 m/s
𝑓 = frequency
How does wavelength affect the RF design? When you consider the size of a device
relative to wavelength, the physical geometry may become an important consideration.
From the signals in Figure 5 we see that the sine wave starts at zero, increases to a
maximum, decreases to zero, decreases to a minimum, and then increases to zero across
a single wavelength. From Table 1, we can see that at audio frequencies this happens
across a distance of meters to hundreds of meters. The phase effects of moving through a
typical analog device are therefore minimal. However, as you move into RF frequencies or
higher, the effect of these phase variations become a design consideration. Certain circuit
design techniques take advantage of 𝜆/4 and 𝜆/2 effects to optimize or cancel signals,
which is one way to minimize the effects reflections and interference.
Figure 7: Discontinuities in transmission lines often cause reflections, which create new signals
that may interfere with and distort the desired signals.
4 Wave Propagation
A simple way to perceive wave propagation is remembering the effect of a pebble being
dropped into a pond (Figure 8a). Concentric rings of waves propagate out from where the
pebble enters the pond. Dropping a pebble at a constant rate would generate continuous
waves propagating through the pond. In this case, the propagation is considered a
mechanical wave, because it is not propagating through free space or a vacuum, as we
are moving molecules around in the water. Another great example of a mechanical wave
is a sound wave. When you speak or sing, the vibrations of the air is causing the noise.
In the case of electromagnetic waves, we are varying the electrical and magnetic fields as
it propagates through space (Figure 8b). The electric and the magnetic fields are varying
over time as they propagate, in a very similar manner to how the wave propagated through
the water.
Figure 10: Free Space Path Loss (FSPL) increases over distance.
The Free Space Path Loss (FSPL) calculates loss of signal strength (attenuation) as a
function of distance and frequency. It assumes an unobstructed path and co-polarized
antennas. Thus, FSPL increases with increasing distance.
S Ptx
4d 2
S = power density
Ptx = total radiated power
d = distance from antenna (radius of sphere)
Free space path loss is a calculation, not a measurement. Free space path loss
(attenuation, A) is computed between isotropic antennas using the following equation.
A 20 log
These formulas can be found in ITU-R P.525-2 “Calculation of Free Space Loss”. Note that
free space path loss calculations are only applicable in the far field.
Since FSPL increases with frequency, a common misconception is that free space
attenuation is frequency-dependent. Although physical objects often exhibit frequency-
dependent attenuation, FSPL is a free space calculation (i.e. no objects). FSPL is
frequency-dependent because the effective aperture (Ae) of the receiving isotropic
antenna changes with frequency. As frequency increases, effective aperture decreases.
Therefore, path loss increases with increasing frequency.
In many cases, the Earth’s atmosphere can be considered “free space.” However, at
some frequencies path loss can be influenced by both water and oxygen molecules in the
atmosphere. At specific frequencies, the molecules of water and oxygen in the air
resonant, which causes increased attenuation of the transmitted signals. This loss is
frequency dependent, with significant attenuation peaks at certain frequencies (Figure 11).
Note that in Figure 11, the first water vapor peak is at 22 GHz and the first oxygen peak is
at 63 GHz. In many applications, these frequency ranges are carefully avoided. However,
some applications, choose to operate at these frequencies to minimize interference or
increase security.
6.1 Transmitters
Figure 12 shows a high-level view of the key components that make up the transmit side of
a communication system. First the multiplexer is used to route the desired information into
the transmit path. To condition the signal for transmission we add signal processing. Next,
the signal is modulated into whatever modulation scheme the application requires. This
may have been Amplitude Modulation (AM) or Frequency Modulation (FM), but today there
are a wide range of digital modulation schemes with many based on Orthogonal
Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) techniques.
Up to this point the signal is typically at a very low or baseband frequency. A frequency
converter is used to mix the transmitted signal up to the frequency that has been allocated
for the particular application. The signal level is then increased to the appropriate power
level using an amplifier. Next, the signal is passed through a filter to make sure a clean
signal is transmitted and that the signal stays within the allocated frequency band. Finally,
the signal is radiated through the air via an antenna.
7 Receiver Overview
A receiver has similar components to a transmitter, but in the opposite order (Figure 13).
The signal is received by the antenna, then runs through a filter to eliminate, or greatly
reduce, signals outside the frequency band of interest. Incoming signals often have a low
power level so a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) is used to raise the desired signal above the
noise floor. After this, the signal is then down converted to a lower frequency or baseband
frequency where it is demodulated, processed and directed to the appropriate signal path
for the received information.
Figure 14 shows what the receiver’s frequency spectrum looks like. Mixing the RF signal
and the LO signal, generates the IF or audio signal as shown. Image signals are also
generated, which are copies of the RF and IF signals. The effects of these undesired
signals are removed by using a filter around the desired signal frequencies.
In the real world, most receivers have a lot more complexity. Figure 15 shows a typical
block diagram of a superheterodyne receiver. In this configuration, the first stage tunes the
RF frequencies with RF components as described above (filters, amplifiers, mixers, LO).
This stage provides some initial selectivity, suppresses the image frequency and prevents
strong out-of-passband signals from saturating the initial amplifier. A local oscillator
provides the mixing frequency; it is usually a variable frequency oscillator, which is used to
tune the receiver to different frequencies. The first stage outputs the incoming RF signal to
a higher or lower, fixed, intermediate frequency (IF). This second stage provides the IF
band-pass filter for the narrowband filtering for the radio. The mixer outputs the audio or
other modulation from the IF radio frequency, which can then be extracted for amplification
by the audio amplifier.
Figure 16 shows what the Superheterodyne receiver’s frequency spectrum looks like. By
breaking up the receiver functions into two stages it focuses the design at both the RF and
IF bands, which allows for optimizing performance.
8 Antennas
An antenna is a device for converting an electrical power into a radio wave, which then
propagates through free space (Figure 17). This is the mechanism to deliver the generated
signal through free space captured on the other end by another antenna. The receiving
antenna converts that electromagnetic wave back into a small voltage, which can then be
amplified and decoded to get the transmitted information.
Figure 17: Antennas convert electrical power into radio waves and vice versa.
How do antennas generate the electromagnetic waves? If you remember, opens and
shorts in circuits create reflections. By designing the geometry or the size of a circuit, we
can generate a standing wave at a specific frequency (or range of frequencies). The
length of conductor is typically a half a wavelength and it generates an electromagnetic
field due to this resonance. Therefore, antenna sizes are dependent on frequency (or
wavelength) and is the reason why low frequency antennas are very large.
Figure 18 shows an example of a standing wave on a half wave dipole being driven at its
resonant frequency. The waves are shown graphically by bars of color (red for voltage (V)
and blue for current (I)) whose width is proportional to the amplitude of the quantity at that
point on the antenna.
Figure 18: Propagation occurs when a half wave dipole is driven at its resonant frequency to create
standing waves.
Again, microwave theory assumes that an isotropic antenna propagates equally in all
directions. In reality, we often want an antenna to radiate the majority of its signal in a
given direction. Gain or directivity are antenna specifications that tell how much an
antenna transmits in a given direction relative to an isotropic antenna. Beam width is
another specification that defines an angle range in which one can expect the antenna
signal to meet the gain specification. Beam width is specified as the angle on either side
of the signal peak that is reduced 3 dB from the peak.
As we discussed (and shown in Figure 8b), radio wave signals have both an electric and
magnetic field component. For antennas, this translates into them having two
polarizations, which are referred to as vertical and horizontal polarization. Each pattern can
be measured by rotating the antenna under test by 90 degrees. It is typical for antennas to
have different beam patterns depending on its orientation or polarization (Figure 19).
Note the smaller little circles you see in the back of the antenna patterns, these are called
side lobes. Unfortunately, just like in any engineering problem, real world antennas radiate
some energy in undesired directions. Antenna design engineers often spend time trying to
minimize the impact of these side lobes.
9 Designing a Link
Taking what we have discussed let's put this into a system to design a link. Remember, the
objective is to send a signal from one place to another through the air. While most systems
today have the ability to both transmit and receive, for simplicity sake let us assume a one-
way path (Figure 20). On the transmitter side, we create the signal and radiate that signal
from the transmit antenna over to a receive antenna and its receiver.
When designing a link, there are many aspects to consider like what is the frequency and
how about power levels and frequency bandwidth? While much if this information is
defined in the regulation standards for a given technology there has to be an allowance for
design considerations related to the requirements of the link being established. Is it point-
to-point or one-point-to-many? What is the terrain like? What distance? Table 4 highlights
some of the many factors that need to be considered when setting up a system. Given
these parameters, we can put together a link budget to determine what is possible.
What is the frequency of operation?
How big of a signal is needed for transmit?
Point to point or to multipoint
Over what distance is required to transmit (Range)
What kind of antenna is needed?
How much margin is needed in the link budget?
Can the system lose signal for brief periods of time?
Where does the power come from and how much is available?
What else is required by the standards and governing bodies?
Table 4: Link Design Considerations.
The FSPL equations assume isotropic radiators with unity antenna gains at both ends. In
practice, the gain of the transmit (Gtx) and receive (Grx) antennas are often added to the
FSPL equation. Antenna gains (Gtx and Grx) are relative to an isotropic radiator (dBi).
Since 50 watts = 47 dBm, the received signal level should be approximately -121.4 dBm (=
47 – 168.4). Note that FSPL is usually a very good approximation for satellite systems.
On the internet there are several link budget calculator tools and other design resources
(example in Figure 21). This offers an idealized link budget using transmit frequency,
transmit power, transmit antenna gain, receive antenna gain, and distance. It calculates
path loss and receive power. While there may be many more considerations, this provides
a top-level view of what is required for a successful link.
Today, in many cases, one does not have just a transmitter or a receiver. Many devices
are two-way such as your mobile phone, laptop or tablet. Each of these devices may
contain transmitters, receivers and a series of antenna. These devices create a new set of
challenges in designs that try to minimize signals bleeding into different sections.
Figure 22: This block diagram shows the basic components of a modular (broadband wireless
access) transceiver design.
10 Components
Looking at a few of the key components that we discussed at the system level, the design
and the specifications of these components must be clearly understood to ensure that the
system meets the need for the specific application.
10.1 Filters
As we discussed earlier, filters play an important role in both transmitter and receiver
design. On the transmit side it is critical that the radiated signals adhere to the FCC
guidelines for a particular application. On the receive side it is important that all
extraneous signals that are picked up by the receive antennas are filtered out to achieve
optimum signal quality of the desired signal.
There are many different types of filters including low pass, high pass and band bass. The
low/high pass designs filter out all frequencies above/below the designed frequency. A
band pass filter restricts frequencies to a particular frequency band (Figure 23).
The In-band or pass band performance minimizes the degradation of the desired
frequencies. The bandwidth is defined by either (or both) the 3 dB and/or 1 dB drop in
signal level on either side of the center frequency. The amount of lost power or insertion
loss across the desired frequency range is another critical parameter. Finally, how much
variation or ripple is caused to the magnitude of the signal and the same for the phase
response across the pass band?
For out-of-band performance the critical parameter is with regards to how much the filtered
signal is reduced. There may be different levels of performance based on distance from
the filter’s center frequency.
10.2 Amplifiers
Amplifiers are often located in both transmitter and receiver designs, however they have
very different roles and performance requirements.
On the transmitter side, the desired signal has been created and is very well defined.
Power amplifiers (PAs) are used to increase the signal level to the required power range to
allow the radiated signal to be received at the other end, as well as meet the FCC
requirements. The PA may be used in either the linear or nonlinear region. In the linear
region, an increase in input signal yields a defined increase in the output signal, this is
referred to as gain. However, at some point the input signal becomes large enough that
the output starts to increase, but at a different rate. This is commonly referred to as the
non-linear region. The rate of roll off in the gain vs. power measurement is known as the
1dB compression point.
Amplifiers operating in their non-linear region often have their harmonic and spurious
signals specified. Amplifiers designed to operate a specific center frequency, Fc, will also
radiate at multiples of the center frequency - 2Fc , 3Fc and so on. In addition, spurious
signals may be generated from the transmitter components such as the power supply and
amplified by the PA. Amplifier designs try to minimize these effects and the filters that
were previously discussed are also key in minimizing these effects.
The Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR) is typically specified to ensure that the
radiated signal stays within its given channel and does not spill into the adjacent channel.
The entire allocated spectrum for a technology, such as Wi-Fi is divided up into channels
to increase traffic capacity. It is important that signals stay within their specified channel
and do not leak signals into other channels.
Dynamic range is usually specified to let system designers know what the minimum and
maximum level signal are that can be transmitted.
On the receiver side the antenna is bringing in both the desired signals and unknown
signals, over-the-air. These signals tend to be at lower power levels and may need to be
boosted to separate from the noise floor. These amplifiers are often Low Noise Amplifiers
10.3 Mixers
Mixers are the components involved in the frequency up or down conversion in the
transmitter/receiver design. On the transmit side the created signal or baseband signal is
fed into one arm of the mixer. On the other arm is a local oscillator (LO) that is designed to
mix the baseband signal to the appropriate frequency to be radiated via the third arm to the
antenna. On the receiver side it is the same except for the reverse direction. The LO is
used to mix the RF signal down to baseband.
The mixer produces not only the product of the baseband and LO frequencies, but also the
difference of the two frequencies. As the mixer is a non-linear device, it also creates the
harmonics of both the product and difference signals. Based on the design of the mixer,
certain levels of both the input signal and the LO signal may “bleed through” the mixer and
be part of the output signal as well (Figure 25).
While mixers play a critical role of moving signals to the proper frequency range, they can
also be contributors for noise into the desired signal. Filtering plays a key role for reducing
the effects created by unwanted mixer products.
Figure 26: Key mixer characteristics that need to be considered when integrating mixers into your
(27a): Analog signals may develop hissing noise sound when low power signals approach the noise
(27b): Digital signal will sound better, but may experience lost signal or no signals as they approach
the noise floor.
So how is the level of thermal noise determined? If we are below 100 GHz and above -150
°C (Rayleigh-Jeans approximation), input noise power from a matched resistor is:
Nin = Ktb
k is Boltzmann's constant = 1.38 x10-23 J / °K
T is the temperature in degrees kelvin (room temp ~ 19.8 °C = 293 °K) and To is
defined as “standard temperature” and is equal to 290 °K = 16.8 °C
B is the noise bandwidth of the system
To determine “B”, the noise bandwidth of the system, first determine the system bandwidth
which is usually defined by a standard or specification. Convert that bandwidth into dB
and then add that to -174 dBm/Hz (Nin at standard temperature) to determine the noise
floor. For example:
If the channel bandwidth is 1 MHz =1x106 Hz
Convert that to db 10*log(1x106) = 60 dB
Add that to Nin -174 dBm/Hz + 60dB Hz = -114 dBm
In this example, a receiver with a 1 MHz channel bandwidth will have a theoretical noise
floor of -114dBm. Of course, there are still a variety of other noise factors that could further
limit the noise floor – environment, components, or other receiver design issues.
How is the noise of a component determined or measured? Noise figure and noise factor
are defined as the ratio of the SNR at the input to the SNR at the output of the device
under test (Figure 28). It is a quantitative measure of a device’s impact on signal to noise
ratio. Noise Factor defines linear values and Noise Figure defines LOG scale values (in
Or a Noise Figure of 0
However, a real device adds some quantity of noise, which we denote here as Na. This
makes our equation become
When measuring noise figure, it is common to use a calibrated Noise Source. The Noise
Source provides the “known” input signal from which the Na of the device-under-test can
be determined. A practical setup uses a spectrum analyzer to measure noise power
(Figure 29). The spectrum analyzer is normally calibrated prior to making the noise figure
measurement with the noise source (Step 1). Then the device-under-test is connected and
measured (Step 2). From these two measurements, the device’s noise figure is determined
using the Friis equation (Step 3).
There are additional output frequencies caused by mixing with higher order harmonic
terms. For example, mixing products to consider with the third harmonic of the LO:
fif = 3*flo – f3 or f3 = 3*flo – fif
fif = 3*flo + f3 or f3 = 3*flo + fif
Example for mixing products with the fifth harmonic of the LO.
fif = 5*flo – f5 or f5 = 5*flo – fif
fif = 5*flo + f5 or f5 = 5*flo + fif
Mixing products with the higher order harmonic of the LO also exist.
By looking in the frequency domain, it is easy to see any of these signals and their power
level. During the receiver design process, filters need to be defined to reduce the effects of
these unwanted signals.
TOI is a measure of the two-tone IM distortion of a device. With two input tones at f1 and
f2, distortion (non-linearity) in the DUT, will create tones at 2f1-f2 and 2f2-f1 (third order
It is interesting to note that for every 1dB increase in the fundamental output level, the third
order distortion products will increase 3dB. The extrapolated level at which the distortion
tones “intercept” the level of the signal tones is called the Third Order Intercept Point (TOI
or IP3).
12 Cascade Analysis
Cascade analysis is a simple yet powerful tool for analyzing system performance. Cascade
analysis treats each part of the receiver as a separate entity – amplifiers, mixers, etc.
(Figure 34). Knowing the key specs for each of the components, allows for an overall value
for the receiver to be determined. You can analyze small-signal gain and noise figure
nearly exactly, and come pretty close to modeling large-signal performance, such as
predicting the one-dB compression point.
Consider this simple example of determining the cascaded noise figure of two amplifiers in
a circuit (Figure 35). The first amplifier has a gain of 20 dB and a noise figure of 2 dB. The
second amplifier also has a gain of 20 dB, but a noise figure of 11 dB. By using the
formulas discussed in the noise figure section, we can then determine that the effective
noise figure of this two-amplifier configuration.
▪ Radar Applications
Signal generators are used to represent the transmitter by creating the required signals
with the proper modulation formats. They are used as a basic measurement device when
required to generate simple and complex input signals. There are two main types: analog
and vector. The analog signal generator is used to create basic sine waves at different
power levels and frequencies. They typically have basic modulation capabilities such as
AM, FM, phase and pulse. Vector signal generators are used to create the more complex
digitally modulated signals that are quite common these days.
Modern versions have many new capabilities for generating complex signals including:
ı AM, FM, PM
ı Arbitrary signals generated mathematically
ı Frequency hopping signals
ı Complex Modulation Signals including:
▪ Mobile Wireless
▪ Wireless LAN
▪ Bluetooth
▪ Satellite Communications
Vector network analyzers (VNAs) are used primarily for verifying component level
performance. The VNA is a more complex measurement device used to stimulate and
measure amplitude and phase response of high frequency devices. Basic use is to
stimulate a device such as an amplifier with a sine wave and measure the amplitude and
phase response. Network analyzers typically measure the Scattering parameters or S-
parameters as signal power and energy considerations are more easily quantified than
currents and voltages.
Modern versions have many new capabilities for measuring more complex parameters or
devices such as:
ı Differential and true differential Non-linear characteristics
ı Impedance matching
ı Mixers or converters
ı Multiport devices up to 48 ports
A power meter, is one of the most fundamental measuring tool and simply measures the
power level coming out of a device. There are typically two types:
ı Diode Based – high dynamic range
ı Thermistor Based – more accurate but lower dynamic range
Power meters do not provide information as to the frequency content. Newer power
meters typically include sensor with PC software based measurement unit. They can be
used in for example, in conjunction with a signal generator to get the basic frequency
response of devices. Many modern versions also have the ability to measure pulsed or
bursted signals.
14 Conclusion
Today there are many wireless technology devices that utilize RF design ranging from
mobile phones to satellite TV, to wireless Internet connections and bluetooth devices. A
good understanding of RF design fundamentals is necessary to know how wireless
technologies work and what to consider during the design, development and verification
process. Designing an RF system is a complex process that requires a detailed
understanding of different fundamentals of different areas.