Analytical Model of Double Gate TFET
Analytical Model of Double Gate TFET
Analytical Model of Double Gate TFET
5, MAY 2014
charges on the potential profile and the drain bias on the ψ1 (x, y) is the solution to the 2-D Laplace equation
current are considered. The model also predicts the impacts
∂ 2 ψ1 ∂ 2 ψ1
of structural parameters which is useful to provide a design + = 0· (6)
insight. This paper is organized as follows. In Section II the ∂x 2 ∂y 2
potential profile and lateral electric field are derived using The solution of the Laplace equation is given by
fully 2-D solution of the Poisson’s equation. In Section III
ψ1 (x, y) = u L (x, y) + u R (x, y)· (7)
using Kane’s model, an analytical expression for the current
is extracted by integrating the BTBT generation rate over the where u R and u L can be written as u R = n=1 u Rn (x, y)
tunneling region. Then, from the current expression, the SS is and u L = ∞ n=1 u Ln (x, y) where u Rn (x, y) and u Ln (x, y) are
derived. The analytic model is validated by comparing it with Eigen functions that are obtained as follows [23]:
TCAD simulation results for different sets of parameters in
sinh(π y/λn ) nπ πx
Section IV. u Rn (x, y) = cn sin + (8)
sinh(π L/λn ) 2 λ
sinh (π(L − y)/λn ) nπ πx
II. 2-D P OISSON ’ S E QUATION S OLUTION u Ln (x, y) = bn sin + · (9)
sinh(π L/λn ) 2 λn
In this section, an accurate solution to the Poisson’s equation where λn are Eigen values which are obtained from
with considering the mobile charge term is presented. The
structure of the DG TFET is shown in Fig. 1(a). The Poisson’s π Ti nπ π Tsi
εsi tan = εi tan − · (10)
equation in the channel is written as λn 2 2λn
According to [23], we obtain the first-order coefficients as
∂ 2ψ ∂ 2ψ q ψ −V
+ = n i exp (1)
∂x2 ∂y 2 εsi Vt 2λ21 tan(π Ti /λ1 ) sin(π Tsi /2λ1 )
b1 = (ϕSC − VGS + φ)
Tsi sin(π Tsi /λ1 )
where ψ(x, y) is the electrostatic potential in the intrinsic π Ti
2 + Ti
channel, εsi is the permittivity of the silicon, n i is the intrinsic 2 sin(2π Ti /λ1 )
carrier density, Vt is the thermal voltage and V is the elec- (11)
tron quasi-Fermi potential. According to [2], the electrostatic sin(π Tsi /2λ1 )
c1 =
potential using superposition principle will be written as Tsi sin(π Tsi /λ1 )
+ Ti
2 sin(2π Ti /λ1 )
ψ(x, y) = υ(x) + ψ1 (x, y) (2)
−4Vt λ1 2λ21 υ T2si − ϕDC
× ln(cos(βd )) − 2 tan(π Ti /λ1 )
where v(x) is the solution of 1-D Poisson’s equation π π Ti
∂ 2υ q υ−V
= n i exp · (3)
∂x2 εsi Vt where ϕSC and ϕDC are built-in potentials at the source and
As described in [21], v(x) can be obtained by twice drain junctions, respectively. For a given VGS , βd is obtained
integrating (3) from (5). For symmetric DG structures, even order coefficients
are zero [23]. The expression for the potential in the channel
Tsi qn i 2β considering the first-order Eigen function is
υ(x) = V − 2Vt ln cos x . (4)
2β 2εsi Vt Tsi
ψ(x, y) = υ(x) + cos(π x/λ1 )
For a given VGS , β can be solved from b1 sinh (π(L − y)/λ1 ) + c1 sinh(π y/λ1 )
× .
sinh(π L/λ1 )
VGS − φ − V 2 2εsi Vt (13)
− ln
2Vt Tsi qn i
Fig. 2 demonstrates the surface potential under different gate
2εsi Ti
= ln β − ln(cos(β)) − β tan(β) (5) voltages. At high VGS due to the inversion of the channel, the
εi Tsi potential is pinned to the drain voltage. As Fig. 2 shows, the
where φ is work function difference between the gate agreement of the model and simulation can be easily seen and
electrode and the semiconductor and εi is the permittivity the model well captures the effect of the mobile charges.
of the insulator. Since the current flows mainly along the The lateral electric field E y (x, y) is found by differentiating
channel from the source to the drain, the electron quasi- the electrostatic potential expression
Fermi potential is almost constant in x-direction and varies
π cosh (π(L − y)/λ1 )
only in y-direction [21]. For DG-MOSFETs, V is assumed E y (x, y) = − b1
λ1 sinh(π L/λ1 )
to be constant in the channel direction except at the end of
π cosh (π y/λ1 )
channel where it reaches VDS [22]. Similar to MOSFETs, + c1 × cos (π x/λ1 ) · (14)
TFETs simulations demonstrate that V in the channel length λ1 sinh(π L/λ1 )
direction stays constant (equal to VDS ) except at the beginning As mentioned earlier, v(x) almost stays constant in the
of the channel. This causes v(x) to be nearly constant in the y-direction, therefore its derivative is zero. Indeed, for well-
y-direction except near the source junction. scaled devices, the dominant tunneling paths are lateral.
E y (x, y) = (k1 − k3 + k5 − · · ·)
+ −k1 (π/λ1 )2 + k3 (π/λ3 )2 − k5 (π/λ5 )2 + · · ·
x 4
+ k1 (π/λ1 )4 − k3 (π/λ3 )4 + k5 (π/λ5 )4 − · · · + ···
2! 4! I = q AE E avg D−1
exp −B/E avg d V (23)
Defining kn as
where E is the local electric field and E avg is the average
π cosh (π(L − y)/λn ) π cosh (π y/λn ) electric field. In this paper we aim at analytically calculating
k n = − bn + cn (17)
λn sinh(π L/λn ) λn sinh(π L/λn ) the tunneling current.
Fig. 4. I –VGS characteristic. The drain current is plotted on logarithmic Fig. 6. I –VGS characteristics for Si DG TFETs as function of gate oxide
(left) and linear (right) scales (L = 50 nm, N = 0.1, and φ = −0.5). thickness. The values of N used for comparisons are 0.1 for Ti = 1.5 nm,
0.1 for Ti = 2 nm and 4 for Ti = 3 nm (L = 50 nm and φ = −0.6).
Fig. 5. I –VDS characteristics of the DG TFET at different gate voltages Fig. 7. I –VGS characteristics for Si DG TFETs as function of gate oxide
(L = 50 nm, N = 0.1, and φ = −0.5 V). dielectric. The values of N used for comparisons are 4 for εi = 3.9ε0 , 4 for
εi = 6ε0 , 1 for εi = 8.3ε0 (L = 50 nm and φ = −0.7 V).
In this paper, a 2-D analytical model for DG TFETs has
been developed. This model takes into account the influences
of all the structural parameters, i.e., Tsi , Ti , εi , εsi , and L
together with the biases in the calculations and predicts well
the effects of them. We included the mobile charge term in
the solution of the Poisson’s equation. Comparing the model
results for different electrical parameters, i.e., potential profile,
BTBT generation rate, SS, I –VGS and I –VDS characteristics,
with the simulation results shows a good agreement.
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