Wind Turbine Modelling 1
Wind Turbine Modelling 1
Wind Turbine Modelling 1
Engr. G. Ofualagba and Dr. E. U Ubeku , Member, IEEE, NIEEE, NSE, ISES, NIM
©2008 IEEE.
( )
. (Mass flow rate per second). V − Vo
2 2
P= (III)
As noted above, a wind energy conversion system is a 2
complex system converting wind energy to rotational energy
and then to electrical energy. The output power or torque of a Where:
wind turbine is determined by several factors like wind
velocity, size and shape of the turbine, etc. A dynamic model P is the Mechanical Power extracted by the rotor in watts.
of the wind turbine, involving these parameters, is needed to
understand the behavior of a wind turbine over its region of V is the upstream wind velocity at the entrance of the rotor
operation. By studying its modeling, it is possible to control a blades in m/s
wind turbine’s performance to meet a desired operational
characteristic. In the following pages we will look at different V o is the downstream wind velocity at the exit of the rotor
performance characteristics and variables that play an blades in m/s
important role in wind power generation, by deriving the
speed and power relations. The control principles of the wind 3
Let ρ be the air density in (kg/ m ) and A is the area swept
turbine are also discussed in this section. 2
by the rotor blades in (m ); then, the mass flow rate of air
A. Inputs and Outputs of a Wind Turbine through the rotating blades is given by multiplying the air
density with the average velocity.
The inputs and output variables of wind turbine can be
broken into the following: Mass flow rate = ρ ⋅ Α ⋅ V + V0 (IV)
1. The independent input quantity wind speed, 2
determines the energy input to the wind turbine.
From [3] and [4], the mechanical power extracted
2. Machine-specific input quantities, arising particularly by the rotor is given by:
from rotor geometry and arrangement (i.e., different
configurations like horizontal axis or vertical axis
⎛ V + Vo ⎞⎤
turbines, area of the blades, etc.). P=
⎢ ρ ⋅ Α⎜
2⎣ 2
⎟⎥ V − Vo
2 2
( ) (V)
⎝ ⎠⎦
3. Turbine speed, rotor blade tilt, and rotor blade pitch
angle, arising from the transmission system of the After algebraic rearrangement of the terms we have:
wind energy conversion system.
4. Turbine output quantities, namely Power or Drive P= ρ ⋅ Α ⋅V 3 ⋅ C p (VI)
torque, which may be controlled by varying the 2
above three input quantities.
B. Power Extraction from the Air Stream
With the identification of the wind turbine’s input and ⎛ V0 ⎞⎛⎜ ⎛ Vο ⎞ ⎞⎟
output variables, now it is possible to derive an expression ⎜1 + ⎟ 1− ⎜ ⎟
relating these two values. The relation between the power and ⎝ V ⎠⎜⎝ ⎝ V ⎠ ⎟⎠
wind speed is derived as follows [1]:
Cp = is the fraction of the upstream
wind power, which is captured by the rotor blades and has a
The kinetic energy in air of mass m moving with speed V is theoretical maximum value of 0.59. It is also referred as the
given by the following: power coefficient of the rotor or the rotor efficiency. In
practical designs, the maximum achievable Cp is between 0.4
Kinetic energy =½·m.V Joules (I) and 0.5 for high-speed, two-blade turbines and between 0.2
and 0.4 for slow-speed turbines with more blades [1].
The power in moving air flow is the flow rate of kinetic
From “(iii)”, we see that the power absorption and operating
energy per second.
conditions of a turbine are determined by the effective area of
2 the rotor blades, wind speed, and wind flow conditions at the
Power =½ · (mass flow rate per second).V (II) rotor. Thus, the output power of the turbine can be varied by
effective area and by changing the flow conditions at the rotor
The actual power extracted by the rotor blades is the system, which forms the basis of control of wind energy
difference between the upstream and the down stream wind conversion system.
powers. Therefore, equations (ii) results in;
C. Tip Speed Ratio typically use generator torque control for optimization of
power output. They use pitch control to control the output
The tip speed ratio λ, defined as the ratio of the linear speed power, only above their rated wind speed. With variable
at the tip of the blade to the free stream wind speed and is speed, there will be 20-30% increase in the energy capture
given by the following expression [1]-[4]: compared to the fixed-speed operation.
Typical curves for a constant speed and variable speed wind
turbine are as shown in the Figure 2.
TSR = λ = (VII)
R is the rotor blade radius in meters
Fig. 3. Typical pitch-regulated variable-speed wind turbine. The pitch angle controller used in this paper, employs a PI
controller as shown below [7], [9]-[11]:
Variable speed pitch-regulated wind turbines have two
methods for affecting the turbine operation, namely speed
changes and blade pitch changes. In other terms, the control
strategies employed in the operation of variable speed wind
turbine system are:
2. Power limitation strategy, used above the rated wind speed As long as the wind turbine output power is lower than the
of the turbine to limit the output power to the rated power by rated power of the wind turbine, the error signal is negative
changing the blade pitch to reduce the aerodynamic efficiency, and pitch angle is kept at its optimum value. But once the
thereby reducing the wind turbine power to acceptable levels. wind turbine output power exceeds the rated power Pref, the
error signal is positive and the pitch angle changes to a new
The regions of the above mentioned control strategies of a value, at a finite rate, thereby reducing the effective area of the
variable speed wind turbine system are as shown in the Figure blade resulting in the reduced power output. Inputs to the PI
4: controller are in per-unit and the parameters for the controller
are obtained from reference [11].
E. Performance Curves
C p = C 1 C 2 − C 3θ − C 4θ x − C 5 e − C 6 (λi ))
θ Is the pitch angle and λ is the tip speed ratio
1 1 0.035
= − 3
λ λ + 0.08θ θ + 1
C1 = 0.5 C2 = C3 = 0.4
C4 = 0 C5 = 5 C6 =
Fig. 6. Simulated model of the variable speed pitch-reguleted wind turbine.
According to the characteristics chosen, the coefficients C1
to C 5 should be modified to obtain a close simulation of the The inputs for the wind turbine model are, wind speed, air
density, radius of the wind turbine, mechanical speed of the
machine in consideration. The differences between the curves rotor referred to the wind turbine side and power reference for
of various wind turbines are small and can be neglected in the pitch angle controller. The output is the drive torque T
dynamic simulations [3]. In [6], a comparison was made
drive which drives the electrical generator. The wind turbine
between the power curves of two commercial wind turbines calculates the tip speed ratio from the input values and
using the general numerical approximation similar to “(VIII)”. estimates the value of power coefficient from the performance
curves. The pitch angle controller maintains the value of the
F. Simulation Results blade pitch at optimum value until the power output of the
wind turbine exceeds the reference power input.
In this section, the simulations results of a variable speed
pitch controlled wind turbine model are presented. All the The performance curves used in this paper (from [8]) are as
simulations were carried out using MATLAB/Simulink. The shown below:
dynamics of the wind turbine model can be represented with
the help of a flow chart, as shown in Figure 6 followed by a
brief description of the simulated model:
Fig. 8. Output power of the wind turbine for different wind veocity
Rated power of the wind turbine = 370 kW. Fig. 9. Wind turbine rotor speed variations with wind.
[7] Anca D.Hansen, Florin Iov, Poul Sorensen, and Frede Blaabjerg,
“Overall control strategy of variable speed doubly-fed induction
generator wind turbine,” in 2004 Nordic Wind Power Conference,
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
Engr. Ofualagba Godswill hails from Iyede, Isoko
In this paper a variable speed wind energy conversion North Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria and was born on
system has been presented. Emphasis has been laid on the January 5, 1975. He graduated from Enugu State University of Science and
wind turbine part of the total system. A comparison was made Technology, Enugu State, Nigeria in 1999 and his masters degree in Power
between the two typical existing wind turbine systems after a Systems Engineering from the same university in 2002. Presently he has
almost completed his honorable degree (PhD) at the University of Benin,
brief introduction of each system. A variable speed wind Nigeria.
turbine model was simulated based on the power coefficient His employment experience included having lectured at University of
curves. The response of the simulated model was observed Ngeria, Nsukka, Naval Engineering College, Sapele and presently he is a
with dynamic load and changing wind conditions. It was lecturer at Delta State Poytechnic, Otefe, Oghara, Nigeria. He is also the
CEO/MD of Swillas Engineering Limited, a Renewable Energy Company in
observed with the help of the simulation results, that the power Nigeria. He is a member of IEEE Power Engineering Society, IEEE Power
limitation strategy can be successfully enforced by using a Electronics Society, Nigerian Institute of Electrical Electronics Society
pitch controller. (NIEEE) and International Solar Energy Society (ISES).
[1] Mukund. R. Patel, Wind Power Systems, CRC Press, 1999, ch. 4-6.
[4] J.F. Manwell, J.G. McGowan and A.L. Rogers, Wind energy
Explained – Theory, Design and Application, John Wiley& Sons,
2002, ch. 7.
[5] Tony Burton, David sharpe, Nick Jenkins and Ervin Bossanyi,
Wind Energy Handbook, John Wiley& Sons, 2001, ch. 4.