Combustion of gaseous fuels can be more easily controlled than solid or liquid fuels because perfect mixing of fuel and air is possible. Gaseous fuels allow for oxidizing, reducing, and neutral flame environments with little excess air. Heat output can be varied by changing the gas flow rate. Important combustion parameters like ignition temperature and flammability limits depend on temperature, fuel-air ratios, burner nozzle velocity, and fuel composition. Diffusion and pre-aerated burners are two common types, with pre-aerated allowing for higher flame temperatures and speeds through fuel-air premixing.
Combustion of gaseous fuels can be more easily controlled than solid or liquid fuels because perfect mixing of fuel and air is possible. Gaseous fuels allow for oxidizing, reducing, and neutral flame environments with little excess air. Heat output can be varied by changing the gas flow rate. Important combustion parameters like ignition temperature and flammability limits depend on temperature, fuel-air ratios, burner nozzle velocity, and fuel composition. Diffusion and pre-aerated burners are two common types, with pre-aerated allowing for higher flame temperatures and speeds through fuel-air premixing.
Combustion of gaseous fuels can be more easily controlled than solid or liquid fuels because perfect mixing of fuel and air is possible. Gaseous fuels allow for oxidizing, reducing, and neutral flame environments with little excess air. Heat output can be varied by changing the gas flow rate. Important combustion parameters like ignition temperature and flammability limits depend on temperature, fuel-air ratios, burner nozzle velocity, and fuel composition. Diffusion and pre-aerated burners are two common types, with pre-aerated allowing for higher flame temperatures and speeds through fuel-air premixing.
Combustion of gaseous fuels can be more easily controlled than solid or liquid fuels because perfect mixing of fuel and air is possible. Gaseous fuels allow for oxidizing, reducing, and neutral flame environments with little excess air. Heat output can be varied by changing the gas flow rate. Important combustion parameters like ignition temperature and flammability limits depend on temperature, fuel-air ratios, burner nozzle velocity, and fuel composition. Diffusion and pre-aerated burners are two common types, with pre-aerated allowing for higher flame temperatures and speeds through fuel-air premixing. Combustion of Gaseous Fuels ❑Combustion of gaseous fuels is more easily controlled than that solid or liquid fuels because more perfect mixing of the fuel and combustion air is possible. ❑It is very easy to produce oxidizing (excess air), reducing (excess of fuel) and neutral (stoichometric proportion) environment with in the flame gases. ❑With gaseous fuels, combustion is completed with little excess air in mixture. ❑Heat out put can be easily controlled by varying flow rate of gas. Combustion of Gaseous Fuels ❑The behavior of a fuel gas on combustion is determined 1. Temperature of gas/air mixture 2. Relative proportion of combustible gas and the air available 3. The velocity at which the fuel gas /air mixture emerges from burner nozzle. 4. The proportion of the components of fuel. ❑The important parameters such as ignition temperature, limits of inflammability and burning velocity , are all influenced by these factors. Gas Burners Factors Affecting the Design of a Burner ❑Relative density. ❑Calorific value. ❑Flame speed. ❑Limits of flammability. Types of Gas Burners ❑Diffusion Flame: Gas and air flow separately into the combustion chamber and intermix as burning proceeds.
❑Pre-aerated flame: Gas and air are mixed before the combustion chamber and burned as they leave the mixing chamber. Diffusion Burners
Combustion in diffusion flames takes place when gas is allowed to burn at
an orifice by reaction with the surrounding air. Diffusion Burners • When "diffusion" burners, or "non-aerated" or "neat gas" burners are used to burn gases containing a high proportion of hydrocarbons, flames produced are very luminous. • There is bright light produced by thermal cracking of a proportion of the hydrocarbons. • The gas is burned at the outlet of circular or square-sectioned pipe. • Flame from simple diffusion burner is normally; ✓Large. ✓ever changing shape. ✓ relatively low flame temperature. Uses of Diffusion Burner • Diffusion burners are particularly useful where large volumes, low calorific value gases are to be burned. • Where both gas and air must be preheated to produce a high flame temperature. • To avoid dangers of pre-ignition. • Diffusion flame burners cannot backfire. • Diffusion flame burners normally use gas at low pressure (up to 110kPa) Pre-aerated Burner Burners of this type may be divided into two important groups:
• Low-pressure burners in which air is supplied at atmospheric or slightly
higher pressure. • Air-blast burners in which combustion is at pressures significantly higher than atmospheric and is blown into the gas stream. Low-pressure Aerated Burner Best known example is the laboratory bunsen burner.
• Gas issuing a jet.
• Air valve. • Mixing chamber (length of tube). Air-blast Burner ❑When all the combustion air is pre-mixed with the fuel in the air-blast burner, the flame produced has only the inner cone of the bunsen flame formed by a region of intense combustion and high temperatures. ❑Mixture in the burner is near to stoichiometric. ❑Flame speed is near to its maximum value. Air-blast Burner ❑Linear velocity of the gas-air mixture must be maintained above this value to avoid the dangers of "flash back". ❑"Blast" of compressed air may be supplied at pressures in the range 100-3500 kPa. ❑The air is injected into the gas stream whose pressure is much lower, at between 100-2000kPa. ❑The resultant mixture permits high gas velocities in the burner tube and gives rise to a high turn-down ratio.
Department of Chemical Engineering Timetable - Fall 2019 Session 2016 - Semester 7 - Section-A W.E.F. 09-09-2019 Period Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday