Dorian Gray

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The Changes of Dorian’s Personality to be Narcissistic Caused by

His Environment Reflected in Oscar Wilde’s Novel The Picture of

Dorian Gray


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The Changes of Dorian’s Personality to be Narcissistic Caused by
His Environment Reflected in Oscar Wilde’s Novel The Picture of
Dorian Gray
Irma Oemaya

Study Program of English, Faculty of Culture Studies, Universitas Brawijaya


God creates human with the biological aspect as the foundation that build
someone from the body, personality, character, etc, and biological is not the only
factor that build some one’s character. There are some key factors, which provoke
particular changes in human character, and these aspects can be divided into two
groups, internal and external. Everyone has different personality and character, and
they also have bad side and good side inside them, which is the most strongest side
will be seen clearly as they wants.
The Picture of Dorian Gray is a novel with uncommon theme or supernatural
thing. Yet the real theme which is going to be analyzed deal with the change Dorian’s
character a handsome young man from innocent nature into an evily selfish person.
Dorian Gray was a pure man until his meeting with Lord Henry brought him to
realize that beauty is everything. The writer will use psychologycal approach to
analyze possible cause of Dorian’s changes, and the psychological theory in this
thesis is Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Later on Narcissistic Personality Disorder proves to be a complete and
scientific theory to be used to analyze Dorian’s changes towards his attitudes. The
thesis writer finds out that Dorian’s attitude after the change such as his selfishness
and show-off are actually caused by Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Keywords: Character, Attitude, Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Life is filled with temptation, obstacle, frustrations, inner struggles and

dillemas that create our character as human being. The character itself is built

according to how we deal with these things since we were born. God creates human

with the biological aspect as the foundation that build someone from the body,

personality, character, etc, but biological is not the only factor that build some one’s

character. There are some key factors, which provoke particular changes in human

character, and these aspects can be divided into two groups, internal and external. The

first group includes factor, such as life problems and the other is environment, such as

friend and people around us. Abraham Lincoln said “Reputation is a shadow,

character is the tree”. Therefore our character is much more than just what we try to

display for others to see. It is show who we are even when no one is watching. It

shows how the character takes a big role in someone’s life to show, how bad or good
he is.

Legerstee (2005, para.1) stated that “in human

developmental process, character are influenced by
endogenous factors, which are nature since they were
intrauterine, and exogenous factors, which come from
external environment.” Those factors are things which
are derived from somebody’s society and make people
grow not only by their nature, but also by the influences
from their external environment.
In the world of literature, human characters developments are usually

portrayed in prose, poem, and dramas. Literature itself is a human being’s creation

which is related to art, involves language in it and could raise emotional effect to

those who enjoy it. It is sometimes defined as anything written, but this definition is

actually too narrow or too broad to describe literature. Barnet, et al (1963, p.1)

defines literature as “a performance in words which has an element of entertaining

display and reflects a special view of reality.” It can be said that we are able to see

certain human life aspects by reading literary works. Besides, it also has a function as

a tool to entertain people.

As a product of the literature, novel can be considered as a tool that portrays

human life aspect. Novel may portray a clear story of human experience in a series of

events. It describes an individual’s description, both his behavior and mental process,

through one of fiction’s elements, character. Beaty, et al (2002, p.102) define

character as “someone who acts, appears, or is referred to as playing a part in a

literary work.” In most cases, the reader do not only see what characters look like, but

also see what they do and hear what they say; learn what they think and what other

people think or say about them. This character’s complexity in a novel is regarded as
human being’s complexity, which could be analyzed by psychological approach.

Based on explanation above, the writer see a novel that shows the

psychological aspect happened in one strong character inside it. The Picture of

Dorian Gray clearly shows a strong role of the change of trait it is shown by the main

male character, Dorian Gray. The Picture of Dorian Gray tells about Dorian as the

main character who has a pure nature personality. The story began in Basil Hallward

studio in London. The painter was finishing his painting, a portrait of his handsome

young friend, Dorian. Then, Lord Henry Basil’s friend joined and ruined the day.

With his hedonism philosophy, he tried to influence the pure Dorian. The

conversation finally brought new ideas and awakened part of his conscious he never

encountered before. Dorian suddenly admired himself and felt storm of envy when he

saw his portrait and realized that his beauty will be disappeared someday, but not the

picture. Even, at that day, he would sell his soul for his eternal youth. Since that

conversation, Dorian became selfish and individual person. These external effects

have made Dorian’s personality completely different from before and it made his life

so mess.

The Picture of Dorian Gray was published by Oscar Wilde in nineteenth

century in other words Victorian literary works; yet the complexity in moral problem

makes this novel more outstanding. “A touch of supernatural” makes this novel

classified as Gothic novel.

This novel presents a major moral problem, especially concerning moral

decadence as the main male character describes a moral corruption as stated by Rene
Wellek in his book The History of Modern Criticism. Because of many critics at

Wilde’s master piece, this novel is considered as an immoral book. Then, the

discussion of morality brings the writer to analyze the development of the trait of the

main male character from pure and innocent to a morally corrupted. Besides Dorian,

the writer also includes other character such as Lord Henry Wotton, who takes a role

in Dorian’s change.

Based on the background of the study, the writer uses the theory of

characterization and also uses psychological approach to explain the reason behind

the change of Dorian’s character reflected in his behavior. While for the focus, the

writer chooses Narcissism as a theory to analyze more deeply about the character of

Dorian Gray.

Research Method

(1) Deciding the Object of the Study

The Picture of Dorian Gray novel is chosen as the material object of the

study because this novel portrays about the changes of the main character

because of Narcisisssm Personality Disorder and it influenced by


(2) Using psychological approach

This study is connected with Narcisisstic behavior which is experienced by

the main character as portrayed in the novel.

(3) Analyzing and interpreting the data

In this step, The Picture of Dorian Gray is read several times to observe the

novel main character, Dorian Gray, so that the writer can analyze the main

character behavior. In this case the writer tries to connect the original

personality of Dorian which changes because of his Narcisstic behavior that

influenced by his environment

In this chapter the writer uses sub-theory of Psychological Criticism that is

Narcissism, to reveal Dorian’s change of traits from pure to selfish. Dorian Gray is an

innocent young man with outstanding handsome face. The innocent and good

appearance of Dorian Gray makes Basil Hallward interested to paint him into a

portrait in the first sight. Basil really understands the power of his desire since he sees

the strong character that is shown in Dorian’s inner. However everything changes

since Dorian meets with Lord Henry, he becomes someone that takes an important

role in Dorian’s change in term of personality. People around Dorian are used to

recognize him as a kind man, later on he becomes so evil as it can be seen from his

action. Nonetheless, Dorian’s wishes to keep handsome and the eternal youth comes

true, time by the time, when Basil and Lord Henry grow old, Dorian stays handsome,

and young. However, not with the picture, while there is no change in Dorian’s

appearance, his portrait is altered by age and deed. The more Dorian made the bad

thing the more his portrait changes into an ugly and bad person as if the portrait
shows the soul of Dorian Gray. Yet, the origin of the altering picture, which seems to

have supernatural source exists in the story will remain a mystery. Dorian has

clarified a deal to sell his soul to the devil in return for eternal youth, just like

Goethes’s Faust, which according to Donald H.E is the direct source of this novel. In

Faust legend in return for youth, knowledge, experience, and pleasure the man sells

his soul to the devil.

Although Dorian says to Lord Henry that he feels more live than he used to

be, he is not entirely free from his inner conflict. It is shown in his relationship with

Sibyl Vane, after he says to Lord Henry that he falls in love with the actress, later on

he breaks off with Sybil because of her bad acts in her last performance. Dorian feels

confused with his own feeling to Sybil Vane, he does not understand what is going

on his mind. Suddenly he feels like he is much in love with Sybil, but when he saw

her bad performance on the stage, at that time Dorian feel that he hate and need to

dump and leave her. Dorian felt the inner conflict inside himself, whether he has been

cruel to Sybil or it is the right thing to do to leave her. In one hand, he believes that it

is Sybil’s fault that makes Dorian hate her because her bad acting, but on the other

hand he feels so selfish to dump her simply because she cannot fulfill his expectation.


Dorian is influenced by Lord Henry’s ideas of New Hedonism. Lord Henry make

Dorian realizes the important thing of being youth and how to seeking a pleasure.
Dorian already becomes a selfish and arrogant person who only cares for himself. He

does not cares for others and ruin many people’s life and he even does not care of it.

His selfishness is shown by his inability to show empathy to other.

From the first Dorian met Lord Henry, Dorian who never realized of his

appearance, turn into someone who adore his own self until he said that he does not

want to be growing old. Lord Henry’s philosophy of hedonism seems to be the causes

of Dorian change of trait. The feeling of grandiouse self importance that happened to

Dorian can be concludes as mental disorder called Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Narcissism is named after the ancient Greek myth of Narcissus who was a handsome

Greek youth who rejected the desperate advances of the nymph Echo. In punishment

his cruelty, he was doomed to fall in love with his own reflection in pool water.

Unable to consummate his love, he pinned away and changes into the flower that

bears his name to this very day.

The Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) has been recognized as a

separate mental health disorder. It has pervasive pattern in of grandiosity, need for

admiration, and lack of empathy.

Dorian Gray at states in this novel can be reputed has a personality disorder,

which is called Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He is quite understand that after he

met with Lord Henry, he changes into a different person as he pay attention to his

portrait and his lack of empathy to Sybil’s death. “Why is it I cannot feel this tragedy

as much as I want to.”(Wilde, 1891, p.56). According to Elizabeth Hurlock (1979,

p.109) the changes of traits that Dorian experiences is from desirable trait-innocence

and being replaced by undesirable one, selfishness, can be regarded as a signal of

mental illness. The mental illness is Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which caused

Dorian’s character change from pure man to arrogant one.

It cannot be ignored that Lord Henry who has the idea of New Hedonism is

the causes of Dorian’s change of trait. But even with the existence of Lord Henry in

Dorian’s life, “a person cannot change his personality without self-willingness and

efforts that come from his own willingness”, Hurlock (1979, p. 133). Without he

realized, Dorian changes his trait and behavior because he wants to, Lord Henry are

only function as the speaker that voicing something already exists inside him. Like

when Lord Henry said to Dorian, “You have had passions that have made you,

thought that have filled you with terror, day dream, and sleeping dreams whose mere

memory might stain your cheek with shame”.

( Wilde, 1891, p.13) From the statement that Lord Henry gave to Dorian, it makes

him feel confuses at first. Then he realized that Lord Henry was totally right about

Dorian’s inner willingness, and he realized that Lord Henry is voicing his desires and

secret wishes which he was afraid to express and did before. Those questions are

answered by the portrait that made by Basil Hallward, after seeing the portrait, Dorian

has the courage to express his admiration for his appearance and this is the first time

he feel the real desirable of himself.” A look of joy came into his eyes, as if he had

recognized himself for the first time, the sense of his own beauty came on him like a

revelation. He had never felt it before”(Wilde, 1891, p.16). The first conversation
between Dorian and Lord Henry, become the first time open the Narcissistic that

actually has already been inside Dorian without his consciousness before. Lord

Henry with his influence about hedonism teaches Dorian to realize desire by saying

that he wants to his handsome for his entire of life (Wilde, 1891, p.17). Because

Dorian’s Narcissistic Disorder, Dorian become someone who has no principle in his

life, he become so lack his empathy and morality easily by following Lord Henry’s



The Picture of Dorian Gray clearly shows a strong role of the change of trait that

shown by the main male character, Dorian Gray. The Picture of Dorian Gray tells

about Dorian as the main character who has a pure nature personality which is

changes into a cruel condition until one day Lord Henry as the other character

influences him with his hedonism idea about the greatest life. Starts from the first

conversation, Lord Henry was succeed in his passion to changes Dorian personality,

since that day, Dorian is totally changes and that condition makes his another friend

surprised. Dorian became someone who admire his own self exaggerately, arrogant,

selfish, and lack of empathy, he also felt storm of envy when he saw his portrait and

realized that his beauty will be disappeared someday but not the picture. Dorian has

narcisisstic personality disorder which makes him unable to love, full of jealously,
has a grandiose sense of self important that ruins his life and his relationship with


To analyze this novel, the writer uses an approach to figure out what can be a

Narcisisstic Personality Disorder can ruin someone’s life. Through psychological

criticism the writer can see how is Dorian’s personaity as the main characters in this

novel. Through the Narcissism, the writer tries to reveal what Narcissism is and why

it could be considered as a disease and why someone has this disorder. In the end the

writer focuses on what kind of types that can be seen as Narcissistic Personality

Disorder, and then the writer also takes a connection between the environment

influences that became the causes that makes Dorian changes his personality in this


The writer suggests the next researchers to continue the research by analyzing

The Picture of Dorian Gray but with different case, for instance from the general

structuralism that shown clearly as the external influenced that happened in that era.

For example, Victorian Era, why this era indirectly makes people at that time admire

the art or the value of the beauty, so that this analysis can be connected with the

question why there are people like Dorian and Lord Henry as the symbols of this era.

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