Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications: Cisco 2600 Series Hardware Installation Guide

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Cisco Modular Access Router Cable


This document provides cable specifications for Cisco 1800 series, Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 2800 series,
Cisco 3600 series, Cisco 3700 series, and Cisco 3800 series routers.
Use this document in conjunction with the following publications:
• Cisco 1800 series hardware installation documentation
• Cisco 2600 Series Hardware Installation Guide
• Cisco 2800 series hardware installation documentation
• Cisco 3600 Series Hardware Installation Guide
• Cisco 3700 Series Hardware Installation Guide
• Cisco 3800 series hardware installation documentation
• Cisco Network Modules Hardware Installation Guide
• Cisco Interface Cards Hardware Installation Guide
This document includes the following sections:
• Safety Warnings, page 2
• Console and Auxiliary Port Signals and Pinouts, page 7
• Ethernet Cable Pinouts, page 10
• Fast Ethernet Connector Pinouts, page 12
• Token Ring Port Pinouts, page 12
• ISDN BRI Interface, page 13
• CT1/PRI Pinouts, page 15
• CT1/PRI-CSU Pinouts, page 16
• CE1/PRI Interface, page 17
• 56/64-kbps DSU/CSU Signals and Pinouts, page 18
• T1/E1 Trunk and Digital Voice Port Pinouts (RJ-48), page 18
• Analog Voice RJ-21 Pinouts, page 19

Corporate Headquarters:
Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA

Copyright © 2004, 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Safety Warnings

• Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts, page 20

• Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts, page 33
• Octopus Cable Connection Signals and Pinouts, page 41

Note All pins not listed in the tables in this document are not connected.

If you prefer to order cables, see your router installation guide.

Safety Warnings
Safety warnings appear throughout this publication in procedures that, if performed incorrectly, may
harm you. A warning symbol precedes each warning statement. To see translations of the warnings that
appear in this publication, see the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information document that
accompanies your router.


This warning symbol means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you
work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar
with standard practices for preventing accidents. Use the statement number provided at the end of
each warning to locate its translation in the translated safety warnings that accompanied this
device. Statement 1071



Dit waarschuwingssymbool betekent gevaar. U verkeert in een situatie die lichamelijk letsel kan
veroorzaken. Voordat u aan enige apparatuur gaat werken, dient u zich bewust te zijn van de bij
elektrische schakelingen betrokken risico's en dient u op de hoogte te zijn van de standaard
praktijken om ongelukken te voorkomen. Gebruik het nummer van de verklaring onderaan de
waarschuwing als u een vertaling van de waarschuwing die bij het apparaat wordt geleverd, wilt



Tämä varoitusmerkki merkitsee vaaraa. Tilanne voi aiheuttaa ruumiillisia vammoja. Ennen kuin
käsittelet laitteistoa, huomioi sähköpiirien käsittelemiseen liittyvät riskit ja tutustu
onnettomuuksien yleisiin ehkäisytapoihin. Turvallisuusvaroitusten käännökset löytyvät laitteen
mukana toimitettujen käännettyjen turvallisuusvaroitusten joukosta varoitusten lopussa näkyvien
lausuntonumeroiden avulla.


Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

2 OL-6453-02
Safety Warnings


Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger. Vous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant
entraîner des blessures ou des dommages corporels. Avant de travailler sur un équipement, soyez
conscient des dangers liés aux circuits électriques et familiarisez-vous avec les procédures
couramment utilisées pour éviter les accidents. Pour prendre connaissance des traductions des
avertissements figurant dans les consignes de sécurité traduites qui accompagnent cet appareil,
référez-vous au numéro de l'instruction situé à la fin de chaque avertissement.



Dieses Warnsymbol bedeutet Gefahr. Sie befinden sich in einer Situation, die zu Verletzungen führen
kann. Machen Sie sich vor der Arbeit mit Geräten mit den Gefahren elektrischer Schaltungen und
den üblichen Verfahren zur Vorbeugung vor Unfällen vertraut. Suchen Sie mit der am Ende jeder
Warnung angegebenen Anweisungsnummer nach der jeweiligen Übersetzung in den übersetzten
Sicherheitshinweisen, die zusammen mit diesem Gerät ausgeliefert wurden.



Questo simbolo di avvertenza indica un pericolo. La situazione potrebbe causare infortuni alle
persone. Prima di intervenire su qualsiasi apparecchiatura, occorre essere al corrente dei pericoli
relativi ai circuiti elettrici e conoscere le procedure standard per la prevenzione di incidenti.
Utilizzare il numero di istruzione presente alla fine di ciascuna avvertenza per individuare le
traduzioni delle avvertenze riportate in questo documento.



Dette advarselssymbolet betyr fare. Du er i en situasjon som kan føre til skade på person. Før du
begynner å arbeide med noe av utstyret, må du være oppmerksom på farene forbundet med
elektriske kretser, og kjenne til standardprosedyrer for å forhindre ulykker. Bruk nummeret i slutten
av hver advarsel for å finne oversettelsen i de oversatte sikkerhetsadvarslene som fulgte med denne



Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo. Você está em uma situação que poderá ser causadora de
lesões corporais. Antes de iniciar a utilização de qualquer equipamento, tenha conhecimento dos
perigos envolvidos no manuseio de circuitos elétricos e familiarize-se com as práticas habituais de
prevenção de acidentes. Utilize o número da instrução fornecido ao final de cada aviso para
localizar sua tradução nos avisos de segurança traduzidos que acompanham este dispositivo.


Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

OL-6453-02 3
Safety Warnings


Este símbolo de aviso indica peligro. Existe riesgo para su integridad física. Antes de manipular
cualquier equipo, considere los riesgos de la corriente eléctrica y familiarícese con los
procedimientos estándar de prevención de accidentes. Al final de cada advertencia encontrará el
número que le ayudará a encontrar el texto traducido en el apartado de traducciones que acompaña
a este dispositivo.



Denna varningssignal signalerar fara. Du befinner dig i en situation som kan leda till personskada.
Innan du utför arbete på någon utrustning måste du vara medveten om farorna med elkretsar och
känna till vanliga förfaranden för att förebygga olyckor. Använd det nummer som finns i slutet av
varje varning för att hitta dess översättning i de översatta säkerhetsvarningar som medföljer denna


Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

4 OL-6453-02
Safety Warnings


Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo. Você se encontra em uma situação em que há risco de lesões
corporais. Antes de trabalhar com qualquer equipamento, esteja ciente dos riscos que envolvem os
circuitos elétricos e familiarize-se com as práticas padrão de prevenção de acidentes. Use o
número da declaração fornecido ao final de cada aviso para localizar sua tradução nos avisos de
segurança traduzidos que acompanham o dispositivo.



Dette advarselssymbol betyder fare. Du befinder dig i en situation med risiko for
legemesbeskadigelse. Før du begynder arbejde på udstyr, skal du være opmærksom på de
involverede risici, der er ved elektriske kredsløb, og du skal sætte dig ind i standardprocedurer til
undgåelse af ulykker. Brug erklæringsnummeret efter hver advarsel for at finde oversættelsen i de
oversatte advarsler, der fulgte med denne enhed.


Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

OL-6453-02 5
Safety Warnings

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

6 OL-6453-02
Console and Auxiliary Port Signals and Pinouts

Console and Auxiliary Port Signals and Pinouts

Your router comes with a kit that contains the cable and adapters you need to connect a console terminal
(an ASCII terminal or PC running terminal emulation software) or modem to your router.
Cisco 1800 series routers, and the Cisco 2801 router, come with an accessory kit that includes the
following items:
• RJ-45-to-DB-9 cable
• DB-9-to-DB-25 modem adapter
All other routers in the Cisco 2800 series come with an accessory kit that contains the following:
• RJ-45-to-DB-9 console cable
• RJ-45-to-DB-25 modem cable
For console and modem connections on Cisco 1800 and Cisco 2800 series routers, see the Cable
Connection Procedures document within the Cisco 1800 series hardware installation documentation or
within the Cisco 2800 series hardware installation documentation.
Cisco 2600, Cisco 3600, Cisco 3700 and Cisco 3800 series routers come with a console and auxiliary
cable kit that includes the following items:
• RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable
• RJ-45-to-DB-9 female DTE adapter (labeled TERMINAL)
• RJ-45-to-DB-25 female DTE adapter (labeled TERMINAL)
• RJ-45-to-DB-25 male DCE adapter (labeled MODEM)

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

OL-6453-02 7
Console and Auxiliary Port Signals and Pinouts

For console connections on Cisco 2600, Cisco 3600, Cisco 3700, or Cisco 3800 series routers, proceed
to the “Console Port Signals and Pinouts” section on page 8; for modem connections, proceed to the
“Auxiliary Port Signals and Pinouts” section on page 9.

Console Port Signals and Pinouts

Use the thin, flat, RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable and RJ-45-to-DB-9 female DTE adapter (labeled
TERMINAL) to connect the console port to a PC running terminal emulation software. Figure 1 shows
how to connect the console port to a PC. Table 1 lists the pinouts for the asynchronous serial console
port, the RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable, and the RJ-45-to-DB-9 female DTE adapter (labeled

Figure 1 Connecting the Console Port to a PC

rollover cable

RJ-45-to-DB-9 adapter
(labeled TERMINAL)

Table 1 Console Port Signaling and Cabling Using a DB-9 Adapter

RJ-45-to-RJ RJ-45-to-DB-9
-45 Terminal Adapter
Console Rollover (connected to Console
Port (DTE) Cable Rollover Cable) Device
Signal RJ-45 Pin RJ-45 Pin DB-9 Pin Signal
RTS 1 8 8 CTS
DTR 2 7 6 DSR
TxD 3 6 2 RxD
GND 4 5 5 GND
GND 5 4 5 GND
RxD 6 3 3 TxD
DSR 7 2 4 DTR
CTS 8 1 7 RTS
1. Pin 1 is connected internally to pin 8.

Table 2 lists the pinouts for the asynchronous serial console port, the RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable, and
the RJ-45-to-DB-25 female DTE adapter (labeled TERMINAL).

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

8 OL-6453-02
Console and Auxiliary Port Signals and Pinouts

Table 2 Console Port Signaling and Cabling Using a DB-25 Adapter

Console RJ-45-to-RJ-45 RJ-45-to-DB-25 Console

Port (DTE)1 Rollover Cable Terminal Adapter Device
Signal RJ-45 Pin RJ-45 Pin DB-25 Pin Signal
RTS 1 8 5 CTS
DTR 2 7 6 DSR
TxD 3 6 3 RxD
GND 4 5 7 GND
GND 5 4 7 GND
RxD 6 3 2 TxD
DSR 7 2 20 DTR
CTS 8 1 4 RTS
1. You can use the same cabling to connect a console to the auxiliary port.
2. Pin 1 is connected internally to pin 8.

Auxiliary Port Signals and Pinouts

Table 3 lists the pinouts for the asynchronous serial auxiliary port, the RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable,
and the RJ-45-to-DB-25 male DCE adapter (labeled MODEM).

Table 3 Auxiliary Port Signaling and Cabling Using a DB-25 Adapter

Auxiliary RJ-45-to-RJ-45 RJ-45-to-DB-25

Port (DTE) Roll-Over Cable Modem Adapter Modem
Signal RJ-45 Pin RJ-45 Pin DB-25 Pin Signal
RTS 1 8 4 RTS
DTR 2 7 20 DTR
TxD 3 6 2 TxD
GND 4 5 7 GND
GND 5 4 7 GND
RxD 6 3 3 RxD
DSR 7 2 8 DCD
CTS 8 1 5 CTS
1. Pin 1 is connected internally to pin 8.

You can identify a rollover cable by comparing the modular plugs at the two ends of the cable. When
you hold the plugs side by side, with the tab at the back, the wire connected to the pin on the outside of
the left plug should be the same color as the wire connected to the pin on the outside of the right plug.
(See Figure 2.) If you purchased your cable from Cisco Systems, pin 1 is white on one connector, and
pin 8 is white on the other (a rollover cable connects pins 1 and 8, 2 and 7, 3 and 6, and 4 and 5).

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

OL-6453-02 9
Ethernet Cable Pinouts

Figure 2 Identifying a Rollover Cable

Pin 1 and pin 8

should be the
same color
Pin 1 Pin 8

Ethernet Cable Pinouts
This section describes the following:
• Ethernet AUI Cable Pinouts
• 10BASE-T Connector Pinouts

Ethernet AUI Cable Pinouts

Figure 3 shows the Ethernet (AUI) cable assembly, and Table 4 lists the pinouts.

Figure 3 Ethernet (AUI) Cable Assembly

J1-1 J2-1
J1-9 J2-9

J1 J2

J1-15 J2-15
J1-8 J2-8

Table 4 Ethernet (AUI) Pinouts

Pin Ethernet Circuit Signal Name

3 DO-A Data Out Circuit A
10 DO-B Data Out Circuit B
11 DO-S Data Out Circuit Shield
5 DI-A Data In Circuit A

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

10 OL-6453-02
Ethernet Cable Pinouts

Table 4 Ethernet (AUI) Pinouts (continued)

Pin Ethernet Circuit Signal Name

12 DI-B Data In Circuit B
4 DI-S Data In Circuit Shield
7 CO-A Control Out Circuit A (not connected)
15 CO-B Control Out Circuit B (not connected)
8 CO-S Control Out Circuit Shield (not connected)
2 CI-A Control In Circuit A
9 CI-B Control In Circuit B
1 CI-S Control In Circuit Shield
6 VC Voltage Common
13 VP Voltage Plus
14 VS Voltage Shield (L25 and M25)
Shell PG Protective Ground

10BASE-T Connector Pinouts

Figure 4 shows the 10BASE-T connector (RJ-45), and Table 5 lists its pinouts.

Figure 4 10BASE-T Connector (RJ-45)


Table 5 10BASE-T Connector (RJ-45) Pinouts

Pin1 Description
1 TX+
2 TX–
3 RX+
4 —
5 —
6 RX–
7 —
8 —
1. Any pin not described
is not connected.

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

OL-6453-02 11
Fast Ethernet Connector Pinouts

Fast Ethernet Connector Pinouts

This section illustrates the Fast Ethernet 100BASE-TX (RJ-45) connector and lists its pinouts and signal
Figure 5 shows the 100BASE-TX RJ-45 connector, and Table 6 lists its pinouts. The 1-port Fast Ethernet
network module RJ-45 port actively terminates wire pair 4 and 5 and wire pair 7 and 8. Common-mode
termination reduces electromagnetic interference (EMI) and susceptibility to common-mode sources.

Figure 5 100BaseTX RJ-45 Connector

RJ-45 (both ends)

in 8

Table 6 RJ-45 Connector Pinout

Pin Signal
1 TX+
2 TX–
3 RX+
6 RX–

Token Ring Port Pinouts

The 1E1R 2-slot module provides both UTP and STP Token Ring connections described in these
• Token Ring STP Connector Pinouts
• Token Ring UTP Connector Pinouts
The IEEE has established Token Ring as standard IEEE 802.5. The distance limitations for the IEEE
802.5 specification indicate a maximum segment distance of 328 feet (100 meters) for UTP cabling. The
distance limitation is 1,640 feet (500 meters) for STP cabling.

Note To ensure agency compliance with FCC Class B electromagnetic emissions requirements (EMI), make
sure that you use the shielded RJ-45 Token Ring cable when connecting your router to the Token Ring

Token Ring can operate at two different ring speeds: 4 and 16 Mbps. All devices on the ring must use
the same operating speed.
Only one Token Ring port can be used at a time. The module will automatically detect which port, STP
or UTP, is in use. Use the provided Token Ring cable to connect the router to a switch.

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

12 OL-6453-02
ISDN BRI Interface

Token Ring STP Connector Pinouts

Table 7 shows the Token Ring STP port pinouts used by the 1E1R 2-slot module.

Table 7 Token Ring STP Port (DB-9) Pinouts

9-Pin Signal Name

1 RX–
2 Ground
3 +5 Volt, fused
4 Ground
5 TX–
6 +RX
7 Ground
8 Ground
9 +TX

Token Ring UTP Connector Pinouts

Table 8 shows the Token Ring UTP port pinouts used by the 1E1R 2-slot module.

Table 8 Token Ring UTP Port (DB-9) Pinouts

RJ-45 Pins Signal

3 TX
4 RX
5 TX
6 RX
8 —

ISDN BRI Interface

This section contains the following topics:
• ISDN BRI Connections
• ISDN BRI Pinouts

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

OL-6453-02 13
ISDN BRI Interface

Warning Network hazardous voltages are present in the BRI, fractional T1/T1, and switched 56 cables. If you
detach the cable, detach the end away from the router first to avoid possible electric shock. Network
hazardous voltages also are present on the system card in the area of the BRI port (RJ-45 connector),
fractional T1/T1 port (RJ-48C connector), and switched port (RJ-11 or RJ-48S connector), regardless
of when power is turned OFF. Statement 59

ISDN BRI Connections

Warning The ISDN connection is regarded as a source of voltage that should be inaccessible to user contact.
Do not attempt to tamper with or open any public telephone operator (PTO)-provided equipment or
connection hardware. Any hardwired connection (other than by a nonremovable,
connect-one-time-only plug) must be made only by PTO staff or suitably trained engineers. Statement

Use a BRI cable (not included) to connect BRI ports on WAN interface cards (WICs) or on high speed
WICs (HWICs) directly to an ISDN. Table 9 lists the specifications for ISDN BRI cables.

Table 9 ISDN BRI Cable Specifications

Specification High-Capacitance Cable Low-Capacitance Cable

Resistance (at 96 kHz) 160 ohms/km 160 ohms/km
Capacitance (at 1 kHz) 120 nF /km 30 nF/km
Impedance (at 96 kHz) 75 ohms 150 ohms
Wire diameter 0.024 in (0.6 mm) 0.024 in (0.6 mm)
Distance limitation 32.8 ft (10 m) 32.8 ft (10 m)
1. nF = nanoFarad

ISDN BRI Pinouts

Table 10 lists the connector signals and pinouts for an ISDN BRI S/T port. Table 11 lists the connector
signals and pinouts for the ISDN BRI U port.

Caution To prevent damage to the system, make certain you connect the BRI cable to the BRI connector only and
not to any other RJ-45 connector.

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

14 OL-6453-02
CT1/PRI Pinouts

Table 10 ISDN BRI S/T Port Signals and Pinouts (RJ-45)

8-Pin1 TE2 NT3 Polarity

3 TX RX +
4 RX TX +
5 RX TX —
6 TX RX —
1. Pins 1, 2, 7, and 8 are not used.
2. TE refers to terminal terminating layer 1 aspects of TE1, TA, and
NT functional groups (this applies to the ISDN BRI S/T WIC).
3. NT refers to network terminating layer 1 aspects of NT1 and NT2
functional groups.

Table 11 ISDN BRI U Port Signals and Pinouts (RJ-45)

8-Pin1 Function
3 No connection
4 Signal—Tip or Ring
5 Signal—Tip or Ring
6 No connection
1. Pins 1, 2, 7, and 8 are not used.

CT1/PRI Pinouts
Two standard T1 serial cables are available for the CT1/PRI module: null modem and straight-through.
A straight-through cable connects the router to an external CSU. Null modem cables are used for
back-to-back operation and testing.
The T1 interface cable has two 15-pin DB connectors at each end to connect the CT1/PRI module with
the external T1 CSU. Figure 6 shows the T1 interface cable, connectors, and pinouts. Table 12 lists the
pinouts for the null modem T1 cable, and Table 13 lists the pinouts for the straight-through T1 cable.

Warning Network hazardous voltages are present in the BRI, fractional T1/T1, and switched 56 cables. If you
detach the cable, detach the end away from the router first to avoid possible electric shock. Network
hazardous voltages also are present on the system card in the area of the BRI port (RJ-45 connector),
fractional T1/T1 port (RJ-48C connector), and switched port (RJ-11 or RJ-48S connector), regardless
of when power is turned OFF. Statement 59

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

OL-6453-02 15
CT1/PRI-CSU Pinouts

Figure 6 T1 Interface Cable

Pin 1
Pin 9 Pin 3
Pin 11

Pin 11
Pin 3 Pin 9
Pin 1

T1 or null modem
connector (typical)

Table 12 Null Modem T1 Cable Pinouts

15-Pin DB Connector 15-Pin DB Connector

Signal Pin Pin Signal
Transmit Tip 1 3 Receive Tip
Receive Tip 3 1 Transmit Tip
Transmit Ring 9 11 Receive Ring
Receive Ring 11 9 Transmit Ring

Table 13 Straight-Through T1 Cable Pinouts

15-Pin DB Connector 15-Pin DB Connector

Signal Pin Pin Signal
Transmit Tip 1 1 Transmit Tip
Transmit Ring 9 9 Transmit Ring
Receive Tip 3 3 Receive Tip
Receive Ring 11 11 Receive Ring

CT1/PRI-CSU Pinouts
Table 14 lists the CT1/PRI-CSU module port pinouts. Use a straight-through RJ-48C-to-RJ-48C cable
to connect the T1 port to an RJ-48C jack.

Table 14 CT1/PRI-CSU Module Port (RJ-48C) Pinouts

RJ-48C Pin Description

1 Receive Ring
2 Receive Tip
4 Ring
5 Tip

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

16 OL-6453-02
CE1/PRI Interface

CE1/PRI Interface
This section contains the following topics:
• CE1/PRI Cables
• CE1/PRI Pinouts

CE1/PRI Cables
Cisco Systems makes four cables for the CE1/PRI modules. All four have DB-15 connectors on the
CE1/PRI end and either BNC, DB-15, twinaxial, or RJ-45 connectors on the network end. Figure 7
through Figure 10 show the CE1/PRI interface cables.

Figure 7 E1 Interface Cable for 75-Ohm, Unbalanced Connections with BNC Connectors

Figure 8 E1 Interface Cable for 120-Ohm, Balanced Connections with DB-15 Connectors


Figure 9 E1 Interface Cable for 120-Ohm, Balanced Connections with Twinaxial Connectors

Figure 10 E1 Interface Cable for 120-Ohm, Balanced Connections with an RJ-45 Connector

CE1/PRI Pinouts
Table 15 lists pinouts for the CE1/PRI interface cables.

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

OL-6453-02 17
56/64-kbps DSU/CSU Signals and Pinouts

Table 15 E1 Interface Cable Pinouts

CE1/PRI End Network End

DB-15 BNC DB-15 Twinax RJ-45
Pin Signal Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal
9 TX Tip TX Tip 1 TX Tip TX-1 TX Tip 1 TX Tip
2 TX Ring TX Shield 9 TX Ring TX-2 TX Ring 2 TX Ring
10 TX Shield — 2 TX Shield Shield TX Shield 3 TX Shield
8 RX Tip RX Tip 3 RX Tip RX-1 RX Tip 4 RX Tip
15 RX Ring RX Shield 11 RX Ring RX-2 RX Ring 5 RX Ring
7 RX Shield — 4 RX Shield Shield RX Shield 6 RX Shield

56/64-kbps DSU/CSU Signals and Pinouts

Switched 56-kbps connections are provided by the 56-kbps DSU/CSU WAN interface card (WIC). For
more information, see the Network Modules Hardware Installation Guide.

Warning Network hazardous voltages are present in the BRI, fractional T1/T1, and switched 56 cables. If you
detach the cable, detach the end away from the router first to avoid possible electric shock. Network
hazardous voltages also are present on the system card in the area of the BRI port (RJ-45 connector),
fractional T1/T1 port (RJ-48C connector), and switched port (RJ-11 or RJ-48S connector), regardless
of when power is turned OFF. Statement 59

Table 16 lists the 56/64-kbps DSU/CSU connector signals and pinouts.

Table 16 56/64-Kbps DSU/CSU (RJ-48S) Signals and Pinouts

8-Pin1 Description
1 Transmit Ring
2 Transmit Tip
7 Receive Tip
8 Receive Ring
1. Pins 3, 4, 5, and 6 are not

T1/E1 Trunk and Digital Voice Port Pinouts (RJ-48)

Figure 11 shows the RJ-48 connector wiring for the T1/E1 trunk cable and the digital voice port cable;
Table 17 lists the pinouts.

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

18 OL-6453-02
Analog Voice RJ-21 Pinouts

Figure 11 RJ-48-to-RJ-48 T1/E1 Cable Wiring

1 8


Table 17 Pinouts for T1/E1 Trunk and Digital Voice Port (RJ-48)

Pin1 Signal
1 RX + (input)
2 RX - (input)
3 —
4 TX + (output)
5 TX - (output)
6 —
7 —
8 —
1. Any pin not referenced on a connector is not

Analog Voice RJ-21 Pinouts

Figure 12 shows the RJ-21 connector wiring for the 50-pin Amphenol cable; Table 18 lists the pinouts.

Figure 12 RJ-21 Connector Wiring

1 25

26 50

RJ-21 cable RJ-21 connector

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

OL-6453-02 19
Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 18 Pinouts for FXS and FXO Voice Ports

Pair Ring Conductor Tip Conductor

1 1 26
2 2 27
3 3 28
4 4 29
5 5 30
6 6 31
7 7 32
8 8 33
9 9 34
10 10 35
11 11 36
12 12 37
13 13 38
14 14 39
15 15 40
16 16 41
17 17 42
18 18 43
19 19 44
20 20 45
21 21 46
22 22 47
23 23 48
24 24 49

Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

This section provides information about the 1-port serial WAN interface card (WIC). With the
appropriate serial transition cable, this WIC can provide an EIA/TIA-232, EIA/TIA-449, V.35, X.21,
DTE/DCE, EIA-530 DTE, or NRZ/NRZI serial interface.

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

20 OL-6453-02
Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Types of Serial Cables

Five types of serial cables (also called serial adapter cables or serial transition cables) are available from
Cisco Systems:
• EIA/TIA-232 Interface
• EIA/TIA-449 Interface
• V.35 Interface
• X.21 Serial Cable Assembly
• EIA-530 Interface
All serial cables provide a universal plug at the WIC end. The network end of each cable provides the
physical connectors most commonly used for the interface. For example, the network end of the
EIA/TIA-232 serial cable is a DB-25 connector, the most widely used EIA/TIA-232 connector.
All serial interface types except EIA-530 are available in DTE or DCE format: DTE with a plug
connector (male) at the network end and DCE with a receptacle (female) at the network end. V.35 is
available in either mode with either gender at the network end. EIA-530 is available in DTE only.

Connecting the WIC to the Network

Note The serial WIC uses a universal high-density, 60-pin receptacle. Each universal port requires a serial port
adapter cable that determines the port’s electrical interface type and mode: DTE or DCE. Although all
port adapter cables use a universal plug at the serial module end, the network end of each cable type uses
the physical connectors commonly used for the interface. (For example, the network end of the
EIA/TIA-232 port adapter cable is a DB-25 connector, the most widely used EIA/TIA-232 connector.)

After you install the serial WIC, use the appropriate serial cable to connect the WIC DB-60 serial port
to one of the following types of equipment:
• An asynchronous modem, if connecting to an analog telephone line
• A synchronous modem, data service unit/channel service unit (DSU/CSU), or other data
circuit-terminating equipment (DCE), if connecting to a digital WAN line

EIA/TIA-232 Interface
This section contains the following topics:
• EIA/TIA-232 Connections
• EIA/TIA-232 Serial Cable Assembly

EIA/TIA-232 Connections
EIA/TIA-232 supports unbalanced circuits at signal speeds up to 64 kbps. The network end of the
adapter cable is a standard 25-pin D-shell connector known as a DB-25. (See Figure 13.) The router
console and auxiliary ports also use EIA/TIA-232 connections; however, the serial module ports support
synchronous connections, and the console and auxiliary ports support asynchronous connections.

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

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Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Figure 13 EIA/TIA-232 Adapter Cable Connectors, Network End



EIA/TIA-232 Serial Cable Assembly

Figure 14 shows the EIA/TIA-232 serial cable assembly. Table 19 lists the DTE pinout and Table 20 lists
the DCE pinout. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means DCE to DTE.

Figure 14 EIA/TIA-232 Cable Assembly

J1-45 60-pin connector (J1) 25-pin connector (J2)
J1-16 J2-13
J1-15 J2-25

J1-1 J2-14
J1-30 J2-1
Connectors are not to scale.

Table 19 EIA/TIA-232 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-25)

60-Pin Signal Note Direction 25-Pin Signal

J1-50 MODE_0 Shorting group — — —
J1-51 GND
J1-46 Shield GND Single — J2-1 Shield GND
J1-46 Shield GND Single — J2-1 Shield GND
J1-41 TXD/RXD Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-2 TXD
Shield — — Shield —
J1-36 RXD/TXD Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-3 RXD
Shield — — Shield —
J1-42 RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-4 RTS
Shield — — Shield —
J1-35 CTS/RTS Twisted pair no. 10 <— J2-5 CTS
Shield — — Shield —
J1-34 DSR/DTR Twisted pair no. 11 <— J2-6 DSR
Shield — — Shield —

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

22 OL-6453-02
Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 19 EIA/TIA-232 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-25) (continued)

60-Pin Signal Note Direction 25-Pin Signal

J1-45 Circuit GND Twisted pair no. 1 — J2-7 Circuit GND
Shield — — Shield —
J1-33 DCD/LL Twisted pair no. 12 <— J2-8 DCD
Shield — — Shield —
J1-37 TXC/NIL Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-15 TXC
Shield — — Shield —
J1-38 RXC/TXCE Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-17 RXC
Shield — — Shield —
J1-44 LL/DCD Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-18 LTST
Shield — — Shield —
J1-43 DTR/DSR Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-20 DTR
Shield — — Shield —
J1-39 TXCE/TXC Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-24 TXCE
Shield — — Shield —

Table 20 EIA/TIA-232 DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-25)

60-Pin Signal Note Direction 25-Pin Signal

J1-50 MODE_0 Shorting group — — —
J1-51 GND
J1-36 RXD/TXD Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-2 TXD
Shield — — Shield —
J1-41 TXD/RXD Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-3 RXD
Shield — — Shield —
J1-35 CTS/RTS Twisted pair no. 10 <— J2-4 RTS
Shield — — Shield —
J1-42 RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-5 CTS
Shield — — Shield —
J1-43 DTR/DSR Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-6 DSR
Shield — — Shield —
J1-45 Circuit GND Twisted pair no. 1 — J2-7 Circuit
Shield — — Shield GND
J1-44 LL/DCD Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-8 DCD
Shield — — Shield —
J1-39 TXCE/TXC Twisted pair no. 7 —> J2-15 TXC
Shield — — Shield —
J1-40 NIL/RXC Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-17 RXC
Shield — — Shield —
J1-33 DCD/LL Twisted pair no. 12 <— J2-18 LTST
Shield — — Shield —

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Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 20 EIA/TIA-232 DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-25) (continued)

60-Pin Signal Note Direction 25-Pin Signal

J1-34 DSR/DTR Twisted pair no. 11 <— J2-20 DTR
Shield — — Shield —
J1-38 RXC/TXCE Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-24 TXCE
Shield — — Shield —

EIA/TIA-449 Interface
This section contains the following topics:
• EIA/TIA-449 Connections
• EIA/TIA-449 Serial Cable Assembly

EIA/TIA-449 Connections
EIA/TIA-449, which supports balanced (EIA/TIA-422) and unbalanced (EIA/TIA-423) transmissions,
is a faster (up to 2 Mbps) version of EIA/TIA-232 that provides more functions and supports
transmissions over greater distances.
The EIA/TIA-449 standard was intended to replace the EIA/TIA-232 standard, but it was not widely
adopted primarily because of the large installed base of DB-25 hardware and because of the larger size
of the 37-pin EIA/TIA-449 connectors, which limited the number of connections possible (fewer than
possible with the smaller, 25-pin EIA/TIA-232 connector).
The network end of the EIA/TIA-449 adapter cable provides a standard 37-pin D-shell connector.
(See Figure 15.) EIA/TIA-449 cables are available as either DTE (DB-37 plug) or DCE (DB-37

Figure 15 EIA/TIA-449 Adapter Cable Connectors, Network End



EIA/TIA-449 Serial Cable Assembly

Figure 16 shows the EIA/TIA-449 serial cable assembly. Table 21 lists the DTE pinout, and Table 22
lists the DCE pinout. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means DCE to

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

24 OL-6453-02
Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Figure 16 EIA/TIA-449 Serial Cable Assembly

J1-46 60-pin connector (J1) 37-pin connector (J2)

J1-45 J2-19
J1-16 J2-37

Connectors are not to scale. J2-1

Table 21 EIA/TIA-449 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-37)

60-Pin Signal Name Note Direction 37-Pin Signal Name

J1-49 MODE_1 Shorting group — — —
J1-48 GND
J1-51 GND Shorting group — — —
J1-46 Shield_GND Single _ J2-1 Shield GND
J1-11 TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-4 SD+
J1-12 TXD/RXD– —> J2-22 SD–
J1-24 TXC/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-5 ST+
J1-23 TXC/RXC– <— J2-23 ST–
J1-28 RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 11 <— J2-6 RD+
J1-27 RXD/TXD– <— J2-24 RD–
J1-9 RTS/CTS+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-7 RS+
J1-10 RTS/CTS– —> J2-25 RS–
J1-26 RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 10 <— J2-8 RT+
J1-25 RXC/TXCE– <— J2-26 RT–
J1-1 CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 1 <— J2-9 CS+
J1-2 CTS/RTS– <— J2-27 CS–
J1-44 LL/DCD Twisted pair no. 12 —> J2-10 LL
J1-45 Circuit_GND — J2-37 SC
J1-3 DSR/DTR+ Twisted pair no. 2 <— J2-11 DM+
J1-4 DSR/DTR– <— J2-29 DM–
J1-7 DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-12 TR+
J1-8 DTR/DSR– —> J2-30 TR–
J1-5 DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 3 <— J2-13 RR+
J1-6 DCD/DCD– <— J2-31 RR–
J1-13 TXCE/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 —> J2-17 TT+
J1-14 TXCE/TXC– —> J2-35 TT–
J1-15 Circuit_GND Twisted pair no. 9 — J2-19 SG
J1-16 Circuit_GND — J2-20 RC

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

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Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 22 EIA/TIA-449 DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-37)

60-Pin Signal Name Note Direction 37-Pin Signal Name

J1-49 MODE_1 Shorting group — — —
J1-48 GND
J1-46 Shield_GND Single — J2-1 Shield GND
J1-28 RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 11 <— J2-4 SD+
J1-27 RXD/TXD– <— J2-22 SD–
J1-13 TXCE/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 —> J2-5 ST+
J1-14 TXCE/TXC– —> J2-23 ST–
J1-11 TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-6 RD+
J1-12 TXD/RXD– —> J2-24 RD–
J1-1 CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 1 <— J2-7 RS+
J1-2 CTS/RTS– <— J2-25 RS–
J1-24 TXC/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 9 —> J2-8 RT+
J1-23 TXC/RXC– —> J2-26 RT–
J1-9 RTS/CTS+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-9 CS+
J1-10 RTS/CTS– —> J2-27 CS–
J1-29 NIL/LL Twisted pair no. 12 —> J2-10 LL
J1-30 Circuit_GND — J2-37 SC
J1-7 DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-11 DM+
J1-8 DTR/DSR– —> J2-29 DM–
J1-3 DSR/DTR+ Twisted pair no. 2 <— J2-12 TR+
J1-4 DSR/DTR– <— J2-30 TR–
J1-5 DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-13 RR+
J1-6 DCD/DCD– —> J2-31 RR–
J1-26 RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 10 <— J2-17 TT+
J1-25 RXC/TXCE– <— J2-35 TT–
J1-15 Circuit_GND Twisted pair no. 8 — J2-19 SG
J1-16 Circuit_GND — J2-20 RC

V.35 Interface
This section contains the following topics:
• V.35 Connections
• V.35 Serial Cable Assembly

V.35 Connections
The V.35 interface is recommended for speeds up to 48 kbps, although in practice it is used successfully
at 4 Mbps.
The network end of the V.35 adapter cable provides a standard 34-pin Winchester-type connector. (See
Figure 17.) V.35 cables are available with a standard V.35 plug or receptacle in either DTE or DCE mode.

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

26 OL-6453-02
Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Figure 17 V.35 Adapter Cable Connectors, Network End



V.35 Serial Cable Assembly

Figure 18 shows the V.35 serial cable assembly. Table 23 lists the DTE pinout and Table 24 lists the DCE
pinout. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means DCE to DTE.

Figure 18 V.35 Serial Cable Assembly

J1-46 60-pin connector (J1) 34-pin connector (J2)

J1-45 J2-B
J1-16 J2-D
J1-15 J2-A


Connectors are not to scale. J2-NN

Table 23 V.35 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to Winchester-Type 34-Pin)

60-Pin Signal Name Type Direction 34-Pin Signal Name

J1-49 MODE_1 Shorting group — — —
J1-48 GND
J1-50 MODE_0 Shorting group — — —
J1-51 GND
J1-53 TxC/NIL Shorting group — — —
J1-54 RxC_TxCE
J1-55 RxD/TxD
J1-56 GND
J1-46 Shield_GND Single — J2-A Frame GND
J1-45 Circuit_GND Twisted pair no. 12 — J2-B Circuit GND
Shield — — Shield —
J1-42 RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 9 —> J2-C RTS
Shield — — Shield —
J1-35 CTS/RTS Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-D CTS
Shield — — Shield —

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Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 23 V.35 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to Winchester-Type 34-Pin) (continued)

60-Pin Signal Name Type Direction 34-Pin Signal Name

J1-34 DSR/DTR Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-E DSR
Shield — — Shield —
J1-33 DCD/LL Twisted pair no. 6 <— J2-F RLSD
Shield — — Shield —
J1-43 DTR/DSR Twisted pair no. 10 —> J2-H DTR
Shield — — Shield —
J1-44 LL/DCD Twisted pair no. 11 —> J2-K LT
Shield — — Shield —
J1-18 TxD/RxD+ Twisted pair no. 1 —> J2-P SD+
J1-17 TxD/RxD– —> J2-S SD–
J1-28 RxD/TxD+ Twisted pair no. 5 <— J2-R RD+
J1-27 RxD/TxD– <— J2-T RD–
J1-20 TxCE/TxC+ Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-U SCTE+
J1-19 TxCE/TxC– —> J2-W SCTE–
J1-26 RxC/TxCE+ Twisted pair no. 4 <— J2-V SCR+
J1-25 RxC/TxCE– <— J2-X SCR–
J1-24 TxC/RxC+ Twisted pair no. 3 <— J2-Y SCT+
J1-23 TxC/RxC– <— J2-AA SCT–

Table 24 V.35 DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to Winchester-Type 34-Pin)

60-Pin Signal Name Type Direction 34-Pin Signal Name

J1-49 MODE_1 Shorting group — — —
J1-48 GND
J1-50 MODE_0 Shorting group — — —
J1-51 GND
J1-53 TxC/NIL Shorting group — — —
J1-54 RxC_TxCE
J1-55 RxD/TxD
J1-56 GND
J1-46 Shield_GND Single — J2-A Frame GND
J1-45 Circuit_GND Twisted pair no. 12 — J2-B Circuit GND
Shield — — Shield —
J1-35 CTS/RTS Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-C RTS
Shield — — Shield —
J1-42 RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 9 —> J2-D CTS
Shield — — Shield —
J1-43 DTR/DSR Twisted pair no. 10 —> J2-E DSR
Shield — — Shield —
J1-44 LL/DCD Twisted pair no. 11 —> J2-F RLSD
Shield — — Shield —

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28 OL-6453-02
Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 24 V.35 DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to Winchester-Type 34-Pin) (continued)

60-Pin Signal Name Type Direction 34-Pin Signal Name

J1-34 DSR/DTR Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-H DTR
Shield — — Shield —
J1-33 DCD/LL Twisted pair no. 6 <— J2-K LT
Shield — — Shield —
J1-28 RxD/TxD+ Twisted pair no. 5 <— J2-P SD+
J1-27 RxD/TxD– <— J2-S SD–
J1-18 TxD/RxD+ Twisted pair no. 1 —> J2-R RD+
J1-17 TxD/RxD– —> J2-T RD–
J1-26 RxC/TxCE+ Twisted pair no. 4 <— J2-U SCTE+
J1-25 RxC/TxCE– <— J2-W SCTE–
J1-22 NIL/RxC+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-V SCR+
J1-21 NIL/RxC– —> J2-X SCR–
J1-20 TxCE/TxC+ Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-Y SCT+
J1-19 TxCE/TxC– —> J2-AA SCT–

X.21 Interface
This section contains the following topics:
• X.21 Connections
• X.21 Serial Cable Assembly

X.21 Connections
The X.21 interface uses a 15-pin connection for balanced circuits and is commonly used in the United
Kingdom to connect public data networks. X.21 relocates some of the logic functions to the DTE and
DCE interfaces and, as a result, requires fewer circuits and a smaller connector than EIA/TIA-232.
The network end of the X.21 adapter cable is a standard DB-15 connector. (See Figure 19.) X.21 cables
are available as either DTE (DB-15 plug) or DCE (DB-15 receptacle).

Figure 19 X.21 Adapter Cable Connectors, Network End


8 1

15 9

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

OL-6453-02 29
Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

X.21 Serial Cable Assembly

Figure 20 shows the X.21 serial cable assembly. Table 25 lists the DTE pinout, and Table 26 lists the
DCE pinout. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means DCE to DTE.

Figure 20 X.21 Serial Cable Assembly

J1-46 60-pin connector (J1) 34-pin connector (J2)


J1-1 J2-9
J1-30 J2-1
Connectors are not to scale.

Table 25 X.21 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-15)

60-Pin Signal Name Type Direction 15-Pin Signal Name

J1-48 GND Shorting group — — —
J1-47 MODE_2
J1-51 GND Shorting group — — —
J1-46 Shield_GND Single — J2-1 Shield GND
J1-11 TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-2 Transmit+
J1-12 TXD/RXD– —> J2-9 Transmit–
J1-9 RTS/CTS+ Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-3 Control+
J1-10 RTS/CTS– —> J2-10 Control–
J1-28 RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 6 <— J2-4 Receive+
J1-27 RXD/TXD– <— J2-11 Receive–
J1-1 CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 1 <— J2-5 Indication+
J1-2 CTS/RTS– <— J2-12 Indication–
J1-26 RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 5 <— J2-6 Timing+
J1-25 RXC/TXCE– <— J2-13 Timing–
J1-15 Control_GND Twisted pair no. 4 — J2-8 Control GND
Shield — — Shield —

Table 26 X.21 Serial DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-15)

60-Pin Signal Name Type Direction 15-Pin Signal Name

J1-48 GND Shorting group — — —
J1-47 MODE_2
J1-46 Shield_GND Single — J2-1 Shield GND

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30 OL-6453-02
Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 26 X.21 Serial DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-15) (continued)

60-Pin Signal Name Type Direction 15-Pin Signal Name

J1-28 RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 6 <— J2-2 Transmit+
J1-27 RXD/TXD– <— J2-9 Transmit–
J1-1 CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 1 <— J2-3 Control+
J1-2 CTS/RTS– <— J2-10 Control–
J1-11 TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-4 Receive+
J1-12 TXD/RXD– —> J2-11 Receive–
J1-9 RTS/CTS+ Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-5 Indication+
J1-10 RTS/CTS– —> J2-12 Indication–
J1-24 TXC/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-6 Timing+
J1-23 TXC/RXC– —> J2-13 Timing–
J1-15 Control_GND Twisted pair no. 5 — J2-8 Control GND
Shield — — Shield —

EIA-530 Interface
This section contains the following topics:
• EIA-530 Connections
• EIA-530 Serial Cable Assembly

EIA-530 Connections
EIA-530, which supports balanced transmission, provides the increased functionality, speed, and
distance of EIA/TIA-449 on the smaller DB-25 connector used for EIA/TIA-232, instead of the 37-pin
connectors used for EIA/TIA-449. Like EIA/TIA-449, EIA-530 refers to the electrical specifications of
EIA/TIA-422 and EIA/TIA-423. Although the specification recommends a maximum speed of 2 Mbps,
EIA-530 is used successfully at 4 Mbps or faster speeds over short distances.
The EIA-530 adapter cable is available in DTE mode only. The network end of the EIA-530 adapter
cable is a standard DB-25 plug commonly used for EIA/TIA-232 connections. Figure 21 shows the
DB-25 connector at the network end of the adapter cable.

Figure 21 EIA-530 Adapter Cable Connector, Network End



EIA-530 Serial Cable Assembly

Figure 22 shows the EIA-530 serial cable assembly, and Table 27 lists the pinout. Arrows indicate signal
direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means DCE to DTE.
The EIA-530 interface cannot be operated in DCE mode, and no DCE cable is available for it.

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

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Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Figure 22 EIA-530 Serial Cable Assembly

J1-45 60-pin connector (J1) 25-pin connector (J2)
J1-16 J2-13
J1-15 J2-25

J1-1 J2-14
J1-30 J2-1
Connectors are not to scale.

Table 27 EIA-530 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-25)

60-Pin Signal Name 25-Pin Signal Name Direction

J1-11 TXD/RXD+ J2-2 BA(A), TXD+ —>
J1-12 TXD/RXD– J2-14 BA(B), TXD– —>
J1-28 RXD/TXD+ J2-3 BB(A), RXD+ <—
J1-27 RXD/TXD– J2-16 BB(B), RXD– <—
J1-9 RTS/CTS+ J2-4 CA(A), RTS+ —>
J1-10 RTS/CTS– J2-19 CA(B), RTS– —>
J1-1 CTS/RTS+ J2-5 CB(A), CTS+ <—
J1-2 CTS/RTS– J2-13 CB(B), CTS– <—
J1-3 DSR/DTR+ J2-6 CC(A), DSR+ <—
J1-4 DSR/DTR– J2-22 CC(B), DSR– <—
J1-46 Shield_GND J2-1 Shield Shorted
J1-47 MODE_2 — —
J1-48 GND — — Shorted
J1-49 MODE_1 — —
J1-5 DCD/DCD+ J2-8 CF(A), DCD+ <—
J1-6 DCD/DCD– J2-10 CF(B), DCD– <—
J1-24 TXC/RXC+ J2-15 DB(A), TXC+ <—
J1-23 TXC/RXC– J2-12 DB(B), TXC– <—
J1-26 RXC/TXCE+ J2-17 DD(A), RXC+ <—
J1-25 RXC/TXCE– J2-9 DD(B), RXC– <—
J1-44 LL/DCD J2-18 LL —>
J1-45 Circuit_GND J2-7 Circuit_ GND —
J1-7 DTR/DSR+ J2-20 CD(A), DTR+ —>
J1-8 DTR/DSR– J2-23 CD(B), DTR– —>
J1-13 TXCE/TXC+ J2-24 DA(A), TXCE+ —>
J1-14 TXCE/TXC– J2-11 DA(B), TXCE– —>
J1-51 GND — — Shorted
J1-52 MODE_DCE — —

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

32 OL-6453-02
Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

The Smart Serial cable interface supports multiple independent serial interface ports. Each port supports
five types of serial interfaces:
• EIA/TIA-232 Smart Serial Cable Assembly
• EIA/TIA-449 Smart Serial Cable Assembly
• X.21 Smart Serial Cable Assembly
• V.35 Smart Serial Cable Assembly
• EIA-530 Smart Serial Cable Assembly
The serial end (router end) of the Smart Serial cable is a 26-pin connector.
These cables are used with the following interface cards:
• 2-port serial and 2-port asynchronous or synchronous WICs
• 4-port serial and 4-port asynchronous or synchronous high-speed WICs (HWICs)
Figure 23 shows the serial cables you can connect to the port on the asynchronous or synchronous serial
modules and the serial WICs and HWICs.

Figure 23 Smart Serial Interface Cables

Router connections


EIA/TIA-232 EIA/TIA-449 V.35 X.21 EIA-530

Network connections at the modem or CSU/DSU

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

OL-6453-02 33
Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

EIA/TIA-232 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 28 lists the DTE pinout, and Table 29 lists the DCE pinout for the EIA/TIA-232 Smart Serial
cable. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means DCE to DTE.

Table 28 EIA/TIA-232 DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-25 Pin Signal Name

J1-23 MODE_0 Local connections
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-03 RXD
J1-18 GND+ — GND
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-02 TXD
J1-14 GND+ — GND
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 2 <— J2-05 CTS
J1-12 I_DSR/DTR+ <— J2-06 DSR
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-04 RTS
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ —> J2-20 DTR
J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 1 <— J2-08 DCD
J1-19 GND+ — J2-07 GND
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-15 TXC
J1-16 GND+ — GND
J1-02 O_TXCE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-24 TXCE
J1-15 GND+ — GND
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-18 LTST
J1-26 GND+ — GND
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-17 RXC
J1-17 GND+ — GND

Table 29 EIA/TIA-232 DCE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-25 Pin Signal Name

J1-23 MODE_0 Local connections
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 <— J2-02 TXD
J1-18 GND+ — GND
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 —> J2-03 RXD
J1-14 GND+ — GND
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 2 <— J2-04 RTS
J1-12 I_DSR/DTR+ <— J2-20 DTR
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-05 CTS
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ —> J2-06 DSR

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

34 OL-6453-02
Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 29 EIA/TIA-232 DCE Smart Serial Cable Pinout (continued)

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-25 Pin Signal Name

J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 1 —> J2-08 DCD
J1-19 GND+ — J2-07 GND
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 —> J2-15 TXC
J1-16 GND+ — GND
J1-02 O_TXCE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 8 —> J2-17 RXC
J1-15 GND+ — GND
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 3 <— J2-18 LTST
J1-26 GND+ — GND
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 6 <— J2-24 TXCE
J1-17 GND+ — GND

EIA/TIA-449 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 30 lists the DTE pinout, and Table 31 lists the DCE pinout for the EIA/TIA-449 Smart Serial
cable. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means DCE to DTE.

Table 30 EIA/TIA-449 DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-37 Pin Signal Name

Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-22 MODE_I Twisted pair no. 2 — J2-19 SG
J1-24 MODE_DCE — J2-20 RC
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-04 SD+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD– —> J2-22 SD–
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-05 ST+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC– <— J2-23 ST–
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-06 RD+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD– <— J2-24 RD–
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 1 —> J2-07 RS+
J1-09 O_RTS/CTS– —> J2-25 RS–
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-08 RT+
J1-17 I_RXC/TXCE– <— J2-26 RT–
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 4 <— J2-09 CS+
J1-10 I_CTS/RTS– <— J2-27 CS–
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 12 —> J2-10 LL
J1-26 GND+ — J2-37 SC
J1-12 I_DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 10 <— J2-11 DM+
J1-25 I_DTR/DSR– <— J2-29 DM–
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-12 TR+
J1-20 O_DTR/DSR– —> J2-30 TR–

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

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Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 30 EIA/TIA-449 DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout (continued)

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-37 Pin Signal Name

J1-02 O_TXCE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-17 TT+
J1-15 O_TXCE/RXC– —> J2-35 TT–
J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 11 <— J2-13 RR+
J1-19 B_DCD/DCD– <— J2-31 RR–

Table 31 EIA/TIA-449 DCE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-37 Pin Name
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GN
wire D
J1-22 MODE_I Twisted pair no. 2 — J2-19 SG
Not used J2-20 RC
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 <— J2-04 SD+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD– <— J2-22 SD–
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 —> J2-05 ST+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC– —> J2-23 ST–
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 —> J2-06 RD+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD– —> J2-24 RD–
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 1 <— J2-07 RS+
J1-10 I_CTS/RTS– <— J2-25 RS–
J1-02 O_TXCE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 8 —> J2-08 RT+
J1-15 O_TXCE/RXC– —> J2-26 RT–
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-09 CS+
J1-09 O_RTS/CTS– —> J2-27 CS–
J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 11 —> J2-13 RR+
J1-19 B_DCD/DCD– —> J2-31 RR–
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 10 —> J2-11 DM+
J1-20 O_DTR/DSR– —> J2-29 DM–
J1-12 I_DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 3 <— J2-12 TR+
J1-25 I_DTR/DSR– <— J2-30 TR–
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 12 —> J2-10 LL
J1-26 GND+ — J2-37 SC
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 6 <— J2-17 TT+
J1-17 I_RXC/TXCE– <— J2-35 TT–

X.21 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 32 lists the DTE pinout, and Table 33 lists the DCE pinout for the X.21 Smart Serial cable. Arrows
indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means DCE to DTE.

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

36 OL-6453-02
Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 32 X.21 DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-15 Pin Signal Name

J1-21 MODE_2 Local connections
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-04 RECEIVE+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD– <— J2-11 RECEIVE–
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-02 TRANSMIT+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD– —> J2-09 TRANSMIT–
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 2 <— J2-05 INDICATION+
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-03 CONTROL+
J1-09 O_DTR/DSR+ —> J2-10 CONTROL–
J1-26 GND+ Twisted pair no. 1 — J2-08 CCT GND
Not used Not used
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-06 TIMING+
J1-17 I_RXC/TXCE– <— J2-13 TIMING–
Not used Twisted pair no. 4 Not used
Not used Twisted pair no. 6 Not used
Not used Twisted pair no. 9 Not used

Table 33 X.21 DCE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-15 Pin Signal Name

J1-21 MODE_2 Local connections
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 <— J2-02 TRANSMIT+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD– <— J2-09 TRANSMIT–
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 8 —> J2-04 RECEIVE+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD– —> J2-11 RECEIVE–
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 3 <— J2-03 CONTROL+
J1-10 I_DSR/DTR+ <— J2-10 CONTROL–
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-05 INDICATION+
J1-02 O_TXCE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 —> J2-06 TIMING+
J1-15 O_TXCE/RXC+ —> J2-13 TIMING–
J1-26 GND Twisted pair no. 1 — J2-08 CCT GND
Not used Not used
Not used Twisted pair no. 4 Not used

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

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Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 33 X.21 DCE Smart Serial Cable Pinout (continued)

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-15 Pin Signal Name

Not used Twisted pair no. 6 Not used
Not used Twisted pair no. 9 Not used

V.35 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 34 lists the DTE pinout, and Table 35 lists the DCE pinout for the V.35 Smart Serial cable. Arrows
indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means DCE to DTE.

Table 34 V.35 DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction V.35 Pin Signal Name

J1-22 MODE_1 Local connections
J1-23 MODE_0
Drain Shield — J2-A Shield_GND
J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 1 <— J2-F RLSD
J1-19 GND+ — GND
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-K LT
J1-26 GND — J2-B GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-R RD+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD– <— J2-T RD–
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-P SD+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD– —> J2-S SD–
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 2 <— J2-D CTS
J1-12 I_DSR/DTR+ <— J2-E DSR
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-C RTS
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ —> J2-H DTR
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-V SCR+
J1-17 I_RXC/TXCE– <— J2-X SCR–
J1-02 O_TCXE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-U SCTE+
J1-15 0_TXCE/RXC– —> J2-W SCTE–
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-Y SCT+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC– <— J2-AA SCT–

Table 35 V.35 DCE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction V.35 Pin Signal Name

J1-22 MODE_1 Local connections
J1-23 MODE_0
Drain Shield — J2-A Shield_GND

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

38 OL-6453-02
Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 35 V.35 DCE Smart Serial Cable Pinout (continued)

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction V.35 Pin Signal Name

J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 1 —> J2-F RLSD
J1-19 GND+ — GND
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-K LT
J1-26 GND — J2-B GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 <— J2-P SD+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD– <— J2-S SD–
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 —> J2-R RD+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD– —> J2-T RD–
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 4 <— J2-C RTS
J1-12 I_DSR/DTR+ <— J2-H DSR
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-D CTS
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ —> J2-E DSR
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 6 <— J2-U SCTE+
J1-17 I_RXC/TXCE– <— J2-W SCTE–
J1-02 O_TCXE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 8 —> J2-V SCR+
J1-15 0_TXCE/RXC– —> J2-X SCR–
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 —> J2-Y SCT+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC– —> J2-AA SCT–

EIA-530 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 36 lists the DTE pinout, and Table 37 lists the DCE pinout for the EIA-530 Smart Serial cable.
Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means DCE to DTE.

Table 36 EIA-530 DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-25 Pin Signal Name

J1-21 MODE_2 Local connections
J1-23 MODE_0
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 11 <— J2-08 CF(A); DCD+
J1-19 B_DCD/DCD– <— J2-10 CF(B); DCD–
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 12 —> J2-18 LL
J1-26 GND — J2-07 GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-03 BB(A); RXD+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD– <— J2-16 BB(B); RXD–
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-02 BA(A); TXD+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD– —> J2-14 BA(B); TXD–
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 4 <— J2-05 CB(A); CTS+
J1-10 I_DSR/RTS– <— J2-13 CB(B); CTS–

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

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Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 36 EIA-530 DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout (continued)

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-25 Pin Signal Name

J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-15 DB(A); TXC+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC– <— J2-12 DB(B); TXC–
J1-12 I_DSR/DTR+ Twisted pair no. 10 <— J2-06 CC(A); DSR+
J1-25 I_DSR/DTR– <— J2-22 CC(B); DSR–
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 1 —> J2-04 CA(A); RTS+
J1-09 O_RTS/CTS– —> J2-19 CA(B); RTS–
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-17 DD(A); RXC+
J1-17 I_RXC/TXCE– <— J2-09 DD(B); RXC–
J1-02 O_TCXE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-24 DB(A); TXCE+
J1-15 0_TXCE/RXC– —> J2-11 DB(B); TXCE–
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-15 DB(A); TXC+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC– <— J2-12 DB(B); TXC–
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-20 CD(A); DTR+
J1-20 O_DTR/DSR– —> J2-23 CD(B); DTR–
Not used Twisted pair no. 2 Not used

Table 37 RS-530A DCE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-25 Pin Signal Name

J1-21 MODE_2 Local connections
J1-22 MODE_1
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 11 <— J2-08 CF(A); DCD+
J1-19 B_DCD/DCD– <— J2-10 CF(B); DCD–
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 12 —> J2-18 LL
J1-26 GND — J2-07 AB; GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-03 BB(A); RXD+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD– <— J2-16 BB(B); RXD–
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-02 BA(A); TXD+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD– —> J2-14 BA(B); TXD–
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 4 <— J2-05 CB(A); CTS+
J1-10 I_DSR/RTS– <— J2-13 CB(B); CTS–
J1-12 I_DSR/DTR+ Twisted pair no. 10 <— J2-06 CC(A); DSR+
J1-25 GND — AC; GND
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-15 DB(A); TXC+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC– <— J2-12 DB(B); TXCS–
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 1 —> J2-04 CA(A); RTS+
J1-09 O_RTS/CTS– —> J2-19 CA(B); RTS–
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-17 DD(A); RXC+
J1-17 I_RXC/TXCE– <— J2-09 DD(B); RXC–

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

40 OL-6453-02
Octopus Cable Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 37 RS-530A DCE Smart Serial Cable Pinout (continued)

26-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-25 Pin Signal Name

J1-02 O_TCXE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-24 DB(A); TXCE+
J1-15 0_TXCE/RXC– —> J2-11 DB(B); TXCE–
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-15 DB(A); TXC+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC– <— J2-12 DB(B); TXC–
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-20 CD(A); DTR+
J1-20 GND+ — J2-23 AC; GND
Not used Twisted pair no. 2 Not used

Octopus Cable Connection Signals and Pinouts

This section contains the following topics:
• 4-Port RS-232 Cable Assembly
• 8-Port RS-232 Cable Assembly

4-Port RS-232 Cable Assembly

The 4-port RS-232 cable was designed for use with the Cisco 8-port RS-232 asynchronous or
synchronous high-speed WAN interface card (HWIC) (the Cisco HWIC-8A-RS232). The router end of
the cable consists of a 68-pin 2-row D-shell connector. The network end of the cable consists of 4
standard 25-pin D-shell connectors (DB-25 connectors). These cables are available in either DTE or
DCE format. See Figure 24.

Figure 24 4-Port RS-232 Cable Connectors, Network End



Figure 25 shows the 4-port RS-232 cable assembly. Table 38 lists the cable’s DTE pinout, and Table 39
lists the cable’s DCE pinout. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

OL-6453-02 41
Octopus Cable Connection Signals and Pinouts

Figure 25 4-Port RS-232 Cable Assembly

DB-25 connectors

68-pin connector (J1)
J1-34 J1-68
Pin 25 Pin 13

Pin 14 Pin 1
J1-1 J1-35


Table 38 4-Port RS-232 DTE Cable Pinout

68-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-25 Pin Signal Name

J1-32 GND Local mode — — —
J1-31 connection
J1-67 GND Local mode — — —
J1-65 connection
J1-34 GND Local mode — — —
J1-68 connection
J1-1 GND Shorting — — —
J1-2 block
J1-1 Shield_GND Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-7 TXD/RXD Twisted pair —> J2-02 TXD
Not used — GND
J1-38 RXD/TXD Twisted pair <— J2-03 RXD
Not used — GND

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

42 OL-6453-02
Octopus Cable Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 38 4-Port RS-232 DTE Cable Pinout (continued)

68-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-25 Pin Signal Name

J1-41 RTS/CTS Twisted pair —> J2-04 RTS
J1-8 DTR/DSR —> J2-20 DTR
J1-4 CTS/RTS Twisted pair <— J2-05 CTS
J1-37 DSR/DTR <— J2-06 DSR
J1-3 DCD/LL Twisted pair <— J2-08 DCD
J1-36 GND — J2-07 GND
J1-5 TXC/NIL Twisted pair <— J2-15 TXC
Not used — GND
J1-39 RXC/TXCE Twisted pair <— J2-17 RXC
Not used — GND
J1-42 LL/DCD Twisted pair —> J2-18 LTST
J1-2 GND — J2-07 GND
J1-6 TXCE/RXC Twisted pair —> J2-24 TXCE
Not used — GND

J1-35 Shield — J3-01 Shield_GND

J1-14 TXD/RXD Twisted pair —> J3-02 TXD
Not used — GND
J1-45 RXD/TXD Twisted pair <— J3-03 RXD
Not used — GND
J1-48 RTS/CTS Twisted pair —> J3-04 RTS
J1-15 DTR/DSR —> J3-20 DTR
J1-11 CTS/RTS Twisted pair <— J3-05 CTS
J1-44 DSR/DTR <— J3-06 DSR
J1-10 DCD/LL Twisted pair <— J3-08 DCD
J1-43 GND — J3-07 GND
J1-12 TXC/NIL Twisted pair <— J3-15 TXC
Not used — GND
J1-46 RXC/TXCE Twisted pair <— J3-17 RXC
Not used — GND
J1-49 LL/DCD Twisted pair —> J3-18 LTST
J1-36 GND — J3-07 GND
J1-13 TXCE/RXC Twisted pair —> J3-24 TXCE
Not used — GND

J1-30 Shield — J4-01 Shield_GND

J1-21 TXD/RXD Twisted pair —> J4-02 TXD
Not used — GND
J1-52 RXD/TXD Twisted pair <— J4-03 RXD
Not used — GND

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

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Octopus Cable Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 38 4-Port RS-232 DTE Cable Pinout (continued)

68-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-25 Pin Signal Name

J1-55 RTS/CTS Twisted pair —> J4-04 RTS
J1-22 DTR/DSR —> J4-20 DTR
J1-18 CTS/RTS Twisted pair <— J4-05 CTS
J1-51 DSR/DTR <— J4-06 DSR
J1-17 DCD/LL Twisted pair <— J4-08 DCD
J1-50 GND — J4-07 GND
J1-19 TXC/NIL Twisted pair <— J4-15 TXC
Not used — GND
J1-53 RXC/TXCE Twisted pair <— J4-17 RXC
Not used — GND
J1-56 LL/DCD Twisted pair —> J4-18 LTST
J1-31 GND — J4-07 GND
J1-20 TXCE/RXC Twisted pair —> J4-24 TXCE
Not used — GND

J1-64 Shield — J5-01 Shield_GND

J1-28 TXD/RXD Twisted pair —> J5-02 TXD
Not used — GND
J1-59 RXD/TXD Twisted pair <— J5-03 RXD
Not used — GND
J1-62 RTS/CTS Twisted pair —> J5-04 RTS
J1-29 DTR/DSR —> J5-20 DTR
J1-25 CTS/RTS Twisted pair <— J5-05 CTS
J1-58 DSR/DTR <— J5-06 DSR
J1-24 DCD/LL Twisted pair <— J5-08 DCD
J1-57 GND — J5-07 GND
J1-26 TXC/NIL Twisted pair <— J5-15 TXC
Not used — GND
J1-60 RXC/TXCE Twisted pair <— J5-17 RXC
Not used — GND
J1-63 LL/DCD Twisted pair —> J5-18 LTST
J1-65 GND — J5-07 GND
J1-27 TXCE/RXC Twisted pair —> J5-24 TXCE
Not used — GND

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44 OL-6453-02
Octopus Cable Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 39 4-Port RS-232 DCE Cable Pinout

68-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-25 Pin Signal Name

J1-32 GND Local mode — — —
J1-31 connection
J1-67 GND Local mode — — —
J1-65 connection
J1-1 GND Shorting — — —
J1-2 block
J1-1 Shield_GND Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-38 RXD/TXD Twisted pair <— J2-02 TXD
Not used — GND
J1-7 TXD/RXD Twisted pair —> J2-03 RXD
Not used — GND
J1-4 CTS/RTS Twisted pair <— J2-04 RTS
J1-37 DSR/DTR <— J2-20 DTR
J1-41 RTS/CTS Twisted pair —> J2-05 CTS
J1-8 DTR/DSR —> J2-06 DSR
J1-42 LL/DCD Twisted pair —> J2-08 DCD
J1-36 GND — J2-07 GND
J1-40 NIL/TXC Twisted pair —> J2-15 TXC
Not used — GND
J1-6 TXCE/RXC Twisted pair —> J2-17 RXC
Not used — GND
J1-3 DCD/LL/ Twisted pair <— J2-18 LTST
J1-2 GND — J2-07 GND
J1-39 RXC/TXCE Twisted pair <— J2-24 TXCE
Not used — GND

J1-35 Shield — J3-01 Shield_GND

J1-45 RXD/TXD Twisted pair <— J3-02 TXD
Not used — GND

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

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Octopus Cable Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 39 4-Port RS-232 DCE Cable Pinout (continued)

68-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-25 Pin Signal Name

J1-14 TXD/RXD Twisted pair —> J3-03 RXD
Not used — GND
J1-11 CTS/RTS Twisted pair <— J3-04 RTS
J1-44 DSR/DTR <— J3-20 DTR
J1-48 RTS/CTS Twisted pair —> J3-05 CTS
J1-15 DTR/DSR —> J3-06 DSR
J1-49 LL/DCD Twisted pair —> J3-08 DCD
J1-43 GND — J3-07 GND
J1-47 NIL/TXC Twisted pair —> J3-15 TXC
Not used — GND
J1-13 TXCE/RXC Twisted pair —> J3-17 RXC
Not used — GND
J1-10 DCD/LL/ Twisted pair <— J3-18 LTST
J1-36 GND — J3-07 GND
J1-46 RXC/TXCE Twisted pair <— J3-24 TXCE
Not used — GND

J1-30 Shield — J4-01 Shield_GND

J1-52 RXD/TXD Twisted pair <— J4-02 TXD
Not used — GND
J1-21 TXD/RXD Twisted pair —> J4-03 RXD
Not used — GND
J1-18 CTS/RTS Twisted pair <— J4-04 RTS
J1-51 DSR/DTR <— J4-20 DTR
J1-55 RTS/CTS Twisted pair —> J4-05 CTS
J1-22 DTR/DSR —> J4-06 DSR
J1-56 LL/DCD Twisted pair —> J4-08 DCD
J1-50 GND — J4-07 GND
J1-54 NIL/TXC Twisted pair —> J4-15 TXC
Not used — GND
J1-20 TXCE/RXC Twisted pair —> J4-17 RXC
Not used — GND
J1-17 DCD/LL/ Twisted pair <— J4-18 LTST
J1-31 GND — J4-07 GND
J1-53 RXC/TXCE Twisted pair <— J4-24 TXCE
Not used — GND

J1-64 Shield — J5-01 Shield_GND

J1-59 RXD/TXD Twisted pair <— J5-02 TXD
Not used — GND

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

46 OL-6453-02
Octopus Cable Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 39 4-Port RS-232 DCE Cable Pinout (continued)

68-Pin Signal Name Note Direction DB-25 Pin Signal Name

J1-28 TXD/RXD Twisted pair —> J5-03 RXD
Not used — GND
J1-25 CTS/RTS Twisted pair <— J5-04 RTS
J1-58 DSR/DTR <— J5-20 DTR
J1-62 RTS/CTS Twisted pair —> J5-05 CTS
J1-29 DTR/DSR —> J5-06 DSR
J1-63 LL/DCD Twisted pair —> J5-08 DCD
J1-57 GND — J5-07 GND
J1-61 NIL/TXC Twisted pair —> J5-15 TXC
Not used — GND
J1-27 TXCE/RXC Twisted pair —> J5-17 RXC
Not used — GND
J1-24 DCD/LL/ Twisted pair <— J5-18 LTST
J1-65 GND — J5-07 GND
J1-60 RXC/TXCE Twisted pair <— J5-24 TXCE
Not used — GND

8-Port RS-232 Cable Assembly

The 8-port RS-232 cable was designed for use with the Cisco 8-port and 16-port RS-232 asynchronous
HWICs (the Cisco HWIC-8A and Cisco HWIC-16A). The router end of the cable consists of a standard
68-pin 2-row D-shell connector. The network end of the cable provides eight standard 8-pin RJ-45
connectors. These cables are available in DTE format only. See Figure 26.

Figure 26 8-Port RS-232 Cable Connector, Network End


Figure 27 shows the 8-port RS-232 cable assembly. Table 40 lists the DTE pinout for the 8-port RS-232
cable. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means DCE to DTE.

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

OL-6453-02 47
Octopus Cable Connection Signals and Pinouts

Figure 27 8-Port RS-232 Cable Assembly

RJ-45 connectors

68-pin connector (J1) J9

J1-34 J1-68 J8
J7 Pin 8
J4 Pin 1

J1-1 J1-35 J3


Table 40 8-Port RS-232 DTE Cable Pinout

68-Pin Signal Name Note RJ-45 Pin

J1-34 GND Local mode —
J1-68 connection
J1-67 GND Local mode —
J1-65 connection
J1-4 CTS/RTS Twisted pair J2-01
J1-3 DSR/DTR J2-02
J1-38 RXD/TXD Twisted pair J2-03
J1-36 RXD GND J2-04
J1-36 TXD GND Twisted pair J2-05
J1-7 TXD/RXD J2-06
J1-8 DTR/DSR Twisted pair J2-07
J1-41 RTS/CTS J2-08

J1-37 CTS/RTS Twisted pair J3-01

J1-5 DSR/DTR J3-02
J1-39 RXD/TXD Twisted pair J3-03
J1-2 RXD GND J3-04
J1-2 TXD GND Twisted pair J3-05
J1-6 TXD/RXD J3-06
J1-40 DTR/DSR Twisted pair J3-07
J1-42 RTS/CTS J3-08

J1-11 CTS/RTS Twisted pair J4-01

J1-10 DSR/DTR J4-02
J1-45 RXD/TXD Twisted pair J4-03
J1-43 RXD GND J4-04
J1-43 TXD GND Twisted pair J4-05
J1-14 TXD/RXD J4-06

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

48 OL-6453-02
Octopus Cable Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 40 8-Port RS-232 DTE Cable Pinout (continued)

68-Pin Signal Name Note RJ-45 Pin

J1-15 DTR/DSR Twisted pair J4-07
J1-48 RTS/CTS J4-08

J1-44 CTS/RTS Twisted pair J5-01

J1-12 DSR/DTR J5-02
J1-46 RXD/TXD Twisted pair J5-03
J1-9 RXD GND J5-04
J1-9 TXD GND Twisted pair J5-05
J1-13 TXD/RXD J5-06
J1-47 DTR/DSR Twisted pair J5-07
J1-49 RTS/CTS J5-08

J1-18 CTS/RTS Twisted pair J6-01

J1-17 DSR/DTR J6-02
J1-52 RXD/TXD Twisted pair J6-03
J1-50 RXD GND J6-04
J1-50 TXD GND Twisted pair J6-05
J1-21 TXD/RXD J6-06
J1-22 DTR/DSR Twisted pair J6-07
J1-55 RTS/CTS J6-08

J1-51 CTS/RTS Twisted pair J7-01

J1-19 DSR/DTR J7-02
J1-53 RXD/TXD Twisted pair J7-03
J1-16 RXD GND J7-04
J1-16 TXD GND Twisted pair J7-05
J1-20 TXD/RXD J7-06
J1-54 DTR/DSR Twisted pair J7-07
J1-56 RTS/CTS J7-08

J1-25 CTS/RTS Twisted pair J8-01

J1-24 DSR/DTR J8-02
J1-59 RXD/TXD Twisted pair J8-03
J1-57 RXD GND J8-04
J1-57 TXD GND Twisted pair J8-05
J1-28 TXD/RXD J8-06
J1-29 DTR/DSR Twisted pair J8-07
J1-62 RTS/CTS J8-08

J1-58 CTS/RTS Twisted pair J9-01

J1-26 DSR/DTR J9-02

Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

OL-6453-02 49
Octopus Cable Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 40 8-Port RS-232 DTE Cable Pinout (continued)

68-Pin Signal Name Note RJ-45 Pin

J1-60 RXD/TXD Twisted pair J9-03
J1-23 RXD GND J9-04
J1-23 TXD GND Twisted pair J9-05
J1-27 TXD/RXD J9-06
J1-61 DTR/DSR Twisted pair J9-07
J1-63 RTS/CTS J9-08

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Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications

50 OL-6453-02

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