"Student Management System": A Major Project ON
"Student Management System": A Major Project ON
"Student Management System": A Major Project ON
“Student Management System”
Vishal Jain-0905CS161183
Mr. Nitin Dixit
Asst. Professor
Dept. of CSE & IT ITM, Gwalior (M.P)
Candidate Declaration
At the outset, I would like to thank my guide Mr. Nitin Dixit, Department of
Computer Science & Engg. ITM, Gwalior for supporting to work on this
project and providing me ample and valuable guidance through the course
of this project.
I wish to thank Dr. Rishi Soni, HOD, Department of Computer Science &
Engg. ITM, Gwalior for his continuous moral support.
Topics PageNo
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Aims, Objectives, Vision 1
Chapter 2. Project / Problem Selection
The problem that gave rise to this study system from the continuous use of manual methods
of dispensing academic details in the institution. As the proverb says “if you are not
informed, you are deformed and he who is deformed cannot perform”.
To eradicate this to its optimum, a robust database and web server should be implemented
where the information can be shared easily among the students and also being kept so that it
can be retrieved at any-time by anybody who is in need of it.
The problems of the study are:
1. The problem of keeping untidy records.
2. The problem of being deformed in the society
3. Using of manual system in processing data.
4. To determine ways which information can process a large volume of data such as
academic tedious data.
5. Method of accessibility.
6. The problem of managing information thereby accessing it to make something out of
Chapter 3 System Study
The part of the system can be implemented using the current technology although some
modifications had to be done at various places. At various places some alterations with the
prototypes and functionalities would be done in order to work out the cost constraints and to
cope with the scheduling constraints.
1.Lack of security of data.
2.Time consuming.
3.Consumes large volume of paper work.
4.Manual work.
5.Information change is a great problem. To avoid all these limitations and make the system
working more Accurately it needs to be computerized
To overcome the complexity of this environment and to manage its resources with optimal
efficiency, Institute management need to have robust and integrated Student Management
System for their day to day operation. A website for such purpose has been created.
URL: itm-isp2.000webhostapp.com
1. Students can know the academic and exam time-table.
2. They can easily access important links.
3. Find the previous result any time at anywhere.
4. Time saving is the main fact.
5. Save the manual work again and again.
6. To get services in very easy way.
7. Analyze student performance.
The system has been developed for any college student who wants to use this system. We
have given a demo of our project and the any college student found the system friendly and
easy to use. The interoperability with the existing system is also checked after uploading the
website. So they may face certain problems in using the user interface. So keeping this
consideration in mind we have provided field for each and every field on the forms. The user
interface is designed in such a way that it gets comfortable for the non-technical person to
operate easily.
It determines if the system can be implemented using the current technology. This system has
been developed using PHP version 4.5, HTML 5, CSS as front end and MySQL as backend.
We had earlier worked with PHP and not CSS but getting familiar with it was also easy.
The software used were WAMP, Notepad++ which are available free of cost. Also the
website was uploaded to a free hosting site i.e. 000webhost. So as such we didn’t face any
economical constrains.
Since the system is developed as a part of project work, there is no manual cost to spend for
proposed system. Also all resources were already available, it gives an indication of software
is economically possible for development.
This project can easily be made available online without much consideration of the hardware
and software. The only required thing at the applicant’s side is the Internet connection and a
web browser, which are a no difficult issue these days. A database server and application
server are required to set up at the admin side. After setting up the project online, even the
administrator can access the system from anywhere.
Chapter 4. System Analysis
The software developed for the implementation is WAMP v2.2 an open source package
containing PHP v5.3.0, MYSQL v5.5.2, and Apache v2.2.1. other versions of this
applications are available but WAMP v2.2 was adopted because of the bundled easy
development process, free licensing, stability and how hardware requirement of impressive
process or utilization.
The new system would easily be integrated into the existing college network and
subsequently be extended to include other sections and divisions. Technically, the following
hardware is required.
a. 512MB of maximum memory or a high RAM module
b. Display monitor with a minimum of 640 x 480 resolution and at least 256-color depth.
c. Min. Intel Pentium Duo core/ AMD version 6 or better work station with configuration
based on availability of funds.
d. An active local network connection using the existing 24-port 10/100 mbps inter network
e. Microsoft windows 98, windows NT 4.0, windows XP/2000 with support for TCP/IP suit
of protocols.
f. Browser supported: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Mozilla Fire-Fox etc.
g. Android API minimum level 15.
Chapter 6 Future Scope of the Project
This project has a wide scope as it is better than the manual record storing. Following are
some of its
Both educational organizations and corporate
companies can use this portal.
It, being an application based on web may be taken at
any place or any time as the location is not considered.
Online fees payment could be added via Ru Pay
Payment Gateway.
Bibliography & Web References