Persistent Low Levels of Beta-hCG: A Pitfall in Diagnosis of Retained Product of Conception
Persistent Low Levels of Beta-hCG: A Pitfall in Diagnosis of Retained Product of Conception
Persistent Low Levels of Beta-hCG: A Pitfall in Diagnosis of Retained Product of Conception
Abstract- Persistent low level of beta-hCG (PLL) is defined as rising hCG level no more than two-fold over
a three months period. Almost many types of PLL can lead to the wrong diagnosis. Here, we presented two
cases of the retained product of conception (RPOC) with persistent low levels of beta-hCG. Both cases were
presented with persistent low levels of beta-hCG and abnormal uterine bleeding since first-trimester
pregnancy termination. Ultrasonography revealed a vascular mass with extension from the endometrial cavity
to myometrium imitating gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) or arteriovenous malformation (AVM). The
final pathologies of both cases were retained product of conception. Imaging features of RPOC can closely
imitate those of an AVM or GTN; so, hysteroscopy is one of the best non-invasive procedures which may be
helpful in diagnosis and selection of appropriate treatment especially in young patients who desire to preserve
their fertility.
© 2018 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.
Acta Med Iran 2018;56(7):478-481.
of normal conception. Serum β-hCG was 3909 IU/L medical treatment (misoprostol) because of missed
before surgery. Three months after curettage, she abortion one month ago. The patient was pale; vital
referred because of AUB. Physical examination and signs showed blood pressure 90/60 mm/Hg; pulse rate
laboratory assessment were normal except β-hCG to 110/min and normal temperature. Vaginal examination
titrate which was 63 IU/L. Vaginal ultrasonography showed bleeding not more than menstrual bleeding and
showed normal size uterus and ovaries, but a 20×29×34 cervix was normal. Complete blood count showed
mm Prominent vascular mass with slow flow in anemia (HCT: 24%). Beta-hCG was 13 IU/L. Other
grayscale and marked vascularity in color Doppler is laboratory data were normal. The vaginal
seen near the fundal part which extending focally in full ultrasonography revealed an irregular hypoechoic area
thickness of myometrium. These sonographic findings with 27×19 mm diameter and marked vascularity
were highly suspicious to GTD or PSTT (Figure 1). isolated from myometrium near the uterine fundus
Because of the persistent low level of β-hCG, we (Figure 2).
suspected to PSTT. Unfortunately, we didn’t have any
access to check human placental lactogen (HPL) for
more confirmation of our diagnosis. Patient’s vaginal
bleeding was continued, so the second vaginal
ultrasound was done two weeks later. Serum β-hCG was
rechecked, and it was 48 IU/L (declined), and urine β-
hCG was positive. Abdominal ultrasound and chest X-
ray was also normal. The second vaginal ultrasound
showed the same result. With regard to this evidence,
our diagnosis was PSTT and hysterectomy was planned.
The final pathological assessment showed no malignant
tumor in the uterus, and the diagnosis was retained
product of conception. Figure 2. Axial color Doppler vaginal US image shows marked
Serum β-hCG become zero 10 days after surgery, vascularity isolated to the myometrium (red arrow)
and then, the patient didn’t have any symptoms.
Also, MR imaging showed vascular mass with
obvious enhancement in the uterine cavity and
prominent vessels near the myometrium (Figure 3).
we decided to evaluate uterine cavity by hysteroscopy prudent in this situation, since this procedure has the
which again the retained product of conception was advantages of diagnosis and treatment, especially in
observed, and uterine curettage was done successfully. RPOC cases.
Beta-hCG becomes zero 2 days after curettage and Imaging feature of RPOC can closely imitate those
patient discharged without any symptoms. of an AVM or GTN; so, hysteroscopy is one of the best
non-invasive procedures which may be helpful in
Discussion diagnosis and selecting appropriate treatment especially
in young patients who desire to preserve their fertility.
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