DMPS School Improvement Process Page 1 revised April, 2010
School Improvement Plan-A
2012-2013 Building: Callanan Middle School Date: October 2012 School Improvement Goals District End(s): Graduates demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a rigorous curriculum integrated into all content areas Graduates possess the knowledge and skills to be self-directed and autonomous. State the goal. (Use SMART Goals- Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Results-oriented, Target date). Goal #1:
To raise overall student achievement in mathematics and reading by 5%. There will be a special focus to raise achievement in subgroups of ELL students and African American students by 10%. Goal is to increase overall student achievement and close achievement gap.
Describe data sources consulted and a summary analysis of the data that indicated the need for the goal. 11-12 Grade data, Iowa Assessment data, benchmark tests data. 71 students had 2 or more failing grades at the end of 2 nd semester Iowa Assessment Data: Math Proficiency: 6 th grade 49.1%, 7 th grade 56.3%, and 8 th grade 55.7% Reading Proficiency: 6 th grade 43.6%, 7 th Grade 45.2%, 8 th Grade 57.5%
Summarize how this goal will be measured. What will be the evidence of goal attainment? This goal will be measured by using Iowa Assessment data, SMI, SRI, district benchmark tests, grades, formative and summative assessments utilized by classroom teachers. Evidence of goal attainment will be an overall gain of minimum 5% on Iowa Assessment, along with at least a 5% decrease in the number of students receiving 2 or more failing grades at the end of 2 nd semester.
Describe how technology will support goal attainment. Technology will be utilized in classrooms by teachers to assist with embedding research-based strategies in their lessons. Examples include Infocus machines, Elmos, Smart-Boards, IPads, Electronic Notebooks, computers in media lab and classrooms. Plus, students involved in our after school program may have additional access to IPads.
DMPS School Improvement Process Page 2 revised April, 2010
Description of Proposed Action/Activity (What is going to be done to address our goal?) Timeline Roles and Responsibilities Evidence of Implementation Resulting Student Product(s) or Student Action(s) Resources Projected Budget Potential Budget Sources Action/Activity: Creating School Vision Summer/Earl y fall 2012 Principal facilitates these activities to create clear vision and collective commitments Posters, display case, copies given to all staff, and visual behavior that exemplifies staff working toward vision School-wide atmosphere focused on positive relationships and high expectations for all students
Creation of Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) Fall 2012 Content area representatives whose purpose is to promote effective instructional strategies through professional development & modeling. ILT meeting minutes, building directed PD minutes, implementation of effective instructional strategies from PD, creation of teacher- teacher walkthrough form, Data team minutes, vertical team alignment, crafted Pre-AP plan, Increased student achievement and success
Action/Activity: All core curricular staff will participate in weekly data team meetings 2012-2013 school year Teachers are to actively participate with their content partners in following the data team process focused on collaboratively evaluating student progress and meeting Data team minutes, vertical team minutes, observations, data collection and analysis Increased effectiveness of classroom instruction focused on increasing student achievement
DMPS School Improvement Process Page 3 revised April, 2010
student academic needs. Action/Activity: Pre-AP direction formalized & communicated 2012-2013 school year Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) will formalize plan and communicate with stakeholders ILT Meeting minutes, minutes from staff and parent meetings, posters on walls throughout building, information on Callanan website, Increased number of students prepared to successfully complete at least one AP course in high school
Action/Activity: ELL Teacher Coach 2012-13 school year New position focused on providing professional development, support and coaching to teachers to assist with meeting academic needs of ELL students. Member of ILT Also, teaches a few ELL math intervention classes Data collected from ELL classroom walkthroughs, professional development minutes, feedback from teachers, school schedule, classroom observations, ILT Meeting minutes Increased student engagement and achievement by ELL students in classes. Identified ELL students gaining more knowledge in area of math and able to show growth
District End(s): Graduates possess the knowledge and skills to be self-directed and autonomous. Graduates demonstrate strategies for life-long learning. State the goal. (Use SMART Goals- Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Results-oriented, Target date). Goal #2:
We will decrease the number of students receiving level 2 and level 3 referrals by 30% from 2396 total (11-12 school year data) to 1680 by the end of the 2012-2013 school year
Describe data sources consulted and a summary analysis of the data that indicated the need for the goal.
Infinite Campus referral data
Summarize how this goal will be measured. What will be the evidence of goal attainment?
This goal will be measured by looking at IC referral data. Evidence of goal attainment will be if the data shows at least a 30% decrease in the number of students receiving level 2 and 3 referrals.
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Describe how technology will support goal attainment. Technology will be utilized in classrooms by teachers to assist with embedding research-based strategies in their lessons. Examples include Infocus machines, Elmos, Smart-Boards, IPads, Electronic Notebooks, computers in media lab and classrooms. Plus, students involved in our after school program may have access to IPads. The ability for students to utilize technology is one of the engagement strategies that should assist with keeping more students engaged in lesson, decreasing opportunities for off task behavior, which can lead to disciplinary infractions.
We will be analyzing data from the Tableau, Infinite Campus, and EIS reports
Parent Engagement Strategies o how parents will receive timely information regarding school improvement efforts; o how parents will be informed of the curriculum, assessments, and proficiency levels students are expected to meet; o how parents will be encouraged to participate in decision making opportunities about their childs education; o how parents will be informed of building professional development plans (adjusted dismissal times)
PTA Board Meetings, PTA General Meetings and School-Based Council Meetings. Those parent meetings are held on a regular basis to provide the opportunity for discussion and input from parents in regard to educational issues at our school.
There will be individually scheduled parent meetings, along with building-wide parent communication meetings that are held in Fall and Spring
The principal writes an article in the school newsletter that contains information regarding school improvement efforts.
There is achievement data on the Infinite Campus system that is available to parents and students.
Information will be on the Callanan Website.
Description of Timeline Roles and Responsibilities Evidence of Implementation Resulting Student Resources
DMPS School Improvement Process Page 5 revised April, 2010
Proposed Action/Activity (What is going to be done to address our goal?) Product(s) or Student Action(s) Projected Budget Potential Budget Sources Action/Activity: Creating School Vision Summer/Earl y fall 2012 Principal facilitates these activities to create clear vision and collective commitments Posters, display case, copies given to all staff, and visual behavior that exemplifies staff working toward vision School-wide atmosphere focused on positive relationships and high expectations for all students
Action/Activity: Culture & Climate Committee All year Committee focused on addressing issues that impact overall climate & culture of school. Focusing on issues to increase positive student behavior School policies & procedures that focus on increasing a positive school culture, fewer student referrals to office, Increased effective responses to student behavior concerns. Professional development provided for staff, Increase of students in class learning, decrease in student referrals to office, decrease in number of suspensions, increase in overall student achievement
Action/Activity: Behavior Strategist All year Addresses students with behavior concerns. Assists with duties that maintain safe, school environment. Provides support for staff through class observations, PD, and individual meetings. Assists with problem solving process, member of Culture & Climate Committee, Observations, parent meetings, team meetings, student behavior data, created individual behavior plans, supervision schedule Fewer office referrals and suspensions.
Action/Activity: BMZ Zone All year Special education behavior strategist, BD teacher, and administration Special education students who are receiving behavior support will spend more time in class learning and increase their academic achievement Fewer special education suspensions. More students in class being academically successful. Increase in student
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Projected Professional Development for Staff Dates, Focus, Student Outcomes, and PLC Structure
Date Total Time Focus/Content (List SIP goal if applicable) Student Outcome(s) PLC/Collaborative Structure See attached PD Plan See attached PD Plan See attached PD Plan Increased student achievement and decreased number of office referrals and suspensions Large group, small group, individual
Building Leadership Team Membership
Name Role Douglas Calaway Principal Tambi Greene Vice Principal Cheryl Modlin SIL Joseph Ortega Behavior Strategist Nancy Johnson, Joel Sissel, Renee Manderscheid, Kathleen Jones, ILT Members Nicole Westcott ELL Teacher Coach Jessica Cameron Special Education Behavior Interventionist Andrew Wade, Steven Cox, Kathy Murphy, Amy Randolph, Valerie Campero Team Leaders
Individual(s) Involved in Peer Review: _________________________________________________________ Date Review Completed: ____________________________________________________________________