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The SQL Standard

• SQL – Structured Query Language

a ‘standard’ that specifies how
ƒ a relational schema is created
ƒ data is inserted / updated in the relations
ƒ data is queried
ƒ transactions are started and stopped
ƒ programs access data in the relations
ƒ and a host of other things are done

• Every relational database management system (RDBMS) is

required to support / implement the SQL standard.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 1

Department of CS&E, IITM
History of SQL
ƒ developed by IBM in early 70’s
ƒ relational query language as part of System-R project at
IBM San Jose Research Lab.
ƒ the earliest version of SQL

SQL evolution
ƒ SQL- 86/89
ƒ SQL- 92 - SQL2
ƒ SQL- 99/03 - SQL3
(includes object relational features)
And the evolution continues.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 2

Department of CS&E, IITM
Components of SQL Standard(1/2)
ƒ Data Definition Language (DDL)
Specifies constructs for schema definition, relation definition,
integrity constraints, views and schema modification.

ƒ Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Specifies constructs for inserting, updating and querying the
data in the relational instances ( or tables ).

ƒ Embedded SQL and Dynamic SQL

Specifies how SQL commands can be embedded in a high-level
host language such as C, C++ or Java for programmatic access
to the data.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 3

Department of CS&E, IITM
Components of SQL Standard(2/2)
ƒ Transaction Control
Specifies how transactions can be started / stopped, how a set
of concurrently executing transactions can be managed.

ƒ Authorization
Specifies how to restrict a user / set of users to access only
certain parts of data, perform only certain types of queries etc.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 4

Department of CS&E, IITM
Data Definition in SQL
Defining the schema of a relation
create table r ( attributeDefinition-1, attributeDefinition-2,…,
name of the attributeDefinition-n, [integrityConstraints-1],
Attribute Definition –
attribute-name domain-type [NOT NULL] [DEFAULT v]
create table example1 ( A char(6) not null default “000000”,
B int, C char (1) default “F” );

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 5

Department of CS&E, IITM
Domain Types in SQL-92 (1/2)
ƒ Numeric data types
• integers of various sizes – INT, SMALLINT
• real numbers of various precision – REAL, FLOAT,
• formatted numbers – DECIMAL ( i, j ) or NUMERIC ( i, j )
i – total number of digits ( precision )
j – number of digits after the decimal point ( scale )
ƒ Character string data types
• fixed length – CHAR(n) – n: no. of characters
• varying length – VARCHAR(n) – n: of characters
ƒ Bit string data types
• fixed length – BIT(n)
• varying length – BIT VARYING(n)

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 6

Department of CS&E, IITM
Domain Types in SQL-92 (2/2)
ƒ Date data type
DATE type has 10 position format – YYYY-MM-DD
ƒ Time data type
TIME type has 8 position format – HH : MM : SS
ƒ Others
There are several more data types whose details are
available in SQL reference books

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 7

Department of CS&E, IITM
Specifying Integrity Constraints in SQL
Also called Table Constraints
Included in the definition of a table
Key constraints
specifies that {A1,A2,…,Ak} is the primary key of the table

UNIQUE (B1,B2,…,Bk)
specifies that {B1,B2,…,Bk} is a candidate key for the table

There can be more than one UNIQUE constraint but only one
PRIMARY KEY constraint for a table.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 8

Department of CS&E, IITM
Specifying Referential Integrity Constraints

ƒ specifies that attribute A1 of the table being defined, say r1, is a

foreign key referring to attribute B1 of table r2

ƒ recall that this means:

each value of column A1 is either null or is one of the
values appearing in column B1 of r2

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 9

Department of CS&E, IITM
Specifying What to Do if RIC Violation Occurs
RIC violation
ƒ can occur if a referenced tuple is deleted or modified
ƒ action can be specified for each case using qualifiers
ƒ three possibilities can be specified
ƒ these are actions to be taken on the referencing tuple
ƒ SET NULL – foreign key attribute value to be set null
ƒ SET DEFAULT – foreign key attribute value to be set to its
default value
ƒ CASCADE – delete the referencing tuple if the referenced
tuple is deleted or update the FK attribute if the
referenced tuple is updated
Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 10
Department of CS&E, IITM
Table Definition Example
create table students (
rollNo char(8) not null,
name varchar(15) not null,
degree char(5),
year smallint,
sex char not null,
deptNo smallint,
advisor char(6),
primary key(rollNo),
foreign key(deptNo) references
on delete set null on update cascade,
foreign key(advisor) references
on delete set null on update cascade

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 11

Department of CS&E, IITM
Modifying a Defined Schema
ALTER TABLE command can be used to modify a schema
Adding a new attribute
ALTER table student ADD address varchar(30);
Deleting an attribute
ƒ need to specify what needs to be done about views or
constraints that refer to the attribute being dropped
ƒ two possibilities
CASCADE – delete the views/constraints also
RESTRICT – do not delete the attributes if there are some
views/constraints that refer to it.
Similarly, an entire table definition can be deleted

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 12

Department of CS&E, IITM
Data Manipulation in SQL
Basic query syntax
select A1,A2,…,Am a set of attributes
from relations R1,…,Rp that are
from R1,R2,…,Rp required in the output table.
the set of tables that
where θ contain the relevant
tuples to answer the query.
a boolean predicate that
specifies when a combined
tuple of R1,…,Rp contributes
to the output.
Equivalent to: Assuming that each attribute
π A1 ,A 2 ,....A n (σ θ (R 1×R 2 ×.....×R p )) name appears exactly once
in the table.
Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 13
Department of CS&E, IITM
Meaning of the Basic Query Block
ƒ The cross product M of the tables in the from clause
would be considered.
Tuples in M that satisfy the condition θ are selected.
For each such tuple, values for the attributes A1,A2,….,Am
( mentioned in the select clause) are projected.
ƒ This is a conceptual description
- in practice more efficient methods are employed for
ƒ The word select in SQL should not be confused with select
operation of relational algebra.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 14

Department of CS&E, IITM
SQL Query Result
The result of any SQL query
ƒ a table with select clause attributes as column names.
ƒ duplicate rows may be present.
- differs from the definition of a relation.
ƒ duplicate rows can be eliminated by specifying DISTINCT
keyword in the select clause, if necessary.
FROM student

ƒ duplicate rows are essential while computing aggregate

functions ( average, sum etc ).
ƒ removing duplicate rows involves additional effort and is
done only when necessary.
Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 15
Department of CS&E, IITM
Example Relational Scheme
student (rollNo, name, degree, year, sex, deptNo, advisor)

department (deptId, name, hod, phone)

professor (empId, name, sex, startYear, deptNo, phone)

course (courseId, cname, credits, deptNo)

enrollment (rollNo, courseId, sem, year, grade)

teaching (empId, courseId, sem, year, classRoom)

preReq (preCourseId, courseId)

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 16

Department of CS&E, IITM
Example Relational Scheme with RIC’s shown
student (rollNo, name, degree, year, sex, deptNo, advisor)

department (deptId, name, hod, phone)

professor (empId, name, sex, startYear, deptNo, phone)

course (courseId, cname, credits, deptNo)

enrollment (rollNo, courseId, sem, year, grade)

teaching (empId, courseId, sem, year, classRoom)

preRequisite (preReqCourse, courseID)

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 17

Department of CS&E, IITM
Example Queries Involving a Single Table
Get the rollNo, name of all women students in the
dept no. 5.

select rollNo, name

from student
where sex = ‘F’ and deptNo = ‘5’;

Get the employee Id, name and phone number of

professors in the CS dept (deptNo = 3) who have
joined after 1999.

select empId, name, phone

from professor
where deptNo = 3 and startYear > 1999;

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 18

Department of CS&E, IITM
Examples Involving Two or More Relations (1/2)
Get the rollNo, name of students in the CSE
dept (deptNo = 3)along with their advisor’s
name and phone number.

select rollNo,, as advisorName,

phone as advisorPhone attribute
from student as s, professor as f renaming in
where s.advisor = f.empId and the output
s.deptNo = ‘3’;
table aliases are required
if an attribute name
table aliases are appears in more than
used to disambiguate one table.
the common attributes Also when same relation
appears twice in the from

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 19

Department of CS&E, IITM
Examples Involving Two or More Relations (2/2)
Get the names, employee ID’s, phone numbers
of professors in CSE dept who joined
before 1995.

select empId,, phone

from professor as f, department as d
where f.deptNo = d.deptId and = ‘CSE’ and
f.startYear < 1995

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 20

Department of CS&E, IITM
Nested Queries or Subqueries
While dealing with certain complex queries
ƒ beneficial to specify part of the computation as a
separate query & make use of its result to formulate
the main query.
ƒ such queries – nested / subqueries.

Using subqueries
ƒ makes the main query easy to understand / formulate
ƒ sometimes makes it more efficient also
• sub query result can be computed once and
used many times.
• not the case with all subqueries.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 21

Department of CS&E, IITM
Nested Query Example
Get the rollNo, name of students who have
a lady professor as their advisor.
IN Operator: One of the
ways of making use of
the subquery result
select s.rollNo, Subquery computes
from student s the empId’s of
where s.advisor IN lady professors
(select empId
from professor
where sex = ‘F’);

NOT IN can be used in the above query to get details of students

who don’t have a lady professor as their advisor.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 22

Department of CS&E, IITM
Set Comparison Operators
SQL supports several operators to deal with subquery results or
in general with collection of tuples.

Combination of { =, <, ≤, ≥, >, < > } with keywords

{ ANY, ALL } can be used as set comparison operators.

Get the empId, name of the senior-most Professor(s):

select p.empId,

from professors p
where p.startYear <= ALL ( select distinct startYear
from professor );

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 23

Department of CS&E, IITM
Semantics of Set Comparison Operators
ƒ v op ANY S op is one of <, ≤, >, ≥, =, < >
true if for some member x of S, v op x is true
false if for no member x of S, v op x is true
S is a subquery
ƒ v op ALL S
true if for every member x of S, v op x is true
false if for some member x of S, v op x is not true

ƒ IN is equivalent to = ANY
NOT IN is equivalent to < > ALL

ƒ v is normally a single attribute, but while using IN or

NOT IN it can be a tuple of attributes

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 24

Department of CS&E, IITM
Correlated Nested Queries
If the nested query result is independent of the current tuple
being examined in the outer query,
nested query is called uncorrelated,
otherwise, nested query is called correlated.

Uncorrelated nested query

ƒ nested query needs to be computed only once.

Correlated nested query

ƒ nested query needs to be re-computed for each row
examined in the outer query.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 25

Department of CS&E, IITM
Example of a Correlated Subquery
Get the roll number and name of students
whose gender is same as their advisor’s.

select s.rollNo,

from student s
where = ALL ( select
from professor f
where f.empId = s.advisor );

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 26

Department of CS&E, IITM
EXISTS Operator
Using EXISTS, we can check if a subquery result is non-empty
EXISTS ( S ) is true if S has at least one tuple / member
is false if S contain no tuples

Get the employee Id and name of professors

who advise at least one women student.

select f.empId, a correlated

from professors f subquery
where EXISTS ( select s.rollNo
from student s
where s.advisor = f.empId and = ‘F’ );

SQL does not have an operator for universal quantification.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 27

Department of CS&E, IITM
Obtain the department Id and name of
departments that do not offer any 4 credit courses.

select d.deptId,

from department d
where NOT EXISTS ( select courseId
from course c
where c.deptNo = d.deptId and
c.credits = ‘4’ );

Queries with existentially quantified predicates can be easily

specified using EXISTS operator.
Queries with universally quantified predicates can only be
specified after translating them to use existential quantifiers.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 28

Department of CS&E, IITM
Example Involving Universal Quantifier
Obtain the department Id and name of departments
whose courses are all 3-credit courses.

Equivalently, obtain the department Id and name of departments

that do not offer a single course that is not 3-credit course

select d.deptNo,

from department d
where NOT EXISTS ( select c.courseId
from course c
where c.deptNo = d.deptId and
c.credits ≠ 3);

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 29

Department of CS&E, IITM
Missing where Clause
If the where clause in an SQL query is not specified, it is treated
as the where condition is true for all tuple combinations.

ƒ Essentially no filtering is done on the cross product of from

clause tables.

Get the name and contact phone of all Departments.

select name,phone
from department

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 30

Department of CS&E, IITM
Union, Intersection and Difference Operations
ƒ In SQL, using operators UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT,
one can perform set union, intersection and difference

ƒ Results of these operators are sets –

i.e duplicates are automatically removed.

ƒ Operands need to be union compatible and also have same

attributes in the same order.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 31

Department of CS&E, IITM
Example using UNION
Obtain the roll numbers of students who are currently
enrolled for either CS230 or CS232 courses.
(SELECT rollNo
FROM enrollment
WHERE courseId = ‘CS230’ and
sem = odd and year = 2005 ) UNION
(SELECT rollNo
FROM enrollment
WHERE courseId = ‘CS232’ and
sem = odd and year = 2005 );

Equivalent to:
(SELECT rollNo
FROM enrollment
WHERE (courseId = ‘CS230’ or courseID = ‘CS232’)
and sem = odd and year = 2005 )

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 32

Department of CS&E, IITM
Example using INTERSECTION
Obtain the roll numbers of students who are currently
enrolled for both CS230 and CS232 Courses.

select rollNo
from enrollment
where courseId = ‘CS230’ and
sem = odd and
year = 2005
select rollNo
from enrollment
where courseId = ‘CS232’ and
sem = odd and year = 2005;

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 33

Department of CS&E, IITM
Example using EXCEPT
Obtain the roll numbers of students who are
currently not enrolled for CS230 course.

(SELECT rollNo
FROM enrollment
WHERE sem = odd and year = 2005 )
(SELECT rollNo
FROM enrollment
WHERE courseId = ‘CS230’ and
sem = odd and year = 2005);

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 34

Department of CS&E, IITM
Aggregation of Data
Data analysis
ƒ need for computing aggregate values for data
ƒ total value, average value etc
Aggregate functions in SQL
ƒ five aggregate function are provided in SQL
ƒ can be applied to any column of a table
ƒ can be used in the select clause of SQL queries

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 35

Department of CS&E, IITM
Aggregate functions Optional
computes the average of (distinct) values in column A

computes the sum of (distinct) values in column A

computes the number of (distinct) values in column A or no.
of tuples in result

ƒ MAX (A): computes the maximum of values in column A

ƒ MIN (A): computes the minimum of values in column A

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 36

Department of CS&E, IITM
Examples involving aggregate functions (1/2)
Suppose data about Gate in a particular year is available in a table
with schema

Obtain the number of students who have taken GATE in

CS and their average marks
Select count(regNo) as CsTotal avg(marks) as CsAvg
from gateMarks Output
where branch = ‘CS’ CStotal CSavg

Get the maximum, minimum and average marks obtained

by Students from the city of Hyderabad
Select max(marks), min(marks), avg(marks)
from gateMarks
where city = ‘Hyderabad’;

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 37

Department of CS&E, IITM
Examples involving aggregate functions (2/2)
Get the names of students who obtained the
maximum marks in the branch of EC
Select name, max(marks)
from gateMarks Will not work
where branch = ‘EC’

Only aggregate functions can be specified here. It does not

make sense to include normal attributes ! (unless they are
grouping attributes – to be seen later)
Select regNo, name, marks
from gateMarks Correct way of
where branch = ‘EC’ and marks = specifying the query
(select max(marks)
from gateMarks
where branch = ‘EC’);
Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 38
Department of CS&E, IITM
Date Aggregation and Grouping
ƒ Partition the set of tuples in a relation into groups based on
certain criteria and compute aggregate functions for each group
ƒ All tuples that agree on a set of attributes (i.e have the same
value for each of these attributes ) are put into a group
Called the grouping

ƒ The specified aggregate functions are computed for each group

ƒ Each group contributes one tuple to the output
ƒ All the grouping attributes must also appear in the select clause
ƒ the result tuple of the group is listed along with the values of the
grouping attributes of the group

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 39

Department of CS&E, IITM
Examples involving grouping(1/2)
Determine the maximum of the GATE CS marks
obtained by students in each city, for all

Select city, max(marks) as maxMarks

from gateMarks Grouping attributes
must appear in the
where branch = ‘CS’
select clause
group by city; Grouping
City maxMarks
Hyderabad 87

Chennai 84

Mysore 90

Bangalore 82

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 40

Department of CS&E, IITM
Examples involving grouping(2/2)
In the University database, for each department,
obtain the name, deptId and the total number of four
credit courses offered by the department

Select deptId, name, count(*) as totalCourses

from department, course
where deptId = deptNo and credits = 4
group by deptId, name;

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 41

Department of CS&E, IITM
Having clause
After performing grouping, is it possible to report information
about only a subset of the groups ?
ƒ Yes, with the help of having clause which is always used in
conjunction with Group By clause

Report the total enrollment in each course in the 2nd

semester of 2004; include only the courses with a
minimum enrollment of 10.

Select courseId, count(rollNo) as Enrollment

from enrollment
where sem = 2 and year = 2004
group by courseId
having count(rollNo) ≥ 10;

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 42

Department of CS&E, IITM
Where clause versus Having clause
• Where clause
• Performs tests on rows and eliminates rows not satisfying
the specified condition
• Performed before any grouping of rows is done
• Having clause
• Always performed after grouping
• Performs tests on groups and eliminates groups not
satisfying the specified condition
• Tests can only involve grouping attributes and aggregate
Select courseId, count(rollNo) as Enrollment
from enrollment
where sem = 2 and year = 2004
group by courseId
having count(rollNo) ≥ 10;

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 43

Department of CS&E, IITM
String Operators in SQL
ƒ Specify strings by enclosing them in single quotes
e.g., ‘Chennai’

Common operations on strings –

• pattern matching – using ‘LIKE’ comparison operator

Specify patterns using special characters –

• character ‘%’ (percent) matches any Substring
e.g., ‘Jam%’ matches any string starting with “Jam”
• character ‘_’ (underscore) matches any single character
e.g., (a) ‘_ _ press’ matches with any string ending
with “press”, with any two characters before that.
(b) ‘_ _ _ _’ matches any string with exactly four
Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 44
Department of CS&E, IITM
Using the ‘LIKE’ operator
Obtain roll numbers and names of all students
whose names end with ‘Mohan’

Select rollNo, name

from student
where name like ‘%Mohan’;

ƒ Patterns are case sensitive.

ƒ Special characters (percent, underscore) can be included in
patterns using an escape character ‘\’ (backslash)

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 45

Department of CS&E, IITM
Join Operation
In SQL, usually joining of tuples from different relations is
specified in ‘where’ clause

Get the names of professors working in CSE dept.

from professor as f, department as d
where f.deptNo = d.deptId and = ‘CSE’;

The above query specifies joining of professor and department

relations on condition f.deptNo = d.deptId and = ‘CSE’

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 46

Department of CS&E, IITM
Explicit Specification of Joining in ‘From’ Clause
from (professor as f join department as d on
f.deptNo = d.deptId)
where = ‘CSE’;

Join types:
1. inner join (default):
from (r1 inner join r2 on <predicate>)
use of just ‘join’ is equivalent to ‘inner join’
2. left outer join:
from (r1 left outer join r2 on <predicate>)
3. right outer join:
from (r1 right outer join r2 on <predicate>)
4. full outer join:
from (r1 full outer join r2 on <predicate>)
Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 47
Department of CS&E, IITM
Natural join
The adjective ‘natural’ can be used with any of the join types to
specify natural join.

FROM (r1 NATURAL <join type> r2 [USING <attr. list>])

• natural join by default considers all common attributes

• a subset of common attributes can be specified in an
optional using <attr. list> phrase

• Specifying join operation explicitly goes against the spirit of
declarative style of query specification
• But the queries may be easier to understand
• The feature is to be used judiciously

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 48

Department of CS&E, IITM
ƒ Views provide virtual relations which contain data spread across
different tables. Used by applications.
• simplified query formulations
• data hiding
• logical data independence
ƒ Once created, a view is always kept up-to-date by the RDBMS
ƒ View is not part of conceptual schema
• created to give a user group, concerned with a certain aspect
of the information system, their view of the system
ƒ Storage
• Views need not be stored as permanent tables
• They can be created on-the-fly whenever needed
• They can also be materialized
ƒ Tables involved in the view definition – base tables
Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 49
Department of CS&E, IITM
Creating Views
CREATE VIEW v AS <query expr>
creates a view ‘v’, with structure and data defined by the
outcome of the query expression
Create a view which contains name, employee Id and
phone number of professors who joined CSE dept
in or after the year 2000.
name of the view
create view profAft2K as
(Select, empId, phone
from professor as f, department as d
where f.depNo = d.deptId and = ‘CSE’ and
f.startYear >= 2000);

If the details of a new CSE professor are entered into professor table,
the above view gets updated automatically
Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 50
Department of CS&E, IITM
Queries on Views
Once created a view can be used in queries just like any other

e.g. Obtain names of professors in CSE dept,

who joined after 2000 and whose name
starts with ‘Ram’

select name
from profAft2K
where name like ‘Ram%’;

The definition of the view is stored in DBMS, and executed to

create the temporary table (view), when encountered in query

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 51

Department of CS&E, IITM
Operations on Views
ƒ Querying is allowed

ƒ Update operations are usually restricted

because – updates on a view may modify many base tables
– there may not be a unique way of updating the
base tables to reflect the update on view
– view may contain some aggregate values
– ambiguity where primary key of a base table is not
included in view definition.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 52

Department of CS&E, IITM
Restrictions on Updating Views
ƒ Updates on views defined on joining of more than one table
are not allowed
ƒ For example, updates on the following view are not allowed

create a view Professor_Dept with professor

ID, department Name and department phone

create view profDept(profId,DeptName,DPhone) as

(select f.empId,,
from professor f, department d
where f.depNo = d.depId);

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 53

Department of CS&E, IITM
Restrictions on Updating Views
ƒ Updates on views defined with ‘group by’ clause and aggregate
functions is not permitted, as a tuple in view will not have a
corresponding tuple in base relation.

ƒ For example, updates on the following view are not allowed

Create a view deptNumCourses which contains the

number of courses offered by a dept.

create view deptNumCourses(deptNo,numCourses)

as select deptNo, count(*)
from course
group by deptNo;

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 54

Department of CS&E, IITM
Restrictions on Updating Views
ƒ Updates on views which do not include Primary Key of
base table, are also not permitted
ƒ For example, updates on the following view are not allowed

Create a view StudentPhone with Student name and

phone number.

create view StudentPhone (sname,sphone) as

(select name, phone
from student);

View StudentPhone does not include Primary key of the

base table.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 55

Department of CS&E, IITM
Allowed Updates on Views
Updates to views are allowed only if

ƒ defined on single base table

ƒ not defined using ‘group by’ clause and aggregate functions

ƒ include Primary Key of base table

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 56

Department of CS&E, IITM
Inserting data into a table
ƒ Specify a tuple(or tuples) to be inserted

ƒ Specify the result of query to be inserted


ƒ Specify that a sub-tuple be inserted

INSERT INTO student(rollNo, name, sex)
VALUES (CS05M022, ‘Rajasri’, ‘F’),
(CS05B033, ‘Kalyan’, ‘M’);

ƒ the attributes that can be NULL or have

declared default values can be left-out to be
updated later
Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 57
Department of CS&E, IITM
Deleting rows from a table
ƒ Deletion of tuples is possible ; deleting only part of a tuple is
not possible
ƒ Deletion of tuples can be done only from one relation at a time
ƒ Deleting a tuple might trigger further deletions due to
referentially triggered actions specified as part of RIC’s
ƒ Generic form: delete from r where <predicate>;

Delete tuples from professor relation with start year

as 1982.
delete from professor
where startYear = 1982;

ƒ If ‘where’ clause is not specified, then all the tuples of that

relation are deleted ( Be careful !)
Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 58
Department of CS&E, IITM
A Remark on Deletion
ƒ The where predicate is evaluated for each of the tuples in the
relation to mark them as qualified for deletion before any
tuple is actually deleted from the relation
ƒ Note that the result may be different if tuples are deleted as and
when we find that they satisfy the where condition!
ƒ An example:
Delete all tuples of students that scored the least marks in the
CS branch:
FROM gateMarks
WHERE branch = “CS” and
marks = ANY ( SELECT MIN(marks)
FROM gateMarks
WHERE branch = “CS”)
Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 59
Department of CS&E, IITM
Updating tuples in a relation
update r
set <<attr = newValue> list>
where <predicates>;

Change phone number of all professors working in CSE

dept to “94445 22605”

update professors
set phone = ‘9444422605’
where deptNo = (select deptId
from department
where name = ‘CSE’);

If ‘where’ clause is not specified, values for the specified

attributes in all tuples is changed.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 60

Department of CS&E, IITM
Miscellaneous features in SQL (1/3)
ƒ Ordering of result tuples can be done using ‘order by’ clause
e.g., List the names of professors who joined
after 1980, in alphabetic order.
select name
from professor
where startYear > 1980
order by name;

ƒ Use of ‘null’ to test for a null value, if the attribute can take null
e.g., Obtain roll numbers of students who
don’t have phone numbers
select rollNo
from student
where phoneNumber is null;

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 61

Department of CS&E, IITM
Miscellaneous features in SQL (2/3)
ƒ Use of ‘between and’ to test the range of a value
e.g., Obtain names of professors who have
joined between 1980 and 1990

select name
from professor
where startYear between 1980 and 1990;

ƒ Change the column name in result relation

select name as studentName, rollNo as studentNo
from student;

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 62

Department of CS&E, IITM
Miscellaneous features in SQL (3/3)
ƒ Use of ‘distinct’ key word in ‘select’ clause to determine
duplicate tuples in result.
Obtain all distinct branches of study for students
select distinct
from student as s, department as d
where s.deptNo = d.deptId;

ƒ Use of asterisk (*) to retrieve all the attribute values of

selected tuples.
Obtain details of professors along with their
department details.
select *
from professor as f, department as d
where f.deptNo = d.deptId;

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 63

Department of CS&E, IITM
Application Development Process
Host language (HL) – the high-level programming language in
which the application is developed (e.g., C, C++, Java etc.)

Database access – using embedded SQL is one approach

• SQL statements are interspersed in HL program.

Data transfer –
takes place through specially declared HL variables

Mismatch between HL data types and SQL data types

• SQL 92 standard specifies the corresponding SQL types for
many HLs.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 64

Department of CS&E, IITM
Declaring Variables
Variables that need to be used in SQL statements are declared in a
special section as follows:


char rollNo[9]; // HL is C language
char studName[20], degree[6];
int year; char sex;
int deptNo; char advisor[9];

Note that schema for student relation is

student(rollNo, name, degree, year, sex, deptNo, advisor)

Use in SQL statements: variable name is prefixed with a colon(:)

e.g., :ROLLNO in an SQL statement refers to rollNo variable
Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 65
Department of CS&E, IITM
Handling Error Conditions
The HL program needs to know if an SQL statement has
executed successfully or otherwise

Special variable called SQLSTATE is used for this purpose

ƒ SQLSTATE is set to appropriate value by the RDBMS
run-time after executing each SQL statement
ƒ non-zero values indicate errors in execution
• different values indicate different types of error situations

SQLSTATE variable must be declared in the HL program and

HL program needs to check for error situations and handle them

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 66

Department of CS&E, IITM
Embedding SQL statements
Suppose we collect data through user interface into variables
rollNo, studName, degree, year, sex, deptNo, advisor

A row in student table can be inserted –

VALUES (:rollNo,:studName,:degree,

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 67

Department of CS&E, IITM
Impedance mismatch and cursors
ƒ Occurs because, HL languages do not support set-of-records
as supported by SQL
ƒ A‘cursor’ is a mechanism which allows us to retrieve one row
at a time from the result of a query
ƒ We can declare a cursor on any SQL query
ƒ Once declared, we use open, fetch, move and close commands
to work with cursors
ƒ We usually need a cursor when embedded statement is
a SELECT query
ƒ INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE don’t need a cursor.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 68

Department of CS&E, IITM
Embedded SQL (1/2)
We don’t need a cursor if the query results in a single row.


INTO :name, :sex
FROM student s
WHERE s.rollNo = :rollNo;

ƒ Result row values name and phone are assigned to HL variables

:name and :phone, using ‘INTO’ clause
ƒ Cursor is not required as the result always contains only
one row ( rollNo is a key for student relation)

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 69

Department of CS&E, IITM
Embedded SQL (2/2)
ƒ If the result contains more than one row, cursor declaration
is needed

e.g., select,

from student s
where = ‘F’;

ƒ Query results in a collection of rows

ƒ HL program has to deal with set of records.
ƒ The use of ‘INTO’ will not work here
ƒ We can solve this problem by using a ‘cursor’.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 70

Department of CS&E, IITM
Declaring a cursor on a query
Cursor name
declare studInfo cursor for
select name, degree
from student
where sex = ‘F’;
ƒ Command OPEN studInfo; opens the cursor and makes it point
to first record
ƒ To read current row of values into HL variables, we use the
command FETCH studInfo INTO :name, :degree;
ƒ After executing FETCH statement cursor is pointed to next
row by default
ƒ Cursor movement can be optionally controlled by the
ƒ After reading all records we close the cursor using the
CLOSE studInfo command.
Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 71
Department of CS&E, IITM
Dynamic SQL
ƒ Useful for applications to generate and run SQL statements,
based on user inputs
ƒ Queries may not be known in advance

e.g., char sqlstring [ ] = {“select * from student”};


ƒ ‘Sqlstring’ is a ‘C’ variable that holds user submitted query

ƒ ‘runQ’ is an SQL variable that holds the SQL statements.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 72

Department of CS&E, IITM
Connecting to Database from HL
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) and
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

ƒ accessing database and data is through an API

ƒ many DBMSs can be accessed
ƒ no restriction on number of connections
ƒ appropriate drivers are required
ƒ steps in accessing data from a HL program
• select the data source
• load the appropriate driver dynamically
• establish the connection
• work with database
• close the connection.

Prof P Sreenivasa Kumar 73

Department of CS&E, IITM

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