CH 5 Quiz
CH 5 Quiz
CH 5 Quiz
1. Changes controlled by a genetic blueprint, such as an increase in height or the size of the brain, are examples of
a) maturation c) habituation
b) learning d) growth cycles
2. Pavlov placed meat powder in the mouths of dogs, and they began to salivate. The food acted as a (an)
a) unconditioned response c) conditioned response
b) unconditioned stimulus d) conditioned stimulus
3. What was the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) in the case of Little Albert?
a) a rat c) a high chair
b) a loud noise d) a small enclosed space
4. Under what circumstances will a reinforcer make the target response more likely to occur again?
a) if it is a primary reinforcer
b) if it is a positive reinforcer
c) if it is a negative reinforcer
d) regardless of whether it is a positive or negative reinforcer, a reinforcer makes a response more likely to occur.
5. What has occurred when there is a decrease in the likelihood or rate of a target response?
a) punishment c) negative reinforcement
b) positive reinforcement d) positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement
6. When Keller and Marian Breland, two psychologists who became animal trainers, decided that it would be cute to have a pig
drop a big wooden coin into a box, they found that _______________.
a) food was not an effective reinforcer for the pig and so learning didn’t occur
b) when given edible roots as reinforcers, the pig learned the task in less than ten trials
c) the pig displayed instinctive drift by dropping the coin, rooting, and throwing the coin in the air
d) the pig showed intrinsic interest in the task and so reinforcement was unnecessary
7. Cheryl is trying to teach her son to do the laundry by watching her. According to observational learning theory, to be
effective what must occur?
a) Her son must always model the behavior immediately.
b) Her son must be motivated to learn how to do the laundry.
c) Her son must be able to complete other tasks while watching her.
d) Cheryl must show her son how to do the laundry while she is making dinner.
8. College students faced with unsolvable problems eventually give up and make only half-hearted attempts to solve new
problems, even when the new problems can be solved easily. This behavior is probably due to ______.
a) learned helplessness c) latent learning
b) contingency blocking d) response generalization
9. The tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus is called _____________.
a) stimulus generalization c) response generalization
b) stimulus adaptation d) transfer of habit strength
10. Learning to make a reflex response to a stimulus other than to the original, natural stimulus is called ________________.
a) classical conditioning c) memory linkage
b) operant conditioning d) adaptation