F NB Thirdfourthstage
F NB Thirdfourthstage
F NB Thirdfourthstage
Fourth stage
First 6 hours after birth of placenta/membranes
Supportive care
· Encourage mother to eat, drink and rest
· Discuss and offer pain relief (if indicated)
· Consider personal hygiene needs Indications
· Assess emotional and psychological wellbeing for additional
· If RhD negative blood group, review indications
for RhD immunoglobulin
BP: blood pressure, FHR: fetal heart rate, HR: heart rate, IM: intramuscular, IU: international units, RR: respiratory rate, VE: vaginal
examination, #Australian College of Midwives: National Midwifery Guidelines for Consultation and Referral. 3rd Edition, Issue 2. 2015