RFBT Reviewer For Sales
RFBT Reviewer For Sales
RFBT Reviewer For Sales
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USJ-R College of Commerce | Acctg 101 Rm 403 MWF 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM | NEF, CPA
E. Gain and Losses – increase or decrease in net assets from trading as a business entity and must be registered with the
incidental transactions of an entity (nor directly related to the Department of Trade and Industry:
revenue producing activities of the enterprise) a. Business name
F. Income Summary – temporary account used in the closing b. Tagline
process which the balances of revenue and expense accounts c. Trademark
(including any gains or losses) are transferred; its balance is d. Patent
transferred to the capital account (or retained earnings for a 11. This organization aims to promulgate and improve accounting
corporation) standards that will constitute GAAP in the Philippines
b. Board of Accountancy
c. Professional Regulation Commission
I. Introduction to Accounting d. Financial Reporting Standards Council
1. Accounting as a field of discipline relates with economics 12. It is an independent private sector body with the objective of
because: achieving uniformity in the accounting principles which are used
a. Men need to make decisions to survive, progress or perish by business enterprises for financial reporting around the world
b. Accounting provides economic reports, and measure a. International Accounting Standards Committee
business activities, in terms of money b. International Federation of Accountants
c. Accounting uses money as the principal medium of express c. FASB
for objectivity in measurement d. SEC
d. Accounting deals with business transactions which is central 13. The London-based organization tasked to harmonize the
to commercial law dealing with obligations and contracts accounting standards across countries is the
2. Which phase of accounting emphasizes the significance of the a. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
peso amount contained in the financial statements b. Accounting Standards Council (ASC)
a. Classifying c. International Financial Reporting Standards Committee
b. interpreting (IFRS)
c. bookkeeping d. International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
d. summarizing 14. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopted by
3. The procedural element of accounting is the International Accounting Standards Board include all of the
a. Auditing following
b. Accounting a. International Financial Reporting Standards
c. Bookkeeping b. International Accounting Standards
d. Provide services c. International Standards of Audit
4. They encompass the conventions, rules and procedures d. Interpretations originated by the International Financial
necessary to define what is accepted accounting practice Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC)
a. Accounting assumptions 15. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the
b. Accounting concepts Conceptual Framework:
c. Conceptual framework S1: It sets out the concepts that underlie the preparation and
d. Generally accepted accounting principles presentation of financial statements for external users
5. Known as the inventor of the double entry bookkeeping as he S2: It is concerned with general and special purpose financial
introduced the Florentine Approach of double entry in the 14th statements including consolidated financial statements
century S3: Its purpose us to assist preparers of financial statements in
a. Luca Pacioli applying PFRS and in dealing with topics that have yet to form
b. Eugen Schmanlenbach the subject of a PFRS
c. Andrea Bargarigo S4: It defines standards for any particular measurement or
d. Amantino Manucci disclosure issue
6. Which of the following statements about users of accounting a. Only one statement is true
information is incorrect? b. Only two statements are true
a. Production manager is an internal user c. Only three statements are true
b. Bureau of Internal Revenue examiners are external users d. All statements are true
c. Loan officers of MBTC are external users e. None of the statements are true
d. SEC, BOI are internal users 16. The objectives of financial reporting are based on
7. Which area of public accounting practice means the examination a. The need for conservatism
of financial statements by a CPA for the purpose of expressing an b. Reporting on management’s stewardship
opinion as to the fairness of the statements? c. International financial reporting standards
a. Management Advisory Services d. The needs of users of the information
b. Internal auditing 17. The conceptual framework of accounting sets out certain
c. External auditing essential characteristics of accounting information. Which of the
d. Taxation following is not an enhancing qualitative characteristic?
8. The form of business organization where capital is owned by 2 or a. Understandability
more persons who agreed to divide their net income or net loss b. Comparability
based on the agreed profit and loss ratio: c. Relevance
a. Sole proprietorship d. Timeliness
b. Partnership 18. The financial accounting information is directed towards the
c. Corporation common needs of users and is independent of presumptions
d. cooperative about particular needs and desires of specific users
9. Which of the following entities is a legal entity and can be sued? a. Relevance
a. Company b. Completeness
b. Partnership c. Verifiability
c. Sole proprietorship d. neutrality
d. Limited-liability partnership 19. According to the conceptual framework, the quality of
10. A title used by any sole trader, partnership, or company, which information that helps the users increase the likelihood of
differs from his or her own personal name, for the purpose of
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USJ-R College of Commerce | Acctg 101 Rm 403 MWF 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM | NEF, CPA
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