HW 5
HW 5
HW 5
Syracuse University
Homework #5
Due on October 21, 2010, Thursday In Class
1. [10 points] (Adapted from L&D Exercise 4.3-1) In an amplitude modulation system, a periodic
message signal is given by the following figure and the carrier frequency is 1 kHz. The modulator
output is
sAM (t) = [b + m(t)] cos wc t.
m(t )
-0.05 0 0.05 t
(a) Determine the average power of m(t) (compute the numerical value).
(b) If b = 2, determine the modulation index and the modulation power efficiency.
(c) Sketch the modulated signal of part (a) in the time domain.
2. [10 points] (Adapted from L&D Exercise 4.3-8) In the early days of radio, AM signals were
demodulated by a crystal detector followed by a low-pass filter and a dc blocker, as shown in the
following figure. Assume the modulated signal is
Assume a crystal detector is basically a squaring device so that x(t) = [ϕAM (t)]2 . The low pass filter
suppress the high frequency spectrum. The DC block suppress the constant terms (i.e., the terms
that are not time-varying) in the signal.
x(t ) y1 (t ) y 2 (t )
ϕAM (t) square Low-pass DC Block
law Filter
(a) Determining the signals x(t), y1 (t) and y2 (t) at time domain.
(b) If A ≫ m(t) for all t, what approximation can you obtain for y1 (t)? Does the signal y2 (t)
now recover m(t)?
3. [10 points] (Adapted from L&D Exercise 4.4-1) Consider the demodulation of a QAM signal
m1 (t) cos wc t + m2 (t) sin wc t.
(a) Suppose the receiver uses the carrier cos[(wc + ∆w)t + δ] to recover m1 (t). Show that the
output of the receiver after passing through the low-pass filter is given by
in stead of m1 (t).
(b) Suppose the receiver uses sin[(wc + ∆w)t + δ] to recover m2 (t). Show that the output of the
receiver after passing through the low-pass filter is given by
in stead of m2 (t).
4. [10 points] (Partially adapted from L&D Exercise 4.4-2) A modulating signal m(t) is given by
(a) Sketch the spectrum of m(t). (Hint: Express m(t) in terms of addition of cosine functions.)
(b) Find and sketch the spectrum of the DSB-SC signal 2m(t) cos 1000πt.
(c) From the spectrum obtained in part (b), suppress the LSB spectrum to obtain the USB
spectrum. Write out the expression ϕU SB (t) for the USB signal.
(d) From the spectrum obtained in part (b), suppress the USB spectrum to obtain the LSB
spectrum. Write out the expression ϕLSB (t) for the LSB signal.
5. [10 points] (Adapted from L&D Exercise 4.4-3) For the same signal as in problem 4,
(a) Find the Hilbert transform mh (t) of the signal m(t). (Hint: (1) Express m(t) in terms of
addition of cosine functions. (2) If m(t) is a sinusoid, its Hilbert transform mh (t) is the m(t) phased
delayed by π/2 rad.)
(b) Use the following equations (fc = 500):
to compute the USB and LSB signals. Are your answers the same as those in 4 (c) and 4 (d)?