Oldhammer Timeline

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A note of variability: Dates and even concepts often do not match between

Warhmammer edition and this is especially true for the early editions, when the
world was being fleshed out around what miniatures GW and Citidal Miniatures were
making and selling. Bearing this in mind, the Warhammer world has had a degree of
growing consistency throughout the 80s and 90s.
The Warhammer world emerges mostly formed in the Citadel Journal and White Dwarf
entries and is codified in WFB 2nd edition, Ravening Hordes and to a lesser extent;
the scenario packs. From there it was bound together with the arrival of WFRP 1st
edition, but still underwent changes, particularly to the Empire as the long
campaign The Enemy Within was released and in supplementary material from White
Dwarf and the first novels. By the end of that, the 3rd edition of the Wargame had
emerged, backed with White Dwarf articles and the Warhammer world was pretty much
fully established with its unique flavor (with some exceptions like the exact shape
of the Elvish Isles). With the advent of the 4th edition in the 90s, the last few
major changes were made to the cosmology and history, and the Warhammer world has
stood exactly the same since (if getting more ridiculously skull-encrusted), even
reusing the tables of important dates in subsequent edition.
This list does contain the never published draft of Realm of Divine Magic by
Ronson, which was very contradictory to the lore and system of WFRP. And
information from Le Grimoire, a French fan magazine which did a whole 228 page book
about Sartosa, mostly compatible with 4e+ content.
-Before the Slann 100,000 years prior to the current year, the Warhammer World is
gripped by a massive global Ice Age (WFB 2e)/The ape-man Drachenfels discovers he
can suck out people’s life forces/Pygmies crash land on planet, descend into
barbarism/ Whatever religion that was practiced by the proto-humans was centered
around Earth-Mother worship [RoDM]
-7500 The Slann arrive and construct the Warp Gate/[imported the fantasy races?
RoDM]/ Don't import fantasy races (WFB 3rd edition), Slann reshape and reposition
planet (WFB 3), driving Lizardmen underground [Planet was already Earth-shaped
because it is an alternate universe to Earth's own universe (WFB 2e)]
-6500 The Warhammer world is warm enough that the Slann can stop the terraforming
process and get on with observing and guiding
-6250 Elves emerge in Southlands
-6000 Elves established on Ulthuan and tutored by Slann/ Dwarfs move up from
-5500 Amazons created by Slann in Lustria from a group of humans (WFB 2e)
-4500 Dwarfs call the time before this the time of the Ancestor Gods and no written
records survive (4e+) Collapse of the Warp Gates and first incursion by Chaos
mutations abound even among Elves and Dwarfs, though those are mostly mental
[oldhammer sources] and (4e+)
-4498 Aenarion I takes the High Elf throne by passing through he Sacred Flames of
Asuryan unharmed (4e+)
-4468 Chaos sacks Averlon and the Everqueen is slain, Aenarion's twins (Yvraine and
Morelion) are saved and spirited away by the Treeman Oakheart (4e+)
-4461 Aenarion rescues the witch Morathi from Slaaneshi Warband (4e+)
-4458 Morathi bears Aenarion a son, Malekith (4e+)
-4300 Dwarfs colonise the Plains of Zharr and Zorn Uzkul after crossing the World
Edge Mountains (4e+)
-4124 First Elf colonies in the New World (4e+)
-4119 Aenarion and many Elven mages and warriors sacrifice themselves to weaken
Chaos through battle and the creation of the Vortex, Bel-Shanaar I takes High Elf
throne (4e+)/ Malekith and King Snorri Whitebeard drive last of Chaos from Old
World, trade flourishes and Dwarfs build many new strongholds (4e+)
-3000 Contact lost between Dwarfs of World Edge and Dark Lands/Zorn Uzkul, eastern
kin believed to have been destroyed by Chaos (4e+)
Sometimes towards -3500 but before that date the Amazonian Sisterhood is founded in
Lustria and War war on the Slann Empire (WFB 2e)
-3500 Elf civilisation in golden age with Old and New World colonies (these stills
survive), sailing to marvel at the Lustrian ruins of the Slann/ Abandoned by their
gods the the Dwarfs of the Dark Lands turn to Hashut, the Father of Darkness (4e+)
-3000 Caraz-a-carak founded, Dwarfs troubled by Karnac's Lizardmen Raiders
(Regiment of Renown)
-3119 Cult of Pleasure is founded in Ulthuan (4e+)
-2839 Phoenix King Bel-Shanaar visits Karaz-a-Karak and meets Snorri, oaths of
friendship sworn and Malekith remains as ambassador (4e+)
-2789 Malekith finds the Circlet of Iron in his wanderings of the Northern
Wasteland, in the ruined city of Vorshgar (4e+)
-2784 Malekith returns to Ulthuan and denounces his mother as a lackey of the Chaos
gods and a traitor to the Elves (4e+)
-2750 attempts to suppress Evil+Chaos worship on Ulthuan lead to civil war/ Bel-
Shanaar I is murdered by Malkith, who then is rejected by the Holy Flames for his
evil and madness (4e+)
-2749 Caledor I take High Elf throne (4e+)
-2739 Renegade wizard princes and a Hotek, a heretic priest flee to Malekith,
taking the Hammer from Vaul's Anvil with them (4e+)
-2736 Malekith sealed in his magic armor (4e+)
-2724 Caledor defeats Malekith at Battle of Maledor, forcing the Witch King to flee
-2723 Malekith interferes with the Vortex to enact The Sundering, sinking much of
northern Ulthuan, the wizards raise the Black Arks and the Dark Elves leave for
Naggaroth, as High Elves rebuild, contact is lost with Old World colonies (4e+)
-2550 Dark Elves under reign of the Dru Perim; the Black Pilgrims flee to Naggaroth
after final battle of Deloth’s Shoal
-2700 Ziggurat of Mongolia’s Zharr-Naggrund is raised by Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer (4e+)
-2630 Dark Elves expidition returns to Ulthuan, Caledor begins defensive measures
including beginning the building of the Gateway fortresses (4e+)
-2600 Chaos Dwarfs enslave Greenskins through Dark Lands and Mountains of Mourn
-2500 Evil creatures driven from Old World by Elf/Dwarf alliance/Rise of Negekhara,
first true human civilization (4e+)/ start of Elf-Dwarf war (WFRP 1st edition)
-2425 Black Ark sunk for first time, beginning of High Elf navel dominance (4e+)
-2343 Dark Elves explore cave network beneath Hag Graef, extending beneath the
Black Spine Mountains. Eventually after many losses bring back Cold Ones and deem
the network the Underworld (4e+)
-2319 Dark Elves use Cold Ones in battle for first time (4e+)
-2219 Last of the Dark Elves driven off Ulthuan and sea swept clear of ships (4e+)
-2200 High Elves take the Blighted Isle and Caledor does not draw the Sword of
Khaine (4e+)
-2199 Caledor I kills himself to avoid capture by Dark Elves at sea (4e+)
-2198 Caledor II takes High Elf throne (4e+)
-2188 Elves return to Old World following civil strife and inform Dwarfs, new
bargains struck (4e+)
-2005 The Great Betrayal between Dwarfs and Elves as result of the Dark Elves (4e+)
-2000 Start of Elf-Dwarf war (WFB 3rd edition)/Nagash arises in the Land of the
Dead (4e+)/ the city that will become Skavenblight (Kazar?) is first occupied by
men (4e+)/ Start of the Age of Man in Cathay, Nippon and Pharonia [RoDM] [MAJOR
-1997 Dwarf High King Gortrek Starbreaker sends ambassador to Ulthuan in last ditch
attempt to stop war, ambassador shaved, elf-dawrf war breaks out. (4e+)
-1974 Snorri Halfhand, son of Gortrek is slain in single combat by King Caledor II
-1968 Nagash learn Dark Magic from Dark Elves forced to dock after a storm, having
learned they know, he defeats the leaders in a Soccerous duel and has survivors
entombed in the Great Pyramid at Khemri (4e+)/ Morgrim, cousin of Snorri kills Elf
Lord Imladrik at Battle of Oerager (4e+)
-1959 Nagash slays the Priest along of Khemri and seizes power (4e+)
-1950 Nagash starts his experiments into immortality using human blood and starts
building the Black Pyramid (4e+)/ A wandering Dwarf clan begins trading with and
settling in Kazar, great things are built (4e+)
-1948 Morgrim burns Elf city of Athel Maraya to ground (4e+)
-1880 Humans and Dwarfs of Kazan begin building temple (4e+)
-1780 Temple finally completed in Kazan with special bell, Warpstone rains down on
city and within a year the city is obliterated by swarms of mutant rats (4e+)
-1750 Black Pyramid finished, other Priest-Kings band together to fight Nagash
-1666 Huge Chaos army invades Naggaroth and besieges Ghrond, defeated by Witch King
at Battle of Woe with high casualties for Dark Elves and total destruction for
Chaos (4e+)
-1650 Nagash forced to flee, PK of Lahmia take books and secretly begin practicing
Dark Magic (4e+)
-1600 Dwarf/Elf wars end with Elf evacuation and Dwarfs weakened/Caledor II slain
by King Gotrek Starbreaker and takes Phoenix Crown (4e+) [MAJOR DISCREPANCY]/Nagash
arrives at Cripple Peak, discovers Warpstone (4e+)/ First true Skaven emerge as
masters of Skavenblight, then experiment with Warpstone and expand (4e+)
-1599 Caradryel I takes High Elf throne (4e+)/ Black Arks beached to form fortress
of Anlec and begin new round of fighting (4e+)
-1589 Caradryel the Phoenix King recalls the High Elf armies from the Old World
colonies to defend against Dark Elfs, colonists given choice to stay or go (4e+)
-1560 The Battle of Three Towers at Gates of Tor Alessi, Dwarfs victorious in
cataclysmic battle. Snorri kills Caledor II and takes Phoenix Crown. High Elf’s
abandon Old World or retreat into forests (4e+) [MAJOR DISCREPANCY]
-1501 Last High Elf colonists leave, Athel Loren elves declare independence, joined
by those who abandoned coastal colonies (4e+)
-1500 start of Goblin Wars, volcanoes and goblins break up Dwarf realm/ Massive
volcanic activity renders the Dark Lands from fertile plateau into ash-choked
wasteland, and many goblin migrate into Dwarven territory/ Wood Elves found Athel
Loren/ Grom ‘The Paunch of the Misty Mountain’ initiates Wars by drunkenly slaying
Wulfrun Willowhand, chief of the Northern Dwarfs. He was slain at the Dwarvish
fortress of the Middenheim and his half-orc-goblin guards exterminates at the final
battle of the war in Mad Dog Pass (Regiments of Renown)/ Joseph Bugman becomes
famous for his vengeance and dies (Regiments of Renown) Golgfag’s mercenary Ogres
are highly successful (Regiments of Renown) (WFB 2e)/ Nagash realises how powerful
small quantities of Warpstone is for Dark Magic and experiments with raising dead
to mine it for him, Nagashizzar created, The Desolation of Nagash has formed from
dust and slag, the primitive human tribesmen worship him as a god and devolve into
Ghouls (who are alive), powerful Empire around the Sour Sea (4e+)/ Elves evacuate
their colonies after War of the Beard, Skaven sorcery ravages Dwarf empire with
earthquakes, called Time of Woe, causing sever damage to Skavenblight and the first
Council of Thirteen forms, incursions of Skaven into Karak Van (4e+)
-1499 Karak Van is destroyed by Skaven and Night Goblins (4e+)
-1498 The mines at Ekrund seized by Orcs (4e+)
-1457 Gold mines at Gunbad fall to Night Goblins (4e+)
-1400 wandering Skaven clans reach far corners of the world (4e+)
-1387 Silver Road Wars between Dwarfs and Goblins begins (4e+)
-1367 Silver Road Wars end with Dwarfs abandoning Mount Silverspear now Mount
Grimfang (4e+)
-1362 By this time the Dwarfs have abandoned the eastern fringes of the Worlds Edge
Mountains (4e+)
-1350 Skaven attack Cripple Peak (4e+)
-1250 Accord reached between Nagash and Skaven (4e+)/ Karaz a Karak threaten by The
Troll Wars caused by trolls migrating away from erupting Thunder Mountain (4e+)
-1245 Dwarf counterattacks partially and in some cases temporarily successfully
-1222 Earthquake exposes seam of gromril within Misty Mountains and Nagash makes
armour from it (4e+)
-1200 Rebel PK who studied Nagash’s work send him emissaries and then followers of
Nagash driven out by alliance led by PK Alcadizaar (4e+), Skaven assassinate Nagash
-1185 Kadrin Redmane the Dwarf Runesmith finds Gromril in ruins of Karak Van, talks
of resettling (4e+)
-1163 Nagash attacks PK and is defeated, unleashes plague (4e+)
-1152 Nagash is victorious and has Alcadizaar tortures for his pleasure (4e+)
-1151 Nagash begins the Great Ritual of the Waking, Skaven free Alcadizaar who cuts
down Nagash and flees with Crown of Sorcery (4e+)
-1149 Arkham the Black sacks city of Bel-Aliad, beginning the Wars of Death which
all but destroys Arabian civilization (4e+)
-1147 Body of Alcadizaar found by Kadon who takes crown and builds Undead empire
-1136 Kadrin Redmane killed above Black Water, miner pull out of Karak Van due to
Skaven pressure (4e+)
-1125 Battle of the Glade of Woe, huge Orc and Goblin army wiped out in Loren,
Orion and Ariel become King and Queen in the Wood.
-1020 Kadon’s empire destroyed by Orc warlord Dork Redeye (4e+)
-997 Caradryel I dies and is first Phoenix King to die peacefully in his own bed
-996 Tethlis I takes High Elf throne (4e+)
-986 Tethlis launches the Scouring which will slay every Dark Elf on Ulthuan (4e+)
-975 Battle of a Thousand Woes where a Dwarf attempt to recapture Red Eye Mountain
fails and many are slain, Dwarfs focus on defense (4e+)
-750 Red Cloud Goblins attack Karak Azgul and are repulsed, attack Karak Azul and
partially occupy it (4e+)
-740 Goblins expelled from Karak Azul (4e+)
-700 Skaven breach lower levels of Karak Eight Peaks (4e+)/ The Kindred of the
Wythel Glades migrate from Loren over the Grey Mountains into the forests beyond,
henceforth called in legends, the Lost Kindred (4e+)
-692 Tethlis I is either killed by a Dark Elf assassin or by his White Lion
Bodyguards at the Shirne of Khaine in unclear circumstances (4e+)
-690 Bel-Korhadris I takes High Elf throne (4e+)
~-600 Vorag Bloodytooth becomes first and last Ghoul King of Cripple Peak
overwhelms goblin tribes, has Fortress of Vorag built east of of Plain of Bones,
after his death to goblin bolt thrower, ghouls scatter and fortress abandoned(4e+)
-513 Skaven, Goblins and Orcs drive out Dwarfs from Karak Eight Peaks and fight
among themselves (4e+)
-500 Emergence of Man in Cathay and Arabia and the development of human
civilization and trade with Dwarfs (WFB 2e)/ Human primitives first reach the Old
World and divide into numerous barbarian tribes
-469 Orc Warlord Dork takes Karak Azgul, leaving depths unexplored (4e+)
-466 Dork captures Karak Drazh and renames it Black Crag (4e+)
-370 Urgok the Beard Burner rampages about according to tradition, almost
overwhelming remaining holds, until beaten back at Battle of Black Water (4e+)
-350 Skaven overrun Crookback Mountain (4e+)
-250 Dwarf traders/prospectors and treasure hunters start penetrating into the
western Old World again and some encounter the Wood Elves, leading to renewed
grudges and violence (4e+)
-238 The great Dark Elf explorer and scout, Kaledor Maglen discovers the Black Way,
a series of water-filled caverns which allow Black Arks to pass under the Black
Spine Mountains and west into the Broken Lands (4e+)
-150 Experiments of Orcs creates Black Orcs (4e+)
-100 Black Orcs break free and ravage the lower levels of Zharr-Naggrund and are
purged from the citadel to thrive outside (4e+)/ Nagash returns to Cripple Peak and
destroys Skaven Clan Rikek (4e+)
-87 Black Arks raid eastern lands (4e+)
-50 Artur, Chief of the Teutognes discovers Fauschlag Rock and fortifies it with
help of Dwarf clan.
-49 the Wars of Death end for Araby (4e+)
-40 Nagash reborn, fails to enforce obedience on Tomb Kings but they force him back
under the leadership of Settra, Nagash clears fortress of Skaven in single night
-39 Settra turns against other TK and defeated in 7 days & nights battle, retreats
to Khemri (4e+)
-30 Nagash forges his iron hand (4e+)
-15 Arkham the Black crushes Skaven at Battle of Death Rock, Skaven give up trying
to recapture the Cursed Pit (4e+) Sigmar unites the tribes (4e+)
-1 Battle of Blackfire Pass (4e+)
1 the time of Sigmar, Humans and Dwarfs push goblins out of Old World back to Dark
Lands/ Nipponese Empire firmly established/ Collapse of Pharonia [RoDM] [MAJOR
12 First Nipponese Emperor, Yamyakyki 1 Dies/ Sigmar defeats a Necromancer,
Drachenfels or Nagash attempting to retrieve his crown from Morath who had already
been defeated by Sigmar (4e+)
16 Krell, only survivor of Nagash’s army is defeated at the Battle of Glacier Lake
and imprisoned in magical tomb (4e+)
17 Sigmar destroys Skaven horde in Middle Mountains (4e+)
50 Sigmar leaves, accounts differ on what happen next (Enemy Within, Empire in
Chaos draft)
63 Wulcan, high priest of Ulric has vision and starts building a temple on the
Fauschlag Rock/Middenheim
73 Johann Helstrum becomes first Grand Theogonist (4e+)
97 The Wizards’ & Alchemists’ Guild founded in Middenheim by Graf Erich
100 the rise of the Cult of Sigmar
~100 Settra’s fleet begins raids along future Bretonnia coast, taking hundred back
to fate worse than death (4e+)/ Clan Pestilens emerges from Lustria and starts
First Skaven Civil War (4e+)
113 Ulric’s temple in Middenheim finished
176 Series of watch towers are built on northern border to defend Naggaroth from
Chaos Wastes (4e+)
~250 Around this period Hobgoblin invasions of Cathay are driven back by the first
Simcists (WFB 2e), worship of the Orange Simcist will become widespread in Cathay
and across the Orient [Presumed from WFB 2e world description]
451 Blck Ark and TK fleet under Settra raid Tilea and sack and capture every person
in city of Sartosa, first on many combined raids (4e+)
498 Bel-Korhadris I dies, shortly after the finishing of the White Tower at Hoeth,
Aethis I takes High Elf throne (4e+)
500 Chaos Dwarfs mine rich volcanic deposits in Gorgoth (4e+)
500 Skaven from Clan Eshin return from Cathay (or was it Nippon?) to work for
Council of Thirteen (4e+)
Sometime around this period the Old World is slowly deforested and the wild
creatures and monsters driven back to deeper forests and North by the kingdoms of
Man (WFB 2e)
501 the Wasteland annexed by Emperor Sigismund II the Conqueror
512 Foundation of the City of Brionne (FRENCHFANMAG)
555 After 455 years of religious pressure between Ulricans and Sigmarites,
Middenheim granted charter to prevent secession, first Knight Eternal created as
600 Clan Pestilens led by Nurglitch is granted a place on the Council of Thirteen
ending the civil war (4e+)
698 High Elf representatives arrive in Cathay to begin flourishing Eats-West trade
700 Bretonnian warlords begin attempts to carve out domains in Athel Loren and fail
753 Dark Elf slaver-ship roam globe (4e+)
860 Black Ark overturned by tidal wave off Cathay (4e+)
876 Norse raiders going to Lustria capture Empire ship containing body of Luther
Harmon who turns/enslaves the crew and builds an empire called the Vampire Coast in
southern Lustria (4e+)
900 Bretonnian warlords cease attempts to expand into Athel Loren (4e+)
977 Gilles Le Breton unites Bretonnia and forced Greenskins from lands (4e+)
1000 Ludwig the Fat grants charter and vote to the Moot/ approximate date for
founding of Bretonnia/ Founding of Nuln Wizards’ Guild, later University College of
Nuln/Chaos Dwarf slaving fleets cruise the River of Ruin and Sea of Dread, canal
linking Falls of Doom to Sea of Chaos (4e+)/Emergence of Arabic culture [RoDM]
1005 Louis the Rash, first King of Bretonnian sends envoys to the Wood Elves,
recognizing them as Independent and receiving offers of eternal friendship (4e+)
1111 Black Plague, (9/10ths of human population wiped out 4e+)/Liber Mortis written
Frederick Van Hal, who turns back the Skaven with army of undead (4e+)
1112 Vanhal (a distinct spelling that is subsequently used) builds
Vanhaldenscholsse (4e+)
1115 Emperor Boris Goldgather dies from the Black Plague/ Skaven start to
systematic enslave surviving settlements (4e+)
1120 Aethis I is murdered by his own Chancellor who was a member of the cult of
pleasure and a spy for the Dark Elves (4e+)
1121 Morvael I takes High Elf throne (4e+)
1122 Mandred rallies support from Elector Counts and crusaders against Skaven
(4e+)/High Elf punitive expedition to Naggaroth is massacred by Dark Elves with
assistance of screaming army of drugged-up warriors (4e+)
1124 Vanhal assassinated (4e+) Count Mandred the Skaven Slayer finally drives out
Skaven and elected Emperor (G&F: Skaven-Slayer/4e+)
Dark Elves return to Ulthuan and drive out organised resistance from the
Shadowlands (4e+)
1131 Dark Elves rebuild fortress of Anlec (4e+)
1133 The Griffon Gate is put under siege by Dark Elves, Mentheus of Caledor
appointed general of High Elves, High Elves instate levy system of conscription
1142 Guillaume, 3rd Bretonnian King defeated large Orc army at the Battle of
Armandur and drives last Orcs from Northern Bretonnia (4e+)
1143 first recorded Imperial Gnomish Jester, a tradition which continues
1146 Siege of the Griffon Gate is broken (4e+)
1152 Age of War begins in Empire (WFB 3rd)/ Middenheim annexes Middenland/ Mandred
assassinate and no one can agree on successor (4e+)
1175 Settra is defeated at Savage Point by Bretonnian fleet led by Admiral Henri
Lamorte (4e+)
1207 Dieter Helsnicht is driven out of Middenheim for being a Necromancer and
escapes into the Forest of Shadows where he raises a large Undead army (4e+)
1244 Helsnicht defeated at Battle of Beeckerhoven by Empire/Kislevite force, body
never recovered (4e+)
1260 Gunthar the Wise starts travelling
1275 Henri Lamorte’s body stolen from crypt and reanimated as a Wight Lord by
Settra (4e+)
1280 Gunthar the Wise devises theory behind Elementalism and opens Elementalist’
Guild in Nuln
1302 Albrecht of Nuln burned at stake for pernicious declamation for his writing
about Skaven (4e+)
1342 Arabian army invades southern Bretonnia and puts Brionne under siege
1344 Arabian army routed from southern Bretonnia by Roland of Chinon (FRENCHFANMAG)
1347 Roland of Chinon pushs back Arabs in Estalia (FRENCHFANMAG)
1350 Battle of Pine Crags, Dwarf army seeking treasure in Loren is destroyed (4e+)
1360 Differences in opinion cause split between Graf Heinrich of Middenheim and
High Priest of Ulric. HP moves to Talabheim to support Ottilia
1360 The Ottila of Talabecland declares herself Empress (4e+)
1361 Grand Duchess Ottilia, self-proclaimed Empress gives grant to Frieda Grünwald
to build what will become Talabheim Battle College
1367 Frieda Grünwald defeats head of Middenheim W&AG in magical duel
1435 Sultan Jaffar, a powerful Arabian sorcerer welds together a coalition of
desert tribes to expand his city-state into a small empire, Skaven ally with him,
spying and murdering his rivals in exchange for Warpstone (4e+)
1448 Skaven convince Jaffar that Estalia plans to invade and he invaded first (4e+)
1450 Start of Crusades (4e+)
1500 start of the Age of the Three Emperors/ The Crusades, presumed foundation of
the Knights of Origo (Regiments of Renown), Foundation of the Knights of Cleansing
Flame (Regiments of Renown), Foundation of Chaos cult the Disciples of the Red
Redemption (Regiments of Renown) (WFB 2e)
1501 Mentheus of Caledor is slain besieging Anlec, his dragon Nightfang goes
berserk and routs Dark Elves (4e+)
1502 Morvael I commits suicide by walking into the Sacred Flames, after being
unable to bear the nightmares which have haunted him since the start of the Dark
Elves massive century long attack on Ulthuan, on the day his armies obtain victory
1503 Bel-Hathor I takes High Elf throne (4e+)
1547 Graf Heinrich of Middenheim lays claim to the throne, using his wizards to
great effect/ Reproach between Heinrich and High Priest, Ulrican cult become
celibate to prevent rival dynasty forming
1550 Start of Civil War, Middenheim vs Talabheim Middenland again becomes separate
province/End of Crusaders (4e+)
1563 Tobaro in Tilea overrun by Skaven coming through Elf-carved tunnels in
surrounding cliffs (4e+)
1565 Tobaro recaptured by mercenaries with High Elf help (4e+)
1601 Village of Escantos in southern Tilea devoured by swarm of rats (4e+)
1670 Battle of the Meadow Glades, Imperial force invading Loren is ambushed and
routed (4e+)
1681 Night of the Restless Dead as Nagash reborn again and many towns and villages
overrun (4e+)
1703 Mangus the Mad invades Ulthuan (4e+)
1705 Gorbad Ironclaw defeats Crusher Zogoth and starts his conquests (4e+)
1707 Gorbad Ironclaw invades through Blackfire Pass, Nuln sacked, Moot devastated,
Solland/Sudenland ceases to exists and is incorporated into Wissenland [MAJOR
DISCREPANCY], Emperor Sigismund killed by Wyvern at Altdorf which holds and horde
disperses. (4e+)
1750 Kislev separates from the Empire following the Gospodars invasion
1783 Dark Elf scouts find way to previously unreachable High Elf colony of Arnhelm
in New World and raid it, many farmsteads are destroyed before unprepared colonists
can oganis defenses and drive raiders back into their Black Spine Mountains
strongholds (4e+)
1786 Skaven release Red Pox in Bordeleaux in Bretonnia. City loses a third of its
population in a week before Baron Giscard Du’ponte order poor quarter burnt in
desperation (4e+)
1797 Vlad von Carstein becomes Count of Sylvania and marries Isabella von Drak
1812 Middenlanders lay siege to Middenheim, repulsed with Dwarven help, Undercity
sealed/ South Bretonnia and North Tilea ravage by Red Pox. Anarchy follows, 3/4 of
Brionne is razed by fire (4e+)
1813 Two Skaven Armies emerge between Brionne and Quenelles, razing villages and
towns along the Briene before lay siege to both cities. Defeated by army of
Parravon knights and Wood Elves. Winter plus strict quarantine bring Red Pox under
control (4e+)
1839 Genevieve Dieudonné born in Parravon (Drachenfels book)
1842 Genevieve Dieudonné born in Parravon (WFRP companion)
1850 Second Skaven civil war as other Lords of Decay attempt to remove Clan
Pestilens from Council of perceived failure of Bretonnia campaign. The Plague Lords
attempt to seize temple of Horned Ray (4e+)
1851 Drachenfels sacks Parravon (Drachenfels book)
1854 Dranchenfel sacks Parravon (WFRP companion)
1855 Genevieve becomes a vampire (Drachenfels book)
1858 Genevieve becomes a vampire (WFRP companion)
1913 Charter which places the Church of Sigmar in charge of hunting daemonology,
1937 Drachenfels’ poison feast, Death of Emperor Carolus (Drachenfels book)
1940 Drachenfels’ poison feast, Death of Emperor Carolus
1979 Empress Magritta is lasted elected Emperor for 400 years (from Marienburg
4e+)/ Burgomeisters gain power (4e+)/Wizard’s War begins/Time called the Dark Ages
1991 Dwarf Engineering Guild of Nuln founded
1999 Comet smites the decadent city of Mordheim, creating a blasted ruin full of
Warpstone (Mordheim 1999)
~2000 Human explorers denied access to Ulthuan/Rhudd Cynhaeaf, priestess of Khaine
and leader of the Witch-Elves seizes power from the Dru Perim and begins a Blood
Crusade against the Elven Kingdoms, utterly destroying the Sea Elf Kingdom of
Rrinnhasha and slaughtering the population/ Clan Scruten is led by Grey Seer
Kritislik to round stronghold under Cursed Marshes and Marienburg (4e+)
2010 war of the Vampire Counts begins (4e+)
2051 Vlad slain at Siege of Altdorf, Isabella commits suicide (4e+)
2094 Konrad von Carstein emerges as most powerful of Vampire Counts and attacks
2100 Konrad defeated at Battle of the Four Armies (4e+)
2121 Konrad defeated at the Battle of Grim Moor by Empire & Dwarf army (4e+)
2132 Blue-Blooded Bandits terrorise part of Grey Mountains (Return of the
Lichmaster)/ Manfred von Carstein launches surprise attack and almost captured
Altdorf, Empire, Dwarf and High Elf army counterattack (4e+)
2145 Battle of Hel Fen, Manfred von Carstein destroyed (4e+)
2150 Sea Elves return to Old World
2162 Bel-Hathor I dies peacefully and chooses the great explorer Finubur to be his
heir (4e+)
2163 Finuber I takes the High Elf throne, he reigns to the present (4e+)
2177 Death of Genevieve’s sire, Chandagnac the Ancient
2201 Errantry Wars begin in Bretonnia when Louen Orc Slayer tries to rid Bretonnia
of Orcs (4e+)
2202 Orcs fleeing Bretonnia and ambushed and destroyed in Loren (4e+)
2262 Birth of Yevgeny Yefimovich, future (still living) high priest of Tzeentch for
the Old World
2301 Dark Elves invade Ulthuan with Chaos allies as part of Great Chaos Incursion,
Everqueen saved by Tyrion and Teclis forges his sword and departs the White Tower,
Witch King defeated at Battle of Finvual Plain, Teclis leaves with Finreir and
Yrtle to assist Magnus (4e+)
2302 Chaos sweeps forth in what will be known as the Great War against Chaos/ Chaos
mutates some Norse Dwarfs into Chaotic Black Dwarfs, Beginning of Decadent Chaos
cults in Old World (WFB 2e)/ Warpstone meteorite lands around the headwaters of the
Narn river, soon known as the Barren Hills/ Skaven summon the Great Horned Rat who
tells them to unite and fight everyone, Skaven number area still exhausted by
previous centuries of fighting however, some minor plagues unleashed (4e+)
2303 Sack of Praag/ Magnus defeat Chaos/ Dark Elves etreat out of Ulthuan (4e+)
2304 Magnus the Pious reunites Empire/Teclis teaches Colour Magic (Realm of
Sorcery)/Establishment of Imperial Colleges of Magic/Elementalist’ Guild in Nuln
changes to The Eldritch University to keep face (Realm of Sorcery)
2308 The system of the Articles of Wizardry come into full effect (Realm of
2319 Skaven pirates spotted in Tilea Sea (4e+)
2320/2321 Clan Eshin Gutter Runners raid Empire, Bretonnia, Tilea and Estalia,
focusing on burning fleets laid at anchor during winter. Many ships are badly
damaged (4e+)
2321 in summer Skaven pirates make several raid on coasts of Bretonnia and Tilea,
one fleet sunk by Dwarfs of Barack Varr (4e+)
2368 Marriage of Brunhilde Todbringer to Baron Ludwig Nikse of Nordland
2369 Death of Magnus the Pious/ his brother Gunthar von Bildhofen, moves from Nuln
to Middenheim
2370 Birth of Gortrex
2371 marriage of Gunthar’s daughter to distant relative Boris Todbringer, their son
is first Todbringer Graf
2387 Prince Karsten of Waldenhof employs Skaven to undermine walls of the
invincible Castle Siegfried, after refusing to pay them in Warpstone, Skaven steal
all the children in Waldenhof, Karsten is lynched and Skaven disappear from the
surface for the next 100 years to plot and prepare (4e+)
2392 Dagmar von Wittgenstein builds observatory
2393 Huge consignment of grain going from Araby to Tilea disappears, Skaven pirates
suspected (4e+)
2395 Settlement of the New Coast in the Southlands with the penal colony of
Leopoldheim (Apocryha 2) [DISCREPANCY]
2402 Discovery of Lustria by Norse explorer Erik the Lost/ Dagmar returns with
warpstone meteorite
Some time between here and 2500 the plains south of the Ramilia Mountains in the
New World are colonized by different Men, Elves and Dwarfs, they fight the Goblin
Wars against Greenskins coming from the mountains and elect Laeron the Half-Elf to
be their king after his victory, King F'ýar the Orc with Murgul the Goblin King
returns in The scenario Bloodbath at Orc's Drift/Norse settlers establish towns
along the coast of Lustria, fighting Slann and other jungle people, scenario The
Magnificent Sven/McDeath scenario (Maybe?) (WFB 2e)
2417 Modern Illusionism perfected (Realm of Sorcery)
2420 Giovanni Marmalodi writes A Treatise for de Deliverance of Cities, a
remarkable textbook on siege warfare/ Bretonnian King Charlen carries Errantry War
into Border Princes and beyond, victory at Blood River and settlers move east (4e+)
2420 Grom the Paunch begins Waaagh (4e+)
2421 Discovery of the New Coast in the Southlands by Norseman
Losterikson/disappearance of Emperor Matthias IV
2423 Eltharion, son of Moranion, leads a successful High Elf raid against Naggaroth
itself, previously no High Elf has ever returned alive from Naggaroth and the Witch
King brood and plots revenge (4e+)
2424 Grom sails away from Empire to continue Waaagh in Ulthuan (4e+)
2425 Grom arrives and lays waste to parts of Ulthuan (4e+)
2429 Marienburg declares independence/ same day a trio of illusionists steal family
jewels from Emperor Dieter IV, illusionists driven underground or forced by Wilhelm
I to join spy network (Realm of Sorcery)
2431 Great Fire of Altdorf, Bright Wizards blamed (Realm of Sorcery)
2446 Birth of Vukotich the mercenary
2452 Birth of Ludwig von Wittgenstein
2456 Birth of Wolf the mercenary
2455 Birth of Boris Toddbringer
2457 Boris’s father marries Birgit Nikse
2459 Birth of Oswald von Mecklenberg elector of Sudenland and father of Johann and
2460 Birth of ‘Filthy’ Harald Kleindeinst, Altdorf‘s most controversially Watchman
2465 Birth of Orfeo, at 8 months he is adopted by Wood Elves from Loren
2470 Plague Daemon book/ Vukotich is in service of Tsar Radii Bokha/ Illusionism
taken off proscribed magic list, public college in Ubersreik, hidden as small magic
2471 Birth of Henriech Toddbringer/Birth of Detlef Sierck
2472 Birth of Stefan Toddbringer
2475 Birth of Johann von Mecklenberg
2477 defeat of Drachenfels (Drachenfels book)/ Birth of Karl-Franz (enemy Within)
2478 Birth of Wolf von Mecklenberg/ Birth of Konrad/ Red Thirst short story
[Assuming Drachenfels book dates]
2480 defeat of Drachenfels (WFRP companion)
2481 Red Thirst short story
2485 Birth of Emmanuelle von Liebwitz (enemy within-WFRP 4th edition)
2487 Birth of Anika-Elise Nikse, daughter of the Baron of Nordland
2490 Konrad book starts, Konrad meets Elyssa
2491 Karl-Franz elected (Drachenfels book)/Lutipold, son of Karl-Franz
born/Sudenland sacked by Chaos warband led by Cicatrice and split of electoral
succession of Sudenland (Ignorant Armies book & enemy within different on who is
elector)/ Heinrich Kemmler, the Lichmaster finds burial mound of Krell and raises
the Chaos Champion. Sweeps down from Grey Mountains into Brettonia and is defeated
only at la Maisontaal Abbey and forced to retreat back, he will return/Skaven led
by Grey Seer Gnawdoom ally with Kremmler to retrieve the Black Arc which was stolen
from Skavenblight by the master of the Monastery, Bagrian (4e+)
2492 Storm Warriors book
2493 Katarina Todbringer born/ Chaos Dwarf slaving expedition fight High Elf army
at Battle of Anurell’s Tomb, south of the Plain of Bones (4e+)
2495 Window Tax Riot in Aldorf/ Gortrex and Felix meet (beginning of Trollslayer)/
Undead forces stirred by Lichmaster Kemmler attempt to invade Bretonnia through
Loren and are destroyed (4e+)
2496 Konrad’s village is sacked (opening of Shadowsteed)/ Gortrex+Felix sign onto
expedition to Border Princes, explore Carak Eight-Peaks/ Tristan Harper relates the
tale of Storm Warriors to Orfeo in Bretonnia/ Lutipold is born (enemy within - WFRP
4th edition version)
2499 Skavenslayer book, Nuln is ravaged by fire/ Harmis Detz relates Plague Daemon
book to Orfeo/ Konrad+Wolf employed guarding gold mine in Kislev
2500 default start of WFRP 1st edition/ Gortrex and Felix help turn Siege of Praag
in Beastslayer book
2501 Shadowbreed book, Konrad finds himself under frequent possession by the divine
spirit of Sigmar foiling Chaos plots
2502 Karl-Franz elected (enemy within date, 4e+)/Wolf Mecklenburg rescued by his
brother from the Chaos Wastes with a miracle of Sigmar in short story/ Drachenfels
return (Drachenfels book)/ Warblade book, Konrad foils Skaven plot to replace the
Emperor/ Orfeo is embroiled in Estalian politics, Zaragoz book/ Erik the Red
attacks Ulthuan [Norse raider mentioned in WFB 3rd editon] (4e+)
2503 Orfeo is captured by pirate, Alkadi Nasreen and relates the tales of Zaragoz,
Plague Daemon and Storm Warriors books/ Breakdown of Grand Theogonist Yorri, Lector
Mikael Hasselstein, the Emperor’s confessor becomes most powerful in cult/ Gorfang
Rotgut attacks Barak Varr then joins up with Morglum Necksnapper to attack Karak
Azul (4e+)
2505 Drachenfels returns (WFRP companion)/ Felix Jager publishes his first three
volumes/[The events of 2508 assuming Book dates]
2507 Gorfang and Morglum driven off but captured part of the hold and many kinsfolk
of Lord Kazador (4e+)
2508 The Beast in Velvet book/The Thumb Tax Riots rock Altdorf, Yevgeny Yefimovich
revealed as mutant to the world/Stage Blood/Warhawk short stories/Gortrex+Felix
briefly return to Altdorf, last time Lutipold is mentioned before The Enemy
Within./[The Cold Stark House short story assuming book dates]
2510 The Cold Stark House short story/ Altdorf census (the heads of tax-paying
households only) found 1,100 Expatriate Dwarfs living inside Altdorf/ [Unicorn
Ivory short story assuming book dates]
2511 Unicorn Ivory short story/Death of Anika-Elise Nikse second wife of Borris
Toddbringer daughter of the Baron Von Norland.
2512 The Enemy Within Begins/Default start for WFB 3rd edition/ Azhag the Slaughter
begins Waagh! (4e+)
~2513 Karl-Franz falls deathly ill, dies, Wolfgang is crowned, revealed as a mutant
and Imperial Civil War, Sigmar’s hammer found, denouncements made, Karl-Franz
resurrected and matter is covered up (Empire in Chaos draft)
2515 Azhag defeated at Battle of Osterwald (4e+)
~2516 [Small Plague/ Sanitation Decree 17 assuming book dates]
~2517 Small plague/Sanitation Decree 17 comes into effect, persecuting the few
Vampires who try to blend in/ The Ibby the Fish Factor short story [assuming book
dates]/ Bretonnia is on edge of civil war (FRENCHFANMAG)
2518 The Ibby the Fish Factor short story/Genevieve marries Detlef/Head of cult of
Morr embarrassingly becomes a Vampire, Lutipold still alive.
2522 the start date for the game according to 4th edition and later/Storm of Chaos
occurs/End Times occur

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