Perioperative Nursing: Mammoplasty Plastic
Perioperative Nursing: Mammoplasty Plastic
Perioperative Nursing: Mammoplasty Plastic
Ingesting even moderate amounts of alcohol -The liver is important in the biotransformation
prior to surgery can weaken a patient’s of anesthetic compounds.
immune system and increase the likelihood of
-Disorders of the liver may substantially affect
developing postoperative complications.
how anesthetic agents are metabolized.
In an emergency, to prevent vomiting and
-Acute liver disease is associated with high
potential aspiration, a nasogastrictube is
surgical mortality; preoperative improvement in
inserted before general anesthesia is given.
liver function is a goal.
-The kidneys are involved in excreting
-People who have a substance abuse problem anesthetic medications and their metabolites;
may deny or attempt to hide it. In such therefore, surgery is contraindicated if a
situations. patient has acute nephritis, acute renal
insufficiency with oliguriaor anuria, or other
-The nurse who is obtaining the patient’s health
acute renal problems
history needs to ask frank questions with
patience, care, and a nonjudgmental attitude. Endocrine Function
-Such questions should include asking whether -The patient with diabeteswho is undergoing
the patient has had two drinks per day or more surgery is at risk for both hypoglycemiaand
on a regular basis in the 2 weeks prior to hyperglycemia.
-Hypoglycemiamay develop during anesthesia
Respiratory Status or postoperatively from inadequate
carbohydrates or excessive administration of
The patient is educated about breathing
exercises and the use of an incentive
spirometer, if indicated, to achieve optimal -Hyperglycemia, can increase the risk of surgical
respiratory function prior to surgery. wound infection, may result from the stress of
surgery, which can trigger increased levels of
Patients who smoke are urged to stop 30 days
before surgery to significantly reduce
pulmonary and wound healing complications. -strict glycemiccontrol(80 to 110 mg/dL) leads
to better outcomes.
Patients who smoke are more likely to
experience poor wound healing, a higher NURSE RESPONSIBILITY
incidence of SSI, and complications that include
Frequent monitoring of blood glucose levels is
VTE and pneumonia.
important before, during, and after surgery.
Cardiovascular Status
Patients who have received corticosteroidsare
-If the patient has uncontrolled hypertension, at risk for adrenal insufficiency.
surgery may be postponed until the blood
The use of corticosteroids for any purpose
pressure is under control.
during the preceding year must be reported to
-Surgical treatment can be modified to meet the the anesthesiologist or CRNA and surgeon.
cardiac tolerance of the patient.
B.Ginkgo biloba,
D.Kava kava
F.Licorice extract
Psychosocial Factors
the unknown,
lack of control,
Manifestation of Fears
Patients with uncontrolled thyroid disorders are -anger
at risk for thyrotoxicosis(with hyperthyroid
disorders) or respiratory failure(with -tendency toexaggerate
hypothyroid disorders). -sad, evasive, tearful,clinging
The patient with an associated history of a -inability toconcentrate
thyroid disorder is assessed preoperatively.
-short attentionspan
キ Explore client’sfeeling
Nurse Responsibilites
-Check for special orders –enema, IVline -Unpleasant sounds or conversation should be
avoided, because a sedated patient may
-CheckNPO misinterpret them.
-Have client void before preopmedication Transporting the Patient to theOR
Continue to support emotionally Accomplished
“preop carechecklist •Adheretotheprincipleofmaintainingthe
comfort and safety of thepatient.
•Accompany OR attendants to the patient’s
Goals: bedside for introduction and
-To aid in the administration of an anesthetics.
•Assist in transferring the patient from bed to
キ Asepsis
キ Homeostasis
キ Hemostasis
-Anesthesiologist (physician)
-Surgical technicians,