A Comprehensive Study of Multilevel Inverter Fed Switched Reluctance Motor For Torque Ripple Minimization With Multicarrier PWM Strategies

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A Comprehensive Study of Multilevel Inverter fed

Switched Reluctance Motor for Torque Ripple

Minimization with Multicarrier PWM Strategies
M.Gengaraj1 Dr.L.Kalaivani 2 M.Krishnashini, I.Anjana, K.Koodammal, S.Divyaprithi3
1-Assistant Professor, 2- Professor, 3- UG scholars
Department of EEE, National Engineering College, K.R.Nagar, Kovilpatti

Abstract —This paper portrays the comprehensive study of uneven reluctance. Even, it has many featured characteristics
torque ripple minimization of a Switched Reluctance Motor high torque ripple is one of the vital shortcoming of SRM drives
(SRM) using the multilevel inverter (MLI) with various in case of servo applications and smooth operation [3].
pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques. In modern era, In present scenario, there are two emerging
the usage of switched reluctance motor increases widely in technologies are in practice to reduce the torque pulsation of the
industrial areas. But, it has the limitations as high torque motor: one approach is to renovate the stator and rotor
ripple which leads to the very noisy operation. For arrangement by developing the magnetic design of the motor,
minimizing the torque ripple, the conventionally used while the other technique is to exploit the sophisticated control
normal converter has been replaced with cascaded H-Bridge mechanism. Some researchers are proficient to decrease the
MLI. MLI plays the vital role to reduce the total harmonic torque vibrations by reconstructing the motor design using some
distortion (THD) in the source current which was fed to the specific software platform but which leads to the cost
SRM stator winding. Here, the four phase 8/6 SRM is expenditure once come into operation. But, the other strategies is
obtained by using MATLAB/simulink model which was fed based on obtaining a suitable grouping of the operational
by seven level inverter. A comparative study has been done constraint, which contains input voltage, angles for turn on and
by using various multi carrier based PWM techniques such turn off, excitation current and the load [4]. A proper current
as phase disposition, phase opposition disposition method, modulation technique for the inverter is normally taken care for
alternate phase disposition method, variable amplitude and the minimization of torque ripple. Among these, a simple current
variable frequency carrier based methods are incorporated modification scheme for the inverter is widely used for the
in the multilevel inverter. Since, the higher value of minimization of torque ripples in SRM.
harmonic distortion leads to the higher torque ripple in
SRM, the optimal PWM method for the inverter is obtained Various control strategies are depicted to the inverter of
to lower the harmonic distortion in the source current from the SRM in accordance to minimize the torque ripples from
this comprehensive study. SRM, by tracking the rotor position alongside. The triggering
pulses are provided for the switches in the inverter are
corresponding to the rotor position [5]. For these circumstances,
two schemes are available to achieve the control technique one
Keywords—Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter; Switched
Reluctance Motor; PWM Technique; Total Harmonic Distortion; is to varying the speed of the motor using PWM strategy and
Torque Ripple other one is to standardize the firing pulse as a function of motor
speed [6].
For conquering the shortcomings in solid state devices
I. INTRODUCTION multi carrier pulse width modulation (PWM) technique has been
By comparing conventional DC and AC machines, established, so that huge motors can be controlled by high power
Switched Reluctance Motors (SRM) has many advantageous adjustable speed frequency drives. MLI is the perception of to
features. SRM drives are the prominent electrical drives which produce the multilevel output voltages with less number of
play a significant role in industry automation [1]. The electrical power switches which leads to lesser switching loss and
drives which required running at high speed in industry use. In harmonic distortion [7]. A set of single phase full bridge inverter
such case, SRM have drawn more attention because of its simple will be connected in series to form an MLI. An isolated DC
structure, consistent performance, huge extent of phase source can be connected to an individual set of inverter which
independence, economically materialized and less inertia with may be any kind of renewable energy sources. This isolated DC
capability to operate in unconditional atmosphere [2]. source fed MLI can produce almost sinusoidal output voltage
Electromagnetic torque is produced based on the theory of waveform. N-level voltage can be generated from this kind of
inverter, for example if it is 5-level inverter it can produce five One coil or group of coil are called phase winding .In
different voltage levels of +2Vdc, +Vdc, 0, -Vdc, -2Vdc. So by rotor there will be no field windings hence it is a singly excited
adding all the individual inverter output will provide the output motor. A sensor which is connected to the rotor shaft is known
voltage of N-level MLI. Hence, the output voltage of an N-level as rotor position sensor. Although the machine has a simple
multilevel inverter is the sum of all the individual inverter structure, the behaviour of its electromagnetic is obviously
outputs [8]. For obtaining multi carrier PWM techniques it has convivial.
been extended with one reference signal and many triangular
carrier signal per phase [9]. Torque is produced by the tendency of the stator and
rotor pole pair aligns towards each other when stator phase is
II. SRM DRIVE TOPOLOGY getting energized through which a magnetic circuit is acquiring
minimum reluctance and is independent of the current flow
direction. A major problem of SRM is torque ripple which
causes noise and vibration.
In this paper the drive topology has been taken from
MATLAB/Simulink platform which was shown in fig.2 whose
parameter selection is as shown in table.1.
Here, by means of rotor movement to its reluctance
position is the cause of torque production mechanism. No torque
will be produced when the field lines are at right angle to the
surface. By activating the stator phase, the rotor will get attract
thereby the torque will produce and thus minimize the reluctance
of magnetic path. Due to the activation of consecutive phases of
stator constant torque is developed [10].
Fig1: 8/6 SRM drive pole structure

SRM is a doubly salient, singly excited motor. Stator III. MULTILEVEL INVERTER CONFIGURATION
and rotor are made up of silicon steel stampings. In rotor poles Commonly to convert Direct Current to Alternating
are projected outwards as shown in fig.1. Here the rotor poles Current inverters are used and it can be categorized as Voltage
are always less than stator poles so they are used for source inverter and Current Source Inverter [11]. In usual
bidirectional control and self starting. Field coils are present functioning condition the inverter contains more ripples
only in the stator poles (unwanted ac signal) in its output voltage waveform. Various
TABLE 1. SRM simulation parameters multi carrier PWM strategies along with high switching
frequency are used to decrease the ripple content in order to
SRM Parameters Values obtain the quality output voltage waveform from the inverter. It
has the drawback to process at high frequency due to losses and
Stator poles 8
limitation in device rating for high power medium voltage
Rotor Poles 6 applications [12]. The single stage voltage source inverter
Power 1HP diagram is shown fig.2.
Voltage 350 To overcome these limitations, MLI has obtained
Current 7A much concentration in recent research. This multilevel inverter
has the capability to operate high output voltage while
Flux linkage 0.486 generating minor level of harmonic contents in the control
Stator resistance 0.05 ohm output voltage since it has a greater availability of voltage level.
Inertia 0.02 kg.m²
Usually the multilevel inverters were used in the above said
applications because of minimized voltage stresses on the device
Friction Co-efficient 0.0183 N.m.s [13]. The major shortcoming of the multilevel inverter is the
Un aligned inductance 670 H high switching power loss which arises by having more number
of power semiconductor devices. Also, in this MLI, many low
Aligned Inductance 236 H
voltage rating switches are used, every device need a separate
Saturated Inductance 150 H gate pulse circuit for a periodic conduction.
Maximum current value 450 A
Because of these, the overall system is expensive and
Turn on angle 25o complex. In modern era, the MLI are extensively utilized in the
Turn off angle 45o industrial applications in motor drives, static VAR compensator
and renewable energy system [14].
Fig. 2. Conventional voltage source inverter

There are numerous multilevel inverters are available

according to construction, PWM techniques and applications.
Broadly, it can be classified into three types, In this paper, SRM
drive has been fed by cascaded H-bridge 7 level inverter. It
consists of 3 stage single voltage source inverter are cascaded as
shown in fig.5.
Fig. 4. Working of Cascaded H-bridge MLI


Pulse Width Modulation is a technique that conform a
signal width, generally pulses based on modulator signal
information. The general purpose of PWM is to control power
delivery, especially to inertial electrical devices. The duty cycle
is a measure of the time modulated signal is in its “high” state. It
is generally recorded as the percentage of the signal period
where the signal is considered. The advantage of the PWM is
low heat dissipation through resistive elements at the
intermediate voltage points [16]. The drawback of the PWM is
more expensive and complex circuit. In Multilevel inverter,
modulation schemes can be separated in to two types. In higher
switching frequency two signals are used one is sinusoidal signal
and while the next one is rectangular signal. In basic sinusoidal
PWM technique sine wave is a reference signal and carrier wave
is triangular signal. Main usage of the PWM technique is
reducing the ripples and control the output voltage of the
inverter [17]. Generally the PWM techniques are used for
Fig. 3. Seven level Cascaded H-Bridge MLI managing the voltage. For controlling the drives of the switching
devices these strategies are most efficient.

Also the fig.4 has shown the working principle or mode Let us consider an N- level inverter, was the carrier frequency
of working of seven level inverter. Each inverter is connected with n-1 carriers, and also having peak to peak amplitude of .
with the separate DC sources. The DC sources will be the output Likewise it has the reference waveform has the peak to peak
of Solar cells or batteries etc [15]. The fig.3 shown blow is that amplitude of with the frequency of . Continuously the
seven level cascaded multilevel inverter. These inverters are reference signal is compared to the carrier signals. Then the rule
consists of a series connection of different units, which contains has been followed that if the carrier signal is lesser than
of different arrays of power switches and dc voltage sources. reference then the resultant power device may get switched on
The mode of working of MLI has been sketched by two figures and vice versa [18]. The amplitude modulation index and the
one is when positive half cycle and the other one is during frequency index for the MLI has been found out by the
negative half cycle. following formula.
be 180º out of phase. For a seven level inverter the rules that 6
= carrier waveform are organized such that 3 waveforms are in
phase above zero reference and remaining 3 carrier signals are
shifted by 180º out of phase.
f C. Alternate phase Disposition (APOD):
For multi carrier PWM strategies, it has been extended by In this technique all 6 carrier signals of seven level
organising the many carrier bands for different arrangements. inverter are disposed such that every carrier is in 180º out of
The switching pulse sequence of the MLI has shown in fig.5. phase with its adjacent carriers.
which may used different PWM methods. The five cases of this
method illustrated for an inverter are as follows: D. Carrier Bands Variable angle method (CBVA):

• When all the carriers are in phase; said to be Phase In this technique a displacement angle has been taken
disposition. place in between the carrier and reference signal by considering
two cases which are; one is when the carrier is maximum while
• When every carrier band is shifted by 180° from the
the reference is minimum and the other one is when the carrier is
adjoining bands; said to be alternative phase opposition
minimum, while the reference is maximum.
• When the carriers below the zero reference are altered E. Carrier Bands Variable frequency method (CBVF):
by 180° and the carriers which are in phase when it is
above zero reference; said to be Phase opposition In this method, it should determine how many
disposition. switching’s that happened in every level of MLI which play a
vital role in controlling the inverter. Carrier time bands are
• When each carrier is shifted by an angle from the
required to calculate the reference dwells in each bands. With
adjacent band carrier; said to be carrier bands variable
these knowledge the objective of this method is achieved. For
amplitude PWM technique.
each level of the inverter the number of switching’s per
• Carrier bands variable frequency PWM techniques modulation cycle is reliant on the carrier frequency for that level
where the time can be shifted by certain extent. [19].
The aim of this paper is to analyse and study the
multilevel inverter fed SRM with different multicarrier PWM
SRM was constructed by MATLAB motor model and
parameters has been assigned by table.1 then the drive system
has been constructed using seven level cascaded H-Bridge
inverter and various PWM techniques has been incorporated and
the results for the various topologies were as follows,
Fig. 5. Switching pulse sequence for MLI
For phase disposition method the total harmonic
distortion value for the proposed multilevel inverter is 14.93%
A. Phase Disposition (PD): as shown in fig.7.
In this scheme, all the carrier signals above and below For phase opposition disposition method, the THD
zero reference are in phase with the corresponding signal. If value is 15.52% as shown in fig.8, and it is greater than the
seven level inverter used means the rules for the PD strategy is 6 phase disposition method. In alternate phase opposition
carrier waveforms are disposed so that all carrier waveforms disposition the THD value is 15.16% as shown in fig.9, it is less
above and below of zero reference are in phase. That means 3 than the phase opposition disposition and greater than phase
carrier waveforms in above zero reference while other 3 are disposition method.
below the zero reference.
By comparing these values of THD it is clearly exposed
B. Phase Opposition Disposition (POD): that which PWM technique is suitable for the MLI in order to
In this strategy, modulation can be carried out that for fed the SRM drive for industrial applications.
the above zero reference all signals are in phase and below will
Fig. 6. Overall diagram of MLI fed SRM drive

Fig. 7. THD analysis by PD method Fig. 9. THD analysis by APOD method

Fig. 10. THD analysis by CBVA method

Fig. 8. THD analysis by POD method
On simulating the multilevel inverter with various
PWM techniques in the MATLAB/Simulink platform, the
following results are obtained as shown in table 2.
TABLE 2: Comparison of THD Values for the various PWM topologies
Inverter Topology with various multi carrier THD Value
PWM methods
Voltage Source Inverter 40.95
PD 14.93

Cascaded POD 15.52

H- Bridge APOD 15.16

Multilevel Inverter CBVA 12.93
CBVF 26.84

Fig.11. THD analysis by CBVF method From the comparison table shown above it is clearly
understood that carrier based variable amplitude technique has
For carrier based variable amplitude method the THD
low THD value (12.93%) as compared to other techniques.
value is 12.93% as shown in fig.10, which is less compared to
other four techniques. For carrier based variable frequency the
total harmonic distortion value is 26.84% as shown in fig.11, is
higher compared to other techniques. VI. CONCLUSION
This paper presented to design the multilevel inverter
fed switched reluctance motor for minimizing its torque ripple.
The inverter fed switched reluctance motor was developed in
MATLAB simulink environment. The various multi carrier
PWM techniques are adopted for multilevel inverter which is
used to minimize the THD. According to the comparison it is
clearly understood that, on Comparing with other techniques
CBVA having lesser total harmonic distortion. Using this
technique the torque ripple was minimized for the SRM which
may useful for the SRM drive in industrial and servo

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