Vinyl Chloride and Polyvinyl Chloride: Our New Name Is
Vinyl Chloride and Polyvinyl Chloride: Our New Name Is
Vinyl Chloride and Polyvinyl Chloride: Our New Name Is
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ThyssenKrupp Uhde
Table of contents
1. Company profile 3
2. The Vinnolit VCM process 4
2.1 General process description 5
2.2 Direct chlorination 6
2.3 Oxychlorination 8
2.4 EDC distillation 10
2.5 EDC cracking 11
2.6 VCM distillation 12
2.7 Measures to recover by-products and
to protect the environment 13
2.7.1 HCl recycling with waste gas heat recovery 13
2.7.2 Waste water treatment 13
2.7.3 Liquid and waste gas collection systems 13
2.8 Cumulated capacity of reference plants 14
3. The Vinnolit S-PVC process 16
3.1 Description of the S-PVC process 17
3.2 Advantages of the S-PVC process 18
3.3 The new Vinnolit High-Performance Reactor
for suspension PVC 19
3.4 The Vinnolit MST Cyclone Drier 20
3.5 Products and applications 21
4. References 22
1. Company profile
With its highly specialised workforce of more than 5,600 employees Vinnolit is one of Europe’s leading EDC, VCM and PVC producers
and its international network of subsidiaries and branch offices, Uhde, with a capacity of 780,000 t/year of PVC, 665,000 t/year of VCM
a Dortmund-based engineering contractor, has to date successfully and upstream chlorine plants. They enhance and optimise their
completed over 2,000 projects throughout the world. process technology on a permanent basis. Vinnolit was founded in
1993 as a 50/50 joint venture between Hoechst AG and Wacker
Uhde’s international reputation has been built on the successful Chemie GmbH. The new company drew on the experience of its
application of its motto Engineering with ideas to yield cost-effective two founders, both active in the vinyl sector for almost 60 years.
high-tech solutions for its customers. The ever-increasing demands In 2000 Advent International acquired Vinnolit. Advent is one of
placed upon process and application technology in the fields of the world’s largest and most experienced private equity invest-
chemical processing, energy and environmental protection are met ment firms.
through a combination of specialist know-how, comprehensive
service packages, top-quality engineering and impeccable punctuality. Since 1964 the licensor has granted licences for a capacity of
more than 14 million tonnes of EDC, approx. 6.5 million tonnes
Uhde and Vinnolit – Partners for vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride of VCM and about 2.9 million tonnes of S-PVC.
Our licensor for the Ethylene Dichloride (EDC), Vinyl Chloride Mono- The cooperation between the licensor and Uhde has been success-
mer (VCM) and for the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) process is Vinnolit ful for some 40 years. Uhde is the sole basic engineering partner for
GmbH & Co. KG. Vinnolit’s EDC, VCM and PVC processes.
1st section:
C2H4 + Cl2 C2H4Cl2 + 218 kJ/mole
2nd section:
C2H4 + 2HCl + ½O2
C2H4Cl2 + H2O + 238 kJ/mole
3rd section:
C2H4Cl2 C2H3Cl + HCl - 71 kJ/mole
VCM synthesis: 2 C2H4 + Cl2 + 1⁄2 O2 2 C2H3Cl + H2O Schematic diagram of a VCM plant
Oxygen by-product
Oxychlorination HCl
O2 recovery
C2H4 + 2 HCl + 1⁄2 O2 C2H4Cl2 + H2O + 238 k J/mole
In the direct chlorination process, EDC is Gaseous chlorine is added via an injector The process is particularly
produced by means of a highly exothermal nozzle to a relatively small circulating EDC environment-friendly, because:
reaction of ethylene and chlorine. side stream withdrawn in the downcomer • The energy recovery options lead to a
section of the CNC reactor and cooled to significant reduction of CO2-emissions
The main feature of the Vinnolit direct allow the chlorine to be better pre-dissolved. • The formation of high-boiling
chlorination process is an innovative boil- This cooling provides another opportunity to constituents is significantly reduced
ing reactor with natural convection flow. recover the heat of reaction. • Extremely small quantities of low-boiling
Recently, as a result of a joint development constituents are formed (only a few ppm)
project of Uhde and Vinnolit, the compact The ethylene solution and the completely • No scrubbing water is required and
natural circulation (CNC) reactor was devel- predissolved chlorine are mixed in the reac- • No catalyst is discharged with the product.
oped and now is ready for introduction on tion zone of the riser and react to EDC in a
the market. In the CNC reactor, the natural fast liquid-phase reaction which significantly The catalyst has no corrosive properties be-
circulation is established in an internal loop lowers by-product formation. cause of its complex structure, and therefore
consisting of a riser section and a down- the process equipment can be made mainly
comer section, leading to a more comact Due to the reduced static pressure head in of ordinary carbon steel. Existing plants can
and cost-saving reactor design. the top section of the riser, the EDC starts be converted without any difficulty.
boiling. The product amount and some ex-
The Vinnolit Direct Chlorination process cess EDC are withdrawn from the upper The advantages of the process can be
operates at boiling conditions with a tem- part of the CNC reactor and passed on to summarised as follows:
perature of 120°C. The heat of reaction is the product vessel and a stripping column • Nearly no consumption of catalyst
removed by boiling off EDC from the boiling to achieve 'Sales EDC' quality, if required. • High raw material yields
reactor. A big portion of this heat can be The excess EDC is recycled to the main • High EDC purity: 99.9 %
recovered by several heat recovery options, reactor loop. • Utilisation of reaction heat, e.g. for
e.g. heating of distillation columns in the heating of distillation columns or drying
EDC distillation unit or heating of a fluidised In contrast to competitive direct chlorination of PVC, leading to a reduction in steam
bed PVC drier in the PVC plant yielding a processes, the Vinnolit Direct Chlorination consumption of up to 700 kg / tonne
reduction of steam consumption of up to process does not use FeCl3, but a complex of EDC.
700 kg / tonne of EDC. compound as catalyst. The catalyst sup- • Low investment costs
presses the formation of by-products and • Complete reaction in only one reactor
The reaction is carried out in the riser sec- ensures higher selectivity to EDC. • Proven materials and reliable and simple
tion of the CNC reactor. In contrast to other equipment
processes, gaseous ethylene is first com- Thus the Vinnolit Direct Chlorination process • High active and selective catalyst
pletely pre-dissolved in the lower part of the combines the energy efficiency of a high-
riser section of the CNC reactor. temperature chlorination (HTC) process with Utilising the reaction heat saves energy and
the EDC purity of a low-temperature chlorin- reduces emissions of CO2 by an amount
ation (LTC) process. The catalyst is fed to the equivalent to the energy savings. Thus, car-
reactor loop before start-up and does not bon certificate trading has a positive effect
have to be topped up in normal operation. on production costs.
Direct chlorination process
using a boiling reactor Waste gas
to incineration
Product Stripping
vessel column
Sales - EDC
Heat N2
CNC Reactor Furnace feed EDC
2.3 Oxychlorination
In the oxychlorination process, EDC is formed mixture, consisting of C2H4, HCl and O2, is
by a highly exothermal catalytic reaction of catalytically converted in the fluidised-bed
ethylene with hydrogen chloride and oxygen. reactor to EDC in a highly exothermal reac-
tion at a temperature of > 200°C. The heat
The reaction takes place in a fluidised- is dissipated via internal cooling coils and
bed reactor, and the reaction heat is used recovered to generate steam. Independent
for steam generation. In the downstream of load the generated steam has a constant
quench column, a major portion of the reac- pressure level.
tion water is removed by condensation. To
remove small quantities of chlorinated hydro- The excellent distribution in the fluidised-bed
carbons from the reaction water, it is trans- makes it possible to maintain a constant tem-
ferred to the effluent treatment facilities. perature, to ensure low by-product formation
and to achieve optimum process control.
By cooling the reaction gases further by
means of cooling water (CW) and refrigerant The reaction gas passes a filter unit in
(R), the raw EDC is removed by condensation which the catalyst fines are separated from
and fed to the EDC distillation unit, where it the gas. Depending on customer's require-
is purified to obtain “feed EDC quality”. ments, also a waste water treatment section
comprising a precipitation and sludge filtra-
The Vinnolit oxychlorination process can tion step can be implemented. To remove
use oxygen from air separation units as well the reaction water, the hot reaction gases
as oxygen from pressure swing adsorption are quenched and the EDC is condensed
units (PSA oxygen). In the reactor the cata- with the aid of chilled water in a multi-stage
lyst is fluidised with circulation gas. Just condensation unit. The crude EDC is puri-
enough oxygen is added to the reactor to fied in an EDC distillation unit to obtain
keep the concentration of the circulation gas “feed EDC quality”.
outside the flammable range (oxygen lean
operation). The very small off-gas stream The reaction water obtained is passed to
of inerts and carbon oxides which is formed the waste water treatment facilities to re-
in the process is fed to the HCl recycle unit move the small quantities of chlorinated
without further treatment. The reaction hydrocarbons it contains.
Waste gas to
HCl from TDI / MDI possible
Hydrogenation Catalyst
reactor filtration
Hydrogen chloride Quench
column Crude EDC
Ethylene compressor
Effluent to waste
water treatment
To produce pure feed EDC, both the EDC The dry bottom product from the heads
obtained in the oxychlorination process column together with the unconverted EDC
and the EDC not converted in the cracking from the cracking process are separated
process (recycle EDC) are treated in the EDC from the high-boiling compounds in the
distillation unit in order to remove water as high-boil and vacuum columns. These high-
well as low-boiling and high-boiling com- boiling compounds are withdrawn from the
ponents. bottom of the vacuum column and sent to
the incineration unit.
The wet raw EDC from the oxychlorination
unit is fed to the heads column in order to By default, the high-boil column is oper-
remove the water and low-boiling substanc- ated at elevated pressure and the overhead
es by distillation. The water phase of the vapours of this column are used to heat
head product containing small quantities the heads column and the vacuum column.
of chlorinated hydrocarbons and sodium Depending on customer's requirements
chloride is transferred to the waste water also other heat recovery options can be
treatment unit. The organic phase and the realized.
off-gas are fed to the incineration unit.
EDC evaporator and cracking furnace
High-boils Vacuum
column column
Crude EDC
from cracking
Steam High-boiling
Cond. components to
Cracking EDC
The cracking of 1,2 dichloroethane takes The advantages of Vinnolit’s modern EDC
place in a cracking furnace heated by fuel. cracking process can be summarised as
VCM and HCl are formed at temperatures of follows:
480°C, the reaction being endothermic and
incomplete. • High reliability due to low coke formation
• High savings in primary and secondary
In addition to VCM and HCl, by-products of energy, due to:
various chemical structures and coke are - External EDC pre-evaporation using
formed. cracking gas heat
The external EDC pre-evaporation facility - Utilisation of flue gas and cracking
reduces the formation of coke in the crack- gas heat to preheat combustion air,
ing furnace considerably. The operating to generate steam or to preheat EDC
periods between two decoking intervals are • Low maintenance costs
very long (up to 2 years). • Proven materials and reliable equipment
Cracking EDC
Combustion air
Cond. Steam
to VCM distillation
Cracking product
to VCM distillation
Fuel Fuel
Recyle EDC
to EDC distillation
The product from the cracking unit consists The Vinnolit EDC distillation unit can do
of VCM, HCl, unconverted EDC and by-prod- without a low-boil column for recycle EDC
ucts of various chemical structures. with all its related problems.
HCl to oxychlorination
H2O removal
unit product
Uhde is one of the world’s leading engineering companies in the fields of EDC and VCM,
having built plants with a total capacity of more than 8 million tonnes per year of EDC
and approx. 5 million tonnes per year of VCM (see diagram).
million tonnes per annum
Vinyl chloride and hot water are fed to The wet PVC is dried by means of heated Consumption per 1,000kg of PVC
the Vinnolit High-Performance Reactor by air in a fluidized bed drier or the Vinnolit powder at the production plant including
means of a special charging program. MST Cyclone drier VCM recovery:
CW off-air
Recovered VCM
Demin. water
Dispersing agent
CW Steam
Hot water
PVC powder to silo
Waste water
to waste water treatment unit
3.2 Advantages of
the S-PVC process
This results in: In a fluidized bed drier, the PVC is dried The whole safety concept, including its
• Precise metering of the individual to the required moisture content. This op- computer process control system, permits
components during reactor charging eration can be performed highly economic a particularly high level of operational
• High constancy of the present process because of the possible heat integration safety.
parameters with the VCM plant.
In addition, the polymerisation system is
completely safeguarded and can stop the
PVC High-Performance Reactor (inside view) reaction under extreme conditions e.g.
simultaneous failure of coolant and power
Step by step Vinnolit has realised all • High output of up to 600 mt/m3/year
requirements for a high-performance poly- - Very short non-reaction time
merisation reactor. The inner cooler reactor - Very short reaction time
was developed as a last link in the optimi- • High quality of product grades
sation. This completely new reactor design
- Use of the Vinnolit recipes
has been created and improved by Vinnolit
- Wide range of licensed grades
engineers. The inner cooler reactor has
- Heat dissipation only in the liquid phase
demonstrated its outstanding suitability for
as in a conventional reactor
the production of suspension PVC on an
industrial scale for many years and is there- • Large reactor Volumes of up to 160 m3
fore a proven design. ensuring
- Low investment costs
In view of Vinnolit’s inner cooler reactor, the - Low maintenance costs
choice was made for a combination of: • Large heat transfer area and high heat-
• Increased heat transfer area due to the transition coefficient, providing a cooling
half-pipe coil on the inner reactor wall capacity twice that of a conventional reac-
tor; therefore no additional cooling area
• Improved heat-transition coefficient due
(such as a reflux condenser) is required
to the reduced thickness of the half-pipe
coil • Very simple and safe operation
• Increased heat transfer due to higher - Closed and clean reactor technology:
The requirements of a modern high-perfor- turbulences at the wall. using the Vinnolit anti-fouling tech-
mance polymerisation reactor with a high nology dispenses with high-pressure
productivity: cleaning or reactor opening
This design combines high heat transfer
• Short non-reaction time rate with safe operation in a closed mode. - Automatic catalyst charging
to be reached by: Of course the other internal components - Simultaneous charging of hot water
- Closed and clean reactor technology of the inner cooler reactor like the agitator, and VCM
- Efficient anti-fouling technology baffles and nozzles are optimised as well to - No heating up by means of a heating
- No reactor opening apply the reactor technology in the same jacket
- No high-pressure cleaning way as in Vinnolit’s conventional reactors. • Low operating costs because of
- No heating up of the batch - Adapted recipes
- Optimised charging procedure, i.e. The essential advantages of the Vinnolit - Use of cooling water instead of chilled
simultaneous hot water/VCM charging High-Performance Reactor are: water
- Automatic catalyst charging
• Minimal reaction time to be reached by: Heat transfer graph (typical) Heat transfer graph (typical)
of conventional reactor cooling of Vinnolit’s High-Performance Reactor
- Fast reaction-heat dissipation
- Large reactor technology
- Volumes up to 160 m3
- Adapted recipes
Suspension PVC is produced in an aque- content. But today the required purity can and is recycled into the polymerization pro-
ous process. Approx. 2.3 m3 of precious be achieved by a tailor-made special filtra- cess in order to reduce the consumption of
water are used in a conventional process tion process. fresh de-mineralized water and at the same
per ton of PVC. Up to now this water could time the amount of waste water. The flux
only be used for flushing purposes, but the Ultrafiltration through the membranes can be preserved
demand for flush water in the downstream on an acceptable level by regular cleaning
units is small compared with the water de- Ultrafiltration is employed to remove any operations for at least 1 year.
mand for polymerisation. So the water is solids from the decantation waste water.
usually after treatment in a biological waste Ceramic membranes compatible with the Features
water treatment discharged to a recipient. other ingredients in the waste water are
used in that process. The PVC contami- • Reduction of fresh water consumption
Re-use of the waste water in the poly- nated waste water from the decantation to approx. 1.4 m3/t PVC (pipe grade)
merisation was so far inhibited by quality centrifuge is treated in the special filtration • Reduction of waste water
problems caused by the residual PVC solid unit. The treated water is free of PVC solids • Proven in production scale for pipe grade
Rigid pipes and sections 67 112 570 1% <5% < 0.1 % medium
Rigid pipes and sections 68 116 570 1% <5% < 0.1 % medium
Platicised film and profiles, 75 145 470 5% <1% < 0.1 % high For further product information please
medical articles refer to Vinnolit’s internet hompage:
4. References