Slope and Equation of Line: Teach and Analysis in Terms of Emotional Intelligence
Slope and Equation of Line: Teach and Analysis in Terms of Emotional Intelligence
Slope and Equation of Line: Teach and Analysis in Terms of Emotional Intelligence
Abstract. Slope and equation of line is a sub-material of algebra and is one that is difficult for
students to understand. The purpose of this study is to understand and explore the slope and
equation so that students feel easy and ultimately improve their academic achievement.
Experimental research was conducted by applying Jigsaw II learning model and Teams Games
Tournament (TGT) and improvement in emotional intelligence (EI). The study sample was
students from 3 different schools who were selected stratified cluster random sampling. The
results showed that there is no influence of learning model and EI on academic achievement.
This can happen even in the learning process students feel happy and interest. Although
research shows different results with most theories, but it is expected that this research can be a
good reference for students, teachers, and other researchers.
1. Introduction
Much of research on mathematics that have done well. This does not necessarily make the math out
discussed, it makes math growing and interesting to be studied. Mathematics has a wide scope, one of
which is algebra. Algebra is a common form of arithmetic in which the letters or notations used
represent the numbers based on operations and rules in arithmetic [1]. Algebra is a branch of
mathematics that contributes greatly to the development of the modern era [2]. It is therefore necessary
for us to appreciate and understand Algebra for its development to this day.
Algebra encompasses many materials, some of which are equations. The equation itself consists of
small parts such as linear equations, equations of two variables, straight-line equations, polynomial
equations, differential equations, etc. Among these materials there are easy and some are difficult to
learn. There are materials taught in junior high schools and some are taught at universities. Some of
the material available, not only taught to students majoring in mathematics but in other majors that use
mathematics as the basis of its development.
The equation of a straight line is a small part of Algebra. The material encompasses the definition
of lines, the general form of the line equation, the slope of the line, the parallel and perpendicular
lines, and solves the problem of straight-line equations. In Indonesia, this material is taught to junior
high school students. In accordance with the applicable curriculum in 2015, the equation of straight-
line equations belonging to the standard of competence understands algebraic forms, relations,
functions, and equations of straight lines [3].
Through the national examination conducted by the government, an analysis of students' answers is
performed. The results of analysis released by BNSP (jangan disingkat, dijelaskan lembaga apa) for
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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
895 (2017) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/895/1/012035
slope and straight line equations material show that the percentage of mastery of the material is low.
Recorded 55.39% students' mastery of slope material and equation of national straight line. While the
mastery of the material for Boyolali region only amounted to 32.50% [4]. The percentage indicates
how weak the students in understanding the material. This is getting worse considering algebra is a
branch of mathematics that is important to learn. Given current algebraic developments, improvement
efforts need to be made. This is done to improve students' understanding of tilt material and straight
line equations that appear on their academic achievement.
There are several factors that cause student achievement, one of them is learning process in school.
The learning process in school is closely related to the teacher's planned learning. Efforts that can be
done in improving student academic achievement is to use innovation in learning. Various innovations
can be done by teachers, one of which is using a model of learning that is more interesting and
pleasing to the students. Two of the existing learning models are Jigsaw II and Teams Games
Tournament (TGT).
Based on the Evcim and Ípek research on English prep classes. The results obtained in the form of
differences in academic achievement that is significant between a class given Jigsaw II learning with a
class that does not use it [5]. This means learning, in this case is Jigsaw II, has an effect on student
achievement. This research is specialized in English prep classes but it does not close the possibility of
obtaining the same results in the class and other learning materials.
Another similar study was conducted by Demir at the university. His research is more on
evaluating the learning that is applied, namely Jigsaw II. His research results show that learning with
Jigsaw II combined with creative drama can make students feel happy. Students experience different
learning compared to learning in general [6]. It comes from reports and opinions of students about the
learning he felt with Jigsaw II combined with creative drama.
Similar results were obtained by Wodaski, Adelson, Todd, and Wodasky in his research on
elementary and high school students. The conclusions he obtained after providing nutritional material
were enthusiastic students during the learning with TGT. There is a significant increase in knowledge
about nutrition in each class [7]. This increase of knowledge will also improve students' academic
achievement. It can be said that TGT learning not only makes students enthusiastic but also improves
students' academic achievement.
Positive results on TGT were also shown in the Veloo and Chairhany studies. More in-depth
research is done not only to see the influence of TGT in the students' academic achievement but also
on their attitude. The results obtained a significant difference in student attitudes and achievements
[8]. TGT learning is considered capable of creating an active learning environment that supports the
learning process. Good learning process is what ultimately supports student academic achievement.
On the other hand, the low mathematical mastery of slope and straight line equations material is
also influenced by the students themselves. Many factors can affect students themselves, one of which
is emotional intelligence (EI). EI affects people in managing their feelings and others. This is
evidenced by the many studies that have been done in observing EI and its effects on academic
Research conducted by Garg, Levin and Trembay observed about EI and parenting patterns in the
univercity students. Emotional intelligence of students and authoritative parenting style can help
students in adjusting themselves at the university. This certainly affects also on their academic
achievement [9]. Students get academic achievement after learning only. That is, emotional
intelligence also affects during learning. Students with high emotional intelligence will be more
adaptable in the new environment. This is because they more easily understand the environment and
adjust themselves to their attitudes, behaviors, feelings, and thoughts. This condition does not close the
possibility to students in other education levels.
Emotional intelligence is an important ability to have students, especially in adolescents aged 11
years. Further research on emotional intelligence in adolescents is done by Qualter, Gardner, Pope,
Hutchinson and Whiteley. Their research shows that emotional intelligence affects the cognitive
abilities of 11-year-olds [10]. This cognitive ability is apparent in student performance at school. The
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
895 (2017) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/895/1/012035
importance of emotional intelligence in improving students' cognitive abilities can be a concern for
educators. Through learning based on students' emotional intelligence, students' cognitive abilities
Students have different characteristics from one another. A deep understanding of the
characteristics will help the teacher in seeking maximum learning. One such characteristic is gender.
Schools (except for special schools) have students of both male and female sex. The number of male
and female students in a class tends to vary. Clarke, Marks, and Lykins examines the effect of gender
on emotional intelligence. Their result shown, gender differences do not affect emotional intelligence
[11]. So that the characteristics of gender can be ignored in its influence with student academic
Much research has been done on mathematics. Nevertheless the problems and conclusions given
can not necessarily be applied. The issues discussed tend to focus on regional issues only, so there is
no solution to overcome this problem. Existing research has become a reference for us, but our
research is different from existing research. Our research refers to slope and straight-line equations
and the application of learning models (Jigsaw II and TGT) in schools. The results were then reviewed
through the students' EI. We try to use learning models and emotional intelligence in observing
academic achievement. Research on this subject has never been done before and it is a genuine
experimental researcher based on existing references.
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
895 (2017) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/895/1/012035
taught in grade 7. Through these prerequisite materials, students will more easily recognize and
understand the equation of straight-line equations.
Slope material and straight line equations in junior high school have material restrictions. The
material is limited in accordance with the competency standards issued by the government. The
equations of straight-line equations taught to students include only the general form of straight-line
equations, drawing graphs of straight-line equations, parallel and perpendicular lines, and their
applications in life. While the tilt material is only limited to the slope of a straight line. This limitation
is done so that learning is more focused and the students have no difficulty in understanding.
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
895 (2017) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/895/1/012035
realization of self potential, be more assertive about being aggressive, emotional control and control,
understand the impact of attitudes and reflect on this attitude, empathize with others [18]. Yeung
proposed different things that propose three EI domains are arranged in a hierarchy. Running from the
bottom is self-awareness, self-direction, and interpersonal intelligence [19]. The characteristic of EI
used in this research is according to Salovery & Mayer [20]. There are four basic aspects of EI:
emotional recognition, emotion understanding, emotional setting, and emotional usage.
2. Experimental Method
The study was conducted with a population of grade 8 junior high school students in the district of
Boyolali. School of the sample was determined by cluster stratified random sampling. Selected three
schools that represent the population at random. Similarly randomly selected two classes in each
school. Both of these classes are given learning model Jigsaw II and TGT. The study was conducted
from July 2016 to December 2016. Implementation begins by first developing a lesson plan, learning
materials, test questions, and EI instruments to be used. It aims to be more practical and focused later
on in learning.
Learning steps of each model was developed based on the current syntax. The phases contained in
the model jigsaw II is dividing students into teams, divide the students into groups of experts, scoring
early, reading, discussion group of experts, the team reports, test and team recognition [14]. Steps in
TGT model that group, tournaments and scoring [15]. Phase and existing measures are developed and
adapted so that it can be implemented in the classroom.
A questionnaire sheet The EI and tests used are hand made. A statement in questionnaire made on
the development aspects and indicators that exist. Internal validation and internal consistency are
performed to obtain a good questionnaire. Similar to questionnaires, tests are also tested for different
power, level of difficulty, and reliability. Previously has been tested the content validity by way of
expert judgment. Finally obtained 40 items of questionnaires and 25 test items.
The analysis is done with Excel tool to student achievement data. This data obtained through this
test data obtained through tests that have been tested beforehand that have been tested beforehand.
Data mathematics achievement of students before the study is used to test the balance. Balance test
using one way analysis of variance.
Furthermore, the normality test and homogeneity test were performed. Normality test using
Liliefors method while homogeneity test using Bartlett test. Next will be tested hypothesis used two-
way analysis of variance with different cells. Data from questionnaire only used to categorize student
achievement into EI categories of high, medium, and low.
The result is shown in Table 1. Based on the result, the L value on each population is less than each
their Lα value. This is meant each population has a normal distribution, so the analysis is continued.
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
895 (2017) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/895/1/012035
Table 2 shown that chi-square value by calculation is smaller than chi-square by table. It is mean that
data is homogeneity, so the analysis is continued.
There are two independent variables, it is learning models and EI. Analysis is continued using 2x3
sized kovariance analysis with difference number of cells. Summary of the result is shown in Table 3.
Table 3. The Hypotesis test
Source JK Dk F Fα Result
Learning Models 38.1009 1 1.80717 3.84 No effect
EI 23.799 2 0.56441 3 No effect
Interaction 65.7914 2 1.56028 3 No interaction
Galat 3990.39 185
Tests showed that the F value of learning models, EI, and interaction is less than each Fα. This means
there is no influence between the learning model of learning achievement, there is no influence of EI
on learning achievement, and there is no interaction between learning models and EI on learning
achievement. The results of this study are in line with Savelsbergh, Prins, Rietbergen, Fechnen,
Vaessen, Draijer, and Bakker which show no significant improvement despite the positive response
from students [21].
4. Coclusion
Mathematics achievement of students is influenced by many things. Two of them are learning model
and EI. Some research conclude that learning model and EI contribute on mathematics achievement.
Nevertheless, the analysis of both in this research showed that the learning model and EI does not
affect students mathematics achievement. Based on Table 4, shown for learning models and EI source
their result is no effect. This means learning models has not influence to mathematics achievement
student. Same result for EI, that means EI has no influence to mathematics achievement student. On
interaction source, column result shown no interaction. This means that interaction between learning
models and EI has not influence to mathematics achievement student.
This research limited to sub material gradients and straight line equation. This limited can help
researcher to focused on teaching. On the other hand, these restrictions can limit the result only on the
sub material. These result can not be standarization for another research in different material but can
be reference for better research. This reseach is open to discuss. New research can be build from this.
New researcher should also concern about time learning. Limited time teaching at school can be
troublesome. Time management needed to execute this learning model. School schedule must be
concern, so research planing can continue without hestitation.
Acknowledgments were given to Pak Budiyono and Pak Riyadi for the assistance of his revision in
this study. Many contributions have been given by Mr. Sularto, Mrs. Surantinah, Mrs. Widyaningsih,
Mrs. Sutamti, and Mrs. Sulasti in her willingness to give her teaching time for the implementation of
this research. Thank you for the faculty of FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret for the permission given.
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
895 (2017) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/895/1/012035
Thanks also to the principal where this research took place, because the permit has been given then
this research is done.
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895 (2017) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/895/1/012035
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