Gee 2018 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1088 012096
Gee 2018 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1088 012096
Gee 2018 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1088 012096
To cite this article: E Gee et al 2018 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1088 012096 - Learning Trajectory for Teaching Division
using RME Approach at Elementary
A Fauzan, Y Yerizon and R N Yolanda
Abstract. This study aimed at designing learning trajectory (LT) for teaching Sequence and
Series using Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach to improve the students’
problem solving ability. The LT designed in this research covered real problems that helped
students follow the math learning process to build their knowledge in solving mathematical
problems. The LT was developed through a design research that consisted of a cyclic process
of preparing the experiment, conducting the experiment, and retrospective analysis. The
research's subject was 34 grade nine students at a junior high school in Nias Selatan,
Indonesia. The data were collected through observation, interviews, checklist, videotaping,
and analyzing the students’ works. The results showed that the LT for teaching Sequence and
Series using RME approach reached the criteria of validity and practicality. The LT also could
help students build their own knowledge through problem solving activities to discover
sequence and series concepts.
1. Introduction
Problem solving ability was highlighted in many mathematical curricula and has recently become one
of the most studied in the field of mathematics education. The National Council of Mathematics
Teachers has consistently advocated for problem solving as part of daily math instruction, arguing that
solving problems was an important thing to do in learning mathematics [1,2]. Furthermore, Soedjadi
stated that mathematical problem solving ability is an ability within the students themselves to use
mathematical activities to solve problems in mathematics or other sciences even in everyday life [3].
Beigie also stated that through problem solving, students could learn to improve their understanding
of mathematical concepts by working through carefully selected issues which use the application of
mathematics in real life problems [4]. The development of mathematical problem solving ability can
equip students to think logically, analytically, systematically, critically, and creatively [5]. Therefore,
problem solving ability is an important ability that needs to be provided for students to help them
learn math as well as solve real life problem.
The development of student problem solving skills is not an easy task. When solving math
problems, most students are not able to understand the problem, plan the solution, and apply the
solution to the given problem [6]. Other studies also revealed that students poor problem solving
ability is caused by their lack of experience in solving nonroutine problems [7]. The same problem
was also encountered by the researcher in that students have difficulties in solving mathematical
problems due to mathematics teaching that does not connect students' informal knowledge from their
lives with their formal knowledge. Mayer defines problem solving as some process that requires the
problem solver to find a connection between experience (schemes) that he or she had with the
problem he or she is facing and being able to do something to solve the problem [8]. Meanwhile,
Gagne defines problem solving as an activity to synthesize between knowledge, rules, concepts,
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The 6th South East Asia Design Research International Conference (6th SEA-DR IC) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1088 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012096 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1088/1/012096
schemes, or experiences they had and the condition they are facing to find a solution [8]. Based on the
description, in order to connect students' thinking between real life problems and their formal
knowledge in mathematics, a learning trajectory is required to bridge the informal and formal
Learning trajectory is a series of activities and tasks that support the development of students'
understanding of a particular instructional purpose [9]. Simon included the empirically supported
descriptions of how students' thinking evolves over time. Based on research synthesis, clinical
interviews, pedagogical experiments and large-scale evaluation data, learning trajectory was
empirically defined as descriptions that help determine how students' informal ideas evolve through
mathematical understanding [10]. Learning trajectory in learning is guiding students' instructional
decisions [11] and improving their ability to use their thinking [12]. In Mathematics learning, students
are expected to be the subject of learning. Therefore, teachers should be able to apply the learning
trajectory that requires students' involvement and adapt how they think.
The learning trajectory has attracted the attention of some researchers [13-16]. In these studies, the
researchers developed the LTs for various mathematics topics. The results of the researches showed
that that the LTs could help the students to reinvent mathematical concepts in meaningful ways, so
that they can build their understanding of the topics that they learned.
This learning trajectory is based on realistic mathematics education approach because this
approach creates student-centered learning as well as directs students to engage in contextual problem
solving. The main principle in RME approach is that mathematics is viewed as a human activity and
mathematical learning means doing mathematics [17]. This means that in learning mathematics,
student involvement is expected as well as directed to solve mathematical problems related to real
life. Furthermore, Freudenthal emphasized that in mathematics learning students should be allowed
and supported to create their own ideas and use their own strategies. In other words, they must learn
mathematics in their own way [18].
The use of the learning trajectory is expected to improve students' problem solving abilities on
sequence and series topics. RME learning that emphasizes on skills process of doing mathematics will
lead students to do and solve their own problems by taking advantage of informal knowledge from
their life. This is in accordance with a learning trajectory that provides predictions and anticipation of
students thinking that will help students solve mathematical problems through mathematization
process based on RME approach. Through the mathematization process, the informal knowledge of
the students will be linked with the formal knowledge to be studied. This will train students to solve
problems and have a positive impact on students' mathematical problem solving abilities.
2. Method
This research used design research approach proposed by Gravemeijer and Cobb [19]. We used this
approach because design research aims to better understand the interrelatedness between teaching and
learning in order to improve teaching [20]. Design research in this study consisted of a cyclic process
of preparing the experiment, conducting the experiment, and retrospective analysis. Gravemeijer and
Cobb illustrated the cyclic process as can be seen in Figure 1.
In preparing for the experiment, we determined the end point of the instructions. The goals of our
sequence and series lessons were for the students to reinvent the concepts of numerical patterns,
arithmetic sequences and series, and geometry sequences and series. Considering that in studying
The 6th South East Asia Design Research International Conference (6th SEA-DR IC) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1088 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012096 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1088/1/012096
sequence and series materials it takes the students' experience to explore the informal way of thinking,
we then used the South Nias culture as the starting points of the lesson. After we set the end and the
starting points, we designed the HLT that consisted of five main activities and nine sub-activities of
solving contextual problems that would facilitate students to do horizontal and vertical
mathematizations as well as stimulate students' thinking and reasoning. Besides, we also formulated
the predictions of students' thinking and solutions, and their anticipations.
In the experiment phase, we tried out the HLT in two cycles. The first try out was conducted in
small group that involved six grade nine students at junior high schools in Nias Selatan, Indonesia.
After retrospective analysis and re-design processes, the HLT was tried out to 34 grade nine students
at the same school. The retrospective analysis involved the research, a teacher, and an observer.
Beside focusing our attention to develop the HLT, we also observed and analyzed the impact of the
HLT on the development of students' confidence in using their strategies when solving the contextual
problems and development of students' reasoning during try out. The research data were collected
through observation, interviews, checklist, videotaping, and analyzing the students' works.
Mr. Fa'a has three children named Nia, Ani, and Adi. The three children will join a singing
competition to celebrate Christmas School on January 4, 2018. If that day was November 15,
2017, then there were another 49 days of opportunity to prepare for the clothes that will be worn
later. Then Mr. Fa'a gave each of his three children one thousand rupiah coins a day and asked
them to keep it. If on the first day Nia obtained 3 coins, Ani 2 coins, and Adi a coin. Then the next
day, Nia get 3 coins, while for Ani and Adi each get 2 pieces of coins.
a. Write the pattern of the number of coins received Nia, Ani, and Adi starting on the first day
until the 5th day in a sequence of numbers!
b. On the 20th day, what is the number of coins received by Nia, Ani, and Adi?
c. What is the number of coins received by Nia, Ani, and Adi on the 40th day?
d. Can you determine how many coins Nia, Ani, and Adi received for the nth day?
Contextual problems provided greatly helped students' understanding in solving this problem. This
was evident from the student's answers, in which they were able to find the concept of numbers
pattern. This solution began in an informal way in which the student determined the number of coins
received on a given day by the multiplication operation. Then with the help of tiered questions
The 6th South East Asia Design Research International Conference (6th SEA-DR IC) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1088 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012096 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1088/1/012096
students were assisted and directed to find the formal knowledge of the nth term formula on the
numbers pattern. One example of student answers can be seen in Figure 2.
The number of coins the three children received on the fifth day, namely:
1) Nia = 3 × 1, 3 × 2, 3 × 3, 3 × 4, 3 × 5 = 3, 6, 9, 12, 15;
2) Ani = 2 × 1, 2 × 2, 2 × 3, 2 × 4, 2 × 5 = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10;
3) Adi = 1, 2 × 2 - 1, 2 × 3 - 1, 2 × 4 - 1, 2 × 5 - 1 = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
On the 20th day, the number of coins received by three children, namely:
1) Nia = 3 × 20 = 60 coins;
2) 2 × 20 = 40 coins;
3) Adi = 2 × 20 - 1 = 39 coins.
Then, on the 40th day, the number of coins received by the three children,
1) Nia = 3 × 40 = 120 coins;
2) 2 × 40 = 80 coins;
3) Adi = 2 × 40 - 1 = 79 coins.
Furthermore, the number of coins received by the three children on the nth day,
1) Nia = 3n;
2) Ani = 2n;
3) Adi = 2n - 1.
Implementation of the learning trajectory using RME gives a positive response from students
because mathematical problems are connected with everyday life problems, making it easier for
students to understand the problem. This suggests that the various situations that students experience
in everyday life can be utilized in building an understanding of facts, concepts, and principles of
mathematics. The imaginary or real-life situation that students gain from experience makes learning
mathematics a useful and meaningful activity that emphasizes reasoning rather than mathematical
formulas [24]. The results of research by Zulkardi and Ilma states that context is the first step in
learning mathematics. In the reinvention approach, problem contexts play a crucial role [25]. Well-
chosen contextual problems provide an opportunity for students to solve problems with an informal
solution strategy [26].
Students as learning subjects certainly have different experiences and cognitive levels, thus when
given mathematical problems, various solution and strategies will emerge. Through the use of the
learning trajectory with the RME approach these different ways of thinking in generalizing the
knowledge to be built are accommodated. The same was confirmed by Soedjadi that in general the
development of cognitive abilities of children starts with concrete things then gradually leads to the
abstract. For every child, the journey from real to abstract can be different. Some are fast and some
are slow. The fast ones may not require many stages, but for those who are not fast, it is possible that
they go through many stages. Thus for every child different learning trajectory may be required [27].
This means that students are able to find their own strategies to be used in solving contextual
The 6th South East Asia Design Research International Conference (6th SEA-DR IC) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1088 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012096 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1088/1/012096
problems based on their experience and cognitive level, which met one of the RME characteristics
called ‘students’ free production’ [28,29]. This is evident from the students answer to several
problems in each activity led to some strategies. Finding the right solution is related to the problem
solving ability of students in planning and determining the solution of the problem. Through the
anticipation questions that teachers have provided in the learning trajectory, differences in the way
students think in determining the right solution to the given contextual problems are bridged.
This learning situation highly contributes to mathematical problem solving ability. Learning
trajectory that uses the RME approach are oriented to real life problems. This makes it easier for
students to understand the given problems. Furthermore, in the learning process students are expected
to be able to find the concept of sequence and series through the mathematization process, starting
from horizontal to vertical mathematization process. This means that students are not allowed to use
mathematical formulas directly, but they are directed to find the formula itself through the given
contextual problem. The students' involvement in the mathematization process is a way to practice
problem solving skills. The results of the analysis of pretest showed that the average grade of students'
initial ability in solving mathematical problems was 48.41. Whereas the result of posttest data analysis
which is the average grade of student's mathematical problem solving ability after applying the
learning trajectory based on RME reached 74.85.
5. Conclusion
The learning trajectory developed for sequence and series topic meets the criteria of validity,
practicality, and effectivity. The result of this design development is beneficial in achieving the
learning objectives of sequence and series topics. A learning trajectory that uses a realistic
mathematics education approach creates an interactive and enjoyable learning environment. The RME
approach is oriented to everyday problems, allowing students to understand the problems and
determine the solution of the problem in their own way. Furthermore, this learning activity involved
students in the mathematization process from horizontal to vertical mathematization. Through the
mathematization process, students' mathematical problem solving abilities are exercised.
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