Design A Smart Township Near Nasik City: Krishna S. Deokule, Priti P. Patil

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Design a Smart Township near Nasik City

Krishna S. Deokule1, Priti P. Patil2
Department of Civil Engineering, S.S.V.P.S’s B.S.Deore C.O.E. Deopur, Dhule, MS., India
Asst. Prof. S.S.V.P.S’s B.S.Deore C.O.E. Deopur, Dhule, MS., India

Abstract: The townships are planned with “walk to work” concept, built up with public private partnership, integrated in nature can be
the future of the cities developing in India. They will be self sufficient, self managed and self governed units, with well defined and well
designed residential, commercial, retail and recreational areas; self owned and created infrastructure, integrated waste management
systems, energy efficient management systems, water resource management systems, and other amenities in place thus reducing the
pressure on the local governing bodies and the city resources. The main aim of this project is to develop Energy Efficient management
Framework for Infrastructure Facilities. This framework will form the basis of workable and flexible sets of comprehensive procedures
able to be amended with regard to specifications, design, standards, human resources and legislation as well as accommodating the cost
of whole-life values. The land use planning and design principles for new towns as embodied in Housing and Development Board
structural model. This has lead to the efficient use of land resources to house people and activities, efficient movement of people, goods
and services, adequate provision of facilities, and a harmonious spatial pattern of land uses. Asset management techniques able to take
account of the full range of factors in less stable environments require to link contributory variables including population analyses life-
cycle analysis, national design specifications, building codes, procurement routes, and project management tools towards re-build and

Keywords: Township; Modern Facilities

1. Introduction Hence the goal is to evaluate the guidelines for eco-friendly

Special Township analyze it and do some changes or certain
A smart township isn't only about a set of buildings, but also additions to develop a self-sustainable township. Second
about how it interacts with nature, about availability of stage will be the introduction of the parameters which are
social amenities like healthcare, education and sanitation. applicable for making an eco-friendly development in urban
Also, it must be frugal in the way it consumes natural areas and third stage will be implementation in the form of
resources, given their scarcity. design demonstration through designing an eco-friendly
special township up to master planning stage. Final
Keeping India's context in mind, if we only talk about conclusion is in for of suggested modified addition a
information and communication technology as a major guideline for sustainable Special Township in accordance
component of a smart city, it will be a little misleading. We With suggested guideline.
have to think in terms of what smartness means to us and our
people rather than focus on what smartness means in the 1.1 Overview Of Project
Western world. This is particularly important keeping in
mind the government's vision to develop 100 smart cities Since more & more people are turning their focus on
that would touch a significant portion of the urban Indian increasing their standard of living, metropolitan cities of
landscape. India are suffering from overcrowding. More and more
people shifting to urban areas create difficulty in distribution
Due to rapid urbanization, people are getting attracted of resources. Day by day cities are expanding in population
towards the city and urban areas where they are hoped to get and size without undergoing much infrastructural growth.
more and more facilities and amenities to survive in better This result in major problems like over-crowding, water cut-
living conditions. As a result of this trend the limits of the offs, load-shedding, etc.
city increases day by day.
1.2 Objectives Of Project
Due to this, more development happens and need to fulfill
their demand for every sectors and planning like housing, With development of Smart Township that we hope that this
commercial and employment facilities as well as institutions will change the way they operate for the benefit of future
and the health facilities. Increase in demand and generations, ensuring that they do not put a strain on
Development are dispersing and sprawling everywhere and resources which will cause such resources to vanish before
which are not seen to be properly managed. So have Thesis future generations have an opportunity to benefit from them.
for proper planning and proper management in urban areas.
Based on this concept neighborhood planning is Coming as Smart Township will reduce needs and reliance on
a new trend now days. As well as satellite towns, special surrounding areas. In addition to being environmentally
townships communities living are upcoming need of present sustainable, this can also be economically beneficial, and
and future generations. This concept is originally American may allow a city to be more secure in the event of a natural
concept based on the principle that one is planning for a or civil emergency. Reduction of reliance on surrounding
society and not for an aggregate of house. areas includes growing food in a city, reducing water needs
and reusing water as much as possible, and generating

Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179652 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179652 1362
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
energy inside the city. The city may become independent of 2. Case Studies
the surrounding area, reducing strain on outlying
communities. The adoption of environmental best practices is seen as a
phenomenon that will happen in the lifetime of this process
The main objectives of the project are as follows: of development of project, but the initiation of best practices
1) To identify the current social state & problems faced by shall be visible in master planning stage. Therefore, the
the citizens in daily life projects identified for study have been in different stages of
2) To suggest better approaches to overcome the hurdles in development of conceptual planning, master planning,
routine of the occupants. construction, or operational stages. The case study approach
3) Study of Smart Strategies to make a smart township helps in reviewing the practical manifestations and their own
4) To divide the township into different zones interpretations towards development. A reiterative process
5) To design a road network for the township. of selection has been taken up for township case studies
6) To prepare layout of smart city. and after the initial screening of the townships chosen
7) To analyze the transportation facilities and type of as case studies, a field study has been undertaken for a
structures. select few township sites to understand the present
8) To select a site and give a proposal for township. status, context and implementation of some of the important
9) To maintain functionality and comfort of the space. initiatives proposed in the master plan.
10) Planning of township by using modern infrastructural
facilities. 2.1 Defining Large Scale Townships
11) To suggest energy efficiency techniques through solar
panel and lightning arrestors to develop the selected This research defines large scale townships as projects
location by improving the infrastructure facilities. covering a total contiguous land area of 100 acres or more
12) To enhance the quality of life for the people. for development and involve land use transformation and
13) To adopt energy efficiency techniques in the building, new construction on either brown or green field. The
thereby reducing the cost. implementation of these projects may take many years
and may involve one or multiple developers, promoters
1.3 Methodology or construction companies. The proposed plan should have
an integrated land use and constitute at least residential,
commercial and institutional components on the project site.
This research takes into consideration the fact that these
townships are not covered in the macro level city planning
and neither can be completely covered under micro level
building design. Therefore, the understanding of planning
and design of these township projects is at a meso-level.

2.2 Township Case Study Profiles

Large-scale township projects that fulfill the criteria of

having a total project area of more than 100 acres and
having mixed use developments, and after a brief review of
the promotional material and proposals 10 township projects
were selected based on their assertion for environmental
sustainability. These cases show inclination towards
environmental sustainability strategies though the extent to
which such practices are adopted shall be clear only in long
term, the planned project profile of the studied townships in
given in Table 1.

Table 1: Township case studies: project details

Sr. Project Name and Total Project Area Project Development type Key sustainability features
No. Location Period
1 Lavasa Hill City, 25,000 acres 2008-2021 Green field, Low density, Mixed use Natural resource
Near Pune residential township development, 300,000 conservation and Eco-
residents and 2,000,000 tourists friendly housing
2 Magarpatta City, Pune 400 acres 2006-2012 Green field, Mixed use, medium density Eco-friendly township
township development, 90,000 Population development
3 Marg Swarnbhoomi, 1000 acres SEZ, 2009-2016 Green field, Medium densityresidential Pilot project for platinum
Near Chennai 172 acres township, Special Economic Zone, 150,000 rating by IGBC GTRS
4 GIFT City, 550 acres 2008-2017 Green field, High density high rise, Technology based smart
Ahmedabad Financial district Flagship development (only city concept
23% residential land use), 300,000 residents
Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179652 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179652 1363
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
and 2,000,000 tourists
5 Esencia Green 112 acres 2012-2015 Green field, Residential township Pilot project for GRIHA
township, Gurgaon green township rating
6 Amanora Park, Pune 400 acres 2008-2020 Green field, Residential township Award winning eco-
7 Mahindra World City, 1550 acres total, 2002- Green field, Mixed use township with a First IGBC gold rated
Chennai 325 acres onwards major component of Industrial, apparel and township integrated with
residential IT SEZ, 30,000 residents, 35,000 direct IGBC gold rated SEZ
8 Wave City, Ghaziabad, 4500 acres (1671 2010- Green field, Integrated Mixed use Residential Smart growth principles
NCR acres in phase 1) onwards township and IGBC rating targeted

9 Nanded City, Pune 700 acres 2010- Green field, Mixed use Residential township Eco-friendly township
onwards development

10 Palava City, Mumbai 2780 acres 2011- Green field, Integrated Residential township, Promoted as Smart City
onwards Approx. 500,000 people and 350,000 jobs

3. Design Concept of Smart Township B. Infrastructure Facilities

The entire onsite infrastructure i.e. roads, approach road,
Any township made up of one or more neighborhood sector. street lights, water supply, drainage systems and amenities.
And this neighborhood concept was originally comes from
America. Township is the place where not only residential C. Water Supply
facilities are provided but also recreational facilities, Storage capacity shall be 1.5 times of actual requirement.
commercial educational and health facilities are The daily water requirement of minimum 140 liters per
accommodated within a walking distance in a single capita per exclusive of requirement of water for fire fighting
campus. In urban cities like Pune, over population is and gardening. The developer must develop the rain water
increasing , its side effects are increasing like geography of harvesting, ground water recharge and waste water recycling
city boundary line depending on requirement of land. And project on site.
hence surrounding infrastructure also increased like road
networking, amenities etc. A concept of a special township D. Drainage and Garbage Disposal
was developed by urban developers which include The developer shall make arrangement for disposal of
consultation with planners, architects, and developers were sewage and solid waste as per requirement of M.P.C.B.
held and the Govt. of Maharashtra finally approved this
concept in 2004 as special township scheme 2004. The main E. Power Supply
objective of this scheme is to promote private investment in Developer may draw existing power source or may go for
housing sector to facilitate affordable housing and create a alternative arrangement of power supply but it should be
hassle free atmosphere for owner. continuous and good quality.

3.1 Objective of Smart Township 3.3 Norms For Land Use Plan

Convenience is the main objective in the form of economic, A. Residential

social and living amenities to be given to the people within Should be cluster, neighborhood or plotted in proper grid
Smart Township. To provide all infrastructure and pattern .60% area out of total built up area of special
residential amenities to the people which they required for township is pure for residential sector. 10 % built for
living purpose. residential tenements having area up to 40 sq.m.

3.2 UDPFI Planning Guidelines B. Commercial

It should be convenient for shopping and community center.
These are the guidelines are reference guidelines generally
used in India for planning, it consists of following things: C. Education
Comprehensive education system from primary and
A. Area Requirement secondary education should not provide at one place only
1) Site should having area access of minimum road width and should provide according to planning standards. Area
18 m wide for playground must be provided.
2) Site should be continuous, unbroken and uninterrupted in
any case having area minimum 100 acres or 40 hectors. D. Amenity Spaces
3) Site area shall not include any natural feature like river , Area of amenities like market, recreational centres, and town
forest , dams etc within a 500 M range halls should not be less than 5 of gross area and should be
4) Site area should be min 200 M away from the historic evenly placed.
places, national parks, eco sensitive zones, catchment
areas etc. E. Health facilities
5) Site should not include defense area, ports, notified Area Minimum primary health facilities should be provided in
of SEZ, quarry sites. required place according to planning standards.

Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179652 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179652 1364
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
F. Parks , Gardens And Play Grounds 6) Organization of Common activities like tree plantation,
These areas should excluding statutory open spaces and seminars, workshop in day to day life.
should be distributed in all residential clusters. Minimum 7) Senior citizen meeting places.
20% area should provide as open space and allow general 8) Exhibition areas for cultural development etc.
public also. 9) Safety measures for the residents inside the township like
Safety from accidents, safety from fire, provision of
G. Public Utilities hospitals within a short distance, schools etc.
1) Appropriate area should provide for public utilities.
2) Transport and communication C. Social Indicators
3) Main 18 to 24 m wide road. Internal road=9m Social indicators include the factors which are responsible to
4) Service industries define the economic conditions of township. The economic
5) Area provided within township be predominated land use indicators includes,
would be residential use. 1) Provision of hosing for different income group
2) Affordable housing for each income group.
3.4 Sustainibility Indicators 3) Cost reducing construction technologies for LIG and
MIG people.
Indicators provide evidence of conditions or problems. 4) Use of passive technologies in planning to reduce the
Indicators may be qualitative (a canary suffocating in a mine overall energy consumption and ultimately the cost.
shaft offers good evidence that toxic gases are near) or 5) Local market places and local farming for generating the
quantitative. There are also limits to how useful indicators economy within a township itself etc.
may be. Indicators offer a snapshot or a glimpse of a larger
situation, but don't offer absolute understanding. In a 4. Conclusions
neighborhood context, indicators help evaluate whether local
actions are having the effects desired. A neighborhood can 1) The various aspects of the planning of a self sustainable
use indicators to help determine what conditions exist and town have been studied and some of the conclusions
whether the direction the neighborhood is headed is have stated.
consistent with community goals. Indicators can allow a 2) The population our country is increasing tremendously,
group to hold itself, its public officials, its funders and that to in urban areas and the load of human activities
supporting institutions accountable to neighborhood goals. like increasing vehicles, increasing waste, increasing
Finally, indicators can also be used as a reporting tool that pollution etc. Therefore there is a need of reducing
can help build consensus for an action strategy. this load on cities; self sustainable townships may be
one of the solutions.
The indicators here considered for general analysis of case 3) There is a big problem of disposal of household waste,
study are: biomedical waste, industrial solid waste etc. in Pune as
A. Environmental indicators. well as in many metropolitan cities in India. This
B. Social indicators. problem may be solved on large scale by developing the
C. Economical indicators self sustainable townships in such cities.
4) Energy is the integral part of the survival of the human
A. Environmental Indicators being. Due to the ever increasing pollution, energy
Environmental indicators include the factors which are sources are getting depleted. Hence there is a demand for
responsible to define the environmental conditions of that non-conventional energy sources which can be
township. The environmental indicators includes, effectively implemented in the development of such
1) Rain water harvesting artificial self sustainable townships.
2) Waste management 5) Reuse of water is also effectively implemented by
3) Use of Passive technologies for energy generation. constructing water treatment plants. Public facilities like
4) Use of eco-friendly materials in building constructions. hospitals, schools and colleges, gardens, function halls,
5) Gardens and open spaces malls, sports complex etc. can be made available for the
6) Provision of local farm lands people living in township under one roof.
7) Reduction in pollution/ No pollution of
Air/water/soil/Noise etc. 5. Further Research
8) Reduction in building footprints.
This research is a part of a broader research goal that
B. Social Indicators emphasizes on the indicators in the form of planning
Social indicators include the factors which are responsible to strategies, initiatives as well as best practices adopted
define the social l conditions of township. The social by township developments in India and to propose for a
indicators include, useful generalized decision making framework for similar
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Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179652 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179652 1365
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
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Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20179652 DOI: 10.21275/ART20179652 1366

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