CHN Bullets PDF
CHN Bullets PDF
CHN Bullets PDF
{For All Nursing Competitive Exams.)
Important Instruments---
Ice Lined Refrigerator (ILR) - Cold chain temperature maintenance
Dial Thermometer - Cold chain temperature monitoring
Horrock’s Apparatus - Chlorine demand estimation in water
Chlorinator, Chloronome - Mixing/regulating the dose of chlorine in water
indirectly susceptible
through articles people eligible
contaminated for
by secretions immunization
from blisters. should receive
vaccine within
3-5 days to
protect from
their recent
Chlamydia* 1-3 weeks; Contact with Duration of Examine and For higher
often infected person infection. treat all persons priority cases,
asymptomatic, through sexual Reinfection is with sexual patient
especially in activity; common if contact that interview with
females neonatal partners are not occurred within PH and
infections by treated in a the last 60 days, notification of
contact with timely manner. regardless of sexual contacts
birth canal. Without their test for referral to
treatment, results. Annual medical care.
Conjunctivitis, 24-72 hours Contact with During the Persons should Education of
with a fever discharges from course of active not attend family and
and behavioral the eyes, nose, infection. school or child classmates on
change, or throat of care during the prevention of
purulence or infected people, acute stage. spread by
hemorrhage from practicing good
contacts appropriate
immune susceptible
globulin (IG) persons.
0.02ml/kg body
weight and or
vaccine within
14 days of last
Hepatitis B* 45-180 days, Sexual, IV drug Blood and other Follow Patient
average 60-90 use, close body fluids are Standard and interview and
days household infectious Blood Borne assessment by
contact, during late Pathogen PH. Contact
perinatal incubation Precautions. investigation.
mother-to- period, clinical Cover open cuts Counseling.
infant. Rarely disease, and for and sores. Wear Education on
occupational variable period gloves when in prevention of
percutaneous or after recovery contact with further spread
mucus (as long as blood or body and hepatitis B.
membrane HBsAg fluids. Screen all
hours for
exposure, 7
days for
exposure, or 14
days for sexual
exposure) and
HBV vaccine
given at 0,1,
and 6 months if
not previously
Influenza (Flu) 1-4 days, Contact with One day before Vaccination. Education on
average 2 days droplets from symptoms Stay home prevention of
the nose and occur and up to while ill. Wash spread.
throat of an 7-10 days after hands often Recommend
infected person symptoms with soap and annual
immediately to
Measles:** About 10 days. Airborne by a 4 days before Exclude from Contact DPBH
Rubeola, Rash usually fine mist caused rash appears to school and immediately.
Hard measles, appears about when an 4 days after child care for 4 IgM is
Red measles 14 days after infectious onset of rash. days after necessary to
exposure but person coughs, appearance of confirm
can be as long sneezes or rash. Vaccinate diagnosis.
as 19-21 days. talks. This stays appropriate Patient
Fever onset, 7- suspended in susceptible interview and
18 days. the air for up to contacts as soon contact
3 hours. as possible but investigation by
within 72 hours PH. Institute
of last outbreak
exposure. IG control
for appropriate measures.
susceptible Recommend
contacts such as immunization
pregnant with MMR to
may not
protection for
this exposure.
Rubella* * 14-21 days, Person-to- About 7 days Exclude IgM is
(German average 14-17 person by before and at children from necessary to
measles) days droplets and least 4 days school and confirm
discharges from after rash adults from diagnosis.
nose and throat appears. Infants work for 7 days Contact
and via articles with congenital after onset of investigation by
contaminated rubella rash. Pregnant PH.
by secretions. syndrome may contacts should Recommend
shed virus for be serologically immunization
months after tested for with MMR for
birth via urine susceptibility all appropriate
or pharyngeal and advised susceptible
secretions. according to persons.
Salmonella* 6-72 hours, Ingestion of Variable: Exclude Patient
average 12-36 contaminated usually several symptomatic interview,
➢ Diseases under International Health Regulations - Cholera, Plague and Yellow fever (and
Smallpox, Wild Polio,Human influenza & SARS)
➢ MPW was given by - Kartar Singh Committee
➢ Father of Medicine/ First True Epidemiologist - Hippocrates
➢ Measles vaccine stored at - -5° to -15° C
➢ Rubella is Live vaccine and C/I in pregnancy
➢ Period of infectivity of measles 4 days before to 5 days after rash appearance
➢ Yellow fever Vaccine (17 D) Live Vaccine
➢ Lyophilized (freeze dried) Vaccines - BCG, Yellow Fever, Measles, MMR
➢ Cold Chain Temperature - + 2° to + 8° C
➢ Dysphagia, dysarthria and diplopia seen in - Clostridium botulinum food poisoning
➢ Reservoir in Chikungunya fever - Primates (monkeys)
➢ Typhoid diagnosed in 1st week by - Blood Culture
➢ 8th Day Disease - Tetanus neonatorum
➢ DOC Cholera (Pregnancy) - Furazolidone
➢ IP of yellow fever - 2–6 days
➢ The Factory Act and ESI Act were passed in - 1948
➢ Total osmolarity of WHO Reduced Osmolarity ORS - 245 mmol/L
➢ Routine surveillance is supplemented by - Sentinel surveillance
➢ Traditional lifestyles for CHD prevention - . Primordial level
➢ HEP. A -1982
➢ HEP. B
– DT , TT
➢ Monovalant – vaccine contain a single strain of a single antigen.
Eg. Measeles
➢ Polyvalent – vaccine contain two or more strains of the same specimen.
Eg. DPT.
➢ 3 Dose – DPT
Initaly in india -
1 Dose – BCG
2 Dose – TT for pregnant women
➢ Then in 1979 add – OPV
➢ In 1985 add - measeles
VISHNU SHARMA (M.Sc. Nsg – CHN) ---------------------------- IMPORTANT CHN POINTS
( MO.- 7791925241)
➢ Total prevention against SIX killer Disease – DPT – MPT ( ACC. UPI-1985)
➢ Then EPI renamed as a UPI – 19 Nov. 1985 in India memory of late. Smt. Indira Gandhi.
➢ UPI becomes part of CSSM ( child survival & safe motherhood ) into 1992 & in RCH into
➢ Currently UPI under NRHM since 2005.
I. IPV – started part of global polio programme – 2013-18
-India launched IPV as a part of country National Immunization Programme on
oct. 2015.
ROTA VIRUS - March - 2016
Rajasthan – 23 march 2017
start in Dec.2011 kerla & tamilnaddu
Oct.2014 – 11 state – include rajasthan.
-: Aprail 2015 – All country.
II. JE – Japanese encephelities
➢ Used upto 4 hrs.
➢ Discard if at End of day if unused.
➢ Never mix with distill water because distill water cause irritation.
Measeles –
➢ Used up to – 4 hours.
➢ Discard after 4 hrs. then cause toxic shock syndrome.
VISHNU SHARMA (M.Sc. Nsg – CHN) ---------------------------- IMPORTANT CHN POINTS
( MO.- 7791925241)
OPV (Sabin) IPV (Salk)
Type of vaccine Live attenuated vaccine Killed
Type of immunity Humoral + intestinal Humoral
Prevention of Paralysis + intestinal re- Paralysis
Manufacture Easy Difficult
Cost Cheaper expensive
➢ Measles vaccine cause small papule because that vaccine administered S.C. route , so more
vaccine diffuse from inner skin layer .
• Papule form after 5-10 days of measles vaccination.
• Antibody produce after 11-12 days of vaccination.
➢ IPV contraindicated in case of neomycin & streptomycin.
➢ Varicella zoster vaccine avoid in case of aspirin containing products because of risk of Reye’s
➢ Meningococcal meningitis vaccine provide immunity for 3 year.
➢ PCV must given after spleenectomy.
➢ Small pox vaccine is live viral vaccine.
➢ Unused BCG vaccine discard at the end of the day.
➢ Maternal immunity present in children upto 3 month.
➢ Age of primary immunization of DPT , measles , & T.B. is 0 – 9 month.
➢ Inoculation means injecting of an antigen ,antiserum , or antitoxin into an individual to produce
immunity a specific disease.
➢ Side effect of Hib vaccine is low grade fever.
➢ Reverse cold chain means carrying stool samples from pt. S.C. to lab. At 2-8 degree c or
alkaline PH.
➢ In typhoid ,polio & cholera used reverse cold chain.
➢ Typhoid vaccine not included in revised immunization schedule.
➢ Adequate needle length and gauge are as follows: intramuscular,1 inch, 23–25 gauge;
subcutaneous, ⅝ inch, 25 gauge (needle length may vary depending on the child’s size).
➢ For painful or red injection sites, advise the parent to apply cool compresses for the first 24
hours, and then use warm or cold compresses as long as needed.
➢ Human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV)-
1. Dependingon the type of vaccine used (HPV2 or HPV4), the HPV vaccine guards against
diseases that are caused by HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18, such as cervical cancer, cervical
abnormalities that can lead to cervical cancer, and genital warts.
2. The vaccine is most effective for boys and girls if administered before exposure to human
papillomavirus through sexual contact.
3. The vaccine is administered as 3 injections over 6 months—first dose to girls at age 11 to 12
years, the second dose 2 months after the first dose, and the third dose 6 months after the first dose.
4. A 3-dose series may be administered to boys 9 to 18 years old to reduce their likelihood of
acquiring genital warts.
5. The vaccine can cause pain, swelling, itching, and redness at the injection site; fever; nausea; and
6. The vaccine is contraindicated in individuals with a reaction to a previous injection and in
pregnant women.
Cold Chain-
➢ Cold chain: Is a system of storage and transportation of vaccines from the point of manufacture
to the point of administration (actual vaccination site)
➢ Cold chain temperature of vaccines available in India:
➢ OPV (Sabin):
VISHNU SHARMA (M.Sc. Nsg – CHN) ---------------------------- IMPORTANT CHN POINTS
( MO.- 7791925241)
➢ Hon’ble cabinet minister – Dr. Harsh vardhan
➢ Hon’ble Minister of state – Ashwini kumar chobey
➢ Launch of dedicated website for National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) on World
No Tobacco Day 2019.
➢ Nipah – zoonotic disease.
- 1st out break in malesia & singapure from 1998-1999.
- In india – 2001-07
- NIPAH virus RNA identified by PCR from respiratory secretions, urine,CSF.
- Isolation of NIPAH virus from respiratory secretions, urine or CSF.
- NIPAH = BSL -4 agent & sample collection within 4-5 days onset of illness.
➢ Birth & Death Registration = 21 Days.
➢ Nsg. & midwifery portal is an initative of MHFW .mission of this online resource center is to
provide a platform that connects the nurses. Is launched by – Smt. Anuradha gupta – 14
➢ Total ASHA –
- In India – 882068 – under NRHM
VISHNU SHARMA (M.Sc. Nsg – CHN) ---------------------------- IMPORTANT CHN POINTS
( MO.- 7791925241)
Smallpox Eradication
• Last case of smallpox in world: 26th October 1977 (Somalia)
• WHO declared global eradication of smallpox: 8th May 1980
• Last indigenous case of smallpox in India: 17th May 1975 (Bihar)
• Last known case of smallpox in India: 24th May 1975 (Importation from Bangladesh)
• India declared smallpox free: April 1977