Bab 1-05202244164
Bab 1-05202244164
Bab 1-05202244164
they have learnt English lesson from elementary school, they still get many
difficulties in learning this language. A classroom usually will be the only place
for many students to practice their English. They believe English as a difficult
subject because of some reasons. One of the reasons is that it is difficult to master
vocabulary. It happens because they must adopt the new pronunciation and
determines how well learners speak, listen, read, and write (Richards and
Renandya, 2002: 255). The words that students choose in speaking will affect
how well they understand what a speaker says. In writing, students‟ vocabulary
mastery describes how clearly they can convey the readers‟ thinking. In reading,
understanding the writers‟ message through the writers‟ writing. The first thing
says, “Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing
can be conveyed.” Thus, vocabularies are the flesh of a language while grammar
is the skeleton. Therefore, many studies have attempted to improve the efficiency
vocabulary is not easy for students, especially for students in Indonesia where
and media used. The teaching of vocabulary needs more attention because
prepare all the components in teaching learning process well. The components
are the media, the materials, and the teaching method. In fact, teachers do not
prepare them well. It means that teachers usually ignore one or two components.
For example, they prepare the materials which are based on the lesson plan well,
but they do not use the media or teaching method in proper place. In this case, it
can make the teaching learning process ineffectively and the students will get the
consequence such as they did not know what the teacher explains.
knowledge and skills of English and language components. There are four
language skills taught in junior high school. They are listening, speaking,
and pronunciation. In fact, all language components are important, including the
mastering vocabulary is not easy for students, especially for students in Indonesia
their English language skills like listening, speaking, reading, and writing, they
There are difficulties of English vocabulary learning that are often found
by the students. This study tries to find out an alternative solution to reveal
sentence meaning that uses English vocabulary and the students find it difficult to
Borobudur. The researcher was having a disccussion with the headmaster and the
English teacher, doing observations in the English classes and interviewing some
students of the eighth grade. The problems are classified into three groups. They
The first group of the problem is related to the teaching method. The
students. To improve their vocabulary mastery, the teacher should adapt some
interesting. This condition did not happen in the second grade of SMP N 1
Borobudur. The teacher still used grammar translation method to improve the
students‟ vocabulary. She did not try to do other methods. When the students
found new vocabulary, the teacher did not give explanation about how to find the
meaning. She only found the meaning with her dictionary and told it to the
Indonesian words. It can be seen from their spelling and pronunciation. The
students‟ motivation in learning new words can be seen from their effort in
learning vocabulary, such as the willingness to bring the dictionary and making
the list of new vocabulary that can help the students memorize them. These
factors can be caused by the teaching method. The teacher did not ask them to
bring the dictionary and use the monotonous method when he or she was
teaching vocabulary. It makes the students unwilling to join the English lesson.
The third problem is related to the media and materials. Media and
materials have important roles in the teaching learning process. It can make the
teaching learning process effective. The students can understand the materials
that the teacher explains easily. There are some media such as, language
laboratory, OHP, and projector, but the teacher did not use them maximum. The
materials that the teacher used are limited, especially in vocabulary activities.
The teacher still used a course book and all of the activities in the classroom were
based on it. The teacher did not explore or combine the materials with other
course books.
From the identification problems above, it can be seen that the use of
media and teaching method as the vocabulary learning strategies is less. On one
hand, there are more than one teaching strategies to teach vocabulary. On the
other hand, to teach vocabulary, the teacher still used the monotonous method
such as drill and grammar translation method. She did not try other method so
will achieve its objective. The problem chosen is the problem that is achievable
by the researcher and other related parties. This research is limited on the level of
use and meaning in the vocabulary mastery for the eighth grade of SMP N 1
Borobudur. The reason for choosing the eighth grade students is that they still
have lower vocabulary mastery because they came from different class in the
b. What are the difficulties in English vocabulary faced by the eighth grade
1. Scientific Significance
2. Practical Significance
The result of this study can be used as an input for the teachers teaching
The students are able to understand their own weaknesses and strengths,
so they will try to find out other ways to increase their strengths and reduce
their weaknesses.
study not only in vocabulary but also in other language skills and
components. It can be used as a reference for helping them when they have